HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-28, Page 7CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 PAGE SEVEN News Of Hensall rro+-•-H-++ -•-• 5 * 6* (Intended for last week) the minister, Rev. W. J. Rogers, Mrs. G. Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, Detroit. visitedover the weekend. with. Mrs. L. Simpson. Mrs. Alice Joynt left Monday with her son, Dr. Harry Joynt, Mrs. Joynt and Judy for a motor trip to the East Coast, They will also take a boat trip to Boston and return by Saranec. The trip will take ten days. Bale Completed The WMS of the United Church recently completed a bale of clothing valued at nearly $500. Overseas Relief. Bingo Winners At the bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday night Tom Brint- nell, Chiselhuret, was the winner of the door prize. Jimmy Vobh, Detroit, drew the lucky ticket. Successful Sale The home baking sale end af- ternoon tea held in the United Church schoolroom Saturday af- ternoon, June 16, sponsored by the Woman's Missionary Society, was very successful. Proceeds amounted to $65. Twilight Holstein Meet A twilight Holstein meet will be held at Dreajarr Farm, 21 miles north of Hensell, Thursday evening, June 28. It is expected many owners of Holstein herds will be present from all over On- tario. On this farm there are 85 purebred and tested Holstein cows. Masons Attend Service Huron Lodge 224, AF and AM, attended divine service in the United Church Sunday morning, June 17, and were addressed by who chose for his message, "The Geometry of Life." The choir for their selection sang "Trust in the Lord." Mrs, R. Broderick sang a solo, "Prayer Perfect," and the quarette composed of Messrs. Harrison, Rannie, Mock and Mickle, sang "Gladness when I Walk with Him.", Enjoyable Picnic Members of the Evening Aux- iliary of the United Church en- joyed a picnic to the Lions Park, Seaforth, Monday evening, June 18. Mrs. J. F. Blackwell was in charge of the sports. A large congregation attended the 74th anniversary service of St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday evening, June 17. The church was lovely with baskets of varied coloured peonies. Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ consol in the absence of the or- ganist, Robert Cameron. Rev. C. L. Langford, rector of the church, was in charge. F/L C. L. Hard- ing, Protestant Chaplain of RCAF Station, Clinton, was guest speak- er and delivered a very challeng- ing message. F/L Harding, also contributed two splendid organ solos, "Handels Largo°', and "From Greenlands Icy Moun- tains". James V. Corran, Holmes- vine, guest soloist, in wonderful voice, sang "The Ninety and Nine" and "The Holy City". The service was much enjoyed. WCTU Stands Ready The Hensall-Exeter Women's Christian Temperance Un i o convened at the home of Mrs. Herman Powe, Exeter, Tuesday Clinton Plumbing Bathrooms Pressure Systems General Repairs E. J. (Mike) REYNOLDS Phone 577R — CLINTON — Huron St. 22�bt:Eb Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth Residing in ,Clinton Shown cutting their cake following their marriage in On- RUSET L KAY ted Church, Shirley ey Ruth Jones, the are MR. AND MRS. DbrideLis thethe younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, R. R. 2, Clinton, and her husband is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kay, Clinton. Following a trip to the Eastern United States, the young couple have taken up residence in Clinton. Photo by Henderson Studio, Goderich afternoon, June 19, with a good attendance. Mrs. C. W. Down, Exeter, conducted the devotional period. Prayers were offered by Mrs. E. Geiger, Mrs. W. Cook, Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Mrs. E. J. Min- ers, Mrs. C. W. Down. Mrs. Maude Redden, Hensall, rendered a solo, "I have heard of a land" with Mrs. F. J. Appleby, Hensall, accompanist. President Mrs. E. Geiger, Bengali, presided for the business session. The sum of $25 was voted to send to the budget fund. The meeting decided to send a note to Huron County Temper- ence Federation assuring them of the support by the Women's Christian Temperance Union in case of a campaign against the CTA; also to suggest that min- isters of all churches be asked to stand ready 'to give the same support. The meeting also was informed that a radio message stated that chemical tests in case of auto accidents can be made without special permission in every case. Meetings will continue during July and August, the July meet- ing to be held in Rensall. Ladies Entertained Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion royally entertained the members of the Ladles' Auxiliary in the Legion Hill Monday evening, June 18, when more than 100 membrs and guests en- joyed a delightful evening. Sgt. L. Tiberio, RCAF, Centralia, pre- sented a very interesting film "Pilots Heaven." Rev. W. J. Rogers, assisted. Bingo was one of the highlights of the evening with Jack Tudor, master of cere- monies; winners were Mrs. F. Aikenhead, R. W. Horton, R. E. Shaddick, Mrs. Aikenhead, Mrs. AUBURN (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz spent the weekend with relatives at New Dundee. • Glen Raithby and sons, Jim' and George, left last week for a motor trip to the West. Miss Mary Asquith, Stratford, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith. Undergoes Operation Wilfred Collison underwent an appendix operation in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Saturday. Memorial Service The annual memorial service will be held et Ball's Cemetery on Sunday, July 1, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Clair Clark of the Baptist Church, will have charge of the service. Bride -elect "Showered" A shower was held in. the, Forester's Hall in honor of Miss Jewel McC'linchey, bride -elect of this month. The early part of the evening was spent playing bingo. Mrs. Len Archambault presided for a program which included piano solo by Miss Margaret Jackson and reading by Mrs. Gordon Miller. The guest of hon- or was called to the platform and Miss Joyce Taylor read en ad- dress extending congratulations and best wishes and Carol Arm- strong and Betty Lou Robinson presented Jewel with two decor- ated baskets of gifts. She Was assisted in opening the gifts by Mrs. Glen Patterson and Mrs. Archambault. After they were opened, Jewel thanked everyone. "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" was sung. Lunch was served. Presbyterian WMS _Beets Mrs. Don Haines gave her home for the June meeting of the WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church. The president, Mrs. W. Good was in charge. The call to worship was taken by Mrs. Ed Davies. The Scripture was read responsively. Mrs. Davies gave meditation on it and offered prayer. A pleasant solo was rendered by Mrs. Wilf- red Vesterfelt. Mrs. W. T. Rob- ison contributed a reading. The chapter in the study book on Ind- ia was taken by Mrs. F. O. Mc- Ilveen. Mrs. J. Houston reed a letter from Rev. and Mrs. J. Muehan of 'the Jhansi Mission field, telling of their work there. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Hallam. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Davies. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Davies served refreshments. Fete Departing Couple Friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam McVittie to spend a social evening and wish them well in their new home. An address was read by Mrs. Marvin McDowell, expressing appreciation for the help Mrs. McVittie had given both in the church and the WMS, and Mrs. •Charles Smith and Mrs. Norman McDowell presented Mr. and Mrs. McVittie with a table tri -light and pin-up lamp. Lunch was served. On Friday evening, the school section met 'in the school in their honor. During the evening an address was read by Everett Taylor; and Mrs. Nelson Patter- son presented Mrs. McVittie with an electric clock, and Mr. Nesbit presented Mr. McVittie with a smoker stand. Dancing was en- joyed. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. McVittie have gold their farm and are moving to Blyth. W. Sangster, Mrs. Howard Simile, Mrs. W. Venner, C. Kennedy, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. Herold Bon- thron. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, branch chaplain, since the inception in the fall of 1946, who is leaving to take a charge Livingstone PresbyterianChurch otr�al. was presented with a chrome tri -light floor lamp. The address read by Jack Tudor, a past presi- dent, and the presentation by President Byran Kyle. Rev. Mr. Ferguson replied very fittingly and thanked the Legion for the gift and stated that it had been a pleasure for him to have been their chaplain and padre, and en- joyed the fellowship with them. Luncheon was served, topped with ice cream and cake and serv- ed by the members of the Legion. Mrs. A. Clark, first vice-president of the Auxiliary, extended thanks BLYTH (Intended for last week) Couple Honoured Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart, Irwin St., have been honored dur- ing 'the week before leaving to make their 'home in Goderich. Following the morning service in Trinity Anglican Church, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were presented with gifts by Miss Lorraine Ham- ilton on behalf of the Sunday School. Both were valued teach- ers. Mrs. Roberts, wife of the rector, expressed regret at losing such willing workers in the church and appreciation of the service they had contributed to the Sun- day School. On Monday evening, the five- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111191111111 ive IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111011111III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn1111111111(II(11((Illlilll 01111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111t PHONE CLINTON 4 A Phone Call To Us May Save You Money! FASTEST POSSIBLE SERVICE ON COMMERCIAL PRINTING Our HEIDELBERG STANDARD AUTOMATIC PRINTING PRESS—com- pletely ovehauled by experts—will help US to do the job for YOU. High pro- duction of close to 3,000 impressions per hour keeps the cost per unit down to a minimum. YOU REAP THE ADVANTAGE! THE BEST IN QUALITY PRINTING Our large selection of modern type faces gives you many styles to choose from for your LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, and other Printed Material. Consult us for PRINTING OF DISTINCTION ! Estimates Cheerfully Given Clinton News -Record Fine Commercial Printing To Live in Ashfield MR "AND MRS. WARREN GEORGE ZINN are. pictured following 'their recent marriage in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. The bride, the former Marion Elizabeth Graham. is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham, Lucknow, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin G. Zinn, Dungannon, and nephew of Mrs. Charles Nelson and Norman. Holland, Clinton. The young couple will make their home in Ashfield Township. --Photo by MaoLaren's Studio hundred club of which Mrs. Stew- art is a member, met at the home of Mrs. Fred Rutledge, where the high score was held by Mrs. Stew- art. She was presented with a handsome hassock. The travelling prize was won by Mrs. Lewis Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart moved from Goderieh here some two years ago and are now returning to the county town, having sold their residential property here to Mr. and Mrs. William McVittie of Westfield. 3 1951 Chevrolet deluxe "Bel Air" hard- top Convertible, two -toned in col- our, custom radio, air-conditioning 1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coach, 1950 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan, two -toned in colour, custom radio, air-conditioning 1949 Chevrolet Styleline'Coach, two -ton- ed in colour 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan Two -1949 Chevrolet Styleline. Sedans 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coach 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1947 Mercury Coach 1946 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1941 Dodge Coach 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1939 Dodge Sedan 1,938 .Dodge Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coupe 1936 Oldsmobile Coupe 1916 Dodge Sedan USED TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet -ton pick-up, deluxe cab, heater, radio and many extras NEW CARS CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, BUICK, OLDSMOBILE, FORD, METEOR Approximately 24-hour service with choice of colours REGULAR LIST PRICE r�eo-r.or-o •+i-4+. CASH — TRADE — TERMS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost. Used Car Dealer Phone 73-X - BRUSSELS • IIIIIIIIel1111111111e11111111111'1111111ali11111111111!'1I1111111111UiI t1111I111111111111f111111t1111illtiltIIIII11111!llell1111111110111M0111111 111111101111!udldllftlel11fElt illlelileli01111111fi1111111011101,III111111111111111111e11111tlit Ileile11111DIi111111111911IIIIII' 11111! 1111111(111111(1110(II(Illllielltelltel to What does your farm need most? "/ A TRACTOR, COMBINE, TRUCK or other mech• enical equipment? a/ LIVESTOCK? ... Breeding stock or a new bull to build up the quality of your herd? .,/ A NEW HOUSE, BARN, SHED or other out- buildings? Or the alteration and repair of your present buildings? .,/ A HEATING OR WATER SYSTEM? This includes furnaces and boilers, water heaters, built-in sinks and tubs, or repair and modernization of your present system. •,/ THE CLEARING AND BREAKING OF NEW GROUND? Or any of the following: fencing, drainage, roadwork, tiling, pumping, and diking installations? .,/ A FARM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM? ... Installation of a new or used system or modernization of your present one? .,/ ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT? ' . . . A milking machine, cream separator, pump, washing machine or refrigerator? .,/ FRUIT TREES? ...- To replace faulty ones; to increase or vary your fruit harvest; or to start an orchard if you're other than a fruit farmer. BANIK'_oF, MoNTREA ; ejmob1116ii ViW$ 644 Clinton Branch: WILLIAM ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Mon. & Than. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN 'EVERT a 'MY „BANNN E' Decide which improvements will help you most in operating your farm and talk over a Farm Improve- ment Loan with your nearest B of/vi manager. Farm Improvement Loans ate helping many thousands of Canadian farmers to get the best out of their farms now. WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1017