HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-28, Page 6li 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111IIIIIIIII11111111' PAGE TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 News of Bayfield 1Miss Lucy R. Woods Representative, Phone Bayfield 45r3 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon spent Sunday at Mitchell. Mrs. J; A. Ferguson, Goderich, spent Thursday last in the village. Miss Betty Lou Larson, Lpn- don,was home over the week- end. eekend. D. A. Atkinson; Detroit, spent the weekend at his home inthe village. Miss L. Morley and Miss A. Cleland motored to Detroit on Tuesday., Mrs. Malcom Toms is spending this week hi Mount Forest and Guelph. Miss F. Gallop, Seaforth, is at her cabin on Main St. for the summer. Mrs. Shaver, Aylmer, spent the weekend with her sister, Miss Ann Tait.. E. A. Featherston, " London, spent the weekend at his home in the village. Mrs. W. H. Robinson, London, is at her cottage in the village for the summer. Miss Mary Stinson, Ripley, carne on Monday to spend a week with Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Misses Alice Drouin and Adele Fernette were in Detroit for a few days last week. Dr. and Mrs. A. Chapman, De- troit, were at their cottage from Saturday until Tuesday. Mr. end Mrs, James P. Ferg- uson, London, occupied their cot- tage over the weekend. ° Dr. and Mrs. R. Torrens and family, London, occupied their cottage over the weekend. David Dewar, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, S. Grainger and family, London, are spending a few days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun and family, R.R. Stratford, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Path and Glen. New Dundee, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth. Mrs, Marshall, Islington, came on Thursday last to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Boner Aust and family, London. were at Miss dust's cottage over the weekend. Mrs. J. Beechie, Joe and Alma, London, are at their home on Bayfield Terrace for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and Miss Peg Orr, Stratford, are at their cottage on Bayfield Terrace. Mrs. William R. Jowett left on Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. Kendall and family, Elmira. Mr. and Mirs. Bill Johnston, Windsor, spent the weekend with the former's aunt, Mrs. Malcom Toms. Miss M. Hodgens and Miss M. MacDonald, Toronto, spent a couple of days in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Handelsman, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., are spend- ing their honeymoon at Jim Day's cottage. Misses M. and R. Kruke, Dear- born, Mich., came on Saturday to open The Village Guild for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch and three children, Toronto, were at the Mustard cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr., London, were with Mr. and Mrs. Fixing -up Can Be Fun BALL-MACAULAY Yards at Clinton and :Seaforth carry a full line of PLY - WOODS, MASON' T E, ARBORITE, and DRESSED LUMBER. Come in and see our stock of BUILD- ING, MATERIALS for every need. BALL MACAULAY I CLINTON Builders' SU lies SEAFORTH Phone 97 pp Phone 787 LUMBER, LIME, TILE, BRICK NEW Ford and Monarch Cars and Trucks. and these selected GUARANTEED USED CARS 1950 DELUXE FORD SEDAN—Low mileage, overdrive and air-conditioning, new car condition 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1935 CHEVROLET STANDARD COACH ' 1934 FORD VICTORIA COACH '1933 FORD DELUXE SEDAN—Radio, rebuilt motor 1933 FORD COACH McPherson Bros. Garage Phone 541W Clinton 4 T. C. Bailey, The New Ritz Hotel over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foyston, daughter, and grandchildren, London, occupied their cottage for a week. Mrs. D. Kingsbury and Doug- las, returned home on Tuesday evening after a trip to Duralgg and Rochester, N.Y. A. Vanstone returned to his home in the village. on Monday after having spent a week With his daughters in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKeown. Pat and Barry, Hamilton, were the guests of Mrs. V. C. Quarry, "Landudno," over the weekend. " Mr,' and Mrs. J. O. Hughes and son, Derryck, and Miss Beatrice Reyst, Detroit, spent the week- end in one of the Jowett cottages. Mrs. R. II. Middleton and Mast- er Bobby returned to their home in Hensall on Wednesday after having spent a week et "The Hut." Mrs. R. G.Jiunter and family, Toronto, are at Their home in the village for the summer. Dr. Hunter was also here over the weekend. Alf. Scotchaner. Sr., accomipan- ied by John Scotchmer and Wil- liam Heard, visfFed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw and family, Proton. The many friends of Mrs. David Prentice who was taken to Clin- ton Community Hospital on Sun4 day hope that she will soon be much improved in health. Miss Anne Carnahan left on Monday for her home in Calif- ornia after having visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Carnochan and Miss Verna Graves for six weeks:' Mrs. A. L. Furter returned to London on Tuesday after having been with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, for a couple 61' days. Mr. Furter was also here on Sunday. William L. Cameron, Detroit spent the weekend with his sister, Miss Elizabeth Cameron. H. Weir, Detroit, who accompanied him, was a guest at the Ritz Hotel over the weekend. Visitors at the home of their sister, Mrs. William E. Parker, on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. French and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Herbert, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Bauer, Wat- erloo,' were at their cottage from Thursday until Tuesday. Mr. and l'4rs. Frank Bauer and family and Mrs. James Huck, Waterloo, spent the weekend with their parents. Mrs. C. W. Brown left on Thursday to visit her nephew and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Jowett, Clinton. Iowa. She also will attend the wedding of their elder son which takes place on June 30. Miss Winnlfred Purdy and Miss Irene Clements, Detroit, are the guests of Miss Mbribn Fair- bairn, "Westwind." Misses Marie Locker and Billy Gibbons, and Mrs. Grace Cowan, Detroit, were also with her over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron, London, are occupying a Jowett cottage for the season. Others who are in residence there for the summer are Mr. and Mrs. W. Gmiener. Susan and Billy, De- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgins. Susan. Douglas, Peggy and Ram- ble, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. W. Straw have been at the Huron Church Camp for two weeks preparing for the first camp which will open on July 2 for the Juniors. Mr. Straw, who is a student at Huron Col- lege, is Camp Manager. Rev. J. A. Roberts, Blyth, will be Dean. The councillors arrive this week. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cameron were in Toronto from Tuesday until Friday last, having gone down to attend a farewell dinner given in honor of two members of the staff of Earlscourt School who 'are retiring this year. Mr. Cameron was principal of the school until his retirement last year. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. Evans Cameron and Scott who are visit- ing with them. Receives Diploma Congratulations to Miss Betty Langford who received her di- ploma from Clinton School of Commerce last week, graduating with first class honours. Miss Langford, who has spent the past year with Mr. and Mrs. George Little, will remain with them for the summer, Children Baptized St. John the Baptist's Day was observed in Trinity Church on Sunday morning when' the Rector administered the 'rite of holy baptism to Delos Cortlan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Sturg- eon, Jr., and Kathryn Joan, in- fant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weston. In Support of Park Body At a recent meeting of the Directors of Pioneer Park Assoc- MHS-�-.-4-�.1•N-AOS-+t?-a•4+ LONDESBORO VARNA Henry Youngbluit, Niagara, spent the weekend with nts his Mr. andMrs. Young- blut, Wesley Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lee, Niagara Falls, were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. - and Mrs. Joe Youngblut and Henry visited on Saturday with Fred Youngblut and family, Mossley. Miss Phemie Reid from the West is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen and Mr. W. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. William Goviar spent the weekend at the home of their brother, Charles Govier, Port Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, Kapuskasing. were recent visitors with his mother, Mrs. E. J. Craw- ford and Mr, and Mrs. F. c'res't. In London Hospital James McCool was taken to London Hospital last week for a checkup. We wish him a good recovery. Mission Band to Meet The Mission' Band will hold their June meeting next Sunday morning, July 1st at ten o'clock in the basement of the church. Successful Social The United Church Sunday School held its yearly strawberry social last Friday night. There was a fair crowd and the play "Truth takes a holiday," put on by the young people of Moncrief was very good and enjoyed. Londesboro WI The regular meeting of Lon- desboro Women's Institute will be 11111111111111111111111111111111111111IIiIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1111111111111111111111111111!Illllllflllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111 Have a Tasty BREAKFAST a, THE BROWN DERBY 7 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. or A CUP OF COFFEE per cup 10c (Chase and Sanborn Dated Coffee) THE BROWN DERBY is operated under the finest sanitary conditions, with experienced chef, reasonable prices and friendly service. SEE FOR YOURSELF. Fish and Chips, Light Lunches, Full Course Meals OPEN DAILY FROM' 7 A.M. TO 2 A.M. Breakfast -7 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Dinner Specials --11.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bruce H. Fleet, Proprietor IIIIII1111111111111111111i111111111111111illal I Phone 295 TO IAKEERS OVT FOR ORD Just North of Rorty Theatre, Clinton 'ill 11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIII!111111111111111 IIIII111111111111111111111111111II1111111111111111{IIIIi, I IIIIIIII II " I i IIII I IIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII6 ! I II I II hhl IIILIIJI IHIIIIINIIIIIIIIII IIIlillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllill III ILIIII held in the Community Hall. Lon- desboro, on Thursday afternoon, July 5, at two o'clock. The roll call is to be answered with "How I met my husband." The report of the District Annual Meeting. will be given. The Londesboro ladies are entertaining the Clin- ton Women's InstiEu'te. Londesboro WMS Meets The regular meeting of Lori- desboro WMS was held with the president, Mrs. Tarmblyn, in the chair. The secretary, Mrs. Gov- ier, reed a letter from the Lit. department it was decided to send for the "Blue Book," A col- lection was take to defray the expenses of shipping the Bale to Korea ' which contained quilts, baby's layettes and good used clothing of every kind. An in- vitation from the Constance Aux- iliary to meet with them on June 20 was excepted. Two ladies were appointed as visiting com- mittee until next, were Mrs. Man- ning and Mrs. Fangrad. It was decided to dispense with the regular meetings during July and August, to commence again on Sept. 13. Mrs. Allen read a letter of thanks from India for a package of 'Christmas cards etc.' Mrs. Fairservice took charge for group No. 2. Those taking part in the program were Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Fairservice, Mrs. Govier, Mrs. Watson, Miss Phyllis McCool sang a solo, "Heartache". Meeting closedwith prayer. iation, G. M. Galbraith presented a fine list of films which he has chosen to show at Pioneer Park each Thursday evening during July and August. A silver col- lection will be taken each night, all receipts going to the Park Improvement Fund, The rent and showing of the films is a voluntary contribution of Mr. Galbraith for the benefit of the Park. These pictures were very much enjoyed -Inst year but on occasions it was noted that the amount of the collection did not equal the cost of the films. So it is hoped that persons attending will show their appreciation by more generous contributions to the Park Fund. The main feature on July 4 will be "Cinderella." Inter -School Meet Proves Great Success (By our Bayfield correspondent) A very successful inter -school field meet was held in Agricul- tural Park when approximately 275 pupils and their teachers gathered with spectators to par- ticipate in the athletid contests. The affair was organized and un- der the direction of Harry Nes- bitt. The first prizes were pro- vided by Bayfield Lions Club which also treated the children to ice cream. The teachers were Miss J. Mil- ler SS 1, Miss D. McGuire, SS 2, Miss Turner, SS 10. Mrs, Reichert, Parr Line, Miss Zaphe, SS 5, Miss P. McBride, SS 4, East, Miss Stewart, 5S 4, West, H. Nesbitt, SS 3 and Miss H. Colbeck and Mrs. William Parker, SS 8—all of Stanley Township. The following were winners in the various events; High jump— Jr. girls, Rosemarie Telford; Jr. boys, Grant Keys; Intermediate girls, Merry Mack; Intermediate boys, Stanley Telford; Senior girls, Joan McLeod; Senior boys, Ken Pollock; Broad jump—Jun- ior girls, Merle Armstrong, Junior boys, Grant Keyes; Intermediate girls, Katherine McGregor; Inter- mediate boys, Stanley Telford; Senior girls, Joan McLeod; Senior boys, Ken Pollock; Hop, step and jump—Intermediate girls, Merry Mack; Intermediate boys, Murray Hill; Senior girls, Marjorie Dow - son; Senior boys, Ken Pollock; Race—Junior girls, Merle Arm- strong; Junior boys, Donald Mac- Kenzie; Intermediate girls, Bev- erly Foote; Intermediate boys, George Telford; Senior girls, Jean McGregor; Senior boys, Ken Pol- lock; Girls baseball throw—Int- ermediate, Katherine McGregor; Senior, Joan McLeod; Race 7 end under, Girls, Margaret Porter; boys, Jerry Greydanus; Relay Race, Girls- No. 3, Stanley, Mar- jorie Dowson, Coreen Dowson, Merle Armstrong, Joyce Peck; Boys -'No. 5, Stanley, Ken Pol- lock, Jack Eckel, Howard Arm- strong, Charles Eckel; Champions —Junior girls, Merle Armstrong; Junior boys, Grant Keyes; Inter- mediate girls, Katherine McGreg- or; Intermediate boys, Stanley Telford; Senior girls, Joan Mc- Leod; Senior boys, Ken Pollock. ALL CASH BINGO Seaforth Community Centre Wed., July 4 at 9.00 p.m. sharp $800.00 Cash Prizes 15 Games of $20 $1 ADMISSION 2 Specials at $50 25c each 40 Numbers Called for $400.00 JACK POT PRIZE 25c card Auspices Legion and Community Centre COAL To Preach Sunday Next Sunday. July 1, Rev, W. J. Woolfrey, Clinton, will have charge of the morning service in the United Church. The annual Orange Church Service will be held in Varna: United Church, Sunday, July 1,. commencing at 7.30 pm. The• guest speaker will be Rev. Wil- liam Muir, Thames Road. Special" music will be supplied by the choir. The Bannockburn Pipe- Band ipe^B nd will lead the parade to and from the church. Coal prices will advance July 1, so order your winter supply now at reduced prices and for excellent quality "Blue Coal". GYPROC Large shipment of Sheetrock just arrived in various lengths. LIME Fresh lime in stock. FEED Roe Mixed Feeds and Concen- trates—always fresh. MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL CO. BRUCEFIELD Phone 618r11 25 -26 -bb SPECIAL for • LIMITED TIME ONLY OUTSIDE PAINT 55.50 gal in WHITE — CREAM — IVORY Every Gallon Guaranteed! SEE OUR SUN -TESTED WALLPAPERS! D. A. KAY and SON PAINTERS and DECORATORS Paints — Wallpaper — Venetian Blinds — Dufold Mops PHONE 234-W Huron Street CLINTON 25-26-b ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN THE COMMUNICATIONS FIELD ? The Air Services Branch of the Department of Trans- port WILL PAY YOU $125 PER MONTH, PLUS YOUR TUITION IN FULL, while you obtain your training at a recognized Canadian school. On completion of your training you will be employed immediately AT A STARTING SALARY OF $2436 PER YEAR, with regular increases to a maximum of $3240 per year. A GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTION O GENEROUS PROVISIONS FOR VACA- TION AND SICK LEAVE WITH PAY • HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL BENEFITS ® EXCELLENT PENSION PLAN For further details. including how to apply, see the poster entitled "STUDENT RADIO OPERATORS" display at your nearest post office or National Employ- ment Office or write to the Civil Service Commission, Ottawa. 26-b Master Growing Pellets fed on range have these advantages: MMMMM MMMMM MASTER BALANCED FEEDS for ALL CLAStEYOF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS i DOGS There is no waste. 2. Pellets retain their vitamin content long- er. 3. The feed cannot be "picked over," 4. Pellets are not blown out by wind. 5. The birds like them. MMMMM MMMMM mxaro Oiveou uwm Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is: S. RIDDICK Phone 114 - and SONS - Clinton 11!1 EVENTUALLY BUY MASTER 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111i Removal to our Modern New Premises where we are prepared to serve you better than ever before Complete Electrical Service by Experts See Our New Hydraulic Hoist! Well s Auto Electric .. King St. BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE, OILS AND GREASE CLINTON Phone 349-W t i I hlllllll I I I Illllllllhllll I ,IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL11111111111111111111 I WIIII Il 111111 IIIIILLII!I IIIlllllllllll.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIh Ilf I �___,_