HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-28, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1851 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FXV News -Record Classified Adlets Brinjidck Results CASH RATE -(3f paid by Wed- mesday following date of inser- 'tion)—One cent a word first, in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); Sub-. ` 5sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- stra for box number or for dime - lion to NEWS -RECORD, Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ;SUMMER COTTAGE, large en- aough to sleep five people, at *Grand Bend. Phone Clinton 223. 26—p :FARM HOUSE WITH HYDRO. ,Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone 'Clinton 904r4. 20-btEb 'THREE -ROOMED APART'VMENT, 11/2 miles from Clinton, modern .•conveniences Phone Clinton :907r4. 26-b 1VIODERN THREE -ROOMED' cot- 'tage on lake, hydro. water, in - .side conveniences, . fireplace, available July 1-21 and from Au- gust 25. Fred Wallis, R. R. 1, 'Bayfield, phone Clinton 909r33. 26-x 'TWO -ROOMED CABIN, partly furnished, water and hydro - •electric. Phone Clinton 806r2. 26-p :FOUR -ROOMED APARTMENT 'in Blyth; central heating, hat 'water, modern conveniences. Ap- ;;ply F. Bainton, phone Blyth 6. 26-7-p 'BAYFIELD—Housekeeping 'cab- ins on the lake. Everything fur- nished. New spring mattresses. 'Hydro, good beach, lots of shade. '$18 couple weekly. Dining room. \Write G. Hazelwood, R. R, 1, Bayfield. 26-35-b .ACCOMMODATION WANTED 'WANTED — FOUR- OR FIVE - :roomed apartment or house. Will •supply references. Box "S", 'NEWS -RECORD. 25-6.4 ARTICLES FOR SALE 'ICE BOX, 50 lb. capacity, good eonditdon. Phone 52M or 541W. 26 -lb :IVORY AND BLUE FOLDING :go-cart with rubber tires, good at mew, will sell cheap for quick :sale. Phone Clinton 910r13. 26-p 'A LOW WHEEL WAGON for sale. :H. Oharlesworth, phone 199W. 26-p 'TAYLOOI;-TOT COMBINATION stroller and' walker, in good con- dition; white enamel kitchen :Stove, "Wingham Clipper", in good condition. Mrs. Ernest Bell, King and Joseph Sts. 26-p BUILT IN BATHTUBS $60. The :smart Martha Washington and Rippbledge three piece bathroom sets complete with lovely chrom- ed fittings white $179. Colour '$274. Illustrated catalogue. Help - :fur installation diagram. Lustrous mother-of-pearl plastic top sink cabinets with stainless enamel sinks and chromed swing faucets $98. Air conditioning furnace units $295. Refrigerators, stoves, 'oil burners, pressure water syst- ems. Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy with confidence and save many dollars. Special offer to plumbers and builders. Write or visilt. Johnsoh Mail Order Division, '.Streetsville Hardware, Streets - Ville, Ont. Phone 26. 24-26-28-32-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. '1938. FORD SEDAN, recondition- ed; used electric stove in good shape; Shell spray weed kill and livestock spray. Leonard Cole, Shell Service Station. 26-p 1951 CUSTOM FORD SEDAN, mileage 55.0; to clear up estate of the late John Penhale. Apply to Harold Penhale, Bayfield, admin; :istrator. :26-7-p 1940 FIVE -PASSENGER DODGE coupe, good' condition, cheap for cash. J. E. Howard, Barfield, phone 53x2. '26-b 1941 DODGE Kingsway Special •coach, excellent condition, low mileage, owner driven, heater, foglight, praotirally new tires. Call. Blyth 25r7, or see Mrs. `Townsend, Londesboro. 24 btfb AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT `600-650'BY 17 6 PLY TIRES and tubes; used. Apply to Sharpe's Garage or phone 556-W. 26-b BUILDING .LOTS FOR SALE .ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home. A number of fine 'lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real. Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993., 7-btfb BICYCLES FOR SALE BOY'S BICYCLE, doubles frame, in good eond'ition, Jack Merrill, "phone Clinton "902r16. .26-p "USED CCM MAN'S BICYCLE, in perfect condition. May be seen at Cities Service Station. Priced reasonable. 26-p FRUIT FOR SALE RASPBERRIES FOR SALE—soon 'be time for raspberries again, "Get your order in early. You may pick your own and get them for less. No children pickers, please! William D. Carter, phone Clinton 5873. 26-p FURNITURE FOR SAL "WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE withcoal or wood grates; trioycle 'for child' from 5-8 years; exten- sion: table; metal -top table; drop leaf table and four chairs. Mrs. 'Frank MacDonald, Huron St., phone 218. 26-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS — HARVEST HELP should be arranged for now, Large and • small Dutch families are available now. C. de I•Iaan, Beigrave. x 11-17-ptfb FARMS 'FOR SALE FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. Confidential information. Leon- ard . G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993, 5-btfb GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Hullett. Thomas Carbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, R.R. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15ptbf 119 ACRES, good clay Ioam, No, 8 Highway, halfway between Goderich and Clinton. Barn, poultry house, • garage; eight - roomed shingled 'house in splen- did condition, built. in cup- boards in kitchen, Well insulated. Hydro throughout. Splendid never -failing wel'I. 20 acres wood - lot. Possession to suit purchaser. Apply Andrew P. Holmes, R.R. 2. Clinton, phone Goderich 933r8. 25-6-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MASSEY-HARRIS No. 5 seven - foot grain binder. Harold Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 905r33. 26-b McCORMICK-DEERING S ID E rake in good running order. Frank Falconer, phone Clinton 615r16. 25-6-p GEORGE WHITE • THRESHING Machine, nearly new; 1947 Ford tractor in condition, plow and cultivator; Al, ft. Massey -Harris binder. good working order; mower. Frank Cummings, phone 59431. 26-b DAVID BROWN TRACTORS and Gehl Forage Harvesters and Hammermills; sold by George H. Beatty, Varna. 10-btfb THE CARLEON POWER DRIVE converts ground drive mowers and binders into practical power - take -off driven machines at small cost. Available for all makes of binders and Deering and John Deere mowers. Sold by Robert W. Cole, phone Clinton 906r24. 24-5-6-p GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY , OF FEED WHEAT for sale. Arnold Jamieson, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 618r33. 26-7-b HELP WANTED—Male APPRENTICE WANTED. Prefer +two years of High School. Apply +Lorne Brawn Motors Limited, phone 367W. 26-b HAY FOR SALE FIFTEEN ACRES OF MIXED hay, standing in field. J. Grey - claims, R. R. 1, Bayfield, phone Clinton 903r33. 26-p HOUSES FOR SALE ASPHALT SIDING SUMMER cottage, furnished, hydro, good water supply, wonderful. beach, 10 miles from Clinton. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993. 24-btfb SIX -ROOMED BRICK Dwelling, good location, modern conven- 'ences, new furnace, about half acre of land, good barn, some fruit trees, $6,000. Early posses- sion, H. C. Lawson. Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton. 21 btfb SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK dwel- ling, bathroom, full basement, stoker, two lots with good barn. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-'btib THREE -ROOMED and modern bathroom, 114 storey dwelling, full basement, 1Fa storey second floor to be completed, one acre lot. Clinton suburbs. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-,btfb SIX -ROOMED COTTAGE, one- piece bathroom, sunporch, gar- age,. Maul brick siding. Reason- able price. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, 'esidence 599J. 21-btfb SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall, Apply Albert Waiff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. Alton Johnston, phone Clin- ton 625r22. 26-b HEREFORD BULL FOR SALE. Would take young stock in ex- change. W. H. Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 906115. 24-bttb LOST AND FOUND LOST—RONSON LIGHTER with inscription on bac% valued as keepsake. Finder please phone 778W. 25-6-p LADY'S BLACK FLOWERED rayon dress, on Albert St„ Cslin- ton, last week. Finder please notify Box "T", NEWS -RECORD. 26-p POCKETBOOK — between Alf Sco'tchmer's booth and residence on Bayfield Line; black wit)leather braided binding; contain- ed sum of money. Gordon Scotch - mer, 'R. R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 909r12. 26-p STRAYED ABOUT JUNE 1 to the grass farm of William Batldn located on Concession 14, Godes rich Township, a red and white calf about six months old. Owner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. 26-p BIRTHS CGARRIOOFI—In Grace Hospita Windsor, on Sunday, June 24 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E Garrioeh .(nee Evelyn Nett), son, a brother for Sandra. GORTER—In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Friday, June 22, 195 to Mr. and Mrs. B. Gorter Hensall, a daughter. HOPKINSON—In the Red Cros Hospital, Wierton, Friday, Ju 22, 1951, to Dr.. Mervyn and Mrs• Hopkinson (nee Dr. Norm Cook), Lions bead, a daughte (a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, Hensall). LOB.* In Holy. Cross Hospital Cargary, Alta:, on . Monday June 18, 1951, to S/Sgt. an Mrs. Everett Lobb, a so (Peter. Michael). MacDONALD-In Clinton Publ.! Hospital, on Sunday, June 24d 1951. to Mr. and Mrs. Fre MacDonald, Clinton, a son (Steven James). NESBIT—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 26 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesbit, Auburn, a daughter. POLLOCK—In Fillmore Hospital Sask., on Tuesday, June 19 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pollock, Talmage, Sask., (form- erly of Clinton), a daughter. DEATHS MARRIAGES 1, CARTER-THEOBALD — At• the United Church Parsonage, Eg- • mondville, on Saturday, June 23, 1951. at two o'clock, by Rev. a A. W. Gardiner, Dorothy Marie, daughter of Mrs. Theabald and the late Charles TheobaId, to 1• Philip Maxwell, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. William D. Carter, Clinton. CULVER-WALTERS—In St. Geo- s rge's Presbyterian Church, Lon ne don, on Saturday, June 23, 1951, by Rev. Mr. Waldie, Mary Norm Eileen, third daughter of Mr. ✓ and Mrs. Frank Walters, Tuck- ersmith Township, to Murray Cameron, second son of Mr. and • Mrs. Cameron Culver, Brant- ford. d FANSON-IVIoKINLEY — At the n home of the bride's parents; Se Stanley Township, on tur- e. day,. June 23, 1951,' by Rev. W. • J. Rapers, Hensall, Elsie Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El gin McKinley, to ,Kenneth James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F a n s o n, Fullerton , Township. LITTLE-JERVIS—In Kimnlbourne AUCTION SALE United Church, Toronto, on • Saturday, June 16, 1951, by Rev. ' of • J. A. ,Pie -Gilchrist, Helen Household Effects. Joyce, elder daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram C. Jervis from the home of Mrs. D. G. Toronto; to Wyman Irwin, son Everett, 1% mile south east of of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Little Bayfield, on the Bluewater Acton. Highway„ adjoining the May- MILLAR:MaeDONALD—At the field Tourist Cabins, on t Knox Presbyterian Church Monday, July 2 Manse, Goderich, on Saturday, yt 1,30 p.m., consisting of: June 23, 1951, by Rev, R. Three -p ieee Chesterfield suite; MacMillan, Marion Kathleen MacDonell, daughter of Mr.Axmsnster rug, 101/2'x9'; Axmin- and Mrs. 3. T. MacDonald ,ster rug, 7'x9'; linoleum rug, 9'x Brock St., Goderich, to Fred -121/2'; modern 3 -piece 'bedroom crick Ross Millar, son of mrs suite (walnut finish) including acid Mrs. Lloyd Millar, R. R. .,:bed and springs, dresser and Clinton, chest of drawers; inner spring SWITZER-PICOT—At bte.United mattress; Continental bed, box Church Manse, Bayfield, on spring and inner spring mattress; 'Saturday, June 23i 1951„ by 2 chests of drawers (one antique); Rev. Peter Renner, Frances Lil- lian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Picot, to James J. Mer- rill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Switzer, all of Goderich Town- ship. rt W. F. RILEY' AGAIN HEADS HENSALL C OF C (By our Hensall corresp'andena Hensel Chember of Commerce met Friday evening, June 22, for a chicken banquet and the an. anal meeting. W, F. Riley was returned to office as president for his second year. 'Other officers are: vice- presidents, Walter Spencer, Har- vey Keys; treasurer, Richard Martell; secretary, to be eppoin't- ed. Plans were made for the annual fall frolic to feature bigger and better attractions. J. K. Irvin, a past president and secretary since December, was presented with a pipe. The presentation speech was made by Walter Spencer, with W. O. Gogdrwin presenting tire -gift. Mr. Irvin, manager of the Bank of Montreal, leaves for Watford shortly. FOTIIERGILL —At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilber Crich, on Sunday, June 24, 1951 Annie May Braithwaite, belov- ed wife of the late William T. Fothergill, in her 73rd year. Funeral from the Beattie Fun- eral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, to Blyth Union Came - tsar, on Tuesday, June 26. TAYLOR—At his residence in Auburn on Sunday. June 24, 1951, Jeremiah Taylor, husband of the late Minnie J. Rutledge, in his 79th year. Funeral from St. Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, to Ball's Cemetery. Hulled Township, Tuesday af- ternoon, June 26. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of JOHN THOMAS PENIIALE All persons having claims a- gainst the estate of John Thomas Penhale, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, labourer, deceased, will forward proof' of same to the undersigned administrator on or before the fifth day of July A.D. 1951, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Bayfield this 13th day of June A.D., 1951, Eimer D. Bell, KC, Exeter, Solicitor for the Estate. Harold Penhale, Bayfield, Ont. Administrator 25-8-7-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. 24.31-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. ' If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb NOTICES URGENTLY NEEDED —Feather ticks and pillows, also new goose. and duck feathers; also horse hair and used bags. Sell now when prices are high. Write or phone collect or bring to Mervyn Bat - kin, Clinton, phone 359J. 22-6-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots No. 41 and 51, both sides of the River, 2'uckersmith Township, at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1951. 22-26-ptfb SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J, 3-7pttb PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS! Get Lovely Curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, 'Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "g a t - acquainted" size only 60c, All druggists. PIANO TUNING 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with. Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 3393,• 20-21-ptfb YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R, 43tfb PIANOS FOR SALE SUMMER SALE of guaranteed used pianos. Such well-known makes as Heintzman, Nordtieitner, Mason-Risch.:etc. Priced as low as $99. Phone or write TO -DAY for complete list. Heintzman aria Co., 242 Dundas St., London — phone 4-4525. 26-b PROPERTY FOR SALE CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE on Frederick St., good lot and barn; cemetery plot, suitable for eight burials, perpetual care. A. J. Cooper, Box 27, Goderich. 26-9-p POS1'FION WANTED EXPERIENCED MALE )301E - keeper desires position in or near Clinton. Apply James .Hamann, R.R. 3, Bayfield a/ G. Zondeg, phone Hensall 698121 26-7-p STOVES FOR SALE -. D21`TETTE SET—table, four chairs LUMBER FOR SALE end buffet, white with blacit, I priced reasonable; also electric QUANTITY OF LUMBER Sheet - Easy washing machine, just like ing, 2x4'c and shiplap. Phone mew. 'Phone 88. 26-7-b 180W. 26-b KITCHEN RANGE with enamel front. reservoir, warming oven. and waterfront; Congoleum rug, 9x101/2, almost new G. R. Pear, phone 463W. 26-p AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from FENDER'S WORK Sa3OP, Goderich, corner of St. David and Victoria Street (adjoining the Holeproof Hosiery factory) on Saturday, July 7 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Three-piece velour Chesterfield uite; Axminster rug 10'x12'; felt under rug; Chesterfield table; 2 end tables; 2 occasional chairs; coffee table; large wall mirror; hall mirror; hall tree; 3 -piece oak bedroom suite; 4 poster walnut bed (modern); sheepskin rug; able Iamps: tubular bed; 2 dress- ers; 2 Kenwood blankets; other wool blankets; McClery electric 'tinge; McClary refrigerator (8 cu. t. with 4 -year guarantee); West- nghouse washing machine (A-1 condition); combination RCA Vic- ar radio and record player (one -ear old); office chair; ping pong table; lawn mower; garden tools. TERMS 'CASK` MRS. E. M. ROSS, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhonn, Clerk walnut table (antique); Rosewood desk (antique); metal tubular bed, springs end mattress; 2 can- vas camp cots; 2 camper's sl!eep� ing bags; 2 chesterfield chairs; occasional chair; other chairs; '7 - piece modern breakfast suite; small tables; 2 book shelves; G.E. electric clock (large size); boud- oir bench; walnut coffee table; 3 space heaters (oil burning types, Coleman, Shur heat and Blue Flame); 4 -piece wicker veranda seat; dishes and glassware; guitar and numerous other articles. ' TERMS -CASH MRS. D. G. EVERRETT, Proprietress I%DIVARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 26-b CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1612 14-15ptfb 100 Strawberry Pickers WANTED APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO F. W. ANDREWS Phone 33 Clinton IM Men's 140,10. telt 401-UCal Pants Cool! Comfortable! * * GREY * * SAND * * BLUE Regular $10,95 to $17.95 To Clear at $7.95 per . pr. IHOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS - - $ • SPORT COATS - - - SPORT SHIRTS - - - T-SHIRTS JANTZEN SWIM TRUNKS - - - BELTS SOCKS - - ETC. I PICKETT' .. # CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS • STETSON HATS Phone 25 — Clinton ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SE AF OR T H Now Playing (June 28) "LAST OF THE BUCCANEERS" Techni- color (Juice 29 & 30) "RATON PASS" with Dennis Morgan MON., TUES., WED, July 2-4) Van Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor and Gene Lockhart Watch your favourite stars caper through this entertaining comedy. "The Big Hangover" Now: Loretta Young and Clark Gable in "KEY to the CITY" MON., TUES., WED. June Allyson -- Dick Powell and David Wayne This hilarious comedy embraces a croakedpolitical machine, a vivacious redhead end an escapee wild lion. It's a bundle of fun! "The Reformer and the Redhead" THUR., FRI., SAT. (July 5-7) "Father is a Bachelor" A wonderful, heart - warming story that will appeal to old and young alike, ably portrayed by William, Holden, Coleen Gray and Mary Jane Saunders THUR., FRL, SAT. Ronald Reagan — Ruth Bussey and Penny Singleton With Edmund Gwenn and Char- les Coburn as competing swains for the affections of transform- ed mother-in-law. "LOUISA Coming: "CHAIN LIGHTNING" Humphrey Bogart, Eleanor Parker 41=9111116111, VIMMRWO. CAPITAL THEATRE • GODERICH-phone 1150 PARK THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now: "I Was a Communist for the F.B.I." An authentic spy -hunt drama. Now: "STAGE TO TUCSON" Rod Cameron & . Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. MGM's Great Technicolor Special MARIO LANZA as "The Great Caruso" A biography of the immortal Enrico, written by his daughter and portrayed by the man with the voice. Dorothy Kirsten—Ann Blyth Jane Novotna THUR., FRI., SAT. "LORNA DOONE" — In Technicolor — Richard D. Biaokmore's undying story of the Doone clan of Ex- moor, told by a superb cast a- gainst the added beauty of Tech- nicolor. Richard Greene—Barbara Hale a William Bishop Coming: "LULLABY OF BROAD- WAY" Gene Nelson -- Billy DeWolfe and Color MON., TUES., WED. Ruth Roman — 'Richard Todd and Mercedes McCambridge Drama, ronsepse, adventure, writ- ten around a willful lady who never recognized a stoplight. "Lightning Strikes Twice" THUR., FRI., SAT. Jon Hall — Mary Castle and Peter Lunie Step away from ordinary affairs and share this thrilling adventure in a land of strange people. "PYGMY ISLAND" Coming: "EMERGENCY WEDDING" Larry Parks & Barbara Hale Cards of T hanks Mrs. A. D. Beaton and family gratefully acknowledge all kind- nesses shown by neighbors and friends in the time of their recent sad bereavemnt. 26-p I wish to thank all the friends and neighbours who sent cards, flowers and fruit while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; also thanks to Dr. Oakes. Dr. Buhr and Dr, Thompson, and the nur- ses for their kindly ministrations. —1VLRS. BRUCE CANN. 26b HOLIDAY AT POST OFFICE Postmaster G. M. Counter has announced that there will be two hour wicket service at Clinton Post Office on Dominion Day, Monday next, July 2. The wicket wilt be open from 10.30-11.30 a.m. and from 1.30-2.30 p.m., with the Iobby remaining open till 6 pan DEATHS MERNER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, June 27, 1951, Mrs. Samuel Merner, wife of Samuel Merner, Hen - sell, in her 85th year. Funeral from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, to Bronson Line Cem- etery, Stanley Township, Fri- day, June 29, at 2 p,m. THERE IS A PREPARED PLACE FOR PREPARED PEOPLE "Eye bath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God bath prepared for 'them that love him." I Cor. 2:9 BUT TO THOSE WHO NEGLECT SO GREAT SALVATION. Heb. 2:3 CHRIST SAID: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into ever- lasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels," Matt. 25.4 PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD — TRUST IN CHRIST. CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST For the Holiday Weekend... Cinnamon Buns IT'S A REAL TREAT IF YOU BUY IT AT Schroeder's Bakery (Successor to Dixon's Pastry Shop) PHONE 364 RATTE$BURY ST. E. CLINTON HAVE YOU SEEN IT? The New Clare Jewel Deluxe Model in two styles Apartment Size and Divided Top SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING ALSO BARBED WIRE and STAPLES We have a complete stock of BATHROOM FIXTURES — Get Our Prices Before Buying — Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244CLINTON