HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-21, Page 10PAGE TEN CLINTON COLTS ARE SHUT OUT BY MITCHELL The slants of 17 -year-old Doug Aisteheson, the pitching "find" of the season" who previously had twirled a no -hit no -run game against Zurich, proved too much for Clinton Colts as Mitchell Leg- onnairres shut out the Men of Hawkins 5-0 on the Community Park diamond Tuesday evening. In the best game of the season. Mitchell now leads the Huron - Perth League in a tie with Lucan, while Colts are esconsced in fourth place, tied with .Clinton RCAF. The youngster limited Colts to four safe bingles--faxen the bats of Fred MacDonald, Doug Bart- lpff, Harry McEwan and Bob Draper. The Legionnaires did not stage any fantastic rally but kept peck- ing away, with a run here and there Their line-up again con- tained that old veteran of many Clinton wars—the evergreen Bert White —at his favorite spot at second base. He still is a towey of strength to Mitchell, which has been a different team since he moved there from Clinton" Mitchell .... 110-0-02 100-5 7 0 Clinton .... 000 000 000-0 4 4 Mitchell: Walters ss. White 2b, Gatenby cf, Rohfrltsoh of, Walther lf, Boles' ib, M. Colquhoun 3b, Aiteheson p, Heinbuch ,cf, Rob- fritsch rf -(6th), Costello c. Clinton Colts: Woodcock 3b, Ilene Maltby ss', McEwan 2b, i Draper p, MacDonald lb, Bart- liff cf, Taylor rf, L. Colduhoun c, Johnson if. HURON -PERTH BASEBALL LEAGUE WLTP Dashwood 5 0 1 11 Mitchell . 5 I l 11 Lucan 4 1 2 10 Clinton RCAF .. , 4 1 0 8 Clinton Colts 4 3 0 8 G'oderieh 2 2 1 5 Exeter 26 0 4 Zurich . 1 5 1 3 Hensen 1 5 0 2 Centralia . 0 4 0 0 Results in Past Week Clinton RCAF 10—+Centralia. 7 Lucan 3•—�1VTitahell 3- (p) Exeter 8—Hensall 1 Clinton Colts 9—Zurich 4 Dashwood 9—Zurich 6 Goderich 5—Exeter 4 (p) Mitchell 5—.Clinton Colts 0 Clinton RCAF at Hensall (post- poned) (p) --Protested COUPLE MARK THEIR SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr'. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, R,R. 3, Clinton, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday, being entertained at the home of - their daughter, Mrs. Grant Stirl- ing, Goderich Township. The family were all home for the afternoon, and also Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gif- ford Crich. The happy couple were the re- cipients of many gifts, including a cabinet of silver, an electric tea kettle and also many greet - ng cards and a lovely wedding cake. Their friends wish them many more years of married life. Supplies PAPER CUPS PAPER PLATES PAPER NAPKINS PAPER TABLE CLOTHS PAPER FORKS AND SPOONS NO DISHWASHING! Enjoy Yourself Instead Picnic Specialties Birthday Napkins, Table Cloths and Cups Hopalong Cassidy Cups, Napkins and Table Cloths Floral Design Accessories Coloured Matching Accessories jMcEwan 's YOU SAVE MONEY on our SPECIALS 2 RING'S CHOICE 28 oz. TOMATOES, 2 tins 29c Harry Herne's PEANUT BUTTER stein 47c MARCAL SERVIETTES, 2 pkgs. 15e LYNN VALLEY 15 oz. PEACHES .... 2 tins 39c JUICES AYLMER TOMATO 2 15e tins oz. +� • OLD SOUTH ORANGE 20 oz. 2 ti.33 ns JUICES Rorsey's GRAPEFRUIT 9 20 oz. G tins •AdI, AYLMER APPLE fw •+ 15 •1 Vt 2 FOR 15e A STAFF 'S7J GR.9PE AYLMER PRUNE JAM jar 41c PLUMS 2 tins 31c SieLAREN'S JELLY Stokiey's MACARONI POWDERS .... 3 pkgs. 25c DINNER ... 2 tins 37c TEXAS CHOICE RIPE California JUICY 344's TOMATOES lb. 27c ORANGES doz. 25e SHEARING'S 4 MODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET Phone 48 — Free Delivery -- Clinton Choose a Crisp, Cool Straw Hat For Summer Long Comfort! Smartly Styled HATS priced from 2.50 to 3.95 Herman's Men's Wear Phone 224W Clinton +••-•-• a CLINTON NEWS -R] CORD CLOSE FINISHES LEGIONETTES FEATURE LOCAL BEATEN TWICE S BY GODERICH it Clinton Legionettes put up a. HORSE RACE Fine weather --although a .b — .stiff argument both times, but windy in the later afternoon favoured Clinton horse races In lost two games to Goderich Dod err in the WOAA Ladies' seethe series this week. Legionettes took an early lea in the match' on the CDCI deem and Monday evening, but 'lo out finally 12-9 to the visitor In the return match 'in Goderich last evening, Legionettes outh Dodgers 17-7, but could not g players on base home and 1 6-5. Theyseemed badly outlucke Goderich 12—Clinton 9 The top half of the sixth prow fatal Monday to the nattily -clad Clinton girls, who sported the' new uniforms. for the first. ti at home, The Town Council mad a grant of $100 and the rest supplied by the Legion Ladle Auxiliary. Equipment is suppli by Clinton Branch of the Caned ran Legion. Doug Thorndike is manager the team, with Sam Sastle, Pa Humphries, . and Murray Madre as coaches, and Mrs. Sam Castas scorer. The visitors ran in a big fiv in the first half of the first frame but Legionettes came. right ba with three in the second and fo in the third. However, Goderich girls patineed on Pitcher Hunkinrg in th sixth for two walks, five hits an five runs, to clinch the ,decision o Clinton's last -inning rally two runs fell far short of re quirements. Goderich 500 105 1-12 Clinton 034 000 2— 9 Goderich: A. McCabe c, A. Har- rison 3b, V. McAdam ss. D. Mc- Cabe 2b, M. Martin lb. D, Boyce cf, G. McLean lf, R. Willis rf, K. McKinnon p. Clinton: Barbara Brandon If, Barbera Dale 3b, Shirley Procter Sb, Joanne Castle cf, Phyllis Mack 2b, Kay Sharpe 2b (7th). Lor - Community Park yesterday arf ternoon, while close finishes tea ured the running of the nares, a of which went two heels onl Betting privileges were allow and business seemed to be boo ing. The free-for-all feature ev went to Dillon Seymour, by H. Diokensen, Mount Hop with a first and second, whil Della Axworthy, owned and driv en by Harvey Fleet, London, bro ther of Bruce Fleet, Clinton, wo the second heat by a nose in brilliant finish. The mare wa fourth in the first heat. Miss Chips W„ owned by E. Jacob, Clinton, won two firsts I the 2.27 class, and Argyle Grat tan, owned by D. R. Campbel Ailsa Craig, took both heats I the 2.24, with Merlee, owned b Ross McEwan, Clinton, fourth an second. Malcom Hanover, owned b McKinnon Stables, Owen Sound was a double winner in the 2.20 while Lucky Forty, owned byDr. G. S. Elliott, Clinton, finish ed seventh and sixth. In the 2,29, Dr. John, owned by S. Medd, Ilderton, had a thi and a first, with Charlie Cl-. own ed by J. Campbell, Walton. wa first and third. Acheiral Chips owned by F. Lebeau, Clinton scored .two fourths. t- 11 Y. ace • m ent owrveed' e n a 5 n 1, n y d y rd a Plans Picnic July 11 Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce is holding its first annual picnic for the members and their families at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Wednesday afternoon and evening, July 11, it was announced following a meeting of the committee last evening" g- 11 d et s. It et ort d. ed >r me estS was ed of t n e e ck ur e d STIRLING CLAN HOLDS ANNUAL REUNION PICNIC The annual Stirling picnic was held at Harbor Perk, Goderich, on Saturday, June 10, and a large number 'of members of the clan enjoyed the afternoon at the lake- side. ` It was 111 years ago chat the,, first Stirlings came from Scotland to Huron County end they have flourished end multiplied' and spread widely over the North Am- erican continent. Leslie and Jessie Loree, formerly of Bayfield, came 2,200 miles from Nanton. Alberta, to attend the picnic and visit relatives in this district. Mrs. Gertrude Sanson came from Van-, couver and is visiting the Colwell branch of the family in the Kin- cardine district. Mr. and Mies. Jonathan Keys and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Keys arrived from Marlette, Mich.; Mrs. Sadie Crawford came from Pickford, Mich,; Mrs. Re- becca Johnson from St. Ignace, Mich., and others present were from Kincardine, Ripley, Bervie, Holyrood, Port Elgin. Bayfield, Clinton, Seaforth, Blyth, Toronto and Stratford, as well as from Goderich. Dinner was served at one o'- SNELLS RENEW FRIENDSHIPS AT REUNIOT-! The 16th annual Snell Reunion was held on Satdrdey, June 9, at Londesboro Community H e I 1. Registered were 220 members, some coming from Manitoba, Benton Harbour, Mich., Brampton, Toronto, Sarnia, and points north, Although the weather was not too favourable, it did not dampen the enthusiasm • of this happy gathering, all of whom were busy renewing acquaintances and meet- ing new cousins from distgntt points, Dinner was served in the basement at one o'clock, to a full house. Mrs. Annie Brown, Clinton, who is 89 years young, and the oldest member of the clan pres- ent, was presented with a corsage. The youngest member, the three - weeks -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell, Clinton, was given a sum of money. One of the mein features of the day was the distribution of the Snell Genealogy 'which was com- piled by the president, Humphrey Grey, Benton Harbour, Mich. During the afternoon, a good programme of slants was carried out for both young end old. The highlight of the afternoon clock. Mr. and Mrs. Loree and programme was the bridal pag- Mrs. Sanson were called upon to eant which portrayed 14 wedding address the gathering and re- gowns from as long ago as 75 sponded with impromptu re- years to as recent as last year. marks. James R. Stirling, the The oldest gown was that worn sweet singer of Goderich Town- by Jane Elcoa,t when she became ship, favored with a Scottish song, the bride of James Snell in 1877, and while the young people had and the most recent brides were o bail game and other sports their the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. elders enjoyed a renewal of ac- Russell Hill, whose double wed - of reminiscences end an exchange ding took oThe okgelace at ented Mitchell, hall qof reminiscences of bygone days. and came up the aisle to the Oldest Members Present strains of the wedding march played by June Snell accompan- ied 'by Robert Welsh on the violin. Jayne Mary Snell sang "Silver Threads Among the Gold" as the older bridal gowns came on the platform, and "I Love You Truly" as those of more re- cent years were displayed. The bridal pageant formed the background for the presentation to the president, Humphrey S. Grey, of en English "Malacca" cane suitably engraved as a tok- en of appreciation for his ef- forts in compiling the Snell Genealogy which dates back to 1700. The busines pert of the meet- ing followed and Mr. Grey again was elected president. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Betties, Goderich. 89 years of age. ' The oldest man was Wil- liam Stirling, also of Goderich, who boasts 88 years. Mrs. Gert- rude Senson, of Vancouver, had come the greatest distance. Shir- ley Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, Goderich Town- ship, was the youngest guest. A lucky spot contest was won by Mrs. Fraser Stirling, Goderich Township, Doug. Stirling made the best guess as to the number of persons who had registered, which was 95, but five more registered after- wards, making it an even 100. Doug's guess was 931/2, and there was jocular comment as to who was supposed to be the half - member. In the absence of the presi- dent, Ralph Jewell, Colborne Township, Fraser Stirling took charge of proceedings, including the election of officers for 1952" ship; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Watson, Goderich Township; sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. Percy War- ner, Goderich; sports committee, M. and Mrs. Bill Stirling, Gode- rich Those elected were: president, Jean Werner,shiDoug. StirlJohn ingdand Jack Dempsey, Goderieh Town- Doreen MacKenzie. Wilmer Martin Speedway Attractions presents: StOCke4 ems CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK Twilight Show Commencing 6:30 p.m. Every Wednesday STARTING JUNE 27 Thrills ADMISSION: . Adults $1 Spills Children 50c 25-htlb I I LIONS MIDGETS TRIM AUBURN IN EXHIBITION Although their regular W()AA schedule has not yet commenced, Clinton Lions Midgets played an exhibition baseball match with Auburn Juveniles here last week, winning 4-3 in a closely contest- ed game. Two , southpaws—Bob Carrick and Jack-"Jugger" Cowan—ssher- ed. the - mound 'duties for Lions while Patterson tossed them over for Auburn. Auburn . ..... 000 30-3 2 5 Clinton 110 11-4 3 0 Auburn Juveniles: Buchanan If, McNeil ss, Patty er- son c. Nediger 2b, Pinch lb, Whiteman rf, Patterson p, Sears cif. Clinton Midgets: Jenkins c M. Maltby rf, Bill Carrick 2b, Cowan 2b, p, Bob Carrick p, R. Elliott lb, Holmes If. R. Howes rf, Car- ter ef, "J. Howes lb. Umpires—plate, Ed Dale; bases, Jack Wilson. mine Geron ss, Maxine flunking p, Ruth Glew rf, D Dale rf (3rd), D. Honking c. Goderich 6—Clinton 5 In the match at Goderich, Clin- ton scored first in the fourth in- ning, but Goderich came to life in the last half of the fourth with three counters. Pitcher Maxine flunking struck out ten batters, and Phyllis Mack knocked a homer for Clinton. Goderich used two twirlers -- K. McKinnon and A. McCabe, Clinton 000 211 001-5 17 3 Godenieh , 000 300 012-6 7 2 Clinton Legionettes: Brandon lf, B. Dale 3b. Helen Blair 2h, M. Hunking. p, J. Castle ef, D. Dale at, S. Proctor lb, D. Honking c, P. Mack ss. is easy on your purse 7 FOR YOUR NEW.. . ELECTRIC 'EFRIGERATOR THURSDAY, AM -4 21, 1951 WALTON-U.S.S. Ne.'12, Grey stolen. This Is the second tient, and Mv.1011op School buildinglwithin the pest four'months . was broken into some 'time caneII a theft has occurred in this;, ,i -the weekend and a radio: was school, WIL�L .. Your Boy or Girl Pass His or Her .. Examinations? What is a better., way to reward him than with something he can use for the balance of the sum- mer. " MEN'S CCM STANDARD BICYCLES ea. $57.50 LADIES' CCM STANDARD BICYCLES ea. 57.50 MEN'S CCM BALLOON BICYCLES ea. 69.50 CCM 20 -INCH TRICYCLES ea. 22.50 BICYCLE GENERATOR LIGHTS ea. 7.95 BICYCLE REAR-VIEW MIRRORS ea. ,60 BICYCLE REFLECTORS ea. .30 PARCEL CARRIERS, small wire ea. 1.30 MUDGUARD FLAPS, small, black rubber, per set .85 Large Rear Mudguard Flops, with' refrectors, ea. 1.05 Complete Line of Replacement Parts With CCM, we sell 'em, we repair 'em! OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS until 10.30, for your convenience spor ag $ooa o cuat 0066 E' P P S (CLINTON O N T A I O PHONE 42 - - - - CLINTON RANGE HEAVY DUii V 3 -WIRE 110-220 VOLT Porcelain Enamel Top Baked Enamel Sides Lifetime Selector Switches 'XTRA LARGE OVEN Capacity 20-25 Lb.,Fowl Porcelain Enamelled insulated on All Sides Thermostatically Controlled A Small Deposit will had id Delivery for EASY TERMS $60 Down NOW , .. is the time of year to place your order for your Astral, NOW .. , is the time to make sure you're going to hove economical electric refrigeration ... come what may. Operates on 25 or 60 cycle AC or DC CHECK THESE FEATURES • Extra Door Shelf. • 2 ice rube trays. • Removable Centre • New Dual - Door Shelf. Purpose Shelf. • Vinyl Enamel Interior. Easy to keep clean. • New Automatic Thermostatic Tem- perature ControL- Merrill Radio -Electric Phone 313 - Clinton 941 Range 'Utility! 9uldVait,ze &ratcty! SUNSHINE FOUR -BURNER Without Clock and Lamp—$272 ¢ With Clock and Lamp — $314 SUTTER--PERDUE ++-•-•-•-•-r•4•' -444-44. Free - Bathing Suits ! No, we are not giving away premiums with new or used cars. We are thinking of summer holidays. For your summer holiday driving we .suggest you look over our stock of extra good late model cars: '49 CHEVROLET COACH—very low mileage '47 CHEVROLET SEDAN '47 CHEVROLET COACH '47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '46 CHEVROLET SEDAN '46 DODGE COACH Of course we have a few older models, attractively griced, and good for many miles of driving yet. NEW MODELS 1 only -1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY 1_ only -1951 OLDSMOBILE• "8" DELUXE SEDAN Available now for immediate delivery. We suggest you let us check your car before going on holi- days. We have the men and equipment to ensure you a thor- ough job. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE-=-Sales & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367W -- -m CLINTON aiiinllillt 1