HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-21, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951
News of Bayfield
i7MMes Lu6y R., Woods
Mrs. William Stewart, Barbara
and Billy, Windsor, are staying
at "Marsville."
Mr. and Mrs. G, Churehward,
London, were at their cottage
over, the weekend.
D. Kingsbury; who has been in
Hamilton since last fall, is home
for the . summer.
Richard Toyer, England, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. `Harry
Everett over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. James, Detroit,
were the.guests of Mr. and MTs.
A. W. Reid, at their cottage on
Mrs. P. Cook, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Potter end two children,
London; were at their cottage,
"Shore Acres," over the weekend.
Mrs. C. C. Meaghan and dau-
ghter, Mrs. P. J. Quinn and
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark,
Detroit, were the guests of 3. O.
Doyle last week.
As guests over the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Orb Miller enter-
tained William Sullivan, London,
and his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Sullivan, Brighton, Eng -
Miss L. Morley accompanied
her niece, Mrs. F. Erb and two
children to Detroit on Thursday
last. On her return she was ac-
Phone Hayfield 45r3
companied by Miss A. Cleland
who will spend some time with
her at "Birchcliff" and Mrs. El-
liott who was her guest over the
Attended Reunion
Mrs. William C. Stirling, Cal-
gary, Alta„ who visited Misses A.
M.. and E. J. Stirling, over the
weekend, and also attended the
Stirling Family Reunion at Har-
bour Park, Goderich, on Satur-
day, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh McLaren and Christine on
their return to Port Elgin on
Monday. Seven daughters of the
late Rebecca Colwell and William
Stirling of the Fourth Concession,
Goderich Township, spent a
happy weekend together in Bay-
field. They are Mrs. D. McKen=.
zie, Sr., Misses A. M. and E. 3.
Stirling of the village, Mrs. L.
Loree, Nanton, Alta., Mrs. Fred
Johnston, St. Ignace, Mich., Mrs.
J. Crawford, Pickford, and Mrs.
Hugh McLaren.
Trinity WA Meets
There was a large attendance
at the WA service in Trinity
Church on Wednesday afternoon
of last week when women of the
Churches of St. James, Middle-
ton, and St. Johns, Varna, gath-
ered with those of Trinity to hear
1951 Chevrolet Styleline Coach
1951 Chevrolet deluxe "Bel Air" hard- e
top Convertible, two -toned in col-
our, custom radio, air-conditioning 4.
1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coach, 1
with custom radio
1950 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan
'1949 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan, 'T
two -toned. in colour, custom radio,
1949 Chevrolet Styleline Coach, two -ton- 1
ed in colour 4
'1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach _.
1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan .
Two -1949. Chevrolet Styleline Sedans ;:1-
_1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coach
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach r
'1947 Mercury Coach It
194 1 Dodge Coach . 3g
'1940 Dodge Sedan ,c,
1940 Chevrolet Coach A
1938 Dodge Coach 4
'1937 Chevrolet Coupe v. Teddy and Barbara, accompanied
F by Fred Turner, Goderich, who
'1936 Dodge Sedan ;y spent the weekend with them,
;? and Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms,
'i spent Sunday in Mount • Forest
s, with the latter's son-in-law and
1950 Chevrolet Y4 -ton. pick-up, deluxe adanMhte., W.esC.akLel.oyd Westlake
cab, heater, radio and many extras s Sgt. Sid May, who has been
CASH — TRADE — TERMS : hereness onof hleaveis childreowing nleft to the ill-
, on
OPEN EVENINGS 'UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Wednesday by motor for Green-
wood, N.S. He was accompanied
,• by his wife and three daughters,
Brussels Motors .� whohnar Irene and Rosemary,
are returning to their home
o at Kingston, near Greenwood,
Nova Scotia.
Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Prof. George Buckley, Mrs.
Phone 73-X BRUSSELS €Buckley and two children, B. H.
Thomas and son, Martin, and Miss
the report of the 64th 'annual
meeting of the 'WA of Huron
Diocese. The rector, Rev. H. J. E.
Webb, conducted the service.
A very complete report was
given by Mrs. Wilfred. Colelough,
Middleton, who is a fluent
Beginning with the corporate
Communion in St. Paul's Cathed-
ral at which 900 were present,
she brought to her listeners high -
Lights of Bishop Luxton's address
on the history of the Society for
She Propagation of the Gdspel
formed in England 250 years ago
and which built the foundation
of Huron Diocese; of Mrs., P.
Carrington, wife of the Arch-
bishop of Quebec, who spoke on
The Anglican. Communion in the
last 100 years, and made an ap-
peal for Girls' work. "Canada,"
she said, "will be the richest
country in the world. What Can-
ada becomes depends' on us"; of
Rev. Canon Abraham's address on
work amongst the Indians; of
Rev. Segmiller, Principal of an
Indian School neer, James Bay,
in his appeal for workers—"any-
one who work"; of Miss Williams,
Rupert House, James Bay, in the
thrilling tale of her work as a
practical nurse. Of these and
other speakers together with the
business sessions, Mrs. Colclough
gave a clear and interesting pic-
ture interspersed with humour.
Mrs. S. B. Higgins sang: "Teach
Us to Pray" in fine voice"s
Following this inspiring service,
those present repaired to the
specious home of Mrs, R. H. F.
Gairdner which was lovely with
an abundance of iris, Japanese
snowballs and peonies. The din-
ing room table was centred with
a low floral decoration of pinks
and forget-nae-nots, flanked by
bouquets of tall mixed flowers.
The hostess received the guests
and Mrs. E, Heard and Mrs. H.
J. E. Webb, assisted by others,
served tea in the Wing rooms
upstairs and downstairs, where a
most enjoyable hour was spent.
(Intended for last week)
Chester Keegan, Bay City,
Mich., spent Sunday with his
uncle, Frank Keegan.
Mrs. Gaul, Stratford, spent a
few days last week with her sis-
ter, Mrs. J. Keen.
Mrs. F. Galling, Granton, is the
guest of Miss' H. Colbeck at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Scotch-
mes, Sr., this week.
Mrs. George Heidemann and
Miss Isobel Heidemann, Toronto,
were at their cottage in Bailey
Park over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston
and son, Erieau, have leased the
Old Forge and moved into it. We
welcome them to Bayfield.
Mrs. A. Suppnick. and Miss Hol-
ley Louise Suppniek, Detroit,
entertained a house party at their
cottage, "Holley Lodge," over the
Misses Ruble Fisher, Barbara
Pollock and Isabel Andrews, Kit-
chener, were the guests of the
former's aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards,
over the weekend,"
Miss L. Morley., Detroit, came
last week to occupy her cottage,
"Birchdiff" for the summer. She
was accompanied by her niece,
Mrs. F. Erb and two children,
Rick and Wendy, who are her
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner,
+++v +++
Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club
Thurs., June ZS
$1,17 5
$475 Cash Prizes $700 Jackpot
Consolation Prize of $25 if Jackpot not won in 40 numbers
$50 $75 $150
,as well as the $700 Jackpot
16 Regular Games for $10 each; 1 Free Game for $15
Admission: $1 for 16 regular games; 25c for extra cards; 25c each for each of four special games
Doors open at 8,30 o'clock Games start at 9.00 (DST)
Refreshment Booth
Kippen Man is Groom
Shown cutting their wedding elate following their marriage
in Burns Presbyterian Church, Mose Township, are MR. AND
MRS. JOHN GORDON KINSMAN. Mrs. Kinsman, formerly
Elaine Grace Secord; is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
Secord. Glencoe, and her husband is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Kinsman, Kippen.
Peggy Harding, London, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Onlo Mil-
ler over the weekend. Prof. and
Mrs. Buckley, D. H. Thomas and
Miss Hardnig were enrolled in.
the course of Radio Writing
which Mr. Miller taught at UWO
during the past year.
Fine Musical Program
Pupils of the Bayfield Public
School gave a very creditable
musical program in the Town
Hall on Friday evening of last
week under the direction of the
music master, Sheldon Baxter.
It was a fine performance from
beginning to end, but rather dis-
couraging to the teachers and
pupils that there was not a larger
audience. Going on the assump-
tion that people value that for
which they pay, perhaps it would
have been better patronized had
Licensed Public Accountant
36 Regent St., — Tel. 909-J
Goderich, Ontario
Chartered Accountant
57 Bloor St. W., Toronto
Public Accountant
Office: Royal Bank Bldg. .
Phones: Office 561; Res. 455
Chiropractic - Foot Correction
Hotel Clintorirreiday, 1 to 8 p.m,
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday, 1 to 8 p.m.
Be Sure : Be Insured
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Office: Royal Bank Building
Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W
J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield
Phone Bayfield 53r2
Car - Fire Life - Accident
Wind Insurance
If you need Insurance, I have
a Policy.
Bank of Montreal Building
PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J
Insurance -- Real Estate
Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co.
Cor, William and Rattenbuiy Sts.
Phone 691W
Dam, of Canada General (Life)
Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
there been a charge. Certainly
it was well worth a good admis-
sion price.
The program was as follows:
Selection by the Junior Rhythm
Band, and three songs by the
Juniors: "Marching Song", "Little
Doves", and "Elephant Songi); the
Dutch National Anthem sung in
Dutch by Francine and Jacob
Greydanus; "Men of Harlech" by
the Senior Choir and Rhythm
Band; two-part chorus, "Flow
Gently Sweet Afton" by the Sen-
ior Choir; piano solo by Marion
At this interval, Rev. H. J. E.
Webb, was asked to say a few
words, He responded by giving
the teachers and pupils great
praise for their effort and ex-
pressed the opinion that concerts
of such a high order were de-
cidedly worth while.
"All the birds are here again,"
a vocal dnett by Margaret Howard
and. Patsy Scotchmer; "Trirrot's
Door," a two-part chorus by the
Senior Choir; "Road to the Isles,"
by the Senior Choir in unison;
"May God Preserve Thee, Can-
ada," Senior Choir.
Donnie MacKenzie was chair-
man for the Junior Room and
Glen Sturgeon acted in the same
capacity for the number's con-
tributed by the Senior Room.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith,
Shirley, Bob and Lorraine, Haw-
kesbury, near Ottawa, spent a
few days the past week with Mr.
Smith's aunt, Mrs. J, B. MacMath.
Mrs. W. Yeo and Beta and Mr,
and Mrs.' Harold Yeo and ' family
visited in Toronto over the week-
Mrs. Harrison is spending a few
days visiting with. Mr. and Mrs.
Bob McIlwain, Porter's Hill.
Attended Reception
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell,
John and Donald, Bayfield, were
dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Ewan Ross on Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Ross later attended a re-
ception which Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell held at their home in
honour of their silver anniver-
sary. Master John Ross remain-
ed to visit for a few days at the
Campbell home.
Recent guests with Mrs. W. H.
Johnston included Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wildfong, Exeter, and C.
H. Johnston, Brandon Man.; Mrs.
Mabel Cox, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
William Marshall, Exeter; Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Here, Dungan-
non; Mr. Fred Cooke and Miss
Greta Becker, Seaforth.
Buy LIFE Insurance To -day'
To -morrow may be too late!
Phone 274 — Clinton — Box 315
Head OfifCe, Seaforth
..Officers 1950—President, E. J.
Trewartha, Clinton; vice-presi-
dent, J. L. Malone, Seaforth;-man-
ager and secretary -treasurer, M.
A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct-
ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth:
Chris Leonhordt, Bornholm; Ro-
bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H.
McErving, Blyth; Frank McGregor,
Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal-
ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich.
Agents: 3. E. Pepper, Brucefield;
R. F. McKereher, Dublin; George
A. Watt, Blyth;.. J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus-
A, L. COLE, R.O.
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
Goderich - Phone 53
. Phone 69
Huron Street, Clinton
Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth
Hours: 9 am - 6 pm,
Wed. 9 - 12,30; Sat. 9 em - 9 pm
Real Estate and Business Broker
Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j
(Intended for last week)
Miss Margaret Jackson spent a
few days in Toronto last week.
Miss Stella Rutledge, Goderich,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jere-
miah Taylor.
Mrs. O. E, Errant is a patient
in- Clinton Public Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz have
returned from a visit with their
son, Eldon, and Mrs. Stoltz,
Mrs. W. T. Robison, has re-
turned from attending all the
functions in connection with the
50th anniversary of her training
school of the General and Marine
Hospital, Owen Sound.
A large crowd attended the
sale of the estate of • late Mrs.
Emma Wright on Saturday. Good
prices were realizsed. The prop-
erty was purchased by Alvin
Plunkett who gets possession Oc-
tober 1.
Attend Conference
Rev. C. C. Washington and R.
D. Munro attended the Lon-
don Conference of the United
Church at St. Thomas.
The WMS of Knox United
Church ( held its monthly end'
birthday meeting at the home of
Mrs. Fred Toll. Mrs. Gordon Mc -
at the Ball Game
Ontario Land Surveyor
21 Downie St., Phone 3055
Phone 203 Clinton
CLlnohey was in charge with Mrs.
W. J. Craig at the piano. The
,theme of the meeting was "Work
and Worship" and the program
in the Missionary- Monthly was
used. Scripture readings were
given by Mrs. Jack Armstrong
and Miss Jewel McClinohey, fol-
lowed by prayer by MTs. Earl
Wigihtman. A quartette was rend-
ered by Mrs. Million, Miss Sadie
Carter, Mrs. R.' D. Munro and
Mrs. G. McClindhey, accompanied
by Miss Margaret Jackson, The
fourth chapter in the study book,
"Partnership in Church Work"
was taken by Mrs. Ken McDougal.
A musical number was given by
Mrs. .W. J. Craig on the violin,
Mrs. James Craig on the harp
and Mrs, Ski McCiinehey at the
piano. The Heralds responded:
Mrs. C. Ladd on Korea, Mrs. E.
Taylor on Christian Stewardship,
A duett was given by Mrs. Ro-
bert McCLinchey end Miss Jewel
McCli'nohey. The offering was
received and two verses of a
hymn sung as a dedicatory prarer.
Mrs. McClindhey thanked all who
had taken past in the program.
The president, Mrs. Toll, took
charge for the business period and
read a poem "The World's Bible".
The secretary and treasurer's re-
ports were given. The closing
prayer was offered by the presi-
dent. Refreshments were served.
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See us soon about a John Deere Side -
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In gentle, leaf -saving handling . . . in
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Delivery Rake leads the field.
The floating cylinder follows ground ir-
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