HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-21, Page 5-THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 CLINTON' 'NEWS -RECORD • PAGE' FIVE, .News -Record Classified Adlets CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- enesday following date of laser- tion)—One cent a word first in- etertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- esequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- era for box number -or for direc- •'tlon to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT .'A THREE -ROOMED Apartment, .furnished. Phone 199W. 25-p .,FARM HOUSE WITH HYDRO. .Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone -.Clinton 90414. 20-btfb ',FARM HOUSE, four moles north "of Clinton furnished. Phone :Clinton 197. 24-5-b :FURNISHED, HOUSE in Seaforth, wall conveniences. Phone Seaforth `.25. . 24-5-p IRURNISHE'D CABINS on Blue 'Water Highway, near Hayfield, good bathing beach. Per further 'Particulars apply Mrs. C. B, Hale, 'Clinton, phone 146J. 24-5-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED 'WANTED — FOUR- OR FIVE- 's'oomed apartment 'or house. Will 'supply references. Box "S", 'NEWS -RECORD. 25-6-b 'WANTED TO RENT — four- or :five -roomed house with bath. Box "B" NEWS -RECORD, 25-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'TWO TIRES, 500x19, mud grips, practically new, $10 each. G. 'Thomason, James St. 25-p 'USED PLAYPEN. Mrs. Glen 'Lockhart, Rettenbury St. W. 25-p BUILT-IN BATHTUBS $55. Save 'up to $100 on your bathroom a- lone and have a nicer home. Help- liul installation diagrams with •shipments. The smart Martha Washington and Richled'ge sets "complete consisting of a five-foot recessed stainless sitting ledge -bathtub,most modern vitreous basin and Sylent toilet with chromed fittings $155 to $187, Luxurious coral, green, blue and 'yellow sets $274. Attective powd- er room sets. Sink cabinet units «complete with chromed swing 'spout faucets, crumb cup strain- er, stainless enamel sink and •plestic tops $98. Electric, coal, 'wood stoves; refrigerators, oil 'burners, furnaces and pipes, show- er cabinets, sanitary deluxe enam- el laundry tubs. Guaranteed Sat- isfaction. Also special plumbers and builders offers. You can't afford to ignore these opportune 'tees. Write or visit Johnson Mail 'Order Division, Streetsville Hard- ware, ardware, Streetsville, Ont., phone '261. 20-3-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE sedan, in good condition. See :after 6 p.m. Phone 789J. 25-p 1950 AUSTIN A 40 Black Sedan, defroster and heater, mileage 6,000, interior and exterior spot- less. 145 James St., or phone :66811. 25-43 `CHRYSLER SIX, AIRFLOW, five .passenger coupe, exceptional con- t di'tion, seven reliable tires. $400 'cash if sold this week. L, Leeper, owner, E. Trick's farm, Clinton. 25-p '1941 DODGE 19ingsway Special cuuoech, exdellent condition, low :mileage, owner driven, heater, .foglight, practically new tires, Call Blyth 25r7, or see Mrs. 'Townsend, Londesboro. 24-btfb ;BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE .ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home, A number of fine 'lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 599,1. 7-13tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE ElAN'S NAVAL STYLE Croydon coat, size 34 tall, fit en average -six-footer, An excellent chance to buy one of these popuhar util- ity coats for only $25. Apply Box "W", NEWS -RECORD, 25-p CUSTOM FARM •WORK CUSTOM WORK WANTED. I am. 'equipped for custom corn and bean scuffling including the various row widths; else plow- ing. Lyle Montgomery, R. R. I, +Clinton, phone Seaforeh 841r31. 23-4-5-p `COAL TENDERS WANTED `TENDERS are invited by the Tuckersmutth Township School Area Board No. 1 to supply and 'deliver 35 tons of hard furnace 'coal (No. 1 Anthracite) to Town- ship area schools, Delivery to be -made not later than August 15, 1951. W. P. Roberts, secretary- :A/measurer. 24-5-b FARMS FOR SALE 'FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. 'Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, ;phones: business 448, residence i599J. 5-btfb 'GRASS' FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Mullett. Thomas 'Carbert, R.Re 1, Clinton, phone "Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, IRE. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf `119 ACRES, good clay loam, No. 8 Highway, halfway 'between 'Goderich , and Clinton. Barn, poultry house, garage, 'eight- roomed shingled house in splen- did condition, built -In cup- boards in kitchen. Well 'insulated. Hydro throughout. Splendid never -failing well. 20 acres wood - lo. Possession to suit purchaser. Apply Andrew P. Holmes, R.R. 2. Clinton, phone Goderieh'933i8. 25-6-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS -- HARVEST HELP should be arranged for now. Large and small Dutch families are 'available now. C. de Haan, Belgrave. - i1-17-ptfb FURNITURE FOR SALE ONE COOK STOVE, fairly new, "Wingham Clipper"; rolltop desk, walnut; • ice refrigerator; exten- sion table; metal top table; drop leaf table with 'Sour chairs; child's tricycle. Mrs. Frank Mac- Donald, Huron St. 25-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MASSEY-HARRIS Side -Delivery hay rake. •-Phone Clinton 910r33. 25-b COMBINATION TR U0 K and buekrake with grain hex. Edgar Allen, Brucefield. , 25-p McCORMICK-DEERING ..51 D E rake in good running order. Frank Falconer, phone Clinton 615r16. 25-6-p SIX FOOT MASSEY-HARRIS mower in good, running order; 12 it. hey rake; hay fork used one season; 160 ft. hay fork rope used half season; wagon and hay rack. Albert Colclough, R.R. 2, Bayfield. Phone Clinton 908r23. 25-p McCOR'MICK-DEERING Hay - loader, good as new. William Fotheringhem, phone Clinton 628r11. 24-5-p DAVID BROWN TRACTORS and Gehl Forage Harvesters and Hemmermills, sold by George H. Beatty, Varna. 10-btfb THE CARLSON POWER DRIVE converts ground drive mowers and binders into practical power - take -off driven machines at small cost. Available for ell makes of binders and Deering and Jahn Deere mowers. Sold by Robert W. Cole, phone Clinton 906r24, 24-5-6-p GRAIN FOR SALE MIXED BARLEY AND OATS. Morgan Jones, R. R. 2, Clinton, phone 902r4. 25-p HELP WANTED—FEMALE PRACTICAL NURSE, also cook, for Riverside Rest Home, Mit- ehell. phone 69. 22-5p HELP WANTED --- APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of caretaker at No. 4 School, Tuckersmith Township, for the 1951-52 school year. Ap- plications to state salary expect- ed. W. P, Roberts, secretary - treasurer. 24-5-b HAY FOR SALE TEN ACRES HAY ON FIELD. Apply E. W. Morrison, phone Clinton 633r13. 25E) 17 ACRES MIXED HAY, stand- ing tanding in field, Fred McCool, Lon- desboro, 25-p TEN ACRES ALFALFA AND timothy in the field. A. Stettler, R. R. 4, 'Clinton, phone Clinton 807r13. 25-p HOUSES FOR SALE FIVE ROOMED FRAME House. two acres, No. 4 Highway, close to Brucefield. James H. Mac- Donald, Brucefield, 25-p ASPHALT SIDING SUMMER cottage, furnished, hydro, good water supply; wonderful beech, 10 miles from Clinton, Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-btfb SIX -ROOMED BRICK Dwelling, good _location, modern conven- iences, new furnace, about half acre of land, good barn, some fruit trees, $6,000. Early posses- sion. H. C. Lawson. Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton. 21-btfb SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK dweI- ling, bathroom, full basement, stoker, two lots with good barn. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-btib THREE -ROOMED and modern bathroom, 1r/z storey dwelling, full basement, 1/2 storey second floor to be completed, one acre lot. Clinton suburbs. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 24-htfb SIX -ROOMED COTTAGE, one- piece bathroom, sunporch, gar- age, insui brick aiding. Reason- able price. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 21-htfb SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 2.11 and 212 in Hensel'. - Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb SEVEN -ROOMED RED BRICK bungalow, centre hall plan, re- ception hall, living room with open fireplace, dining room, kit- chen with Georgia Pine cup- boards, tile bathroom, three bed- rooms, hot air heating, good gar- age, Approximately one acre land with treed, flowers, fruit trees and bushes, lovely rolling lawn. Quick possession. Phone 230 for appointment, or contact W. N. Counter. 20-21-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEVEN LITTLE PIGS, six Weeks old. Frank Bennett, phone Clin- ton 631.r14. 25-b NINE-YEAR-OLD BAY HORSE; Massey -Harris No. 7 tiaylaader, three years old. William Harris, phone Clinton 908r3. . 25-p HEREFORD BULL, FOR SALE. Would take young stock in ex- change. W. H. Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 906r15. 24-btiib LOST AND FOUND ?DOST RONSON LIGHTER with inscription on back, valued es keepsake. Finder please phone. Bartlet Bldg,, Windsor, Ontario 778W. 25-6-p 25-b BIRTHS LORAAS--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, June 16, 1951. to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Loraes, Clinton, a son. ' M0CARTER In Clinton Public Hospital, oneFriday, June 15, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell atlooarter, Clinton, a son. MARRIAGES FULFORD-CRADDO'GK--At the Parsonage of Victoria St. Unit- ed Church, Goderich. on Satur- day, June 16, 1951, by Rev. D. W. Williams, Sylvia Elaine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John, Craddock, Goderich, 'to William Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fulford. Clinton. KAY -JONES — In Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on .Saturday, June 16, 19511 by Rev. ee. G. Newton, Holmes- ville, assisted by Rev. W. J. Wooifrey, Clinton, Shirley Ruth. elder daughter of lVtr. and Mrs. Frank I. Jones, R.R. 2, Clinton, to Donald Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kay, Clinton. LONGLAND-HANI,EY—In Wes- ley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday. June 16, 1951, by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Lots Mary, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Frederick C. Hanley, Clinton, to David H. Longland•, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Long - land, Hamilton. TIPPING-DOWSON — In First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on Friday. June 15, 1951, by Rev. D. G. Campbell, Marion Jean Dowson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dowson, Verna, to Earl Douglas Tipping, London, youngest son of Mrs. Mary E, Tipping, River Her- bert, N.S. ZINN-GRAHAM-1n South Kin- loss Presbyterian Church, on Saturday, June 16, 1951, lby Rev. G. S. Baulch, Marion Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham, Lucknow, ' to Warren George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin G. Zinn, Dungan- non. DEATHS GA,RRETT--Suddenly, on Wed- nesday, June 13, 1951, Allan Garrett, beloved son of Mr. eed Mrs. Frank Garrett, Chesiey, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Garrett, R.R. 4, Clin- ton, aged 21 months. Interment in Elmira Cemetery. .RAPSON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, June 16, 1951, Mary Jane Knox, beloved wife of John Isaac Rapson, in her 78th year. Funeral from the Bell and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, June 18. ROWCLIFFE—In Exeter, on Sat- urday, June 16, 1951, Jean Mc- Lean, wife of Oliver' Rowcliffe, MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. 24-31-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices, If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb NOTICES URGENTLY NEEDED —Feather ticks and pillows, also new goose and duck feathers; also horse hair and used bags. Sell now when prices are high. Write or phone collect or bring to Mervyn Bat - kin, Clinton, phone 359J. 22-6-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots No. 41 and 51, both sides of the River, Tuckersmith Township, at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted, By order of owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1951, 22-26-ptfb SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treedles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work, guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 8673, 3-7ptfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 5508. 43tfb 9.6 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limivt- ed; tuning and repairing; ell work guaranteed, E. C. Nicicle, phone Clinton 3393. 20-21-ptfb STOVES FPR SALE. COLEMAN GAS STOVE, three burner, with oven in good repair. William Fatheringhem, phone Clinton 628r1L 25-p TRICYCLES FOR SALE CHILD'S TRICYCLE in good condition, $10. D. Adams, 32 Regina Rd., Adastral Parlc, RCAF Station, Clinton. 25-p Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Right now! YOU CAN GET INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF Our client -a leading automobile company—has a DEALER FRAN- CHISE •OPEN in this area for a' wide-awake business man, Only a very small investment required Ideal tie-up for Garage Op- erator, Used Oar 'Dealer, Auto. parts wholesaler or 'retailer, or any progressive man.' J,t'88 Can- ada's lowest priced, most econom- ically operated 6 -passenger car. Strong profits. APPLY: Elton M. Plant Adv. Agency, W -W Girls' Club Hears Gocid Program The . Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church met in the Church Parlour on Tuesday even- ing, June 12, The president, Mrs. J. lanes, was in charge with Miss Viola Fraser at the piano. The meeting opened with the singing of .a hymn followed by prayer by the president. The secretary's report was read and approved, and the treasurer's report given. After a short dis onssion. it was decided to pay another $100 on the sound syst- em recently installed in the church, leaving $63 to pay. The programmewas prepared by Mrs. Doug Bartilff. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Miss L. Walkinshaw from Psalm 98, Miss Stone led in prayer, Mrs. Red- ford played a piano solo from "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Mrs. Clair Clark was guest speaker and took as the basis of her talk the book "Christ and the Fine Arts" by Pearl Maus. This talk was enjoyed... y everyone. Mrs. Redford favoured with another piano solo. A hymn, followed by the Miz- pah Benediction, closed the meet- ing, after which a social time was enjoyed. This will be the last meeting •till the fall term. o Automobiles Collide At Main Intersection Chief of Police Joseph Ferranfl investigated an accident which took place at the intersection of Huron and Albert Sts. about 2.15 p,m. Sunday. A oar driven south by John Leiper, Clinton, was in collison with en east bound oar allegedly driven by Dennis Hen- nessey, RCAF. Clinton, and own- ed by John Quinn, 19, Seaforth. Slight damage was done both cars. Several passengers were uninjured. Pollee said' that Quinn would be charged with making false statements and permitting a per- son, not licensed, to drive; end that Hennessy would be charged with driving without a license. Hensall, in her 53rd year. Fun- eral from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hansell, to Exeter Ceme- tery Monday, June 18. ' Cards of T hanks Isaac Rapson anti Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings wish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere appreciation to all neigh- bours and friends for kindnesses shown Mrs. Rapson during her ill- ness, special thanks to the nurses and Dr. Addison and Dr. New- lands. Also, they would like to express their appreciation to all who in any way showed sympathy during their sad bereavement, with floral tributes, cards, and all other acts of:kindness; special thanks to Jayne Mary Snell, who so kindly sang "The Lord is My Shepherd", Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, and Rev, A. W. Gardiner, Eg- mondville. 25 b Bring Quick results IN MEMORIAM FALCONER—In memory of Vic- tor D. Falconer, beloved husband of Sadie L. Gibbs, and dear Daddy 2of 1, Lo s, Who passed away June They say, time" heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. We miss you because we loved you, You were dearer to us than gold; No one can replace you, Your memory will never grow old. , -Ever remembered --Sadie end Lois, 25-p IN MEMORIAM BLAKE—.In loving memory of our dear mother, Mus. Robert Blake, who passed away Iwo years ago, June 24, 1949, Her life was full of kindly deeds, A helping hand to all in need; Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps her near. —'Lovingly remembered by her .- family. IN MEMORIAM STEEP—�In loving memory of a dear Father and Grandpapa, David Steep, who passed away eleven years ago, June 23. 1940. A day of remembrance sadly re- calls, Without farewell Dad left us all. To be with us 'in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. —Fondly remembered by daugh- ter, Sadie, and family. 25-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of JOHN THOMAS PENHALE All persons having claims a- gainst the estate of John Thomas Penhale, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, labourer, deceased, will forward proof of same to the undersigned administrator on or before the fifth day of July A.D. 1951, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Bayfield this 13th day of June A.D., 1951. Elmer D. Bell, KC, Exeter, Solicitor for the Estate. Harold Penhale, Bayfield, Ont. Administrator 25-6-7-b CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1612 14-15ptfb The Best For Less! Spray and Brush PAIN TING STEEPLE JACKING COMMERCIAL'. BUILDINGS AND ROOFS AND HOUSES MASTER PAINTERS Second House on Matilda St., near Grigg Coal Yard Clinton 24-27-b �,�iuwrwv.�+►�-.n....�.vvs•.rrv.r..�•....rse+•rer j}zZ� LNWn fl.,/MI. fls N` Help Wanted Female The Bell Telephone Company of Canada offers you a permanent position as telephone operator—pay while training—scheduled increases—five-day week— extra pay for Sunday and evening work—two years High School preferred. APPLY Chief Operator, BELL TELEPHONE, CLINTON 24.'b 100 Strawberry Pickers WANTED APPLY •IMMEDIATELY 'W. ANDREWS Phone 33 Clinton 22-btib ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now (June 21, "THE BIG CAT") June 22 & 23, "The Advenutres of Gallant Bess" In Colour MON. & TUES. (Jude 25 & 26) "The Secret Garden" In Technicolor A delightful drama wieR an Eng- lish background, telling of child- hood frustrations and triumphs. Margaret O'Brien, Dean Stock- well and Herbert Marshall WED. & THUR. (June 27 & 28) Paul Henreid and Jack Oakie in e Melodramatic tale of Jean Lafitte, In Technicolor "The Last of the Buccaneers" REGENT THEATRE - S E A F O R T H Now: "MALAYA" with Spencer Tracy and James Stewart MON.-TUES.-WED. Kirk Douglas — Lauren Baeall and Doris Day and. featuring Boagy Carmichael in the saga of a young roan who sacrificed love end happiness for a musical career. "Young Man with a Horn" FRI. & SAT. (June 29 & 30) "RATON PASS" The road to an empire of treach- ery and violence where people are as fabulous es the country they rule.—Dennis Morgan, Pat- ricia Neal and Steve Cochran TIIUR.-FRI.-SAT. Clark Gable & Loretta Young embracing two mayors, one male, one female, and showing their hilarious entanglements with the law. "Key to the City" PARK THEATRE GODERICH - Phone 47 Now: "DEVIL'S DOORWAY" Robert Taylor & Paula Raymond MON.-TUES.-WED. (Adult) Jean Kent — Dirk Rogarde and Susan Shaw A brilliant and sophisticated ro- mantic drama, produced in Eng- land and featuring superb char- acterizations, faultless direction and photography. "The Woman in Question" THUR.-FRI: SAT. Phillip Carey & Frank Lovejoy A .thrilling documentary; adapt- ed from a series of Saturday Evening Past articles and detail- ing the activities of a famous spy -hunter. "I was a Communist for the F.B.I." Coming: Mario Lanza in and As "The GREAT CARUSO" Coming: "The Reformer and the Redhead" Dick Powell and June Allyson CAPIT..AL THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 Now: "Return of the Frontiers- man" tierdon McRae, Technicolor MON.-TUES.-WED. "Home Town Story" A brand-new June release from Metro Goldwyn Mayer, written around characters we meet every starring Margaret Reynolds with Donald Crisp ee Jeffrey Lynn THURS.-FRE-SAT. Wayne Morris — Kay Buckley and Rod Cameron In Technicolor, e swift -moving story of Arizona stage -coaches and the Civil War high-jeckers who defied Northern authority, "Stage to Tucson" Coming: Ruth Roman and Rich- ard Todd in "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" What Could Be Nicer Than Butter Tarts Our Weekend Special? IT'S A REAL TREAT IF YOU BUY IT AT Schroeder's Bakery (Successor to Dixon's Pastry Shop) PHONE 364 RATTENBURY ST. E. CLINTON GOD DOES NOT SAVE GOOD PEOPLE -only Sinners. Luke 5:32 CHRIST JESUS CAME INTO THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS. ' I Tim. 1:15 All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Rom. 3:23 DEAR SINNER IF YOU WOULD BE SAVED, REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND RECEIVE CHRIST INTO YOUR HEART. HE HAS PROMISED: "He that cometh unto me I will in no way cast out—John 6:37 GOD BE MERCIFUL UNTO ME A SINNER AND SAVE ME FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Las Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 pm. EST Swim Suits by JANTZEN Boxer or Knitted styles. All Sizes All Shades from $2.95 to $6.95 Check these Summer Suggestions Straw Hats, T -Shirts, Sport Shirts Socks, Ties, Slacks, Sport Coats PICKETT A�4 CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS Phone 25 --- Clinton