HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR
THURSDAY, JUNE 21, ,1951
Mr. and Mnse Norman Durr I
and three children left Tuesday
to make their home in Guelph.
Lorne McBride, Windsor, was
in Clinton on Saturday coming
to attend the Kay -Jones wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Cudmore,
Windsor, are guests for a few
days this week of Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Symons vis-
ited on Sunday with. Mrs. J.
Crooks, Delhi.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, Mr.
and Mrs. George Colclouglh and
Elwin Merrill, spent Sunday with
friends in Brigden.
• Mm. and Mrs. B, F. Lancaster,
St. Marys, are visiting their ron-
in -law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Q. McLay.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Yahns, Flint,
Mich„ visited friends over the
weekend, and while here attended
the Kay -Jones wedding on Satur-
day. _
Mr. Ralph. Stephenson. Seaforth,
is visiting friends in Clinton this
week, coining to be present at
the Kay -Jones wedding on Sat-
Mrs. W. T. Herman has return-
ed after spending a few days
with her son-in-law and daugh-
ter. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Aiken,
Mrs. George Murdock, Hagers-
ville, has returned to her home
after visiting for a few days at
-•.-ora-s ra+?
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, T
Mr.. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney,
Mrs. I, M. Nay, . and Mervyn.
Henly, attended the funeral of
the late Dr. Claridge at Totten-
ham on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Hooper, St. Marys; spent
the weekend at Grimsby Beach,
and Niagara Falls..
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Peppetr, all of
Clinton, and Miss Mary Anne
Van Horne, Hensall, visited
friends near Meaford on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart,
Fergus, visited over the weekend
with their sister-in-law. Mrs. J.
B. Cox, coming to attend the
Longland - Hanley wedding on
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Lawrence,
Hamilton, spent the weekend with
the lady's brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. ' and Mrs. Fletcher
Townsend, coming to attend the
Salkeld Picinic on Saturday. s
Those attending the Selkeld
picnic on Saturday from thjs area
include Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jen-
kins, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wal-
lis, Mrs. W. Wise and son, George,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Town-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis, Sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis,
Jr., and two sons, all of Pick -
1 ford, Mioh., visited over the
weekend with the former's neph-
ew, Wilmer Wallis and Mrs.
Mrs. Mabel Nickerson, Mrs.
George Knights, Mrs. Benson.
Sutter, and Barrett Taylor are
in Toronto this week represent-
ing Huronic Rebekah Lodge and
Clinton Lodge POOL' at the Grand
Lodge Sessions which are being
held in the Royal York Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Saund-
ers, Toronto, were hosts last
weekend at an interesting house
party held at "J.K.J.e, Hayfield',
the summer home of the lady's
parents. Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon W.
Cuninghame. The party consist-
ed of six young couples, graduates
and ex -graduates representing
McGill, Queen's, Toronto, West-
ern and Dalhousie Universities
and Osgoode Hell, all old class-
mates and fraternity brothers end
sisters. Several of the romances
represented budded in the charm-
ing atmosphere of "J.K.J." at
previous graduation house parties.
A beautiful gift
that will bring
her joy throug
the years.
D. G. Ball W. J. Match
Phone 361W Phone 3611
FUNERAL DIRECTORS Seventy-two per cent of the
Phone 195—Clinton earth's surface is water.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Herman; Crieh,
Tuelcersnfith Township, wish to
announce the enagegement of
their youngest daughter, Lois
Emmeline, to Fred James Tay-
lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Taylor, Exeter. The marriage
will take place the early part
of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Picot,,
Cedar Dale Farm, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Frances Lillian, to
James Merrill Switzer, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Switzer, all
of Goderioh Township, the
marriage to take place the lat-
ter part of June.
W -W WMS Holds
Interesting Debate
The WMS of Wesley -Willis
United Church held its June.
meeting in the church with the
president, Mrs: Margaret Addis -
oh, in the chair. A season of
prayer, led by Mrs. Addison, Mrs.
J. A. McGill, and, Mrs. A. T.
Cooper, was followed by the
singing of the hymn. "Jesus Shall
In the absence of the secre-
tary, Mrs, B. C. Hearn read the
minutes and the treasurer, Mrs.
F. Fingland, gave a most en-
couraging financial statement.
The various department secre-
taries spoke of their work. The
supply seeretary reported a
splendid bale packed and shipped.
After the offering had been re-
ceived the chair was taken by
Mrs. C. M. Shearing for the study
Following the singing of a
hymn the Scripture lesson was
read from I Cor. 3, by Mrs.
F. Potter, and Mrs. R. Shipley
gave a meditation and led 'in
prayer. Miss Margaret Holland,
accompanied on the piano by
Miss Doris Grierson, sang very
sweetly "Beside Still Waters"
which was much enjoyed. Mrs.
F. Fingland made the closing
chapter of the Study Book "A New
Japan" most interesting. Assist-
ed by a penal composed of Mee.
W. Murch, Mrs. Hearn, Mrs.
James McLaren and Mrs. D.
Bartliff, she conducted a debate
end questionnaire on the chapter.
The meeting closed with the
singing of a hymn and the Bene-
Little Helpers Hold
Enjoyable Party
Exam. Conductor
St. Andrew's Club
Fetes Member Leaving
The Girls' Club of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church held its an-
nual banquet at the Clinton Grill.
After a delicious meal, the mem-
bees journeyed to
the home of
Mrs, Frank Mitch for a short
business meeting.
1 During the social hour, Mrs.
Frank MacDonald, who is leav-
ing in the late summer to reside
in Stratford, was presented with
a lovely•eup and saucer by Mrs.
Sam Castle, and a pretty corsage
by Mrs. Frank Neutdh.
Mrs. MacDonald expressed her
appreciation for the thoughtful-
ness of the members of the or-
If In Need of a
CONTACT^ ,yid t
C. Stanley, Prop.
Phone 205W Clinton
Strawberry Festival
Church Hall
Monday, June 25
A good programme is being provided.
Supper served 6-8 p.m.
Adults; 75 cents; Children: 35 cents
AYLMER CATSUP, 11 oz. btl. 2 for 39c
LYNN VALLEY CREAM CORN, 15 oz. 2 tins 19c
LIBBY'S SAUER KRAUT, 28 oz. 2 tint 33e
AYLMER PEAS and CARROTS, 15 oz. 2 tins 31e
CLARK'S PORK and BEANS, 20 oz. 2 tins 31e
SUNNY MORN COFFEE, 1 lb. bag 92e
CE R T O bottle 27c
SUNKIST ORANGES, size 252's doz. 33e
GRAPEFRUIT, size 96's _ .... 4 for 25e
NEW POTATOES 5 lbs. 33c
Thompson's Food Market
Phone 40 We Deliver
The annual meeting of the
Little Helpers of St. Paul's Ang-
lican Church *as held on Friday,
June 15. During the first pert of
the afternoon, a short service was
held in the church conducted by
Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, with Mrs,
Theo Fremlin at the organ. Mrs.
W, S. Miller, St. Thomas, Diocesan
secretary, gave a very interesting
talk about how Little Helpers'
bales were distributed.
Following the service, en en-
joyable party was held on the
Rectory lawn where mothers and
children enjoyed the hospitality
of Mrs. Bulteel. Mrs. L. M. Mc-
Kinnon again was the kind donor
of ice cream bars given to each
child. Games were conducted by
Mrs. Norman Counter, Mrs. Ken-
neth Cooke and Mrs. Kenneth
Dainty refreshments were serv-
ed by senior members of the WA
and young women of the Friend-
ship Club. The weather being in
their favour, both the Little Help-
ers and their mothers had a very
enjoyable time.
111111 III III 111 11111111 VIII 1111 11 11 1111 11 111111111 III 1
Work Shoes
For Summer
Canvas Upper
3.50, 3.95
Top Grain Leather
5,50, 6.95
For Work or Play
Cushion Comfort
Men's 4.95, Boys' 3.95
1111111111111111111111111111111111111f 111111111111lllIll111111Iillll111111111111111111illllll
Send Flowers
Phones: Greenhouse 66S
Residence 66W
A mereber of the . Beard of
Examiners of the Royal Con-
servatory of Music of Toronto,
will conduct current examina-
tions for the. Conservatory in
Clinton, June 27 and 28. A
member of the piano faculty of
the Royal Conservatory of
Music of Toronto since 1926,
Miss Butler lately hes special-
ized in teaching children, as she
has had marked success in this
field, and follows an entirely
original class method.. Size was
convener of the e`hildren's
Committee" of the Board of
Studies of the Conservatory,
and has been a member of the
board since its inception. An
experienced examiner, Miss
Butler continues as one of the
Conservatory's most competent
Young Couple Feted
Prior to Nuptials
Mrs. Donald Key, the former
Miss 'Shirley Jones, whose mar-
riage was a lovely event of Sat-
urday last, was honoured on sev-
eral occasions prior to her wed-
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Boyes enter-
tained a number of friends at
their home on Tuesday, May 29,
when Shirley and Don were pre-
sented vezeh a silver tea service.
The evening was spent in cards
and music and a bountiful lunch
was served by the hostess.
Mrs. Peggy MacKinnon, Gode-
rich, held a shower for the bride-
to-be at her home, on Friday,
June 1. Many lovely gifts were
presented in a prettily decorated
wagon. Games end contests were
enjoyed and a delicious lunch was
served by the hostess.
The office staff of Standard
Chemical Co., Goderich, where
the bride was employed as sten-
ographer, held a party at the of -
ice on Saturday evening, June 2,
and presented the young couple
with on electric tea kettle. The
evening was spent in cards and
dancing and lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddick
entertained a grout) of friends
at their home on Monday even-
ing, June 11. in honour of Shirley
and Don. The evening was spent
in music and chat. The bride
end groom were presented with
a large well mirror, traymaster
anh silver candlesticks. A de-
licious lunch was served by the
hostess and her assistants.
The bride's mother entertained
at a delightful trousseau tea on
Tuesday afternoon and evening,
June 12. The guests were re-
ceived at the door by Mrs. Jones,
assisted by the groom's mother.
In the afternoon Mrs. Ed Boyes,
IBrrcefield, poured tea. Assisting
in serving and showing the bride's
trousseau and gifts were Mrs.
Ross Feagan, Mrs. Jim Lobb, Mrs.
Morgan Jones and Mrs. George
Potter, all of Clinton, and Mrs.
John MacKinnon, Goderich. Mrs.
Frank Kershaw, Goderich, pour-
ed tee in the evening. Assist-
ants on this occasion were Miss
Ethel Blair, Miss Eunice Milne,
Miss Clara Leddy and Mrs. John
MacKinnon, Goderich. and Mrs.
Morgan Jones and Miss Marlon
Jones, Clinton.
The tea table was centred with.
the wedding cake and candles In
silver holders. The house was
prettily decorated with garden
CWL Hears Report
On Recent Parley
The Catholic Women's League
of St. Joseph's Perish, Clinton,
and St. Michael's, Blyth, held its
June meeting at the home of Mrs.
Gerald Heffron, Blyth. An inter-
esting report on the 31st annual
London diocesan convention re-
cently held in Delhi, was ably
given by Miss Patricia Moi••rison,
president, She told the members
that of the 27 subdivisions in the
diocese, almost 330 of these are
newly -organized. All new sub-
divisions, including the Clinton
and Blyth group, were presented
with gavels by Mrs. H. Dolan,
Miss Morrison told the meeting
of the unique arts and crafts dis-
play at the Polish Hall in Delhi,
with particular interest shown to
the paintings of Philip Aziz
Canada's outstanding liturgical
painter. Among the guest speak-
ers et the convention were Dr,
Victoria Carson, Toronto, who
placed emphasis on New Canad-
ians, His Excellency, Bishop Net
ligan, Assumption College, Wind-
sor, who stressed the need for
vocations, and Monsignor P. J.
O'Connor, director at the national
shrine at Washington, D.C., who
spoke, on "Our Present Oppor-
Mrs. George Carbett gave, the
secretary's report in the absence
of Miss Rhea Desjerdine. Visit-
ing committee for the summer
months is Miss .Eileen Tye and
Mrs. Joseph Blake. . The next
meeting will be held in Septem-
ber. The meeting closed with
prayer led'`by the president, after
which a dainty lunch was served
by the lunch committee.
'Clinton Women's Institute will
hold its regular monthly meet-
ing on Thursday, June 28, at 2.30
p.m. in the A.gelculttnal Board
Room. The roll call is to be an=
swered With "What is needed In
our community". A. J McMurray
will address this ' meeting on
"Communyty Activities and Pub-
lic Relations."
Church Directory
(All services Eastern Daylight
Saving Time)
Baptist Church
Mrs, W. Aikenhead, Organist
Sunday, June 24
11:00 a.m.—Worship Service
12.00 a.m•-Sunday School
Ontario St. United
• Church
REV, W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday June 24
11.00 am.—Morning Worship
- Holy Communion
12.15—Sunday School
There will be no service in
Turner's Church, June 24,
because of repairs to the
building. •
On and after•July 1, the sum-
mer services will be held at
9.45 a.m.
7.00 p.m,—United Evening Wor-
ship in this church.
The Chancel Guild of St. Paul's
Anglican Churdh will hold a pot-
luck supper at Mrs. Counter's
cottage on Thursday, June 28.
Oars will leave the church at
three and five o'clock.
St Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, June 24
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
• "The Unseen God"
2.30 p.m.—Knox Church, Bay-
"0, Come, all ye people, let us
exalt the name of our God."
Ontario Street Club
Honors Two Members
The Girls' Club of Ontario. St.
United Church held its June
meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy
Plumssteel on Thursday evening,
June 14, with a large attendance.
The president, Miss H. Courtice,
w''as in the ehh r.
The devotional period was in
Italian Evangelists
To Speak in Clinton
Phil and Louis Palermo, Min-
neapolis, Minnesota, American -
horn Italian Youth for Cerriet
International everigelists, . who
were used to start ' Youth for
Christ in Italy, will speak at the
Clinton District Collegiate Insti-
tube on Tuesday, June 26, at 8 pm.
Phil, with his guitar and Louis,
with his accordian, leave been
'active in evangelistic work for the
past 12 years, preaching, singing
and playing in meetings through-
out the United States and Canada.
Their trips to Italy in . 1947,
1948 and 1950 have had far-
reaching_ effect in that lend. In
1947 the Palermos organized
Youth for Christ in Italy; in 1948
they brought delegates from Italy
to the First World Congress on
Evangelism at Beatenberg, Swit-
zerland, and travelled widely in
Italy following that Congress in
the interest of Youth for Christ.
In 1950 they went from the Third
World Congress on Evangelism
at Brussels, Belgium once again
to preach the Gospel in Italy.
Opposition has become increas-
ingly , strong, but the work of
Italy Youth for Christ continues.
They spent some time in Trieste
with the American troops there,
and led many to a personal faith
in Jesus Christ.
Wesley -Willis United
.- Church
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist
Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director
Sunday, June 24
11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship;
"The Building of God"
Members of the Masonic Or-
der guests at this service.
12,15—Church School
7.00 p.m,—Evening Praise:
Union Evening Service in
Ontario St. United Church
Come To The House of Prayer
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, June 24
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 am.—Morning Prayer and
Primary Sunday School.
7.00 p.m.—Evening Service.
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St„ South of CNR
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Sunday, June 24
10.00 am—Sunday School
11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship
7.30 pen.—Gospel Service
Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Young People's
Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Bible Study and
ome an near
the anointed ministry
of Evangelist
Miss L. Winn
She will be speaking at
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Your Are Cordially Invited
to attend
Clinton Town Hall
8 p.m.
Evangelist John M.
who OMR be speaking from e
large chart on the Prophecy of
Daniel. Come and hear what God
has to say in, His word concerning
the end of time.
charge of Mrs. A. Lobb. After
the reading of the Scripture Les-
son and a poem on "June," pray-
er was offered Readings on
"Beauty Tonic" and "Thence
came the flowers" were given,
and the Lord's Prayer was re-
peated in, unison.
Following the business part of
the meeting, a splendid program
was enjoyed. Mrs. Fear gave a
reading, Miss Wiltse a solo and
Miss Grant. a reading. Mrs. R.
M. P, Bulteel was guest speaker
and gave a very interesting talk
on places she had visited in Nova
Scotia, and showed slides of local
scenery,' ell of which proved
most enjoyable.
A presentation was made to
two members -Mrs. Woolfrey and
Mrs. Maleby — who have given
very valuable leadership and are
leaving town. The president
spoke briefly and Mrs. Plutneteel
presented each with a book
"Christ and the Fine Arts." The
ladies thanked the Club members
for the gifts.
The meeting closed with the
Mizpeh Benediction, after which
lunch was served and a social
hour spent.
In a ceremony performed in
First. Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth, on Friday, June 15, 1951, at
11 o'clock, by Rev, D. G. Camp-
bell, Marion Jean Dowson, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Dowson. Varna, became the bride
of Earl Douglas Tipping, London,
youngest son of Mrs. Mary E.
Tipping, River Herbert, N,S.
The bride was given in mar-
riage by her father. and the
young couple were attended by
Mr. and 14Irs. William J. Humes,
Following a wedding dinner
served in Mitchell they left on a
trip to Wasaga Beach, North Bay
and Sudbury.
"For Fun in the Sun"
Nylon Bathing Suits
Shamrock Shorts
Sun -Dresses
T -Shirts -
Sun Suits
Circle Skirts
Halters and Blouses
All sizes — All colors and ail at the lowest
possible price.
DRESSES — Nylons — Sheers
Sandswepts Spuns
Picolis and other Cotton materials
Be comfortable during the hot weather. Come in now
while the selection is still good.
We have selected a variety of Children's, Misses
and Women's RAYON PANTEES and are offering
them at a clear out price--
Special—Values to 1.19 --Now Only .39
It's cooling!
It's refreshing!
It's Delicious!
It's Silverwood's ! I
Stop in for a refreshing Soda or Sundae.
Take .home enough Ice Cream to treat
the whole Family.
Ideal for Strawberry Shortcake
t ;amg
Bakers and Confectioners