HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-14, Page 7IURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 CLINTON 4NEWS-RECORD PAGE SEVEN BRUCEFIELD Attend Graduation Mr. and' Mrs. Lorne Wilson; r. and Nims. W. D. Wilson, Mr, 'd Mrs, John Broadfoot and Mr. el Mrs. George Armstrong, all Brucefield, and Mr and Mrs. ib McGregor, Kippen, .were in raltford on Wednesday last, at- ading the graduation ceremonies' Stratford General Hosp'.itaii, hen Miss Madeline Wilson, the tuners' daughter, was among the eduates. Miss Wilson won three rards.-radioolagy,, bedside pro- ;iency and general proficiency. (Intended for last week) Decoration Day The TOOF held its annual aeration service at Baird's snetery on Sunday, June 10, at 10 in the afternoon. Thornton Mustard, Kingsville, haying holidays at his home. Mr. and Mrs. W Stalekliairte -re in Glencoe a• few days; They' ire aceontpanied home by Mr. c Mrs. S. Nell, PPatsy, and Ron - who vitisitedwit1, theme over. weekend, . elr.' and' Mrs. William Henry ended Convocaition I the Uni- rsity of Western Ontario, Loa- n, on Saturday, June 2. Their lighter, Margaret, Mrs. D. H. rne, London, graduated this ar having Obtained herBA de - se with first class honours. Phe Woman's Association of ucefield United Church met on ne ' 5, with the Egmondville nnanfs Association and Stanley died' Club as guests. The meet- ;' openedwith hymn 500. Mrs. Keyes read the Scripture las- e frgm Matt. 25: 1-13, followed prayer. A trio composed of G. Richardson, Mrs. G. nderson and Mrs. J. Broad - t, sang. Mrs. R. Allan spoke "The, Ten Virgins," Hymn 488 Popular Couple Wed Pictured following their marriage in Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, are MR. AND MRS. JOE WEBSTER GIBSON. whose marriage was performed by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, For- merly Florence Isobel Chowen, the bride is the only daughter of Mrs. Florence Chowen, Clinton, and her husband is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. R.R. 3, Clinton. Following a trip to the United States, the young couple will take up residence at R.R. 2, Seaforth. —Photo by MeeLaren's Studio was sung. Mrs. G. Elliott wel- comed the visitors. Mrs. A. Johnston and Mrs. W. McBeth gave an organ duet. Mrs. Classon gave a piano solo. Mrs. Durst of Egmondville, sang a solo. A reading entitled "Eighty Years Ago" was given by Mrs. Glen Broadfoot of Stanley. Mrs. J. Murdock gave a piano solo. A quartette composed of Mrs. J. Broadfoot, Mrs. G. Richardson, Mrs. G. Henderson and Mrs. W. MeBeth, sang. A duet was given by Miss E. Stackhouse and Mrs. W. McBeth, followed by a piano solo by Mrs. Classon. A trio composed of Mrs. McBeth at the piano, Mrs. Johnston at the organ, and Miss E. Stackhouse on the violin, completed the program. 'I just had to call you and tell you the od news." is a big event for us too — and it is aking place in homes and offices, in cities nd villages every day—bringing more nd better telephone service to more and note people. n the past five years we've connected over ne and a half million telephones to meet ew requests for service. We've added ell over two million miles of wire to try the ever growing volume of local nd Long Distance calls, n fact we've packed as much growth into he past five years as we did in the first fty years of our history. e're going right on with the job. If you aven't service, we want you to know 're working at it. Your place on the list s being protected and your telephone will e installed just as soon as possible. 4 Kd E BELL TELEPHONE 1E COMPANY OE CANADA _�� +4-1++ e-1+ ZURICH ♦+. •-•- (Intenaded for last week) Zurich Lions' Officers The following officers were elected by Zurich Lions Club: Past president, Jake Haberer; president, Vic Dinnin; first vice- president, Russel Grainger; sec- ond vice-president, Ed Gesell(); third' vice-president, Leroy O'- Brien; tail twister, Herb Turk- heim; lion -tamer, Reg Ilsley; secretary, George Deiohert; treas- urer, Earl Weido; directors, Ed. Debars, Orville Witmer, Alvin Walper and Bob McKinley. Ex -Zurich Man Dead Alexander Foster, London, 59, a native of Zurich, was found dead Sunday, May 27, at 10.30 a.m. at the rear of. his son's residence, W. A. Foster, city building contractor. Coroner Dr. A. R. Rutledge said that a post mortem revealed death was caus- ed by pulmonary hemorrhage. Police said he had collapsed at the rear of his son's house some time Saturday night and was not discovered until former city con- stable Robert McKitterick spotted the body when he first went in- to his garden, at 10.30 Sunday. morning. Former building con- tractor at Zurich where he was born, he went to London 1.6 years ago. Surviving are his widow, the former Laura Seimon, three sons and four daughters, two sis- ters and three brothers. The body rested at the E. C. Killingsworth funeral home, London, until Tues- day, when requiem high mass was sung at 9 ;a.m. at St. Peter's Cath- edral. Burial was in Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery. Seaforth Couple Mark Golden Anniversary Tuesday, May 22, marked the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Williams, Sea - forth. A family dinner was served on Saturday, May 26, to celebrate the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were married in Thedford and moved to Seeforth 34 years ago. Mrs. Williams. 69, is the former Ber- tha Ducharme, daughter of the late Oscar Ducharme and the former Jane Wilson, and spent her early years on the Blue Water Highway, between St. Joseph and Drysdale. Mr. Williams, 72, was born in Colborne Township, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Williams. Both enjoy remarkably good health. They have seven child- ren living. They also have 26 grandchildren, and ten great- grandchildren. Mrs. Williams is active about the house, and Mr. Williams does AUBURN (Intended for last' week) William Craig, Meaford, spent the weekend withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craig. Mrs. Sarah Radford Clinton, is visiting Mrs. C. A. i 'orlon and Me: and Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Miss Mary Houston, Hamiltan:, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Houston. Miss Mary Asquith Stratford, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith. Mr. John Finlayson, Seaforth. has returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Miss Isobel Rollinson, Toronto, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rollinson. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and dau- ghter, Toronto, were weekend vis- itors with Mr. end Mrs. R. D. Munro. Mr. and. Mts. Herb NlogridPge are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Gormley Thompson', and Mr. Thompson, Brampton., Miss Elsie Patterson has ' re- turned to Toronto after holiday- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Joe and Miss Sadie Carter, at- tended the funeral of a friend at Port Elgin last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicholson, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Willner Nicholson; also Mr. and Mrs. Herold'Nichol- son and. family, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stoltz and family. Aurora, visited the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. On their return they were accompanied by Mr. end Mrs. Soltz who will visit with their son. Teacher Engaged The trustees of S.S. No. 9 (Au- burn School), have engaged Miss Marion, Kinnardine, as teacher with duties to continence Sept. 1. Successful Sale Arnold Craig, Donnybrook, held a successful sale of farm stock and implements on Monday. Good prices were realized. Mr. Craig has sold his farm to Pat Murphy, Teeswater. Huron Tuberculosis FinancialStatement Statement of receipts and dis- bursements for the period of April 1; 1950 to April ' 25, 1951, as issued by H. C. Lawson, Clin- ton, secretary -treasurer, is as follows: Receipts Balance, April 1, 1950 $3,330.65 County of Huron 2,500.00 Bank Interest ... 16.30 Christmest Seal Receipts: Clinton ... .. $766.71 Exeter 764.30 Goderich 688.25 Wingham 986.94 Blyth 272.90 Brussels 410.05 Seaforth 620.00 Wroxeter 363.75 Zurich 369.30 Bayfield 183.65 5,425.85 Live in Goderich Township MR. AND MRS. JOHN WESLEY MERIAM are shown above following their wedding in Victoria St. United Church Parson- age, Goderich, by Rev, D..W. Williams. The bride, formerly Barbara Elizabeth Orr, is a daughter of Reeve and Mrs. Gordon Orr, Goderich Township, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meriam, Goderich, Following a trip through Southern Ontario, the young couple will take up residence in Goderich Township. —Photo by MacLaren's Studio FOUR NEW ELDERS SEAFORTH—Four new elders were inducted at First Presbyter- ian Church, with Rev. D. G. Campbell conducting the service: Harvey Leslie, Elgin Nett. James F. Scott and C. E. Smith. 0 LIONS' PERCH DERBY GODERICH — With visitors present from Exeter, Brussels, Brantford, Kitchener, Seaforth, Wingham, Parkhill, and Clinton, a perch derby for members of district Lions Clubs was held here Wednesday._ May 30. by Goderich Lions Club. The visit- ors fished all afternoon, and at six o'clock in the evening a buf- fet lunch, with presentatipn of prizes, was held in the Arena auditorium. Total Receipts ....$11,272.80 Disbursements Ontario T.B. Association Supplies .... $710.02 Assess. .... 225.00 $ 935.02 Referred Clinics: Goderich S 588.00 Wingham 1,122.00 Clinton 344.00 Seaforth 94,00 Freeport 6.00 Beck Memorial 1,130.51 3,284.51 Printing and secretary's 101.99 supplies Salary of secretary -treas- urer 250.00 Clinton Hospital 2,160.00 Total Disbursements $6,731.52 Balance on hand $4,541.28 • work about the town. For 17 years he was caretaker of the Lions Park, Seaforth. Jean loves clones THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH J, G. McLAY, Manager ,loan loves travel YOU probably have some special interest, too—something you'd love to have or do "some day". But, we all know a budget will only stretch so far. Today, more than ever, the secret is to plan ahead, save ahead. Here are two practical suggestions: FIRST, decide what you want most, how much it will cost, and open a special savings account at The Royal Bank of Canada for that one particular purpose. Then save for it. SECOND, use the Royal Bank Budget Book to keep yourself on your course, and toavoid careless spending. The budget book does not suggest how you should spend your money. It does provide you with a simple pattern to help you PLAN YOUR BUDGET TO SUIT YOURSELF. You can get a copy, at any branch. Ask for one. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY ROY N. BENTLEY Licensed Public Accountant 36 Regent St., — Tel. 9094 Goderich, Ontario ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 561: Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. Be Sure : Be insured K. W. COLQU•HOL'N GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Basifield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. R. S. DUNCAN IS SUCCEEDED BY J. A. CARROLL A retirement and two promo- tion in the Head Office person- nel of the Ontario Department of Agriculture are announced by Thomas L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister of Agriculture. As of June 1, R. S. Duncan, As- sistant Deputy Minister of Agri- culture for the past seven years, has retired on pension. He is succeeded by J. A. Carroll, who has been Superintendent of the Agricultural end Horticultural Societies Branch of the Depart- ment for the past 18 years. In turn, F. A. Lashley, who has been Associate Director of the Agricul- tural Societies Branch for the past two yeas, is being promoted to heed up this Branch. The retiring Assistant Deputy Minister, Reginald S. Duncan, or "Reg" as he is widely known throughout agricultural circles in the Dominion, has a long and worthwhile service with the De- partment of Agriculture. Grad- uating from Ontario Agricultural Collage in 1906, he spent three years in commercial work, joining the staff of the Department as Assistant Agricultural Represent- ative for Waterloo County in March 1909. The following year he was appointed Agricultural Representative in Durham County, a past he held until 1917, when he was promoted to the position of Director of the Agricultural Representatives Branch. His next promotion came in 1944 when he was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister, the position he leaves when he retires an June 1. The new Assistant Deputy Minister, John A. Carroll, also has a long record of service in the Department of Agriculture. Graduating in 1914 from Ontario Agricultural College, he was ap- pointed Agricultural Representa- tive for Peel County that sum- mer and, except for four years spent in the Forces as a Lieuten- ant during the first World War, he held this post until 1924,. Over the following nine years he '(geld a series of important positions. These were' Assistant Director of tural and Horticultural Societies Agricultural Representatives 1924- Branch. H. C. L"AWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: lllutual Life Assurance Co. LOBB INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dom, of. Canada General (Life) Howlek 111'armers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 4-1.1110-1,4111-11111-11-0-11-10-1111. TUCKERSMITH 4-1-1++++++++ 0+0-1. 0/-0.0±+-0 0i (Intended .for last week) Bride -elect Feted Mrs. Norris Sillery, Tucker - smith, was hostess at a trousseau tea at her home for her dau- ghter, Miss Kathleen, a bride-to- be of Wednesday afternoon, lifay 30. The rooms were decorated with pink and white bells and bouquets of tulips and lilacs., Assisting in displaying the trousseau. were Misses. Margaret Rogerson, Lois Crich and Marion Ross. Mrs. James R. Wright, Kipper. great aunt of the bride, poured tea at a table covered with a band -made lace cloth, and centred with the large four -tiered wedding cake with lily of the valley let silver bowls. Little Miss Carol Pepper was in charge of the guest book. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Ervin Silb.ery, Mrs. Harvey Craig and Mrs. Wil- liam Pepper. Attending from Mitchell were Mrs. R. S. Aiken;,, Mrs. A. Thiel and Mrs. W. H. Thiel. The previous evening Miss SI- lery was presented with a kitchen and miscellaneous shower at the home of a neighbor, Mrs. William Pepper. The honor guest was seated in a prettily decorated pink and turquoise chair, with stream- ers hanging from the ceiling. Mrs. Bert Garrett assisted Miss Sill.ety in opening her gifts of black and white enamel kitchenware, china and linens. Miss Carol Pepper sang "I Lave You Truly," Misses Helen Turner and Gladys Pepper sang "Harbour Lights." Lunch was served. The women of Tuckersmith Community Club arranged the evening. EXETER LIONS ELECT EXETER—Officers for 1951-52 of Exeter Lions Club are: E. R. Hopper, president; A. J. Sweitzer. first vice-president; W. G. Seld- om,second vice-president; J. B. Ceech, third vice-president; James Bowey, secretary -treasur- er; Ted Buswell, Lion tamer; El- mer Bell, tail twister; Norman Wolper. pianist; directors for one year, K. G. Hockey and Warren May; directors for two years. Jack Doerr and Benson Tuckey. Buy LIFE'Insurance To -day' To -morrow may be too late! JOHN R. & LLOYD K. BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 — Clinton — Box 315 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifce. Seaforth Officers 1950—President, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L. Malone, Seaforth;-man- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth: Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. 28; Director of the Crops and Markets Branch, 1928-33; Mem- ber and Vice -Chairman of the Agricultural Development Board, 1931-33. Since 1933 he has bean Superintendent of the Agricultur- al and Horticultural Societies Branch, in which position he acts as secretary for the Ontario As- sociation of Agricultural Societies, the Ontario Horticultural Assoc- iation, and the Ontario Plowmen's Association, He is well known throughout the Province for his work as Secretary -Manager of the big International Plowing Match. Itis successor as' Supterintend- e•nt of/Agriculturall. and Horticul- tural Societies is Floyd A. Lash- ley, who as Associate Director of this Branch, has assisted with the work for the past two years. Mr. Lashley is a product of a Lanark County farm. He graduated from Kemptvllle Agricultural School in 1925 and from Ontario Agricul- tuel College in 1928. Upon grad- uation he served as Fieldman for the Livestock Branch of the De- partmenthe 1929 wasappointefor one d c Agricear. ultural Representative for South Simcoe, the position he held until he mov- ed to Toronto two years ego to talce up his work in the Agricul- OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours: 9 em - 6 pm. Wed, 9 - 12.30; Sat. 9 em - 9' pm REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker SLOW' BLOCK CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 5991 SURVEYING FREDERICK J. S. PEARCE Ontario Land Surveyor 21 Downie St., Phone 3055 STRATFORD "' 'VETERINARIAN DR. G. s; EILLIOTT 1eterinanisn Phone 209 Clinton DAIRY FOODS Break open a hot, baked biscuit and spread on golden butter. U -m -m -m it's meltingly good. as sumer rain Glorify your summer meals with creamery -fresh dairy foods. They're so delicious, nutritious, they make every meal a treat to remember. SUMMER STAR SALAD Arrange banana quarters in a circle, top with tasty Cottta Cheese. Add :golden halves and orange slices. Colourful! Flavourful! Top fresh fruit pie with his favourite cheese! Good to eat, high in food energy. ;;.,'ani For mellow sauce for tasty croquettes, use creamy -smooth evap- orated milk. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU • 409 HURON STREET • TORONTO