HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-14, Page 4PAGE '"FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 Popular Bride -elect 'Feted Ere Marriage Honouring her daughter, Miss Lois Hanley, whose marriage to David Longland, Hamilton, will he solemnized in the Wesley,- Willis United Church, on June. 16, Mrs. Frederick Hanley enter- tamed at a trousseau tea. Guests were met at the door by Mrs. Mervyn Hanley and re- ceived by the hostess, assisted by the bride elect and. Mrs. Wil- liam Longland, mother of the groom -elect. In the tea room where pink carnations and white tapers centr- ed the table, Mrs. E. Hanley, Goderich and Mrs, G. Hanley, Clinton, aunts of the bride, Mrs. G. R. McBrien, Detroit, a n d Mrs. B. C. Heern, Clinton, pour- ed tea. Assisting were Mrs, F. Young, Mus. J. Duckworth, Gode- rich; Mrs. William McBrien, Mrs. R. McBrien, Detroit; Mrs. E. Ell- wood, Mrs, D. Fowler, Clinton, .and Miss Wilma Shepherd, Lon- don. Misplaying the bride's trous- seau and gifts were Mrs. Robert Hanley, Mrs. J. Schoenl els, and Mrs. William Johnson. The bride was formerly em - • played by the Bank of Commerce, London. Miss Hanley has been honour- ed at several other pre -nuptial events during the past few days. Members of the staff of the Bank of Commerce, London, of. which' she was a member, pre- sented her with an electric tea kettle and a gift of money. Misses Wilma a n d Phyllis Shepherd, London, entertained at their apartment when a number of friends gathered to present the surprised bride-to-be with a miscellaneous shower and later served refreshments. A pleasant evening was spent on Saturday, June 2, when Mrs. J. Schoenhals, Clinton, was host- ess at her home to about 30 guests for a lovely surprise shower, honouring Miss Hanley. The house was prettily -decorated and the gifts 'were presented to the bride -elect .under a pink and white umbrella. ' Later the host- ess and friends served dainty re- freshments. e ST. ANDREW'S WMS The Women's Missionary So- ciety of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, will meet Tuesday, June 19 at three o'clock, at the home of Mrs. John Snider. SPECIALS FOR JUNE 14-15-16 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 lb. bag 1.03 G.G. NIBLETS CORN, 14 oz. 2 tins 33c POST SUGAR CRISPS 2 pkgs. 35c TALISMAN STRAWBERRY JAM, 24 ozjar 43c HELMET CORNED BEEF, 12 oz. tin 43c OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE, 20 oz. 2 for 35e OLD SOUTH BLENDED JUICE, 20 oz. 2 for 33c OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 20 oz2 for 29c DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 1 lb. 38c MARGENE MARGARINE, 1 lb. 43c GRAPEFRUIT, size 112's 5 for 25c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 344's • doz. 25e Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver You are Cordially Invited: to be preached in St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Clinton by the • to the MISSION Rev. J. M. Lambert of the Redemptorist Fathers, London June 17 - 24 Father Lambert has preached missions all over Canada and the British West Indies The Mission will open with High Mass next Sunday morning at 10.30 a,m. Week -day Masses at 6.00 and 8.00 a.m. followed by short instruction. Evening Services with special sermon each evening at 8.00 p.m. 24-b FOR FATHER'S DAY Choose front Our Complete Selection of GLADSTONES ZIPPER BAGS WEEKEND and 2 -Suit AEROPACKS or give a BILLFOLD TOBACCO POUCH CHANGE PURSE ZIPPER CASE SLIPPERS AIKEN'S Men's Shoes and Leather Goods $ e n tH•F••H-•-•. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Carmen McPher- son spent the weekend in London. Mrs. Hugh C, Wilson is visiting this Week with relatives in. Ayl- mer. Mrs. Lorna Murray, Stratford, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Ida Jones. Mrs. F. W. Johnston spent the past week with friends at George- town, Norval and Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Frazer, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr, add Mrs. Charles Stewart. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson is at- tending the sessions of London Conference in St. Thomas this week. Mrs. Katherine Johnston, Owen Sound, was a weekend guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cuninghame. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings are spending a few days in Strat- ford, with.. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbings and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Herman spent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William G. Woods, Glencoe. Mrs. Gordon Cluningheme and Mrs. Hull and little daughter, Diane, are at their cottage "Cedar Nest", Hayfield, for the month of June. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kendall, Detroit, Mich., spent the weekend with the latter's son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. East. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snell, Brampton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties, coming to attend the Snell re- union on Saturday. Mrs. H. G. Mawson left this week to return to her home in Vilna, Alta., after spending the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. T E. Hull, Queen's Uni- versity, spent last weekend with Mrs. Hull and little daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, the lady's parents. Mr. Albert Vodden has return- ed home after spending the past four weeks with his niece, Miss Larene Langford, in Bayfield, as- sisting her in opening her cot- tages for the season. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wdolfrey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart attended the banguet and At - Home, sponsored by Seaforth LOL in honour of its 60th anni- versary, in Seaforth, on Wednes- day evening last. Rev. Mr. Wool- frey was guest speaker on this occasion. M. and Mrs. Charles Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas And- rews were in Stratford on Wed- nesday last attending the grad- uation ceremonies at the Strat- ford General Hospital, when the, ladies' sister, Miss Madeline Wil- son, Brucefield, was among the graduates. Dr. and Mrs, H. A. McIntyre will be in Toronto tomorrow, to be present at Convocation Hall, when their son, John, graduates from the University of Toronto School of Medicine. Following the graduation, father and son will go north for a fishing trip. Mrs. Benson Sutter and Mrs. Donald Symons visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Wilcox Lake. They were accompanied by Miss Shir- ley Sutter who is spending her vacation with her brother-in-law and sister. Last week, Miss Sut- ter visited Mr. and Mrs, George Turner, Sarnia, 0 St. Paul's Friendship Club Donates $200 The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held its last meeting of the season in the form of a pot -luck supper at the home of Mrs. Ray Gibbon. After a very successful year, It was decided to donate to the Wardens of the church $200 to help defray cost of washrooms, and also to pay the expenses of two Sunday School children to the Church Camp. ***+**** -.+t►* H•.-.-a-Fw•-•-r$It 10*11011 t�i ►` the famous Sher. win Williams trade. mark is a euro guide to today's best buy in paintprotestion. BALL and MUTCH D. G. Ball W. J. Mutch Phone 361W Phone 3613 HARDWARE and FURNITURE FUNERAL DIRECTORS , Phone 195 -Clinton Sr�rr�Flr- rv� \ Worldwide K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 663 Residence 66W Ontario St. ,WA Plans No Holiday Meetings The WA of Ontario St. United Church met on Tuesday, June 5, at 3 p.m., with the' president, Mrs. J. Radford, in the chair. The meeting opened with -the singing of a hymn followed by reading psalm, 099 and repeating the Lord's Prayer, both in unison. Mrs. C. Martin had charge of the devotional period and opened with a hymn. She, chose as her subject the parable of the ten virgins, and closed with prayer. Various reports were read and adopted. It was decided to hold a strawberry `social on Monday, June 25. Mrs. R. Holmes and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes are the programme committee and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel and Mrs. Mc- Murray responsible for tickets. Mrs. Maltby was named in charge of the flowers for June with Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. D. Carter for July. Mrs, E. Radford favoured the ladies with two piano solos 'and Mrs. Fear gave a reading. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn after which a delicious lunch was served by, the ladies of St. Andrew's Ward. The meetings for July and Au- gust will be cancelled. c . Open Mill Pond In Park Condemned The May meeting of the Moth- ers' Study Group of Wesley - Willis Church was held in Mrs. Bill Holland's home with 15 mothers present. Hymn 637 opened the meet- ing with. Mrs, Dr. Newlands in charge. Mrs. P. Livermore led in prayer and Mrs. G. Lockhart read psalm 97. The minutes were read and approved. Hymn 609, followed with Mrs. McBurney at the piano. Mrs. Newlands chose two ar- ticles for study: "Teach Caution" and "Hobies Can Build Char- acter." A discussion took place during the meeting about the open mill pond in Community Park. The mothers thought it very danger- ous and would like to see it made so that it would be safe for children to play at the park. Hymn 351, and the Mizpalr Benediction closed the meeting. The hostess served a delicious lunch. During the lunch hour, it was decided to have the June meet- ing as a weiner roast, 0 Honour Bridal Couple At Pleasant Function A very pleasant evening was spent at 'the home of Mae and Mrs. A, Shaddiok, Victoria St., on Monday when a number of friends gathered to honour Don- ald Kay and Shirley•Jones, bride and groom -elect of this month. The evening was spent in social chat and music. The house was attractively decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Shaddick read an aprop- riate address and gifts of a mir- ror, traymaster end silver'candel- abra were presented on behalf of the group assembled by Mrs. Charles Lockwood, Mrs. Caryl Draper and Mrs, Percy Livermore, after which the groom -elect re- plied in a very fitting manner. The evening was rounded out with delicious refreshments be- ing served. I St. Andrew's WA Bazaar Successful The June meeting of the WA of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. McTaggart. The president, Mrs. Shaddock, conducted the • devotional exercises, Following this Mrs. Hall end Mrs. Clifton each gave an inspiring interpre- tation of the 23rd psalm. During the business period,,the treasurer gave her report, which included the financial report of the recent bazaar and which proved most gratifying. Arrange- ments were made to provide flowers for the church services during July, the committee in- cluding Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs. Ro- berton, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Farquhar, Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs. McEwen, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Hall, Mrs, Snider and Mrs. Shaddock. After the meeting a very pleasant social hour was enjoyed, Mrs. McTaggart served refresh- ments, 'assisted by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Cudmore. Holy Baptismal Rite For Infant Daughter • The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame were all home last weekend, having come to attend the christening cere- mony when their -son -law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Hull, Vancouver, B.C., dedicated their infant daughter, Diane Elizabeth, in Holy Baptism, in Wesley- Willis United Church, on Sun- day, June 10. The rite was ad- ministered' by Rev. Hugh C. Wil- son, pastor of the church. - Immediate members and friends of the family were present. The beautiful hand -embroider ed christening robe worn by the infant has been used by members of th'e, Hull family for several generations. It also was the occasion of the young parents' wedding anni- versary. St. Paul's Ladies' Guild Has Closing Meeting A most successful pot -luck supper featured the closing meet- ing of the Ladies' Guild of Sit. Paul's Anglican Church, in the Parish Hall. The laden tables, set with the newly purchased china and silver, Were highlight- ed by beautifu floral centres in shades of pale mauve to deep purple. A former member, Mrs. D. J. Atkinson, London, was present. A very happy evening preceded the summer closing. Bride -elect Feted At Trousseau Tea Mrs. Clarence Connell enter- tained at a trousseau tea in hon- our of her bride -elect daughter, Miss Lois, priorto her marriage, The' home was attractive with peonies,•tulips and bridal wreath. Mrs. 'Connell and the bride-to-be received the guests. In the afternoon, pouring tea were Mrs. Adeline Connell and Mrs. Myrtle Tyndall, grandmoth- er and aunt of the bride-to-be, and Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, grand- mother of the groom -elect. In the evening, Mrs. Robert Bell and Mrs. Reg.' Bell, both of Goderioh, grandmother and aunt of the bride -elect, had the same honours. Assistants were Mrs. Reheat Beale, Miss June Middleton, Mrs. Donald Symons, Mrs. Florence Ohowen and Mrs. R. E. Holmes. Displaying the bride's trousseau and gifts were Mrs. Cameron Praetor, the bride -elect's sister; Mrs. Willard Aiken, sister of the groom -to -be; and Miss Donis Tyn- dall, cousin of the bride. 0 Children Receive First Holy Communion An impressive ceremony took place in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on a recent Sunday, at the 8.30 mass, when seven children received their first Holy Communion. Rev. S. J. McDonald, pastor, offered the mass and gave a sermon ap- propriate to the occasion. The altars were beautifully decorated with spring flowers and the child- ren's choir sang during mass. The class of communicants in- cluded: Paul Goldsworthy, Roger Cummings, Lawrence LeBeau, Billy Wild, Mary Carbert, Pat- ricia Spencer and Lorraine Dale. Church Directory ° (All services Eastern Daylight Saving Time) St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, June 17 8.30 a,m.-Holy Communion 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service. Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, June 17 11.00 a.m.-Worship Service 12.00 a.m,-Sunday School Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 17 11.00 a,m,-Morning Worship 12.15 -Sunday School 2.00 p.m. -Turner's Church Communion Service and Re- ception Service for new mem- bers, There will be no service in this church, June 24, because of repairs to the building. On and after July 1, the sum- mer services will be held at 9,45 a,m. 7.00 p.m, -United Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church, Pentecostal Church • Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, June 17 10.00 a,m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Gospel --Service Friday, 8.00 p.m -Young People's Service, Tuesday, 8 p.m, -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 17 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m,-Morning Worship 2.30 p.m, -Knox Church, Bay- field. "Come unto me, and I will give you rest." EVERYONE WELCOME Wesley -Willis United Church Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mm's. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, June 17 Sunday School Anniversary 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship; Speaker - (Mr. Ernest G., Clarke, student for the min- istry, Sunday School Choir. 7.00 p.m. Evening Praise: Union Evening Service in this church; • "God's Use of Common Things" Come To The House of Prayer Your Are Cordially Invited to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall Beginning Sunday, June 17, 8 p.m. Come and hear what God has to say from His Word. Evangelist 'John M. Martin, ' HAWKESVILLE, Speaker 24-b St. Paul's WA Plans Assistance Programme The . WA of St. Paul's Church will meet on Tuesday, June 19, when the members plan to make the afternoon one of assistance to other people. Gifts of food will be received, wihcih will be sent to several elderly end , crippled people in Thetford, England, who appreciat- ed a parcel forwarded recently to them. Used clothing in serviceable condition is requested for a bale to Western Canada. Clothing for children and 'teen agars is espec- ially needed. Also a work afternoon and pic- nic supper at the Church Camp is planned. The ladies will take with therri plants for the garden and articles necessary for the Ontario St. SS Plans Picnic at Seaforth The Sunday School Executive of Ontario St. Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoggkart on Thursday evening, June 7, with 20 members presenit, and the superintendent, C. Stew- art, presiding. The hymn "Blest be the tie" and prayer by W. M. Aiken, opened the meeting. The treasurer reported a sub, stantial balance on hand. It was decided to hold the an- nual picnic on July 18 at Lions Park, Seaforth, and committees were " appointed to carry it through. kitchen and others rooms of the camp. Cars will leave the Rect- ory at 2.30 sharp. • !�-►'+o' �0 $ 4 FHM.-.- -$ • s .+...-H-e-�+-.•*++ PICOLE DRESSES - NYLON PRINTS SHEERS as well as many other washable dresses have just arrived THE TIME IS NOW! THE PRICE IS RIGHT! THE SELECTION IS NEW! COME IN OFTEN AS THE SELECTION' 'KEEPS CHANGING. SUNDRESSES -sizes 2 to 44 SHORTS - T-SHIRTS and BATHING SUITS are in for immediate selling. The Selection is now at its best. 'Both Children's and Misses sizes. Visit Our Store Today. WEEKEND SPECIALS Regent Knitting Wool Baby, Andalusian and Botany All Shades. Values to .65 per oz. Special only .50 At today's wool prices this is a definite bargain. This is first grade wool and an offer you can't afford to miss. Father's Day Suggestions' TOOKE SHIRTS and TIES HANDKERCHIEFS and SOX IRWIN'S.' i ♦+-e-Fs-o-ts If In Need of a TAXI CONTACT STAN'S CAB NOW OPERATING ro PHONE 205w - DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE - STAN'S CAB C. Stanley, Prop. Phone 205W Clinton 19-b Maple Cake for Father's Day! YOUR WEEKEND SPECIAL IT'S A REAL TREAT IF YOU BUY IT AT Schroeder's Bakery (Successor to Dixon's Pastry Shop) PHONE 364 RATTENBURY ST. CLINTON E. Floor Sanding We have just purchased an efficient FLOOR SANDER and are prepared to do your work efficiently. OLD AND NEW FLOORS SANDED Estimates Gladly Supplied D. A. KAY and SON Phone 234-W Clinton 22tfb