HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-07, Page 9THURSDAY, JUNE 7,;:1'951 CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE IRCAF tailor and TCO 6 FETED AT DELIGHTFUL FORMAL DANCE Sports Big; Item Ou Air Force Day The Sports Field at RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, willbe the busiest :spot in Huron County on Satur- day afternoon, June 9. On this day, the RCAFis playing host to Mr. and Mrs. Canada and at Sta- tion Clinton, a monster sports programme is to be : carried out. Feature of the day will be a track and field meet with all •mantis participating,' Under the 'direction of Sgt. Jack Varaleau, Ottawa, and F/C. Nell McGregor, 'Montreal, an outstanding pro- gramme of events has been slated. Features of the track meet will be 100, 200, 440 and 880 -yard 'dashes, a mile event, 440 relay, hurdles, and weight lifting and dlistante throwing events. In the. tug-of-war, much interest will ',centre around the old men of the Station, the Senior • NCO's, who have challenged all corners in the tug-of-war event. The Old College Try 'The meet will have a distinct 'college flavour' to it as many of the contestants are students from -various universities who are fak- ing summer 'training here at 'Clinton. The outstanding contestant last - year, Dick Stennett, of UWO; once again will be a strong con- tender for top laurels. Last year, Dick won the 100 -yard dash, the 120 -yard hurdles and the broad - 'jump. Another winner in last •Fear's meet is Reg Ort, Welland, a physical education student at UWO. Reg, a member of the famous Western. Mustangs Inter- collegiate rugby and basketball chanin:eons, was the outstanding contestant in the weight events east year. Joe Lauderback, ' Sea - forth, a student at RMC, King- ston, is expected to be a strong contender for the high jump and 220 -yard events. The events will all be keenly contested, with many of the 1,400 airmen on the unit participating. In addition to the Air Force events, there veil be a chance for the kiddies and the ladies to "strut their stuff" at the galla, affair. The events will commence promptly at 1.30 p.m. on the Sta- tion Sports Field. Two Ball Games Two big ball games will attract many of the visitors. In' a sched- uled WOAA Intermediate "C" softball game, Clinton Radar will play host to their long-standing. rivals, Byth "All -Stars." Coach Murray Madsen has been prepar- ing his charges for the past sev- eral weeks and all indications lead to a bang-up game of ball. The game is slated to get under way at two o'clock. Clinton RCAF Flyers, Huron - Perth Intermediate "C" entry, are playing host to the highly -rated Listowel Legionnaires, in a base- ball contest that should be one of the top games witnessed in the From the "BLUE 1300K" of Famous Trains N--- li?\\\\r ~a:T ter". is- From s ins Linking East and West, Canadian National's famous Continental Limited provides fast daily service be- tween Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, :Edmonton, jasper and Vancouver. There's plenty to see through the broad picture windows ean this scenic route across Canada—gleaming lakes, the rolling Prairies, the mighty Canadian Rockies, swift flow. ang rivers — glorious scenery! On the Continental Limited you'll ride in style in modem equipment—inviting bedrooms, standard and toutist sleep- ing cars, lounge cars and most modern coaches. In the dining car you'll enjoy wonderful meals as you speed across Canada "The Jasper Way". You'll enjoy, too, staying at Canadian National hotels— they're conveniently located in cities from coast to coast. Par reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel needs, see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES Aclastral Park Nevis The 16 g'radwaltes of TCO6 were feted at a delightful fosmnal dance Saturday evening by the '06m- nrandling Officer, W/C R. F. Mil- ler, AFC, and officers of Clinton RCAF Station. at the Flight Cadets' Mess. • The large dining-moni of the Mess, decorated with large bou- quets of late spring flowers and cooled! by refreshing breezes, made an ideal setting for danc- ing to the catchy tunes of Bern Conway and. his "Continentals" A detoi'aus buffet supper was served at midnight, after which, with F/L Robert McKee, acting es master of ceremonies, three lucky draws were made. These were won by Mrs. R. Fletcher, Mrs. T. Cook and Mrs. H. E. Bow- man. A large-sized pink end white graduation cake and the grad- uates were then brought to the Orchestra stand, 'where Mrs. B. G. Miller officiated in the cutting of the cake and the graduates then proceeded to enjoy it. The dance also was a means of celebration for F/L J. Hynds, F/L H. Bowman, F/L T. B. Iarison and F/L T. Cook who all received promotions on June 1. Mr. and Mrs. R, Fletcher won the lucky spot dance. Among the many who attended were: W./C R. F. Miller, W/C and Mrs. B. G. Miller, W/C and Mrs. V. Berg, Centralia, W/C and Mrs. Maar, Trenton, Major and Mrs. L. Winebrenner. USAF, S/L and Mrs. C. H. McVeigh, S/L and Mrs. T. C. Newton, S/L and Mrs. A. H. Tinker, S/L and Mrs. G. J. Bury, S/L and Mrs. W. J. Brack- en, Mrs. H. Norris, Mrs. Noel Wade, Mrs. R. Sly, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Roberts. F/L and Mrs. C. L. Harding, Mrs. F/L and rs Lynch, F/L N. Greig, F/L and Mrs. V. Mun- ro, F/L and Mrs. R. M. McKee, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ball, F/L and Mrs. R. E. Fletcher, F/L and Mrs. T. Cook, F/L and Mrs. D. G. Forrest, F/L C. E. Endershe, F/L and Mrs.. T. B. Tarrson, F/L end Mrs. H. E. Bowman, F/L and Mrs. D. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardner. Goderich; F/L A. Singleton, F/L Harris, Fit end Mrs. E. G. Baxter, F/L and Mrs. H. M. Miller. Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Hank, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Trott, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dhswoodie, Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. MacDonald, F/O. and Mrs. A. S. Matthews. C. R. Bar- rett. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Joyner, F/O M. L. Boulton; F/0 F. Cald- well, F/O and Mrs. D. C. Osborn, F/O and Mrs. R. 0. F. Carey, Mrs. J. Carpenter, F/O and Mrs. James Hope, F/O and Mrs. Torn Bangs, F/O and Mns. W. J. White, F/O and Mrs. A. G. Giessen, F/O and Mrs. Lepine. F/O end Mrs. Williamson, F/0 Claude Menard, P/O and Mrs. 0. E. Warner, F/O and Mrs. L. E. Smith, F/O and Mrs. S. A. Brightwell, F/O and Mrs. W. R. MacWilliaan, F/O and Mrs. F. Potts. F/O and Mrs. W. H. Halladay, P/O and Mrs. C. D. Pearse, F/O J. A. McAllum, F/O and Mrs. H. W. Grant. F/0 and Mrs. A. W. Buck, F/Q and Mrs. J. J. Col- lins, F/O and 'Mrs. D. C. Webb, P/O A. E. Craig, F/O Bradley, F/O D. Kyle, F/O K. W. Mac- Donald, F/0 and Mrs. N. K. Young, P/O F. E. Crawford, J. C. Hayes. Edmonton, F/O and Mrs. W. R. Wood, F/O and Mrs, E. C. Burns, F/O and Mrs. T. C. Rankin, and many others. area in some time. The Flyers are really "flying high", having disposed of Gode- rich by a 7-0 count in the league opener, and ListoweTiumbled'The Airmen in an exhibition tussle played earlier In the season, and George Alexander's boys will be right in their trying to square things. This all-important tussle is scheduled for 3 pen, on the Sports Field. Clinton Lions Present Vo'Iteyball Trophy Clinton Lions Club made the presentation of a beautiful trophy for Station volleyball at a pleas- ant function in the Sergeants' Mess bast week. F/L James H. Lynch, also a member of the Lions Club. acted es master -of -ceremonies, explain- ing the happy relationship exist- ing between the Station and the Lions Club and town. Hugh R. Hawkins, president of the Lions Chsb,•formally present- ed ,the, trophy to W/C B. G. Mil- ler, Chief Instructor. who receiv- ed it in behalf of the Command- ing Officer and Station: •Bath spoke fittingly. The Chief Instructor then made the formal presentation of the trophy. to F/O E. P. Boyszuk, cap- tain of the !season's volleyball champions, TCO6 Course, who graduate this Friday, June 8. Oth- er members of the team present were Flying Officers N. K. Young, D. E. Smith, S. A. Brightwell, A. S. Matthews, C. E. Holdway, W. J. White and M. E. Matsuiak. Supporting the Lions Club president. were Secretary J. G. McLay, and members W. H. Rob- inson, R. S. Macaulay, R. Y. Hat - din, H. C. Lawson, R..E, Holmes. R. S. Atkey, and F/L Lynch. Sergeants' Mess Okeh Makes 'Em Real Proud Notable among the events of the past months at RCAF Clinton was the grand opening of the newly remodelled Sergeants' Mess. The strictly male "fling" follow- ed close upon the heels 'of the regular monthly mess meeting, at which WO2 Murray Madsen sup- pianted WO2 "Hank" 'Bennett as guiding light and PMC of the Mess. while Sgt. Person was elect- ed to the position of Assistant Secretary and Sgt, Dodds as Liv- ing -in member. Such mundane details being disposed of, the 'serious business of christening the Mess became the sole project of some 100 mem- bers who were to be found gath- ered in odd corners of the gleam- ing lounge until some more than odd hours, discussing such works of interior decorators art as the wall to ceiling window on the west face of the Mess, or the white rooster wallpaper in the ladies' lounge and .powder par- lour. Many of the officer personnel who were present for the occasion insisted that the NCO's were en- deavoring to create a Taj Mahal which however is quite false, nevertheless the effect of the cut stonework and `terrazzo topped refreshment bar with its attend- ant indirect lighting and large mirrors does give rise to a feel- ing of splendiferous sumptuosity. The new games room, the walls of which set the pace with wall- paper of a champagne, dice and cared motif, now houses the bil- liard and ping-pong tables plus ample space for the dart enthus- iasts, who were at one time con- tinually at odds with the weilders of the noble cue, while the new card room set off to the north of the building will materially re- duce the problem of what to do with a ping-pong ball in the eye while drawing to that inside straight. The decorative scheme here is resplendent with what Is a very realistic wallpaper ver- sion of a cut stone wall. in fact .several people we know of have been found standing facing same with empty glasses in hand wait- ing for Beecher or Lon to hand out another crake before someone advised them that the bar was across the room. it was fairly dark and quite late at the time we admit. This and other items too num- erous to mention comprise the saga of Operation Stag and we sincerely hope that all those at- tending were impressed by what has been done and of the future plans Which ere in store. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Saturday, June 9 STAN PATTON • and his Orchestra An old favorite of Grand Bend! Admission: $1.75 each 23-b ' b .•. ,. yam,.. Editor: 31 Sgt. J. E. MILLER Assistant Station rao �ADASTRAL PARKPARK... Social and Personal F/L and Mrs. J. Watson spent the weekend 'in' -Toronto. Susanne Bury celebrated her fifth birthday Thursday afternoon, Denise Wade is well again after her recent bout of measles. F/5 and Mrs. G. Jackson mot- ored' otored ' to Detroit far the holiday weekend. Visiting friends in Detroit over the weekend were WO2 end Mrs. H. Bennett and children. Mrs. M. MacKenzie, Robin and Scott, are spending the week in Toronto with her mother -do -law, F/L and Mas, W. M. Garton held a cocktail party prior to the TCO6 graduation dance Sat- urday evening. Capt. and Mrs. G. Grant had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Glass and Kath- erine, atherine, Durham. Visiting Sgt. and Mrs. K, Mac- lean, Regina Rd., is 'the-leeter's mother, Mrs. F. Theater, Pen- zance, Cornwall, England. W/C and Mrs. V. Berg, Cent- ralia, attended the TCOS gradua- tion dance Saturday evening with WeC and Mrs. B. G, Miller. F/S and Mrs. S. Jenkins and familiar spent the weekend with the latter's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. Clements, Piston, GRADUATION FOR TCO 6 THIS FRIDAY Tomorrow, Friday, June 8, marks the end of a phase in the service career of the graduating officers of Telecommunication Officers Course No. 6 at RCAF Station, Clinton. After complet- ing this most difficult course, they go forth to apply their knowledge gained during the 70 odd weeks at this school. The graduates are all veterans of the Second World War, many of them with distinguished re- cords on combat operations. The presenting officer is Wing Com- mander R. F. Miller, AFC, Com- manding Officer, RCAF, Station, Clinton. The following is a list of the graduates. with home address and posting: F/O M. E. Matusiak, Toronto, to AMCHQ, Ottawa; F/0 N, K. Yomeg, Vancouver, B.C., to Sta- tiorFSea Island, B.C.; F/O H. W, Grant, Winnipeg, Man.. to Station Winnipeg, Men.; F/O R. G. Ran - loin, Ottawa, to Station Gimlfie, Man.; F/O C. E. Headway, Cedar, Que., to St. Hubert, Que.; F/O S. A. Brightwell, Montreal, Que., to St. Hubert, Que.; F/O A. J. Olessen. Winnipeg, Man., to St. Hubert, Que.; F/O H. W. Collard, Toronto, to St. Hubert, Que.; V/O A. S. Matthews, Calgary. Alta., to St. Hubert, Que.; F/O A. R. Abercrombie, Sherbrooke, Que., to AC & WU, Uplands; F/0 D. E. Smith, Thamesville, to Rock- citiffe; F/0 W. S. White, Cal- gary, to Rookdifife; F/O E. P. Boyczuk, Saskatoon, 'Seek., to 1 R &CS, Clinton; F/O E. C. Burns, Winnipeg, Man., to 1 R & CS, Clinton; F/O W. H. Hlaliaday, Kindersley. Sask., to 1 R & OS, Clinton; F/O J. A. MoAllum, Saskatoon, Sask., to 1 R & CS, Clinton. Fish and Game Club Holds Trap Shoot (By LAC A. L. Gunn) The Station Fish and Game Club held an organized trap -shoot at Kippon on Saturday, June 2, This was evade possible through the members of the Kippen Gun Club who very kindly made their trap -range and equipment avail- able to us. The birds were flying almost directly Into the wind with a steady rise, followed by a sharp drop when they lost miamentus, but pleased to say that not too many birds were wasted. None of the seven members present had had any previous experience at trap -shooting but generally speaking the results were quite encouraging and it is hoped for a bigger and' better shoot next time. This Friday, June 8. the Club members :have been invited as spectators to an evening trap - shoot of the Nippon Gun Club. SRADEh MARK REG.. Tasty 'wit -sandwiches Congratulations! Congratulations to W/C and Mrs, R. F. Miller on the birth of a baby boy!. Back' From Japan F/0 J. M. Carpenter arrived back Sunday from the airlift trip to Japan.. Bridge Club Meets Mrs. W. J. Bracken entertained the Victoria Blvd. Bridge Club last Thursday evening. Proud Parents Congratulations to WO2 and Mrs. T. Foster, proud parents of a six pound, six and one -half -ounce boy, Dennis Ross, barn June 4, in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich! Move to Ottawa S/L A, H. Tinker Grieved from Ottawa for the weekend. S/L and Mrs. Tinker lett Wednesday to take up residence fir Ottawa. Everyone wishes them the best of luck in their new home. Mrs. G. J. Bury Heads Officers' Wives Group Mrs. George 3. Bury was elect- ed president of the Officers' Wives Auxiliary for the coming term at the monthly meeting held in the dining -room of ,the Officers' Mess Tuesday evening. Other officers include Mrs. C. L. (larding, vice-president; Mrs. Robert Sly, secretary; Mrs. Verde Munro, treasurer; Mrs. B. G. Mil- ler, chairman of committees, The election' was conducted by Mrs. Hugh Miller, retiring president. Following the business meet- ing, members of the Auxiliary enjoyed beautiful colored pictexes of Hawaii taken by Capt. and Mrs. Anderson, USAF, when sta- tioned there. Mrs. Anderson gave an interesting commentary and explanation of the many scenes of the two largest islands of the Hawaiian group. A delicious lunch concluded/ the meeting. RO COURSE 22 IS GRADUATED FROM STATION W/C R. F. Mailer, AFC, Com- manding Officer, RCAF Station, Clinton, presented wings and ad- dressed .11' proud new RCAF of- icers of RO ,Course No. 22. on Friday, June 1. After one year of intensive training, these. Flight Cadets have won their commissions and earn- ed the coveted wings of the Radio Officers: It is a destination of this course to have each graduate a previous member of an allied ground trade in the Air Force. The Honour Roll winner, top- ping this course, was F/C B. A. Howard, Toronto, who is a grad - nate of Royal Roads, Victoria, BC, end at present is attending Uni- versity of Toronto in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineer- ing. List of graduates is as follows: F/C D. W. Beaton, Ottawa; F/C F. B. Button, Ottawa; F/C T. S. Crawford, Toeonto; F/C J. A. Dougall, Montreal, Que.; F/C S. W. Neaman, St. Catharines; F/C 13. A. Howard, Toronto; F/C K. R. Murpihy, Ottawa; F -/C F. N. Pearce, MacLeod, Alta.; F/C B. J. Pich. Rosetown, Sask.; F/C D. J. Richardson, North Bay; F/C P. 13. Sermon, Montreal, Que. Following the graduation ex- ercises, the newly -commissioned officers, with guests. were enter- tained in the Flight Cadets' Mess. In the evening, a formal dance was held, completing the activ- ities of a busy and important day in these young men's lives. --o CORPORALS' CLUB DANCE Many prominent members were seen dancing dreamy -eyed among the' large representation at the Corporals' Club dance recently. Aubrey Haines and his quartette supplied the sweet anti low for the old timers and also mingled in the faster tempos for .the younger blood. Roundel Terrace took on a night-club atmosphere for the occasion with refreshments served and' dancing from nine until midnight. Watch This Space for opening date of our Studio in CLINTON! 'VlacLaren's Studio Phone 401 GODERICH 92 St. David St. • 23-btfb First thing to do in Detroit is check in at Hotel. Toiler! You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernized. Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown stores, theatres and business activ- ities . , . yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Tuiier Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent food modestly priced. COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS $ WITH BATH FROM 11.11 Rotel Wirer Harry E. Paulsen, Gera Mgr 4 DETROIT'S "FORST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT. QUALITY Cms c. Case By Roe Farms Service Dept. • LADIES, FROM NOW ON I WANT SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT. I W N ORE WORKAND MORE EGGS. (LADIES, LADIES. MAYBE YOU'RE DOING YOUR BEST. BUT I EXPECT BETTER RESULTS NOW THAT THE BOSS7 FEEDING ROE VITA - IS LAY PELLETS, r � i '+ -.. ' •� ,. �y�� �`� ., `���,• \ � `'� THESE ROE PELLETS ARE TERRIFIC . GIRLS, I'M PROUD OF YOU. WHAT A PRODUCTION LINE! A WHOLE EXTRA �. `v JOE CASH IN ON TODAVS N16H ' EGG PRICES NOW ! KEEPYOURB/RDS�i�N6 KEEPTHEMBUBY /Q/YO�iEEPPROf/TSGL/M�iY� wiTH r / `« /� E�w .. �`��iultrtI' ` ,, .. Vi ,,, I FEEL BETTER ALREADY m- �,r CAGE OF EGGS. AM I GROWING! .� �I�I�I 1 ROE R ITA -LAY EEG az/ PELLETS SIVE YOUR v a FL4CKTHAT�fTRASP//RT Jy�V/60RT0"5NE[Iour" NOW,LET S SHOW THAT COCKY ROOSTER lit o t, , :. m,,, , c — � f` �4i \ ., i `/ A �,,,, ,. _ _ vim ' R"�'� ,` �, , ✓I,ROE t! .1�i / ,..�. `► '` • I ?���dl 11 11'• ��/ c � ! / '1l \N� /� '.. j 1 I'M SURE - .r .®/ L DOING Ai r ��`.. MY B s� r i IMP 4 r I a `� t4 X14 I n' I -s.� w�1t Nr -1 ►..- �0ia►Jai® raj tzre �� �� I� .,� li t •_ r -�._ �� z ( i SON/NTp ( � 8F NT ��„ �_i Efrds AO/NIiTpO. / ' t ouRf I RFLL �f 1/ PEGDEEED E. ROE is rocA ti OW. ca if _ �, ----------4 TO( °w- �IiL7 CK = EGG / \' . , e It 1 Ilk - i>5- 1,a ..---- WHO `.DOES RETHINK NEVER 50 'HEIS :� PELLETS �QOFMAKSMX's. � ■ w � -ic H. Charlesworth J. UTA INSULTED a �n�RD