HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-05-31, Page 914111URSDAY; MAY' 31, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE RCAF Station and AdastraIEditor: Park. News sgt. x. E. MILLER. N 0. Assistant 30 Station PRO L/ Here and There... (By Sgt. J. E. M liter, Electronics) NOW is the time I can start saying that summer is just around the corner; (Providing of course etc one asks me "which corner?") but then again we are all en - ,titled to our own opinion .. To start this chit cheat off I' would dike to thank all the persons who have so ably submitted material fo"r this edition and tell them to keep it coming as I like working in building up this page until we have a couple of them; then I'Jll be happy . .4' * ak WELL the Sergeants' Mess has been completed and I believe that after the long weekend all the participants are well on the road to recovery . Elsewhere on this page the complete programme of the opening will be found , , The dandelions are no longer yellow but they are now blowing their seeds all over the ground to insure a good crop for next year so I guess I will have to find something else now to, take my spite out on . . ' 41 41 THE landscapers are still work- ing in the Married Quarters dist- rict end It won't be too long we hope before some of the mud has disappeared . Rumor has it that they are going to build a -runway at the unit but _this is .a good example of how stories get built up from the mole to ''the mountain . The runway is going to run east and west on the sports field , It will be started on June 9 so if you want to see a fete of engineering come on out and see the boys build it because it is going to be about 120 feet long and we are going to fly our Model Aircraft on it on Air Force Day It should be completed in about one hour (we hope) ' 41 aF THE cement is still hardening on more foundations for the Quonset Huts and' the first one will be occupied by the middle of July'The ditch diggers are out in all their glory clean- ing out the deains and winter mess on the banks of the parade square, and pretty soon grass will blossom forth and another spot will be beautified ... WO Jones of the Compound Headquarters Building, has made a statement that Building 22 is going to have the smartest looking grounds on the Station . If I know the rest of the building 0.C.'s, they're not going to take this lying down (Gee -maybe I can start a feud; oh boy action at last) , . • WELL, I guess I had better run along now and this is just a re- minder to get your copy into me early and I'll make sure it gets published . . Your comments on the page for the RCAF would be greatly appreciated, along with your suggestions for the better- ment of our publication . . . Be seeing you . . . Bye now . RCAF Softballers Open Busy Season Western Ontario Athletic As- sociation softball schedule (RCAF games only) is as follows: May 29—RCAF at Port Albert 31—RCAF at Blyth -lune l---Benmillee at RCAF. 11—RCAF at Union 15—Union at RCAF 19—RCAF at Londesboro 21—RCAF at Dungannon 25—Blyth at RCAF .July 4—Port Albert at RCAF 6—Londesboro at RCAF 11—RCAF at Benmiller 19 --Dungannon at RCAF OFFICERS' WIVES The monthly meeting of the Officers' Wives Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, June 5, in the Din- ning Room of the Officers' Mess. Six Are Baptized - At RCAF Service Six children were baptized ..at RCAF Station on Sunday morn- ing, May 27, following the reg- ular morning church service. They were as follows: Arthur James, son of Sgt, end Mrs., James Heffel; Barry Archie, son of F/S and Mrs. A. Baptie; Susan Elaine, daughter of F/S and Mrs. Ver- non Boss: Richard John, James Howard and Randy Wayne, sons of Cpl. anti Mrs. R. H. Dunn. The Station Protestant Padre, F/L C. L. Harding, officiated. ---0 GIGANTIC BINGO A Gigantic Bingo will be held in the Recreation Hall on Mon- day, June 4 at 8.30 sharp. Mon- strous prizes and jackpot. Air- men, their wives and friends ere cordially invited. Make sure this date is deft open in your date book and come out and win your prize. Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb quality and fr,, your. "SALA TEA First thing to da in Detroit is check in at Hotel Teller! You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernized. Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown stores, theatres and business activ- ities ... yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ., . The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent food modestly priced. COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS $3 WITH BATH FROM Hotel Z'irller Harry E. Paulsen, Geri! Mgr DETROIT'S "FIRST" CONVENIENCE • COMFORT. QUALITY J Standards Of Six Nations Unfurled UNFURLING OF STANDARDS of the six nations represented was part of the NATO pilots wings ceremony at RCAF Station, Centralia, recently. At right, the officer standardbearer com- pletes the unfurling by breaking out the Canadian ensign; at left is the Netherlands flag; and in the centre, the flag of Norway. The three other nations taking part were Italy, Belgium and France. 4-4-0-4-•-•-•-•-• 4 $-►4-4-44-4-4-4-•-•-• •-• +H+ ADASTRAL PARK... Social and Personal F/L T. J. Dalton will leave Fri- day on the airlift for Japan. WO2 T. Pinch spent the holiday weekend with his family at 2 To- ronto Blvd. F/L and Mrs. D. Stewart have taken up residence at No. 5 Vic- toria Blvd. S/L"and Mrs. F. Bell. London, were weekend guests of W/C and Mrs. B. G. Miller. F/S W. MacKenzie came from Trenton to spend the holiday weekend with his family art No. 5 Toronto Blvd. Visiting WO2 and Mrs. T. Pinch over the weekend was the form- er's sister, Mrs. B, Fdlce, her son and daughter-in-law, all of Col- lingwood. F/L and Mrs. V. Munro agent the holiday weekend in London, while their young son. Mike, was in hospital having his tonsils re- moved. F/L and Mrs. J. Watson spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. Watson and "Debby" will•remain in Toronto for the rest of the week. -SIL and. Mrs. W. J.. Bracken, S/L H. M. Norris and Mrs. R. Sly, attended the' opening of the golf season et Maitland. Golf Club, Goderich on May 24. Captain and Mrs, G. Grant with their children, Barbara and Rich- ard, spent the weekend visiting the farmer's parents, Mr. end Mrs. W. G. Blythe, Durham. Friends and playmates will be glad to hear that Robin Mac- Kenzie, although still confined to bed, is much better. We hope to see her out again very soon. Postgraduate Course S/L N. St. G. Wade left last Sunday to fly to England for a three-month post -graduate course. Move to Chatham, N.B. Good luck to F/S and Mrs. E, Bean, who have left 10 Toronto Blvd. to take up their new duties at Chatham, N.B. Ill In Hospital lilies Lorraine Norris is at pres- ent a patient In Victoria Hospital, London, Every one sincerely wishes her a speedy recovery from her illness. Transferred to Montreal Mrs. W. Hawkins has left for Montreal to join her husband, Sgt. "Bill" Hawkins, who has been transferred to the big city to take over his new duties, Gentleman Present! One of the big. transatlantic airliners recently took a group of writers and radio artists -- all women — to Europe, and the women, being the only passeng- ers, made themselves completely at home. Several hours out, with the flying perfectly smooth, the loudspeaker intoned: "Everyone please return to your seats and fasten seat belts." The women rushed to their places, followed instructions and sat tensely waiting developments. In a moment, the door of the con- trol room opened and the pilot emerged, surveying them and smiled. "Now, I suppose, the men's room is clear." Unique Party Held Mrs. A. Foster entertained a few friends and neighbours at a plastic party Weed €-day, May 23, A very delightful evening was had by ail. Refreshments were served. Bridge Club Meets Mrs. A. H. Tinker entertained the Victoria Blvd. Bridge Club at her home last Thursday evening, S/L and Mrs.• C. H. McVeigh, accompanied by Mrs. R. Sly, spent Friday in London. Entertains at Tea Mrs. Laurie Stewart entetrtain- ed recently at an afternoon tea honouring Mrs., W. E. Johnson, who, with her husband, leaves shortly to' live in Ottawa, Mrs. Stewart was assisted by Mrs. K. D. McLean and Mrs. W. R. Ed- wards, Friends attended from Clinton and Goderich. 0 BROWNIES HOLD OUTING Under the supervision of Brown Owl Brown the Na 2 Clinton Brown Owl Pack went far a hike to the Bayfield River on May 25, After being taught and practiced Conservation Officers Discuss Problems Conservation Officer Roy R. Bellinger, Clinton was among those who attended the annual spring meeting of the Division of Fish and Wildlife of the De- partment of Lands and Forests for the Huron District which was held recently at the District Of- fice, Iiespeler. The meeting was attended by 16 Conservation Officers and four Hatchery Managers. I. C. Mer- ritt, District Forester, presided and was assisted by District In- spector E. R. Meadows and Dist- rict Biologist J. F. Gage. Also in attendance were several of- ficials from 'the head office at Toronto. Many phases of fish and wild- life problems were discussed in - eluding trapping, fish hatcheries, deer and pheasant management, law enforcement and public rela- tions, An inspection of stream improvement on a small creek near Galt was made, building a fire, they had a snack of weiners and marshmallows over the camp fire, All the way home their young voices were heard singing the songs of the Brownies. A delightful and dif- ferent afternoon was had by all. Needlecraft News by Pau."e Roy lF YOU have the urge to go through your home from attic to basement with soap and water, polish and brush—then the homemaker's equivalent of spring fever has captured you. You're in its clutches and won't be free until you've finished your house- cleaning, rearranged your furniture and added new life to your rooms in the form of curtains, draperies and ,slip• covers. Lighting is a significant part of your room decora- tion. Through correct light- ing your color scheme will conte alive at night instead of sinking into a drab mono- tone. The addition of an at- tractive lamp that fits in with your room's decorating scheme can give an entirely new appeal to your room. Pictures enable your room to express personality.That's one reason why you should choose scenes that you will enjoy looking at. Pictures are a matter of personal taste. In choosing a frame remember that the picture must be dominant, not the frame. The width of the frame depends upon the location of the picture on the wall. The way you hang a picture is very important because if a picture is worthy of gracing your wall it de- serves proper attention to good hang- ing. Hang your picture against the wall. Tilting is definitely out. Conceal the hanging. There are hooks to sup- port any weight adequately. Lacy crocheted accessories lend ole' ganco and add fresh beauty to your home. Many hand -crocheted pieces be- come family heirlooms as you no doubt know. Bedspreads and table. cloths, which require so much work, are worth every minute of the time you spend on them. Nothing can re- place a lovely lace cloth or spread 4-4-4 +4 In The Air Force_ "COMRADES IN ARMS" prepared by the Directorate' of Public Relations Over 100 Commonwealth Air Residents of Rockeliffe air sta- tion, near Ottawa, will swat snore mosquitoes this summer than us- ual. In other years they have ' benefited from experiments con- ducted by the Department of Entemology and other government agencies in co-operation with the RCAF. This summer they won't be so fortunate. The RCAF was all set to spray the breeding grounds of the pests —particularly bad in the area— last week but the specially equip- ped aircraft had to be diverted for a search. By the time it had returned to its home base, the mosquitoes already were on the wing. Oh well it's only the fe- male of the species that bites. OUCH. Force veterans from Newfound- land to British Columbia journey- ed to Ottawa by air, rail and car last week for the second annual convention of the Royal Canad- ian Air Force Association held May 25-26. In addition to elect- ing a new slate of officers to carry on the association's work. far the coming year, 'delegates showed great interest in the cur- rent expansion plans of the .RCAF. Formed in 1949 the association has now a membership' of over 10,000 former members of the Commonwealth air forces. The aim of the'associationis to pro- vide any assistance possible to the RCAF and to perpetuate Air Force esprit de corps. • Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING SATURDAY JUNE 2nd ART HALLMAN and his Orchestra ADMISSION: $1.25 each 22-b Heartwarming A lovely picture of mother and child brings a smile to each of us, be- cause it revives either our memories or our dreams, Don't put off taking a photo- graph that may come to mean more to you and to others than all your worldly goods. MacLaren's Studio Phone 401 GODERICH 92 St. David St. 22-b RCA vain m<-\\ irgirepa? WAY AO 9 that has been hand -crocheted. The lacy cloth pictured above, unlike the usual crocheted tablecloth of white or ecru, follows the modern theme and blossoms forth in a variety of pretty selfshtiding colors. The pm - dominating shade is then picked up by the use of solid -color napkins. An attractive idea, don't you think? It won't require quite so many launder- ings as your plain white one, either. For directions for crocheting this PASTEL CROCHETED TABLE - (mon", write to this paper, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelop° and ask fog Leaflet No. 7327. was -.•- s�-�4+.�+-•+•+a-h•-o-•+•e+• mss-seats-o-e-0l-o+0+9.o-$-ai 4-ae- . Visit Clinton RCAF Station A, as `;s, .,.... .. TRACK AND FIELD MEET MODEL 'AIRFIELD Exhibition Softfabll and Hardball Games GUIDED MISSILE DISPLAY with Demonstration of Radio Remote Control CARTOON MOVIES MONSTER BINGO PUBLIC DANCE in Roundel Terrace FURTHER DETAILS NEXT WEEK 711d eaft @ Je F@Gdigre By Roe Farms Service Dept -- `-�r f o , \ �+_' r YOU BET,'JOE,YOU DON'T HAVE TO BOTHER GROUND AND MIXED WITH A CONCENTRATE.JUST FEEDYOUR JET FEEDING, WHOLE GRAIN AND ROE RANGE, EH, DOG? CONCENTRATEPELLETS.YOU CAN EVEN FORGET HOPPERS FEED ROE RANGE %'ELLET$,JOE, ACCORDING TO THEAG�N6EGIVERDcaATGTO 8 WEEKS OLD ON THE E OF YOUR BL THEM 1 PART PELLETS TO 2 PARTS OF GRAIN:THIS CAN BE INCREASED AS THE PULLETS GROW OLDER UNTILTHEY GET ALMOST 4 PARTSOFGRAINTOlOFROECONCENTRATEPELLETS ' AT 3 AND 4 MONTHS OLD. BUT REMEMBER THIS, FILL UP THE VESSELS AGNEVER LET YOURAIN N THE DAY WATER.S BE OUT OF TO MAKE SURE THEY HAVE ENOUGH. -.''� -I/—"` ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS all M ONATs �` / WELL, JOE, JUST AS JET PLANES SPEED UP FLYING, SO THE SPri- i�� i" t 1No; UPFE�� SAVPTIM ' AgOR� �U1PNT� �r WA ST Via' 1 ‘001514'4� y ����It o°�o/ d O � ��• DOC, JUST LOOK YEP—THEY'RE AT THOSE JET— PRETTY FAST, JOE. PLANES TRAVEL TALKING ABOUT (.... SPEED,7HOU6He4 /i> �,7/ -)Ar ` ,i. J / I'14\'N r t' hili I1 /111 d(.�N�II`\ i it!l e► , °NON THE o , - N it\ ,, �, �`,� 'a mels �r GROUND. 40, ., ` " 9�,• —_ NEW ROE RANGE WHAT ABOUT PELLETS SPEED UP SPEED DpC . NEEDING ONTHE RANGE. O -- owe Sr Aar ,Actoasl,r..... ,,y,Ntt , Il( et r CONE PELLETS AAFdRNS NIIUHG L. `, ���. �' �� _ . ''''''.4-0 �� n (e'al g,„...'4+�'r BOE 4 �� "� " \ fQ,, r� A / 4\�yi � � ,,,�� �\ m - ' `. 0' o� , ,, /�;;// - ",,,/d//ay...,. ', 11II ii`® . _ __-- _--- 1 � g v / t \\ A DyPell ii s' a +� +� VG -5 H. Char(eswarth CLINTON A. J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIEL[) i I I ?.�t, y' I,rl 11 � ... ,,' t� 1 Lam! ,,I► 11' ,1�►. ;,�,.K,,l tt.i,*� '�'� q,i. ,� � ?VW p111�6'' fIlIRII 1 ti rl;1�`C �rt�'"w.."f)� ,\� s® �\ ' �pf \,'' rry,ii. sr ..W41'9 U!v %� ,fit ^M_ ''` • ` :f�y�t � EN J fF2f ✓ •�� _�. 1 `' �, tl�� ; a � �. . t �: Ir�', �� ��� w .L,. r irate ,/1(I�\�:, r,tt„ _ ,• - .. '"_. �ti[/ - .• atr► n► 1 :.: ����!'K" o 7 � •�` `A) •�' �.