HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-05-31, Page 3IIIINIIII11111111111 Ill(Illilll11191111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111111111' THURSDAY„ MAY 31, 1951 • CLINTON' NUNS -RECORD Let's Chat I A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That By MBA NINETY yeas old today ,end actively looking after herself rand her home is Mrs. Charles Oliver, William St, ... Our congra'trula- tibss' to her on reaching this mile- stone Mrs. Oliver plans to celebrate the occasion quietly with relatives and friends . . ALTHOUGH ,the has lived most of her life in Clinton, Mrs. Oliver was born sat Oxford, England, the daughter of the late Emma end Day Chiiiiingworth ... After the early death of her parents, at the age of four years, she and her three, sisters and „one broth - ex, were brought to Canada and Clinton by their uncle and aunt, the late Josiah and Harriet Innwood .. , Following her mar- riage to Charles Oliver, she lived eighteen yearns in St. Thomas ... Toren She 'returned to Clinton, Where she has resided ever since . Mrs. Oliver had three child- ren, the only surviving one is Mrs. G. Harwood, Guelph . She also has seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren... a: * WE had a pleasant chat with Mrs. Oliver several days ago and found her very bright and inter- esting . . . She told us that she had spent the winter in Thedfor d with friends, but had not been very well ... Since returning to her home and to her own doctor she had been much better and can get around the house and do her work without much trouble Incidentally her doctor :is Only a couple of months younger than she is end has been attending her several decades'::. . * .. THE fragrance and beauty of spring flowers and blossoms made a delightful background for the Blossom Tea,mnons re d by the Friendship Club of St Paul's Anglican :(.}hunch in the Parish Hall, Saturday afternoon . . . A pleasant early summer day made this always popular event more so than ever this year . . . * * * MRS. R. M. P. BuJteel, wear- ing yellow and black two-piece dress with black straw hat with yellow trim, and Mrs. George McLay. president of the club, in a smart navy and white pin stripe suit with navy strew hat, with navy and white'" bow, received the many guests . * :k THE bazaar tables were all at- tractively arranged with either white or lace cloths end decorat- ed with lilacs, lily -of -the -valley and tulips .. . Ian charge of the Talent booth were Mrs. L. G. Winter and Mrs. M. J. Elliott... Mrs. H. Bridle and Mrs. E. Bell HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE FIELD DAY EXETER COMMUNITY PARK Wednesday, June 13 . COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Sports and Entertainment for the Entire Family Admission: Adults 50e, Children Free 22-23-b t Attention, Parents All parents having children for Kindergarten Class in Fall Term commencing in September, must register same by letter not later than June 23, 1951, with H. C. Lawson, secretary, Clinton Public School Board. To be admitted, pupils must be four years, eight months old, by September 1, 1951. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. Owing to limited accommodation, it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. SIGNED ON BEHALF OF CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL•BOARD, H. C. Lawson, Secretary 22-3-4-b GLOSS SEMI -GLOSS • FLAT Ideal for use in practically all Interior decorating. Noted for their long-lasting and superior finish. A complete range of colon and while. J. W. COUNTER CLINTON, ONTARIO trfer- ET 11 •+4-4-•-• $- .4.ver-a 4 • $ $-►+ HOLMESVILLE -e-0+o+++ Miss Marie Gliddoai, St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, is vaca- tioning for three weeks at her home in' the village, Misses KathleenHolmes and Eileen Glidden enjoyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls on the week- end of May 20, Mrs. MacDonald, Teeswater, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Potter and fam- ily. Mr. MacDonald also visited here ror a day or two last week. E. J. Trewartha vi ted last weekend at Fordwich with Rev, and Mrs. S. Miner and family. • Service at 11 a.m. Commencing Sunday, June 3, the service in the United Church will begin at 11 a.m. instead of 10.30. Sunday School will follow. Purchases Lot H. J. Trewartha has purchased a lot,.. including the barn, from looked after the Buried Treasure Mrs. Bernice Henry, 'Mrs. E. Andrew, Mrs. G. Herman and Mrs. A. Crozier convened the Home Made Candy table . . * MRS. G. Elliott, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Reg Cudmore attended the sale of children's and used cloth- ing In charge of the apron booth were Mrs. Art Leyburne and Mrs. Feulks; the Home Bak- ing, Mrs. Violet Habgood, Mrs. J. Little and Mrs. M. McAdam .. . * 1E ,k THE tea tables were prettily centred with small bouquets and the refreshments daintily arrang- ed on individual plates, sand- wiches and cakes separated by napes doilies Looking after he tables were Mrs. K. McRae. Mrs. K. Cooke, Mrs. Steinburg, Mrs. Banks, Mrs. W. Counter and Mrs. J. Murphy . . In the kitchen were Mrs. W. Bunton, Mrs E. Gibbon, Mrs, Ray Gibbon, Mrs. Ii. Fitzsimons and Mrs. ' W, N. Counter . . . 0 OBITUARY ' MRS. W. SHEARING Rev, W. V. Aldworth of St. Paul's United Church, Pil'lson- burg officiated at the funeral service held at the Ostrander Fun- eral Home, Tillsonburg, on Wed- nesday afternoon, May 30, 1951, for Mrs. W. J. Shearing, mother of C. M. Shearing, Clinton. In- terment followed in Tillsonburg Cemetery. Mrs. Shearing, '71, was born near Watford, but had resided in Tillsonburg for more than 40 years. Her death occurred very suddenly Saturday evening, May 26, following a heart attack. Surviving as well as her hus- band and the son in Clinton, are ein.ot'her son, Harry, Tillsonburg, and three daughters, Miss Mild- red, at home; Mrs. Harold Poyntz, London; and Mrs. B. I. Bolster, Fredericton, N.B. WILLIAM ARTHUR WILSON William Arthur Wilson, Toron- to. former well known resident of Hensall, passed away in To - onto General Hospital, follow- ing a week's illness, Previous to entering the hospital Mr. Wil- son had been visiting his sister, Mrs. William Consitt, when he took ill and was confined to his room for three weeks. Upon re- turning to Toronto, he was ad- mitted to the hospital a week later where he passed away. Deceased was born in 1889, at Willow Hail, the home of his father, T. J. Wison, a Short dist- ance north from Hensall on King's Highway 4. He worked with his father on the farm. later going to Toronto, joining the Police Force and working with it for 35 years until he retired a year ago. He enjoyed the hest of health until six weeks before his death. Surviving are his widow, the former Arminta Flindal, Belle- ville; one daughter (Marie), Mrs. Stan Hawke, Coldwater; and three granddaughters: Barbara, Betty, and Memo; one sister, Mrs. W. Consitt, Hensall. Funeral services were held from the Trull Funeral Home, Yonge St., Toronto, with burial in York Cemetery.. eCa,F-6Z TRADE MARK REG. makes good food taste. better, S Mrs. W. Yeo, and will build a residence in the village next spring. When complete, Mr. and Mns, TreWarith4 will make their home there. Mrs. H. Cudanore has returned after spending p g 'several days. in Cleveland visiting with her aunt who, is quite 121.. Sunday guests With Mr. and Mrs, Frank Norman, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman and family, and other relatives in the village, in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Herb Heinz ,and family, New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roe, Milverton, and Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Nor- man end family, Seaforth. WMS Sunday Held The church was well filled Sunday morning, Maly 20, when the WMS held its annual service. Special ecial anthems were p rendered by the choir augmented by mem- bers of the society. An excep- tionally fine talk which included experiences in the mission field of Japan' as well as descriptions of how help from our country S►•-a+o-•4 •-•-••-•••••-•-•-•-•-• e s s HENSALL Sprains His Ankle Wilmer Adkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hensall, is at home suffering a badly sprained ankle. Wilmer, who it emplby- is needed and appreciated in the Japanese church', was given by the guest speaker, Miss Sybil Courtice, Clinton. Miss Courtice had spent 40 years in that country as a missionary. Mr. Newton was in charge of the service. Responsive reading was led by Mrs. Norman. Ushers were Mrs. H. Cudmore and Mrs. D. E. Glidden. The congregations of Ebenezer and Zion ere both well represented at this fine service. Mrs. Glen Robinson, Goderieh, visited her aunt, Mrs. Bert Lobb, on Thursday. ed with Hensall Distiret Farmers Co -Operative, drove a load of cattle to Toronto Saturday. Reaching the stock yards at mid- night, he found the gates locked. He crawled wl d over the:te and a a d jumped, landing on some bricks. Suffering a great deal of pain, be drove to, Cookeville on his way home and received medical PAGEmasa ', attention. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sinailavomh*,, Guelph, spent May 24 with .rela- tives in Hensall, they were ac- companied home by Fred Samna combe Sr. who will visit s in Guelph for a few weeks. Khaki is a Hindustan word meaning "dust colored." Clinton. Plumbing Bathrooms ' Pressure Systems General Repairs E. 1 (Mike) REYNOLDS Phone 5778 - CLINTON -. Huron St. 22 -litho 11111111111(1111111111111!11111111111111191111 III (1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(IIIIIIillll(II(111111111111111(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!111111111111111111111(111111111111(1111111111111111 A Week Of Outstanding Drug Values DRUG STORES BIRTHDAY SALE Monday, May 28th to Saturday, June 2nd Save real money on many drug store needs at our week-long Birthday Sale, To celebrate 18 years of growth and expanding service, all I.D.A. Drug Stores - over 440 of them - are offering ex- ceptional "buys" on products that have a place in just about every home. Check over this ed , and shop Monday to Saturday, May 28th to June 2nd for extra savings at FDA BIRTHDAY SPECIALS MILK of MAGNESIA I.D.A. 16 & 32 oz., Reg. 35c, 60c CALAMINE LOTION I.D.A., 4. & 8 oz., Reg. 30c, SOc 29c, 55c ' 23c, 39c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE I,D:A., 4, 8 & 16 oz., Reg. 19c, 29c, 45c 14c, 23c, 37c MAGNESIA TABLETS I.D.A., 100's, 300's, Reg, 39c, 89c WHITE EMBROCATION I.D.A., 4 & 8 oz,, Reg. 29c, 49c 29c, 59c 23c, 39c 27c CORN REMEDY I.D.A., Reg. 35c WAX PAPER I.D.A. BRAND Heavy Quality ion fr*r,r roll in box with metal cutting edge *Sc 2 for 55c I.D.A. Brand HEALTH SALTS 1 Pound 59c VOIDS Chlorophyll Deodorant Tablets 25c, $1.25 EVELYN HOWARD Theatrical Type COLD CREAM A smooth bland skin cleanser, 1 lb, jar 69C Reg. 89c POWDER PISFFS Salt velour, Reg. 10c, 8c. 2 for 15e COMBS -Bobby, Curl or Pocket. Reg. 100 2 for i5c . Fights headaches three ways! BROMO- SELTZER 29c 55c 98c Holiday time is Brown -Seltzer time! WASH CLOTHES 19c Value 2 for 29c +r ,' To announce the happiest day of your life . beautiful wedding invitations print- ed with flawless taste . . . with the popular Chamivour Vellum! Priced to fit your Wedding Budget at • 25 for $4.95 (inelriding extra envelopes) Several Attractive Styles of Type Clinton News -Record "The Home of Fine Printing" -- -- CLINTON PHONE 4 Westinghouse. FOOD MIXER Beautifully finishedin gleaming white Dulux! it's super -powered to give, you extra power for every mixingneed.Mixer unit is easily re- moved for use with other utensils. Has 20 mixing speeds - two Pyrex mixing bowls! Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Westinghouse ,Dealers PHONE 479 Residence 358 "Every Houser"Needs Westinghouse!" Birthday Special! LD.A, BRAND ' MINERAL OIL Heavy Grade A highest quality mineral oil 16 oz., Reg. 45c For Constipation try IDOL -AGAR I.D.A. Brand Mineral Oil and Agar For adults and children. Contains Phenolphthalein. May be taken plain or mixed with milli or water. 16 oz., 40 oz., Reg. 79c Reg. -1.59 63c NURSERS Bounce Narrow Mouth Style 4 for 19c $1.23e" 34c' BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! TOILET TISSUE I.D.A. Brand Soft and Strong 650 sheets a roll Reg, 3 for 35c 3 for 29c • VELOUR POWDER PUFFS Regular 10c 8c, 2 for 15c TOILET TISSUES Cashmere, White Swan, Interlake 2 for 27c IDAPHOSt I.D.A. Brand Nerve Tonic 16 oz. $1.25 as 'Vara' itt PSOM SALTS I.D.A. Brand An active and safe if Cathartic. efficient and `mild laxative. 16 oz., reg. 25c I.D.A. SPECIAL 19c 14.+�grmmnhamn�acnnm�a.•..r.a:..o. W... (0(0 NUT Oil Shampoo Gives a rich heavy lather. Does not dry the scalp or douse the hair to become brittle. 4 oz.&al131 8 oz. ^J Reg. 33c ga Reg. 49c .e) C. I•DA BIRTlIfVAY SPECIALS ALMOND LOTION I.D.A. Brand, 6 oz. Bottle, Reg. 60c AROMATIC CASCARA LD.A, Brand, 3 & 6 oz., Regular 30c & 50e CASCARA TABLETS I.D.A. Brand, 5 grain, 100's. Reg. 39c r. 47c 23c, 39c f• 32c CREAM of TARTAR I,D.A. Brand, regular 20c & 35c sizes , . , OIL of WINTERGREEN I.D.A. Brand, 3 oz. bottle, reg. 35c • TINCTURE of IODINE LD.A. Brand, 1 oz. bottle, reg. 20c WITCH HAZEL I.D.A. Brand, 4 & 16 oz., reg, 30c & 75c VEGETABLE LAXATIVE Tablets. IDA. ,Brand, 36's, reg. 25c SENNA LEAVES I.D.A. Brand, 1 & 4 oz. cartons, reg. 15c & 35c1 ic, 27c VITAMIN I3-1 TABLETS 14c, 27c ' 27c 14c 23c, 59c 19c Brand, loos & 300s, reg. 37e & 79e MODESS 12s 40c; 2 for 79c 48s $1.53 I.D.A. Brand A.B.S. & C. TABLETS Battle of 100 23c I.D.A. Brand KIDNEY REMEDY 8 oz. bottle 60c 29c, 59c ; KOTEX 12:s 40c; 2 for 79c 48c $1.53 I.D.A. Brand PABISAL Papain & Bile Salt Compound 100 Tablets 89c I.D.A. Brand BEEF IRON & WINE 16 oz. bogie 79c F. B. PENN EBAKER PHONE 14 Unique Ph oto -Service CLINTON 111111llllllllilll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 211(11 •11111 1111111/1 III 111111141 1111111111 NMI I tu111111IIIIIIIIilil111111111111I1 i 11 111111 111(111111111 111111 511111111111111111!1111111111111111111111111P1lllllt'