HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-05-17, Page 5THURSDAY; IVIAY '17, '1951 CLINTON MENS=RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adle s Br i Quick Resulti ion)—OneScent RATE—(M paid by word firs id FURNITURE FOR SALE MARRIAGES BIRTHS Clearing esday following date of msec ONE LARGE ICE BOX as good' ANDERSON-I.IANSEN — In St, AUCTION SALE n- eanddtion. Phone 78W, Clinton. CALDWELtr .Iu Clinton Public citron (minimum 35 cents); sub- 20-1, Avdmew s United. Church Manse, equent insertions one cent a word BirKipibe , by Rev. seA. E. Hinton, 16,Ho1951, on Wednesday, May of" minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex -DESK; SUNSHINE BABY Stro1 B'irthe Irgens Hansen, daughter 16, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph' FARM STOCK, ii'IVIENTS as for box numbes . or for direr- ler; high. chair; cheap. Upstairs, of , S 'end Mrs. Karl Ole Han- Caldwell, R.R. 3, Blyth, a son. and' HOUSEHOLDon,A EFFECTS ion to NEWS -RECORD Office: Brunsdon Block, Rattenbury Sit, icily Denmark, to• Erik OHUTOn Fri Palmerston 195F, Harold Jackson, ons toneer, has IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. 20_p Anderson, son of Mr. and. Plus, tel, on MApril 27, for, receaved instructions to sell at DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. Holger Anderson, Skelekor, to Mr. and Mrs.' Harvey Muter Let 21, Concession la Haien EASY WASHING MACHINE, Denmark. (nee Audrey Butler), Hamriseen, Township, 14 mile east end 1 mite yeas and -.a• -half old, in first cher THOMAS-LEMON—In RI. Aid- a daughater (Marlene Marie). south' of Blyth at 1 p.m. (known ACCOMMODATION condition. Phone Clinton 572-M, 3. ens Chapel,•St. Paul's.Cath- COOPER—In Clinton Public Hos- as the George Sloan farm), on WANTED 20-21-b edral, London, on Saturday, pita), on Sunday, May 13, 1951, Wednesday, May May 12, 1951, by Rev. Charles to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cooper, y� . 2 HOUSE OR APARTMENT, two Brown, Donna Margaret, dans- Clinton, a son (David Robert . at go S PORCH GLIDER, likeFITZSSMONS-In Clinton. Public l p.m. the fallowing: echooms, to rent for two years,, new,good quality striped' duck, Otter of Verne,Mr. and Mrs. Howard y professional man and wife. baked white enamel finistin, six Lemon,. to Wesley T4mom. Hospital, on Saturday, May 12, V, D, Ramore, No. 6 Georgina feet long, $60 new, will' sell for es, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1951, to Mr. and Mrs; R. Roy pts., Price Ave., Welland. $40. T. W. Marlin, comer Prin H.Thomas, London. (KarenFvtarnonR Cy, a a daughter 20-21-b cats and Raglan Sets. 20-b a Ruby; ) sister for DEATHS Sylvia. and Terry). iOUSE OR APARTMENT, . re- RCA VICTOR Radio-Ph'onograpli; COOPER—At her home,58 Bins-'HICKEY—In Clinton Public Iios- table tenants, would consider in excellent condition; washing earth Rd., Taranto, on Saturd, to Mr. aiidSunday, M s. Jose hxHi 1951, ease. State rent. Box "5", machine, cheap.•Mrs. E. C. Burns, May 12, 1951, fallowing a R.H. 3,' Auburn, a son. Hickey, EWS-RECORD. 20-b phone 670J, 20-p lengthy illness, Agnes Massie, JACKSON—In Hamilton General ACCOMMODATION KITCHEN CABINET; wardrobe; beloved wife of Lieut. Col. Hospital, on Tuesday, May 8, KITCHEN paned A S Jahn A. Cooper, mother of 1951 t ' 1VL and M FOR RENT - . ice box. p'p y Marjorie, Mr's. Reginald Savage o r xs. James Apt. 2- over C'harlesworth's Feed Namj ori ,Vi., John M. ,add Doug- Jackson, es. Hamilton, a son (Ken - :WO GENTLEMAN BOARDERS, Store. 20-p g- meth James). law W. M, and sister-air-lativ of SNELI—In Clinton Public Hos- o share one room. Phone638.18-btfb BST -IN BATHTUBS $55. Save. A. T, Cooper, Clinton. Private pi�tal, on Wednesday, May 16, up •to $100 on your bathroom a- funeral to Mount Pleasant 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ?N LAKE HURON, near Bay- lone and have a nicer home, Help- Cemetery, Toronto, Monday af- Snell, Clinton, a son. Meld, two bedroom cottage for ful installation diagrams with ternoon, May 14. STANDING -In ClintonPublic en`t, hydro and water on tap. shmipments. The smart Martha McEWEN — In Clinton Public Hosraitaa, an Monday, May 14, apply Mae. Ed Welsh, R.R. 2, Washington and Riahiedge sets Hospital, on Thursday, May 10, 1951, to Nlr. and Nkrs: Wilmer 3aydield, phone Clinton 906x34. complete consisting of a five-foot 1951, Samuel McEwen, Bay- Standing, Clinton, a daughter. 20-x recessed Stainless sitting ledge field,.beloved husband of Oath-. TURNER At their home, Bay - bathtub, most modern vitreous erine Harrison, in his 83rd year. field Line, on Tuesday, May 8, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE basin and Sylent toilet with Funeral from the Bell and 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon chromed fittings $155 to $187. Mutch Funeral Home, High Si., Turner, a daughter. 237 DODGE SEDAN, black, five Luxurious coral, .green, blue and Clinton, to Trinity Anglican YOUNGBLUT In Clinton Public nod tires, in good ,dandition. Ap- yellow sets $274. Antaciive powd- Church, Bayfield, to Bayaield Hospital, on Friday, May 11, by Lindsay Eyre, Brumfield, er room sets. Sink cabinet units Cemetery, on Saturday, May 12. 1951, to Ma. and Mrs. Leonard hone Seafomth 659r21. 20-p complete with chromed swing MORRISH—At the home of her Youngbiut, R.R. 1, Londesbora, spout faucets, crumb cup strain- daughter, 128 Strathalian Blyd-, a son (stillborn). 951 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, er, stainless enamel sink and Toronto, on Friday, May 11, ) mileage 550, to close estate of the plastic tops $98, Electric, coal, 1951, Christine Cooper, beloved tte John Penhale. Apply Harold wood stoves; refrigerators, an wife of the late Albert J. Mor- enhale, Bayfield. 18-19-20b burners, furnaces and pipes, show- rish, end dear mother of Bess, 429 GREEN PLYMOUTH Coach, er cabinets, sanitary deluxe enema Mrs. Harold B. Manning, all r good condmtion, one owner, e1 laundry tubs. Guaranteed Sat- farmer residents of Clinton. all sell cheap. For quick sale isfaehinn. Also special plaumbers Funeral from the Morley S. owner has another car. Apply and builders offers. You can't Bedford Funeral` Chapel, to 'award Currie, Joseph St. afford to ignore these opporltun- Mount Pleasant Cemetery, To 20-p ities. Write or visit Johnson Mang ionto, on Monday, May 14. Order Division, Streetsville Herd- HOUSES FOR RENT TTENTION FARMERS. 1940 ware, Streetaville, Ont, phone ve-passenger Chrysler Royal. 261, 20-3-b FARMHOUSE FOR RENT, Lorne Sr in good mechanical condition, Tyndall, phone 904r4. 10ptfb inipped with coil springs. Ideal HELP WANTED—FEMALE MISCELLANEOUS r for carrying feed, full capac- t trunk., Priced reasonable for GOOD RELIABLE GIRL for Rick sale. Phone 443W any grocery and fruitmarket. Thomp- SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at ening after seven o'clock. son's Food. Market, phone; '40, C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of 19-20-p Clinton. 20-p town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at BABY CHICKS employment, experience Seslmedhouse, if p,ossibie. 16-23 p E'RE TAKING ORDERS for but not neressory. Apply in per- ALL OLD HORSES AND BRAD tay June mixed chicks. But son. Martin's Dept. Store, Clin- animals. If suitable for mints feed enable now for prompt ship- prices. hip ton. 20-b will pay more than fertilizer rted nme and mixed , dchil rein some GIRL FOR GROCERY STORE, prices. If dad iphll o a afertilizeronc full or part time, good wages and Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink ht and mediumecontacting Strong- r working conditions, Phone 111. Ranch, 936x21 or 936r32, Gode- advise 20-b rich. 2btfb riiculars, Mrs. Alex Paterson, rueefield. 20-b BULBS FOR SALE LADIOLUS BULBS—mixed alt .50 per 100 for large; $2.00 per 0 for medium size. Delivery urges extra. Stock limited. array E. Tyndall, Brucefield, one Clinton 618r12, 20-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE :.AME BARN, 35'x40'. David Isom, phone Clinton 002r21. 19 -20 - WILDING LOTS FOR SALE DT FOR SALE, on Victoria urate. Apply School of Clam- erce. Phone 198. 20-b RE YOU THINKING of build- g a home. A number of fine is for sale. Leonard G. Winter, eel Estate, phones: business 8, residence 599.1. 7-btfb CLOTHING FOR SALE IRL'S BLUE SUIT, size 12 or "all 14; Kelly green coat, size ; several dresses, including sun iiass, sizes 12-14; two boy's aver- ts, sizes 12 and 16. All freshly aned. Chu be seen any morn - or evening or Saturday. Ap- Box "C' ' NEWS -RECORD. 20-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED i1RMERS — HARVEST HELP 'mad be arranged for now. urge and small Dutch families a available now. C. de Haan, Igrave, 11-17-ptfb FARMS FOR SALE 'OM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. nitidential information. Leon - 1 G. Winter, Real Estate, ones: business 448, residence )J. 5-btfb RM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE .VID BROWN TRACTORS and hl Forage Harvesters and mmermills, sold by George H. atty, Varna. 10-btfb BURY AND BISSELL Tractor ,pure Spreader,' 90 bushels. sil O'Rourke, Brucefiield, phone tutor" 6181.21. 20-p FARMS FOR SALE LASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot concession 5, Hulled. Thomas rbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone nton 801221, or James Phelan, t, 2, Blyth, Phone Blyth 31r9. 13-1S-ptbf LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MT LITTLE PIGS, six weeks George Hunter, phone Clin- 807r5. 20-b E HEIFEdR, CALF, one week Apply to Alex Sparks, Bay- o.. 20-b PIGS, seven weeks old. Apply ith Tyndall, phone Clinton r23, 20-b 3ISTBRED RED SHORTHORN I.L, 13 mionths old. William corer, Bruce:Meld, phone Cain - 6201'12., 20_1-p O SHORTHORN BULLS, ser- mable age, from good milking is of Ransom breeding. Herd audited. William. R. Pepper, 3, Seaaorth, phone Clinton r21. 20-p WANTED ' HOUSES FOR SALE RESALE OF WARTIME House— three bedrooms, living room, kit- chen and bathroom. Central Mortgage terms. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5991 19-btfb HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. Eight -roomed house, suitable for two families, four -piece bathroom, ideal location. Leonard G. 'Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, phones: business 448, residence 599.1. 17-btfb BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX for sale. All modern conveniences. A good investment. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, phones: busi- ness 448, residence 599i. r7btfb SI.X-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Mensell, Apply Albert Wali(, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb POTATOES FOR SALE QUANTITY OF IRISH Cobbler potatoes, $1.50 a bag. George Dubs, Londesboro, phone Myth 20-p PIANOS FOR SALE PIANO AND BENCH, Mahogany, in good shape, suitable for small children to learn on. Box "P", NEWS -RECORD, 20-b MASON AND RISCH "Henry Herbert" ,combination p l a y or piano, medium size. Contact K. W, Colquhoun, phones 9W or 50. PIANO TUNING 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20-21pifb YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. LOVELY HOME, large living Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton room, dining room, kitchen and 5508. 43tfb pantry on ground floor, four bed- SEED GRAIN FOR SALE rooms, den, sunporch and bath- room second floor. Hart -water rQUANTITY OF CLIPPER AND heated, insulated, fuI1 cellar, Robust Seed Beans, registered double garage, close to main at. seed last year. Fred Arizell, phone Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Clinton 908r25, 20-b Winter, Real Estate, phones busi ness 448, residence 599J'. 5btfb STOVES FOR SALE SEVEN-RQOMED RED BRICK bungalow, centre hall plan, re- ception hall, living room with open fireplace, dining room, kit- WOOD FOR SALE chnen with Georgia Pine cup- boards, tile bathroom, three bed- NINE CORD DRY MAPLE Wood. moms, hot air heating, good gar- Apply Warren Gibbings, or Isaac age. Approximately one a c r e Rapson, % John Rapson. 20-p land with trees(, glowers, fruit trees and bushes, lovely rolling lawn. Quick possession. Phone 230 for appointment, as contact W. N. 'Counter. 20-b LARGE SIZE QUEBEC Heater. Phone 235J. 20-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—On May 9, a Grana Wrist watch, gold ease and bracelet. Finder please contact LAC Kali- almk, A., supply section, RCAF Station, phone 382 local 22-1. 20-p RED GABARDINE COAT BELT. Small reward. Mrs. Barrett, % Mrs. J. B. Cox, phone 150. 20-p NOTICES DRIVING TO WINNIPEG, May 26. Room for two, licensed driv- er preferred, Phone 904425. 20-�b WOULD ANYONE interested in having a Tupperware ` plastic panty, ar any church group, club, etc., wishing to raise money by having a 'Tupperware demonstra- tion in Clinton ar surrounding district, please contact MTs. F. L. Miller, Ratitenbury St. W., phone 334W. 20-1-b ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots No. 41 end 61, both sides of the River, Tuekersmitn Township, at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted, • By order of owner, A. E. Parry,, May 3rd, 1951. 18-21-ptfb SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made: in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, 867'.. 3-7ptfb PASTURE AVAILABLE SIXTY ACRES OF PASTURE., NTED TO RENT OR BUY- James 'Greydanus, H.R. 1, Bay- :tric refrigerator. Phone 424. field, concession 4, lot 33, phone 20-p Minton '903r33, 20-p • Clearing AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of Mrs. J. B. Cox, East Street and the end of High Street, Clinton, on Saturday, May 26 at 1.30 p.m. sharp. NOTE—This was the former home of the late W. D. Doherty and some of the original furniture is being offered: Six -piece walnut parlor suite; large mahogany what -mot with English bevel plated mirror; large hand -carved combination buffet and chine cabinet (exceptional quality); dining room extension table; oak library table; 6 fumed oak dining roam chairs; oak arm chair; oak settee; oak rolled top writing desk; living room rug, 9'x12'; platform rocker; 2 chests of drawers; fernery stand; 2 an- tique spooled rope beds; bed and. springs; bed screen; hall mirror and seat; wall mirrors; 2 oval tables; kitchen chairs; mahogany table; drapes; magazine stand; new Princess Pat modern range; kitchen cupboard; quantity of scalers; quantity of pictures; numerous flower pots; window awning and frame; large trunk; Sam Brown. cartridge belt and knep sack; curtain rods; carpet bails; :ol rhes rack; extension ladder (nearly .new); wheel bar- row; roll of poultry wire; hand garden seeder; Sweed saw; other garden tools; emery stone; saw vice;chest; building jack; numerous carpenters tools; wooden tool Dishes including antique vase; brass candle sticks; glassware In- cluding 2 pickle cruettes; linens including large linen tablecloth and numerous other articles, TERMS—CASH No reserve as property is sold. MRS. I. B. COX, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 20-21-b Shipment of American Cemet JUST ARRIVED Harold Emerson Phone 394R Clinton 20-b 44.4.-9-b-6-6-tl•.�.44-4-4-X4.44-4-.4Y-O-. deep Cool In Casuals PICKETT SPORT COATS Full range of shades & Sizes Priced from $25.00 to $35.00 SPORT SHIRTS Plains and fancies; AR Sizes and Shades $3.95 up T-SHIRTS PLAINS, STRIPES, FANCIES AIR Sizes $1.00 to $3.95 ODD SLACKS Match your sport coat with a pair of Gabardine Sllaoks-•-alt sizes $9.95 to $19.95 -44?M4.• CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON BATS Phone 25 — Clinton i -I ROXY THEA ~ REG.EN1EATRE CLINTON SEAFORTH Now Playing (May 17): "I WAS . A SHOPLIFTER" Now: "STARS IN MY CROWN" (May. 18 & 19): with Joel McCrea and Ellen Drew TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN' . MON. and TUES.— Dan Duryea and Shelley Winters in a 'gripping tale of the wax"k of the narcotics squad "JOHNNY STOOL CATTLE; Four choice Durham. • PIGEON" cows (fresh); 2 Holstein heifers ' (fresh); Durham heifer, due in WED, and THURS.— June; 1 (two -yr. -gold heifer 6 cc Durham .boilers, weight 600-700 ABANDONED" lbs.; red Durham bull, serviceable A shocking expose of the baby - age; 5 Dunham -Hereford calves, selling caoket, tarring POULTRY: 400 Sussex year-old Dennis O'Keefe, Gale Storm hens. and Jeff Chandler HARNESS: Set breaching tar-'. ness and horse callers, FRI. and, SAT. IMPLEMENTS: Massey -Harris Ted -Donaldson, Robert Paige No. 30 tractor, practically new; and Noreen Nash 6 fertiftmlizerower;drill; ruInteramatbber-tionairel d 13-discwag- of a boy for his faithful horse A. heart-warming taleofthe love on and hay rack; disc/ harrow;. 'The RED "L SALLION't` dump rake; 2,000 -lb. scales; Mas- " Coming: "OUT OF THE BLUE" say -Harris electric cream separ- In Colour l An entertaining adventure atom (new) ; milk pails; 4.-sectionsmnw® saniamaialoserozzaraa harrows; sleigh and flat reels; PARK THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE hay car and rope (new); pig GODERJCHi— Phone 47 GODERIC1I--Phone 1150 troughs and feeders; steel posts. and cedar posts; quantity of wov Now: Jean Simmons and David en wire; colony house 10x12; Farrar in `CAGE OF GOLD" electric brooder; forks, shovels, MON,—TUES.—WED. chains and other articles. Louis Calhern—Arun Harding HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Keg- and Eduard Franz ;MON.—TUES.—WED. vitiator refrigerator, 81 cu, ft.i Edward G. Robinson—Margaret (new); 2 extension tables; kit- Fran'ois Biddte's best seller be O'Brien and James Craig then chairs: 4 -burner heavy duty comes a picture you will always r One of the best -written novels of electric stove (new); 1 white remember, the heart-warming our time designed and presented Finlay cook stove; 1 bed- story about Oliver Wendell as a motion picture to please your room suite; book case end desk Holmes entire family combined; quantity floor cover- "The Magnificent "Our Vines Have ing; 1 girl's bicycle (like new). cyAle electric appliances are 60- Yankee" Tender Grapes" TERMS—CASH THURS.—FRI.—SAT. JAKUBOVIC BROS., Proprietors Spencer Tracy—Joan Bennett HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Elizabeth Taylor E. P. Chesney, Clerk The sequel to "Father of the 19-20-b Bride" in which father, becomes grandpa to an infant 'that just about steals the acting honors. MON.—TUES.—WED Ronald Reagan --Patricia Neal and Richard Todd The story of a dour Soot, wound- ed in Burma, who learns a vital lesson on the meaning of friend- ohup and faith "The Hasty Heart" THURS.—FRY,-SAT. Audio Murphy—Gale Storm and Albert Dekker • A. tale 'of range wars and Billy the Kid, 'the most hunted outlaw in western history: Packed with action, and galloping edventure. "Kid From Texas" NOW: Thrilling! Spectacular! "The PHANTOM of the OPERA" "Father's Little For Sale Dividend" In Village of Bayfield 7 room frame dwelling, in excel/lent condition, hydro, well -located, double garage, nearly new, about la acre of land, convenient to lake• Im- medialte possession. Tourist Camp with service station, lunch room, dwelling and four cabins, equipped with modern conveniences; four acres of land, located on Blue - water Highway, near Bayfield, Good turnover, Apply H. C. Lawson REAL ESTATE Phone 251W • Clinton 19-btfb 44 Coming: "SO LONG AT THE FAIR" with Jean Simmons and Dirk Bogarde TIIURS.—FRI,—SAT. Gene Autry—Gloria Henry and Pat Buttram Gen e and his famous horse Champion present a hard -riding musical western leased on the song by the same name "Riders in the Sky" Coming: "SHADOW of a DOUBT" Crime -mystery at its best HOW CAN I KNOW? Can I know that I aur saved? Can I be assured now that I am saved before I die? We Can Know! "Verily, verily I say unto you, He that heareth roy word, and believeth on him that sent me, bath everlasting life, but is passed from death unto life." --John 5 :24. "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that we may know that ye have eternal life, and that we may believe on the name of the Son of God."—I John 5:13. CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST INi°: s. it �! ,TIO NOT RJRE! DO YOU REALLY, WANT TO SAVE A DOLLAR OR TWO OR EVEN THREE? We are offering the following merchandise at Below Replacement value or to -day's Cost Price 'H-4.044'0- -4-4-0 Y-4 +G-4-4•.FOd-+-PO-04-6-O-H 64 $-44-4 -4.4- '-$'+ Men's Balbriggan Balbriggan Underwear Boxer Shorts — Tops — Briefs -e+4-aa-0-09-oa o-0-o+o4r-t-as-4-+-444.4-e4-4-o-4-144-o--o-P-e-444444-te-64-0--4o-P-4-4-44-oPo-4-o->c 9 , a -n-4 Children's Shoes A good selection of styles — not all sizes in every style— includes LEATHER in white, red, brown—CANVAS blue, brown, green. •4,d-44.4-+44-4-0-4-/64 4 4-40 • 4 '-L4-@ 4 4 4 400-4-44-440-0-0-4-4-4-0-4-+ 4-44 04o- 4-4-4-4-4-4 4 444.444-4-4-¢04-0. Women's Shoes A few pairs left — in broken sizes — Canvas, Black Kid, Nurses, etc. •4-0.4-4-4 $ $4 4 .-}4-$-# $4.44444.44.4444-x6.4-0-4'-$-444'4 4 4 1 * $ $ 4- 444.44.4-4,44-4-4+-4-l.-4444 44-•Y Congoleum Rugs Sizes 6x9 — $4.50 71/x9 — $4.95 9x9 — $6.95 •4 $ 4 44.44$' $'+'4'4'44'4444'444-4 444- 444 4.644-4. Don't f ail to come in and see these bargains Just imagine being able to buy right in Clinton at Lower Than Catalogue Prices! a �4+. • MARTINS DEPT. STORE CLINTON Phones: 36J and 36W ONTARIO