Clinton News-Record, 1951-05-03, Page 5'THURSDAY, `MAY 3, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECO -RD ews-Record Classified Adieu Bring ASH RATE --,(7f paid by Wed- esday following date of neer- on)-One cent a word 'first in- ertion (minimum 35 cents);. sub- - , went insertions one cent• a word minimum 25 cents),; 15•cents'ex- for box number or for direc- on to NEWS-RECOLI.D Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADI:INE-6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED OUSE OR: APARTMENT want as soon as possible. Apply ox "A" NEWS -RECORD. 18-p OUSE IN ouNToN or . district, rent. Box `.'H", 'NEWS- ECORD. .18-p CCOMMODATION •for :Rent URNISHED BEDROOM to rent, 'tih use of bathroom, gentleman referred. Phone ,301W. .18-b WO GENTLEMAN BOARDERS, share one room. Phone 63R.. 18-+belib IGHT-ROOMED HOUSE with arden and garage, could be suit - le for two families. Apply alined Penfound, phone 804r2. 18-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 42 OLDSMOBILE four -door don, good tires and motor. Ap- y L. M. Waters, Wellington St,,. on. 18=19,:p 51 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, close estate of the late John le. Apply Harold Pentiale, yfield. 18 -19 -ti O PLYMOUTH ROAD KING, r just overhauled, new bat - heater, slip covers, excel- nt condition. Apply Howard's vice Station. Phone 687R. 18-19-!b ARTICLES FOR SALE PORCELAIN -LINED ICE x, suite 2, over Clharlesworth's ed Store. 18-p BICYCLES FOR SALE Y'S BICYCLE, almost new, balloon tires, For further 'culars phone Bayfield 12. 18 -ea BABY CHICKS ULLETS. Started or dayoid, Bray Hatchery, at reduced ring prices. Fine :investments ✓ later markets, They've also ed chicks, dayold, started. Ask for particulars: SI s. Alex %arson, Brucefield, UILDING LOTS FOR SALE E YOU THINKING of build - g e home. A number of fine is for sale. Leonard G, Winter, 1 Estate, phones: business residence 599J. 7-btfb CUSTOM FARM WORK STOM CULTIVATING. Apply eorge J. Colclough, phone day 3, night 423W. 18-p AILABLE IMMEDIATELY for stone plowing, Lyle Montgom- R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Sea- rtli 841r31.. 18-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED 4RMVIERS - HARl EST HELP cold be arranged for now. ge and small Dubois families e available now. C. de Haan, (grave. 11-17•-ptfb FARMS FOR SALE OM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. nfidential information. Leon - d G. Winter, Real Estate, ones: business 448, residence 9J. 5-btfb ARM PRODUCE FOR SALE NATOR DUNLOP Strawberry nts, $1 per hundred if you dig ur own; also Great Dane te- e pup, will snake good watch g. Will have garden and flower ants ready in about two weeks, bert Leibold, I•t, R. 2, Clinton, one 910r13, 18-p M E NEW CHESAPEAKE awberry plants; also some Cob- S _r potatoes grown from founda- u n stock A. Roy Tyndall, phone tr iiuton 907r3. 18-19-b t &RM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE a C, ph FLOORS SANDED OLD AND NEW FLOORS Sand- ed and finished. J. Cree Cook, Phone Clinton 23-J. 16-19-p GARDEN AVAILABLE VACANT LOT, suitable for gard- ening, available free. Anyone interested phone 138J. 18-p HOUSES FOR RENT. FARM HOUSE FOR RENT. Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4, l0ptfb HELP WANTED -Female EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, part or full time. Henri Beauty Shoppe, phone Clinton 223. 17-18--b GIRL FOR PULL TIME employ- ment as clerk, Must be neat and reliable. Apply Eartliff Bros. GIRL FOR PART TIME WORK as clerk. Apply Baetliff Bros. 18-b HELP WANTED --Male SOME ONE TO CUT the lawn. Phone 380W. 18-1o, YOUNG MAN to work in farm equipment business, some office work, also repairs department, Apply McAlpine and Daw, phone Clinton 83. 18-b HOUSES FOR SALE SMALL 'HOUSE with five rooms. Immediate possession. Phone 268W. 18-19-b HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. Eight -roomed house, suitable for two families, four -piece bathroom, ideal Ipeation, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, phones: business 448,. residence 5993. 17-btfb BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX for sale. All modern conveniences. A good investment, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Clinton, phones: busi- ness 448, residence 599e. 17btfib SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall, Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich, 2-btfb SIX ROOMED brick dwelling, good location, mw•dern conven- iences, new furnace, about half acre of lands good barn, some fruit trees, $6,000. Early pos- session. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W., Clinton. 16-b LOVELY HOME, large living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on ground floor, four bed- rooms, den, sunporeh and bath- room second Sloan Heat -water heated, insulated, full cellar, double garage, close to main st. Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones busi- ness 448, residence 599J. 5btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FIVE GOOD PIGS, ready to wean. Apply Harold Penhale, Bayfield. 18-b NUMBER OF WELL-BRED Dual purpose Shorthorn heifers, from T.E. tested herd, two freshen In July. W. P. Roberts, R, R. 3, Seatfotth, 18-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will, work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if p,pssible. 16-23-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices, If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once, Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb NOTICE WANTED TO BUY -Old Feather Ticks, etc. Phone Clinton 3593. 18-19-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots No. 41 and 51, both sides of the River, Tuckersniite. Township, at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted, By order of owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1951 18-21 ptfb EWING MACHINES, new and sed. Repairs to all makes; eedles electrified or made in- o portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up nd deliver in Clinton limits. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, one 8673, 3-7ptfb VID BROWN TRACTORS and _hi Forage Harvesters and mmermilis, sold by George H. atty, Varna. 10-btfb NE' M -M MODEL Z . TRACTOR first class condition; one M -M odel R, nearly new; one Ford :attar and plow, nearly new; amber of used manure spreaders id side rakes. New Idea Dist- bettors, Goderich, phone Carlow 18-19-p ITERNATIONAL MM. DIESEL :scior, almost new. Roy Tyndall, lone Clinton 907r3. 18-19-b FARMS FOR SALE BASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot , concession 5, Hallett, Thomas irbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone inton 801r21, or James Phelan, R, 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf FURNITURE REPAIRING )R FURNITURE, PIANO AND Sin cabinet refinishing end re- ining, see W. G. Pickett, box i, Clinton, 17-8-9-p FURNITURE FOR SALE CESTERFIELD SUITE; e nd +les and coffee table; lamp and rror; rug with felt base; crib 3 three chest drawers; chrome Men sua'te. Mrs, Arnold, 41 naaipeg Rd., RCAF Station, nton, lg-p JSNIONS PORCH GLIDER, like v, good quality .striped duce, ted white enamel finish, 0 feet CO g, $60 new, will sell for $40. prim W Martin, corner Princess end mond ;lan Sts. 'I8 -b Gibs ORDER YOUR GUARANTEED Nylons to -day, one month guar- anteed with every three pet nylons, and two months guaran- teed with every six pair. After this period and up to six months stockings will be replaced et half Price, Guaranteed against runs, snags, and excessive wear on your part or the stocking's part. Writ- ten guarantee with ovary pair. Order yours to -day and cut town expense on stocking, wear. Also nice line. of Dwlour men's, children's and ladies' wear; nine .assortment of everyday wrappi tiepaper, cards and seals. • Order yours now and save on this line too. Mrs. R. Mann, phone Clin- ton 6893, 18-p POTATOES FOR SALE TABLE., POTATOES, olso late seed potatoes, Glen Wise, phone Clinton 907r24, 17-18-p PIANOS FOR SALE FIVE NEW MASON and RISCIf pianos, floor samples, 15 per cent off. Large selection of plain case pianos, unfinished, like new. Smitty's Piano Sales, Hanover. 17-18-19-p PASTURE AVAILABLE PASTURE AVAILABLE for about ten head of cattle. Lorne Jervis, phone Clinton 91043: la -o STOVES FOR SALE USED MOFFAT Electric Range. Clinton Motors, phone 205W, AL AND WOOD RANGE, stew. cess Pat, cream trim, good 'ition, reasonably priced, E, on, phone 442J. 18-o BIRTH'S COLLINS - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 2, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collins, Clinton, a daughter (Sharon Elizabeth). FARQUHAR-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, April 29, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Famquher, R.R. 1, (Clinton, a son (Kenneth Douglas). FLOOD -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on. Thursday, April 26, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Robent Flood, R: R. 1, Varna, a son (Ralph Philip). GRANT -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, April 26, 1951, to F/O and Mrs. H. W. Grant, R. 11. 4, Clinton, a daughter (Tennis Joanne), HARRIS -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, April 27, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, R. R. 2, Bayfield, a daughter (Shirley Jean). HAY: In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 2'7, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hay, Zur- ich, a daughter (Brenda Jane). PATTERSON-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 30, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson, Auburn, a son (Ter- rence Paul). STEVENS - In Scott Memroriai Hospital, Seaforth, on T urs-`' day, April 26, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. John C, Stevens, Seaforth, a son (William Everett). MARRIAGES ALLIN-DAVIDSON-At the home of the bride's parents, It. R. 4, Goderich, on Saturday, April 28, 1951, by Rev. Joseph Harrower, Mooneen• Lovejoy Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson, to Norman Bruce Allin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Allan, R.R. 2, Clinton. FERGUSON-KINSMAN--At the home of the bride's parents, Kippen, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, Hensall, on Saturday, April 28, 1951, Leita Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsmen, to Russell Calvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, Hensall. GRAY -WEBER -In Trinity Luth- eran Church, London, on Sat- urday, April 28, 1951, by Rev. C. J. Killinger, Erma Marion Weber, daughter of Roy Weber, London, and the late Mrs. Weber, formerly of Hensall, to Douglas Royce, son of Mr,, and Mrs. Ernest Gray, London: GINGERICH-GINGERICH - At the home of the bride's parents, by Brother Albert Martin, Jean Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos G'lngerioh, to Ken- neth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich, all of the Bronson Line, Stanley Township. HANLY-NED1GER-In Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, April 28, 1951, by Rev. Hugh C. Wil- son, Jean Marine, elder' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nediger to Billie George, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanly. HOGGARTH - TALBOT - At "Fairview Farm," the home of the bride's parents, Stanley Township, on Saturday after- noon, April 28, 1951, by Rev. Peter Renner, Bayfield, Eliza- beth Jean, daughter of 1VIr. and Mrs. Leonard Edward Talbot, tic Douglas Beverley Hoggerbh, son of Mrs. Gladys Bioggarth, Clin- ton. ROWCLIFFE-BROCK - At the .I home of thie bride's parents, R.R. 1, Greaten, by Rev. Ger- don Wanless, Anna Helene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wel- lington Brock, to James Mae- Laren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, Hensall. Cards of T hanks MRS. WILLIAM DOUGLAS and family •wish to express to their many friends, relatives, and neighbours their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for antes of kind- ness, indness, messages of 'sympathy, and beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their recent bereave- ment, in the loss of a dear hus- band and father, Special +thanks to Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Rev, E. R. Stanway, Mrs, J. Cairns, Mrs, A. Johnston, also the pallbearers and :Rower bearers, 18-h I wish •to express my grateful thanks to the matron, Miss Sin- clair, and to 'the nurses of Clin- ton Public Hospital, for their kindness to me while a patient there, with special mention to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Buhr, and Dr. Thomp- son. Also to •+the many friends who remembered me with Clow- ers, gifts and cards. - MALCOM TOMS. 18p I wish to thank the nurses oS Clinton Public hospital, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Buhr far the very fine care I received while a pa- tient there. Also the many friends who remembered me with cards and gifts of lovely flowers were all very much appreciated. -MISS LAWDAY YOUNG. • 18-p I wish to •thank ell the kind friends who sent me cards and' gifts, also Dr. Newlands, Clinton, Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady, Seaforth, and specie thanks to the nursing staff, while I was ct patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, MRS. ALBERT J ^,LA IF,R, 18-p PIANO TUNING FOUR PIANO carefully tuned .fust call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. • 43tfb "t YEA£;' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and renairing: all were guaranteed, E. C, Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 18-19-etfb SIDING FOR SALE LOG FRONT SIDING,, four years old, half price, to be. removed by purchaser. Clinton Grill, phone 297. 17-18-b. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE RED CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. Flynn Bros. phone Clinton 801114. 18-b DEATHS BROWN --In hospital, in Detroit, Mich., on Sunday, April 22, 1951, Blanche Shooke, beloved wife of Dr. S. IL Brown, De- troit,,former residents of Clin- ton. Church funeral on Tues- day, April 24, to White Chapel Cemetery, Detroit. DOUGLAS -In Stratford General. Hospital, 'on Friday, April 27, 1951, William John Douglas, 80, beloved husband of Elizabeth Jane Hudson, and ,dear father of Mrs. Lindsay W. Eyre, Bruce - field. Funeral from the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eyre, on Sunday, April 29, to Bayfield Cemetery, JOHNSTON-At Perkwood Hos- pital, London, on Thursday, Ap- ril 26, 1951, Robert 8, Johnston, formerly of Bayfield, beloved husband of Evelyn Elizabeth Johnston. Interment Green- wood reenwood Cemetery, Sault Ste, Marie, Out, April 28. MARSH -At her home, Ferndlale, Mich., on Tuesday, May 1a1951, Harriet Ann Davies, beelloved wife of Harry S. Marsh, acid sister of G. N. and Misses M., M. and B. Davies, Clinton. Rest- ing at the Beattie Funeral Home, Reittenbury ,St. E., Clin- ton, on arrival by motor Friday afternoon. Funeral service at the Funeral Home, Saturday, May 5, at 2,30 p.m. (DST) to CIinton Cemetery. M0FAR>LANE-At his home, lot 30, concession 4, Stanley Township, on Friday, April 27, 1951, John • McFarlane, beloved husband of Isabella Robertson McEwen, in his 82nd year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Kutch Funeral Home, High St., Clin- ton, to •Baird's Cemetery, Stan - le Township, on Sunday, April 29. STIRLING-At"her home, Gode- rich Townhip, on Tuesday, May 1, 1951, Margaret Lindsay, 62, beloved wife of D. A. Stirling. Funeral from her late residence, Highway No. 8, to Maitland Cemetery, God'erieh, on 'Thurs- day, May 3. IN TIIE COUNTY COVET OF THE COUNTY OF HURON In the Matter of The Change of Name Act, and of an Applica- tion by 1Ylontalieu Edward Brown. Notice is Hereby Given that Nlontalieu Edward Brown, Mess Orderly, R.C.A.F., Clinton, On- tario, will apply to His Honour Thomas Moore Costello, County Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, on Friday, the 1st day of June, ' A,D. 1951, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at his 'Chambers in the Court House, at Goderich, for an order to change the name of the said Montalieu Edward, Brown to Edward Joseph Florian pursuant to the provisions of The Change of Name Act, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Applicant. 16.17-18-b Special Clearance Take a look at these Prices! 5'44 5 t+••Ns$ i hN }� a a S Boys' ATHLETIC Men's RAYON SHIRTS 'Shirts and Shorts $1.00 Sizes 26 to 32 29c each Per Set '.'e" '*-5+++4-04--J•-w.-o.e Boys' Balbriggan Men's T-SHIRTS UNDERWEAR Short Sleeve -Knee Length Assorted Patterns 95c suit 25% off e4 Children's Shoes ; MEN'S SUITS SKIPALONG ' 25% off 25 only $39.50 each 5-0.4.4+ PICKETT a CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS Phone 25 - Clinton PAGE FIVE'. uick Results ROXY THEATRE CLINTON MAY 2nd - 3rd ONLY --- "MALAYA' SPENCER TRACY JAMES STEWART MAY 4th - 5th ONLY Arthur Jean FRANZ HEATHER "RED STALLION OF THE ROCKIES" Color MAY 7th - 8th - 9th "THE PRINCE OF PEACE" PARK THEATRE GODERICH - Phone 47 Now "VENGEANCE VALLEY" with Burt Lancaster -Technicolor MON.-TUES.-WED. "BRIGHT LEAF" It's a dramatic saga of tobacco growers and of a man who sac' rificed happiness because of his greed for power. Gary Cooper Laureen Resell and Jack Carson TIIURS.-FRI.-SAT. Marshall Thompson - George Tobias - Clem Bevans M -G -M presents the amazing motion picture Gallant Bess; featuring "Bess", the horse with the human mind, and photograph- ed in natural color. "GALLANT BESS" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTII Now: "THE RUGGED, O'RIORDANS" John O'Malley and Tom Scott MON,-TUES: WED. Jane Powell - Ann Sothern and Barry _ Sullivan This Technicolor comedy -with - music tells 'of a mother and dau- ghter who conflict for stardom and romance. "Nancy Goes to Rio" THURS.-FRI.-SAT, Humphrey Bogart Eleanor Parker and Raymond. Massey The dramatic story of en Am- erican jet pilot' who made avia- tion history in the Immediate postwar period. "Chain Lightning" Coining: "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK" - Donald O'Connor & Technicolor wenn CAPITALTHEATRE GODERICH - Phone 1150 Now: "ALI BABA and the Forty Thieves" --. Maria Montez and Turhan Bey - in color MON.-TUESrwgD, Loretta Young - Robert Preston Edw. Arnold Present Frank Lloyd's greatest achievement. a roaring romance of the roaring West depicted by an all-star oast. `Lady from Cheyenne' THURS.-FRL-SAT. Lois Hall - Smiley Burnette and Hank Penny Packed with action and embeI- lished with scenic backgrounds, a picture for all who enjoy out- door adventure. "FRONTIER GIRL" Coming: THE GLASS MENAGERIE" Jane Wyman & Kirk Douglas IN MEMORIAM MANN In loving memory of our dear tether and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, who passed away seven years ago, April 28, 1944 and May 8, 1944, and dear sister Lulu (Mann) Chattenden, who passed' away August 14, 1948. "Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loneliness never lies, Coming: ' "PATRICK THE GREAT" Donald O'Connor & Peggy Ryan aims They dwell in the land of eternal rest With the blue and the gold skies, And • we who have known and loved them Will cherish their memory al- ways, Dawn through the passing years." -Sadly mussed by the family. 18-b HOW CAN I KNOW? Can I know ethat I am saved? Can I be assured now that I am saved before I die? We Can Know! "Verily, verily I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, but is passed from death ante life," -.John 5 : 24, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that we may know that ye have eternal life, and that we may believe on the name of the Son of God." --I John 5:13, CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53 -ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST The GREATEST STORY EVER T {O LD! KROGER BABB and, J. S, JOSSZY PRESENT see anse EG T JJELY IN GLORIOUS 'C LOR frikE "'�i ii 0! 3 E S 11 S IS' AnULTS, 50e, including tax. All Performances, MONDAY -- TUESDAY _- WEDNESDAY ggA 7- Two Shows Daily: - 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Matinee Wed. Only, at 2.30 p,in. FLM FOR THC. CLINTON let L