HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-05-03, Page 4llIlIl2IJlIlilllhlltM!3lllIllllllhllllJlllhfllbhuhlllllnlr ill Ill 111111111110 Nosommo 11111111 i 11111111IMMI 111111111111111 111111111111111111 11111111 111111 11111101111111111111111N flimEllz PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1951 PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Herb Lobb epent • Tuesday in St. Thomas. Miss Catherine and Jahn Plum- tree spent Sunday in Port Huron; Micih. Miss Helen Creak has returned after a pleasant vacation, spent Florida.In Mr. and eere. W. M. Aiken spent the weekend with relatives in Allenford. Mr, and Mrs.' J. E. Dale and _ daughter, Miss Joan, spent Sun- day in London. Miss Eileen Atkinson, London, was the guest last week of Miss Eleanor Plurnsteel. Mrs. Jack Waldron has been able to return home after being a patient ' in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tendon and family, Strathroy, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Jenkins. A. L. !Calquhoun spent the weekend well his brother-in-law . end sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hep- burn, Toronto. Mrs. W. J. Plum -steel is spend- ing this week with her cots -hi - law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. H, J. Snell endrainely, Exeter. Miss Alice Holmes returned last week from Vioboria Hospital, London, where she had been a ' patient for a couple of weeks. Joe Yesbec, Tillsonburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nediger, coming to attend the elanly-Nediger nuptials on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. 3. Frank Mac- Donald attended a Metropolitan Life Insurance conference at the • Book Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mien, het week. • F/S and Mrs. Earl Grey and family left yesterday for their new home, R.R. 8, London-, near RCAF Station, Clumlin, where F/S Grey is now stationed. Mrs. John Motyer and daugh- ter Emily May, Toronto, have returned to their home after vis - Ring with the lady's mother an aunt, Mrs. May MacKinnon and Mrs. Clara Jaekson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rumball, who have been residing in IVfeett- reel, were to arrive to -day to make their home in Clinton. They will be with the former's mother, Mrs. Clara Rumba11, for the present. Mr. and 'Mrs. Joh n A. Sutter and Miss Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter, ' and Miss Ruth Wilson spent Sunday with the funnels' son -In-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mee R. P. Robbins, Wilcox Lake. Mr. end Mrs. Roeald MacDon- ald and daughter, Linda Jane, were in Strateray on Tuesday, and while there called on Miss Hannah MacKenzie, whom they found in very good health, her friends here will be glad to note. Cpl. George C. Cooper has been transferred to RCAF Station, Trenton, and left this week to take up his new duties. Mrs. Cooper and her son will remain with her mother, Mrs. George H. Elliott; until accommodation is secured there, 0 Engagements Announced Mr. and Mira Lloyd Scotch - men Hayfield, announce the engagement of her daughter, Beverley Margaret York, to Jack Albert Pounder, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pounder, Strat- ford. The Marriage will take place at three o'clock on Sat- urday, May 19, in Trinity Ang- lican Church, Hayfield. WESLEY-WILLIS WMS The WMS of United Church will meet in the Lecture Room of the Church on Thursday, May 10, at 8 p.m. Mrs. H. C. Wilson's group will be in charge. Plans are being made to pack a bale shortly after this meeting. SPECIALS FOR MAY 3 - 4 - 5 HELMET CORN BEEF tin 43c O.S. ORANGE JUICE -48 oz. tin 39c O.S. BLENDED JUICE.' -48 oz. tin 39e QUICK QUAKER OATS—Ige. pkg. 36c AYLMER APPLE JUICE -20 oz, 2 tins 21c St. Wm's. BLACK RASPBERRY JAM -24 oz. jar 29c I.G.A. DOG FOOD -15 oz. 2 tins) 23c VEL—large pkg. 39c VEL—giant pkg. 78c GRAPEFRUIT—size 112's 5 for 25c SUNKIST ORANGES—size 392's doz. 21c No. 1 CUCUMBERS 2 for 29c GREEN CELERY STALKS 2 for 25c COTTAGE CHEESE—% Ib. carton 15c LEAN PORK CHOPS lb. 65c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver 'wit.. '.!SP • l'e'• e• -e,'• -e" REXOLEUM DELUXE 3 -yards wide; 2 -yards wide REXOLEUM STANDARD 2 -yards wide MARBOLEUM "A" Quality, 2 yards wide No. 3 Quality, 2 yards wide INLAID LINOLEUM, MOULDED 2 -yards wide MARBOLEUM TILE 9" x 9" JASPE TILE 9" x 9" CONGO WALL 54" wide eqk EMU 2 -yards wide; 3 -yards wide Large Assortment of CeNPOLELTIN RUGS 6'ex.9''to 9'xl5" ALL D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Hardware and Furniture PHONE 195 — W. J. MITCH Phone 361-3 -- Funeral Directors CLINTON H WEDDINGS HOGGARTH—TALBOT (By our Hayfield correspondent) A quiet wedding took plow at "Fairview Pelee, home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Edward Talbot, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Towneelp, on Saturday afternoon, April 28, at two o'clock, when their 'second daughter Elizabeth Sean, became the- bride of Doug- las Beverley Hoggarth, younger son of Mese Gladys Hoggerth, Clinton. The ceremony was per- formed 'by the Reverend Peter Renner, Pastor of St. Andrew's United Camech, in the presence of immediate relatives, in ithe living room gay with spring flow -ails. The dimming bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a navy gabardine suit with pink blouse, a small pink feat het with navy quills and! navy accessories. Her corsage was pink Briarclifle • roses. The hi/Idea sister, Mrs. George Leitch, God. - entail, was matron of honor. She wore a navy gabardine suit with grey hat and Vccessories and a corsage of Peerless roses. Ray- mond elogga,rth, Clinton, was his brother's groomsmen. The bride's mother received in a navy blue afternoon frock with which she wore a corsage of pink Virginia carnations. Mrs. Gladys Hogglaeth was attired in a navy blue suit and matching hat and wore a corsage of pink Vir- ginia carnations. Buffet refreshments were serv- ed in the dining room. The table was centred -by the wedding cake flanked by pink tapers and floral decorations were carried out with spring flowers. Later in the afternoon the happy young couple left on a honeymoon trip to various points in Michigan and. Ohio. On their return they. will reside in Code' - slob, We extend out congratula- tions and beet wishes. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR SALE Asbestos siding summer cot- tage, furnished, finished walls, hydro, good water supply, tree shaded screened porch, wond- erful beach, 10 miles from Clinton. Asphalt siding summer cot- tage, furnished, hydro, good water supply, outboard motor boat, motor and half share in boat house and trailer, woncl- erful beach, 10 miles from Clinton. Summer cottage, furnished, hydro, water, bathroom, cot- tage faces river, few steps to beach, at Port Albert. Leonard G. Winter REAL ESTATE Phones: Business 448 Residence 599J 18-btfb 41,1.0.0,11.1•04141,04144.10,;"1,44.".....11,041. SCREENS ALL SIZES AND TYPES BRONZE, GALVANIZED OR GREEN WIRE Order Yours Early REG. SMITH General Woodworking PHONE 797-W HIGH ST. itasseuseesumesenveszarinementamines Come In and See Our Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes For Spring Luggage and Loather Goods PHONE e. (Af **L„, 17,1 c0tuRffalors (204 SCRVICe Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI HANLYNEDIGER Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, attractive With ferns and spring flowers, made a lovely setting on Saturday afternoon, April 28; 1951, at two o'clock, for the marriage of Jaen Marie Nediger and Billie George Heady. The bride is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' 3. W. Neediger and the groom is the elder son of Mr, and Mrs. H. M. leanly. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson performed the double ring ceremony. Mee M. R. Renoie, the ehurch ergenist, played traditional wed- ding music and also accaropanied the soloist, Miss Vila Fraser, who sang "Always" before the ceremony, "The Lord's Prayer" during the service, and. "Because" during the signing of the register. Entering the church with her father who gave her in marriage, the bride was charming in a gown of white satin and Chantilly lace. The fitted bodice featured a stand-up collar of lane and the long fitted sleeves ended, in paints over her hands, The gored skirt,' which wee gathered. at the sides and across the back, ex- tended into a long flowing train Her fingertip veil of Chantilly lace 'was caught I/O her head by a halo of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnation petals. Miss Phyllis Hanly, sister of the groom, as maid of honour, chose a gown of pink frosted or- gandie over matching taffeta. Her halo hat was in matching pink and she carried a colonial nose- gay of blue this, .The junior bridesmaid, Miss Betty Lou Nedi- ger, sister of the bride, wore a similar gown of. blue frosted or- gandie over Metching !' taffeta, with a matching halo hat. Her flowers were a nosegay of yel- low iris. Bill Nediger, 'brother of tne bride, was best mare and the ushers were Donald "Middletcat and Joe Gibson. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents, when Mrs. Nediger received in a frock of orchid triple sheer, trimmed with lace and seed pearls, and -wear- ing grey accessories. She was assisted by Mrs. Hanle who chose a frock et champagne lace and brown accessories. Each wore a corsage of yellow roses, Friends of the bride who assisted at the reception included Misses Cath- erine Pingland, Margaret Holland', Audrey Jervis and Isobel Chow - en, all of Clinton, and Miss Marilyn. Turner, Goderich. Later, the young couple left on a trip to Montreal and other eastern centres, the bride done ning a mauve and grey printed silk dress with grey topcoat, mauve accessories and a corsage of pink roses. On their return they will reside at R.R. 5, Clin- ton, Guests were present from London, Hensall, Exeter, Gode- rich, Tillsonburg and Luckn,ow. Mrs. Nediger entertained at a delightful trousseau tea in hon- our oiler daughter on Satur- day afternoon and evening, April 20, Receiving th-e guests were the bride -elect, Miss Jean Nedi- ger; her mother, Mrs. J. W. Nedi- ger, and the mother of the groom - to -be, Mrs. H. M. leanly. Mrs. George Van Horne, the bride's grandmother, received the guests in the living room. In the afternoon, Miss Mary Ann Van Hoene, Hensall, answer- ed the door, Mrs. 0. G. Van Horne, London, and Mrs. W C Jervis, Clinton, poured tea, and the assistants were Miss Carol Ann Van Home, London, Miss Marilyn Turner, Goderich, both cousins of the bride, and Miss Batty Lou Nediger, the bride's sister, In the evening' Miss Cal - late Counter answered the door and Mrs. W. N. Counter poured tea, with Misses Margaret Holland and Phyllis Hanly serving. The table was very attractive with pink sweet peas and pink tapers. Misses Isobel Chowen, Cather- ine Fingland and Audrey Jervis were upstairs displaying the bride's trousseau and eats. Miss Phyllis Haley was in charge of the guest book. it Box Plants EARLY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PANSIES VIOLAS SPANISH ONIONS Plants are well hardened and are now ready to set out K. C. C KE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 663 Residence 66W SaMaisspsVEIMmir4MlitISSentastasIDSM=Min .9149•4 9,,et Order Mother's flowers now and be sure she receives 4 the favorite varieties she will cherish for the loving wastage they bring. We send Mother's Day Flowers -by -Wire any- where. eC Ice FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 (Atari° St. Church S'S Holds Anniversary Sunday School anniversary services -were held on Sunday, April 29, in Ontario St, United Church, with a good attendance. Rev. M. G. Newton, Holmesville, Was guest speaker, and spoke to the eldichan from /stake 2 : 52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature end in favour with God and' mere" Mr. Newton -stressed the fact that -the world owes us nothing, but we owe the world a good life, like a kite witch is wellaillealiced, the strings of which hold us down, are the ones that hold us up. Mr.' C. E. Elliott read the les- son from Mark 1.0 : la -27. The Junior choir officiated and gave, two well -rendered number s, "Cheer. Our' Way" and a double trio from the 42nd psalm. uST. ANDREW'S GIRLS CLUB The Girls' Club of St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church will hold its servonehly meeting in the Sunday School Room of the Church on Tuesday, May 8. Church Directory (All services Eastern Daylight Saving Time) Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, BA. Mrs. W. Alkenhead, Organist Sunday, May 6 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service 12.00 am.—Sunday School St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frernlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader • Sunday, May 6 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service. Tuesday, May 8, a pen., Beard of Management. Wednesday, May 9, 2.30 p.m.- - Ladies' Guild and films, Par- ish Hall, All ladies of con- gregation welcome. Note the 'change of day and date. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. H. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, May 6 11.00 ante -Morning Worship; "The World's Saviours" I2.15—Church School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise: Union Evening Service in ohurch; "The Religion of Brother- hood"; ehe members of the Odd Fellows and Rebekehs Lodges, guests at this service. Come To The House of Prayer. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV, D. 3. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 6 10.00 am.—Sunday School 11.00 em.—Morning Worship 2.30 pm.—Knox Church, Bay- field. Bow down together and worship God. EVERYONE WELCOME Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wended, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 6 11.00 am.—Morning Worship "Blessed are the Pure in Heart" 12.15—Sunday School. 7.00 pen—United Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church, ONTARIO ST, GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Chub of Ontario St. United Church will meet at the home of Miss Elva Wilier, on Thursday, May 10, at 8 pm. Mrs. Clair Cleric will be the special speaker, 0 WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Clitunch will meet in the Church Parlour oni Thee - Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, May 6 10,00 cern.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Fricley, 7.30 p.m—Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME day_ evening, May 8, at eight o'clock 0 ONTARIO ST. WMS The WMS of 'Ontario St. United Church will meet at the home of Mfrs. le Townsend on Tuesday, May 8, at 2.30 o'clock. The report of the Presbyterial will be given, and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel will give a watch tower talk, or cookies, PLAN NURSES' SERVICE In honour of Florence Night- ingdale Day, a service is being held' in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wine -tarn, With a recep- tion following at the 'Nurses' Residence, on Sunday, May 13. All nurses wishing to go are ask- ed to notify Miss A. B. Similes, superintendent of Clinton Public Hospital, a CLINTON JUNIORS The regular monthly meeting of Clinton Junior Institute and Junior Farmers will be held in !Clinton District Collegiate Ineli- ente on Tuesday evening, May 8, with Exeter Clubs as guests. All Juniors 'are cordially invited. Lunch will be served, and every- one is asked to bring sandwiches ..... ..... Irwin's are showing Spring and . Summer Fashions that are fem- inine, Smart and Wearable Women who appreciate style and value should see desirable ranges in our store today COATS - SUITS - DRESSES of distinction — are on display now! 0 Any Sweater you buy today is better than money in the bank! With the prices of wools still advancing, a purchase mode today will pay dividends this coming fall. o Children's Wear For Spring and Summer Shipments of Dresses, Sunsuits, Coat Sets, T -Shirts, etc., are arriving daily. Those who come first, get the best selection /R W /WS Gifts for Mother on Her Day I CHOCOLATES by Moirs Smiles'n Chuckles Neilson's Order One Of Our Delicious Cakes Beautifully Decorated for Mother's Day BARTLIFF BROS. PHONE 1 CLINTON Silverwood's Ice Cream • Bakers and Confectioners E Lawn Mowers and N Dif ERS — See Our Stock Before Buying — — 30 TO CHOOSE FROM — Priced from 5 to $13M THESE ARE PRICED .TO SELL Hand and Power Models A full stock of PLUMBING FIXTURES on hand. Let us give you a price on your new Furviace -- the old Reliable Clare Hecla! gh R. Haw fen e: ills 11 121112RD I 1111111111111 1111111111111011111111111111111111110118111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111E111 1111111111111111511111111 11111111 ill