HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1951 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins, Galt, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jenkins, ` Ralph Bouskill, Winnipeg, Man,,' has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer: Wallis. Dr. and Mrs.: E. Jenkins and children, Ted and Elise, London, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs• T. R. Jenkins. Mrs. Ken McBurney, Ronnie and Virginia, visited Mr. McBur- ney's parents, Wortley Rd., Lon- don, .last week. Mr. and Mrs. Willy Moore, Flint, Mich., visited at the home MEN'S and BOYS' Footwear For SPRING STYLES at PRICES to SUIT YOU Aiken's Luggage and Leather Goods PHONE 2 of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland T3tCron" Rd: East, last week. Visitors at the home of Miss Sarah Sloman on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ab Robinson and Miss Mildred Sloman, London, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Douglas and daughters, Sylvia and Dianne, St. Thomas, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mns. Melvin Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gatien anal' daughter Kathy, who have resid- ed in town for some time; left Saturday afternoon for their new home at Summerside,'BET. Bob Riehl spent last week with his mother, Mrs. George Riehl. Bob, who has been stationed at Moosonee, left Saturday for his new porting at the District Of- fice, Cochrane. Miss Ruth M. Wilson, daughter of Rev, and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson, has accepted a position on the teaching staff of the London. elementary schools, to become ef- fective with the beginning of the fall term. Rev. Milton J. Aiken. brother of W. M. Aiken, Clinton, has ac- aepted a earl to Trinity United Church, Newmarket, effective July 1. He has been stationed in Peterborough for a number of years. Rev. Mr. Aiken is presi- dent of Ontario Temperance Fed- eration, Music Teachers Hold Excellegnt Recital One of the finest piano and WED'DI.NGS STEPHENSON—ANDERSON (By oily Auburn correspondent) voice student recitals ever heard In a double -ring ceremony in the district was. presented lir Joan Lucille Anderson, twin the auditorium of Blyth Memor- daughter of Mrs. W. T. Robison, Hall under i�til iices of and the late Rev. Eric Anderson, the auspices wasunited in marriage e to Iva n R ag sedation, Music Teachers AsaW.Stephenson, Toronto, son of ofhich Mrs. County cBboug- Mr. and' Mrs. W. R.' Stephenson, of which Mrs. Winona N£eDoug- Varna, at three 'o'clock Saturday all, Blyth, is president and Mrs. afternoon, April 14,; at the nese- celery tr Wendell, Clinton, sedeuce of Mr' and Mrs. W. T. rotary -treasurer, Robison, .Auburn, Members of the County branch The ceremony wasrerformed are: Elaine Walsh, Belgrave; A. E. 'Cookie', Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. in the drawing -room before the Louis Tlronviysoti, Brussels; Mrs. fire -place, the mantle of which Alice Brothers, Wroxeter; Sitter was tastefully arranged with M. Sit. James, „Seaforth; Mrs, E. lighted tapers and spring flowers. H. Jessup, Godeirito'in Miss Nina Rev. H. F. Currie,. Lyndon, O. brother-in-law of the bride, of - Middleton, Go,dericlr; Miss Brigham, Clinton; Mrs. May fieiated. Rance MacKinnon, Clinton; Miss The bride, given in marriage St. Andrew's Girls' Holds April Meeting The April meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church was held in the Sun- day School room of the church• with a good attendance. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn, followed by Mrs. Dick Jacob reading the Scripture lesson and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. • The minutes were read and adopted and the roll call was answered by a favourite hymn and routine business discussed., Lunch was served by the host- esses, Mrs. Frank MacDonald, Mrs. Elmer " Murray and Mrs. Howard Cowan. • Specials For April 19 - 20 - 21 41c WESTON'S CHOCOLATE M. MALLOW TOPSIES, lb. NABOB COFFEE -1 lb. bag lb. 990 AYLMER CATSUP -14 oz. btl. 17c G.G. NIBLETS CORN -14 oz, 2 tins 330 KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES-51/4 oz. 2 pkgs. 33c SWEET TREAT PINEAPPLE JUICE -20 oz. ..... 2 tins 23c ST. Wm's. RASPBERRY JAM -24 oz. jar 32e M -L LARD -1 lb. carton 290 PORK CUTLETS lb. 69c PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 65c BREAKFAST BACON—sliced lb. 61c GRAPEFRUIT—size 126's 5 for 25c SUNKIST ORANGES—size 252's doz. 41e N.B. POTATOES -50 lb. bag $110 DUTCH SETTS (ONIONS) lb. 19e Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver THE NEW `Easy' is the Maize and Eileen Glidden, Holiniesvlle• by her stepfather, W. T. Robison, Piano solos, Margo Grange,• Wore French illusion net over a Auburn; Marguerite Lyon, Blyth; full aof ivory- slipper satin, Joyce Harmon, Brussels; .Mary ted fell gracefully -frown e fit=. ted bodice featuring long sleeves. Harmon, Brussels; Ruth Sills, Ozn over the wri Seafov h; Karen Michell, Wa'ox- French • and eter; Eleanor Yeo, Clinton; Shia--iShia-- embroidered peplum of ley Love, God.erieh; Edith Jones, Frei and a finger-tip veil of Clinton; Mavis Step ie, Clinton; Frendr illusion net with .halo of inose - Paul and carried a nose Paul Stapleton, Seafotyth; Marlene Jervis, Clinton; Gail Shearing, Clinton; Margaret Heinbein, Wroxeter; Pamela Stapleton, Sea - forth; Paige • Phillips, Blyth; Margaret Jackson, Auburn; Kar- en Bushlin, Brussels; Robert Fee- gan, Luoknow; Ronald Philp, Blyth; Doris Grierson, 'Londes- bor o, Piano duetts: Margaret Hetn- bient_ Karen Michel, Wroxeter; Varna. Marilyn and Shirley Love, God- For the. reception following the Bride -elect 'Feted Prior to Marriage Miss Jean Nediger, popular bride -elect of this'. month, has been much honoured ciuring the past few 'weeks. Mrs. C. R. Holland, Goderich; aunt of the bride-to-be, opened her home on Good Friday even- ing when about 30 were present at a miscellaneous shower, A very pleasant time was spent by all, at the close of which the hostess served delicious refreshments. The staff of the Bank of. Mont- real, Clinton, and the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada, Clinton, were entertained at the home of Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Londes- boro, recently when another mis- cellaneous shower was held for Miss Nediger, During the even- ing, the bride -elect received many beautiful and useful gifts, as well as a lovely cake, decorated very artistically with "Good Luck, Jean." lVfiss Catherine F.ingland enter- tained on Saturday evening last at a cup and saucer shower, hon- ouring Miss Nediger, when about 20 were present. The gifts were br ht in on a ail decorated ou g gay of Lady Ashttown roses. and dinner wagon and after they had white carnations• been opened, by the guest of The bride's only attendant was honour a number of contests were her twin sister, Miss Jetrid Ands: conducted, erson, Reg.N., Port Colborne, who A delicious lunch served by the chose a similarly styled gown hostess, assisted by Misses Isobel of pastel, blue; she carried a nose- Chowen, Audrey Jervis and Ruth gay of Talisman roses and boa- Wilson, rounded out a very pleas- vardia.ant evening. The groom was attended by his brother, Ralph Stephenson, Jr.. P •44 `Extra Easy is the Price The following machines at the old price: "Easy" Model 32P Vacuum Cup Washer with Pump for draining. New Price with taxes included 208.50 Your Price one only "Easy'' Model 41, Gyrator Washer 179.50 171.50 one only 149.50 "McClary" Special DeLuxe 217.50 Gyrator Washer with Timer and Pump one only 171.50 "McClary" Master 189.50 Gyrator with hose drainer one only 149.50 BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. J. MUTCH Phone 361-Wafi,Phone 3614 't Hardware and.. Furniture =' Pui erol Directors PHONE 195 — CLINTON erich; Bobby Jefferson and Billy Thompson, Belgnave; Leona and Doris Johnson, Brussels, Vocal soros, Jane Graham, Goderich; Mr's. Saddler, Clinton; Tra'eme McDonald, Brussels; June Work, Brussels. 0 W -W WMS Holds Easter Thankoffering The W11IS of Wesley -Willis Church held its ,Fester Thank" - offering in the church with the members of the Ontario St. Aux - ceremony, the bride's mother chose a black lace gown with matching accessories and corsage of Crimson. Glory roses. The groom's mother. chose navy sheer and corsage of American Beauty roses. Twin girl friend's of the bride and bridesmaid, Mrs. J. Wilson, St. Marys, and Mrs. W. Cook, Kitchener, served. For travelling •the bride donned a navy blue suit, with navy hat and russet accessories and furs,' ,the gift of the groom. After a trip to Montreal and points east, Mr. and Mrs. Steph- enson will reside in North iliary as their guests. The presi-;Toronto. • dent, Mrs. Margaret Addison, pre-1 The bride is a graduate of sided and Mrs, F. B. Pennohaker Alma College, St. Thomas, and was at the piano. The meeting was opened by prayer by .the president and singing of hymn, "The Church's One Foundation." After which Mrs. R. Shipley read the Scripture lesson and Miss A. M. Stone led, in prayer. Miss Ruth Wilson and Mrs. R. B. Sut- ter sang a duet, "The Saviour Liveth," which was much ap- preciated, The Thankoffering was pre- sented and Mrs. W. Murch led in prayer. Hymn 108 was sung and Mrs. H. C. Wilson introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. W. J. Moores, Belgrave, who gave a most in- spiring address. Mrs. C. Nelson moved a hearty vote of apprecia- tion to the speaker, which was seconded by Mrs. N. Shepherd. After singing hymn 115. Mrs. J. A. McGill closed the meeting with •a benedictory prayer-. Re- freshments were served and a happy social time was spent. 0 Mrs. F, W.' Johnston visited with friends in Goderich during the past week, Business Block FOR SALE This Desirable Block contains FIVE APARTMENTS THREE BUSINESS STORES Leonard G. Winter REAh ESTATE — Phones — Business 448 — Residence 599J •ERFLO CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 SERVICE s GetThere ' Safely! CALL 1.10- ASUTON'S- TAXI the groom graduated from the University of Western Ontario, London. W -W Girls' Club Plans Fund Raising Events The Girls' Club 'of Wesley - Willis United Church met in the Church Parlour on Tuesday even- ing, April 10. The president, Mrs J. Innes, was in the chair, with Miss V, Fraser, at the piano. The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn followed by prayer by the president: The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. The payment on the sound system which has been installed in the church has left the treas- ury, rather depleted, so way's and means of raising funds were dis- cussed. It was decided to hold a baking sale and tea at some future date. Mrs. L. Jervis had charge of the programme and opened with an Easter poem, The Scripture lesson, read by Mrs. Stanley, was the Easter story from Matthew. The hymn "Christ Arose" was sung. Mrs. C. Lobb read the Lesson Thoughts and led in pray- er. A piano solo, "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was played by Mrs. Radford. Mrs. Don Jervis read a story on the life of Matthew Callow. Mrs. Radford favoured with another piano solo, Mrs. R. Jenkins read the story of Dr. Higgenbettom, a Missionary Farmer. 0— Catholic WL Hears LONDON TAKES C D C I CHORUS TO ITS HEART IIn 'addition to distinguishing themselves at the Huron County Music Festival in Goderich this week, members of the Clinton District Collegiate Institute Chorus made •a big hit in assist- ing the London Police Boys' Band in its annual concert in Loew's Theatre, London, Sunday evening. The London Free Press com- mented: "Presented for the first time in this city, the Chorus did some excellent singing and proved it was worthy of the plaudits it re- ceived -at the Guelph Music Fest- ival, Miss Anna Ii, Pond had complete control of the group from start to finish of every number, and the program was a well-chosen one for young voices. In every way, therefore, Miss Pond displayed intelligent direc- tion. WI Cooperative Program Discussed The Women's Institute co-op- erative programme offered by the Woinen's Institute branch of On- tario Department of Agriculture, was discussed at the monthly meeting of Clinton branch of the Women's Institute, held -in the Board Room of the Agricultural Office with Mrs. C. Sturdy pre- siding. Mrs. E. Radford was at 'the piano, Mrs. A. Adams, secre- tary, and Mrs. F. Hanley, treas- urer. Miss N. Cunningham • Miss Nor ah Cunningham„ supervisba' of nursing, Huron County Health Unit, in addressing the members of 'the Catholic Women's League of St. Joseph's Parish, Clinton and St. Milehael's Parish, Blyth, in St. Joseph's Rectory, spoke on the aims and purposes of the health unit. Formed in 1949, the Huron unit governed by a five -member board, one of which is the chair- man, is one of 26 such units in the Province of Ontario, she said. Huron has been successful in re- ceiving, along with the provin- cial grant, e Federal one, as well, While the county centre is locat- ed at Clinton, branch offices are operated at Seaforth, Goderich, Wingham and Exeter, The medi- cal officer of health is the unit's director, and others on the staff include six nurses and a super- visor, two sanitary inspectors, a. veterinary and two stenographers for the offices. ' The unit's activities dead not only with the care of the disease, but with the prevention of it. "Social welfare, too," said Miss Cunningham, "plays an important part in our work. Our aim is Far healthy citizens, and it is they who make a happy commun- ity." Delegates named to attend the annual London Diocesan Conven- tion in Delhi, May 28, 29 and 30 were Mrs. Frank Evans, jr., Clinton, secretary and Miss Mary Phelan, Blyth, treasurer. Mrs. John Shanahan, convener of a committee in charge of pee- ravin:g a bale of used clothing to be sent to needy families, asked that members Wishing to donate, send the clothing to St. Joseph's Church basement' after the sec- ond week in 'April. The call for religious papers and mag- azines, as well as, used postage stamps, was renewed. 'In March, religious literature was sent to, South Africa, Ceylon, arid- 'to a mission school in Ceylon. A "travelling apron", opened at the meeting ': by - 'Miss Patricia Morrison, president, netted $19 for 'the league funds. The social comintttee took char gee ' of the Meeting with games enjoyed by fall. Rosalie Watkins favored with two pleasant Xocal numbers. Lunch'. was served'. Mrs. M. Batkin was appointed es representative on the Park Board. 'It was decided to take a bus trip in June, the whereabouts to be decided •at a later date. Mrs. Moyer favoured with an instrumental. Mrs. L. M. Scrim- geour, Blyth, District President, addressed the meeting. Miss E. Wiltse 'sang a solo "All in an April Evening." During 'the mooting, the presi- dent welcomed nine visitors. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem after which delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. E. Redford and her committee. Church Directory "The singing was clear and crisp, the attacks and releases were without good beeng too ob- vious, and the diction was admir- able. The sections were heard distinctly, All these qualities have interest to `When I view your comely grace,' particularly, "'Oklahoma' might have been given more abandon, but tone@lly it was good. It was delightful to hear a boys' chorus sing with such apparent pleasure. 'There St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, April 22 10.00 a,m,--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Primary Sunday School, '7.00 p.m,—Evening Service, Ontario St. United REV. W. J. WOOChurchLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wended, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 22 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest Preacher: Mr. Royal Moulton, Toronto. 12.15—Sunday School. 7.00 p.m,—United Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C, WILSON, Minister Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, April 22 11.00 a•m,—Morning Worship; Rev. W. J. Rogers, chairman of Presbytery, and the Hen salt United Church choir, 12.15 --Church School. '7.00 p.m,—Evening Praise: Union Evening Service in this church; Under the auspices of the Huron County Sunday School Institute; Deacon. K. C. Joseph, M.A., of South India Come To The' House of Prayer, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV, D. J.'LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 22 10.00 a.m,—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "God's Law of Sup- ' ply and Demand." Text: "Give us This Day Our Daily Bread." 2,30 p.m.—Knox Church, Bay- field. Bow down together and worship God. EVERYONE WELCOME Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, April' 22 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service 12.00 a.m.—Sunday School Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, April 22' 10,00 eon.—Sunday School 11.00 a m, 5Morning Worship,• 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m.—Young People's Service. Pictures on Pilg'rim's Progress the third' part. Tuesday, 8 pat.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME'. Ontario St. Club Musical Programme The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church met at the home of Mrs. George Lavis for the April meeting. In the- absence of the president, Mrs, Brock Olde opened the meeting with a poem. Mrs. Mervyn Batkin was in charge of the devotions and read a passage on "Spring" taken from Revelations, - Miss Rena Pickett was in charge of the programme which included piano numbers by Jane Batkin and Mary Elizabeth Levis: Mrs. George Knights gave a pap- er on the "Canadian Grown Apples." Mrs. Roy Wheeler fav- oured with a very lovely solo followed by an instrumental by Miss Elva Wiltse. Mrs. D. M. •aVIailtby read an interesting chapter on the life of Dr. . John Coburn. Miss Elva Wiltse led in the singing of old songs. The Mizpah Benediction brought the meeting to a close and lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Swan, Mrs. John Levis, Mrs. George Knights and the hostess. g s s 0 At least ten countries use the eagle as the symbol of suprem- acy. is a iladye' was gratifying Light', yet far from effeminate. The girls' chorus was equally good in 'Falan Tiding'." Nylon and Wonder Silk as the top dress fabrics in the fashion world of today! We have a new supply of dress lengths as well as many made-up dresses in these materials. Procure yours while the selections are at their best. Coats - Shorties - Suits A cool spring brings an ever in- creasing demand for these items. Don't you be disappointed—Come in now! CHILDREN'S CORDUROY or SILK COAT SETS, sizes 1-2 and 3 now in stock, Priced as low as possible to meet even your budget. We are accepting Fur Coats now for Storage. Get yours in 'early to be assured of storage space. IRWIN 9 St. Paul's Ladies' Guild Presents FASHION SHOW with local models ST. PAUL'S PARISH HALL I Wednesday, April 25 Refreshments Served 16-b 4-4-0-0-44-0. H++++'i+'•� ♦+-4±4-S t+ 1,'a grand bfer-shoppj riek-Afe-Up , r ASK FOR S SUNDAES, SODAS AND MILK SHAKES Pep up your after -shopping spirits with a visit to our soda fountain. Treat your taste -buds to the smoothest of smooth in Sundaes or Sodas ... made with Candy - kind in' Butterscotch, Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge, Caramel Fudge and Marshmallow flavors. pecial— Chocolate-Marshmallow. Brick BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 tx; CLINTON. 4N+P4' 7`,%t+ sqA F.'; tY+ isf 7 R4r