HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-12, Page 7DAY," APRIL 12, ;t :1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD News Of "'email a. Ross Dick is a patient in oseph's Hospital, London. .. Catherine Devlin, London, with Mrs; George Hudson. and Mns. Arthur McLean, Lana,- visited relatives and , rim arid. around the vi1- . and Mrs. Wes Richardson getting nicely settled in the ence,. owned by Mrs. Grade . o. rs, K. J. Schaefer, Palmer - visited with her aunts, Mrs. allen'tynie,' Mrs. P.Graham Misa K. Scott. s. E. Geiger visited with eon Ralph, a paltient at the al Hospital, Oshawa. He y underwent a major an- on. She also visited with Ralph Geiger and family, toy. Thankoffering He'd e Woman's Missionary So- of Hensel! United Church, its thankoffering . Sunday ing, April 1, with a large gation, A elm, "The Salt e Earth," was presented. in of Rev. W. J. Rogers. WIVIS Birthday annual birthday party of Woman's Missionary Society e United Church will be In : the church schoolroom y, April 13, at 8 p.m. Rev. Grehaan, a siatas t minister, Metropolitan Church, London, will be guest speaker. Miss Irene Douglas,.. London, formerly of HensaN, active in the work of young people, will have charge of the devotion. • The Evening Auxiliary, ladies of Chiseihurst, and Kippen United Churches, ladies of the Presbyterian and Anglican Churches, Hensel], will be guests. Masonic Ladies' Night - The annual • ladies' night of Bn Lodge A.F. and AM was held at the Legion. Hall, Hen- sall. More "than. 100 members, wives and friends enjoyed a tur- key banquet catered by the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary. James Petty, worshipful master, acted es chairman for the evening. Rev. R. H. Sanderson and :Rev, W. J. Rogers spoke tbrie fay. For the progressive euchre which formed, the entertainment with 18 tables in play, the win- ners were: Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. A..L. Case, Hen - sail; Lee, McConnell,. Varna; Cleve Cochrane, Seaforth,• Ross Love, Henvall. Entertainment commit- tee were Ed. Fink, Emmerson Kyle, Frank Wright. Legion Auxiliary' Meets President Mrs. E. Dick presided for the April meeting of the Ley ion Ladies' Auxiliary head in the Leglibn Hall. The meeting decid- FLYING BOTTLES, ZURICH—Bottles ' wenn flying all ,over the place when a soft drink. truck , blew a tire near Zu•r""iiih and plunged into the ditch.. Police Constable Eisner Ziizamermen reported some $600 damage to the truck owned by the Seven -Up Bottling Compeny. ed . to accept, en invitation to Stratford Monday, April 23, to be guests of the Ladies' Auxiliary. A bus will be chartered and win. leave the Legion Hall art '1 ',p.m. Two ',Legion members waited on the Auxiliary to discuss the building of a new kitchen, on the main .floor, the ,Legion granting an eight -foot space for this pro - Jed. : Committee; in charge are the president, -Mrs. & Drysdele, 'Mrs, A. Clark, Mrs. W, Brown, Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs. W. Parke. It , was passed ; at the meeting to ,purchase a new ,meeting rotary to purchase. clone ,;' The president repented_ re, the,. Zone Rally- tq:..,be. held ;:at llarristoti, May 31, whenethe Provincial ,See- rettary„ Provincial • Pxesidernt, and Zona,Cormenders will be present. A.,motion, was 'Passed ;to puts- chase utchase new- keys to be presented. to the, president, and the eecretary' for,adnni t lice to the Legion .Hail., Mrs A,3eciarie-, won the mystgxy prize,. Bingo form .the.,reeresa:: tional portion: of the evening ,and the winners were 'Mrs. J: Sim d mons, usm, Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. R. Mock. Turkey and rolls were the main menu for luncheon. , a Take ditkvieht files wa The "sure-fire" gunners of the Rea, AWRIZMY The Canadian Army Active Force is on the alert. The bight -trained, expert gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery stand by their guns — ready to defend Canada's freedom. The fighting men of the Royal Canadian Artillery are expert soldiers. They are trained to work and fight in smoothly co- ordinated teams ., . and proud of it! , Canada needs more men like these "sure- fire" gunners men who prize Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. You ran take your place beside men like these — as a member of a field gun's crew—by reporting immediately • for training as a soldier of the Canadian Artny Active Force. Canada needs you now! Report today! TO ENLIST YOU MUST — 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 90 years of apo. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army tarsi requirements. 5. Volunteer for salvia! anywhere, REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: . N.. 1a P.n..o.l D.pot,. Weill■ Homo, Md.en R Chori.N. k.., OTTAWA, ��t Na 0 Personas! Mott, Amid. r Poet, Decoct ft.,.Kt GsbON. Oot. Na 6 P.r..nn.l Dopot, Cheney Path, D.u,la. Orly*, TORONTO, One. No. 7 P. somal Dopot W.Mabyy !formic*, Ell:abeth St., LONDON, Ont. AeOe*-9 Listen to "The Voice of the Army" -- Wednesday evenings -- Dominion Network THE NEW 1851 OLDSMOBILE SUPER "88" now in production by General Motors of Canada is nigh- lighted by a new,'wider and roomier body which features clear vision wrap-around windows with consequent greater `visibility. The new series is readily identified by the distinctive bright sash - moulding which extends diagonally down the rear fender to the gravel shield and also by the high crown rear fenders. The Super 088" is powered by the eight -cylinder "Rocket" engine which devel- ops 18e horsepower.:Hydra-Matic Drive is available as an option at extra cost. Shown here is the 1951 Oldsmobile Super "88" deluxe two -door sedan, BLYTH AUBURN ++4++4 eesee eerei e -s -scares a. a asare-►s+k++w+*-ra+w++4+ Teacher Resigns. - (Intended for last week) The regular meeting of Blyth Mrs„ William Strasser, Strat- Public School Board was held in nerd, visited her sister, Mrs. R. the schoolroom. The. resignation D. Munro. - of.Mrs. John Woolf rey as teacher. Donald Ross, who spent the of the intermediate room -was ec- holidays with his mother, Mrs. oepted. It was decided to comply with a reguest of the Lions Club for the use of the -vacant, rooms in the school far band practice for the Lions Club boys and girls band free of charge. .Secretary -treasurer Bernard Hall was granted a $15 increase in. salary. - Favor CDC/ Addition Blyth municipal council met in Memorial Hall with Reeve Wil- liam Morritt in the chair and ate members present. Bernard Hall as Blyth member of Clinton High. Scheel area Board presented ,the proposed addition to Clinton High School. After some discussion, the fol- lowed resolution was passed — "that the municipal council of Blyth, is in fervor erf the erection of an 'additien to the Clinton Collegiate Institute at an esti- mated cost of $285,000, and we hereby instruct the Clinton Dist- rict Collegiate Institute board to proceed with plans and specifi- cations for the said addition." myth Women's Institute mem- bees and Sunshine Sisters met in Memorial Hall Wednesday even- ing, April 4, combining their reg- ular meeting and metal evening. The treasurer, Mrs. D. McCallum, read the annual ainancial state- ment which revealed $485.65 rag- ed by the Institute during the year. Among the major contri- butions was $100 to the conunun ity centre fund and $65 to the Manitoba relief fund. Other do- nations were to the cancer fund, crippled children's fund and to the Children's War Memorial Hospital, London. Following the business, several games of progressive euchre were played. Prize for high score was won by Mt's. William Cockerdine; consolation, Mrs. Ann Sunder- cock; successful lone hands, Mrs. J. B. Watson, Highlight of the evening was the roll call, answered by reveal- ing the identity of your "Sun- shine Sister" which had been kept a secret fora year. Each Fiddlers' Contest Proves Successful A successful Fiddlers' contest was held on Tuesday evening, March 27, sponsored by the Sea - forth LOL in the Seaforth Com- munity Centre. Prizes were awarded as fol- Fred Ross, returned to Galt lows: '25 and under, Bill Clark, Sunday. Renal; James Scott, Blyth; Ger- Mr, and Mrs. Ellis. Little and cid Smithy Ifippen; 26 to 50, Nel- famnily have returned after spending the Easter holidays at Toronto and M.onktort. Miss Mary Houston returned to H4amilton Saturday after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Houston. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McNeil and baby, Welland, spent the weekend with the former's moth- er, Mrs. Thomas McNeil. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler, ait the weekend were Mrs. J. McDonald end Miss Betty McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald, Toronto, end Bert Fowler, Goderich. Horticultural Meeting An open meeting of the Hor- ticultural Society will be held in Forester's Hall on Tuesday, Ap- ril 10, at 3 p.m., when J. F. Clark, -Horticultural Fieldman, Toronto, will give an illustrated talk on Home Beautification. This meeting is open -to everyone. Bride -elect Honored Mrs. Gordon. Dobie, Mrs. Don- ald Fowler and Mrs. Fred Ross entertained some friends a n d neighbours to en afternoon tea Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Joan. Anderson, bride -elect of ails month. The afternoon was `spent in social conversation, after which Mrs. Fowler read an address to Miss Anderson extend- ing congratulations and best wishes and Mrs. Dobie and Mrs. Boss presented her with a lovely wall mirror. Joan expressed her appreciation of the gift. The host- esses served refreshments. St. Mark's Choir Concert The choir of St. Mark's Angli- can Church presented an interest- ing program of Easter music In lists included Welurch lington evening. McNeil, Edna Doer, Lila Daer, Edith Daer, Marion Taylor and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. The organist, Mrs. Gordon Taylor , presided at the organ, and . accompanied for the PAGE SEVEN Many New Buildings At Centralia RCAF Tenders have been called fol construction, of two additional buildings to house 'ofdicers :at RCAF Station, Centralia. ' They are part of a large con struction program planned for Centralia, necessitated by expan- sion of the pilot -training school. Last week contracts worth moria than $750,000 were let for erec- tion of a large building for air- men 'to live in, another to serve as a : storage centre, and a new control tower. , Additional living aocommoda- tion for officers is required with increase in number of personnel on the station and the new structure will more than double present facilities. son Howe, Cromarty; Cecil Max well, Hensall; Lorne Allen, Cram arty; 51 and over, William Hyde, Hensall; Frank Harburn, Crom- arty; George Martin, Stratford. Judges for the'event were Nel- son Wood, Stratford, William Hayter, Hayfield, and William Collins, Seaforth, , Dancing was enjoyed to -the music of Collins Orchestra with vocals by Margaret Collins 'and Margaret Trewin, following the contest. A special feature of the even- ing was a square dance called by Mr. Koehler, Stratford. aneecalled pinned a corsage on her various anthems. She also am' has been a special feature of Miss Margaret Jackson accompan" rector, Rev, J. A. Roberts, spoke briefly commending the choir for its excellent effort, "ser", The sunshine sister idea critical several organ numbers. Blyth Women's institute each led Mss Taylor for her solo. The year since 1039. It was unani- mously decided to tarry on the idea for another year, and names were again drawn. Mrs. Ida Potts was chosen custodian of lost names rand dates. Harold M. Black IMPERIAL OIL Ltd. Farm T rad a Ascent Clinton Phone 112 for all Petroleum Products Oils end Greases tiee+.+.1-. - --And it's just Common Sense To Buy Co-op Insurance Life or Auto Insurance For Information Call W. V. Roy s Box 310, Clinton 'Phones: a Office Res. z2 557 324J" 13-btib TO ATTEND CADET CAMP EXETER—One of 16 chosen from 4Westent Ontario, Robert Wade, Crediton, will attend the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps camp at Banff, Alta., this summer, A grade 11 student at Exeter district high school, he holds the rank of captain and Is second -In -command ea the school Cadet Corps, DRUNK DRIVING GODERICH — Convicted on a drunk driving charge on March 4 on Maitland Road, Hedley Prouse. Goderich Township, was sentenc- ed to seven days in jail and pay- ment of court costs. A blood test,. requested by ;moused, showed 2.0 parts per 1,000 alcoholic content, and Magistrate D. E. Holmes. KC, ordered his car impounded for three months. n NARROW ESCAPE GODERICH — John Lodge, Clinton, suffered a bruised lip,. and his car badly damaged when the steering gear went out of commission, he turned out to avoid colliding with a car ahead on Highway 8. He turned into the ditch end struck a telephone t-tEb pole. I Good insurance—like good health— grows moreimportant every year. 151A H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building, PHONE: Office 251W; Res. 251.8 See Us for Eavestroughimg Electric Wiring Plumbing Agents for the following Furnaces: ANTHES-IMPERIAL and GAR WOOD WINGHAM SUNBLAST FURNACES ONE FOR EVERY PURPOSE WISE and BATEMAN —Phone 147 -- PLUMBING and HEATING — SHEET METAL WORK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-Pordue's Shop Work The ems -p r Oa Raw 7fift01) YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT ROE VITAFOOD0 DOC. IT SURE GOT MY BIRDS AWAY TQA FAST START. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THESE CHICKS— AND THEY'RE ONLY SEVEN )1 WEEKS OLD GOOD FOR YOU, BILL. NOW KEEP THEM GROWING BY CHOOSING YOUR GROWING MASH JUST AS CAREFULLY a I;VE BEEN WORRYING A LITTLE, DOC,.. I DON'T WANT TO UPSET MY CHICKS WITH A SUDDEN CHANGE IN FEED THERE'S NO FEAR OF THAT, BILL. JUST MIX YOUR PRESENT ROE VITAFOOD WITH ROE ViTAGROW THE FIRST WEEK, GRADUALLY REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF ViTAFOOD, AND THE SWITCH WILL BE EASY. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE i SHOULD WATCH FOR,DOC? YES,SiR, ANO IT'S JUST A5 IMPORTANTAS FEED. KEEP THE LITTER DRY. TO DOTHIS, A LITTLE HEAT IS NECESSARY, AND ALSO KEEP THE LITTER WELL STIRRED UP. WATCH UNDERTHE BROODER WHERE THE CHICKS SIT AT NIGHT, AND IF IT IS AT ALL i . DAMP, STIR IN A LITTLE HYDRATED LiME. IF ®THE LITTER GETS MATTED, REMOVE IT. �q THiS IS GOOD y } ,; � , ;; ';‘'.i -INSURANCE. �.. ' .`et AGAINST .1\01, COCCIDIOSIS Mr .10 By Roe Farms Service Dept. WHAT ABOUT VENTILATION,. DOC.? CHICKS NEED PLENTY OF FRESH AIR, BUT BE SURE TO AVOID DRAFTS. WATCH THE WEATHER 50 THAT THEbPENINGS ARE CLOSED MORE ON EXTREMELY WINDY OR COLD DAYS, AND ON BRIGHT SUNNY DAYS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE SUNSHINE. AND DRY, WARM AIR. (- WI f PROTECT YOUR CHC1< INVESTMENT. of v ROE afloo I BTAR 'R How CNIGK Af� ,�,fMNggt7Ny foRAS QSr AND 6ROWN6 +. ct4?Er e dF ' H. Charlesworth CUNTON A.J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD