HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-12, Page 5'THURSDAY, APRIL. t2, T951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified AdieU Bring Quick ReSults +CASH RATE ---(If paid by Wed- •nesday following date of inser- loq)—One cent a Word first in- mertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- aenuent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for dire--. -tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p,m, Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED COTTAGE OR THREE or more room apartment by quiet tenants, Apply Sgt. C. MacKay,' RCAF, Clinton. 15-b SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE or three or four -roomed apart- ment, by, air force officer with 'four-year-old child, to be renting for reasonable period. Apply Box "B" NEWS -RECORD, 15-h ARTICLES FOR SALE CONSOLE MODEL Seamstress electric sewing machine for tale. Recently checked and guaranteed, =Apply 48 Winnipeg Bid., Attesting Park, RCAF Station, Clinton. 15-p BABY CHICKS re APRIL CHICKS for the Susnmer- Tall markets. They're good mar- kets too. Bray Chicks should be ;your choice. They've wide choice pure breeds and crosses, day -olds, Started, immediate delivery, rea- sonably priced. Ask us for price list. Mrs. Alex Paterson, Bruce - field. 15-b BEAUTY COUNSELOR -DURING the next two weeks Beauty Counselor offers free akin analysis and style make-up 'to all ladies of Clinton. Your representatives will call on you if possible. To be sure of a de- 'snonstration calll 173r6, Exeter, -collect, for appointments. 15-16-p BULBS FOR SALE BARGAINS IN BULBS—cash and •marry. Clumps of Tulip bulbs, -only 25c clump, a real buy, Please :bring container. F. Cuninghaine, phone 176. 16-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE BUILDING, about 20x10, suitable 'for poultry house or garage. F. R. Cunin$'hatne, phone 176. 15-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- :ing a home. A number of fine Mots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business -448, residence 599J. 7-btfb CARPENTRY 'CARPENTRY AND Repair Work 'lone 'by experienced man; also remelt jobs in concreting and bricklaying. Peter Guetter, R.R. .5, Clinton, phone Clinton 907r21. 13-17-p COMPANION WANTED ':MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTED for companion fora widow in a 'comfortable home, in country, on No. 8 Highway. 'Companion de- sired immediately, Mrs. W. H. Johnston, phone Clinton 901r2. 15-16-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE "ELECTRIC CHICK BROODER, `300 capacity. Gordon Cudmore, phone 5W. 15-p 'KELVINATOR COKE COOLER. Clinton Motors, phone Clinton 205W. 15-b PAINT SPRAY OUTFIT with -one gun; paint spray outfit with "two guns; ladders to accommodate four men; long hitch trailer. See Doug Skaife, 111 Huron St., -Clinton phone 269W. 15-16-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS — HARVEST HELP 'sheuld be arranged for now. Large and small Dutch families are available now. C. de Haan, 03eigrave. 11-17-ptfb FARMS FOR SALE OR WANTED 'FROM 50 TO 200 ACRE FARMS 'Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence '599J. 5-bteb 0 FARMS FOR SALE SO ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, large barn, brick house, hydro end pressure system in bothhouse and barn. Three miles from Blue - water Highway, two miles from Holmesvilde. Full price $8,000. Stewart Sdhoenhals, prop.; Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate phones: business 448, residence `599. 10-11'tfb 'FARM EQUIPMENT'FOR SALE DAVID BROWN TRACTORS and Gehl Forage Harvesters and '13ammermills, sold be George 11. Beatty, Varna, 10-btfb 'DEERING CULTIVATOR; Quebec riding plow; few tons of two-year Old mixed hay. Frank Walters, R. R. 5, Clinton, phone '615r41. 15-p ELECTRIC CREAM Separator with motor, used only three months, 650 lb. capacity. Harold 'Cunningham, phone Blyth 20r4. 14-15-p 'MASSEY-HARRIS 22 'TRACTOR complete with light pulley and power take off. 'Excellent rub- ber. All meetly 'to go to work. Apply Ewan Ross, R. 2, Clin- ton, phone '901r4. 14-15-b ...SPRING TOOTH HARROWS; plows; tractor manure spreaders;. `Rerrfs+ew electric relearn separat- ors, $176. Apply Basil O'Rourke, 'Brucefield, phone Clinton 618r21. 15-p HOUSES FOR RENT FARM "HOUSE FOR RENT. Lorne Tyndall, yndall, phone . 904r4. 1OptIb FARMS FOR SALE GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Hulled. Thomas Carbert, RR. 1, Clinton, phionNe Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, R.R. 2, Blyth, phone BIyth 31r9. 13-15:ptbf FURNITURE REPAIRING FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, box 351, Clinton. 13.4-5-p, FURNITURE FOR SALE. TWO - PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, fawn and green, $30. Ap- ply 112 Princess St, E. 15-b THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, in excellent condition; two pair gold rayon damask drapes; 9x12 Congoleum rug. Mrs. A. Shaddlick, phone Clinton 395. 15-4b HOUSES FOR SALE THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW with bath, Four lots included in property. Very reasonable. Pos- session in 30 days. Phone 663J. 15-p SI.X-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensel'. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb LOVELY HOME, large living room, dining room, kitchen and panrty on ground floor, four bed- rooms, den, sunporch and bath- room second floor. Hot -waiter heated, insulated, lull cellar, double garage, close to main st. Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones busi- ness 448, residence 599J. 5btfb HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS WANTED to learn in Hosiery Mills. Par -Knit Hosiery Limited, phone 220. 15-b HELP WANTED IN HOUSE IN town where there is sickness. Middle-aged woman preferred. No children, Apply Box "3", NEWS -RECORD. 15-p HAY FOR SALE . NUMBER OF LOADS of Mixed Hay. Frank MacDonald, R. R. 4, Clinton, ;phone 800r3. 15-p KENNELS FOR SALE TWO NEW DOG KENNELS. Apply Edward Elliott, auctioneer. or phone 4423. 14-15-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 27 PIGS, seven and eight weeks old. Gordon G. Scotchmer, phone Clinton 909r12. 15-b SEVEN CHOICE SIX-WEEK Pigs; a few gallons of Maple Syrup left, $5 per gal. Ed. C. Glen, phone Clinton 620r24, or Bob Glen, phone Clinton 907r25. 15-p YOUNG HEREFORD BULL of serviceable age; ten young cattle about 700 lbs. each. Frank Flynn, R. R. 1, Clinton, phone 801r12. 15-p 17 CHOICE PIGS, eight weeks old. Bert Boyes, phone Clinton 305. 15-b SIXTEEN CHUNKS. Alex Wil - loins, Londesbbro, phone Blyth 24r8. 15-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. - 8-15-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. 'If not, will_pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich, 2btfb NOTICE SEWING MACHINES, new and used., Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St„ Goderich, phone 8673. 3-7pteb PASTURE WANTED WANTED TO RENT -- Separate pasture for 11 head of accredited cattle, or pasture with other fully accredited cattle. A. J. Deseck, R. R. 4, Clinton, phone 61614. 15-b PERSONALS ASTHMA—Why suffer if there is something that will help you? Hundreds of thousands of sets have been Cold on a money -back guarantee. Amazaginly f e w ASTHMANEFRIN sets ever re- turned for refund ... So easy to use. After your symptoms have been diagnosed as Asthma you owe it to yourself to try ASTH- MANEFRIN, Now at your Drug Store. 14-17-b PIANO TUNING 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 14-15-ptfb. YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tib TRICYCLES FOR SALE CHILD'S SUNSHINE TRICYCLE in perfect •condition. Phone Blyth 25r19. 15-b TENDERS WANTED MARKED and Sealed Tenders will be received by the Goderich Township School Area Board un- til April 24 foe remodelling the interior of No., 11 school. For specifications contact the chair- man, George Potter(, or Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, R. R. 9, Clinton. 14=15-b BIRTHS BUTLER — In Toronto' General Hospital, on Tuesday, April 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Butler, ' Toronto, a daughter (Lois Margaret). FRANCIS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 7, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Reg Francis, Bayfield, a daughter. JOHNS' =In York County Memor- ial Hospital, Newmarket, on Tuesday, April 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Wes- ton, a son (Douglas Addison). MANNING — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, April 8, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Manning, R. R. 2, Bayfield, a son (John Charles). ROSS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, April 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mfrs. Ronald Ross, R. R. 3, Clinton, a daughter (Margaret). MARRIAGES LOUGH-FREMLIN — I n t h e Church of the Messiah, Toron- to, at 4 p.m., Monday, April 9, 1951, by Rev. W. R. Sproule, Harriett Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Feemlin, Clinton, to Harvey. Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. R H. Loath, London. MISTELE-HEARN — On Satur- day, April 7, 1951, in Wesley - Willis United Church, .Clinton, by Rev. Russell McGillivray, Oakville, uncle of the bride, as- sisted by Rev, H. C. Willson, Georgina May (Jean), daugh- ter of Mrs. and the- late Dr. Percival Hearn, to Gerald David. Mistele, Espanola, son of .Mrs. and the late William Mistele, Rodney. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE. MONTCAL,VI SEED BARLEY, grown from registered seed. W. Weeks, R. R. 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 633r3. 15-p QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER seed; also quantity of Ontario wheat for feed. James M. Lands - borough, ?phone Seaford' 665r16. 14-15-p QUANTITY OF ERBAN OATS, grown from registered seed; also quantity of mixed grain. Stanley Jackson, R. R. 5, Clinton, phone 620r25. 15-b TIMOTHY SEED and Yellow Sweet Clover, cleaned and ready for seeding. W. C. Sinclair, R,R. 5, Clinton, phone 621r22. 12-btfb "25 LBS. TIMOTHY SEED; about same of white blossom sweat clover. Ewan Ross, R.R. 2, Clin- ton, phone 901r4. 14-15-b GOOD CLEAN TIMOTHY SEED, $7.50 !pier busheu; cedar posts, five to six-inch tops, 55 cents delivered; smaller posts available; also end posts and brace poles. Porter Bros., R. R. Goderich, phone Goderich 934r5. 15-6-p STOVES FOR SALE GURNEY LARGE ELECTRIC range, four burners, two ovens, in good condition, priced reason- able. Mrs, William Walker, phone 145W. 15-b TRUCKS FOR SALE 1960 1/2 -TON DODGE PANEL, Al condition, 16,000 miles, Will sell or trade. Phone Ohs 802r3. 8-btfb TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.S. No. 7 Hallett Township. Please state qualifications and salary. Duties to commence September 1951. Apply Mrs. Elsie McVittie R.R, 1, Blyth, phone Blyth 22r8. 14-15-p TEACHERS WANTED for God- erich Township School Area, Ap- ply stating qualifications and salary expected. Duties to com- mence September 7. Frank Yeo, secretary-ltreasurer, R. R. 3, Clin- ton. 15-16-b A PROTESTANT TEACHER is wanted for' S. S. No. 9, Goderich Township, duties to commence September 4. Apply, ,stating qual- ifications and salary expected to Robert E. Rowden, secretary, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 911r34. 15-b WOODWORKING KITCHEN CABINETS, screens (any size or cloth), custom band and jigsewing. Reg, Smith, phone 797W. 15"btfb DEATHS BAINES—In Clinton, on 'Mandan April 9, 1951, ellosresni,ce Ralson Greenlees, belovled wife of the late Archibald W. Baines,St. Thomas; dear mother of Marg- aret, Mzrs::R. S. Atkey, Clinton, end sister of Mrs. E. Russell Forrest, Bloomingdale, Much. Resting at the Henderson Fun- eral Home, Wialrton, for service at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 12. Interment Bayview Cemetery, Wiarton, BAR.TLEY--At the home of his sister, Rattenbury St. E., Clan- ton, on Thursday, April 5, 1951, Christopher J. Bentley, in his 77th year, dear brother of Mrs. John J. ' Zapfe. Funeral and interment under Masonic aus- pices 'in Owen Sound on Satur- day, April 7. McGOWAN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, April 8, 1951, Annie M. Anderson, be - lived wife oif the late Alex- ander McGowan; Blyth, in her 79th year,. Funeral from the home of her son, Orville Mc- GoWan, lot 39, concession 2, East Wanvan'osh Township, to Blyth Union Cemetery, en. Wednesday, April 11. JAMIESON—In Miitchell, on Fri- , day, April 6, 1951, Margaret Jane Jameson, Brucefield, wife of the late Alexander Jamieson, Tuckersinialh Township, in her 88th year. Funeral at Seaforth Monday, April. 9, to Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth. YOUNG—In Woodstock, on Fri- day, April 6, 1951, James How- erd Young, dear brother of Mrs. John C. Million, Washing- ton, ashinbton, D:C.. in his 58th year. Funeral from the Beattie Fun- eral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, on Monday morning, April 9, to the J. B. Cox Mausoleum, Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Huron Old Boys Plan Annual Card Party The annual euchre and bridge of Huron County Old Boys' As- sociation of Toronto wild be held on Friday, April 20, at Robertson's Hall, 137 Avenue Road, (just south of Davenport Road) at 8.30 p.m. The main event of the evening will be the euchre com- petition for the McLaren Trophy. There will be lucky prizes and Iunch will be served. In makingthe a•nn r o rn .cement the president, Mrs. C. J. Panton, 2 Farnham Ave., Toronto, states that a hearty welcome is ex- tended to all Hun:mates and their friends. 0 CARD OF THANKS We would like to say a special word of thanks to all who helped us in so many different ways in our time of trouble. It was deep- ly appreciated,—THE WATKINS FAMILY. 15-p o --- IN MEMORIAM TWYFORD—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Harriett Twyford, who passed away April 15, 1950. "So many things have happened Since you were called away, Things that you would have enjoyed Had you been left to stay, So many things to share with you In just the usual way, Things that could be so much nicer If you were here to -day. We cannot bring the old days beck, Your hands we cannot touch, But God has given us wonder- ful memories Of one we loved so much. —Ever remembered by the fam- ily. 15-p HELP WANTED— FEMALE WARD AIDES FOR THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL AT LONDON Young women in good health, with two years' High School or equivalent, and with an interest in helping the mentelly sick are invited to apply. Free course of training to accepted' applicants. Permanent positions, improved salary schedules, generous vaca- tion privileges and pension bene- fits. Accommodation in hospital residence at moderate cost can be provided for limited time if de- sired. For application form write to MISS FLORENCE THOMAS, R.N., Director of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, London 12-13-14-15-b Made -to -Measure LOOK SMART! FEEL SMART! BE SMART! Have your next Suit or Top- coat made to your choice ,of style and material made to fit you perfectly. We now have a full range of Spring samples in all shades, made by such well known firms as WARREN K. COOK TOWNE HALL JAMES BROS. TIP TOP TAILORS Prices from 49.50 up PICKETT a CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS Phone 25 Clinton BOARD OF TRADE GODEPIICH — John K. Sully was elected president of Goderich Board of Trade at the annual meeting, which marked the 76th year of operation. Vice-presidents are George Parsons and George L, Ellis. LADY LAWN BOWLERS The annual meeting of the Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday evening, April 18, at 7 p,m. Aid ladies interested are invited' to attend, whether members,:of the Club or not, Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No.' 14, Concession 3, •Goderich Township, 1 mile east and 23e miles south of Goderich on Saturday, April 28 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HORSES: 2 Clyde mares, aged. •CATTLE: Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due May 9; Durham x Hol- stein 'cow, 3 yrs. old, due June 27; 2 yearling heifers. IMPLEMENTS, etc.: 1939 Ply- mouth •sedan; M -H binder, 7 ft, cut; M -H 11 -hoe drill; Frost L's Wood mower, 6 et. cut; Maxwell hay loader; 3 -drum steel roller; cultivator; 3 -section herrows; dump rake; 2 -row stuffier; farm wagon; hay rack; wagon box; set of sleighs; walking plow; 2 -fur- row walking plow; 2,000 -lb. scales; cutter; fanning mill; root pulper; set of double harness; horse collars; work bench end steel vise; brooder stove and shield; extension ladder; other ladders; block and tackle; quan- tity of tools; e number of ash wagon tongues. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Studio couch (velour velvet); Axminster rug,,101'x12'; modem dining room suite of 6 leather -seated chairs and extension table (wal- nut finish); walnut dresser and' wash stand (antique); 2 complete bedroom suites and 2 inner spring mattresses; complete bedroom suites with three-quarter bed and inner spring mattress; tubular single bed and inner spring mat -- tress; wooden single bed end in- ner spring mattress; feather ticks; White drop -head sewing machine; cherry record cabinet; wardrobe; numerous cane-bottomchairs; 2 _ lawn chairs; day bed; Eureka vacuum cleaner; Princess Pat -A enamel range; coal oil stove end oven; 6 rocking chairs; 4 kitchen chairs; bar -room chair; 2 kitchen cupboard's; small tables; card table; flower stand; scatter rugs; some linoleum; Westinghouse electric washing machine; cream separator; set of household scales; 2 small step ladders; large kitchen table; extension table; dishes, sealers, cooking utensils , and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm is sold. JAMES W, BELL, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K, W. Colquhoun, Clerk 15-16-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and GRAIN at Lot No. 10, Concession 9, Hullett Township, 5 miles north and 3'%, miles east of Clinton, or 5 miles west of Winthrop, on Wednesday," April 18 at 1.30 p.m., the following: . HORSES: Clyde mare, 10 yrs. old; Clyde mare, 8 yrs. old; Clyde horse, 9 yrs. old. CATTLE—Hereford x Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, and bred again; 2 Hereford cows, 6 yrs, old, milking and bred again; Durham cow, 10 yrs. old, due to freshen June 16; 2 Durham year- ling heifers; 1 two-year-old steer; 3 yearling steers; 2 fall calves; Holstein calif. PIGS: 2 Yorkshire sows, bred; 22 pigs, 7 weeks old; 11 pigs, 10 weeks old. POULTRY and Equipment: 50 one -year-old Leghorn hens; range shelter; colony house 12'x12'. IMPLEMENTS: 1942 Interna- tional helf-ton truck; rubber tire wagon, flat rack; farm wagon, hay rack; International hay load- er; 5 -section harrows; set of sleighs and flat rack; M -H drill (13 hoe) with fertilator; M -H No. 11 manure spreader on rubber; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; M -H hay rake; rubber tired buggy; cutter; ,cultivator; M -H 10 -hoe delll; wheel barrow; quantity of cedar posts; walking plow; rid- ing plow; set of double harness; set of single harness; horse col- lars, forks, chains, shovels, whip-. pletrees, double trees; feed boxes, grain bags and numerous other articles. FEED: Approximately 10 ton of mixed hay; approx. 1 ton of mixed grain; quantity of timothy and red clover seed. TERMS --CASH No reserve ,as the farm is sold. CHARLES HOGGART, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. 'Colquhoun, Clerk 15-b ♦4'a+4-1-0»4-4.1+H»s.4-G 14 4-$44, CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1612 • 14-15ptfb ++ea ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING ROBERT TAYLOR "DEVIL'S DOORWAY° with PAULA RAYMOND MON.-TUES.-WED. Doris Day Gordon Macrae "TEA for TWO" Technicolor THURS.-FRI.-SAT. Gregory PECK "The GUNFIGHTER" .with HELEN WESTCOTT PARK THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now: Hedy Laanarr and John Hodaik in "A LADY WITHOUT PASSPORT" MON.-TUES.-WED. Adult "The Slue I:anap A British -made gem dedicated to Britain's police force. The post- war ensue wave as seen by a London bobby, Jack Warner—Jimmy Hanley Peggy Evans Now: "INDIAN SCOUT" Phillip Reed & Ellen Drew MON.-TUES.-WED. "TEA for TWO" A riotous, hilarious 'musical comedy in Technicolor with fun and entertainment by a top-flight talented oast. Doris Day—Eve Arden and Billy De Woolfe THURS.-FRI.-SAT. Randolph Scott — Dorothy ' Malone & Forrest Tucker In Tech'n'icolor, a rugged ad- venture yarn tells of a pioneer who backed up his convictions with his fists. "The NEVADAN" Coming: Joan Crawford as "HARRIET CRAIG" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 1150 Now: "BORDER INCIDENT" Ricardo Montalban—Geo. Murphy MON.-TUES.-WED. Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer presents a hand-picked all-star comedy cast in the rib -rocking epic of Flatbush that tickled the funny- bone of a nation. "It Happened In Brooklyn" THURS.-FRL-SAT. THURS.-FRI,-SAT. Marta Torens—Jeff Chandler Dana Andrews—Susan Hayward and Claude Dauphin Brian Donlevy The stars of "Sword in the Against a background of Tech - Desert" return in a story of Italy nicolored scenic 'beauty a three - and of an American gangster who cornered romance resolves itself took over the nefarious Black in a story of adventure and Market. daring. "DEPORTED" "Canyon Passage" Coming: Kathryn Graysmr and Coming, "SO GOES MY LOVE" Van Johnson in "GROUNDS with Don Ameche and FOR MARRIAGE" Myrna Loy •-+-•++-.-.'e 'Teen Town Lions Night Friday, April 13 11 p.m. ALL LIONS AND THEIR WIVES INVITED 14-15-b vr- . Bread Salesman WANTED For An Established Route BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? One who comes to God as a lost sinner. One who accepts Christ as his own personal Saviour. One who experiences within his own heart a new life born of the Spirit of God, One who confesses Christ before the world, And who endeavours to serve and please Him at all times. READ THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, CHAPTER ID. CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 tem. EST We have a good supply of BARBED WIRE LAWN FENCE Fill Your Spring Needs Noce! Modern BATHROOM FIXTURES Hugh R. Hawkins PLUMBING — HEATING HARDWARE PHONE 244 -- - -- • CLINTON