HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1951 Personals W. R. Miller, Woodbridge, spent the weekend with his fath- er, W. J. Miller. -Mrs. H. B. Combe has returned to her home atter spending the winter in Goderich.. ' Mr. and Mrs:" G. B. Beattie are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paterson, Wiacton. F/O and Mrs. R. D. Fremlin and son, Richard, Allan, left Tuesday for their home at Goose Bay,'. Labrador. Mrs. M. D. McTaggart has re- turned to her home after spend- ing the past couple_ of months with relatives in Morrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lancaster, St. Marys, have been visiting at the home of thele son -in -Saw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLay. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aiken, London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. , and Mrs. W. M. Aiken and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Gordon and Miss Joyce Grigg, London, and Dick Robinson, Windsor, spent the weekend with. the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Grigg. Mrs. Ottis L. Graham, Colum- bus, Ga., has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. R. S. Atkey, during the illness of the latter's mother, Mrs. A, W. Baines. Mr. John and Miss Maude Torrance are expected to return to their home - this weekend at - ter spending the past several months in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Murdoch, Hageriville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman, coming to be present at the Mistele-Hearn wedding on Satur- day last. Miss Vera Douglas, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. James Houstan and two sons, Donald and Doug- las, Brantford, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis. will be resumed Wed., April 18 St. Joseph's Church Hall, Clinton 15 Regular Games Two Share -the -wealth Jack ' Pot 15-b Clinton Jr. Institute Hears About Ironing Clinton Junior 'Institute head its monthly meeting on 'Tuesday evening, April 10. in Clinton District Collegiate Institute, with the new president, Mrs. Robert Irwin, in the chair. The theme eaf the meeting was "It's Ironing Day" and the roll call "an art- icle I don't like to iron" was answered by 13 girls. This was also parents' night and a few mother's were present. Several business letters were' discussed, one of which was hi regard to the annual conference being held in Guelph this month. The topic was taken by Mrs. George ColelouSgh who had brought her ironing board and gave a demonstration of ironing a man's shirt. She showed the girls the proper way to iron a shirt, and also gave a talk on how to iron various other art- icles, and oleo on the proper side on which some fabrics should be ironed. After the topic the girls held a discussion On how to make iron- ing easier. S Some of the girls gave some very helpful sug- gestions. 0 ST. ANDREW'S VMS The WMS of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet, Tuesday, April 17, at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Clifton. I.Ni'I WOO.. 0.4 Specials For April 12 -13 - 14 HELMET CORNED BEEF -12 oz. tin Stokely's Fcy. CREAM CORN 20 oz. 2 tins Talisman STRAWBERRY JAM -24 oz. jar O.S. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE -48 oz. O.S. BLENDED JUICE -48 oz. ��� O.S. ORANGE JUICE -48 oz. KEMPS ENGLISH BISCUITS .. pkg. 23c SEED POTATOES, Irish Cobblers, 75 lb. bag 2.15 N.B. TABLE POTATOES, 50 lb. bag 1.10 NEW CARROTS 2 lbs. 15c FLORIDA ORANGES --size 250's doz. 39c FRESH PINEAPPLES -size 12's ea. 31c CREAMERY BUTTER -First Grade lb. 64c MIL -KO POWDERED SKIM MILK pkg. 35c 43c 33c 43c 37c Thompson's Food Marked 1 Phone 40 We Deliver - -01- +.-O+H-►<-.7++S $ FMS 4.-4.-44-44-4-• o .14 Spring is Here and also Housecleaning Time! Here are a few helpers to make the busy day easier: STEP LADDERS GALVANIZED SCRUB TUBS DOOR MATS JOHNSON'S FLOOR CLEANER•. ALBO No. 50 NEW -LAC in pints, quarts, gallons Special Offer FLOOR POLISHER and 1 -Lb. Tin of Wax only $1.93 WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND CHECK OUR PRICES! .v. Come in and ask for a demonstration of the famous EASY WASHER 810 -GREEK b°f6e4e Comair 'r0 ;VII; row ALMA PAINTEVAF1511 COMPANY lq0`' 40kDOP1 cAMA"5 BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. J. HUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 861-3 Hardware and Furniture -- Funeral Directors PHONE 195 - CLINTON WEDDINGS LOUCH-FREMLIN A quiet wedding: was solemniz- ed in the. Church of the Messiah, Toronto, by Rev,: W. R. Sproule at four o'clock Monday, April 9, when Harriett Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin, Clinton, became the, bride of Harvey Arthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Louch, London. They were attended 'by Miss Violet Fremlin, sister of the bride, end by Keith McLeod, both of Toronto, The bride wore a two-piece costume of silk velvet in a soft blue ehadS.e, with grey accessories, and a corsage Of mauve orchids, Her bridesmaid's gown was pale yellow silk, with a contrasting corsage of purple pansies. The ceremony was followed by a dinner party 'at ,the. Old Mill, anter which the couple left on a m ;•tor trip through Southern On- tario. Mr. and Mrs. Louch will reside in Toronto on their return. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zapfe are spending a few days in Owen Sound, having gone there to at- tend the funeral of the latter's brother, the' late C. J, Hartley, whose death occurred at the Zapfe home on Thursday last. Miss Margaret McEwen, Tor- onto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Saribrbins, coming to attend the Mistele- ilearn nuptials on Saturday. Miss McEwen will he remembered by many 'here as she is a niece of H. R. Sharp, former resident of Clinton, and had spent some time here at her uncle's home. Business Block FOR SALE This Desirable Block contains FIVE APARTMENTS THREE BUSINESS STORES Leonard G. Winter REAL ESTATE - Phones - Business 448 - Residence 599J a w L>;GRAP Send Flowers. -Wotldwide �. ERFL0 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion St. Andrew's WA Makes Social Plans The WA of Sit. Andrew's Pres- byterian, 'Church held its April meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Farquhar. The president, Mrs. W. Shadd'ock, opened the meet- ing with the singing of a hymn and the reading of p,ealm 146, after which prayer was offered. Duringthe business pexiiod the secretary and treasurer read their reports and further plans for the bazaar were discussed. Ilt was decided that tables for the after- noon tea would be arranged by Mrs. Farquhar, Mrs. Lague, Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs. Clifton, Mrs. Ball, Mrs' McTagagrit and Mrs. Shad - dace. At the conclusion of the meet- ing lunch, was served by Sirs. Farquhar assisted by Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Lane. Young Mothers' Group Plans Clothing Bale MISTELE-H EARN Wesley -Willis United Church, attractive with ferns and daf- fodils, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, April/ 7, 1951, when Georgina May (Jean), daughter of Mrs. and the late Dr. Percival Hearn, Clinton, be- came the bride of Gerald David Mistelc, son of Mrs. and the late JVilliam Mistele, Rodney. Rev, Russell McGillivray, Oakville, uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. H. C. Wilson, performed the double -ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Gordon R. Hearn, Toronto, wore mist grey net over pale blue taffeta, with tight bod- ice and bouffant skirt, dace jacket with mandarin collar and long sleeves. Her short veil was held in place 'by a circlet of flowers matching the yellow and blue iris in her bridal. bouquet. The matron of honour, Mrs. Douglas Bartliff, Clinton, wore blue taffeta with a tight bodice and full skirt, with short lace jacket and matching mittens. The bridesmaid, Miss Maxine Slessor, Toronto, wore yellow taffeta, sim- ilar to the gown worn by the matron of honour. Their flowers wore Talisman roses with match- ing head bands. Lloyd Mistele, Peterborough, was groomsman 'for his brother, and the ushers were Douglas Bartliff, Clinton, and Arthur 'Aiken, Lon- don. Mrs. M. R. Rennie, organist, provided the wedding music. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held in the Church Parlour. For the wedding trip to Wash- ington, D.C., the bride wore a dark grey suit with yellow blouse and rust accessories, and a corsage of yellow roses. On their return the young couple will reside in Espanola. e K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 16K couscous L SE((VICE Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. J.' W. -Nediger announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Jean Marie, to Billie George Manly, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Manly, the marriage to take place in Wesley -Willis United Church the latter part of April. W -W WA Honours Departing. Member' The April meetig of the Won-'. asn's Association of Wesley -Willis Church was held in the Church Parlor, on the 'afternoon of Thurs- day, April 5. The president, Mrs. George Beattie, was in the chair, Mrs. H. Charlesworth was pianist. Forty were present. The opening hymn' was "Let us with a gladsome mind, praise the Lord for He is kind." The Lord's Prayer was recited in un- ison. The subject of the devo- tional period was "The Prodigal Son"; the Scripture lesson was read by Mns. Fred Potter from the 15th chapter of St. Luke's gospel, Prayer was offered by Miss -Winnie O'Neil. The secretary, Mrs. Frank Fingland, read the minutes of the March meeting. The treasurer, Mrs. A. E, Sbaddick, gave the financial report. The total pro- ceeds of the St. Patrick's tea amounted to $227.80. Mrs. Fred The March meeting• of the Young Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church was held art Mrs.- W, Murrdh's home with 17 mothers present: Easter hymns were sung, and the Easter story from the Scripture was read by Mrs. Shipley. It was decided 'to pack the bale of used clothing for the V.O,N., London, during the second week of April at the home of Mrs. J. A. Addison. - Articles were read and discus- sed on "Property Rights," and "Rivalry among your children" with Mrs. Murch in charge of the topics. The April meeting will be held April 24, at the home" of Mrs. Elmer Hugill with Mrs. C. Hu - gill and Mrs. McCall as hostesses. Legion Ladies Make Several Donations Hh4.4+4+4M4-4-$-•-4-4-4-4.4-4.4•.-4-4 Properties for Sale DWELLING Eight -roomed brick dwelling, large living room with fire- place, herdwood floors, modern conveniences, insulated; gar- age; small stable 18x26; quan- tity of small fruit trees; about one acre of land; good location; possession 30 days. 238 ACRES Near County Road; 7 -room dwelling, barn 65x85, drive shed 24x36; hydro, water in barn; some bush; well drain- ed; 14 acres wheat; close to school. Spring possession. 100 ACRES On County Road; barn 56x60, drive shed 20x40; 7 -room dwel- ling; hydro; 2 miles from vil- lage; early possession. ' . DWELLING Six -roomed Brick Dwelling, good condition, modern con- veniences, new furnace, about half acre land, good barn, some' fruit trees. ..Possession within 60 days. H. C. Lawson REAL ESTATE Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251-w CLINTON .4e -a+-4.4.0• Chapman's Beauty Salon 357R OIL PERMS. $5 and up Cosmetics - Breck Revlon Helen Curtis, etc. CAMPUS -CORNER. CIND'RELLA NYLONS After -noon Sheer. , 1.49 livening Sheer 1.95 LATEST SPRING BLOUSES 2.98 - 5.98 Including: College Co -Ed 3.39 Ship .'N' Shore 2.39 NEWEST SYLE "DRAPE" SLACKS -Cavalry • Twill ' 'Gabardine -Men's Cheek -5.98-8.95 Potter, 'flower convener, reported flowers placed in the church, and sent to those of the congregation who were ill. A number of let- ters of thanks were then read. The sewing convener, Mrs. D. Laidlaw said two quilts had been completed, with more to be done. Mrs. John Innes, convener of the committee making the new choir gowns, reported 36 had been -fin- ished; the rest would be ready very soon. A gift of money was received from Mr. T. H. Shep- herd in memory of his mother, Mrs. James Shepherd. Mrs; A. T. Cooper read an ad- dress to Mrs. Fred Gatien who is leaving soon for her new home in Prince Edward Island -much to the regret of the members of the church and town, A gift was presented, and Mrs, Gatien fit- tingly replied. A hymn and the Mizpah Bene- diction brought the meeting to a close, 'after which tea was served by Mrs. Doug Bartliff's group, and a short social half-hour spent. A splendid a'tenclance marked the April meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, which was held in the Legion rooms on Monday evening. Dur- ing the evening pan excellent ad- dress was given by Miss Hoyle, Stratford, zone representative. Plans were made to attend the Zone Rally in Harrriston on May 31, and to send a delegate to the convention in Timmins in Octob- er. Donations of $25 to the Can- adian Legion Boys' and Girls' Scholarship Fund, and $10 to the Easter Seals Campaign were vot- ed. It was planned to have a social evening of cards and lunch on April 30, when the group will entertain the men. At the /close of the meeting lrnch was served, Mrs. H. B. Combe pouring tea from an at- tractively arranged table, set with a lace cloth and a 'bouquet of spring Slowers, 0 The fingers at the end of an elephant's trunk can handle ob- jects as small as a penny. Church Directory Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, April 15 10.00 ems -Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m, -Young People's Service. Pictures on Pilgrim's Progress. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, April 15 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 10,00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 p.in.-Evening Service. Tuesday, April 17, 2.45 p.m. -WA Thasukoffering at Rectory, Mrs. Robertson, guest speaker. Wednesday, April. 18, 7.30 pm. Means Club. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 15 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "A Puzzled Faith" 12.15 --Sunday School. '7.00 p.m. -United Evening Wor- ship in this church. "The Burning Heart" Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. M. R, Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, April 15 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship; "A House Divided" 12,15.sChurch School. 7.00 p.an.-Evening Praise: Union Evening Service in Ontario St. United Church. Come To The House of Prayer. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 15 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 2.30 p.m. -Knox Church, Bay- field. EVERYONE WELCOME Baptist Church PASTOR CLAI'R CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, April 15 11.00 a.m.-Worship Service 12.00 am. --Sunday School SPRING Suits - Coats - Shortees and Dresses \ut ;1O 7 cy. Are the 'headline items in the women's 'fashion news of -today. You are welcome to look over our racks at your own convenience and see for yourself the latest in Spring fashions. - BLOUSES - We have selected a rack of Blouses we are offering at prices far below the regular mark-up. This is a bargain offer -Get in t on it! -Girdles and Garter Belts - We are clearing broken and discontinued lines at reduced prices. Be on hand this weekend for an opportunity to save money that you can't afford to miss. IRWiN'S 4-4-44 .. 4 4.4 4 4 da o.4. -H -4 -?d'4•0- 4-4-4-'H-•-4- HANDBAGS FOR SPRING! ,Finest leather bags with luxurious finish 5.25to'16.50 Plastic and Simulated Bags 4.50 AIKEN'S Luggage and Shoes PHONE 2 CLINTON -4+4-6+♦-e-t $ 5 5 •y'4-4 4 $ $ 5-4-$-.-4 - rare++'e'+++ 4-0-11,44-4-4-•4 1,'a grana/ 'after-shoppi .. Pick -fuel// ASK FOR SUNDAES, SODAS AND MILK SHAKES Pep up your after -shopping spirits with a visit to our soda fountain, Treat your taste -buds to the smoothest of smooth in Sundaes or Sodas ... made with Candy - kind in Butterscotch, Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge, Caramel Fudge and Marshmallow flavors. Special - Chocolate -Marshmallow Brick BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 -- -- CLINTON 4-.4-.4.4-.4-.4-4-4,-40--44-0.1.-•-•4-41-0-0-0-0-0-0-•-•-• * M. *