HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-05, Page 10['AGE TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, . APRIL 5, 19511' Colts Must Win Next (By Richmond Atkey) It's "do-or-die" for our belov- ed Clinton Colts Saturday even- ing, when they meet Bridgeport Vets in the third game ofthe best -of -five OHA Intermediate "B" semi-final series. The crucial match will.. be played in Waterloo Memorial Arena at 8.30 pan. It is expect- ed that many loyal fans will, ac - /company the boys and cheer them on to victory. Let's go! Colts dropped the first match of the series in Goderich Memor- ial Arena 4-0 Thursday evening last. Journeying to Waterloo, they were down • 12-3 Tuesday evening. Not Disgraced But the "home-brews" definnit- ely were not disgraced.' They matchedstride for stride with the flashy visitors et Goderich, and N+++wo+ao,Aro ITEMS to Plastic SERVIETTE HOLDERS in flower pattern, int Red, Yellow, White and Green at 15c FLOWER POTS with saucer in Red, Yellow, Green, White at 190, 25c and 29e PIE CONTAINERS in White, Red or Yellow at 25c EGG CONTAINERS in Yellow or Pink at 29c TRAYS in Blue, Yellow, or Red at 29c CAKE PLATES in Clear or Red at 750 PITCHERS in pint or quart sizes, in Blue, Red, Yellow or Green at 29e and 500 SERVIETTE HOLDERS in Yellow or Blue at 89c COVERED PLANTER at 51.29 SOAP DISH in Blue or Green at 19e KITCHEN SALT and PEPPERS in Green or Yellow at 50c pr. CANNISTER SETS in Red at $1.29 McEwan's 1 7.6 Cubic Feet Frigidaire REFRIGERATOR $349.00 Has those wonderful Frigidaire con- venience features, plus Frigidaire beauty and dependability! Revolutionary 30 -inch Frigidaire ELECTRIC RANGE $299.00 `;' Big range features - yet fits smallest kitchens. Ii - Has Cook -Master Oven Clock Control, Utensil EASY Drawer, six -pie oven. Without Cook -Master, LXXX. TERMS SUTTER--PERDUE Buy your Quality Work Clothes at HERMAN'S • OVERALLS • SMOCKS • PANTS • SHIRTS • SOCKS • GLOVE'S *4+-1+1,44.4"++4rr-a w41.4-, Haugh's Big 881 Overalls Smocks Pants Herman's Men's Wear FASHION CRAFT CLOTHES Biltmore Hats Forsyth Shirts • �c#.o.�a�va�a�a..i did a valiant jab against great odds at Waterloo when Bridgeport had one of its better players, Jack Wallis, in the line-up. It was just a case of too many against, too few, too much against too ilittile; Bridgeport has a big edge in reserve power. In" Wrong Classification We shall have more to say later regarding the situation where Kitchener and Waterloo players are'allowed' to play_ for Bridgeport. If it is not a -legal violation, it is a violation of the spirit of sport. Under no con- sideration should Bridgeport be classified as Intermediate "B"; the club should be et least Inter- mediate "A" or Senior "B", Fine, Fast Gaspe Although shut out at Godericlt, Colts played a ,wonderful game should have done better. Their shooting was hurried and weak on the whole, but they were up against a very fast, strong- ohecking team, Billy Nediger, in goal for Clinton, was a standout. Again at Waterloo, he had the: eyes of the critics for his excellent play in the nets, diespite the ones that got by him. Clinton in Lead Clinton started off at Waterloo Tuesday evening with a big bang and Cam Maltby got the first marker. Bridgeport evened it up in 23 seconds, but Colts again went into the lead for the last time in the game with Draper the marksman. In only 23 sec- onds for a second time, Bridge- port drew even at 2-24 Clinton outshot Bridgeport 13-9 in the first period. From then on, the play went more and more to the Vets, who snagged three without reply in the second, and five in the third. Colquhoun's Coal "Danny" Colquhoun was Clin- ton's third marksman near the end of the final period. He pick- ed up the puck behind his own blue line and raced the length of the ice, sidestepping the Bridge- port defence man, to tally. Comment from Kitchener Len Taylor, sports editor, who saw both games, said in his Kitchener -Waterloo Reoord yest- erday: "Only a gigantic natural catas- trophe, something like a repeti- tion of the Lisbon earthquake of the 1750's or the eruption of Krakatoa in the 1880's, can pre- vent Bridgeport. Vets from reach- iny the OHA Intermediate. "B" finals. At least, that would be a fair deduction for anyone who Clinton's "Home Brew" Colts Face Crucial Test Down two games to Bridgeport Vets in the OHA Inter- mediate "B" semi-finals, Clinton. dolts-"homebrew" sensation of the 1950-51 OHA season, all but two of the players having been born in Clinton -play the third game of the best -three - of -five series in Waterloo Memorial Arena Saturday evening. Clinton lost at Goderich 4-0 Saturday evening and again at Waterloo 12-3 Tuesday evening. They previously had eliminated Listowel. Beavers in a best two -of -three series. Winners of the present series clash with Gravenhurst Indians for the championship. ABOVE, front row (left to right) -Bert Gliddon, man- ager; Doug Bartliff, defenoe; Jahn Wilson, utility; Bill: Nediger, goal; Clare 'Maltby, left wing; Don Strong, utility; Ross "Punch" McSwan, coach; BACK ROW (left to right) -Bob Draper, left wing; Ken "Danny" Calquhoun, defence; Clarence Nedlans, defence; Harry:. McEwan, centre; Bill Counter, right wing; Cam Maltby, centre; " ABSENT -Maitland Edgar, right wing; Al May, utility; Bill Hanly, utility. Bridgeport 4 -Colts 0 (At Goderich March 31) .m BRIDGEPORT VETS and num- bers: goal, Bob Bindernagel (1); lett defence, Herman Felker (3); right defence, Ralph Novak (5); centre, Orval Iiiahn (12); left wing, Don Morrow (14); right wing, Ed. Woroch (13); 'alter- nates -centre, Mel Howey (10); right wing, Mel Helm (7); left wing, Arley Geiger (11); defence, Walter Kullman (4); defence, Bob Schaefer (2); centre, Bob Rafferty (8); left wing, Don Pickett (9); right wing, Bob Rit- ter (15); defence, Clive Woolner. (Manager, Gordon Braithwaite; coach, Bob Rafferty). CLINTON COLTS (and num- bers): goal, Bill Nediger; left defence, Doug Bartliff (22); right defence, Ken Colquhoun (3); centre, Harry McEwan (7); left wing, Bob Draper (6); right wing, watched them wallop the hard - trying Clinton Colts 12-3 in Waterloo last night." We hope Len's guess is wrong! • SH 4 p NEW LOWER FOOD , AVEREDUCTIONS !�I LILY CHICKEN HADDIE tin .27 Glen Valley BANTAM CORN For Amazing Suds -Use BYE 2 pkgs. .55 2 tins .23 a I4IcLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS 3 for .25 SUPREMB SWEET MIX PICKLES jar .29 2 for Canada or Durham Corn Starch 15c 2 pkgsr .33 AYLMEIR PRUNE GLENWOOD DICED PLUMS 2 tins .31c BEETS 3 tins .25 Pineapple --choice ripe --12's . . each .33 MEXICAN b1ih11 RIPE NEW CALIFORNIA TOMATOES lb. .19 CARROTS bunch .10 SHEARING'S MODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET Phone 48 - Free Delivery - Clinton NEW WAY TO BOIL WATER Hot water in a jiffy GENERAL for every need. Leaves all '�a '' the elements of your range E CTRIC free for cooking. Holds four pints and turns itself off automatically if it boils dry. Price, $ 14.50 KETTLE U S E General Electric Kettle Scale Remover to keep your kettle working .efficiently Removes lime from kettle - Water boils faster Saving Hydro Bottle. -- 49c Merrill Radio and Electric Ross P. Merrill - George J. Colclou,zh PHONE 313 CLINTON Bill Counter (20); alternates - centre, Cam Maltby (17); left wing, Clare Maltby (12); right wing, Mait Edgar (8); defence, Al May (21); defence, Bill Hanly (15); utility, Don Strong (4); uitility, Jack Wilson (11); sub- goal, Bill Tideswell. (Manager, Bert Gliddon; coach, Ross Mc- rman), Referees: Hal Baird and Pat Gardner, Stratford. Helm) First13.38 Period 1 -Bridgeport, Kullman, 8.54 2 -Bridgeport, Howey (Geiger, Penalties: Morrow (minor, 6.50) Bertliff (minor, 11.32); Rafferty (minor, 15.25). Second Period 3 -Bridgeport, Hahn (Woroch, Novak) 1.15 4 -Bridgeport, Howey (Geiger, Felker) 9.15 Penalties: May (minor, 7.51); May (12.25 -misconduct, 10 min- utes); Woroch (minor, 13,31). Third Period No scoring. Penalties: Kullman (minor, ,12 05); Ritter (minor, 18.30). Paid admissions -1,809. Bridgeport 12 -Colts 3 (At Waterloo April 3) Only one change in lineups from Saturday, March 31: For Bridgeport, Jack Willis (6) play- ed in place of Don Pickett; for Clinton, no change. Referees - Jack Hogan and Larry Lewen, Galt. First Period 1 -Clinton, Can Maltby (Edgar) 2.51 2 -Bridgeport, Rafferty (Ritter Felker) 3.14 3-Clintcn, Draper (Counter, Barlliffl 7.20 4 -Bridgeport, Woroch (Hahn, Morrow) 7.43 5 -Bridgeport, Ritter (Wallis) 12.28 5 -Bridgeport, Novak (Felker) 13.47 Penalties: Geiger (15.35); shots un goal -by Clinton 13, by Bridgeport 9. Second Period 7 -Bridgeport, Morrow (Woroch) Al 8 -Bridgeport, Hahn (Woroch) 725 9 -Bridgeport, Helm (Howey) 17.19 Penalties: Healy (8.39), Woroch (13.]5), Edgar (16.22); shots on goal: by Clinton 10, by Bridge- port 16. Third Period 10 -Bridgeport, Kullman (Wallis) 427 I1 -Bridgeport, Novak, 12.38 12--B15.69ridgeport, Helm (Woroch) 13 -Clinton, Colquhoun, 17.31 14 -Bridgeport Woroch (Hahn, Morrow) 18.47 15 -Bridgeport, Woroch (Morrow, Halm) 1922 Penalties: Novak (4.40), Bart - tiff (5.56), Felker (1024), May (12.20); shots on goal. by Clinton 5, by Bridgeport 18; total. by Clinton 28, by Bridgeport 43. Paid attendance: 1,315. RIDGETOWN HIGH The annual Good Friday Shoot: of Kippcn Gun Club was a de- cided success considerng the dis- agreeable weather. Teams from Ridgetown, Goderich, Duart ands two teams picked from the Kip-. pen Club, shot for the [trophy. Ridgetown was high with 104, Goderich 98, Kippen 94, Hippest: 96, Duart 85. •4-+0+++*++++N+* 4-4'++4-4x-++•4.4, Makeour BoyY� HAPPY! Buy Him from our a Bicycle stock of: MEN'S CCM STANDARD ... $52.95 MEN'S CCM BALLOON ...,.. 62.5.0 MEN'S CCM BALLOON MOTORBIKE MODEL. 66.50. ACCESSORIES: Pedals pr. $1.95 : Bicycle Pumps ea. .90 . Men's Saddles ea. 3.75 Plastic Saddle Covers ea. 1.85 Bicycle Wrenches ea. .25 Torpedo Flashlights, less batteries 00. 1.50 Combination Bicycle Locks ea. 1.50' Handlebar Grips pr. .25 and .5S Be sure and bring in your Bicycle early for a COMPLETE OVERHAUL T his Week's Special 2 prs. only -HIP WADERS Reg. $9.95 for $7.95 spetsfif goal Raga* CLINTON - ONTARIO PHONE 42. - - - CLINTON ter +s4►++e w Let us do that vital 1,000 -mile lubrication job! Our mechanics have the tools to do it speedily, efficiently , . . Save you time and money!, Come in today and every 1,000 miles! 0 • AND -if you are in the market for GOOD late model Used Cars or Tracks, see our stock. 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY New Trucks 1951 CHEVROLET 3!4 TON PICK-UP 1951 CI-IEVROLET 1 TON PICK-UP orw+r 4-+ ++4r -4r - Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE---Sales & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer -- CLINTON PHONE 367W 1