HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-05, Page 7THURSDAY, APRIL' ` 5, 1951: CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. PAGE SEVEN News Of Hensall Mr. and Mrs. Floss Miller, Ham- ilton, were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Mrs. Effie Bell, London, has returned home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Dignan. Mrs. Mary Chesney, Toronto, was an Easter guest with her brother-in-law and deter, Mr. and Mrs. Satyr Dougall, Miss Eleanor Cook, and Miss - Bernice Jinks, nurses -in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the Easter weekend at their respective homes here. Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Miss Revive, Toronto, Catherine and Jimmy Lavelle, Palmerston, Vent Easter week with Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Shaddick, Miss Jean Foster, London, Mr. and Mrs, William Howe, Jacque- line, Johnny and Peggy, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Foster, and family, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foster and family, Mt. Carmel, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Cater for Ladies' Night • Hensall Ladies' Legion Auxil- iary catered for a banquet for the annual ladies' night. of Huron Lodge 224, in the Legion Hall, Harold M. Black IMPERIAL OIL • Ltd. Farm T rade Agent Clinton Phone 112 for all Petroleum Products Oils and Greases 12-tfb Take Up Residence Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay and little son expect to take up resi- dencein the village in the home they purchased recently from . W. R. Davidson. Mr. Hay conducts the coal business here, Sympathy Extended 2the sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs, Harry MacMillan, Seaforth, in the sud- den passing of her husband, Harry MacMillan, well known here, having conducted a meat market here for some eleven years. Move to Port Colborne Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson, residents of the village for the past 19 years, have taken up residence in Port Colborne, Mr. Davidson will assist his son Allen in the furniture and undertaking business, which Allenpurchased recently- They will be missed Froin the village where both took an active pant in the welfare of the village, and church activities. Old Fiddlers' Contest Keep the date in mind for Fri- day, April 6, Town ellaH, for Huron's original old time fiddlers' contest, a new special attraction: The Mountain Boys and Girls from the Hills, in a costumed 'Square Dancing number, All prizes cash. Get your fiddle ready. and enter this' contest which promises to be bigger and better than ever: sponsored by Cham- ber of Commerce,—Advt. 13-b Bridal Couple Feted The Town Hall was filled to capacity Tuesday evening, March 27 for a reception for Mr. and Mrs,, Archie MacGregor, bridal couple, the former Bertha Mac - Laren. During the course of the evening they were presented with a chrome kitchen suite, the ac- companying address wes read by Ross Jinks, and the presentation by Allan Crerar. Desjardine Orchestra furnished the music for the dance, Luncheon was served including wedding cake. Hensall Fiddler Wins At °the Old Time Fiddlers con- test at the Sports Fair, Queen's Park, London, Wiliiem Hyde, who will celebrate his 87th birthday in July, was first in his class end first in the playoffs among 21 contestants. Mr. Hyde, who has played the violin since he was 11, has won 42 firsts, six seconds, and three Settlement Reached In Hydro Poles Dispute • Goderich Township farmers accepted increased rates for hydro poles on their properties on Saturday after Robert H. Saunders, chairman of the HEPC, outlined the new proposals to them at a meeting at Porter's Hill school house. Above six men are seen reviewing the terms, (left to right): Earl, Switzer, Fraser Stirling, Raymond Whitmore, Frank Yeo, Ed- ward Grigg, and Grant Stirling. Others at the meeting not appearing in the above photograph included Bert Harris, chair- man, and Colin . Lawson, secretary of the group. —Engraving courtesy The London Ftee Press thirds at contests in Toronto, London, end Western Ontario. He wild compute at the Huron Original Old Time Fiddlers' con- test in Hensall April 6. Religious Drama A religious Easter drama, "For He had Great Possessions," was presented in the Town Hall East- er Sunday evening under direc- tion of Rev. W. J; Rogers. In the cast were Mrs. Lillian Ilyde, Mrs. J. Drysdale, Mrs, T. Coates, Mrs. P. Passmore, J. F. Blackwell, E. Forrest, R. Mock, Harry Horton, Jarvis Horton, Charles Mickle. The :staging decorations were ar- ranged by Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, Mrs. W. Spencer, Mrs. R. Broder- ick; between scenes, Mrs. R. Brod- erick sang a solo, and a duet was sung by tuts. Broderick and S. G. Rennie. Ten join Church At the United Church Easter Sunday morning, Rev. W. J. Rogers occupied his own pulpit. Holy Communion was administer- ed. Ten young people were ad- mitted into membership on pro- fession of faith: Nita Smith, Mar- lene Petzke, Audrey Walsh, Ruth end Jeanne Soldan, Marlene A Special Messa e from your Ontario Hydro TO ALL RESIDENTS OF CLINTON Regarding the change -over from 25 to 60 Cycles in your district • The preliminary work of changing this district over from 25 to 60 cycle power has now begun! Within the next week or so you will receive the first of a series of letters and step-by-step instructions from your Hydro explaining in detail what this change- over means and how the work will be carried out in your area. You will also be advised of the various ways in which YOU can 'help US to get your home or place of business changed over to 60 cycles with as little inconvenience to you as possible. Your Hydro will do everything in its power to complete this complex undertaking quickly and efficiently but—we need your full co-operation. Please extend to us this co-operation and you will be doing yourself --- your community — and your Hydro — a great service. Thank you. General Manager Chairman' THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION` DIVISION Richardson, Jerry Racine, Ron- ald Passmore, Ronald Clutter, Cecil Pepper. By letter of trans- fer: Mr, and Mrs. John Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thurtell, Mr. and Mrs. T. Coates, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, Mr. and Albert AIexander, John Atkin- son. For their anthem, the choir rendered "Now is Christ risen," A solo, "Consider the Lilies," was sung by S. G. Rennie. The beautiful flowers on the Com- munion table were in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Murdock, placed there by Dr. and ars. 13. A. Campbell and family, Toronto. Easter Thaukeffering Mrs. P. A. Ferguson was host- ess at the manse Monday even- ing, Marchy 26, for the Easter thankoffering meeting of the Ar - VD BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNT4,NCY ROY N. BENTLEY Licensed Public Accountant 36 Regent St., — Tel. 909-J Goderich, Ontario ERNEST W. BUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 561; Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC D. I(. McINNES Chiropractic Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Comlmercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. nvScE Be Sure • • Be insured K. W. COLQUXtO'CN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assuruace Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W ITOwc'itin. Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 'Car - Hire- Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Polley. H. C. IZ WSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONIES: Office 251W; Rea 251J Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: 1tXutual Life Assurance Co. L r ORANGE AGENCY Cor, Wiliam and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INS3, RANGE — Representativei Dom. of Canada General (Life) Howiek Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Buy LIFE Insurance To -day, To -morrow may be too late JOHN R. & mom K. BUTLER Representative CON173DERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 -- Clinton -- Box 8.1.5 TFLE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. Seaforth Officers 1950 --President, E. J. Trewarttzsr, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. I., Malone, Seaeorth;.-man- ager and secretary -treasurer., A. Reid, Seaforth, Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonbardt, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal - tan; Iiarvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: 3. E. Pepper, Brueefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, lsrodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels, OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist . . Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours: 9 em - 6 pm. Wed, 9 - 12.30; Sat.9 em - 9 pm REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j SURVEYING FREDERICK J. S. PEARCE Ontario Land Surveyor 21 Downie St., Rhone 3055 STRA TF'ORD VETERINARIAN 011. G. S. ELLIOT"' V eterinar1an Phone 202 Clinton mold Circle Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Preebyterien Church Mrs. Al Kerslake took the chair Mrs. James Scott, Seaforth, who was to have been the guest speaker was unable to be present Ming to illness. Worship period conducted by Mrs. Ferguson open- ed with a duett, "All in en April evening," by Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. C. Kennedy. The Easter story, "The Resurrection," as de- scribed in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, was read by Mrs. J. K. Irwin, Miss Jean McQueen, Miss Margaret Bell, Mrs. R. Simp- son. Mrs. Glenn Heitz read the Bihle lessen. Mrs. Roy Bell very ably dealt, with the 3rd chapter from the study. book, "Our share in the World Missions," relating to the various ways in which the missionary societies served the people of Canada, Mrs. J. K. Irwin read an article from Glad Tidings. Mrs. Charles For- rest was appointed president and Mrs. Al Kerslake, first vice- president. BLY• TH 0 Hensall Adopts Daylight Saving (By our Hensall correspondent) Postponed meeting of Hensall Village Council was held. . James A. Paterson reported the auditing had been completed and stated that the outstanding ar- rears of 1950 taxes were $874.50. It was decided to accept the gravel tender of Wilson Allan at 77 cents per yard for crushed gravel and 77 cents for coarse gravel to be delivered by May 15. Necessary steps will be taken to close the south end of Wel- iugton Street under the instruc- tions of their solicitor. Hervey Keys was appointed a member of the Community Park Board to take the place of W. R. Davidson 'who recently resigned. Daylight Saving Time wffil be observed this year from April 29 midnight to September 30 at midnight. Plan Highway Signs At Hensall Entrance (By our Hensall correspondent) Hensall Chamber of Commerce held its March meeting in the Legion Hall. The business meet- ing was preceded by a turkey banquet catered by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion. President W. F. Riley conduct- ed the business session. The main item discussed was the erection of signs to the entrance to Hen- sall on Highway 4 from north and south, signs to point to busi- »eas section of town, Arrangements were made for the staging of an old time fid- dlers' contest to be held April 6. R. H. Middleton was appointed chairman for this project. M. G. Drysdale introduced Rev. W. J. Rogers, who spoke on "Democracy and Communism." W. O. Goodwin moved a vote of thanks to the speaker and A. L. Case to the ladies, OPP Man Returns Scott Feirservice, who has been with the Ontario Provincial Po- lice since the war, is returning to Blyth to join his father, John Fair;•ervioe, on the family farm. rhe sen, who has been stationed at Ingersoll will return here with his family and take over the residence of Wellington MoNall, on Dinsley Street, purchased by his father. To Erect Garage A vacant lot next to Morritt and. Wright's implement shop on Queen St,, has been bought by Charles Crosset, Wingham, and George Hamm, Blyth, who will have a modern garage built on the site as soon as weather per- mits and material can be secured. When completed, the garage will be occupied by Mr. Hamm, who will move from his present Idea- tion over the bridge on Queen St. to the new business location, Entertain Auxiliary An enjoyable social evening was spent in the Legion home when Blyth Branch No. 420 of the Canadian Legion entertained the members of the Ladies' Aux- iliary. Three films were pre- sented on a varied program. Members of the refreshment com- mittee, Eddie Bell, Stanley Ball, Stanley Lyon, Donald Sprung, served lunch. Harry Gibbons led in commu- nity singing. Luella Hall, presi- dent of the Auxiliary extended appreciation to the Legion for their hospitality. HANNA URGES ESTABLISHMENT HEART CLINICS Ars appeal for the establishment' of• heart clinics in Ontario was made by John W. Hanna, ML.A, for Iiuron-Bruce, in Toronto recently. Mr. Hanna pointed out that heart disease was the leading cause of death in Ontario. Lash year it accounted for 14,788 dearths. This, he said, was "an inexcus- able wash of human material." While cancer accounted for only 6,004 deaths, magnificent prepare - tions were .underway to diagnose and treat the disease, There should be a ,heart elite in every major city, the member saki, and en intensive educa- tional programs. Every day saw the premature death of leading men in the country and this was unneces- sary; he declared. In his home town of Wingham, he pointed out, there were slit men in one business block alone who at present were handicapped by heart conditions. AIR CADETS GROW °GODERICH — Maitland A i r Cadet Squadron has increased in memehrship to an enrolment of 40. Courses already have been started, and the number of mem- bers, it is expected, viii increase. —And it's just Common Sense To Buy— Co-op Insurance Life or Auto Insurance For Information Call W. V. Roy o Box 310, Clinton Ofice Res, 55Phones: f 7 3243 13-btfb: •e•o-eo-e�,r See Us for Eavestroughing Electric Wiring Plumbing Agents for the following Furnaces: ANTHES-IMPERIAL and GAR WOOD WINGHAM SUNBLAST FURNACES ONE FOR EVERY PURPOSE is, WISE and GATEMAN —Phone 147 -- PLUMBING and HEATING -- SHEET METAL WORK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-Pardue's Shop Work 11 What a scrumptious cake ... high, moist and delicious. You can tell it's made with butter, for only butter has that creamery -fresh flavour, It's rich in natural vitamins, high in food energy. So if you would be famous for fluffy cakes and feathery pastry, use golden butter in all your baking. DAIRY 70005 SERVICEBUREAU 409 Ht/141 STREET 'fUaDs toroerO,oetentO mom