HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-05, Page 6`PAGE SIX
-News of Bayfield
Representative; a
Phone Hayfield 4513
`' Kiss Lucy R. Woods
Arnold Makers spent the East-
er weekend in Kingston: •
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ahrens, Detroit,'
were in the village on Thursday
Mrs. R. B. Johnatoxi, London,
was at her home in the village
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Thomas Badley visited in
Stratford for a couple of days
last Week.
Sgt. Ted Davies, London, spent
Monday and Tuesday at Ids home
in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bryant, Byron,
were at their cottage in the vil-
lage on Tuesday.
Miss Juen Brandon returned to
London on Sunday to resume her
teaching duties.
Gordon. Stewart, Kincardine,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Spencer and
three children spent a few days
last week at Galt.
Mrs. E. Jones, London, visited
her sister, Mrs. Emerson Heard,
over the weekend.
Miss Ruth Wright, London, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Makin over the iveekend.
Mr. and Mrs,: Keen returned
home last week after having
spent a week in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter;
London, spent Sunday at the
home of Mrs, W. J. Stinson.
Miss Betty Heard, London, spent
the weekend with her parents,
1VIr. and Mrs, Emerson Heard.
Don Ward, London, was to guest
at the home of Mr. and h1rs, L.
H, MacLeod, over the weekend.
-Mils. J. Ii, Cobb, Toronto, Dame
on Thursday last • •to spend the
Spring and Summer at her cabin
in the village.
Mins H. Colbeck returned to
the village on Sunday after hav-
ing spent tibe Easter vacation in
Mist Jacqueline Cluff, Goderich
Township, spent the Easter week
with her uncle and. aunt, Mr,
and Mrs. Alf. Se n:beaer, Jr.
Mrs. Berger and daughter Do-
reen, Stretford, spent a few days
lest week with Mr. and Mrs.
Keen, "Trail Blazer" cottage.
„pending a three -weeks' vacation.
with their respective parents in
the village.„
Sgt. and Mrs. F. May and three
children who have been at Green-
wood, N.S,, for the past year, re-
turned last week to open `May-
field :ter the season.
Mrs. Delbert Haw, Donnie and.
Donne, left en Saturday for their
home aft 'Proton Station after hav-
ing visited her br=other, William
T. Heard, from Tuesday.
Ronald Burt, London, spent the
teeeleend with his •grandeather, F,
W. Baker. Mrs. Burt and Mary
Lou who spent the Easter vaca-
tion with her father returned to
London with him.
Mrs. A. Silllivan and sun, Rom-
eo, Mich., are visiting her mother,
Mrs. W. J. McLeod, Sr., who re-
turned to 'her home in the village
the beginning of the week after
having been in a musing home
in Blyth since last August. Don
nie MsILeod, PortBurwell, is also
home for a few days.
•Speedy Recovery!
The 'many feiends of Malcom
Toms, who underwent a -major
operatkm in Clinton Hospital on
Tuesday, wish him a speedy re
coVery. -
Mrs. George Lindsay celebrat-
ed her birthday on Monday, April
8, by haying a tea party at which
her five daughters were present
to• enjoy the occasion together.
Boy in Hospital
Little Gary Johnston, four-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford
Johnston, was taken to Clinton
Public Hospital on Sunday night
suffering from pneumonia es the
result of 'flu. Elis parents are
taking turns staying with him at
the hospital. We are glad. to , re-
port that he is Improving in
Leases House
Sgt. William Coates, RCAF,' who
was recently transferred from
Greenwood, N.S. to R. end C.
School, Clinton, has leased Mrs.
William Balkwill's house. Sgt.
and Mrs. Coates and three brays,
John, Jimmy and Joe, have been
guests at The New Ritz Hotel
for over two weeks. We bid
them welcome to our midst.
Errors Corrected
We wish to correct two errors
in reporting surnames in the last
issue of Clinton News -Record:
First, in the obituary of Mrs. F.
W. Raker, the name James Stirl-
ing, should have read: "James
Hutchings" in the list of flower
bearers;• second, in the account
of the dedication of ,the Christen-
ing bowl presented to Knox
Presbyterian Church by Mrs.
William Armstrong, it should
have read: "in memory of her
parents and brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel McMath and Shel-
don". This correspondent offers
sincere apologies for her mistake
to torose concerned.
Trinity WA Meets
The monthly meeting of the
WA of Trinity Church, which
had been postponed owing to the
'flu epidemic, was held at the
home of Mrs, N. W. Woods on
Thursday afternoon. The open-
ing exercises were conducted by
the president, Mrs. Emerson
Heard, who remembered in pray-
er Mrs. F. W. Baker, a faithful
member who was called to A
Higher Service on March 19. Mrs,
George King read the Scripture.
The minutes of the last meeting
were reed by the secretary, Mrs.
R. Larson. It was reported that
in the Dorcas work there were
still items of clothing needed for
the outfit for St. Paul's School,
Blood Reserve, Cardston, Alta,
This school holds a very special
interest for those in this parish
Mrs Hazel Murray and daugh-
ter, Donna, Owen Sound, are
spending a few days with her
deughter, Mrs. W. J. McLeod.
'Mrs. S. Ervine and Mary Eliza-
beth have •returned home after
having sipent the Easter week
with her parents in Southampton.
Mrs. H. A. Lawson has return-
ed to the village and is staying
with Nee and Mrs. Maynard Car-
rie until she opens her cottage.
P.C. Lloyd Westlake and Mrs.
Westlake, Mount Foresf, are
From F :ZZ T
Feathers Use
When you feed Master Chick
Starter you are feeding a prop-
erly balanced ration. MASTER
controlled STARTER
testeddb t�
Master Experimental Farm.
It is available as MASH or
�d�1A ST R
ANIMAL^ & 000S
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3. TIDO'` i
Phone 114 -
Yonr Friendly Master
Feeds Dealer is:
and SONS
- Clinton
Sandra Williams spent part of
the taster holidays with her
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Bol-
ton, Colborne.
, Mrs: D. E. Glidden and Eileen
went to Toronto by train Met
week, remaining to visit friends
for a couple of days.
Mrs. Elmer Potter and Cathy
visited for a few days at Tees -
water with Mrs. Potter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald,
Miss Weston who has been with
Mx. and Mrs, T. Elliott since
Christmas, returned on Wednes-
day to her home in Hayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Bent Lobb spent
Tuesday and Wednesday of last
week visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon .MacFarlane, Port Stanley.
On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Jon-
athan Fisher visited Mrs. Fish-
er's mother, Mrs. Annie Steep at
the home of Mrs. , W. H, Johnston.
Miss K. Holmes has a student
teacher front Stratford Normal at
her school this week, the visit-
ing student being Mies Margaret
Holland, Clinton,
Guests last week with Mrs. W.
I3. Johnston were Mr, and Mrs.
Adam Johnston and Gordon,
Lucknow, and Miss Myrtle. John-
ston, Goderich.
Aberhart's Garage, Goderich
offers you "SAFE BUY"
at winter prices
Now available at \ present low- prices:
1950 FORD Custom Coach
1950 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe Sedan
1950 MORRIS Oxford Sedan
1950 .AUSTIN Sedan, like new
1948 MERCURY Sedan, 114
1948 FORD Tudor, with radio
1947 CHEVROLET Tuder
1947 HUDSON Six Sedan, new tires
1947 FORD half -ton TRUCK
Some older models to choose from.
new paint, a real buy
Phone Goderich.. 625w
I' .44-4-644-44-4.4444-4-44
Doug McBeabh, Wingham, spent
the holidays with Ms parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Neil and
children were visiting "Mr. and
Mrs,, W. Stackhouse.
Mrs. A, Helmer has returned
to the village after spending the
winter with her sister in Exeter.
Miss Elizabeth Scott, London,
spent a recent weekend v✓ith
Miss M. Swan and Mrs. A. Ham.
Miss Evelyn Howard and Mar-
lene Haugh, and Dr. Anna Mc-
Intosh, Toronto, were visiti15
Mrs. C. Haugh.
Mrs, A. Zapfe has returned
from spending a week in Toronto
and Miss Margie Bente from vis-
iting in London.
Mrs. Fred Smith, Nora and
Stewart, ' Norande, .Que., were
visirtling her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fenwick Stewart.
Spending the holiday weekend
at their homes were Misses Marg
and Leona, Anderson from Lon-
ondon, Marion Peterson, London,
Janet Watson, Aylmer, Thornton
Mustard, Kingsville, Ruth Wool-
ley, Goderich.
Undergoes Operation
Will Henry underwent an op-
eration 'iii Victoria Hospital,
London this week.
*MS Thankoffering
The Easter Thankoffering of the
WMS'of Brucefield United Church
will be held in the church on
Sunday evening. The speaker will
be Mrs. Marion Longley, Toronto,
formerly of West China.
Choir Entertained
The members of session and
their wives entertained on Wed-
nesday evening last ,the members
of the choir ata banquet. The
tables were tastefully decorated
in Easter motif. -Following the
supper, Mrs. R. Allan arranged
a program of contests and sing-
song. All had a most enjoyable
Brucefield WA Meets
The Woman's Association of
Brueefield United Ohureh met on
April 3 with a good attendance.
The meeting opened with .hymn
No. 7; Mrs. B. Keyes read the
Scripture lesson from Luke 15;
Mrs. Robert Allan gave an ad-
dress on "Foregiveness"; hymn
No. 13 was sung, followed by
prayer by Mrs. B. Keyes. The
Creed was repeated in unison.
Miss M. McDonald presided over
the business period. Mrs, L. Wil-
son read the minutes of the last
meeting. The roll call was an-
swered by the maiden name of
your mother-in-law. The treas-
urer's report was read by Mrs.
H, Berry.
"Thank you" notes were re-
ceived from Miss Marie Elliott,
Visitors for a few clays last
week at the home of their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb,
were Murray and Bruce Lobb,
Goderich Township. •
• Guests with Mr. and Mrs. M.
Stock during Easter week were
their grendchilclren, Elinor and
Gary Williams, Goderich Town-
ship, and dining the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs.. Bill McClinchey,
Lonc1 n.
Hugh Whiteford spent last
weekend visiting._ with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Mellwain, Blue Water
Highway. On Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. N. Heard and Mrs. Har-
rison were also guests at the Me-
Ilwain home.
Weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Mcelinehey included Mr.
and Mrs. Bill McClinchey, Lon-
don, Mr, and Mrs. Carl- McCiin-
ehey and Nelson, Kippen, Mr. and
Mrs, Albert MnClinohey and
Sharon, Port Albert, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Cox and children, Por-
ter's Hill.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Gliddon who this week
celebrated their silver wedding
Piano Pupils Here
On Saturday Miss Eileen Glid-
den had a gathering of her piano
pupils of this district and from
her Auburn class, all meeting in
the Sunday School rooms. of the
Holinesvaiief Church. 'Festival
numbers were played, a social
time held, end lunch served by
the hostess,
Sympathy Extended
On Monday morning at about
nine o'clock Charles McPhail
passed away et his home in the
village after an illness of almost
two years. He had, been confined
to bed ever since a stroke had
paralysed him. Mrs, McPhail had
oared for him during his illness,
and the community's sympathy
goes to her at this time.
Three Boys Play Hockey
We were interested to read the
accoimt of the Young Canada
PeeWee hockey tournament: which
took place at the Goderich rink
last week, when teams from all
!>arts. of Southern Ontario par-
ticipated. Playing with the_God-
erioh Township team were three
boys from Holmesvi!le school,
Jack Norman, defence; Victor
Corran, wing; and Bobbie Grigg,
George Baird, Mrs. Henderson, ,3 was in *barge of the entertain.
M, MacDonald and Mrs. W. Scott. meet. Mrs. W. Scott conducted a,
The meeting closed with hymn ooirpie of contests, after which
No, 354 and prayer. Group No. lunch was served.
since Douglas Pitts, stile son of a
former hector, is now principal.
Mrs. J. B. Higgins read part of
the chapter on 1 Cor. 1, verse 13,
from Sir Henry Drummond's book
"The Best Things in Life." Fol-
lgsving the benediction pronounc-
ronouned by the president, the hostess,
served tea.
Spring Clearance
Sale of
Used Pianos
Such well known makes as
and others,
242 Dundas St.
for further particulars.
No obligations.
4,4-4÷4444-44-444.44-4 4 44+ 4.4.44
Your now telephone book is
Clinton's New - Telephone Directory.
is almost ready to go to Press.
Should you wish to arrange for
addbttoaial listings in tibe alphabetical
section, or to make any lest minute
changes in your present listing, please
gall your Telephone- Business Office
C. B. SYMONDS, Manager
Afternoon Teas make
friendly entertainment
sup. Although the team from
Ethel came out on top with a
s;'ore of 6 to 2, the boys feel
they played a good game and cer-
tainly enjoyed it, .
New Mail'Courier
After more than 20 years of
very faithful service, Leslie
Jervis has relinquished his post
as mail route courier for R.R. 2,
Clinton. Mr. Jervis, with the
help of Mrs. Jervis and other
members of his family, very sel-
dom failed to get the mail de-
livered despite the hazardous
Conditions of roads and inelem-
ant weather, and his services
have been greatly appreciated,
Charles Hutchins, who has been
named as sudeessor, began his
duties on March 26.
YPU Notes.
The weekly meeting of the
YPU was held on Monday, March
26, with the citizenship convener,
Alex Glenn, in charge. Dewar
Norman read the Scripture, and
Mr. Newton led in prayer. Alex
Glenn took as his topic, "Easter
Thoughts" It was decided to hold
the next meeting, which will be
the final one for the year, in the
church basement on Monday,
April 9. This meeting will take
the form of a pot luck supper
which will be In charge of Dewar
Norman anal his committee. Dur-
ing the remainder of the evening
the group enjoyed games and a
social half hour.
Made in England
This famous FERGUSON at the lowest
price in Canada for a tractor of its
kind is the buy of a lifetime.
Only FERGUSON gives you so much:
* EXTRA QUALITY—in parts, design and extra -
strength metals ... built for years of service!?
* EXTRA PERFORMANCE -in faster work, power,,
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* EXTRA ECONOMY—in low price, low gas con-
sumption, low maintenance and repairs ... and
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• Come in today; ask for a demonstration!
C. L. STANLEY, Proprietor
Phone 205W
HF 50-70
Copyright 1760 by Filmy Fet;w x., run.
flat on one's face
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knowing and doing there are usually a surprising nmimber- of op-
portunities for falling Hat on one's face.
The textile, industry in Canada, of which Dominion Textile is a.
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