HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-05, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1951 CLINTON NEW$-RiCont• News-R4cord Classified AdietS 'CASH 'RATE—(11 paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- 'tion)—One cent a word first in- ner -eon (minimum 35 cents); sub- -aaequent'insertians one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex "tri for box number or for direc- "'iion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED REQUIRE FOUR- OR FIVE- /named apartment, or house, un- furnished. On RCAF staff. Care- ful, responsible tenants, Cpl. Graham, phone 382 local 13, room 13. 14-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 DELUXE CHEVROLET vedan, ' radio, heater, fog lights, sun visor. Phone 599W after b p.m. 14-b HELP WANTED FEMALE FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR lunch counter, evenings. Phone 133J. 13-14-b HAY FOR SALE QUANTITY OF MIXED BALED hay. R. Whitmore, R.R. 2,' Clin- ton phone 901r22. 14eb KENNELS FOR SALE TWO NEW DOG KENNELS. Apply Edward Elliott, auctioneer, or phone 442J. 14-15-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN YORK PIGS, six weeks old. Edward J. Welsh, phone 906r34, • 14-,b TWO CHOICE DURHANM Celves, once week old. Charles Stewart, phone 807r3. 14-p 1949 1V.tORRIS MINOR, purchased late October 1949. Original own- nr, perfect condition, 40 miles per gallon, mileage 15,500, price ' $1,075. Apply after 5 p.m., Cpl, Bob Powell, 31 Edmonton Rd., Mantra' Park, RCAF Station, • Clinton. 14-p APPLES FOR SALE *QUANTITY OF COOKING and eating apples; $2 per bushel at -farm, container supplied by •customer. Also No. 1 quality Timothy Seed, $8.50. Stewart Middleton, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 906r6. 14-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home. A number of fine lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business -445, residence 5993. 7-btfb CARPENTRY • CARPENTRY AND Repair Work done by experienced man; also small jobs in concreting and bricklaying. Peter Guetter, E,R.. S, Clinton, phone Clanton 907r21. 13-17-0 CLOTHING FOR SALE SMALL COAT AND CAP, size 2, in good condition. Phone 112. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS — HARVEST HELP should be arranged for now. Large end small Dutoh families ace available now. C. de Haan, Belgrave. 11-17-ptfb FARMS FOR SALE OR WANTED FROM 50 TO 200 ACRE FARMS •Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, "phones: business 448, residence 5993. 5-btfb FARMS FOR SALE '50 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, large barn, brick house, hydro and pressure system in both house and barn. Three miles from Blue - water Highway, two miles from Holmesville. Full. price $8,000. 'Stewart Sdhoenhals, prop.; Leon- ' and G. Winter, Real Estate phones: business 448, residence 599. 10-btfb FARMS FOR SALE 'GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Mullett. Thomas ,Carbert, R,R, 1, Clinton, phone -Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, 'R.R. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE DAVID BROWN TRACTORS and Gehl Forage Harvesters and Hamntermills, sold by George H. Beatty, Varna. 10-btfb ALLIS-CHALMERS 20-35 Tractor in A-1 condition. Drew Swan, Btucefield, phone Clinton 625r11. 14-p ELECTRIC CREAM Separator with motor, used only three months, 650 Ib. capacity, Harald Cunningham, phone Blyth 20r4. 14-15-p MAS.SEY-HARRIS 22 TRACTOR complete with light pulley and power bake off. Excellent rub- ber. All ready to go to work. Apply Ewan Ross, R.R. 2, Cain - ton, phone 901r4. 14-15-b FURNITURE REPAIRING FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, box 351, Clinton, • 13-4-5-p GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY OF MIXED ,,GRAIN. David Ream, phone Clanton -902r21. 13-b HELP WANTED --Male BOY TO WORK on Sa'turd'ays. Opportunity to learn something about printing. Apply NEWS - RECORD. 12-13-x HOUSES FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666; Goderich. 2-btfb LOVELY HOME, large living room, dining room, kitchen and 1panrty on ground floor, four bed- rooms, den, sunporch and bath- room seoond floor. Hot -waiter heated, insulated, full cellar, •double garage, close to mein st. 'Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones bust- !neags 448, residence 599J. 5btfb HOUSES FOR RENT FARM HOUSE FOR RENT. Lorne. 'Tyndall, phone 904r4. lOptfb TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.S. No. 7 Mullett Township, Please state qualifications and salary. Duties to commence' September 1951. Apply Mrs. Elsie MeeVittie R.R. 1, Blyth, phone Blytth 2218. 14-15-+p EIGHT WEANLING PIGS. Her- old Howard; R.R. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 004r15. 14-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. 8-15-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb MAPLE SYRUP GOOD QUALITY Maple Syrup for sale. Keith Hesselwood, Londesboro, 'phone !Seaforth 850r33. 13-14-p NOTICE SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work 'guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, I2 East St., Goderich, phone 8673. 3-7ptfb THE NEW SPRING and Summer Du -Jour catalogue for men's, women's and children's wear has just arrived — bigger and better than ever. Prices are .night if you are interested in saving. Also have a nice line of everyday wrapping paper, cards end seals, at very moderate prices. If in- terested call Mrs. Roy Mann, phone 689J. 13-14-b PERSONALS ASTHMA—Why suffer if there is something . that will help you? Hundreds of thousands of sets irate been sold on a money -bank guarantee. AtnazaginIy f e w ASTHMANEFRIN sets ever re- turned for refund ..: So easy to ruse. After your symptoms have been diagnosed es AA -lime you owe it to yourself to try ASTH- MANEFRIN. Now at your Drug Store. 14-1'7-b PIANO TUNING 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; ell work guaranteed. E. C. NickIe, phone Clinton 339J. 14-15-ptfb YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 43tfb SEED GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY Seed, choice quality, power cleaned, Irked reasonale. J. W. Crich, phone Clinton 617r23, 14-b QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER seed; also quantity of Ontario wheat for feed. James M. Lands - borough, phone Seaforth 665r16. 14-15-p QUANTITY OF Yellow Clover, also Timothy. Ray Cox, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 903r25. 13-14-p TIMOTHY SEED and Yellow Sweet Clover, cleaned and ready for seeding. W. C. SinelaIr, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone 621r22. 12-btfb 225 LBS. TIMOTHY SEED; about same of white blossom sweet clover. Ewan. Ross, R.R. 2, Clin- ton, phone 901r4, 14-15-b STOVES FOR SALE LARGE ELECTRIC. RANGE, four burners, ,two ovens. First tams condition. Priced reasonable. Phone 46313 14-b TRUCKS FOR SALE 1950 Vi -TON DODGE PANEL, Al condition, 16,000 miles. Will sell or trade. Phone. Clinton 8b2re. 8-bttb TENDERS WANTED MARRED and Sealed Tendons will be received by the Goderich Township School Area Board un- til April 24 foe remodelling the Interior of No. 11 wheel, ,For specifications Contact the chair- man, George Potter or Frank Yeo, seCretery_treasurer, 11. In 3, Clbntnn:' 14-15-b AUCTION SALE 3 miles north of Zurich on Goshen Line Wednesday, April 11 1 p.m. 10 dairy and beef cows, spring- ers and feed(; 15 head of young cattle. Cattle T.B. tested end of fine quality. Sows and 15 Yount pigs. Tractor and some implements. Remember The Date TERMS—CASH R, MANSON, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer BIRTHS CARTER—In Clinton Public,Hos pital an Tuesday, April 3, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Alison Carter, RCAFStation, Clinton, a son (Ronald Alan). CARTER — In Clinton. Public Hospital, on Wednesday, April ' 4, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter, Londesboro, a son. CRITTENDEN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Aprifi 4, 1951 to Mr. and Mrs. Harald Crittenden, Clinton, a son (Ivan Harold). DOUGHERTY—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thtusday, March 29, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Doughetyty, Blyth, a dau- ghter. DUCKWVORTH — In Alexandra. Maxine and General Hospital, ..Goderich, to Mr. and Mas. Jack Duckworth., (nee Shirley- Tur- ner, Clinton), Goderich, a dau- ghter (Jacqueline Rebecca). EAST..—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, an Tuesday, April. 3, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs, Murray East, R(Linda Paye)..R. 1, Clinton,• aa, daughter LLOYD—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, March 30, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs, K. B. Lloyd, Clinton, a son (Michael • David). STURGEON—In Alexandra Mar- ine and General Hospital, God- erich, on Thursday, March 29, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeck B. Sturgeon, Bayfield, a son. WHIT (SORE—In Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Sunday, April 1, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Carie Whitmore (nee Elva Twarnley), London, a daughter (Dianne Elizabeth). OBITUARY CHARLES McPHAIL Funeral service was held at the Brophey Funeral Horne,, God- erioh; on Wednesday afternoon, April 4, 1951, for Charles Mc- Phail. Rev. R. G. MacMillan, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, officiated and interment followed in Maitland Cemetery, Mr. McPhail, 82 was born in Goderich Township, a son of the late Archibald McPhail and Jean Stirling. His death occurred at his home in Holmesville, an Mon- day morning, April 2, about nine o'clock, after an illness of almost Hee was a member 03 Knofollowing a x troke. Pres- byterian Church, Goderich. The last member of his family, Mr. McPhail is survived only by his wife, the former Edith Holds- worth, There were no children. --o — It is warmer to wear two thin garments than one thick one be- cause the air between them serves as insulation, HELP WANTED—. FEMALE WARD AIDES FOR THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL AT LONDON Young women in good health, with two years' High Sohool or equivalent, and with an interest in helping 'the mentally sick are invited to apply. Free course of training to accepted applicants. Permanent positions, improved salary schedules, generous vaca- tion privileges and pension bene- fits. Accommodation in hospital residence at moderate cost can be provided for limited time if de- sired. For application form write to MISS FLORENCE THOMAS, R.N., Director of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, London 12-13-14-15-b CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1612 14-15ptfb DEATHS CLU11F---Suddenly, at her home, 184 Grenadier Rd., Toronto, on Thursday, March 29, 1951, Cora Gertrude Cluff, beloved dough- ter of Mrs. •Cluff and the late David S. fluff; Toronto, form- erly of Clinton, and dear sister of Mrs. Della McBride, and Misses Grace and Evelyn fluff. Funeral from the Turner and Porter Chapel to Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto, on Monday, April 2. CRAWFORD—At Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Wednesday, April 4, 1951, Alfred Bertram; formerly of Clinton, beloved husband of Mabel Mary (Kelly) Crawford, stepfather of James D. Kavanagh, London, and Mas, W. L. Gamble, Widhita Falls, Texas, in his 76th year. Rest- ing in Geo, E. Logan and Sons funeral chapel, London, where funeral service will be held on Friday; April 6, at 2 p.m. In- terment in Mt. Pleasant Ceme- tery London, FER.GUSON—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. •Alvin Middleton, London, on . Saturday, March 31, 195], Alice E. Render, be- loved wife of the late William James Ferguson,' in , her 70th year. Funeral from the Beat- tie -McRoberts Funeral Hoene, •Rabbenbury St. E., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, April 2. FIELD—At his home, Centralia, on Friday, March 30, 1951, Bruce Durward Field, formerly of Hensall, in his 53rd year. Funeral from the Hopper - Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter, to St, George Cemetery, on Monday, April 2. FILSIIIE—At St. Peter's Infirm- ary, Hamilton; on Wednesday, March 21, 1951, Lucile Fraser, widow of Archibald Filshie, formerly of Hensall. Funeral from Fairfield 'United Church, to Elora Cemetery, FORBES—At the home of her son, Neville Forbes, Mullett Township, on Thursday; March 29, 1951, Bertha Crowe, belov- ed wife of the hate James Forbes; 'in her 76th year. Fun- eral from the Beattie -McRoberts Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, to Clinton Ceme- tery, on Saturday, March 31. KEMP In Victoria Hospital, London, on Mon,d'ay, April 2, 1951, Charlotte Easom, beloved wife of Albert Kemp, and sis- ter of David Eason), Clinton, in her 75th year. Funeral from the A. Millard George Funeral Home, London, to Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, on Wednes- day. April 4. MCKAY—Suddenly, at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Frank Kirkby, Walton, Mrs. George McKay, formerly of Auburn and Goderich, Funeral from her daughter's residence to Harvey Cemetery, Logan Township, on Monday, April 2, MCPH.AIL—At his residence in Holmesville, on Monday, April 2, 1951. Charles McPhail, be- loved husband of Edith Holds- worth. aged 82 years. Funeral from the Brophey Funeral Hoare, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Wednesday, April 4. ROSS -711 Clinton, on Monday, April 2, 1951, Samuel K. Ross, Exciter. Funeral from the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home to Exeter Cemetery, on Wed- nesday, April 4. IN MEMORIAM JERVIS—In loving memory of Ellen Grace Jervis, who passed away April 2nd, 1948. April brings back memories Of a loved one gone to rest; She will always be remembered By those who loved her best. --Ever remembered by her fam- ily. 14-p Business Block FOR SALE This Desirable Block contains FIVE APARTMENTS THREE BUSINESS STORES Leonard G. Winter REAL ESTATE — Phones — Business 448 — Residence 599J HATS OFF to SPRING TOPCOATS Just the thing tor Spring weath- er. Worm but not weighty. Choose yours from our racks today. Gabardines and Coverts: $29.50 to. $55.00 HATS "A successful man always wears a hat." We have a full .range. of Hots in STETSON and CREAN quality, All shades and sizes. $6.00 to $10.00 PICKETTa; CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS PHONE 25 (opposite the theatre) CLINTON PAGE FIVE BringQuick Resul*s ONTARIO ST. WMS The WMS of Ontario St. Unit- ed Church .will meet at the home of Mrs. C. E. Elliott, on Tues- day, April 10, at 2.30 ocloek, The worship period will, be in..charge of Mrs, Wiltso and the Study Book will be taken by Miss El- eanor Plunisteel, Roll call will be answered with a verse on hope. 0 ROXY THEATRE REGENT THEATRE C L I'N T O N SEAFORTH WESLEY-WILLIS WMS - The WMVIS of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its East- er Thankoffering in the Lecture Room of the church on Thuesday evening, April 12. Mrs. W. J. Moores, Belgrave, will be the special speaker, and members ai the Girls' Club will be guests, A social time will be held at the close of the meeting. o— CLINTON JUNIOR INSTITUTE Clinton ,junior Institute will hold its regular monthly meet- ing in •the Collegiate Institute on, April 10. This has been arrang- ed es Parents' Night and all par- ents are cordially invited to at- tend. The theme of 'the meeting is "It's Ironing Day," and there will be a demonstration cf iron- ing. Cards of T hanks I wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Oakes and Dr. Buhr and bhe nurses in the hospital; also my. many friends and neigh- bours who were so thoughtful of me during my recent illness. — MRS. RAY CHAMBERS. 14-p MRS. DAVID STEEP wishes to express her very sincere ap- preciation to all friends f o r flowers, cards and candy received during her recent stay in Vic- toria Hospital, London. 14-p MRS. ROBERT PERSAN wishes to take this means of expressing her deep gratitude to her doct- ors, ,nurses, and many kind friends who did so much to help during her recent illness; espec- ially to those who cared for the children. 14-p THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. W. J. Ferguson wish to express their sincere appreciation to all who so kindly offered cars, sent floral tributes, messages of sym- pathy, or helped in any way, dur- ing their recent sad bereavement. 14-b THE FAMILY of the late Mrs• James Forbes wish to thank the Summerhill Community Club for flowers, and friends and neigh- bours for loaning cars, and all other expressions of sympathy shown in their recent bereave- ment. 14-p Words cannot express o u r thanks and appreciation to the many friends who remembered us with gifts, flowers, cards end messages of congeatulations on our golden wedding anniversary. —MR. AND MRS. JAMES LOCK: HART. 14-b CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION 441 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 213, Ontario TENDERS Centralia and Clinton D.N.D. (Non Urban) Roads and Driveways Sealed tendency plainly marked as to contents, and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 10th, 1951, for the construction of approximately Sixty -Five Thous- and (65,000) square yards of roads and driveways, located at the site of the Perreanent Married Quarters at the RCAF Station, Centralia, Ontario, and the RCAF Station, Clinton, Ontario. Plans, specifications and form of tender may be obtained at the address shown above. A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) is re- quited for each set of documents, which deposit will be refunded on return of plans, etc., in good condition within fourteen (14) days from close of tender. Bach tender must be accomp-' anied by a security deposit of five per cent (5%) of 'the tender price, in the form of a certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Can- ada bonds. The lowest or any tender is not necessarily accepted.. S. M. CONNOLLY. Regional •Construction Engineer, ONTARIO REGION. 14-b Properties for Sale DWELLING. Eight -roomed brick dwelling, large living room with fire- place, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, insulated; gar- age; :amali stable 18x26; quan- tity of small fruit trees; abouit one acre of land; good location; possession 30 clays. 238 ACRES Near County' Road; 7 -room dwelling, barn 65x85, drive shed 24x36; hydro, water in Barn; some bush; well drain- ed; 14 acres wheat; close to school. Spring possession. • 100 ACRES On County Road; 'barn 56x60, drive shed 20x40; 7 -room dwel- ling; hydro; 2 miles from vil- lage; early possession. DWELLING Six -roomed Brick Dwelling, goad condition, modern ,con- veniences, new furnace, about half acre land, good barn, some fruit trees, Possession within 60 days. H. C. Lawson REAL ESTATE. Bank 4f Montreal Building Phone 251-w . » CLINTON — NOW PLAYING — Kathryn Mario GRAYSON LANZA TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS" ' In Technicolor MON.—TUES.—.WELD, DONALD O'CONNOR GALE STORM "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK" Technicolor — THURS.-FRI.—SAT — Robert Paula TAYLOR RAYMOND DEVIL'S DOORWAY. Comilla.: Doris Day in "TEA FOR TWO" PARK THEATRE GODERIOR Phone 47 Now: "TASK FORCE" with Gary Cooper and Jane Wyatt MON,--?UES,—WED. Van Johnson - Howard Keel Barry Sullivan and Jane Wyman Attaining a new altitude record for fun and frolic is this Four - Star story Meant the ups and downs of an airline stewardess. "Three Guys Named Mike" TIIURS._FRL•—SAT. Hedy Lamarr — John- Hodiak and James Craig Take a trip to Havana, Cuba, for a swift -moving adventure and a drama -pecked romance. "A Lady Without Passport" Coming: "THE BLUE LAMP" Adult—with Jack Warner and Jinuny Hanley Now: "JOHNNY STOOL PIDGEON" Shelley Winters & Howard. Duff MONDAY -TUESDAY Gale Storm—Dennis O'Keefe and Marjorie Rambeau A story of two sister's and of a reporter who salved the tragic disappearance of one of them, "ABANDONED ff WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY Cameron Mitchel—Audry Long and Fuzzy Knight In Cinecolor, the chronicle of a thorobred and of a ro'd'eo owner who learned a lesson in kindness to animals. "Adventures of Gallant Bess" FRIDAY -SATURDAY DRAMA! COLOR! Adventnre! The epic story of a man who took peril in his stride and who helped .fashion the future of a nation. "Indian Scout" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 1150 Now; `BLUE BLOOD" with Jane Nigh and Cineeolor a MON,—?UES,—WED. Scott Brady — Mona Freeman and Andrea Ring The thrill -packed story of an amazing racket a shoplilting syndicate which operates brutally over its unwilling victims. "I was a Shoplifter" THURS.—FRI.—SAT. Ricardo Montaiban — George Murphy and Howard Da Silva Melodramatic! Exciting! Thrill- ' and! American genits in a fight to alien smuggling. "Border Incident" Coming: "IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN" M -G -M's riotous comedy. With Jr. Farmers The annual meeting of the County ,junior Fariners Associa- tion has come and gone with Bob Allen and Fred Gibson represent- ing the Clinton Club on the ex- ecutive. 1 5 5, Clinton Juniors shouldn't feel too badly because their hockey team, was beaten in the final gone for County honours by the Gerrie Juniors, now playing Poole for the WOAA Intermediate "C" championship. In a post season game with Goderich on Wednes- day night Clinton, :minus three regulars managed a 9-9 tie. Gode- rich was ahead until near the end of the game when Clinton got three quick goals to go one up, only to have Goderich tie it up. These two teams are to play again next week, * a, The next meeting to be held in Clinton Collegiate on Tuesday, April 10, will be Parents' Night. All parents and everyone inter- ested in the Junior Farriers are invited to this meeting. The topic for the boys' meeting is "Is a dairy herd preferable to a beef herd for a Junior under present conditions." A debate, which should be quite amusing and con- fusing, also a film is in store for the joint meeting. All juniors, whether you farm or not, are welcome. 0 Flying any national flag upside down at sea is the international distress signal. Regular 'Teen Town GAMES AND DANCING Friday, April 6 8-11 p.m. 14-b .yr 5.-6-1.•-•-m-••••••••-•-•-•• WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? One who comes to God as a lost sinner. One who accepts Chrjst ,as his own personal Saviour. One who experiences within his own heart a new life born of the Spirit of God. One who confesses Christ before the world, And who endeavours to serve and please Him et, alt times. READ THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, CHAPTER HI, CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m, EST . We have a good supply of BARBED WIRE and LAWN FENCE Fill Your Spring Needs Now! Modern BATHROOM FIXTURES, u� h aWk• �ns PLUMBINt3 — HEATING — HARDWARE PHONE 244 - - , -- - CLINTON