HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEW -RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1951 { e'YJOnatJ Becher Street was a weekend guests with his friend. Bill Freel, London. William Chowen is taking a three -months' mechanics course in Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Miller, Highgate, is renewing acquaintances in town this week. Misses Marlene end Linda Jer- vis spent Easter„ week visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Norman Durr and family visited during the Easter vacation week in Parkhill. Mrs. E. Russell Forrest, Bloom- ingdale, Mich., is visiting her niece;' Mrs. R. S. Atkey. Leslie Ball,' Kelso Streets, Har- old and Carman McPherson„ are in Toronto this week attending an auto parts convention. Miss June McCartney has re- turned to Toronto after spending the Easter vacation with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Cartney. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oarrrocic and daughter, Miss Sandra, were Baster vacation visitors at the. biome of the lady's parents, Mayor and Mrs. G. W. Nott, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cooper and two children, Janet and Linda, Brantford, spent the weekend with Mrs. Cooper's family in Clinton and Goderioh. Orval Lobb has returned to London after ,spending six weeks in Timmins with his firm, Mc- Cormick's Limited. He spent the weekend with his fancily here, Mi's. George Chancier, London, who has been a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital is now re- cuperating at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Elliott. Mrs, Stewart Moodie hes re- ceived word of the death of her father, the late L. H. Walters, which occurred in Brantford General Hospital on. Sunday The funeralwas held at Norwich on Tuesday. Specials . For April 5 - 6 - 7 Foncy Pink Salmon-ls s 1 Ib. 38c 1.45 I.G.A. Strawberry Jam -24 oz. jor •.� 43c I.G.A. Peanut Butter -16 -oz. jar 35c Clark's Pork and Beans -20 oz. tin 2 for'29e Aylmer Catsup -11 oz. btl. 18e TIDE large 41c TIDE giant 81e California Oranges -Blue Goose -size 220s-doz. 45c Fresh Pineapple -size 12s each 31c Bananas (Golden Ripe) Ib. 18c California Lemons -size 300s 6 for 23c New Carrots -tops on 2 bunches 15c New Green Cabbage Ib. 08e P.E.I. Potatoes -75 Ib. bag 1.89 tin 43c Fluffo Shortening Pat -a -Pan Pastry Flour. -24 -Ib. bag Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver 1 ACHIEVEMENT DAY IN WOOL - IS SUCCESSFUL Three girls were.awarded Pro- vincial honour certificates for completing 12 Homemaking Club projects, and two others received county honour certificates for completing six projects, at the' annual Achievement Day of Hur- on County Homemaking Club in Clinton District Collegiate Insti- tute Tuesday morning and of diternoon, Marelh 27. According to Miss Jean M. Scott, home economist for Huron County, who was in charge, 126 girls from 14 centres in the county were active in the pro- ject, "Working with wool", of whom 115 completed it and 110 were present at the Achievement Dey. Miss Scott presented provincial honour certificates to Roma Breckenridge, R. It 2; Bluev'ale, and to two sisters, Leona and Helen Johnston, R.R. 2, Blyth; as well as county honour cer- tificates to Margaret McDonald, R.R. 1, Listowel, and Grace Ed- gar, R.R. 2, Gerrie, Assisting Miss Scott were Miss Lulu Rowe, clothing specialist, Women's Institutes Branch; and the following region 1 home eco- nornists: Miss Doreen Kelly, St. Thames; Miss Hylda Metcalfe, Simcoe; Miss Ruth Hunt, New- market.. • During the morning session, the girls participated in judging work and activities connected with their project. After noon -hour' luncheon,• a three-minute comment was given by a representative of each of the ten clubs on the exhibit: "A wool skirt and its companion." This portion was followed by team demonstrations and skits. The ten clubs exhibiting were: Molesworth, Ethel, Gorrie, Wal- ton, McKillop, Seaforth II, Col- wanosh II, Colwanosh I, Elimville, Majestic. Others which did not exhibit were Belgnave, Seaforth I, Dungannon, St. Helen's, Blue - vale, The Clinton club entered but did not complete the project. Among recipients of certificates for completion of two • propeets, were Hazel Bannerman, Seaforth; Sue Nixon, R. R. 4, Seaforth; Margaret Grummett R.R. 2, Sea - forth; Ann Haugh, Brucefield; Gladys Chapman, R.R. 3, Kippen. • 4+'• 18 New Members Join Ontario St. Church The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered «1 • the close of the morning worship ser- vice on Sunday, April 1, in On- tario St. United Church., During the service, there was a reoepltion of new members in- to the church. The young people had been instructed during the winter in a• catechumen class conducted by the minister Rev W. J. Woolfrey. The folltowing were rejceived by transfer: Mrs. Harry Ball, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, NIr. and Mrs. Howard Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin May, Mrs. Harold Critten- den and Mrs. Cecil Crossman. The following were received on profession of faith: Norman Sly, Alex Powell, Mrs. William Gib - brags, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Finck, Marion Anis Crossman; 1V1largaret Ellen. Lawson, Margaret Marie Dale and Lois Muriel Dale. Twelve Join Church w isa l�� ,!i;!IEl�igilh4ill+I(6{Ill*i!ikl6f Ill//?I ��(ii� 'OA if l mum i T- REXOLEUM DELUXE 3 -yards` wide, running yard 2 -yards wide, running yard REXOLEUM STANDARD 2 -yards wide, running yard MARBOLEUM "k' quality, 2 yards wide, running yard No. 3 quality, 2 -yards wide, running yard INLAID LINOLEUM, MOULDED 2 -yards wide, running yard MARBOLEUM TILE 2.10 1.30 .95 5.50 3.50 9" x 9" JASPE TILE 9" x 9" CONGOWALL 54" wide, running toot CONGOLEUM 4.50 ea.•19. ea• 23 .801 2 -yards wide, running yard 3 -yards wide, running yard i 1.50 2.45 Large Assortment of CONGOLEUM RUGS Sixes 6'x9' to 9'x15' BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. 3. MUTCH Phone 381-W Phone 3814 Hardware and Furniture Funeral Directors PHONE 195 - CLINTON CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 663 Engagements Announced The engagement has been an- ounced of Shirley Jeanne Henri', younger daughter of Mrs. Henri and the late L. E. Henri, Clinton,. o John William Scott, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. L, Scott, Forest. The marriage will take place in St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, on Saturday, April 21. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Harriett El'iza- bet'h to Harvey Arthur only son At Wesley -Willis The Holy Communion was ad- minietered at Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church on Sunday morning last, with the minister, Rev. Hugh C. 'Wilson, in charge, ' A reception service was held also at which Miss Doris Grierson was received by certificate and the following were received by profession of faith: Dor}ald Cor- nish, Marjorie Currie, Gwenyth Griffiths, Kelvin Jervis, Earl Livermore, Kenneth Livermore, Douglas Mann, Eugene McLaren, Kenneth Riley, Robert Seeley and John Wise. During the service, the choir, under the direction of M. R. Ren- nie, with Mrs. M. R. Rennie at the organ, sang the anthem, "If ye love Me", with Miss Audrey Jervis telcing the solo part. o , Hospital Auxiliary Plans Spring Concert The Public is Invited To Hear REV. G. H. KING, B.A., B.D., Toronto Secretary for Canada of the Mission to Lepers on Tuesday, April 10 at 8 p.m. in Ontario St. United Church For 75 years now this Mission has been operating throughout the world in the interests of des- perately needy men and women, afflicted with this dreaded dis- e0se. There will be a talk about the Missilon itself and the work ac- complished and a kodachrome movie fiilin shown. An offering will be taken in behalf of the work, Everybody Welcome! 14-b Work Clothing and Footwear For SPRING See Our Selection! Aiken's Luggage. and Shoes Phone 2 Clinton Hensall Lady Marks Her 83rd Birthday (By our Hensall, correspondent) Mrs• Agnes Laramie, well- known Hensall resident, cele- brated her 83rd birthday, on Wed- nesday, March 21. Born south of Exeter, she has been a resident of .Hensall for more than 50 ,years. Totally blind for years, Mrs. Lammie does not let her handicap interfere with her activities in of Mr, ad Mrs. R. H. Louch, Lon- any way; she d'oe's not believe don. The marriage will take in idling her time away. During the war she was busily engaged in knitting for •the Red Cross and knit more than 50 pairs of socks, in addition to sweaters, etc. She has crocheted four beautiful bed spreads in the past 25 years. She is active about the home and is able to prepare the meals and do light housework to help her daughter Greta, and stillknits and does some crochet- ing. An active member of the Unit- ed Church _she is a life member of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety. The occasion was observed Sunday, March 25, when mem- bers of her family, Niles Amy Lammie, London, Postmaster Roy Lemmie, "MIS Laramie, Bobby and Jean, Centralia; Miss Greta Lammie, Hensel', celebrated with her. 0 plane in the Church of the Mes- siaih, Toronto, on Monday, April 9. se Bride -elect F te d Mrs. D. J. Lane presided at the April meeting of Clinton Hospital Auxiliary, held in the Town Council Chamber Monday afternroon. Mrs. C. M. Shearing and Mrs. Sam Castle Jr., gave the secretary's and treasurer's re- ports respectively. Final plans were made for the spring concert to be sponsored by the Auxiliary in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on Thursday April 26, with Clinton RCAF Male Chorus and assisting artists in attendance. A. J. Mc Murray will be chairman of the event, There will be a canvass of tickets for the concert, in each ward of the town. Convener of the buying coin - mitt:ee, Mrs. H. C: Lawson, re- ported purchases made for the Hospital recently included two dozen bud vases, ten woollen blankets, dressing gowns and bed side tables. Two mattresses ere on order and metal footstools and sides for beds, will be prrohased in the near future. Mrs. H. A. McIntyre, sewing convener, re- ported sewing and surgical dres- sings made during the ,month 0f March for the Hospital. Miss W. O'Neil, consulting 'and finance convener, reminded the members to keep in mind, corn- ing events, such es Hospital Day, May 12 and Tag Day, May 19. Tag Day conveners will be Mrs. D. Bantliff, Mrs. Gordon Herman and Mrs. Wesley Haddy, The monster auction sale which is an annual event sponsored by the Auxiliary, will be held in the Lions Arena, October 10, and housewives are asked to keep the sale in mind while et their spring housecleaning as furniture, an- tiques, etc., will he appreciated. 0 ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of St And'rew's Presbyterian Church will hold its April meetingin the Sunday School vroom of the Church on Tuesday, April 10, at 8 p.m. Prior to Marriage Mrs. Douglas Bartliff entertain- ed at a delightful miscellaneous shower at her home on Monday evening, honouring Miss Jean Hearns, a bride -elect of this week, The gifts were given to the bride-to-be, in a gaily decorated basket, done in pink and white, by Miss Mary Hudie. Miss Hearn thanked her friends for their thoughtfulness and the eemeinder of the 'evening was spent in social that. , The hostess served delicious re- freshments before the guests de- parted for their various homes, 0 L L. cowRTEOIIS SEAV1ICE Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI Permanent Waving Cold Waving Hair Tinting and Bleaching Haircutting, Etc. by Mrs.AudreyCarpenter Located at MRS. THOMPSON'S Princess Street Phone 585 Clinton 14-15-b Baptist Ladies' Aid Hears From Missionary The Baptist Ladies' Aid met on Friday last at the parsonage, with Mrs. Will Pickett in charge. The meeting opened with the repeat- ing of the Lord's Prayer in unis- on and the singing of "Abide witlh Me." Mrs. Pickett read the Scrip- ture from Luke 24. The hymn, "Jesus keep me near the Cross", was sung. Mrs. Pickett read a letter from a retired missionary, Miss Lydia Pratt, who mentioned the Baptist World Missionary Alliance Con- vention held in Cleveland last year. Mrs. Pickett had chosen for her topic, "Christian Prin- ciples." The secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Clifford, game her reports and had the roll called. Mrs. Clark sang a very delightful solo, "Christ- opher Robin is saying his pray- ers." Following the busines per- iod Mrs. Clark closed the meet- ing with prayer. During the afternoon a guilt was completed. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Clerk and Mrs. Pickett. a WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Tues- day, April 10, at 8 ,p.m. This will be an Easter meeting and the programme will be in charge of Mrs. Lorne Jervis and her group. Church Directory Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, April 8 11,00 a.m.-Worship Service 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 8 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship' Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: "This do in Remembrance of Me"; Reception of new members; Sermon subject: "Thy Will Be Done on Earth" 2.30 p.m. -Knox Church, Bay- field. The Sacrament. Wednesday, April 11, 8 p.m. - Men's Club. EVERYONE WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rentor Mrs. Theodore Freinlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, April 8 10.00 a.m.-•Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service. T Thursday, April 12, 6.30 p.m.- Ohancel Guild Pot -luck Sup- per in Parish Hall. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, April 8 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship; Looking But Not Seeing" 12.15 -Church School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Praise: Union Eventing Service in this Church. "Brother With You?" Come To The House of Prayer. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, April 8 10.00 e.m.-Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. 'ALL WELCOME Ontario St. United Church REV. W..7. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 8 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -United Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church. The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. George Lavis on Thursday evening, April 12. Mrs. Clair Clark will be the. guest speaker. Ontario St. WA Plans All Members Visit The WA of Ontario St. United Church met on Tuesday, April 3, in the ,Church Hall, with a good attendance. The tweeting opened by singing e hymn, after whir psalm 696 was read responsively • and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. Charles Elliott took charge of the devotional period, taking as her subject the Parable of the Prodigal Son, followed by prayer and the singing of another hymn. Reports were read and adopted. It was decided that the callers for the various wards for April would be all the members getting out to see someone else, rather than appointing certain ladies. It was decided to organize a play to be held later on in the year, comprising local talent in the WA. Plans were made to hold a straw- berry festival in strawberry ° season. The May programme is to be in charge of Miss E. Wiltse and Mrs, George Levis and a picnic lunch is to be served. Mrs, D. E. ,Symons favoured the ladies with two lovely instrum- entals which were much enjoyed. Miss H. Courtice gave a message on the_ Transfiguration. The meeting closed with the singing of the hymn "Come let us sing of a wonderful love" and prayer, 'after which a delicious lunch was served by the ladies of St. John's Ward. a Lloyds of London write all forms of insurance except life in- surance. REG'D. Housedresses Many new styles and prints have arrived for Spring ALL SIZES FROM 12 TO 52 • These will be the last at the "old price." All new goods will be higher. • CURTAINS - DRAPERIES - BLINDS RODS - TRACK • Spring Housecleaning calls for many of these items 0 Visit our Household Furnishings Depart- ment and procure all your needs in one place. We can help you with all your houseclean- ing problems. • IR W IN'S 'Teen Town Lions Night Friday, April 13 8 - 11 p.m. ALL LIONS AND THEIR WIVES INVITED 14-15-b FARMERS! Get Tickets • Now! for Clinton Lions Club Annual Farmers' Night Banquet SL Paul's Church Hall, Clinton Tuesday, April 10 Speaker: DR. G. E. .HALL President, University or Western Ontario ,and Graduate of Ontario Agricultural. College ENTERTAINMENT: BARNAS DUO from Western Canada, hill -billy songs with guitar;, EVERETT MEYERS, magician; 'RCAF MALE QUARTETTE; MISS GLORIA PALMER, soprano. BANQUET TICKETS 61.75; obtainable at Pennebaker's Drug Store, Ontario Agricultural Office, Huron Federation of Agriculture ,Office, Clinton News -Record. W. V.'°ROY, - R. G. BENNETT, Chairman, . Chairman, Community Betterment Programme ,Committee Committee 12-13-b