HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-04-05, Page 3THZ7RSDAY, APRIL 5, 1051 culmoN MirS-1iECORD PAGE 7'iiRE et's Chat A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That By MBA The "D-D"Show Sets Very High Standard IT'S been a long time since we have enjoyed so much such a diversified amateur prograan and with such high calibre talent eswe did Friday evening when we attended the "D -D" show, sponsored by St. Paul's choir . . THERE were so many stars in the show that it is impossible to pick out any one, but a show -- and an amateur one—that gen- ulnely holds your interest - and not just because you know the performers is really something A: M * AIRS. Patricia Batemen's class of youngsters, from 3 to 11 years of ,age, appeared three times . And we .would like to state right here that Mrs. Bateman's talents are a wonderful asdert to Iter adopted town , . The fortunate little girls in her class will be thankful all their lives, to learn at such a young age, the art of being graceful, whether or not they develop their ballet to any great extent . Mrs. Bateman is herself . a perfect example of the results of such training . The dancing of the Gass, the Highland Fling, the forward and backward sommersaulfts, and the. "Wee Cottontails" were delight- ful to watch as were the costumes — there must have been some busy mothers recently , . Mrs. Legion 4 Paper Drive Wed., April 1 Have bundles on curb by 1 p.m. 13-b NeVel YOU, M IN THE GREAT NEW Westingh.use The big and better looking West- inghouse "TRUE -TEMP" Refrig- erator gives you more of every- thing that's new in modern refrig- eration! More room for frozen foods , . , more room for milk and beverages , .. more storage space mare "frontrow" shelf space... more cold, faster,. steadier! Ex- clusive "TRUE -TEMP" Cold Con- trol automatically provides correct zones of cold for all foods. Come in tomorrow for free demonstration — ask about the Westinghouse 5 -YEAR PROTECTION PLAN "SUPER DELUXE 7" .... $375.00 Also Deluxe 7--$345.00 Clinton Electric Shop 1D. W. Cornish — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 479 -- -. Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!" eliniletetWat We Con Supply You With a Board or a Truckload of LUMBER Whether building or remodelling compare quality and prices at BALL-MACAULAY KILN DRIED SEASONED FLOORING Fir, Oak, Maple, Birch KILN DRIED INTERIOR TRIM AND MOULDINGS Selected Fir 1/a Round, l/z Round, Cove, Astragal, Bed Moulds, Baseboard, Door and Window Stops and Casings, Bannister Rail, Stair Treads, Door Frames BALL - MACAULAY CLINTON Builders' Su„nbei SEAFORTH Phone 97 MP Phone 787 LUMBER, LIME, WALLBOARDS, BRICK, TILE Bateman, herself gave a fine solo THE class consisted of Bambara Anne Corey, Beverley Beek, Heather Winter, lVfargaret Jean Addison, Nancy Olde, Barbara Anne Henry, Connie MacDonald, Mary Macaulay, Susan Corless, Sandra 'Addison, Sibyl. Jean Castle, Calista Counter, Caret Anne Lockhart, Darlene Stanley, Gayle Murray, Gloria Rulnball, Katherine McLay, Karen Anne Moody, Marilyn Miller, Mary Livermore, Nancy Newton , , s:l e, A number offine vocal solos were dispersed among the class numbers . These were given by Ray Gibbon, Mrs. R. M. P. Suttee], Charles Wilson and Mrs, Saddler , . . An amusing, but short, minstrel show was the other number in the . first half of the program . . We suspect that the' peculiar looking derides were members of the St, Paul's choir, altho' the 'program didn't say so . Charles Wilson was interlocutor • and one darkey (whom we were told might be Charles Cooke) rebdered a fine vocal solo, and did a lively tap- dance . .n d :B AFTER. a short intermission, during which candy and pop were sold, .the large a udienee chuckled continuously over the antics of a couple of crabby old vomer, in an old ea`dies home . , . Due to their excellent acting, you would never suspect that hey were May Ranee MacKinnon nd Mrs. George McLay . , . Mrs. Veiter Snslth and Mrs. Lillian McKinnon aided in making this delightfully amusing comedy . , . * m LAST, but net least on this program wege the Harboraires, a finale chorus from Goderidh (which ad a little assistance from Clinton—but isn't it always thus— Goderieh needing a bit of assist- ance from Clinton) . . The solo- sts of this excellent chorus were Jim Corran. and Ralph. Hender- 5011 . . .. Rev. John R. Thompson Now Rector At Windsor Rev. John 11. Thompson, son several occasions. of Nies, H. J, Thompson and the Following the •evening service late Mr. Thompson, Goderich on Palm Sunday, the large eon - Township, left St. 'Thomas last gregatiion and friends and the meanberl of the Ministerial As- sociation and their wives gather- ed in .Trinity, Hall for e recep- tion honouring the retiring Rector and his wife and family. J. W. Shepherd, the people's warden, presided for the function, and expressed the appreciation of the parish at having had the privi- lege of Mr. Thompson's ministry, and "gratitude for the uplift and progress this parish has made during your term as Rector," Mr, and Mrs. Thompson were pre- sented with a handsome silver tea service, a silver rose bowl and candlesticks, and a substan- tial cheque, their two sons, John and Dick, with fountain ,pens, and their daughter, Dorothy, with e ring as tokens of appreciation from the congregation. week after serving more than seven years as Rector of Trinity Anglican Church. Rev. Mr. Thompson was hon- oured an a great many occasions REV. J, R.. THOMPSON prior to taking up his new duties as Rector of St, Andrew's Mem- orial Church, Windsor, effedtive April 1. Mrs. Tholupson and fam- ily also have been honoured on GEORGE MeLay acted as chair- nvali and annownced the winners of the two contests , Mrs. Fred Forel named the "DD" show "Duteous Dough Getters", and turned the $5 prize back to the fund that was raised by the show .. ' Best ticket sellers were Patsy Murney and Cameron Ad- dison . . , (.:~44,4041,44.4444,4‘,4444,44 4:4:44.4,4•44•0•4441..~....."1-1•14,441:04:MUw.o.wf•.,.. Good. Year Tires NEW and USED FAIR TRADE -1N ALLOWANCE Make a Date to Shell -Lubricate your Car X100 MOTOR OIL in Cartons, Pails, Barrels It Fights Engine Acids Shell Service Statism Phone 463M LEOY ARD COLE 14-p BISHOP bob Co F. DERSTINE Kitchener Renowned Speaker and Editor of the "Christian Monitor" will be the speaker at the Youth for Christ Rally Saturday, April 7, 8 p.m. at THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL $ Splendid Talent also from Kitchener COME AND ENJOY IT QUALITY PRINTING Your H ighway T o' Prof its Let your printing' be your salesman, helping you tcs give the right impression We con show you how, just as we've shown many others. Check your printing needs agoinst our samples. The quality is super, and • .the price is right, too! Clinton News -Record PHONE 4 FOR ,QUOTATIONS 1 In expressing his thanks and that of his. family, Rev, Mr, Thompson stated, that " whatever had been accomplished in Trin- ity Parish during his Reotors'hip had been, under God, the fruit of the whole family working to- gether . in the Lord's service, Nothing could hove been aecomeee lished without the assistance of the congregation all working to- getiher, helpers ine•Christ Jesus, labourers together with God, he stated, Rev. N. F. Swa•ckltaanmer, presi- dent •01 the Ministerial Associa- tion ,c1 the .city of St. Thomas, spoke in the highest terms of Mr. and Mrs, Thompson and family, and stated how much he would be missed in the Association as well as in Trinity Church. The ministers realized how closely a minister's life 4s knit into that of his parish. "Part of John Thompson will always be here," he declared. He also stated that Rev, Mr, Thompson had •done more for the fellowship of the Ministerial Association than any other single roan of whom he knew. Following .the presentations and speeches these in attendance were given the privilege of greeting the Rector and his family and Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Thomas Humphrey, who goes with the family to Windsor. Other Presentations As well as the large gethering of the church people both Mr, and Mrs, Thompson have been hon- oured on various occasions by presentations from a number of organizations, all of which point to the high esteem in which the family is held, The Junior Auxiliary of Trin- ity Church held e farewell party, honouring Mrs. Thompson who has been one of their leaders. Mrs. Thompson was presented with a lovely hammered alum- inum tray, inscribed with the affectionate tribute of the or- ganization. Before closing a de- lightful skit, written by one of the leaders, Mrs. Ward, was pre- sented, pointing out in graphic form the aims of the Juniors. At a meeting of the North Group of Trinity Ladies' Aid, Rev. Mr, Thompson was presented with a gift for Mrs. Thompson who was unable to be present at this meeting, and he was also thanked for the many kindnesses he had shown during his tenure as Rector of the Parish. Trinity Civ Rho Fellowship held a pleasant social evening at the home of Claude Davies when the retiring Rector and his wife were presented with gifts, a small appreciation from the group for the services they had giveb, The Deanery Chapter of Elgin had a dinner meeting at the home of the Rural Dean, Rev. and Mrs, H. F. Cross, 5t, Peter's Rectory, Tyrconnell, when the clergy and their wives were present. High tribute was paid to the guest of honour, Rev. J. R. Thompson, for his consecrated service, by Rev. Mr, Cross and Rev, H. Snell, Yarmouth Heights, A book was presented to Mr. Thompson on this occasion. At -a meeting of the Ministerial Association of -the oity of St, Thomas, Rev. Mr. Thompson was presented with a gift as a small token of appreciation and good will: In making the presentation Rev. N. F, Swaekhamnner, the president, stated that Mr. Thoma- son had contributed very largely to the oneness of spirit among the ministers, and was held in very high esteem among then. Our Early Files (Continued frons. Page Two) tor, to Thomas Wesley, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Vander - burgh. Mayor J. Taylor, J. B. Hoover. W. Jackson, T. Jackson, Jr., D. Cantelon, anal W. Brydono were in Toronto last week trying to int- erest an industry in locating in Clinton. The Crediton Star appeared for the first time last week, tilts adding a new paper to those al- ready Published in the County. Public schoolteachers whose reports appear in this issue in- clude M. E. Chidley, 3. Wilson, L. Steven • 1.1. Courtice, 1; C. Tiplady, M Wiltse, Minnie L. Kerr and Principal John Hartley. Mrs. J. ,W. Irwin, a .former resident' of Clinton but now .re- siding in London came down stairs in her home the other day and found a man in the process of robbing' her• home. She was able to scare the man suffieientfy that nothing was missing. Caldwell-Kiricconnell—At the home of, the .bride, on Wednes- day, Apeii 5, 1.011,' by Rev, Mr. Lundy, Isabelle, oldest .daughter of Mr. John Karkeonnel1, to Fred- erick Caldwell, Miss, Helen Ford, a student at • Queens University, ha's accepted a position as a teacher in Rud- dell, Sask., for the sumtnes months. . DRUG STORES LILA. SPECIALS For Thur., Fri., Sat. ALMOND LOTION 39c BABY CREAM 39c BORACIC AC.JD .,......, , 16 oz, -32c CALAMINE LOTION 4 oz. -19c 8 oz. -37c LAXATIVE VEGETABLE TABS. 19c LINSEED MEAL 23c OIL WINTERGREEN 3 oz. -29c PENETRATING LINIMENT .. 330 VITAMIN E, TABS 100-29c 300-59c NEW SIZE BRECK SHAMPOO 8 oz. •— $1.25 NOXZEMA SPECIAL — 10 oz, — $1.00 BAYER ASPIRIN TABS. 12's -18c 24's -29c 100-79c DOLC!N TABLETS 100—$2.39 200—$3.95 Richard Hudnut Home Permanent with new 'i hirl-A-Wave Curlers $3.25 LYSOL 39c - 79c - $1.50 D.T. ar LD.A. Moth Killer 590 Wampole's Extract Cod Liver $1.00 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVR5 F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 Gravc Tenders TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY The Township of Stanley will receive tenders for the crushing and hauling of 8,000 cu. yards of gravel, to be crushed through °;:i" screen and delivered on roads, under the supervision of the Road Superintendent. Township to supply gravel, tenders to be in hands of Clerk by 12 noon, APRIL 18, the contract to be completed by October 15. A certified cheque for $200 must accompany the tender. Gravel to be secured from Holmesviite and McLean's pits, and the Bayfield Beach. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. S. WATSON Clerk, R.K. 3, Bayfield 14-15-b '5 x� ,eke»'. teXeeeteleeeeletetele • eel ae + aram' 8 E�i7'a' ers'4 rNE 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Styline Sedan 1950 Oldsmobile Sedan, custom radio, air-conditioned, and many extras 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan, custom radio, air-conditioning 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Fleetline Sedan 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Styline Coach 1949 1949 1949 Chevrolet Styline Sedan Chevrolet deluxe Styline Sedan Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, black in colour / 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Sedan, two- 4, toned colour Two --1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster { Coaches 1939 Plymouth Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coach, Special $150 1937 Plymouth Coach , '1937 Dodge Sedan 1935 Plymouth Coach, Special $ 100 CASH -- TRADE TERMS .,•OPEN EVENINGS VNTIL 10 O'CLOCK ]brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Phone -73-K •' BRUSSELS iky03644.4.4114444:+4144:444.44**2444o-sw.a...44,0-44~- sow