HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-03-29, Page 5"/IIIIRSDAY, /MARCH 29; 1951 WS -RECORD NTPidlets PAGE FIVE ems-�eco�rdClassified Asx RATE -(1f pard by Wed HOUSES FOR RENT ,CASH following date of inset. - lion) -One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- eeguent insertions one cent a word (r l i n ni 25 cents); 15 cents ex- - tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra.. HEADLINE --8 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED 'WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE, :small house or self-contained apartment, suitable for three ,adults, Box No. "W", NEWS - RECORD, 13-b BUSINESS GIRL would like board and room. 'Phone 212. 13-p REQUIRE FOUR- OR; FIVE- noomed suite or house, unfurnish- ed, to rent or purchase. Sgt. Austin, phone 382 local 40, room, 1. I3 -p 'COUPLE OF ROOMS, furnished, .air force couple with 'one child, wanted immediately. Apply 'Cpl. W. J, Mitchell, RCAF Station, Clinton, 13-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1929 GREEN PLYMOUTH Coach t-with heater and hydraulic brakes. , eOne owner with 84,000 actual 'mileage. Apply after 5.30 p.m. or Wednesday afternoon. Howard 'Currie, Joseph St.. 'Clinton: 13-p 1941 PONTIAC £our -'door sedan 'with heater, good tires, motor in perfect condition; 1950 'Pontiac Deluxe, four -dear sedan, grey metallic paint, undercoated and ,air-conditioning heater, 'radio, car hent' carrying General Motors guarantee. Apply Box "B", `NEWS -RECORD. 13�b APPLES 'FOR 'SALE TY -ea ting 7apple ; $2 CperrOOKbushelINGa at -farm, container supplied by customer. Also No. 1 quality 'Timothy Seed, $8.50. StewartMiddleton, R.R. 3, 'Clinton, phone _`Clinton 906r6. 11-13-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE 'GOOD BUILDING,30' wide, with excellent timber, frame suitable for drive shed or extension +W barn, reasonably priced; also one 'steelroller • ¢n- A 1 condition. lit` son. Ap- ply g Wilber Keyes, phone Seafot+th ,656ri1. 13-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of •build - leg e home. A number of fine .loris for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business -448, residence 599J, 7-befb CARPENTRY 'CARPENTRY AND Repair Work done by experienced man; also small )obs in concreting and bricklaying. Peter Guetter, R.R. •5, Clinton, phone Clinton 907x21. 13-17-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED .FARMERS - HARVEST S A 'should be arranged for now. Large and small Dutch families are available now. C. de Haan, Redgrave, ^ 11-17-ptfb FARMS FOR SALE OR WANTED 'FROM 50 TO 200 ACRE FARMS 'Costiidereiel ihfornnation, Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, _phones: business 448, residence nJ 5-btfb • -FARMS FOR SALE $0 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, :large _barn, brick house, hydro and pressure system in both house and barn. Three miles from Blue - water Highway, two utiles from Hoiinesvjlle, Full price $8,000. Stewart Sdhoenhals, prop.; Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Palate phones: business 448, residence 599. 10-btfb 'FURNITURE FOR SALE RCA VICTOR Radio-Phonogragh, is excellent condition, Mrs, E, C. Burns, 119 Princess St., phone 679J, 13-b FARM HOUSE FOR RENT. Lo rzre Tyndall, ho 904 4 'p phone r . • Ioptfb HOUSES . FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME. HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb LOVELY HOME, large living room, dining room, kitchen and rpanrty on ground floor; four bed- rooms, den, sunpreh and bath- room second floor. Hot -waiter heated, insulated, full cellar, double garage, close to main st. Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones busi- ness 448,_residence 5993, 5btfb HELP WANTED FEMALE FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR lunch counter, evenings. Phone 133J. WOMAN, PREFERABLY Middfe- aged, to assist in town home where there is illness. -No child- ren. Apply Box "N", NEWS - RECORD, 13-p HELP WANTED - Female or Male ARE YOU FREE on Saturdays and evenings? • If you are and have an interest in photography phone Fowler Bros., Mitchell 228. This will he a profitable oppor- tunity for the right man. 12-13-b LOST AND FOUND LOST --ON EASTER SUNDAY, a Brownie Reflex Camera. Re- ward if found. H. E. Hartley, phone Clinton 799. 13-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN BULL CALF, four days old. Bob Cole, phone Clin- ton 906r24. 13-b TWO YOUNG JERSEY COWS and two heifers to freshen soon; one colony house 8x10. Roy Con- nell, phone Clinton 807r4. • 12-13-p FOUR COWS, due to freshen in April or May, TB tested. David Easom, phone Clinton 902r21, 13-b THREE SHORTHORN BULLS, registered, months old; some Timothy 12othy seed. W.J. Fal- coner, Brucefield, phone Clinton 629r12.12 -13-p GOOD WORK HORSE for sale. John Woon, phone Clinton 907- 114. 13-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS,C.H aL sorc ard, mile north ofof town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. 8-15-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb MAPLE SYRUP GOOD QUALITY Maple Syrup for sale. Keith Hesse/wood, Londesboro, phone ISeaforth 850r33, 13-14-p NOTICE SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St„ Goderich, phone 867J. 3-7ptfb THE NEW SPRING and Summer Du -Jour catalogue for men's, women's and children's wear has Just arrived -bigger end better than ever, Prices are night if you are interested in saving, Also have a nice liivep of everyday wrapping paper, seals, very modrate prices. Ifnterested call Mrs. Roy Mann, phone 659J. 13-14-b THREE-PIECE CHROME Studio + Suite, velour covered, like new; tYO six-giece breakfast suite, arborite Just top extension table, chrome chairs; see otte office desk, 36x60, office type, in perfect condition. See these at Moore's UpholsberY. 13-b PRIVATE SALE of household effects -washing rachene, Find- lay range, heater end pipes, dresser, chairs, tables, curtains, and many household articles. Phone 5763 between 5.30 and 8.30 at' write Box 31, Clinton. PIANO TUNING UR PIANO carefully tuned, call G. W. Cox et Clinton R. 43tfb SEED GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY Oe' CLINTON Oats, suitable for seed, Charles E. Elliott, phone Clinton 326. 13-b TEN BUSHEL No, 1 Red Clover Seed, cleaned, Joe Flynn, R;E. 1, Clinton, phone 801r4, 12-13-p QUANTITY OF Yellow "' Clover, also Timothy, Ray Cox, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 903r25. 13-14-p TIMOTHY SEED and Yellow Sweet Clover, cleaned and ready. for seeding, W. C. Sinclair, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone 621r22. 12-btfib FOUR BUSHELS good quality Red Clover seed, Mervyn IHay- ter, Varna. 13-b QUANTITY OF GALORE SEED Barley. Murray McDougall, phone Melton 903r24, 13-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1950 Vs -TON DODGE PANEL, Al condition, 16,000 miles. Will sell or trade: Phone Clinton 802r3, 8-btfb FARMS FOR SALE ''BASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot l5, concession 5, Hullett. Thomas earbert, MR, 1, Clinton, phone ltinton 801r21, or .Ja¢nes Phelan, LR. 2; Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf 'ARM EQUIPMENT for SALE DAVID BROWN TRACTORS and 12h1 Forage Harvesters and lammerntills, sold by George H. ieatty, Varna. 10-btfb icCORMICK - DEERING drop- ead hayloader; usedthree years, rank Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone linton 903r13. 13-p fASSEY-HARRIS 15 -run disc rarin and fertilizer drill, com- ate with grass seeder; for quick 14e. Clarence Ball, R. R. 1, Linton, phone Clinton 1�04r5, FURNITURE REPAIRING )R FURNITURE, PIANO AND dio cabinet refinishing and re- iring, see W. G. Pickett, box 1, Clinton. 13.4-5-p GRAIN FOR SALE WORK WANTED WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE IN washing. Will call for and deliver if in town, Phone Clinton 802r34. 13-b HELP WANTED -Male JANTITY OF MIXED GRAIN. BOY Opp r led 'Bosom, phone Clinton about heel, 13-b RECO TO WORK on Saturdays. tun ty to leatre something Minting. Apply NEWS - RD. 12-13-x BIRTHS ARMSTRONG -In Clinton Public h Hospital, 5 , to Mr. and Friday, cLesli Armstrong, R.R. 4, Bayfield daughter (Linda Darlene): ,,BURT -In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, March 24, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, Howard .Burt, London, a daughter, CRAIG ---In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, March 28, 1951, to Mr. end Mrs. A. G, Craig, Clinton, a son. DEWAR - In Kingston General' Hospital, on Monday, Mauch 26, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. ,TamesDewar, Kingston, a daughter, , KYLE -In St. Joseph's Hospdrtal; London, on'Sunday, March 18, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, Kipper!, a son. LEISHMAN - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, March 24, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Leislnnan, R.R. 1, Brucefield, a daughter (Reubena Jean). MOORE-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, March 23, 195i, to Mr. and Mrs. Benson Moore, Clinton, a son (Carter), RATHWELL-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, Marc 25, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Rathwell, 11. R. 2, Bayfield, a son. Bridgeport Shows' Heavy Offensive 23,I e Bridgeport Vets qualified f ,a MARRIAGES CLARE -ANDREWS -At the home of the bride's parents, on Fri- day, March 23, 1951, by Rev. Hugh C. - Wilson, Margaret Joyce, youngest daughter of Mr. and llfrs. Frank W. And- rews, to Grover W. Clare, son of Mr. anrd Mrs. Grover Clare, Palmerston. DEATHS MEDD-Suddenly, at Exeter, on Tuesday, March 27, 1951, Wil- liam G. Medd, MLA for South Huron from 1919-23, in his 82nd year, Funeral form Main St. United Church, Exeter. on Friday, March 30, 2,30 o'clock. PENHALE-Suddenly, in Stanley Township, on Thursday, March 22, 1951, John Thomas Penhale, son of the late Richard Pen - hale, in his 60th year. Funeral from residence of T. M. Snow- den, Blue Water Highway, Stanleaf- y M Township,2, to Hayfield Cemetery. TAMBLYN-In Bowsman, Man., on Monday, March 12, 1951, Elizabeth Lauder White Cald- well, beloved wife of the late T. J. Tamblyn, aged 77 years, Funeral from the Bowsman United Chtuch, on Thursday, March 15. WILD -In London, on Thursday, March 22, 1951, Miss Fanny Wild, foci erly of Stlanley Township, in her 84th year. Funeral from St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich, Mondlay morning, March 26, tie Colborne Cemetery, WRIGHT-In London, on Satur- day, March 24, 1951, Emma Melinda Thiel, Auburn, wife of the late John Wright, in her 65th year. Funeral from Arthur Funeral Home, Auburn, Tues- day afternoon, Marh 27, to Ball's Cemetery. HELP WANTED - FEMALE WARD AIDES FOR THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL AT LONDON Young women in good health, with two years' High School or in and with an interest inhelping the mentally sick are invited to apply. Free course of training to accepted applicants. Permanent positions, improved salary schedules, generous vaca- tion privileges and pension bene - eke, Accommodation in hospital residence at moderate cost can be provided for limited time .if de- sired. For application form write to MISS FLORENCE THOMAS, 11,11., Director of Nursing, -Ontario Hospitals London 12-13-14-15-b d the OHA Intermediate or late "B" semi - finis with Clinton ,Colts by de- feating Glencoe Highianders 8-3 at Waterloo Tuesday night to toaake. the quarter final series in straighttwgames. Vets won the first 7-1. The Flighlandere. tried hard but were no match for the Waterloo County club. Only a sensational display in the Glencoe goal by Mel Albright, Walkerton 114erh_ ants' netminder, borrowed •to re- place' an injured Glencoe goalie, kept the score from being at least double the Bridgeport total Jack Wallis, clever centre star, scored four ,goals' for the Vets, two in the first and two in the final frame, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM A. VODDEN, late of .the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deeeased. All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 31st day of March, A.D. 1951, after which dote the assets will be distributed amongst the panties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 10th day of March, A.D. 1951. F. FINGLAND, K.C., C1in1on, Ontario, Solicitor for tie said Estate 11-12-13-b AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, MACHINERY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS• Centre Lot 35, Concession 13, Hullett Township, 134 north and 2z/ west of Londesboro, on Friday, March 30 at m. CATTLE: 7Hereford yearlings; 2 Durham yearlings; 1 black cow, 4 yrs., old, with calf, 600 lbs,; 4 Jersey bull calves. PIGS: 9 young sows, bred, 4 and 5 weeks; 1 Yorkshire boar, 10 months old, purebred; 14 Yorkshire chunks; 4 weanling pigs. IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris tractor, old, in No. 81an rubber, bee, 5 yrs. good repair; Oliver trac- tor plow, 2 -furrow, in good re- pair; tractor cultivator; 1934 Ch ronet roadster with 600x16 tires Massey Harris rbinder; Interna- tionalrunning order; mower (oil bath); sulky rake; Case drop -heed hay loader; grain drill; cultivator; 4 -section harrows; steel roller; 2 -furrow disc plow; riding plow; walking plow; scuffler; sloop sleighs; farm wagon; hay rack; graven box; 1,000 lb, scales; fanning mill; chains; forks; shovers; Interna- tionel cream separator; tools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Ren- frew kitchen range (like new); Quebecdining uffettable, 6 chiirs; kitch suite, tables; day bed; 2 Congoleum rugs; dishes; fruit and other articles. No reserve as farm has been sold. TERMS -CASH MRS. MARY CRAWFORD Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Business Block FOR SALE This Desirable Block contains FIVE APARTMENTS THREE BUSINESS' STORES Leonard G. Winter REAL ESTATE - Phones - Business 448 - Residence 5993 Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! WHITES - - PLAINS - - STRIPES all shades, all sizes New Collar Styles French Cuffs ARROW eyD_ $3,95 up •-•-•-• • • 4-4,' •-• TOPCOATS, SUITS, HATS, TIES, SOCKS SWEATERS, JACKETS, JEWELLERY, ETC. 'wfie•w•w-�-e-H�+w.w.w..sw,�t�+�•w-w-s-P•o-wr•r� Mrw•r�.y.a�. PJCKETT CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS STETSON'HAJLS PHONE 25 (opposite the theatre) - CLINTON Community ommunrt Sale from Clinton 'Fair Barn Community Park CLINTON Thursday, March 29 and every Thursday , consisting of: Holstein heifers, vaccinated and artificially bred; other cows; young cattle; calves. Some pigs ranging ,from 130 to 130 lbs. Young pigs. H Bring Your Offerings Early VICTOR HARGII•A VES, Proprietor - EDWARD W. ELLJITT, Auctioneer 13-b -And it's just Common Sense To Buy - Co -op. Insurance Life or Auto Insurance For Information Call We V. Roy Box 310, Clinton Phones: Office 5Res. f 324J 13 -is z.tfh DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 441 Queen's Quay West, Toronto TENDER Construction of Nine (9) Buildings R:C.A.F. Station, CLINTON, Ont. Sealed tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents and addressed to the undersigned will be re- ceived up to 4:00 pm. Wednes- day, April 11, 1951. for tire Con- struction of one (1) supply build- ing; one (1) Construction Engin- eering Building; two (2) Officers' Quarters; one (1) N,C,O.'s Quar- ters and four (4) O.R. Quarters to be located at the RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, Ontario, of tender srequired may benobtaiinn-- ed at the address shown above. A deposit of One Hundred Dollars $100.00 is required for ,each set 0f documents, which deposit will be refunded on return of plans, etc. In good four- teen (14)rodayso from thcense in of tender. Eaoh tender must be accompan- ied by a security deposit equal to ten per cent (10%) of the first Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) and five per cent (5%) of the balance of tender total, and must be in the form of a certified cheque or negot- iable Dom,inion.ef Canada bonds, A set of documents will be made available for the purpose of information to sub -contractors at the Toronto Builders' Exchange, 1104 Bay Street, Tor0nfto, Lon- don Builders' Exchange, 267 Dun- das Street, London, Ontario and also at our Branch Office at 343 Richmond Street, London, Ont. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, S. M. Connolly, Regional Construction Engineer, ONTARIO REGION. Properties for Sale DWELLING Eight -roomed brick dwelling, large living room with fire- place, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, insulated; gar- age; small stable 18x26; quan- tity of 'small fruit trees; about. one acre of land; good location; possession 30 clays, 238 ACRES Near County Road; 7 -room dwelling, barn 65x85, drive shed 24x36; hydro, water in barn; some bush; well drain- ed;; 14 acres wheat; close to school. Spring possession, 100 ACRES On County Road; barn 56x60, drive shed 20x40; 7 -room dwel- ling hydro; 2 miles from vil- lage; early possession, DWELLING Six -roomed Brick Dwelling;, good condition, modern con- veniences, new furnace, about hall acre land, gaol barn, some fruit trees, Possession within, 60 clays. N. C. Lawson REAL ESTATE Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251-w +"44++*CLINTON c 1 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON - NOW PLAYING RICHARD PEGGY CONTE: DOW "The Sleepping City' - FRIDAY -SATURDAY -- •RANDOLPH SCOTT "SUGARFOOT color with Adele Jergens. -- MON.-TUES.-WED, - Rosalind Ray RUSSELL MILLAND "WOMEN OF DISTINCTION" - THURS.-FRI.-SAT. - KATHRYN MARIO GRAYSON LANZA "Toast of New Orleans" Coming: "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK" ` PARK THEATRE GODERICH -_ Phone 47 4 Now: "SOUTH SEA SINNER" with Shelley Winters and MacDonald Carey - MON.-TUES.-WED. - lean Kent - James Donald and Lana Morris Teehnicolored musical comedy set m the gaslight ,era. The ro- mance and career 01 a gay singer who marries a duke, "The Gay Lady" 1 ' - THURS.-FRL-SAT. - Gary Cooper - Jane Wyatt . and Wayne Morris In Technicolor, cavalcade of the growth dramatic air power. Featuring authe tic scenes of Okinawa, Pearl Har- bor and other Pacific battles. "TASK FORCE" Coming: "THREE 'GUYS NAMED i KE" •- Jane Wyman and Van Johnson Cards of T hanks MR, AND MRS. T. R. JENKINS wish to express their very sincere appreciation to all friends and neighbours for cards and flowers received, and all thoughtful acts of kindness bestowed during Mr. Jenkins' recent illness. 13-b WILLIAM J, ELLIOTT and sisters wish to express their sin- cerest appreciation to all their friends and neighbours for many acts of sympathy performed at the time of their bereavement; also to those who offered their carr " - their dear sister, Emily, 13-b roe of the funeral of REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now: Abbott & Costello in "AFRICA SCREAMS" ,MONDA-TUESDAY -- Sona Heade' - 7 Michael I Kirby Olga San Juan The wizardy of Henle Features this rollicking skate-domn,edy set to a Norwegian background, "The Countess of "Monte Cristo" - WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY -. •Richard Basehart-Signe Rosso and. Marilyn 'Maxwell A laboratory technician thwarts sinister influences and wins a new status, "Outside the Wall" - FRIDAY -SATURDAY -- Howard Duff -Shelley Winters and • Dan Duryea AseAdcatraz convict works with Federal agents to break up a narcotics ring. Johnny Stool Pidgeon 1CAPIT.AL THEATRE GODERICH - Phone 1150 Now. "LAST OF THE BUCCAN. EERS" with Paul Henreid and Technicolor - MON.-TUES.-WED. -^ Richard Basehart-Signe Hasso Marilyn Maxwell Drama in a labora'tozy. Where- in a ,convict turned: honest fights to vindicate himself and preserves his integrity. "Outside the Wall" - THURS.-FRI.-SAT. -. Bill Williams -- Jane Nigh and. Audrey Long A Cinecalor story of the race- track and of a horse that avoid- ed a dim destiny to win the big race. "Blue Blood" Coming: I WAS A SHOPLIFTER Mona Freeman & Scott Brady MR. AND MRS. THOMAS LER PJNGTON and family of the late Charles E. Ta nilcitrs wish to thank their many friends and neigh - hours for the kindnesses and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement; for the floral trib- utes which were many and beauti- ful; cards and letters of sympathy, and to those who kindly loaned their cars or assisted in any way; also the kind courtesy of Ball and Mutch Funeral Directors, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular meeting of Clin- ton Hospital Auxiliary will he held in the Council Chamber on Monday afternoon, April 2, at three o'clock, WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? One tvho conies to God as a lost sinner. One who accepts Christ as his own personal Saviour. One who experiences within his own heart a new life born of the Spirit of God. One who confesses Christ before the world. And who endeavours to serve and please Him at all tines, READ THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, CHAPTER IJI. CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53 -ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST Spring Change Over FLUSH AND CHANGE to SHELL X100 OIL It Fights Engine Acid SHELL PREMIUM GAS A Powerful Gas Gives a Greater Mileage Shell Service Station • LEONARD COLE 12-p We have a good supply of BARBED WIRE LAWN FENCE Fill Your Spring Needs Now! Modern BATHROOM ',FIXTURES Hugh R. 'iiawkins PLUMBINO HEATING HARDWARE PHONE 244 - -- _- - CLINTON