HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-03-29, Page 4r PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 29 1951 Easter Travellers A good "Personal" column stakes your home paper more newsy and interesting. You can help make it so. If you have guests or have been absent from town, please let us know by phoning number 4 before 6 p.m. Wednesday. Thank you. Mrs. C. M. Shearing and dau- ghter, Gail, are spending a few days in Detroit. Mrs. L. Dippell, Bownnaniville, ie visiting her parents, Mr. and Mss. .O. W. Potter. Gerald . Mistele, Espanola, was renewing acquaintances in town during the weekend. , Mr. and . Mrs. W. B. Olde and daughter Nancy spent the Easter vacation in Toronto. ll2'iss Audrey Jervis is in To- ronto this week attending the .sessions of the O.E.A. Mr, and Mrs. Donald E, Symons spent Easter with members of the former's famd'ly at fort Hope. Miss Joyce Grigg, London, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Grigg, Miss Marion Gibbings, Dundas,. is an Easter vacatipn visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings. Miss Jean Vodden, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with'. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vodden. Mrs. Daisy Kennedy, Toronto, ores a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mrs. Charles E. Elliott is vis- iting .her mother, Mrs. Emily Hattin, Fergus, for a few days this week. Miss Elizabeth Cooper; Freelton, is spending the 'Easter vacation Clinton District Collegiate Institute (Corrected from last week's issue) STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For the year ending 31st December, 1950 $ 850.56 Ba1'ance-1st January 1950 Add Receipts: County Grants Local Levies Provincial Government Grants Bonk Loan Receipts from other sources Fees from other School Boards Fees from individuals $ 500.00 26,294.30 46,213.62 47,500.00 291.35 222.44 136.34 Total to be accounted for Deduct Disbursements: Cost of Instruction $ 29,977.34 Cost of Instructional Equipment 1,721.35 Cost of Administration 1,998.89 Cost of School Plant Operation 5,305.03 Cost of School Plant Maintenance 1,768.52 Cost of Auxiliary Operation 1,440.03 Town of Clinton --Sinking Fund In- stalment and Debenture Interest 5,833.39 Transportation . 21,825.00 Capital Outlays 1,184.71 Bank Loan paid including interest .. , 47,937.18 Payments to other School Boards 267.78 Balance -31st December 1950 (Ex. 3) .. 121,158.05 5122,008.61 119,256.22 $ 2,752.39 Clinton Public School (Corrected from Last week's issue) STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For the year ending 31st December, 1950 Balance, 1st January 1950 $ 1,152.57 Add Receipts: Town of Clinton 5 13,824.42 Provincial Government Granas ' • 13;134.07 Fees from other School Boards 923.65 Non-resident Pupils 342.95 28,225.05 Total to be accounted for , . Deduct Disbursements: Cost of Instruction $ 19,360.67 Cost of Instructional Equipment '2,174.74 Cost of Administration 405,11 Cost of School Plant Operation 4,297,32 Cost of School Plant Maintenance 723.53 Cost of Auxiliary Agencies 185.85 Capital Outlays 1,931.00 $ 5 29,377.67 Balance, 31st December 1950 (Ex. 4) 5 29,078,22 299,45 i Hear Prof. J. A. Weall EXPERT HORTICULTURIST Department of Horticulture, OAC, Guelph, I 4:•:'''"r in Board Room, Ontario Agricultural Office 77-1 Thursday, April 5 on "LANDSCAPING" CLINTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MRS. S. E. CAS'1LE REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL President Secretary -treasurer ....+a..+r. 13-b CANADA'S NEWEST WASHER CLEAN QUICK QUIET Hews the first really new im• pprovsment In washing action in nepely twenty years ... the ng new Easy "Spiralator. ed in thgoousands off rte' e f tut, most, and to was ng .v.r. the tub receives • *SEA � auToiatia� SPIN-RINSi• so vuns..ari ;;1 MUa Isurs, 0? 'Le $259.50 BALL & MUT.CH, D. G. BALL W. J. HUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 361-3 •' Hardware and Furniture --.,.Funeral Directors PHONE 195 -- CLINTON • with her grandmother,: Mrs. .J, W. Treleaven. Fred Kirby; student ,at Iiuron, College, London, was an Easter visitor with Jsis parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. A. Kirby. Principal E. A. Fines has been attending the' Ontario -Education-' al Association convention .in To- ronto this week. , Mr. and- Mrs,, Reg. Noble, To- ronto,' were 'holiday visitors with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jahn R. Noble. J. M. Andrews, Toronto, spent the Easter ',weekend with his brother-in-law and' sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. Van Egmond. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jefferson spent the Easter holiday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ,Mrs. W. D. Souder. Douglas Jamieson, , Bull e t t Township, is spending the Easter vacation at the home of his grand- mother, Mrs, H. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Paisley and family, Toronto, were Easter vis- itors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Paisley. Miss Margaret Colquhoun, stud, ent at the University of Western Ontario, London, was an .;Easter visitor at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Nediger, Toronto, spent the Easter .Week- end with the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1V£ Nediger, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fulford, Oakville, are Easter vacation vis- itors with the former's.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fulford. Dr. and Mrs. H, A. McIntyre were Easter visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs., Gerald E. Nelson, St, Cath- arines. Mr. and Mrs: -John R. Cook, Ingersoll, are Easter vacation visitors with, the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cook. Miss Mary Thompson, nurse - in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, wos en Easter visitor with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Thompson. Mrs. W. C. Jervis and son, Kelvin, and Miss Keitha Persan, are spending a, few days this week with relatives of the former in Woodbridge. Mrs. Gordon Martin, Nenaim6, B.C., and Miss Nora Bulteel, Toronto, were Easter visitors with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel. Miss Catherine E. Fingland, student at London Normal School, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rempel, St. Catharines, spent Easter with the former's parents; Mr, 'and. Mrs. E. A. Fines, Mrs. Rempel remain- ing for the week. Miss Nancy Ford, nurse-dn- train'ing at Victoria Hospital, London, spent Easter and this week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred O. Ford, Miss Phyllis Shanahan, nurse - in -training at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, was an Eastertide visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shanahan. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart during the Send Flowers Worldwide CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 - YOU CAN SAVE MONEY! BUY Your MITTS and Work Gloves NOW! at Aiken's Luggage and Shoes Phone 2 Clinton II. jfAAr COURTEOQ$ L, SEAVICF Get There Safely! CALL 110. ASHTON'S TAXI WED"DINGS'`. ' CLARE. -ANDREWS' A .pretty home .wedding wee solemnized at the home ; of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank *. Andrews on Friday,.'March 23, at 2 p.m„ when; their youngest daughter, Margaret Joyce, was united do marriage to Grover W. Clare, son of Mr. and Mrs, Grover Clare, Palmer "ton. The ceremony was • per- formed by Rev. Hugh' C. Wilson,. The bride wore a suit of pale blue gabardine 'With navy acces- sories and a corsage of.pale pink carnations. Attending the bride was Miss Susan Blemings,, Toronto; who wore a navy suit with white ac- oessori.es and a corsage of white carnations, ••. • Ross Tasker, Toronto, attended the groom. After the ceremony, a reception was held for the immediate rela- tives and a few friends. A buf- fet luncheon Wes served with Mrs. Fergus Van Egmond pouring tea. After a wedding trip to Buffal,o. the young couple will reside in Toronto. MCBEAN-WAYMOUTH The RCAF Protestant Chapel at RCAF Station, Trenton, was the scene of a, pretty wedding on Saturday, Mereh 17, when Jean Frances, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Weymouth, Clinton. and LAC_ Robert Lind- say McBean, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James A., McBean, Sarnia, were united in marriage. S/L W. K. Batty, Protestant Chaplain of the Station, officiat- ed at the double -ring ceremony. The bride was becomingly at- tired in street length dl"ess of pihk lace over taffeta, -navy ac- cessories and wore a corsage of sweet peas. LAC and Mrs. Sylvestre were the attendants. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. McBean will reside in Bellevliie. While spending their honey- moon in Clinton distract, the' young couple were honoured at a function held at -the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Waymouth, R.R. 1, Clin- ton, Thursday evening last. They were the recipients of numerous gifts. Games were played and lunch was served. Easter weekend included Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent, Goderich, and Miss Gladys Collins, Seaforth. M -r. and Mrs. Kenneth C. El- liott, London, were Easter visit- ors with their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Elliott, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Baden Powell, Sea - forth. A. H, Carter and sone Donald, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, 'Len C. Evans, St. Thomas, were holi- day visitors at the horse of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Elliott an two children, Misses Elaine an Gail, Port Colborne, spent th Easter weekend with the lady' parents. Mr, and Mrs, Ceo Cooper. Mrs, William Shaddock en Miss Ann, accompanied' by Mr and Mrs, W. S. Macaulay, Exete spent the Easter weekend wit the former's sister, Mrs. E. E Brown, Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. William Jervi and daughter, Miss Lola, and Mr Cox were Easter visito with the latter's son-in-law a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J Attfield, Atwood. . Miss Betty Pope, Toronto, Wel lace MacDonald, Streetsville an Frank MacDonald, London, we Easter visitors at the home of t batter's parents, Mr. and Mr Ronald MacDonald. - J. H. Brunsdon has returne from an extended trip throug the Canadian West where he we as far as Vancouver to visit ha son-in-law and daughter, Mr, an Mrs. Gordon Kerr, F!O and Mrs. Marvin Dayville are visiting the latter's pareparentsMr, and Mrs, E. Wendorf. The former, now on leave, has been flying nn the airlift from Ta- coma, Wash., to Tokyo, Japan, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Colquhoun and two children, Donald and Jackie, spent the Easter weekend with Mrs. 'C'olquhoun's brother- in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Rafman, Mount Royal, Que. Gerald A. Elliott and Francis Denomme, Clinton, Miss Ann Fairservice, Lond'eeboro, Miss Marguerite Hall and Ron Philp, Blyth, were in Toronto this week. where they sang at the .OEA., representing CDCI. W. Robert Miller, recently pro- moted to the accountancy of Woodbridge branch, Royal Bank of Canada, was an Easter visitor with his father, W. J. Miller, and other relatives. He has just been transferred from Dunnville. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter and Miss Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter, accompanied by Harvey Sperling, ElimviLLe, spent Good Friday with the formers' son-in-law end daughter, Mr. end Mrs, R, P. Rabbles, Wilcox Lake. Bride -elect Honoured Prior to Nuptials Miss Joyce, Grigg was hostess at her home Thursday evening last for :a lovely surprise shower given in , honour' .of Miss Joyce Andrews, popular young bride of Friday last. A pleasant evening was spent by many of her former school and Bell Telephone Co,.. friends. Highlight of the evening was when the hostess brought in a doll• carriage- attractively decor- ated in pink and white' -which was laden with many lovely and useful gifts. . Following the presentation, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Misses Anna Qlew and Ruth Scott. After the. bride -elect thanked her friends for the many gifts the gathering concluded with best wishes being expressed for the happiness of the bride-to-be. - Hensall Lady to Mark 81st Birthday, April 3 (By our Hensall correspond'emt) Miss Elizabeth Slavin, Hen- sall, will celebrate her 81st birth- day in Clinton Public Hospital Tuesday next, April 3. Despite the fact that she has a fractured hip which cannot be set owing to her advanced age, she continues very bright and loves to see callers. A few days ago, while going down cellar, she tripped and fell and lay on the cold cement floor with her hip broken for three hours. She managed to crawl up- stairs on her hands' end knees turn on 'the light, place a paper in the window to attract neigh- bours' attention and was found hours later shivering with the cold lying on- a couch, with the fire out. It was seven hours from the time she fell until her plight was discovered, ONTARIO ST. W.A. The Ontario St. WA will meet on Tuesday, April 3, at 3 p.m. The programme will be in. charge of Mrs. Roy Plumsteel end Mrs. W. B. Olde, and the ladies of St. John's Ward will serve lunch with Mrs. N. Tyndall and Mrs, E Mittell as conveners. ST. ANDREW'SA The WA of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs, Ed. Farquhar on Wednesday, April 4, at 3 p.m, c WESLEY-WILLIS WA The WA of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Thursday af- ternoon, April 5, at 3 p.m., with Mrs. Douglas Bartliff's group as hostesses. Church Directory it r, h s 5. rs nd • rd re he 5. d n: 5 d Miss Harriett FreanlinToronto F/O and Mrs. R. D. Fremlin and son, Richard Allen, RCAF Sta- tion, Goose Bay, Labrador, were Gaster guests, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin. The latter remained for u longer visit. Mrs, John Wilson' and Mrs. R. E. Holmes went to Detroit on Thursday last. On Saturday they were joined by their husbands who spent the weekend in the ,city, and on Sunday evening took in the hockey match between Detroit and Montreal. Easter-weepend guests . of ,Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Cuningheme were their son, John E Cuntng- hame, Owen Sound; Barry Hum- phries, McGill University; and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Saunders, University of Western 'Ontario, London. C. A. Trott, Queen St., prin- cipal of A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public School. RCAF Station, at- tended the annual conyention of Ontario Educational Association, Toronto, this week: Mrs; Trott and daughter, Ann, spent the Faster weekend with the form- er's mother, Mrs. Louie Looby, Dublin. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, April 1 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Friday, 7,130 p.m. -Young People's Service, Tuesday, 8• p.m, -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Ch urch REV. R. M, P. BULTEEL, Recto: Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organis Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, April 1 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 p.m, -Evening Service, Tuesday, April 3, 2.30 p.m. Ladies' Guild at the home of Mrs, C. W. Draper. Tuesday 8 pan -Board of Man- agement. Wednesday; 7.30 p.m. - Men's Club. Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W, Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, April 1 11.00 a.m.-Worship Service 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 1 10.00 a.rn,--Sundiay School' 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 2.30 p.m, -Knox Church, Hay- field. EVERYONE WELCOME Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 1 11.00 a.m.--Sacrament of The Lord's Supper; Reception of new members; Sermon subject: "Following in His Way." 12.15 -Sunday School, 2,00 p.m. -Turner's Church; The Holy Communion, 7,00 pen. -United Evening Wor- ship in this church; "Mastering. Our Difficulties". Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Sirs, M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, April 1 10.40 a.m.---The Session will meet. 11.00 a,m.-Morning Worship; Reception of members; The Holy Communlon• Sermon Subject: "Answering Christ's CaiL" 12.15 -Chau eh School. 7.00 p.m -Union Evening Ser- vice in Ontario St: United Church. Come To The House of Prayer. ��1+►H/•�-N1--fid-►yi�y-f Specials For March 29 - 30 - 31 FIVE ROSES FLOUR . , 7 Ib. bag 474 ' 24 lb. bag 1.53. CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP 2 tins 33c DEL MAIZ CREAM CORN -15 oz. 2 tins 33c LYNN VALLEY PEAS--4/Ss-20 oz. 2 tins 29c GLIDE JAVEX DEAL 29c QUICK QUAKER OATS--Ige. pkg. 37c BLUE BONNET Deluxe MARGARINE .... . Ib45c DEW KIST TOMATOES -28 oz, tin 21c BUTTER --First Grade Ib. 81c CALIFORNIA ORANGES -size 344s doz. 31c GRAPEFRUIT -size 126s 5 for 25c TOMATOES -firm ripe Ib. 25e FRESH PINEAPPLE -size 24s each 35c PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLL ib, 67c BREAKFAST BACON -sliced Ib..63c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver Huron's Original Third Annual FIDDLERS' CONTEST TOWN HALL, HENSALL Friday, April 6 8 p.m. BIGGER ANT) BETTER THAN EVER Prizes -- All Cash Awards 76 YEARS TO 100 5555 5333 5I YEARS TO 75 26 YEARS TO 50 3 25 YEARS OR UNDER $5 53 LADIES' -any age $5 53 FIDDLER FROM GREATEST DISTANCE $5 BEST STEP DANCER 55 53 16 YEARS OR UNDER 53 $2 AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS DANCING AFTER CONTEST Sponsored by Hensall Chamber of Commerce ADMISSION: Adults 75c, Public School Children 25c FARMERS! Don't Fail to SECURE YOUR TICKET for Clinton Lions Club Annual Farmers' Night Banquet St. Paul's Church Hall, Clinton Tuesday, April 10 at 7 nen. Speaker: DR. G. E. HALL President, University or Western Ontario ,and Graduate of Ontario Agricultural College ENTERTAINMENT: BARNAS DUO from Western Canada, hill -billy songs with guitar; EVERETT MEYERS, magician; RCAF MALE QUARTETTE; MISS GLORIA PALMER, soprano. BANQUET TICKETS 51.75; obtainable at Peiurebaker's Drug Store, Ontario Agricultural Office, Huron Federation of Agriculture Office, Clinton News-Reeord. W. V, ROY, R. G. BENNETT, Chairman, Chairman, Community Betterment Programme Committee Committee 1 12-13-b 4-4.4-e-s-s•see. See Us for Eavestroughing Electric Wiring Plumbing Agents for the following Furnaces: ANTHES-IMPERIAL and GAR WOOD WINGHAM SUNBLAST FURNACES ONE FOR EVERY PURPOSE WISE and BATEMAN -Phone 147 - PLUMBING and HEATING - SHEET METAL WORK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Sluccesrors to Sutter-Pardue's Shop Work