Clinton News-Record, 1951-03-15, Page 8PAGE'; EIGHT CLINTON .NEWS-rtECORD Ontario Budg bows Surplus GPi L7RSIYAY;-ikf4RC;1I,,c,15, 1 i� et Highlights; Of '$1.276,0001 Surplus for 1950-51 of , 31,276,- 000. 1,276,000. '.Forecast surplus for 1951-. .p.,ov,v w. Free school 'books for all pupils in Grades 1 to 8. No new taxes; no increase in taxes. Reduction in entertainment tax from 15 to 121/2 per cent. Tax to be levied on all lounges pro- viding more than background Music. Increase of $11,000,000 in share of municipal expenditures to be assumed by province. Total to exceed $100,000,000 in 1951-52. Increase of $6,000,000 in edu- cation expenditures. Increase to $10,750,000 a (ten- fold jump since 1945) of provin- cial aid to • hospital costs. Adjustment of Race Tracic tax to withdraw. exactly 19 per cent, from betting pools, irrespective O amount of pool. Forecast of benefit to 'small bettors. Funded debt retirement in- creased by $21,698,000. Rural telephone program of improvement and expansion; plans to .extend rural hydro to 30,000 new users. New grant of $1,000 per bed to religious and fraternal orders building homes for the aged. Grants for outpatient posts of general hospitals, and for isola- tion hospitals and isolation wards of general hospitals. Maintenance of increased aid to hospitals, including special 31,- 500,000 extra grant of 1950-51, to total $10,750,000. Increased grants to six Ontario universities. Rstablishment of $1,500,000 fund to foster housing programs. Increased aid to all welfare projects, 'children's add societies,. etc. oa+s+b+++•+rf.i�1+. NEWS OF AUBURN (Intended for last week) Misses Mary !Ralston, Hamil- ton, and Frances Houston, Lon- don, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Iousten 1VIr. ' and Mrs. Keith Machan ar++�o +o•-o+we have moved to . Goderich where Keith is employed on the rail- road. Welke Good is having his hoane wired for hydro. .Frank Reithby started the maple syrup season on Tuesday c 4 Spring is Coming! EAVESTROUGHS WILL NEED REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT FIRST COME — FIRST SERVED Get your name on our list and be sure of a good job Agents for, the following Furnaces: ANTHES-IMPERIAL and GAR WOOD WINGHAM SUNBLAST FURNACES ONE FOR EVERY PURPOSE Coll us to solve your WIRING and PLUMBING PROBLEMS WISE and BATSMAN ---Phone 147 -- PLUMBING and HEATING -- SHEET METAL WORK ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-Pordue's Shop Work Clinton Garage Man Attends Conference JOE MURPHY, third from lett, of Murphy Bros., Clinton, is shown above with Jahn C. McGuire, General Sales Manager, Chrysler -:Plymouth -Fargo Division, second from left and E. C. Row, president and General Manager, Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, Mr. Murphy and Pdionse Heffernan (lett), Guelph, were in Windsor and Detroit for seven weeks attending a course in the prlinciples of successful dealer operations offered for dealers at the Chrysler Corporation Conference of .Business Management. and reports 'a good run. A Horticultural meeting was held in the Orange Hall en Mon- day evening with a good attend- ance. The president;, Mrs. F. O. McIlveen, presided,and -opened the meeting by singing God Save the King. Mr; Ellis- Little showed lantern slides, among them be- ing "The Brooks Drive On", ":What's Under this Label", "The House of Windsor", "Canadian Vacation" and "Birds of Canada." Maes. Toni Tomlrowicz was the guest speaker and gave an inter- esting talk on "Home Decorating." Mrs. Toankowicz, whose home is in England, came with her hus- band who comes from Poland, and their two children, to Can- ada two years ago. . Tlxey'!bofrgh1t Archie Robinson's farm in Hut- lett. Mrs. Tomkowicz spoke . highly of the friendliness of the Can- adian people. It was decided to have an bpen meeting in For eaters' Hall in April when a speaker from the Department will be present. Refreshments were served. A vote of thanks wes extended to Mrs..Tornkowicz; Mr. Little, also to Mrs. Mcllveen andher com- mittee for the pleasant evening. United Churcb WMS The Easter meeting of . the United Church WMS wes held in the. Sunday School room on .Tues- day with: Mrs. Ernest Patterson in charge: The theme of the meet- ing was "The 'War' for Love and Peace" and the program in the Missionary Monthly was carried out. A poem was read by Mrs. Patterson, and Mrs. .R. Mogridge read the Scripture, Ephesdans 3; 1-14, and chapter 4-6. Miss Margaret Jackson favored with a piano solo. Mrs, .Archie Robin - "Now 1 want your advice, Jim" +rraireme ewwerrenw WEEN a bank manager wants advice on subjects like health, plumbing or the behaviour of his automobile engine, he goes: to men with special training. And when they, in turn, need advice about finances, they come to him. Your ;Royal Bank manager hashed long and wide experience in dealing with people's money problems both business and personal. Dont heli - kite to',caU on him :He Willi be glad tohelp you in every.lway he can. The Royal Bank in your community is there to serve you in many ways. Perhaps you do not realise that: . • ,if you find it inconvenient to visit the bank, ,you can still open an account, deposit and withdraw money by mail. - .. there are a -number of *aeons why you and some other members of your family might Lind it advantageous to have a "Joint Account". • . when you ace goir,a away, you can obtain from•rw Tranelere Cheques which aro a safe way to carry money. if you have valuable papers—and ,who plias not?—you cow pont d`5ofc'.Depoeit Box. °It ie your privats Safe, Not oven the /i;eok can open it. 'THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Qt4 i tkutiE lilac. f.4 , b e CLINTON BRANCH - - • J, G.. McLAY,?Manager son contributed a 'reading, "Love means Adventure." Prayerwas offered by Miss M. R. Jackson. The Heralds responded. Mrs. G. McClinchey on Christian Steward- ship; Mrs. C. C. Washington on Temperance. The guest speaker was Rev. C. C. Washington who spoke from the 8th chapter of Luke 1-3, and on the 24th chapter of Luke. Mr. Washington gave great praise to the women where they stand to- day. A solo was rendered by Mrs. 'W. J. Craig. The offering was received by Mrs. William. Dodds and . Mrs. A. Robinson arid. I was dedicated by singing hymn 256 es a prayer. The president, Mrs. F. Toll, took charge for the business per- iod. .The secretary, Miss M. Ring, gave the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer, Mrs. E. Patterson, gave the treasur- er's report. Mrs. Toll ',ave an Easter read- ing ,which included Easter is a season of triumph, the triumph of life over death, of love over enmity, of faith over despair. Rev. C.. C. Weshingttni: offered the closing prayer. The social committee served refreshments. ORDER YOUR Canadian Approved Clucks NOW! a All breeding stock banded and tested ,for puttorum by Inspectors of the,Ontorio'De- ' partment of Agriculture. .417 wy-z The hatchery is visited regularly .,by inspectors of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, McKinley Farms & Hatchery Hensall _ PhoneZURICH, »tario 2-11-.b Spring Implements Now In Stock BUY NOW AND AVOID WAITING LATER ALSO IN STOCK Used—Jahn Deere A R with gas engine John Deere D on steel W. G. Simmons & Sons John Deere .Sales. & Service (10DERiti Phone 1182 EXETER Phone 115 NEW STOCK arriving at LeLINTON MONUMENT SHOP Open Every Friday and by appointment for further information contact J. J, Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E.,, PHONE 103 ' Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth Madel TE -A.20 Mad. In England Bur URms. SEI:L;eRIfAIN This famous FERGUSON at the lowest price in Canada for a tractor of its kind is the buy of a lifetime. Only FERGUSON gives you so much: * EXTRA QUALITY—in parts, design and extra - strength metals ... built for years of service! 'f t" EXTRA PERFORMANCE—in faster work, power, t safety, flexibility, and dependability on any job. * EXTRA ECONOMY—in low price, low gas con- sumption, low maintenance and repairs .. , and much longer life! Come in today; 'ask for a demonstration!' a CLINTON MOTORS C. L. STANLEY, Proprietor Phone 205W se Clinton Ccplright 1950 by 0.01 Fmtuoun, Ino: ao,OOO is needed to.support R. cross Services for Disaster, Velment, Free '8kiod .Destine/on, Pogue florpits .+ sed OW Defence Training. A. J. ` MtMURRAY, chairman ?Phone, Clinton.159 In the far-off forests and remote country districts, the nearest doctor or closest city hospital isoften hun- dredsof milesaway. i3utnow, your Red Cross stretches a healing hand across these lonely regions. In 82 Outpost Ilospitals and Nursing Sta- tions, skilled Red Cross nurses • provide comforting, ,often life- saving care. Giee generously not only to support the Outpost Hospitals, but to keep your Rot Cxosa,strang to play its vital role witll.;the,arnled forces and in the work of civil defenpe. CANADIAN ROO CROSS.