HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-03-15, Page 5aPHITRSDAY, 'MARCH 15, 1'951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Resufts. -CASH RATE—Of paid by Wed- FLOORS SANDED BIRTHS Cards of T hanks BUSINESS FOR OLD AND NEW FLOORS Sand JEFFREY — In Clittton Public SASE ROXY THEATRE ed and finished. Cree Cook, ITospital on Tuesday, 1VLavch 13, MRS. JACK WALDRON wishes CLINTON phone 23J, Clinton. 8-11-9 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Dominic to express her sincere thanks to HOUSES FOR RENT Jeffrey, Zurich, a son. friends and neighbours for flow- — NOW PLA.YING— KECIHIVIE — In Clinton Public err, treats and cards received) Fancy Pastry Shop , John Wayne -,-Patricia Neal FARM ROUSE FOR RENT. Lorne Hospital, on Monday, March while a patient in Clinton Public Business for Sale "OPERATION Tyndall, phone 904r4. Miran 12, 1951, to War. and Mrs, Glen Hospital; special .thanks to Drs. Keohane; R!C,AF Station, Cain- Newlands, Addison, Brady and Four -Robin and Bath Apartment PACIFIC" HOUSES FOR SALE ton, a son. Miss Sinclair and nurses for their _ _ many kindnesses; also to any one Good Location in Clinton Colour SMALL HOME FOR SALE. Prie- DEATHS who helped the family in any ed for quick cele, $1,500 cash. way. 11-p Five -Year Renewable Lease Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, REASON FOR SELLING - phones: business 448, residence st 599J. 5-btfb s 11 Th d doctors HEALTH uesday following ''date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- mertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- .sequent insertions one cent a word amirihnum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- 't'ion to NEWS-R:ECORD Office, IF CHARGED -r15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION for Rent aTHREE ROOMED • Self-contadtted .;furnished apar4rnent, Phone 363. 1I -b .AVAILABLE END OF MONTH, heated, furnished, two -room ep- •artment, modern conveniences. 'Coll 193. ACCOMMODATION WANTED LOUR OR FIVE ROOM Apart- ment or sn'a11 • house wanted. Phone 62 between 8 and 6. 11-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'TALL WICKER FERNERY, suit- able for large plant, F. R. Cun- inghame, phone 176. 11-b BABY CARRIAGE, English style 'pram, in good condition. Apply '7 Quebec. Rd., Adastral Park, =#RCAF Station, Clinton llptfb SYRUP PAN, 150 SAP PAILS, *piles, strainer, .etc.; also one army tarp, reasonably priced. 3?bone 373R. 9-11-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 METEOR Cuetom Tudor, ;air conditioner, heater, defroster, :21,400 miles, excellent condition. S/L A. H. Tinker, 8 Vittorio Blvd., RCAF Station phone 'Clinton 382 local 21. 11-p 1949 MORRIS MINOR, purchased late October 1949. Original own- er, perfect condition, 40 miles 'par gallon, mileage 14,800, rea- sonable. Apply after 5 p.m,, Cpl. Bob Powell, 31 Edinanton Rd., Adastral Park, RCAF Station, 'Clinton. 11-p 1929 GREEN PLYMOUTH Coach with heater and hydraulic brakes. One owner with 84,000 actual mileage. Apply after 5.30 p.tn. 'or Wednesday afternoon. Howard Currie, Joseph St., Clinton. 11-p APPLES FOR SALE `QUANTITY OF COOKING and eating apples; $2 per budwl at 'farm, container supplied by customer. Also No. 1 quality 'Timothy Seed. Stewart Middle- ton, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone Clin- ton 906r8, 11-13-b BICYCLES FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall, Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2ebtfb LOVELY HOME, large 'living room, dining roomy kitchen and panrty on ground floor, four bed- rooms, den, sunporch and bath- room second finor. • Hot-water heated, insulated, full 'cellar, double garage; close to main st. Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones busi- ness 448, residence 599J. 5htfb HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER, full-tinne, dic- taphone experience preferred but not necessary. Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods, phone Clinton 42. 11-b GIRL FOR STEADY DAYTIME. work 9-5 in coffee shop. Board and good wages. Hotel Clinton, phone 793. 11-b MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to keep house for older men. Write Box 10, Signal -Star, Goderich. 11-b LADIES TO DEMONSTRATE Tupperware. No canvassing, splendid commission. Write to Mrs. F. Orchard, 57 Huron St., Woodstock, Ont.' 9-11-p HELP WANTED—Male LICENSED AUTOMOBILE mechanics for one of the busiest shops in Western Ontario. Ideal working condition's. Full insur- ance coverage. Flat rate on the basis of $1.37aa per hour. Webster Motors (Windsor) Ltd. Ford- Mona.ron dealer..Windsor Ave. at City Hall, Windsor, .Ont., 11-b SALESMEN—FULL TIME. Are expanding our sales force New men given training, To all for- mer canvassers we can show you a position which pays the best. Fruit trees, etc,, and ornament- als growing in demand. Every home owner a prospect. Good territories open, car a necessity. Top commission paid weekly. RelaitionsCtip with staff on the human side. Write hiunediately to The Cardoc Nursery Company, LADIES' CCM BICYCLE, nearly Strathroy, Ontario. 10 -1i -.b TED—. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE IiFemale ELP VorvMale new. Phone 25, Beyfield. lib ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing e home, A number of fine lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business •448, residence 5993, 7-btfb CARPENTRY 'CARPENTRY AND Repair Work -lone by experienced man; also :a'tnall jobs in concreting and bricklaying. Peter Guetter, R.R.. v, Clinton, phone Clinton 907r21. 9-13-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED -FARMERS — HARVEST HELP •should be arranged for now. :Large. end small Dutch families are available now. C. de Haan, Belgrave. 11-17-ptfb FARMS FOR SALE OR WANTED FROM 50 TO 200 ACRE FARMS 'Confidential information. Leon - era G. Winter, Real Estate, 'Phones: . business 448, residence :5993. 5-btfb FARMS FOR SALE 80 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, -large barn, brick .house, hydro and pressure system in both house and barn. Three miles from Hine - 'water Highway, two miles from Holmesvilde. Full price $8,000. 'Stewart Sdhoenhals, prop.; Leon- ard G. Winter, , Real Estate phones: business 448, residence 599. 10-btfb FARMS WANTED WOULD LIKE TO RENT 100 acres, more or less, with opts 'of buying. Thomas Arkell, R.R 2, Bayfield. 10 -lap FARMS FOR SALE OR' REN on SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at T C..floare's orchard, toile north of town. Will work odd days har- levesting. etc, Call evenings at house, if possible. 8-15-.p 9 GROCERY CLERK. Position is open for a good grocer's clerk in RCAF grocery store, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton. Details regarding hours and salary may be obtained from J. D. Preston, manager. Male help preferred. Applica- tions in writing should be sub- mitted to The Commanding Of- ficer, RCAF Station., Clinton, be- fore March 15. 10-11-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN BULL CALF, about week old, Bob. Harris, phone 908r32, 11-p SIX COWS TO FRESHEN SOON; one purebred Hereford bull; 16 pigs, seven weeks old. Proctor Palmer, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 901r31. 11-b 15 CHUNKS OF PIGS; one gander. H. Managhan, phone 376W. 1l -b 50 CHUNKS OF PIGS. .The Corey, RR. 4, Clinton, phone 807r12, 11-p 13 CHOICE' CHUNKS OF PIGS, eight weeks old.. Bert Boyne, phone 305. ' 11-b 17. PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, John Peckitt, phone 617r11. 11-b HEREFORD COW DUE IN .LUNE; 22 welner pigs. Fred Arleen, Bayfield Line, 11-b MAPLE SYRUP ANYONE WISHING Good quality Maple Syrup in any quantity, see Glen Price, Brucefield, phone Clinton 621r31. - 11-p MISCELLANEOUS "80, ACRES — good grass land ,spring creels, good bush, brie .house; bane. needs repairing—o 'will take cattle by the month Mrs. Elden J. Co,'xHuron St 'Clinton. 8 -12 - FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE DAVID BROWN TRACTORS and 'Gehl Forage Harvesters and 'I3bmmermills, sold by George 11. Beatty, Varna. 10-btfb ONE 2 H.P. MOTOR, • like new; 'ane used W4 International Trac- tor and 2 -furrow plough in good shape, George H. Beatty, Verna. 10-12-b NEW IDEA AND MINNEAPOLIS Moline machinery; Fairbanks Morse hammer mills, booms, or - age wagon unloadere. See us for prices before buying any farm 'equipment. New idea Distribut- 'ors, Goderioh, phone Carlow 2821, 10-12-p HAY FOR SALE 'SEVERAL TONS OF CHOICE Mixed baled hay; about three ton -orf baled green feed; about 12 ft, ref ensiloge. Apply George J. caolclough, phone 313, Clinton. 11-p 'QUANTITY OF MIXED HAY for sale. Wilfred ii, G'lazier,. 'phone Coulton 911r4. 11.,p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prints. if not. will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once, Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb ' NOTICE SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will'pick np and deliver in Clinton limits, C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 8673. 3-7ptth PiANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned, Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 43tfb TREES FOR SALE CLIMATE CONTROL, .-... Every. home should have "Climate Con- trol" -crit down burning sun and drying winds by planting emir trees. ' S"Round pecial' hill athey ay m'la.sit, 3 to 4 foot whips $1.75 each, 3 for $4.95, cash with order•. Act quick. Hogle Nursery Company, Cain.pbeliferd, Ont. 11-14-b CALWILL- .At the hone • of her sister, Mrs. Bertha Bell Ilene s on erns d ay, March 8, 1951, Ida Dick, wife of the late Wilaiaun Calwill, in her 79th' year. Fitneeal from Bonthron Funeral Home, Heusall, to Hen- sall Union Cemetery, March 10. NEWMAN—At his . home, Des- barats, Ont„ on Tuesday, March 6, 1951, David Newman, in his 75th year, beloved husband of .Elizabeth Maitilda (Roane) King, Funeral from the Unit- ed Church to Leaburn Ceme- tery on Thursday, March 8. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS—In loving memory of a clear father, Henry Adams, who passed away one year •ago, March 6, 1950. The dearest father the world could hold, The cheeriest smile and heart of gold, And those who knew him all will know How much we lost one year ago, Always a smile instead of a frown, Always e hand when a friend was down, , .Always so jolly, thoughtful and kind, What a wonderful memory he left behind. --Sedgy missed by Lillian and John. 11-b • POULTRY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE COLONY HOUSE, 12x20, good as new. Apply Box "R", NEWS - RECORD. 11-b SEED GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY OF BEAVER AND Ajax Oats, $l25 per bushel. Roy Cantelon, phone Clinton 620r21. 11-p NO. 1 BEAVER OATS, won third money in oat competition last fall, and sold for $2,40 at Seed Fair in Clinton lest week. Limit- ed supply left, price $1.75 bushel. Apply Arnold Rathweil, phone 905t'32. 11-12-p FEW BUSHELS, Good Quality well -cleaned Timothy seed, $9 per bushel. Bob Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 906r24. 11-12-b AJAX OATS Waxed with some barley. Irvine Tebbutt, phone 902r6. 11-12-b RED CLOVER SEED, cleaned at Lonclesboro, $26 a bushel; 30 deep sap buckets, Warren Gibbings, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 617r16, 11-p A FEW BUSHELS OF RED Clover; limited quantity of M'ont- cahn barley grown from regist- ered seed; both cleaned at a seed cleaning plant Grade oentifi- cate applied for. Also fertilizer drill in good working condition, .1. Arnold Jamieson, phone Clin- ton 616r33. 11-h STOVES FOR SALE BROODER STOVE in good con- dition. John E. Turner, R. R. 3, Seafoi-th, phone Clinton 614r21, 11-p TRUCKS FOR SALE 1950 xa-TON DODGE PANEL, Al condition, 16,000 miles. Will sell or trade. Phone Clinton 802r5. 8-btfb 1950 GMC TRUCK, 4,075 miles, $1,425, in good sryiape, Apply Fred Hurst, Seaforth, phone 851r22. 10-11-p SHRUBS FOR SALE PACKAGED EVERGREENS — "Grow your own plants." New technique, For only $4,95 cash with order we send you 10 strong well rooted one-year cuttings of very best evergreen varieties for foundation planting, Perm -lids and spreaders. Printed instruc- ti�ons show how easy to grow in your garden instil large enough to -transplant, Have fun, Save big dollars in your own nursery. Hurry on this, Hogle Nursery Company, Cannpbellford, Ont. 11-.14-b TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT" TEACHER for rural school near Seaforib, Duties to commence September 1951. School has modern lighting and new installation fuel oil heating, air-conditioning equipment, -and teacher's room. Classroom. well - ,equipped with educational aid's. Write starting experie)r••:e, Inspec- tor' reference and salary expected to W. P. Roberts, secretary -treas- urer Tucltersmith Township School Area. Baud, 11 R. 3, Seaforth. 11-12-1) APPI.,ICA.TIONS for a Protestant teacher for. S.S. No. 8 Hullett, Huron -County, 00 No, 4 High- way, will be received un'..il Marcie 30. . Duties to commence in Sep- tember. Apply, r^itating nuaill:t�u- tions, .salary and last inspector, to Stanley Lyon, secretary,' Au- burn. 11-12-.1,a WANTED TO BUY CHILD'S TRICYCLE. size from 4-6, in good condition. Phone 566W, • 10-11-b WANTED COUPLE LEAVING T 0 W N would like to give away family pet, Anyone wishing this small dog contact Fred Gotten, phone 782W. 11-,b I wish to thank the o and nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital for the kindness shown me while a patient there. Also to everyone that remember- ed me with carobs, boxes of fruit and flowers, and also the neigh- bours who helped at home, my sincere thanks. ROBERT Me- GREGOR. 11-p MRS. PETER CLARK wishes to thank her friends and neigh- bours who so kindly sent flowers and cards during her stay in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. 11-p MRS. WILLIAM TOWNSHEND wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to all her friends and neighbours in- cluding the Porter's Hill Com- munity Club end Grace Church WA for all the lovely cards, flowers and treats sent her while. ill. Speeded -thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Buhr, Mrs, Jervis and the nurses on staff of Clinton Public Hospital. 11-b MRS, W. H. JOHNSTON wishes to express her sincere apprecia- tion to all her kind friends and neighbours for the beautiful Moral trdbates, cards and mes- sages, oars loaned, and all other acts of symnpabhy shown in her recent sad bereavement, 11-p EDWARD MILLER wishes to express his sincere thanks for •adI the cards, letters, flowers and treats sent him. while in Victoria Hospital, London, and also those who have remembered him since Ire came home. 11-p a WINS FUR NECKPIECE In a draw for a fur neckpiece conducted by the Rice Lake Fur Co. at Martins Department Store Monday, Mao Coleman, Varna, a CDCI student, was the lucky winner. Purely by coincidence, the draw was made by a Varna girl, Joyce Herter, , 0 There are approximately 5,000 honey bees to the pound. FARMS FOR SALE 238 ACRES Near County Raad; 7 -room dwelling, barn 65x85, drive shed 24x36; hydro, water in barn; some bush; well drain- ed; 14 acres wheat; close to school, Spring -possession, 100 ACRES • On County Road; barn 56x60, drive shed 20x40; 7 -room dwel- ling; hydro; 2 miles from vil- lage; early possession, H. C. Lawson REAL ESTATE Banlr of Montreal Building Phone 251-w CLINTON +.� .•r-r-r+++a.-o-+err 4-4-41•0-r4.4 Business, Fixtures and Stock --•$3,800 down Ballance Terms Leonard G. Winter REAL ESTATE — Phones — Business 448 — Residence 599J 8-b The Hullett Branch of the Federation of Agriculture are holding a CARD PARTY and DANCE in the COMMUNITY HALL, LONDES$ORO IM FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Cards to start at 9 o'clock sharp. DANCE to follow with music by Fish and Game Orchestra. ADMISSION: 5'0c Lunch Counter in the Hall EVERYONE WELCOME 10-11-b Business Block FOR SALE This Desirable Block contains FIVE APARTMENTS THREE BUSINESS STORES Leonard G. Winter REAL ESTATE — Phones — Business 448 — Residence 599J NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM A. VODDEN, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 31st day of March, A.D. 1951, atter which date the assets will be distributed amongst the panties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard. only to the claims of whigiven.ch notice shall have been Dated at Clinton, this 10th day of March, A.D. 1951. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 11 12 13-b — MON.-TUES.-WED. '— Open 6.45 — Cfommence 7,00 Barbara Stanwyck—James Mason "EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" Adult Entertainment — THURS.-FRI.-SAT. — Randolph Scott "Gabby" Hayes 'The Cariboo Trail" Coming: "The Big Lift" PARK THEATRE :CAPITAL Ti-EATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 GODERICH — Phone 1150 Now: "DALLAS" in Teehnicolo with Gary Cooper REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: Red Skelton as "The YELLOW CABMAN" MON,—TUES.—WED. — Douglas Dick — Steve Brodie and Ralph Dunstan One of the most graphic stories to reach the screen. You will find Its dramatic, appeal and. splendid oast unforgettable! `HOME of the .B'RAVE' THURS.—FRL—SAT. — Dean Stockwell—Darryl Hickman and Leon Ames Based on a scho'.od story by Owen Johnson, photographed in Technicolor and presented for an evening of unique entertainment, 'The HAPPY YEARS' Coining: "TO PLEASE A LADY" with Clark Gable and Barbara Stanwyek — MON.—TUES.—WED. — JOAN CRAWFORD Wendell Corey—K. T. Stevens and Allyn Joslyn This new .pieturizaifron of Geo. Kelly's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, "Craig's Wife", is powerful dramatic fare splendidly acted, "HARRIET CRAIG — THURS.—FRI.—SAT. — RUDYARD RIFLING'S "KIM" Photographed in India, with its authentic background's, end pre- sented in all its stirring color and action. Starring— Errol Flynn -- Paul Lukas and Dean Stockwell Now: Dana Andrews and Don Ameche in "A WING AND A PRAYER" — MON.—TUES.—WED. — Guy Rolfe—Kathleen Ryan and Jeremy Spenser Presenting a musical drama woven around a symphony orch- estra and its youthful director. Based on a true -life story. "Prelude to Fame" — THURS.—FRI.—SAT. — David Farrar — Diana Dors and Honor Blackstone Rugged outdoor action -drama portrayed ageinat a scenic back- drop of truly majestic propor- tions. "DIAMOND CITY" Coming: "PAGAN LOVE SONG" "THE STORY OF SEABiSCUrr' Esther Williams and Technicolor Shirley Temple and Technicolor County Health Unit Names Treasurer A special meeting' of Huron County Health Unit, with Frank Sills, Seaforth, as chairman, ap- pointed A. H. Erskine, Goderich, Huron County treasurer, . to the unit. His appointment is temporary until the services of a permanent treasurer can be secured, LIFE IS SHORT "For what is your life! It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away"—(James 4:14). DEATH IS SURE "I1 is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment!" (Hebrews 9:27) SIN THE CAUSE "Wherefore, as by one mon sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned! (Romans 5:12). CHRIST THE CURE "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoeyer believeth in trim should not perish, but have everlasting life". (John 3 :16) CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4,00 p.m. EST Send Flowers For Faster Step Out in style this Easter in clothes you'll be proud to wear. TOPCOATS GABARDINE, COVERT, TWEED All shades, all sizes From 29,50 to 49.50 SUITS GABARDINES, PIC -N -PICS, WORSTEDS The smartest in town 39.50 to 65.00 HATS TOP OFF your outfit with a new hat by STETSON or CREAN in the Season's newest shades $5 to $10 ARROW SHIRTS, HICKOK BELTS, GLOVES, SOCKS, TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, Etc. 40-4.# -0 A . u.M4 r1r e'4 -11•. -!•*4+' '1•'�1'+# N h�-N-.•�.�}..►•. 1-�-�•- I Plan a visit to our store while in town z for the Community Sales • •.-.- -r-►4.-��+s+re•N,r+�-e-He•�►r++�++r•+�+s•w sr-••++ PICKETT a CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS ST'E'TSON HATS PHONE 25 (opposite the theatre) CLINTON C. ClOKE Phones 66w and 66j Clinton Are You Going To Need A New Furnace In 1951? ORDER NOW! FURNACES WILL BE SCARCE We have the old reliable --- HECLA WARM AIR, FORCED AIR—Oil or Hand Fired ---and Hot Water Boilers. I have installed the newest equipment for instal- ling Forced ,Air Units. This saves time and money for you and insures perfect wormanship. We also have lovely COLOURED BATH ROOM•.. FIXTURES in stock --- Also White. See These At Our Store Hugh R. aw s PLUMBING HEATING — HARDWARE PHONE 244