HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-03-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR Legion Auxiliary HoldsBusy Bu y Meeting CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1951 The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion was held in the Legion Hall on Monday evening with the presidenit, Mrs. Ron Mac- Donald, in the chair. During the business period fin- al arrangements were made for the banquet for the Legionnaires on Tusday evening, It was de- cided to donate $5 to the Sch- olarship Fund, and to sponsor a booth at the horse races on June 20. Biogoes will proceed as usual with jackpots of $25 and $17. It was announced that the Zone Representative will be the guest speaker at the next meet- ing. A new member, Mrs. Wilfred Denonrme, - was welcomed at this meeting. During the evening, Mrs. H. C. Lawson sang a very lovely solo, accompanying herself at the piano.Mrs. D. J. Lane gave a very interesting reacting on St. Pattriek's. 0 A cat's whiskers are delicate sense organs . which help him find his way about. Mrs, Cliff Glazier ;spent the weekend at Kitchener with her son, Mervin. Miss Marriott Frennlin, Toronto, has been visiting her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.. Freiman. George Nobt, Bruce Mines, spent the weekend at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Miss Eunice S n o w,. Perry Sound; spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crich, Tuckerstnith: Frank (Zoomer)' MadDonaid, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacDonelcl, Mrs, Milton Cook, Sarnia, is a guest et the home of her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mts. E. C. Nickle, Mrs. Fanny Oliver has return- ed to her home in town after spending several months with Mrs. David Grigg, Iiderbon. Miss Carol Zeigler, Kitchener, a student et the University of Western Ontario, London, was a weekend guest of her friend, Miss Ruth Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper, 4+444-00-? o- 4+044* Specials For March 15 16 17 WESTON'S BONNIE SHORTBREAD RISC. lb. 310 GOLD SEAL FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON (Limit one tin) 34 lb. tin 41e KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 8 oz. 2 pkgs. 31c I[.G.A. STRAWBERRY JAM -24 oz. jar. 43e CRISCO (Limit One Lb.) Ib. 47c. AYLIVIER CATSUP -11 oz. 2 bottles 35c WESTMINSTER TISSUE - 3 rolls 29c FLOWERDALE TEA (no change in price) .... r/ lb. 60c N.B. TABLE POTATOES -50 lb. bag 1.19 FRESH PINEAPPLE -12's GRAPEFRUIT -size 112's • FRESH CARROTS (tops on) 2 bunches 25e GREEN CELERY --4's 2 for 25c HEAD LETTUCE -5's 2 for 23c Don't forget to attend Community Sole, Thur, March 22 .ea. 39c 5 for 25c Thompson's Food Market PHONE 40 WE DELIVER 4-44+ cart re om; 00111 JI I jtI till Illf!j! �� li!ti�ail17 k,j�,p�lutu�(; (;111' see 1 ealeacat a-acsa-avataateayea -tee REXOLEUIVI DELUXE 3 -yards wide, running yard 2 -yards wide, running yard REXOLEUM STANDARD 2 -yards wide, running yard sla MARBOLEUM "A" quality, 2 yards wide, running yard No. 3 quality, 2 -yards wide, running yard INLAID LINOLEUM, MOULDED 2 -yards wide, running yard 5.50 3.50 4.50 MARBOLEUM TILE 9" x 9" ea.*19 JASPETILE 9" x ea■23 CONGOLEUM 2 -yards wide, running yard 1.50 3 -yards wide, running yard 2.45 Large. Assortment of CONGOLEUM RUGS Sizes 6'x9' to 9'x15' BALL & MUTCH 1 D. G. BALL. W. J. MTJTCH. Phone 361-W Phone 361-3 Hardware and Furniture -- Funeral Directors PHONE 195 -- CLINTON • 11 St. Marys, attended the Seed Fes on Saturday where M. Hooper was one of the judges. While m town Mr. and Bars. Hooper visi'(ed with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, Dr. and 1Vlrs. Howard Fowler were the . guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Vallance, Astwood, at the marriage of the litters' daughter, Joan Isobel, to William Howard Treleaven, grandson al Dr. and Mrs. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walper, Mrs, Gordon Hoy, Mrs, Clarence Magill, all of Clinton, and .Mrs. Alvin McAllister, G•oderich, were among those who attended the funeral of their cousin, the late N. W. Miller, in Goderich, on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Weston and Miss Verna Graves, Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Elliott. Mr. Wes en return- ed theme on Friday last from Grace Hospital, Detroit, where he underwent a serious. operation. His friends with him a speedy recovery. Those from Huron Presbytery attending the full-time service fellowship, sponsored by London Conference YPU, in Calvary United Church, London, over the weekend included: Rev. W. J. Moores and Clifford Kelly, Bel - grave; Rev. C. J. Scott, Brock Vodden and Donald MacKenzie, Blyth; Miss Doris Grierson Lon- desboro; Ross Stanway, Bruce - field; Miss Lucille Boyce, Crom- a•nty; Harvey Sperling, Eliminate. Douglas May, Exeter and Benson Sutter, Clinton, the patter two be- ing guests while. in the city of Mr. and ,Mrs. B. B. Pocklington. n Ontario St. Girls' Club Makes Gift The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United .Church held • its Ma'rdh meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Wheoler on Thursday evening of lest week. The president, Miss Courtiee, presided, and as a call to wor- ship reed an article entitled "The Cloister and the Crowd." Mrs. Woolfrey had charge of the devotional period. A poem by Kagawa was read. Miss Iso- bel Pickett read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Woolfrey gave a reading "Be Ye Kind" which was followed by prayer. During the business period' it was decided to make, a donation of $10 to the Crippled Children's Fund. Mrs. Moir favoured with a solo and Mrs. W. B. Olde gave a read- ing "The Basque Sheep Herder and. the Shepherd's Psalm. Mrs. Moir gave a very interesting talk on the life of Rev. Bob McLaren. She told of the work he had done for and with the young peple in the West end British Columbia and Isis influence on their lives. Two numbers "Bluebirds of Happiness" and "The Lord's Prayer" were played onthe re- cord player and much enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction miter whichlunch was served and a social hour. enjoyed. Holy Week Services Planned' in Clinton Two services sponsored by the ministers of the town, will be held in Clinton during Holy Week. Service will be held in Wes ley -Willis United Church on Wednesday evening, .March 21 at eight o'clock, with Rev. H. C. Wilson in charge and Rev. D. J. Lane bringing the message, The ' usual Good Friday ser- vice will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Good Friday morning; March 23, et 10,30 o'clock. Rev. R. M, P. Butte el will be in charge of this service. -4.4 44 4 #++4-P4444,1 *44-4 4444.0- PERSONALS Permanent Waving Cold Waving Hair Tinting and Bleaching Haircutting, Etc. I by Audrey Carpenter Located at ASHTON'S TAXI MRS. 1 1 0 T>dOMPSON'S ; . Princess Street Phone 585 ?i Clinton. 4.444-•4444-44-4 0.44.4'4'4444.4444 4.44,4_ 4.4+e•s4-$.-.44-a-i-.•F,4,+..•+•++-r4 44+4.444-4444,4r+÷4.44.144- WW WMS Holds VeryBusy Bu y Meeting Mes. John Sutter wgs hostess to 'the Woman's Missionary So- ciety 'of Wesley -Willis United Church for its Manch meeting. The president, Mrs. Margaret Ad- dison, was in the chair and- Mrs. H. Charlesworth was pianist. The president opened the meet- ing with the invocation and pray- er, followed by the singing of a hymn. The minutes of the Feb- ruary' meeting were read by Mis. B. C. Hearn and the treasurer, Mrs. F. Fingland gave a splendid report of the finances: Mrs. A T. Cooper reporting for Temperance told of Mahatma Ghendi's policies and regulations for India with regard to liquor. Mrs. B. C, Hearn brought the supply allocation to the atten- tion of the members. Girls' coats and Christmas gifts were being asked for. Ft was decided as well to pack a bale of used clothing in May. Mrs. George Beattie spoke of her work with the as- sociate members. Mrs. J. A. Mc- Gill, press secretary, moved, that a letter be written to R. S. Atkey, thanking him for his generous coverage of the work in The News -Record. The visiting committee report- ed a number 01 visits made and letters of appreciation were heard from a number of members for flowers, cards, etc. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha resigned as leader of of the Baby Band and Mothers' Club end this was regrettfully accepted. 'Mrs. N. Holland and Mrs. W. Jervis were appointed to fill the vacancy. Mrs. James McLaren and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis were appointed delegates to the Huron Presby- terial annual meeting to be held in Exeter in April. • Flans for the Easter Thankof- £ening on April 12 were discussed and the president announced that Mrs. W. J. Moores, Belgrave, had been secured as guest speaker, Following the offering Mrs. Norman Shepherd and her group took charge for the study period. After the singing of a hymn, Mrs. P. Livermore led in prayer .and Miss Grace Addison read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Shepherd read an interesting item on Kagawa after which Mrs. McGill offered prayer. Mrs. Cooper read the minutes of the first meeting of the unit- ing auxiliaries of Wesley Meth- odist end Willis Presbyterian Churches which was held in the Sunday School room of Wesley - Willis Church on March 26, 1926, with 40 ladies present. Mrs. W. Pickard conducted this meeting and Mrs. O. L. Paisley was sec- retary. Mrs. J. E. Hogg was elected president and Mrs. Pais- ley secretary. A duet by Misses Audrey Jervis and Jean Nediger, with Mrs. D. Kuntze accompanying, was great- ly enjoyed, The young ladies tied chosen for their number, "Will there be any stars in my Crown?" The Nfarcb theme from the Study Book "The tTnited Church re-enters Japan through Educe,- lion" was ably given by Miss M. A. Stone who stated that 99 per cent of Japanese are illiterate, and also described the intense desire of these people for educa- tion and Christianity. Miss Stone geve her listeners e clear picture of the challenge and responsibil- ity of the Christian Church to- ward the people of Japan. Mrs. Shepherd read another article from the writings of Kag- awe, The meeting closed with the singing of another hymn and the Benedictory prayer given by Mrc, Shepherd. Mrs. H. C. Wil- son and her group served refresh- ments and a most enjoyable so - del time was had by everyone present. CLINTON WI Clinton Branch of the Wo- men's. Institute will hold Its regular meeting in the Board Room of the Agricultural Officie on Thursday, March 22, at 2.30 pan Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth, Districi, president, will be the guest speaker, The pro gramme will be in charge of Mrs. I. M. Nay and Mrs, Derwin Carter and .the roll call will be answered by an Irish Joke. 0 An acorn was frequently used as a design on Colonial furniture because it was considered e sym- bol of hospetality. WVYNIN Lj( 00, Cowireo@(s sonfirce Get There Safely! CALL 1 Gravel Tender. 9 SEALED TENDERS will be received . by the under signed up to 12 o'clock noon Friday, March 16 for the contract of supplying and distributing on the streets of the Town of Clinton, 1,000 to 2,000 eu. yards, more or less, of 14," screen crushed gravel. Grade of material to be up to the approval of Council, Lowest or any other tender rat necessarily accepted. TOWN OF CLINTON, M. 'T. Corless, Clerk and Treasurer 10-11-b +'4A++++++ -4x4.64-.444-$9.4,1-44-444-1.441-644-4.9-•4-11-4 .4-04..-• •4 BAYFIELD (Continued from Page One) Several I11 Mrs. J. Davison, who le very ill with 'flu and threatened with pneumonia, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday. Alexander Brown was also admitted to the same hos- pital early Wednesday morning seriously ill from pneumonia re- sulting from 'flu. There are many others in the village laid lawn by the same "bug." We wish them, one and all, a speedy re- covery and hope that Old Mother Westwind will soon blow the germs from our midst. Birthday Party Little Miss Wendy Davies had a birthday party on Tuesday, the guests ' including Freda and Ro- berta McLeod, Jimmy Francis, Jacqueline Weston, Christine and' Ann .Everett. George Webb and -I Elaine Weston, who had also been invited, were unable ,o at- tend through illness. The. smell ones had a most enjoyable time playing games and listening to records. The dining room was decorated with green and yellow balloons. The table was centred with a birthday cake from which white ribbons wont out to place cards. There' was great excite- ment when these ribbons were pulled and a: gift for each child came out from under the cake, Charles Bell and son, George, motored to Port Weller on Wed- nesday with Leo Pitfiold who was visiting them on Tuesday en route. from Killarney to join the oil tanker "Cornwall." Family Christening A family Christening party was held at; the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bali on Monday. evening when Rev. Peter Renner, pastor of St. Andrew's United Church, baptized four children, nine grandchildren and one great grandchild of Mrs, George Lind- say. They were: Phyllis June, Charles Brown and John Douglas Lindsay and the latter's infant son, Donald William; Mary Iso - bell Lenora (Mrs. William 01T) and her two sons, Robert William and John Walter; James Allan and Henry Anthony, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchings, and the family of ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell - George Willis, Evelyn Lorraine (Mrs, B. Beat- on) and her small daughter, Jan- ice Marie, Donald Laurence and Joyce Marie, Bert Dunn, Jr. rep- resented the Session of St. And- rew's Church and his son, Doug- las Earl, was also baptized on this occasion. Following the cere- mony those present enjoyed a social hour after which Mrs. Bell served refr•eshmen'ts. Church Directory Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, March 18 11.00 a.m.-Worship Service 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir. Leader Sunday, March 18 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 1.1.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Leading up to Easter "List- ening to God" Please read Matthew 6. 2.30 p.m. -Knox Church, Bay- field. EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K, L. SWEIGAR.D, Pastor Sunday, March 18 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7,30 p.m. -Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, March i8 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Juc!,as who became a Traitor" 12.15 -Church School Catechumen Class 7.00 p.m, -Evening Praise; Union Evening Service in this church. "The Prosperity of .Ioseph" The Moderator will visit this church, Wednesday March 28, at 8 p.m, Come to the House of Prayer. St.' Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Snnclay, March 18 8.30 a.m.-Holy Cornanunion 10.00 a.m.-Main Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 pan. -Evening Service Tuesday, March 20, 2.45 p.m.- WA ,m-WA at home of Abs. Fred Ford. Please bring parcels for Britain. Friday, 7.30 p.m. -.Lenten Service. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs, E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader • Sunday, Maa'ehh 18 11;00 a.m --Morning Worship WMS Easter T(hankoffering; Guest speaker; Mrs. J. II. Childs, Dean of School for Leaders of London Confer- ence; Mrs. W. Pring, Harris - ten, soloist. 12.15 -Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Ser- vice In Wesley-Wdliis Milted Church. a' Engagements crani s Announ cad The engagement is announced of Margaret Joyce, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, Clinton, to Graver Clare, Toronto, 'son of Mr, and Mrs, Grover Clare, Palmerston, the marriage to take .place on March 23. ST. ANDRE ' W SWl lI5 The WMS of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs, Norman Ball on Tuesday, March . 20, at three o'clock. Grasshoppers cannot jump un- less the temperature is at least 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Irwin 's ■ Preen for r Easter Shown l;Ms� Coats Shorties -- Suits Dresses Beautifully Tailored and in all the Latest Styles and Colors Visit our store often to see these Spring -Time Eye -Openers New Spring Accessories to go with your Easter Outfits Nylon Gloves-Chamoisette Gloves Purses and Scarves . s CHILDREN'S DRESSES Blouses and Slacks shipments just arrived! Your Daughter For Spring Now! Nylon Lingerie and Hose We now have a full range of Slips, Panties, Gowns and Hosiery. Meet Your Friends Shopping at lrwin's Don't Get Wet Feet! / Let Us Show YOU Our Complete Range of LEATHER or RUBBER FOOTWEAR (Come in MARCH 22 - COMMUNITY SALE DAY) PHONE 2 Luggage and Shoes CLINTON 1 1 GIFTS FOR EASTER Chocolates by SMILES 'N CHUCKLES MOIRS N EI LSO N'S Easter Novelties 1 Fresh from Our Ovens .. . SATURDAY SPECIAL Emerald Mint Cake ORDER Hot Cross Buns for Sat., March 17--Thurs., March 22 -Sat., March 24 Plan to visit our store while attending the Clinton Community Sale -March 22 BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 -- -- =- CLINTON Silverwood's Ice Cream