HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-03-15, Page 3our minds. They should mean this, however, that a people can- not drink its way into prosperity, that the gain in revenue is a small thing compared with. the` loss in crime, . accident, disease, broken homes, lost working hours and hospitalization costs. Our drinkbill of isthe measure our r loss and our folly,—Advt. 11-h 0 Quebec, Canada, is the only walled city in North Amerida. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1951 PAGE THREE b mem hat Y wearing of alady's bers in the British House of Commons, that situation will never have to happenagain a The rule in the House is that no )_ember can raise a point of Order after a vote has been cal- led except when seated with a het on ... Many MP's don't wear hats and they have been borrow- ing that of Miss Irene Ward, Conservative * 5 THE thought of an MP in a woman's velvet toque so distres- sed Mrs. Florence Lucy of Hol- lingbourne, Kent, that she sent Prime Minister Clement R. At- lee, an opera hat belonging to her husband . Mr. Attlee replied,, with a letter of thanks . He said the opera hat hereafter will hang by the speaker's chair -- ready ready for any emergency , . D.D. Disclosures u ,THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Ontario's liquor consumption ion for the year ending March 31, 1949, was 75,099,378 gallons. The umer reached cost to the con as a total of $222,454,900. The revenue to the Ontario and Dominion Governments was $89,500,000. These figures are iso big that they do not mean very much to Let's Chat 1 ' This and That ..int on Woman's Viewpoint AW o p By MBA inflation we are going through, has been given recently by thes Bureau of Statistics . Canada cut down on its meat consumption last year and now there is more meat in the coun- try's ice -box than there was a year ago ... In 1948,.the average per -person consumption was 57;5 pounds of beef to 53.9 pound of pork . . In the following year pork caught up and shot ahead of beef, with Canadians eating 59.2 pounds of pork to 56.5 pounds of beef, on a per - capita basis . .. Now pork which generally sells at lower -than - beef prices, appears to be well established as the most popular Canadian meat item . • . * 5 APROPOS of the item in thelast week's column regarding THE old saying that an early Easter brings an early spring seems to be true this year . . . The large dirty piles of snow so much in evidence a few weeks ago have nearly all disappeared, leaving only the dirt . The bright sunshine of the past month emphasizes it — especially on windows, which beg for spring housecleaning to start ..W heavy overcoats notice and goloshesat fur are being lis. . Hdfor owever,i something lighternspi e allit would be wise ofthe signs, not to put them in moth balls yet . , . It would be too mach to expect winter to give in so easily . •:r. ..AN interesting 'result of this Savings for you at Johnson's Grocery from Mar. 15 to Mar. 20 Chipit Cookie Mix Glen Valley Cream Corn Libby's Tomato Juice 37c 3 for 35c 3 for 29c Monarch Cake Mixes ,. 36e Aylmer or Libby's Baby Food 4 for 25c E. D. Smith's Blended Jams -4 Ib. tin 73c McLaren's Freeze Easy 2 for 29e Tilbest Cake Mixes (with 'free bake tin) 35c Texas Head Lettuce 2 for 25c Florida Pascal Celery • 2 for 23c W. L. JOHNSON & SON Phone 286 Free Delivery St. Patrick's Dance CLINTON TOWN HALL Saturday, March 17 to the music of "The SYNCOPATORS" Old and New Time Music • ADMISSION -50 cents DANCING EVERYBODY WELCOME 9-12 11-p 4 OBITUARY WILLIAM H. JOHNSTON Funeral .services were held at the Ball and Match Funeral Home, ,high Sit., Clinton, on Fri- day, March 9th, 1951, for William Henry Johnston. Rev. R. M. P. liulteel officiated, and interment followed hi Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Oliver Po- cock, Clarence Sturdy, Arthur Sturdy, James Corrin, Bert Tre- wartha and Andrew Holmes. Flower bearers were Bill Palmer, Jack Sturdy, Lance Saddler, Her- bert Pocock, Kenneth Trewartha and Alex Glen. In his 78th year Mr. Johnston was the eldest son of the late Jaynes Johnston and Margaret White. He had been a success- ful farmer on No. 8 Highway, just west of Holmesville for a number of years. In religion he was an Anglican, being a mem- ber of St. Paul's Church, Clin- ton, of which he was a faithful attendant when health permitted. Mr. Johnston passed away sud- denly at his home, Goderich Township, Wednesday, March 7. Mr. Johnston was twice mar- ried. As a young man he mar- ried Charlotte Marshall, Goderich Township, who predeceased him on November 1, 1925. Later he married Alma Blanche Jennings, also of Goderich Township, an November 12, 1942, and who sur- vives. Also surviving ore three brothers and two sisters, Charles H. Johnston, Brandon, Man.; Hansel Johnston, Macklin, Sask.; Homer Johnston, Ninga, Man.; Mrs. Kate Shepherd, Moose Jaw, Sask.; and Mrs. James Grassick, Exeter. Two brothers and two sisters predeceased him. There was no family. BLANCHARD HERRINGTON Blanchard Herrington, one of the oldest residents of Blyth, died in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, March 5, in his 93rd year. He was born in Chinguacousy, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Herrington. Following his marriage to Lillian McConnell; Blyth, they took up farming on the 13th concession of Hullett Township until 1916 when they moved to Blyth. Mrs. Herrington died two years ago. Mr. Herrington was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Fred Somers, Timmins; and a sister, Mrs. Rose Hissk, Mather, Man. Funeral service was held at the family residence, Wednesday afternoon, March 7, with Rev. John Honeyman officiating. Bur- ial followed in Union Cemetery, Blyth. Hi Folks; Dizzie Dazie report- ing the latest: on the DD Show! Things are taking shape very nicely — practices every day ,— either Ballet, play or Minstrels and costumes are nearing corn- pletion. Hope you read my ,column last week—if you missed it, do look it up, so's you'll know what those D's stand for, ir, this very spec - M1 "DD Show," which is being sponsored by Si. Paul's Choir— Town Hall—Thursday and Fri- day, March 29 and 30. Tickets are 50 cents for all (adults or children) and if you're wise you'll take your ticket to Bartliff's store, where you'll find the reserved seat plan. It'll cost 10 cents more, but it'll be worth it, for there'll be a full house both nights! While there, cast your eye for the box in the window. That's where you drop the coupon you've already clipped off your ticket, and an which you've written en appropriate name for "D.D." Who knows—you may win the five bucks which is being offered! Here are the rules of the contest: 1. Simply invent a catchy name for the show using two words— each beginning with the letter "0". Judged for originality and aptness. 2. An entry blank is given with each ticket purchased. 3. Entries must be in the box in Bantliff's Store not later than Wednesday evening, March 27. 4. Judges decision is final. In case of duplicate entries, one name will be drawn. Easy, isn't it? One wit (?) says he's entering the name "D - - - - Dawful" but I'11 guar- antee that won't take the prize, for the show will be D - - - - D GOOD! A name like "Delight- ful Distraction" would be more pleasing to the judges—not to mention the cast! If you haven't been canvassed to buy a ticket, call in to see Herb. Bridle—he'll sell you one—or Mrs. Cliff Epps— there'll be tickets too, .at Bart- liff's. Don't Delay Folks! And somebody'll earn a five spot for selling the most tickets—if you don't need five dollars yourself— there's no harm in helping some- body else! Dizzie Dazie signing off, and we'll be seein' ya at the DD Show! Advt. 11-b 0 FULLTIME ASSESSOR WINGHAM—A Wingham men, W. H. Haney has been appointed full-time assessor for the town. ,vprig yo(/ taiEr M RExat IN THE GREAT NEW Esther, Mrs. Gordon Weeks, St. Catharines; ,and a step -son, Hec- tor King, T eeswatet• two sisters, Mrs. Mary Ann Spioal, Bramp- ton, and Mrs. Wes Wilson, Sault Site. Marie, Ontario. His brother Jtfhn, predeceased him about two years ago. • POLICE PENSION PLAN WINGHAM—A bylaw bringing in a pension plan for the Police Department was passed by Town Council. At present the only man eligible would be the night constable and in his case the plan is optional. m •• Y! •-t-•tP-�+••-s•w-•o•r• Westinghouse The big and better looking West- inghouse "TRUE -TEMP" Refrig- erator gives you more of every- thing that's new in modem refrig- eration) More room for frozen foods ... more room for milk and beverages ... more storage space .more front row" shelf space... more cold, faster, steadier) Ex- clusive "TRUE -TEMP" Cold Con- trol automatically provides correct zones of cold for all foods. Come in tomorrow for free demonstration — ask about the Westinghouse 5 -YEAR. PROTECTION PLAN BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY ROY N. BENTLEY Licensed Public Accountant 36 Regent St., — Tel. 9094 Goderich, Ontario ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto RONALD G. MCCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 561; Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 pin. INSURANCE Be Sure. - " Be Insured R. W. COLQU•HO'CN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - FireLife - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dem. of Canada General (Life) Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. MRS. WILLIAM CALWILL (By our Hensel). correspondent) Mrs. William Calwill, the for- mer Ida Dick, passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bertha Bell, Hensall, on Thurs- day evening, March 8, in her 79th year. Born in Hay Township she was a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Dick. For several years she con- ducted e millinery store in Dur- ham, after which she went to Calgary. In 1922 she married Mr. Calwill Who predeceased her ten years ago. Surviving are two sisters: Mrs. Sarah Tait, Mimic°, Mrs. Bertha Bell, Hensall; two brothers: John, Orillia; Charles, Vancouver. The remains rested at the Bon- thron Funeral Home, Hen•sal1, where private funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon, March 10. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church officiating. Interment was in Hensel]. Union Cemetery. . "SUPER" DELUXE 7" — $375 ALSO DELUXE 7—$345 Clinton Electric Shop 0. W. Cornish — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 479 -- -- Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!" ,f on Guaranteed 3 /O Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount .... fora term of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest .... Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may he allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment fon Executors • Individuals • Administrators Committees .• Corporations • Trustees Cemetery Boards • Hospital Boards THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bci' Street, Toronto 1 New Patterns and Colours, Refloor your bathroom, kitchen, or basement room with at- tractive durable MASTIC TILE 9"x9" Squares 121/2c, each Mix Packs in a variety and choice of attractive colours. ' • 0 • Lay the squares yourself or let our reliable workmen ap- ply the tile for you. • O O Call in .at BALL-MACAULAY Yards Clinton and Seaforth for a Free Estimate and for details of HOME OWNERS CREDIT PLAN. O • • Buy LIFE Insurance To -day! To -morrow may be too late! JOHN R. & LLOYD K. BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 — Clinton — Box 315 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifce, Seaforth Officers 1950—President, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L. Malone, Seaforth;-man- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm: Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich, Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. DAVID NEWMAN Funeral services were held in the Desbarats United Church on Thursday, March 8, for David Newman who passed away at his home on Tuesday, March 6. Linn Miller of Bruce Mines sang "My Faith Looks up to Thee." Interemnt followed in Leeburn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Earl Hicks, Warren M. In- nes, Ernie Ashford, Albert Car- ter, N. R. McDonald and Fred McLelland. Mr. Newman was in his 75th year and was born near Toes - water, On March 9, 1904, he married Elizabeth Matilda (Roane) King. One year later they moved to Leohurne (Algoma District), and -farmed there until the summner of 1945 when they retired and moved to Desbarats. He leaves to .ineurn his pas- sing, his wife, and one daughter, Ruby, Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons, Clinton; , and a step -slaughter, Bali - Macaulay ,,CLINTON SEAFOR'tH Ph. 97 Ph. 787 ♦ George Hanley, Mechanic CLINTON Lumber, Lime, Flooring, PHONE 687R Siding, Shingles ♦N.ersr••►r+•nr•a.mw•vi .uar,.rwa•w••••*4 ,.....••+*swml OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE. R.O. Eyes Examined 'and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist .. Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton Competitive Prices -- Personal Serviee DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS. for Thus's., Fri. and Sat. 3I.D.A. SPECIAL! For Easter Giving COUGH Evening -in -Paris Perfume, 85c, $1.10 SYRUPS Evening -in -Paris Perfume in Cherry, Babys gold flacon or Children's Evening -in -Paris Cologne 95e, $1,75 Reg. 35c -27c Perfume Atomizers by DeVilbiss— • Hand painted crystals $1.25 Silver or gold crackle, $2, $3.50, $5 Compacts by Elgin-American— American-Beauty ... $3.75, $5.25 Taylor Fine Soaps, box of 3 cakes— Rose, Carnation or Lilac . , $1,25 Hudnut Gamey Perfume, $1.75, $3.75 Yardley Old English Lavender— Perfume ..... 31.25, $1.95, 33.00 Yardley Lotus Dusting Powder, $2.00 Yardley Trio Pkg. of Colognes, $2.75 Stationery by Eaton Crane & Pike, boxed 50e, 85c, $1.00 up o-o-ae-e-r I.! .A. SPECIAL! p Camphorated y OIL e 3&8oz, Reg. 35c, 75c e 29c, 59c e Aromatic Carscara 1DA Brand. Reg. 30c, 50c .... 23c, 39c Friars Balsam IDA Brand, Reg. 25c, 45c 21e, 39e Kleenor Antiseptic IDA Brand, Reg. 25c, 79c .... 19c, 59c 3 I.D.A. SPECIAL!! HOT WATER BOTTLE + "Dependable" Reg. 31.69 $1.43 #6•.i-0 • Po-• J•a-• Had the Flu?' NOW! Have a • Let your I.D. A./ 0 Druggist recon -3 mend a vitamin product .or .tonic & builder that will TORI LOOK NATURALLY LOVELY FOR EASTER ONLY TONI—has PERMAFIX Neutralizer • `. help restore streng- ONLY TONI—.has SPIN jj Curlers th and re-establish4ONLY'TONI—guarantees a wave that feels, looks and acts like naturally curly hair. Complete Kit 2.79 Refill 1.25 ♦H4-hi;•-01�-•-•-*-+4++4-A 4-• ••-• 4-0-4-+, resistance. He will: be only too glad tot serve you. Mercurochrome IDA Brand, Reg. 20o Olive Oil IDA Brand, 4 oz., Reg. Dressing Combs Ladies' -113c value ... EYE CUPS Reg. 15c 2 for 15c t 1 Medicine Glasses Reg. 15e 2 for 15c UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE 14c 29c 23c Re; 2 for 15c WASH CLOTHS Reg. 15c 2 for 23c BIG Wonderful value for You Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAM000 plus CREME RINSE both for only .... $1.25 For the price of the shampoo alone— get a regular $L25 bottle of Richard Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo plus a special size bottle of Creme Rinse. This pair works wonders when it comes to keeping your hair healthy and beautiful. E. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone. 791. Main St, Seaforth Hours: 9 em - 6 pm. Wed. 9 - 12.30; Sat. 9 am - 9 pm REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j SURVEYING FREDERICK+ J. S. PEARCE Ontario Land Surveyor 21 Downie St., Phone 3055 STRATFORD 'VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton •• ••••••••••••••••....0.04.4044,•• Drive Up For Spring Safety Service Drive up for a tank full of top quality gas • . . and get a battery, radiator, tire and oil check without charge. When you drive out, you con be sure that your car has been safely serviced. Drive up nowt . Used ''Car Values 1949 FORD 1935 CHRYSLER 1938 DODGE 1929 CHEVROLET and Half -Ton Pick-up Truck Howard's Service Station 1 NEW/ AUTOMATIC WASHER Ke it Q!: It uses only half as much HOT water as other Auto- matic washers -- yet it gets the clothes cleaner. It is movable on casters—roll it anywhere in the house to use it. No installation — does not have to be bolted down. Simpler, stronger only one control—costs far less than others. S EE It ON DEMONSTRATION AT Hugh R. HARDWVAIRE PHONE 244 — a H and . PLUMBING CL1NTt111 .•-•-•-• '•'•Y•••44.•••:•• -4-0.4-#"' -•"••••`••.•-•4.4•-•-•4"•`6-P-1 ••P'•-•-84-••o-fro-•