Clinton News-Record, 1951-02-15, Page 7THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1951
Mrs. WilmerNicholson, who
underwent an operation in A4ex-
andrar' Hospital; Goderioh, . has
returned home,
Robert J. Scott, who was a
patient in Alexandra 'Hospital,,
Goderieh,, has returned home.
Auburn WI to Meet
$he 'monthly meeting, of the
Women's Institute will be held
in the Forester's Hall on Tues-
day, 1a eb. 19, at 2.15 p.m. The
topic will be taken- by Mess.
Ethel Washington. Roll call, "A.
Stormy Day Job." Hostesses:
`Mrs, Ken McDougal, Mrs, Charles
Scott, Mrs, George Beadle, Mrs.
R. J. Phillips, Mrs. George Ham-
ilton, Mrs.. Fred I laetzer..
World Day of Prayer.
A World Day of Prayer ser-
vice was held in Knox. United
Church on Friday afternoon, with
women of different churches at-
tending. The theme of the meet-
ing was "Perfect Love Casteth
out Fear." The leaders dor the
service were Mrs, Fred Toll,
president of WMS of the United
Church who conducted and open-
ed the meeting with the call to
worship end prayer for peace.
Mrs. Stanley Johnston of the
Baptist Church was the leader
for "Assurance" part in the ser-
vice; Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Presi-
dent of the Guild of the Ang-
lican Church was the leader for
the "Penitence" part and Mrs.
W. Good, president of the WMS
of Knox • Presbyetrian Church,..
was the leader for the "Dedica-
tion of Self." Special prayers
were offered by Mrs. William
Heggitt for the Anglian Church,
Mrs. C. M. Stneughan end Miss
Elam Mutch of the United church, a
Mrs. W. T. Robison and Mrs. F.
0, Mailmen of the Presbyterian
Church and Mrs. Frank Raithby
oP the Baptist Church.
Solos were rendered by Mrs.
Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Wilfred
Vesterfelt, 'accompanied by Mrs.
R. J. Phillips. The offering war
reecived, by Mrs, Ernest Patter-
sonand Miss Elnva Munch,
The guest speaker was Mrs.
(Rev.) J. A. Roberts of Blyth,
who gave en inspiring address on
"Perfect Love Casteth oust Fear".
The speaker said that from the
life and tearliing of Jesus we
have come to believe that per -
feet love eastebgi out fear. This
is God's world` and God has a
place for us, Without God in our
lives we are like a ship tossed
about in a storm with no anchor..
She re:0e mention of the offer-
ing and said it would heap to
send Christian literature to In-
dia, Africa, and other countries.
The service closed by singing
The Day Thou gayest Lord is
Ended; ax .the benediction. Miss
Margaret Jaeloson accompanied
for the singing of the hymns.
(Intended for fast week)
Victor Yunglb]ut spent ,a few
days in Toronto.
F. O. Meth/eon and A. Rollin-
son were London visitors last
Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor has re-
turned from a week's visit in
New York.
William Kruse, Galt, spent' the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ger Lawson.,
Miss Mabel Hiokingbottam who
has been visiting in New 'York
eturned home Friday,
Mrs. George Johnston._ Under-
went a major operation in Alex-
ndra Hospital, Goderioh, last
Mrs. George Wilkin And son
arriving at
Open Every Friday and by appointment
for further information contact J. J. Zapfe,
corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E„
PHONE 103 ,
Memorials and Cemetery Work
of Every Description
Clinton --. Exeter Seaforth
W. G. Simmons & Sons
now have a good selection of .
Don't run the risk of higher prices and
scarcity in the spring-,
We also offer the following used ' Machines:
John Deere Sales & Service
Phone 1132 Phone 115
Clinton Hardware Man Given High' Honour
Premier emier Leslie Frost presents the PRESTO AWARD to John A. Sutter, Clinton, From
left to right: A, St Clea: Gordon, President; W. C. McIIinnon, Vice -President, National Pres-.
sure Cooker Company (Canada) Limited; Mr. Sutter ' and Premier Frost.
The presentation --.dor outstanding service to the hardware trade in 1951 --was merle at
the annual convention of the Ontario Retail Hardware Association in Toronto last week.
Mr. Sutter was the recipient of a suitably engraved gold watch and framed citation.
Robert returned to London after
a visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Craig.
Mrs. Wilbur Nicholson is e
patient in Alexandra Hospital,
Goderieh, where she ` underwent
an operation. .
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Craig and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinyard, accomp-
anied Bill Craig to Meaford on
Sunday and visited the latter's
parents in that town, ,,
Barbara and . Mary Sanderson,
,daughters oVIVIr. and Mrs. Wil- Contract for the new buildings,
'fred Sanderson, who have been Mr. Thompson said, has been
patients 4n the Sick Children's, awarded to Herb Campbell,
Hospital, London, returned home Ridgetown. The new struetere
Tuesday. will be of fireproof construction
Bill Craig, Jn, Meaford, visit- throughout,
ed at home and also attended The new plant will be erected
the Stratford Normal At -Home at a new location, en South
on Friday night end the Alumni Richmond' St., approximately
luncheon on Saturday at which .two blocks south of the build -
he was voted president of his Ings swept by fire. Here the
class 1949-50 for the year.
Farther Treatment
Percy Yurigblut; who has been home for ,the February meeting
a patient in Alexandra Hospital, of the WMS of Knox Presb
Goderieh, for some time. event to len O}ruretz, The president, Nhsyter-
Toronto on Monday for further W. Good, presided end opened
treatment. the meeting by- repeating the
Ladies Guild Lord's Prayer hiunison. The de -
The Ladies' Guild met in the votional period was in charge of
church on Thursday in charge of Mrs. J. W. Graham who gave
Mrs. T. S. Johnston. Scripture meditation on Scripture and of -
was read by Miss Minnie Collin- fered prayer, A reading was
son, who also gave a reading, fol- given by Mrs. Gordon Dobie. The
lowed by a treading by Mrs. Study period was divided ' into
Thomas McNall, and a musical three pants, Mrs. Nicholson gave.
trio by Mrs. John Dam Mrs. T. the part, dealing with the Ind-
Phillip.. Johnstonhe topic,Miss wrrittn Laura Ibelians and Mrs.J. a F, the
toss one
the {late 1VAias Margaret Small, with the French. Arrangements
was read by Mrs. Frank Nesbitt, were made for the World Day
Mrs. Allred. Nesbit brought to the of Prayer, which will be held
notice of the Guild, the wonder- in Knox United Church on Fri -
ltd record of James W. Medd day, February 9, at 2.30 p.m, The
who has retired from the office offering* was received by Joan
of Rector's Warden. The press- Little, A vote of thanks was
dent, Ms's. Thomas Haggitt took extended to Nfrs, R. J. Phillips
charge for .the business period. and Mrs W. T. Robison who
A bazaar was discussed but no had accompanied ,the hymns on,
date was set owing to the weath- the harp and guitar respectively.
er. The meeting closed with ,Mrs. Graham offered the dos-
prayer by the presidenit, ing prayer. Refreshments were
WMS Meets ' served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. Edgar Lawson gave her Miss Minnie Wagner,
New $150,000 Plant
To Be Built at Hensall
(By our Hensall correspondent)
According to W. D. Thompson,
Blenheim, his firm plans, to em-
inence work about the middle of
Marsh n a new $150,000 mill
and plant to replace the buildings
razed in the big fire in Hensall
December 28.
And guess who's treasurer. a
WIruN there's a community effort on foot, chances are you'll find the
Royal Bank Manager on the committee. He is often called on to act
because Royal Bankers have earned a solid reputation as public
spirited citizens. And so it is right down the line, from the Manager
to the youngest clerk. Royal Bankers are encouraged to pull their
weight in all Worthwhile endeavours, for the interests of the Bank and
the conununity are one:
This spirit is reflected in their service to you. When you have
banking business to dog... when you wish to discuss some financial
matter in confidence... see your loyal Blank first. The Manager
and l .is staff are there to Serve you in' every way they can. •
• The Royal Bonk in your community
can serve you in many ways. For in-
stance, you may need a small loan to
pay medical bills, to consolidate debts,
to improve or extend your home. Per-
sonal loans can be repaid by instal-
ments. Endorsers axe not necessarily
required and interest rates: are excep
tionally low. Talk it over with your
bank manager. He'll be glad to see your.
T i l
.�jOiwbG°`i' �lr.G'.'.v� *.✓ C'tid', WvRA:i "Rea& t ~.
finri has
frontage o£ 596 feet Halo along the
CNR tracks and running back
284 feat.
On thid will be erected a four -
unit mill, with four cleaners, un-
loading ramps,' and 16 tanks of
reinforced concrete construction,
each 16 feet in diameter end 50
feet high. These will take care
O storage for 125,000 bushels of
beans and other prodrots hand-
led by the firm. There wil•I also
be an 'office building.
"We hope to have everything
completed in gond time to handle
the big .erop from this district
in. the fall," Mr. Thompson said.
Four gasoline tanks owned by
Hensall Distaiet Co-operative on
the property will' be moved '400
feet south, Mr. Thompson stat-
ed that they had traded lands
wihemi lendCwduld Co-operative
b. so that
e in one
block,. _
♦� d•6r •NA 1hJw-i•H-!••a•r�•�-�-�•a
C oderich Township
44"e-4-0 'yin,,-e•r o-o•re•�-a.1iy-�}�.}
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson,
Conridh, Alberta, were , guests
lest week of •Mr, and Mrs, Fred
Arkeli, while en route to Mis-
souri and Indianne, USA.
Weekend visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell
were: Tom Arkell, Lon.don; Mur
ray Sinclair, Varsity University,
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Tattier end family, Hayfield.
News Of Hensall
Mrs. "Elsie Case has sold her that W. Th Davidson was leaving
coal sheds and land to W. -G.
Trainees With CNR
Doug Moir and Charles Fee,
Hensall, left on Tuesday for To-
ronto' for the CNR medical and
screening" for the employment
bureau office set up by the 'CNR
et Union. Station, •Toronto, and
if successful in passing, will
train ars telegraph operators at
the CNR station here.
World Day of Prayer
The Women's World Day .of
Prayer was observed in the Unitt-
ed Church, Friday, F,ebruary 9,
at 3 p.m., societies of Carnfel
Presbyterian" and Si, Paul's .ting-
Iican .Churches uniting with
them. Presiding were Mrs. E.
Geiger for the United, Mrs,' R.
H. Middleton for St, Paul's, and
Mrs, C. S. Hudson for the Pres-
Prayer was offered by Mrs. W.
O. Goodwin, Miss M. Fee, Mrs. R.
Y, McLaren, Mrs. Basil Edwards,
Miss A. Consitt, Mrs, Lillian
Hyde, Mrs. T' Coates end Mrs.
Pearl Passmore rendered a vocal
Guest speaker, Mrs, W. J. Rog-
ers, based her thoughts on the
theme ."Perfect Love casteth out
Fear." Mrs. Rogers spoke on
conditions on the world today,
unrest, lack of peaces fear, and
the answer, to this problem, she
said, was "Jesus Chn}st." She
said conditions in Asia would
not be as they are today if more
missionaries had been sent ,there
opensed. .ago when opportunity
the community after having been
actively associated with the Board
since 1926 as sectetaiy.,treasurer:
William Parke was appointed
chairmen; James A. Paterson, sec-
retaay-treesurer. ` The following
were appointed directors fbr 1951;
W. Parke, chairman; A. W, . LoKer-
siake, P. L, 1VIcNaughton
Hay, J. A. Paterson, representing
Heneall Sdhools; Harold 'Beal,
S.S. No, 10 Hay; Harold Parker,
S.S. 1 Tuekersmith; Joe McLe1.
Ian,. SSS. 2 Tucleersm.ith; Bert
Riley, 5.5. 7 Hibbert.
Considerable discussion took
place as regards the mune and
date of the next fair, and the
following dates were suggested
for the fair; Septenvber 25, and
the contests in the Hall October
12, and that a meeting be held
the latter part of March or early
in April to colli= these dates,
Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
The Ladies' Aid of Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their
first meeting for the year on
January 31 et the home of Mrs. 1
Alvin Kerslake. Twenty-three
members were present, The die-
votional service was oonduoted
by Mrs. 'Robert Cameron. The
topic for the evening was a re-
ligious editorial entitled "Tire
Christian has no time for Moods."
This was ably presented by Mrs.
William Sangster.
During the business part,of the
meeting. Mrs. Alex McGregor
was appointed leader of the
Brucetield group: The ladies
agreed to - accept the congrega-
tion's allocation for Kintail Camp
(Intended for last week) improvements, also to purchase
Mrs. R, E. Shaddick and Billy the necessary Bibles for Sunday
spent the weekend with relatives School attendance awards. A
in Toronto. crokinole party will be held at
The many friends of Miss Jean the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Murray will regret to learn is McGregor on Friday, February
confined to her room with illness. 16 to which all members of the
Fair Board Meets - congregation are invited. T he
A meeting of. Hensel' Commun meeting concluded with a short
ity School Fair Board was held programme which included' very
Thursday evening, February 1. excellent readings by Mrs. 3. Ir -
The Board learned with regret vin.
Canadian Approved Chicks
All breeding stock banded
and tested for pullorum by
Inspectors of the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture,.
The hatchery is visited
regularly by Inspectors of
the Dominion Department
of Agriculture.
McKinley Farms & Hatchery
t Hensall 697r11
ItIS A`L S1/4""1S
- ,,•.4r.,\\.,\ \.
f -44
Biggest Wisher New I Years
The most important development in washer de•
sign in years the new :stainless sleet inner tub
of the Beatty Washer wins instant approval
wherever shown. You know that stainless steel
gives a long lifetime of satisfactory use. Won't
you,come and see it, too.
Hugh R. Hawkins, Clinton,, Phone 244