HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-02-15, Page 5THURSDAY , PEBRIUARY 15,1951 News4(ecord Ciassifled Adlets Bring Qu ck Results \CLINTON NEWS -RECORD - PAGE FIVE CASH •RATE -(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- ✓tion) -One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one centra word (minimum 25 cents); 15 ,cents ex- tra for box number or •for'direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE-6.p.m. Wednesday_ ACCOMMODATION for Rent .STEAM HEATED, fully -furnish- :ed apartment, centrally located, asuitable for _a .couple. ?bone' 176; • 6e7 -b. HOUSES FOR SALE SMALL HOME FOR SALE. Prick- ed for quick ale, $1,500 Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 44B, residence 599J. . 5-brtLh SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 21 and 212Win Hensall. Apply Albert ff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb SIX -ROOMED BRICK dwelling, good condition, modern conven- iences, new furnace, ,about half acre land, good barn, some fruit trees. Possession within 60 days. COTTAGE -AT .ABC RANCH. Apply H, C. Lawson, Realtor, -Apply Rotes Fitzsimons, phone 559. phone 251W. 51'btfb 7-p LOVELY HOME, large living room, dining room., kitchen and penrty on ground floor, four bed- rooms, den, sunpoich and bath- room second floor. Hat -whiter heated, insulated, -full cellar, double garage, close to main st. Possession 90 days. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones busi- ness 448, residence 599J. 5btfb •CABIN TRAILER for rent, fur- •,nished, insulated, very easy to -heat, priced reasonable. Mrs. Arthur Fulford, North St., 6Clin- ton, in - ton, phone 73W. THREE -ROOMED FURNISHED -aapartment, .Modern conveniences, -suitable for -couple with one .child. Phone 633r42. 7-b .BOARDERS WANTED. Mrs. Reg. ..Smith, High St., phone 797W. 6-7-b AUTOMOBIL.S FOR SALE 1950 BLACK—OLDSMOBILE Futuramic 76, whitewall tires, '•G.M. radio, nine months old, in :new condition, .a real buy. Phone 2382 local 71r1. BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS, Day old, start- -ed, prompt shipment. Pullets, ..cockerels, mixed. Standard breeds, crossbreeds. Some bargains in started. Bray 1951 catalogue and pricelist-see you have your copy. Agent: Mrs. Alec Paterson, Bruce - field. • BUILDING .LOTS .FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home. ' A number of fine lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business •448, residence 599J. 7ebetb CLOTHING FOR SALE EVENING WRAP, black velvet, -white fur collar, and baby pink •chiffon evening dress, both size 14, new, reasonable. Phone 379. 6-7-p • GIRL'S WINTER COAT, size 14, =$8. Phone 132W. ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed Contractor's Equipment will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old; calf suitable for vealing. Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 7-b YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW, due February 22; also Collie pup. Ro- bert Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 906r22. 7-b LIVESTOCK WANTED CASH -UP TO $10 for Dead or isabled Horses; $10 for Cows; Hogs $2.50 per cwt. - at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Seaforth 655r2, William Sproat. William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ontario. 4-bteb LOST AND FOUND FOUND - Pair of Spectacles, tortoise shell rims. Owner please prove property and pay for this advertisement. 7-b BIRTHS CLARKE-In Clinton Public'Hos- pital, on tSaturda-y', February 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil tram G. Clarke, Verna, a son.' MUSTARD -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 14, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mustard, 13rucefield, a son. NUSSEY-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, February 12, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Keloyn Nussey, Clinton, a daughter (Carolyn Je1•n). OESCH-In Clinton Public lios- pital, on Saturday, iFebruary 10, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Oesch, Varna, a daughter i stillborn) . STIRLING - In Clinton Public i-Iospital, on Tuesday, February 18, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stirling, R. R. 2, Bayfield, a daughter (Brenda Joyce). MARRIAGES LUDDINGTON-JOHNSTON -- In FOUND -At Clinton Badminton Club, Town, Hall, gabardine sport skint and peaked cap. Apply News -Record. 6-x MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoares orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting. etc. 51-'7-p CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT .for sale or exchange. One 3/8 yd. . Hanson power shovel with back hoe attachment; also one com- plete gravel crushing plant. Plant consists of Sawyer-1Vlassey crush- • er, one -link belt forty foot con- veyer, one 15 yard cornpentment storage bin. This bin is new and has never been used. This equip- 351, Clinton. 5-6-7-p rent can, be bought in one lump sum for $2,900. Shovel alone worth that much. Would accept late model truck or car or other construction equipment as part payment, or would sell any part separately. Terms can be ar- ranged on this equipment. Apply 'evenings to W. E. Smith, Thed- .ford, phone 283. 7-10-p NOTICE FOR FURNITURE, PIANO and radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing see W. G. Pickett, Box EMPLOYMENT WANTED ..FARMERS -Be sure to get your _help in time. Small and large -Dutch families are available for this conning spring. Apply now. •C de Haan, Belgrave. 1-9-ptfb EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ONE HANDSAW, Phone 180W, evenings, 7-p FARMS FOR SALE OR WANTED FROM 50 TO 200 ACRE FARMS 'Confidential information. Leon- aarl G. Winter, Real Estate, 'phones: business 448, residence -599J. 5-btfb FARMS FOR SALE 13 ACRES with good brick house, •'two-storey hen house, cinder 'block, 24'x48', accommodates 800 'rens; two brooder houses, seven 'shelters; ,barn 14'x48'; water pressure system, hydro; located 'ori county road, half mile from 'village. Ideal for poultry farm - :trig and market gardening. H. C. "Lawson, Realtor, phone 251 bib FURNITURE FOR SALE 'OFFICE DESK, 36"x60", quer- 'ter-cwt ,oak, eight drawers and typewriter slides. Moore's Up- holstery, Huroal St•, Clinton. 7-b ONE WILTON RUG, best quality, nine feet six inches by rix feet; one small rug, six feet by four 'feet. Apply NEWS -RECORD. HAY FOR SALE 'BALED TIMOTHY FOR SALE. -Maurice Vandermeer, phoneGod- -erich 932r15. 5 -6 - SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J. 3-7ptfb WORK WALE TED FEMAVAILABLE to do housework by REAL ESTATE 'the day. Anyone interested'p'hon.e - Phones - :506x3. 7-p Business 448 - Residence 5993 PERSONAL LEGION SHOW "GOING PLACES" DRAWS CROWDS (Continued from Page One) • Sanson, Mioiern. Brecken, Eileen Tinker, Eve Sly and Pat Millet. The Professor (Seize Show dur- ing which time a number of awards were given various peo- ple proved quite a, success. Eddie Elliott posed as Professor Quezz with Mrs. Frames- Fourtner as Gracie Allen, and they were sup- ported by L. G. Winter, Dr. H. A: McIntyre and- J. K. Cornish. The '"Kitchen Queens" was a very charming scene and was ably depicted by the following, again using Christian names: Doreen Fleming, Helen Fatrservice, Marge Steep, Eve Cook, Alme Inkley, Betty Stanley, Dorothy O'Connell and Ruby Haddy, The Scene in the Sultan's Har- em caused a great deal of merri- ment with Bill Inkley as Sultan and the sweeties being Sam Castle, Willard Aiken, George the Memorial Room of Trinity Wilson, Bert Glidden and Burt United Church, Toronto, by Stanley. Hector Kingswell, Frank Rev. "Dr. E. Crossley Hunter; Mutate end 'Hob Morgan were the Rene Eleanor, daughter. of Mrs. Johnston and the fate J. W. Johnston, Varna, to Horace J., sen o£ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lud- dington, Toronto. MacLEOD-MUTH - In Knox Presbyterian Church, Jarvis, on Wednesday, January 31, 1951, by 'Rev. H. W. Fuller, Rhea Catherine Muth, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. James Muth, Port Dover, to Maleolrn Cameron MacLeod, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis MacLeod, Bayfield. DEATHS BARTLIFF-Suddenly, at his late residence, William and Ontario Sts„ Clinton, on Friday, Feb- ruary 9, 1951, William J.amnes Harry Sutliff, beloved husband of Vinie Cardiff. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Horne, --High St., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, February 13. CATLING -At his residence, Port Stanley, on Saturday, Feb. 10, 1951, Albert E. Catling, for- merly of Bayfield, in his 81st year. Funeral to Christ Angli can Church Cemetery, Por Stanley, Tuesday afternoon February 13. EAS•OM In Regina Generel Hos pital, William Henry Easom formerly of Goderich Township in. his 71st year. Funeral i Regina Tuesday afternoon, Feb ruary 13. HOHNER-In Stratfo.d Genera Hospital, on Thursday, Febru •ary 8, 1951, Margaret Jar Boyce, widow of the late Joh Hohner, formerly oe Sterile Township. Funeral from West lake Funeral Home, Zurich, t Evangelical Cemetery, Bronco Line, Saturday afternoon, Feb ruary 10. WATSON-At her home, nea Auburn, on Wednesday, Febru ary '7, 1951, Mrs. William Walt son. Funeral from Nile Unite Church to Dungannon. Come tery Saturday afternoon, Feb ruary 10. 0 ri Jan SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 6 to 15 lbs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, healthy flesh: new vigor. Inl'roductory,, "get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb SEED GRAIN FOR SALE AJAX SEED OATS, cleaned and treated, free from mustard, $1.50 a bushel. Douglas McDougall, R.R. 2, Goderioh, phone Goderich 934r4. '7-p TRUCKS FOR SALE • 1.947 'FARGO ONE -TON TRUCK, 20,000 miles, will trade on live- stock. Douglas McDougall, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone Goderieh 934r4. 7-p WOOD FOR SALE TEN ACRES of Soft and 'Hard- wood Maple grid Beech tops, Arnold Keys,, Varna, phone Hen- sall 696r13. 7-8-9-p Business Block FOR SALE This Desirable Block contains FIVE APARTMENTS THREE BUSINESS STORES Leonard G. Winter n y 0 n New 1951 FORD DE LUXE SEDAN ON DISPLAY NOW CLINTON N MOTORS C. 'L. ,:STANLEY, 'Proprietor . - Phone 205W Clinton Brucefield United Finishes Good Year •The United Church, Brumfield, held its annual meeting in the Sunday School room of the church With ,tintnilster„ Rev. E. R. Stanway, B.A., as chairman, and John A. McEwen as secretary. Nineteen :hundred and fifty proved to have been a very suc- cessful year, 'all organizations re- porting progress, The Woman's Association redecorated the in- terior of the church auditorium and put in a new kitchen and kitchen equipment in the base- ment, The managers installed two new oil -burning furnaces .and redecorated the basement. Quite a number of new mem- bers joined the church and the minister's .salary has been in- creased. The fire insurance on the church property has been inereas ed in keeping with the increase in the price of building The M. and M. Fund, which was raised for 1950, came within a few dollars of the objective and the amount contributed for ell purposes was just under Kilties, is), attendance. $9,000. • Mrs. Walter Snaith was the matin ,Officers of the church: accompanist of the show with The .Session: Rev. E. R. Stan- Mrs. A. E. Haddy accompanying way, B.A., moderator; R. P. Wan smell sections: Mrs. Frances son, clerk; Hugh Aikenhead, Ar - Fortner was the directress of the thin McQueen, Walter Moffat, entire performance. John A. McEwen, Robert Allan, On Tuesday evening corsages Fred Boyce, Wallace Haugh, Nor - were presented to Mrs. Smith, men Walker, Alvin. McBride and Mrs. Fortner and Mrs. J. M. El- Gordon Richardson, liott. `Three new managers were A number of special prizes elected: Seldon Ross. Russel Dal - were given and these were won las and Ed. Allen. The rest of as follows: basket of groceries on the board of managers are: James Monday evening, W. V. Roy; a McDonald, Robert Allan Jr., Jahn similar prize on Tuesday even- Braadfoot, Orland Johnson, W. ing to Mrs. Jim Nott; prize do- D. Wilson and William Burdge. netted by Newcombe's Drug Store, In preparation for the 75th an- Mrs. Wesley Holland; prize of a niversary of the- church to be glove holder, donated by Count- held the second and third Sun- er's Jewellery Store for the lady days, October, 1951; a number having the birthday nearest St. of committees were set up to pre Valentine's Day, Mrs. Pat Miller; pare for it. prize for finding the most mis- spelled words in the full page advertisement in•` last week's is- sue of The NEWS -RECORD, Miss MaryS`ilcock. prize for selling the most tickets, Miss Marilyn Shaddlck. RCAF STATION r d CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Robert Pearson wishes to express thanks to all those who sent floral tributes or in any way showed sympathy in ,their recent bereavement; special 'thanks to Dr, W. A. Oakes, Rev, W. J. Woolfrcy, and the neighbours who were so thoughtful in many ways. 7-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Lr the Estate of LEON HOR- BANIUK, late of the Town of Clinton, Service Station Operator, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate ere required to furnish full particulars to the undersigned by February sel7th, 1951, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Frank -Donnelly, K.C., Gode- rich, Solicitor for the Estate. 5-6-7-b WILL RECEIVE HEALTH SERVICE Huron County Health Board, at its first meeting of 1951. held at the Health Unit, Clinton, Thursday, named Frank Sills, Seaforth, chairman for the year. Mr. Sills, who is serving hie second year as member of the hoard, is reeve of Seaforth. He succeeds Roy Cousins, Brussels, as the board's chairman. Other members are W..4Gal- hraith, Wingham, provincial rep- resentative; J. D. Beecroft, East Wewanosh, Huron County mem- ber; Earle Campbell, Tray Town- ship, and Everett Finnegan, West Wawancsh. The board authorized a limited service to Clinton RCAF Station if agreeable en a "see for ser- vice" basis. This would be a setup similar to that at Cen- tralia RCAF Station. The unit's nurses' visits have increased proportionately to the prenatal, infant and pre-school cases. A favorable report was given on the child health centres conducted by the unit under the supervision of Miss Nora Cun- ningham, supervisor of nursing. The unit is sponsoring hospital visiting to mothers with new babies, thus enabling the nurses tis offer servlces in a much earl - lei and needful time. Considerable discussion on the present `influenza scare took place, and Dr, R. M. Aldis, medi- cal officer of health, informed the members that control sug- gestions will come from , the Canadian committee in Ottawa which is making a thorough sub- ject of the subject. Dr. Aldis added meales, mumps and chicken pox are having their fling in various school sec- tions. As many are , not sick enough to consult their doctors and fail to notify the school it is impossible to secure accurate figures, he said. TO HOSPITAL IN STORM NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE F A It Q U I1 A It, late of Hallett Township, Deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required t0 forward full particulars duly verified to the undersigned by March 3, after which date the assets of the estate will be dis- tributed. Frank Donnelly, K.C., Goderich, Solicitor for the Estate. ROXY THEATRE CCL 1 N T O N REGENT THEATRE, SEAFOR T H - THURS., FEB. • 15 --- Ida Ida Lupino - Howard Duff "Woman in Hiding" - FRL, SAT., FEB. 16, 17 - Jerome Courtland • Beverley Tyler "PALOMINO" Color MON., TUES., WED., FEB. 19-21 Marguerite Chapman Walter Brennan "The GREEN PROMISE" THURS., FRI„ SAT., FEB. 22-24 George Montgomery -Marie Windsor "DAKOTA LIL" Color HENSALL • Condition Improving The many friends of Oliver Rowcllffe will be pleased to learn is improving nicely follow- ing his recent illness. ' Property Changes Fred Raters has sold his house on Highway 4, north of Hensall, to Ernie Chipchase, who sold his farm to Elgin Rowcliffe. Move to Port Colborne W. R. Davidson has sold his property to Lorne Hay. Mr. end Mrs. Davidson, who have been residents of Hensall for 19 years, expect to take up residence in Port Colborne, where their son Allan conducts a funeral home, Member Honored Members of the Women's Mis- sionary Society of Carmel Pres- byterian Church met ext the home of Mrs. George Walker Monday afternoon, February 12, for a quilting panty. During the lunch- eon hour, while the group were seated et the table, Mrs. W. R. Davidson, member of the society for 19 years and a life member for many years, was presented with an electric lamp in recog- nition of her years of faithful service in the Auxiliary. Mrs. Davidson end her husband expect to take up residence in Port Colborne. Although completely taken by surprise, Mrs. Davidson expressed her thanks to the ladies for the gift. Snaps were taken of the group and an en- joyable time spent. NOW: "GREEN PROMISE" Robert Paige & Walter Brennan-. COMING -Feb. 26: Girl" "The Petty Girl" Technicolor Joan Caulfield-Robt. Cummings PARK THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 NOW: Patrice Wymore and Errol Flynn in "Rocky Mountain" -- MON.-TUES.-WED. — "The Miniver ,Story" The sequel to "M•rs.Miniver," in which the same lovable characters depict the final chapter" of their eventful lives Starring Greer Gerson, Walter Pidgeon and John Hodiak - THURS.-FRI.-SAT. — "T -MEN" A tense and terrine tale of a group of undercover men who set their lives to a pat- tern 'of hazardous adventure. Dennis O'Keefe -Mary Meade and June Lockhart - MON.-TUES.-WED. Dan Dailey -Anne Baxter and Rory Calhoun It's a lively song -n' -dance musical set 'to a Western theme in the early days . of •. railroad building. "A• Ticket to Tomahawk" John THURS.,-FRL-SAT. Wayne -Montgomery and Joanne Dru An epic presentation of the first cattle drive over Chis- holm Trail, and of the rugged men who carried .11 through. "RED RIVER" Cl- ift Coming: "PRETTY BABY" -with Dennis Morgan and Betsy Drake CAPITAL - THEATRE GODERICH - Phone 1150 Now: "TONY DRAWS A HORSE" with Cecil Parker and Anne Crawford - MON.-TUES.-WED. "Intruder in the Dust" In a typical Southern town an aged Negro, framed on a murder charge, finds two 'champions in an aged spin- ster and a boy. David Brian -Claude Jarman and Elizabeth Patterson Coming: "SWORD IN THE DESERT" Adult Entertainment Marta Toren and Technicolor Miss Margaret McNaughton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, Cromarty, has re- turned home fromn tClinton Public Hospital where she underwent an tonsil operation. Margaret went to the hospital at the height of the storm Wednesday last with the snowplow driven by Wilson Allan, Hensall, preceding the car to Ilensell where she was met by the doctor who took her to 6-7-8-b Clinton. Order Your • New Spring Suit NOW New samples are now in. Latest Shades and Smartest Styles in the Season's Newest Materials. Mede by WARREN K, COOK TOWNE HALL JAMES BROS. TIP TOP TAILORS •_ ___ _—_ • LADIES: You, too, can have your New Suit tailored to measure, made to fit. you. - • • _ _ _ _ - PICKETT 07, ,CAMPBELL ARROW' SHIRTS STETSON HATS (opposite the theatre) CLIN7tON: PHONE 25 WOODWORKING • Custom Band and Jigsawing - THURS.-FRI.-SAT. - Gene Autry -Sheila Ryan and Frank Richards In a Sepi'atone Western story involving a band of starving Navajo Indians and .the cow- boy who fought their cause. "The Cowboy and the Indians" Coming: "The SLEEPING CITY" Richard Conte & Coleen Gray BRUCEFIELD World -Day of Prayer The Women's World Day of Prayer service was held in Bruce - field United Church on Friday, Feb. 9, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Alton John- ston presided at the organ and played soft music before the meeting opened. Taking part in the service were Mas, Ed Allan, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mrs. L. Wilson, Special pray- ers were offered by Mrs. Mc- Queen, Mrs: W. Douglas, Mrs.. R. Watson, Mrs, B. Keyes, Mrs. H. Dalrymple and Mrs. Stanway. ltlrs. R. Allan gave the adderss on the theme, "Perfect love cast- eth out fear." Mrs. J. Cairns sang a beautiful solo, "Teach me to pray " • Kitchen Cabinets built to your specifications • Novelties, What -pots eg• smith Phone 797-W - High Street 4-tfb +rrr+�s «�s+e • +• a ret +�+r+F CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Ks C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j enesenneeneenensenessennnn For Speedy SERVICE Mis Edith 'Bovey is in Exeter owing to the illness of her broth- er, J. Howey. • Dr. Carman Haugh, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. C. Haugh, over the weekend. Many attended the carnival in the skating rink Saturday even- ing, Keep in mind• the play which the Adult Fellowship Group are presenting on Friday evening. It is the comedy, "Family Wash." Euchre a Success There was a good attendance at the euchre- sponsored by the IOOF on Tuesday evening. Those in charge were E. Webster, H. Taylor end J. Broadfoot, Prize- winners included: ladies 1st, Mrs. A. Zapfe; and, Mrs. A. Foote; gents l.st, O. Johnston; 2nd, W. Burdge. delicious lunch was served by those in charge. THE MAN CHRIST JESUS —1 Tim, 2:5. Be it known unto you, therefore, that through THIS MAN is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by Him all that believe are justified from all things. —Acts 13:38.39. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boost. -Eph, 2:8,9 CHAS. FUr.T.ER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53 -ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST a -•+••-• a •++.+-*+•+++4ta • •+-e+N-4-4 +t•r-+4-rr++1 $ •-,-•-*i$-hraf•h1-5- auomanc WASHER ROLLS ON CASTERS. NO INSTALLATION USES LESS HOT WATER ONLY ONE CONTROL 5 YEAR GUARANTEE an FLEXATUB WASHES CLEANER BANISHES WASHDAY COSTS LESS SEE IT ON DEMONSTRATION AT' Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLIITMBING CLINTON w PHONE 244 , -• . THE GREATEST WASHER OF ALL TIME