HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-02-15, Page 4.GE FOUR•
Mrs. Lorna Muairay, Stratford,
9s. the weekend guest of Mrs.
a Jones.
Mrs, Ray Patterson, Toronto,
Fent the weekend with her
other; Mrs. Vesta Streets. •
Mrs. F. W. Andrews was a
eekend visitor with -Mr. and
:rs.E. C. Andrews, Seaeboro
Ontario St. WMS
Hears Talk on Japan,
The February meeting of the
WMS of Ontario. St. Unite
Church was held at the home of
Mrs. N.. Carter on Tuesday. af-
ternoon. The president, Mrs. A,
J. McMurray, was in charge. Af-
ter the singing .of a hymn Miss
S. Courtice led in prayer.
The devotional period 'wee in
charge of Mrs. R. Fear who took
as,her theme "His Silent Pres-
ence." Talks on Lent were given
Miss Jean Vodden, Toronto, was and an article, written by Muriel
weekend visitor at the home Lester, was read. Psalm 123 was
t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. repeated. • Mrs. R. Plumsteel and
Vod'den. Miss E. Plumsteel favoured with
Mrs. Arthur Thompson and a duett "Pilot of Galilee,"
ambly, iDunsivillei are visiting During the busines period ver-
se formers mother, Mrs. H. J. ious reports were given. It was
'hompson. • decide -to hold the Easter Thank -
offering at the morning service
on Sunday, March .18. The guest
speaker is to be Mrs. J. H. Childs,
A chapter in the Study Book
"The United. Church re-enters
Japan" was given by Mrs. 21. C.
Lawson. She told of the work
among the children, the youths,
the work dirtied on by women
and the influence of Christian
homes. A reading on the life of
Valentine was given by Mrs.
Maltby. •
The meeting closed with Miz-
pah Benediction" after which ,
Valentine tea was served and a
social time enjoyed.
Women's Day Prayer
Proves Successful
'Mrs. M. D. McTaggart left on
'uesday to spend the rest of the
winter with her sister, Miss El-
anor Broder, Morrisburg.
Miss .Margaret Holland end her
uest, Miss Doris Gnierson, took
n the Stratford Normal School
excursion to Toronto last week.
Donald Andrews spent t'he
veekend in Toronto with William
learn and George Durliarn, stud-
i'nts at the University of Toronto.
Miss Catherine Fingland, Lon -
Ion Normal School, was a week-
;r_d visitor at the home of her
aarents, Mr. and Mrs. ['rank
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray
pent the weekend 10 Toronto
nd attended the Chapman-
escott wedding on Saturday in
iverdale United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney,
ns. I. M. Nay and Mervyn
anly attended the funeral of
heir cousin, the late Mrs. William
Edson, at Nile on Saturday last.
Mrs. N. W. Trewarbha had the
nisfortune to fall the other day,
reeking her knee cap. Since
ne accident she has been a pa -
lent in Clinton Public Hospital.
Miss L M. Walkinshaw return -
d recently 'from an extended
ip to the Pacific' Coast, visit -
g while away in Saskatoon,
egina, Calgary, Vancouver and
Mrs. William Shaddock and
ughiter, Miss Ann, and their
est, Mrs. E. E. Brown, Petrolia,
ent Sunday in Exeter with the
rmers son-in-law and daugh-
r, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Macaulay.
Miss Helen Lobb returned to
rnprior on Monday having spent
e past few days with her par-
ts, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lobb,
ming home to be present at the
nenal of her grandmother, the
te Mrs. Robert Pearson,
John E. Cuninghame, Owen
umd, and Mr. and Mrs. Artbu
Saunders, London, visited
err parents over the weekend.
s. 'Catherine Johnston, Owen
und, also was a guest in the
me of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Wesley -Willis WMS St. Andrew's .WA
Hears Good Reports Committees' for 1951
The WMS of Wesley-Wil•1is The WA of „St. Andrew's Pres
United Church met at the -hoarse byterian Church met at the home'
of Mrs. H. C. Wilson with the of Mrs. A. Cuthnore on Tuesday,
president, Mrs,,M'argaret Addison, February 6. The hostesses were
in the chair, and Mrs. F. B. Pen- Mrs. Cook; Mrs. McTaggart and
nebaker at the piano. The meet- Mrs. Sheddock. The meetirrg was
ing opened with the singing of well attended and considerable
a hymn and prayer by the ptesi- business was transacted.
dent. The following committees were
In the absence of the secretary, appointed for 1951: social, Mrs.
Mrs. C. Nelson, the minutes of Farquhar, Mes. Ball, Mrs. Rob -
the January meeting were read erten, Mrs. McEwen; 'quilt, Mrs.
by Mrs. B. 'C: Hearn. Miss Stone Cook, Mrs. Clifton, Mrs. Hall,
gave the treasurer's report show- Mrs. Snider; visiting. Mrs. Rob-
ing $53.77 on hand. Mrs. R. erten, Mrs. Snider,, Mrs. Gibson;
Shipley reported 39 calls made. property, Mrs. Shaddock, Mrs.
Mrs. A. T. Cooper told of the Roberton; flowers and cards, Mrs.
new hospital for alcoholics be- Shaddock.
It was decided to hold the an-
nual bazaar in June. The March
meeting will be held at the home
Mrs. James ManLaren reported of Mrs. E. W. Farquhar.
for the Mission Band and Mrs.•
Epps presented the birthday box. CWL .Seeks Used
Plans were discussed for the
Easter Thankoffening, and a com-
mittee com6iased of the president,
Mrs. M. Addison, Mrs. N. Shep-
herd, Mrs. C. M. Shearing and
Mrs. H. C. Willson, was appointed
to arrange for it. Members were
reminded of the Leaders Con-
ference to be held in Ontario St.
United Church on February 27.
An invitation is to be given to
the Huron Presbyterial to .hold
its annual meeting for 1952 in
Wesley -Willis Church. Ain invita-
tion to hold the March meeting
at the home of Mrs. J. A. Sutter
was accepted. The offering was
received and the president offer-
ed prayer.
The group leader, Mrs. C. M.
Shearing, took charge of the re-
ma•inder• of the meeting. • T 11 e
hymn, "The Church's One Found-
ation" was sung and Mrs. W.
Murch read from II Corinthians
8:1-7. Mrs. McLaren gave the
lesson thoughts.
A solo, "I've Done My Work"
by Mrs. W. M. Nediger with Mrs.
W. E. Perdue accompanying was
mnuoh, enjoyed. Mrs. R. Shipley
In Current Events, spoke of the
new discoveries of relief and cure
for Hansen's disease, formerly
called Leprosy, Research has
shown that this disease is not
contagious and is curable. Mrs.
Shipley also gave interesting
items on Kagawa and Radar.
The Study Book was . given by
Mrs. Shearing and Mrs. Hearn In
a most interesting manner. The
singing of bhe hymn "In Christ
there is no East or West" and the
Benediction by Mrs. Shearing
closed the meeting. Mrs. N. Shep-
herd and her group served re-
freshments and a happy social
time was enjoyed.
Ontario SL Girls'
Chub Holds Meeting
The seven wonders of the
dern world are the airplane,
diunm, antiseptics, antitoxins,
ray, radio and the telephone.
ing opened at the reformatory at
Mimico, and also mentioned the
Boys' Parliament,.
The women of Clinton gathered
in large numbers in St. Paul's
Anglican Church on Friday af-
ternoon last when the annual
Wench's World Day of Prayer
was held. Mrs. May MacKinnon
presided and Mrs, Theo Fremlin
was at the organ for the musical
part of the, service.
The speaker of the afternoon
was Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson who
gave a very inspiring address on
Prayer". Mrs. Wilson pointed
out that it was only as the power
of prayer became a real factor in
the lives of the peoples of the
world that the hope for world
pez'ce could become a reality. The
addees was very timely and was
most thought-provoking.
Those assisting in the various
Poets orf the programme were
Mrs. D. J. Lane and Mrs. David
Wilson, St. Andrew's Presbyter-
ian Church; Mrs, W. J. Woolfrey
and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, On-
tario St. United Church; Mrs. R.
M. P. Bulteel, St. Paul's Angli-
can Church; Mrs. W. Aikenhead,
Clinton Baptist Church; and Mrs.
Margaret Addison and Mrs. N.
Holland, Wesley -Willis United
During the service, Mrs. Clair
Clark sang a very pleasing solo.
The offering which is to be used
for missionary extension work
amounted to $24.82.
The tern "good=bye" is a cor-
ruption of "God be with you."
Attend Our Showing...
Thur. -Fri. -Sat.,
Feb. 15th - 16th - 17th
Ladies' Coats and Suits
Good choice of Styles in the new Shades
, and best of Materials.
The Lovett Specialty Shop
For Floor
You'll find the BEST SELECTION
Marboleum Tiles
We will loan you the necessary tools --
and instruct you on the correct procedure
to insure a job of which you will be proud.
(Inlaid Linoleum)
are 19c each
Phone 361-W Phone 361-J
Hardware and Furniture - Funeral Directors
Stamps and Papers
At the regular monthly meet-
ing of the Catholic Women's
League of St. Joseph's Parish,
Clinton, and 'St. Michael's Par-
ish, Blyth, held in the Parish
Hall, Clinton,,membens were ask-
ed to bring to the regular'meet-
ings used postage stamps and us-
ed religious newspapers. The
president, Miss P. Morrison, and
Miss R. Desjardines are in
charge of sending these to the
Sisters of Service in Toronto.
Miss Florence Evans, convener
of the visiting committee, report-
ed nine home calls and two vis-
iting calls made in the past
month. Mrs. John Shanahan and
Mrs. J. W. Wilson were named
as the visiting committee for
Suggestions were made by
members of adopting a needy
family in Canada, and the secre-
tary, Mrs. Frank, Evans, Jr., was
requested to obtain the necessary
information. '
Rev. S. J. McDonald discussed
the St. Patrick's concert to be
held in March in the Parish Hall.
The possibilities of organizing a
parent -teacher organization was
Far the March meeting mem-
bers are asked to donate canned
goods which will be raffled at
the meeting, the proceeds to go
for the League work. The "Trav-
elling Apron" will be completed
at the next month's meeting.
The meeting closed with the
league prayer led by Pais: Mor ••
tisnn, after which a casocial
social or
was enjoyed by all,
committee, Mrs. Sam Spencer,
Mrs. Irene Henri and Mrs. Fraelc
Evans, Jr., served lunch.
Mrs. George Carbert and Mrs.
Jack Scruton were named as the
social conveners for the Masai
Ontario St. S.S. Board
Winter Weddings
MacLEOD-MUTH Miss Janet A. Dunn, Toronto,
A pretty wedding Was splens- the bride's only attendant. wore
razed in K n o Presbyterian navy blue with matching acces-
Church, Jarvis, on Wednesday, soriese, and a corsage of red and
January 31, at 3 p.m.. when Rhea white carnations,
Catherine Muth, daughter of Mr, William Gregg was best man.
Mrs. James Muth, Port Dover,
and. After a dinner in Toronto, dur-
became the bride of Malcolm ing which time several telegrams
Cameron MacLeod, son of Mr. of congratulations were received,
and Mrs, Lewis MacIaeod, Bay- bhe couple left en a trip to North-
field. Rev. H. W. Fuller: of- err Ontario, returning to Varna
fieiated. for a family dinner at the home
The bride was lovely in an of the bride's mother.
ankle -length gown of hunter's Tile couple will take up resi-
green silk lace over taffeta, brown dence in Niagara Falls.
velvet hat trimmed with green Pxior to her marriage the bride.
feathers, brown accessories and, was entertained at several show -
corsage of Johanna Hill roses. ers in Toronto.•
She was attended by her sister, o
Mrs. Robert Elve of Port Dover, Mayor Nott's Nephew
who wore an ankle -length dress
of toast color taffeta with nervy Premier -designate
blue hat, shoes and `gloves and
corsage of pink carnation's. Robert When the O,id:er Boys' P4arl-
Elve, brother-in-law of the bride, iament met in British Columbia
was best man. recently, it elected as its Prem -
Alter a short honeymoon in ier designate (to take office at
Buffalo, the couple will reside in the session next December) one
Port Dover. who although has not lived here
Baptist Ladies' Aid
.Hears of Convention.
The Ladies' Aid of Clinton
Baptist Church held its regular
meeting alt the home of 'Mrg
Reg. Clifford an Tuesday after-
noon, February 6. The meeting
opened by singing "What a friend
we have in Jesus" followed by
the Lord's Prayer repeated in
The Scripture lesson was read
from Psalm 23. Fallowing the
roll tali being answered, Mrs.
Clifford gave, the secretary's and
treasurer's reports. Mrs. J. But-
ler sang "Blest be the tie that
binds" accompanied by Mrs.
Clark at the piano. Letters and
cards of appreciation were read.
Mrs. Clifford gave reports of
the Baptist Convention of On-
tario and Quebec, speaking on
the work carried on by the Con-
vention in Canada and in foreign
mission fields. She later gave a
reading "Looking Beyond the
Collection Plate."
After the business was discus-
sed Mrs. Clark closed the meet-
ing with prayer. A dainty lunch
was served by the hostess.
The Girds' Club of Ontario At.
United Church held its February
meeting at the home of Miss
Emma Plumsteel. The president.
Miss Hattie Courtice, opened the
'meeting with a word and poem
on prayer.
Miss Plumsteel and Miss Wiltse
were in charge of the devotional
period. Miss Wiltse opened this
pert of the meeting by singing
a hymn. Miss Plumsteel read the
origin of the hymn "Jesus Sav-
iour, Pilot Me," after which all
!caned in singing it.
The roll call was answered
with a+verse containing the word
prayer. It was decided to hold
the annual bazaar jointly with
the WA in December. All were
in favour of starting a birthday
Mrs. Moir favoured with "two
lovely solos, followed by a very
interesting and inspiring talk on
"Faith" given by Mrs. May Rance
MacKinnon. Miss Elva Wiltse
favoured with an instrumental,
and the meeting closed with the
Mizpah Benediction.
A delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Maltby, Miss Wilbse and
the hostess.
Radios Repaired
and Serviced
Public Address
Systems Installed
and Advertising done for
all occasions
has Clinton relatives. He is Bruce
KNIGHT -BELL Bennett, a nephew of Mayor G.
(By our Hensall correspondent) W, Nott.
A quiet but pretty wedding The 18 -year-old past -time
was solemnized at Carmel Pres- University of British Columbia
byterian Manse, Hensall, Sat- student hopes to take his small
urd'ay, February 3,eat 3 p.m., cabin boat this summer and visit
when Ellen Jean Bell, Hensall,
and Clarence Reginald Knight,
Exeter exchanged marriage vows.
Rev. P. A. Ferguson was the of-
Relaiting minister.
The bride is the daughter. of
Mr. and Mss. W. R. Be11, Hen-
sall; and the groom, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Reginald Knight, Exet-
Given in marnia:ge by her
father, the bride was lovely in
a grey suit with brown access-
ories, and wearing a corsage of
yellow flower. The young couple
were unattended•. Luncheon was'
served at the New Commercial
Hotel, Hensall.
For their wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Knight motored to the
southern United States. Upon
their return they will reside on
the groom's farm south of Hen -
sail. The bride is on the staff
of the Bank of Montreal, Hensall.
Bob Weeks
Radio and Sound
Phone 479
Clinton Electric Shop
from Wet and Cold
Work Mitts
' from
Aken s
Luggage and Shoes
Plans Activities
The Sunday School Board of
Management of Ontario St. Unit-
ed Church met at the home of
Mr•..and Mrs, Charles Elliott on
Thursday evening, February 1,
with 19 members .;present, . and
the superintendent, C. Stewart,
presiding. The meeting was
opened. with the hymn "There is
Work to do for Jesus" followed
ha. prayer by Rev. W. J. Wool
hey and the Lord's Prayer.
The lesson for Sunday, Feb-
ruary 4, was reed and .discussed.
by C. O. 1Vlei tin. "The Mighty
Worker" was the subject and
was taken from Mark 5: 21-43.
The secretary gave her report
which was received as read.
Several items of business arising
from the report were discussed.
Me. Stewart reported some new
hymn slides hacl been ordered.
The treasurer, Mss, Ross Merrill,
gave her report, which showed
a good balance on hand as of
February 1.
Mrs. Wheeler was appointed
sissistant teacher :for No. 4 Boys.
It was decided to have a sleigh
ride and supper for ,the children
on February 16 at 4 p.m. The
supper committee is Mrs. Shob-
brook, Mrs. Hoggarbh, Mrs. Ste-
wart, Miss D. Tyndall, Mrs,
Wheeler, Mas. le Merrill. The
meat committee is Mrs. Elliott,
Mrs. Sly, Mrs,• Powell and Mrs.
The hymn "All for Jesus" clos-
ed this part of the meeting after
which the superintendent offered
prayer. Mr. Martin showed two.
films on "CI>bld Psychology"
which were both interesting and
A delicious lunch was served
by the host and hostess and a
vote of thanks was tendered them
by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey and F.
Hensall United
Has Good Year
(By our FIensali correspondent)
'The annual congregational sup-
per of Hensall United Church
was held in 'the School room., At
the close of the supper hour,
Mrs. Ronald Mock favoured the
gathering " with' a solo, aftei
which the pastor, Rev W J
Rogers, conducted the annual
meeting. Very..favour;lble reports
were received from all the oa'-
J. Blackwell, R. Mock, Stanley
Mitchell and Dave Kyle were
effected to the Board of Stewards.
Mrs. W. Dougall, Mrs. George
Thompson, Mrs. William Forrest,
Mrs. S. Mitchell, Mrs. Hamold
Elder and Mrs. Ross Richardson
were elected as the Flower Com-
Money raised for al purposes
Was over $11;000. 'llhe insurance
committee reported that the, in-
surance on the church, property
had been raised to $'75,000 dur-
ing the year.
The congregation voted to de-
cos'ate the church and. 'install a
new lighting system during the
coming year.
The congnogetion voted to send.
greetings to libels former pastor,
Rev. R. A. Brook, new of Blue-
vale. •
A tine spelt Of good, fellowship
and co-operation pervaded the
meting. •
Ships weigh less when travel -
coast "constituencies" Bruce has
been in the boys' parliament for
In the Memorial Room of Trin-
ity United Church, Toronto, Rev.
Dr. E. Crossley Hunter united in
marriage at a double ring even-
ing ceremony, Rena Eleanor, dau-
ghter of Mrs. Johntsori and the
late J. W. Johnston, Varna, to
Horace J. Luddington, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Luddington, To-
The bride wore a frock of sap-
phire blue crepe with hat to
match and a ,00rsage of white
Church Directory
two years, and this year was min-
ister of hobbies. His biggest job
has been to organize a hobby
show, the second largest in Brit-
ish Columbia, to be held at the
Hudon Bay Co, auditorium in
Wesley -Willis United
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist
Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director
Sunday, February 18
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
"Simon Peter -Christ's Rock
12.15 -Church School
7.00 p.m. -Evening Praise;
"Jacob and the Ladder"
Union Evening service in this
Come to the House of Prayer.
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Reotor
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
Sunday, February 18
10.00 a.m.-Main Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Mooning Service and
Primary Sunday School
7.00 p.m. -Eventing Service
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2.45 p.m. -WA
at home of Miss Thompson,
Isaac St.
Thursday, Feb. 22, 8 p.m. -Chan-
cel Guild, Memorial Hall;
everyone welcome.
Spring Suits and Coats
If you are in the market for a Suit
or Coat this season, NOW is the
time to buy!
You get first choice of styling and
color, and you need riot wait for
Coats" are this season's specialty.
We stock them!
Make your purchase this weekend
at Irwin's and receive "FREE" your
choice of a pair of SHEER NYLON
New Crepe and Faille Dress Lengths are now in
stock. You can save money by sewing for yourself. Make
our store your headquarters for Sewing Needs,
Ontario Sit. United
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist '
and Choir Leader
Sunday, February 18
11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship
"Christ the Saviour"
12.15 --Sunday School
7.00 pen. -Union Evening Ser-
vice in Wesley -Willis United
Baptist Church
Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist
Sunday, February 18
11.00 a.m.-Worship Service
12.00 a.m.-Sunday School
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
REV, D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, February 18
10,00 a.m.---Sunday School
11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship
Sermon Meditation:
"The Importance of the
Please read II Kinge 6.
2.30 p,m..-Knox Churche Bay-
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Sunday, February 18
10.00 a.m.-Sunday -School
11,00 am . --Morning Worship
7.30 p.m -Gospel Service
Friday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's
Tuesday, 8 pm. -Bible Study and
Make Your Appointment
Now For Your
with a fully experienced operator
-specializing in COLD WAVING
formerly "Miss Ethel Thompson"
Opening on Monday, Feb. 19
Audrey Carpenter
Phone Clinton 585
in Clinton Lions Arena
We Want What You Don't Want!
:Furniture, reothin.g, Bric-a-Brae, Odds and Ends,
or (if you have two of any article) give one to us.
For storage and further informationcontact
the following conveners:
ST. JOHN'S WARD ......... . .... MRS. H. C. LAWSON
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ting east thann when travelling �
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Specials For February 15-16-17
CRISCO (Limit 2 lbs.)
Ib. 44c
ALLEN'S APPLE JUiCE, 48 oz. tin 23c
SMART'S CHO. R.P. CHERRIES, 15 oz. ..., 2 tins 39c
AYLMER VEG. SOUP, 10 oz. 2 tins 21c
GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN ........... ... 2 tins 33c
ONTARIO POTATOES, No. 1 75 Ib. bag $1.50
P.E.I. POTATOES, No. 1 75 Ib. bag 1.85
SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, size 96s 4 for 25c
HEAD LETTUCE, 5's 2 for 29e
Watch This Paper for Offielai Opening!
Thompson's food Market