HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-02-01, Page 9`10flrl?SDAY,: leBIufkARY 1, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE .aN44aae-re • News Of FIensall -'4•x44 Ed Fink is spending this week .in Nova Scotia. !Mess Jean Elltofit, (Galt; and i`ellise Eleanor Cook, Hensall, are �spertdiiiei a few days in Detroit. Miss Amy Lamrxile is in 'To- ronto taking a three 'months -course in her work. Mrs. C. "Devlin `left `Sunda/ 'to reside with her sen and daughter - 'in -law, Mr. and 'Mrs. William °Cook, London. • Mr. and Mrs."Harold 33on4hron, Bryan and Bevin; were'in Toron- to recently attending the furni- ture show, Mr. and Mrs. David Ryckrnan`, "?olliek, "S:D,, ' who 'have been Spending the past month with Mr. and Mrs. It. Parsons, and Mr. 'Ryclunari,'left"Sattsrday for their home, They were accompanied 'leyMiss Velma "Ferguson and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, who will Stop over at Mi'ssdss ved to visit .friends, Loses Left Hand Wayne Mellin, six,, son of Mr. ''an'd Mrs. Russell Vieille, 'Dash- *cod, lost his left hand. in a *veru picker on' lis 'father's farm last Saturday, and was admitted to St. Joseph's 1•>lospitall, Lon-. • don. • Sells "Business 'Cecil Johnston has disposed of his •welding business to 'Mr. Mof- . at, 'Louden. Mr. Johnston Who has been in 131 health for the pat few months, is able tube oust .again. Successful Auction The auction sale of household effects of Mrs. C. "Devlin, 'held `•Saturday last, was very success- ful. Good prices 'were realized, and over $900 taken in. Ed. Cor- bett was the auctioneer. Nurses Receive Caps Misses Eleanor Cook, Patsy :Mitchell, Velma Ferguson, nurses - in -training, received their caps rat the exercises'held Teceritly in the auditorium of the nurses' residence, Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Their • parents and a few friends were present for the oc- casion. MissVelma Ferguson as spending a week of her mid- winter vacation visiting friends in Mississippi. :, Hockey Team Feted Members of Rendall hockey team and executive of the WOAA Intermediate "B" were roynally entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau, Hay Township, Thursday evening, Jan. 25. Duck, with all the trim- mings, was the menu served. Cards were featured and a sing- song enjoyed, There were 25 present. The boys voted it one of the best suppers they had at- tended. Library Board Officers The first seating of the 1951 Hensall Library Board was held Jan. 23. Reeve A. W. Kerslake was appointed chairman for the year, J, A. Paterson, secretary - treasurer, and Mrs. A. Cameron librarian for the year. The sec- retaty-treasurer reported regist- ered m,embens for 1950 being 143 and a total circulation of books 6,147 for 1950 and a total num- ber of books of all kinds 4,116 on the shelves or in circulation. Also stated there had been six meetings of the board held dur- ing the year, with assets $5,158.65 and liabilities none. Book pur- chasing committee is to be com- posed of Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. 1J. Norminton and Rev. W. J. Rogers. Rev;; Mr. Rogers sug- gested that a sign be put up on the library door stating the hours the library is open and the sec- retary instructed to have these signs printed as soon as possible. R. II. Middleton Chairman The first- meeting of the 1951 Hensall Community Park Board was held Thursday evening, .Jan. 25. It. H. Middleton was appoint- ed cheirinan, 3. A. Paterson 'see - eatery -treasurer, ee-eatery treasurer for • 1951. Rink committee appointed were: R. H. Middleton, William 'Parke, Lorne Luker. Secretary-ttreasuer presented a financial statement from the starting of making ice to eannary 22, and stated there was a. deficit of $10 at present but that from now on better results could be looked for. • It was decided to charge the curlers 35 'mete apiece for curling aete'noons and ' 35 cents for evenings, - and they were given the%rivilege of clos- ing the doors to keep children out when they are curling. All hockey teams other than .the Public .School teams when not playing in en organized league are charged $3 per; hour for the use of the rink. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pepper, Hamilton, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Pep- per. Thomas Richardson was taken by Borithron ambulance Satur- day last to the Riverside Rest Horne, Mitchell. Mrs. L. Mickle entertained several little boys and girls to a party last Friday in honor of Bobby's seventh birthday. Miss Beverley Sangster, Regina, Sask., who is attending Univer- sity of Western Ontario, was a weekend guest of Miss Betty Mickle. Piens ere being made to hold a pot -luck supper in connection with I • the annual congregational meeting in the school room of the United Church Monday, Jam. uary 29• Miss Betty Mickle, who is at- tending University ' of Western Ontario; Bill Mickle, who is at- tending OAC, Guelph, were week- end visitors with their parents, Mr: and Mrs. L. Mackie. Measles Epidemic School attendance at Hensall Public School has been below average owing to an epidemics of measles. Thirteen children were home on Monday, ten from grade 3 and 4. Congratulations: Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Hensall, are pleased" to announce the arrival of their daughter Susan Diane; at Clinton Public Hospital, Friday, January 19, 1951, a sister for Bernice and Was, and a granddaughter for Mr and Mrs, C. L, Jinks. Successful Euchre" Following the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen - sail, Wednesday, Jan. 17, a social evening ,was field with progres- sive euchre featured, There were 50 members and invited guests. Eleven tables were in play for tell euchre, winners being as fol- lows: Ladies first, Mrs. J..Mc- Beath. consolation, Mrs. L. Chap- man, Hensall. gents' first, Nor- man Jones, consolation, Russell Ferguson, Hensall; lone hands: ladies, Mrs. J. MclVIuetrie, Hen- sall; gents, Archie Patrons, Kip - pen. Vestry Meeting Held The annual vestry meeting of St, Paul's Anglican Churph was held Jan. 18 with Rev. C. Lang- ford in the chair. Following of - Veers were appointed for the year: W. F. Riley, Rector's War- den; J. Henderson, People's War- den: A. L. 'Case, Vestry Cleric; W. O. Goodwin, secretary -treas- urer; Mrs, R. II. Middleton, superintendent Sunday School; T. Lavender and F. Forrest, sides- men; A. L. Case, lay delegate to Synod; R. H. Middleton,sub- delegate to Synod; A. L. Case and R. H. Middleton, auditors. All organizations of the church showed a credit balance for 1950. Community Night Second Community Night was held in the Town Hall Friday, January 12, under the auspices of the Womeres Institute, Prog- ressive euchre was played. During the evening, draws were held on prizes donated by Hensall merchants (North Side). Miss Phyllis Case, vice-president, conducted the draw, assisted by lVlrs. William Parke. Results were as follows: Mrs. D O ES ORE COSTS LESS The Beatty Automatic washes the clothes cleaner and whiter -- and 'uses hardly HALF as much hot water as other automatics. it is MORE. -PRACTIC•AL in many ways, 1t does not have to be installed -- does mot have to be bolted down — it is movable on casters so it can be run in and oat of kitchen or bathroom. The cabinet is handsome as any &piece of furniture and will "do you proud" in your kitchen. COMES WITHIN YOUR MEANS 'Because of its simple; sound construction, the COST of the new .Beatty Automatic has been kept down. It costs less than others. The cost will 'be greatly reduced by the generous ALLOWANCE we will make For .your old washer. And you can spread the balance.out in easy monthly 'terms so low you'll hardly miss the money, Sure you can afford itl 'You can't afford to 'be withoutit. It wastes, it rinses, it damp dries, it pumps the wash water out, deans itself, shuts itself off -- AUTO- MATICALLY. You put the clothes in and you take them out your hands never touch the water. Here at last is the END of wash day. Because you can put a load of dirty things in any time. Set the control, and RELAX. It's so simple to operate that even a youngster could run' -it. lust ONE control' to set and the washer does the rest. - A MARVELLOUS INVENTION Come in and let us show you the marvellous "HYDROFLEX TUB" which enfolds the clothes when they are washed and rinsed and squeezes them "damp dry." See the "TOPFLOW" method of flushing suds and sediment out through the top so they are kept from resoiling the' clothes, PRACTICAL Here's the most efficient washing action in the world it's the patented Beatty "human hand" agitator. It was long ago proven to be the most PRACTICAL. EFFICIENT 1 The rinsing is done by the agitator, too, and many times more thoroughly than it can be done by hand or by any other method—gels clothes cleaner, whiter, '.SEf IT NOW ON DEMONSTRATION AT Hugh R. Hawkins Phone 244 Clinton A, Kerieiake• Mrs, Maude Redden; Mrs. W. Sma1e; Miss L. Dinnin; Mrs. C. Forrest; Mrs. R. Coneitt; Mrs. W. Brown; Mrs, E. Shad - dick;,` Mr, R. Consitt; Mks. G. Ingram; Mr. Turner; Miss Edna Walsh; Jaek Corbett; Mr. Balk- well,lExeter• Miss Passmore, Exe- Godeter; Roy 1V1ieBride; Mrs, Price; rtich; Mrs. C. Stephenson; Mrs. W. Dougall; Mr. H, Lenon, Mr. C. Volland; Mrs, A, Saund- n a ry g. ercock. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary met i the school room of the Unite Church, Monday evening, Jenna 8, for' their January • meetin Mrs. Lillian Hyde who was i the chair, introduced the worship service with Mrs. W. J. Rogers acting in the capaeity as leader, assisted by Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. J. Harrison and Mrs. S. Rennie. Prayers were offered by Mrs. D. K)yle, Mises Grades Luker land Mrs. J, Corbett. installation of officers took place. The secre- tazy read a very' satisfactory financial statement r11he topic "The Church of Christ in Jap- an" was discussed by Miss M. Ellis, Interesting passages were read by' Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Mrs. G. Broderick and Mrs, Byran Kyle. Miss R. Avery directed a contest, The social committee served refreshments. During the social hour, Miss Gladys Luker presentees to Mrs. Teal= Hyde, retiring president, a life member.' ship and pin. • Officers Elected Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Rogers opened their home to the mem- bers of ,the Wohelo ,Class of the United Church for their monthly meeting, with president J. F. Blackwell, in the chair. Rev. Mr. Rogers opened with prayer, Mrs, Lillian : Hyde read the Scripture lesson, -and the devo- tional; "Taking Stock of our Lives" was taken by Mrs. D, Kyle, The president -asked. for suggestions and ideas re future programs. It was decided to have. a Variety concert in the near future, and the following mem- bers offered to look after ar- rangements: Mrs. D. Kyle, Mrs. R Drysdale, Mrs. J. Harrison. In case a sleigh ride parry can be planned, Dave Kyle and Jack Corbett will look after this mat- ter; Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. D. Kyle will act for recreation and Iunch. Mrs. G, Broderick and Mrs. J. Harrison will be in ,charge of sooial plans for a skating party, •The following officers will form the 1951 slate: President, J. P. Blackwell; first vice-president, Miss W. Gray; second vice-presi- dent; Mrs. J. Corbett; secretary, Miss Gladys Luker; treasurer, Miss Dorothy McNaughton; press reporter, Mrs. Maude Redden; pianist, Miss Mary Goodwin; buy- ing committee, cards and boxes, Mrs. L. Hyde, Mrs. Garfield Brodericlt; transportation com- mittee, Jack Corbett. Treasurer's report was 'given by Mrs. J. Cor- bett, Mr. Blackwell extended thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers for their hospitality. Miss M. Ellis directed a t;ontest. The host and hostess served delicious re- freshments. Hensall WI Meets Miss Myles Case presided for the monthly meeting of Hensall Women's Instittute held in the Legion Hall. Roll call "The most useful gadget in my kitchen." Business was discussed, include ing the Second Community Night in the Town. Hall, Friday, Jan. 12. Next item was the wool squares for throws, size 45x60. Mrs. B. Edwards and Mrs. 'W. O. Goodwin very kindly are arrang- ing to finish one of these for which several more squares are needed. Members are reminded that many more blocks are need- ed to make more throws for the Children's Hospital, The secre- tary read a letter of thanks from the London War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital. `referring to the donation received at Christmas. n AUEURN i4•�+`1-�ti11•�-�-A-moi• (Intended for last week) Mrs. J. H. Medd, Godericfl, cae- 1ed on relatives here last Monday. Mrs: Nelson '14111, Gederiele visited her sister, Miss Sadie Carter, on Monday. Mit. Carl Allison, Goderich, visited her fattier, Mr. Charles Beadle on Monday. Miss Ruth Arthur, V,O.N., St. Thomas, visited her mother, Mrs. J. Arthur; last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, and Mit, Charles Soott ' were Stratford visitors on Saturday. Workshop in Home Crafts will be presented in Zurich Town Bail Jan. 24 to Feb. 16. The secretary read a letter from Hen- sall Chamber o f "Commerce thanking the ladies for operat- ing the booth for the frolic. Mrs. L. Mickle favoured with piano solos. Mrs. Seibert, Zurich, Home Economics 'teacher, vividly de- scribed the work of her depart- ment. The speaker offered sug- gestions for school lunches, sew- ing .end various projects; the work of her pupils was exhibit- ed. Mrs. William Brown con- duoted a varied display of plas- tics. Mrs. R, H, Middleton gave the motto: "It takes face powder to catch a man, but baking powder to keep him," Mrs j13lsie Oarinle and MVLre^. Edwards are in' charge of ar- rangements for the next meeting. Mrs. Inez McEwan and Mrs. C. Forrest were hostesses for this January meeting. George Phillips, Daween Creek, visited his uncle, Ezekiel Phil= 1ips, and , other relatives this Week, Mr. and NLrns., Merles Scott were guests at the United Church, banguet in Wingham ' on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gooier have :returned from London where Mrs. Govier underwent a major operation in Victoria Hos- pital. Successful Dane The Local LOL held a dance in the Foresters' Hall Friday night. Music for dancing was supplied by Mac Scott's 'Chuck Wagon Gang. 46-4,4 0 9 ♦ y 6 0 ' • 4 4-4.-4.6.4-4 44444.1 LONDON ROAD Club }folds Meeting London Road Club held its first . meeting- of the year at the home of Mrs. N. Maiming with 12 mem- bers preservt. The president open- ed the meeting with the singing of "My Oki Kentucky Home," followed by the Creed. The roll call was answered by paying of the fees. The treasurer read the year's report, also the flower convener gave a report of the year's work, The club decided to send $10 to Christmas Seals Campaign, and $10 to Clinton Hospital, ,After the business period wes over, a euchre game was enjoy- ed by all prizes going to Roberta Peumsteel, high; Helen Ander- son, , low; with' Mrs. ltred Nott: winning the mystery box. The next meeting is to be held at Mrs. H. Plumsteel's February 15. Everyone is to bring a comic valentine. W. G. Simmons & Sons now have a good selection of TRACTORS and 'MACH'I'NERY on hand Don't run the risk of higher prices and scarcity in the spring, BUY NOW AND SAVE We also ' offer the following used Machines: 1—MODEL I GIBSON 1—MODEL H JOHN DEERE with Quicktatch Cultivator 1—'39 INTERNATIONAL se -1 ton TRUCKS Y MASSEY-HARRIS SPREADER 1-28" GOODISON THRESHER with Shredder (3 yrs. old) John Deere Sales & Service G0DER.ICI'1 Phone 1132 EXETER Phone 115 ORDER YOUR Canadian Approved Chicks NOW! All breeding stock banded . and tested for pullorum by Inspectors of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. The hatchery is visited regularly by Inspectors of the Dominion Deportment of Agriculture. McKinley Farms & Hatchery Phone Hetrsoll 69701 ZURICH, Ontario 2-11-b • Easy budget terms • Liberal trade-in allowance take immediate delivery of your. grand new SINGER..., the world's most popular, mast depend- able sewing machine. YOURS — of no extra cost with every new SINGER'. Sewing Machine . , . Q' Basic set of attachments D Complete 8 -lesson sewing course at your SINGER SEWING CENTER o S -year SINGER warranty of manufacturing perfection �� flLt�pl11 Budget Portable is sturdy, compact, low-priced Handsome Desk Model has four compartments to Comes in handy case for carrying or storage. hold your sewing materials and stationery. disdtgAi eincoful Queen Anne adds to the charm of any room. Always 'a S1NG312it favorite. SINGER" Featherweight Portable weighs a mere 11 pounds, does work of n full-size machine.. `A T.ndn Mark nt.'rn6 item n MANUPACTUexNs COMPANY SINGER SEWING CENTER Phone 1135 — Goderich