Clinton News-Record, 1951-01-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR PERSONALS William i1Presbyterian WMS Hears of Presbyterial Greens, Toronto, visit- mer Miss Evelyn Pinner, at one ed relatives in Clinton and Bruce- time a resident of Clinton, field over the . weekend. S. J. Sorensen, who has been .Mrs.' M. Watson, Toronto, is attached to the Royal Bank In spending a fioetnighlt l ariith her Clinton since June 10, 1948, has mother. Mrs. A. D. Beaton. been transferred to Appin where Miss Freda Blake, London, he will assume the position of spent the weekend at her home aecounnhant, effective January 31, before leaving. for British Col-' 1951. Mr, Sorensen will be re- umbia, placed here by G. R. Elliott who a beenattached to the branch GuyD.rine washas Meson,Kincardine, , a weekend guesat bhe home of at Brampton. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon W. Cun- Mr. and Mrs. Roland- Pinner ingheme.. and Mrs. G. W. Pinner, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Blake and spent the weekend at the home family, Hespeler, spent t h e of the latter's brother and sis- weekend at the home of Mr. and ter -in -taw, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Earl Blake, Bartliff, being en -route to their Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Reid left homes after attending the fun - Tuesday for their home in Monc- eral of the late Mrs, James- Me - ton, N.B. after spending the past 'Cauley, sister of the • former, in two weeks with their son-in-law Detroit, Mich., on Saturday. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Doze C. Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Counter, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Counter and Talk on CosmeticsMr. and Mrs. J. W. Counter were.' in Simcoe at the weekend at- tending the funeral of their uncle, Miss Doreen McGuire, preside the late G. N. Counter. ed at the meeting of 'Clinton R. S. A,tkey attended a meet- Junior Institute, when the theme ing of the directors of the West- was "Beauty, and the Use of ern Ontario Badminton Associa- Cosmetics," Miss Thelma Glazier, tion and the Western Ontario Clinton, as guest speaker on the championship tournament ,in theme, Rye a "facial," as a Stratford over the weekend.' practical demonstration, to one Miss Doris Grierson, Londes- of the Institute members, Miss 'boyo, Benson Sutter, Clinton, and Isobel Chowen. Harvey Sperling, Elimwille, at-. An executive meeting will be tended. the Fellowship weekend held , in the near future to ar- of the Executives of London and range programs for the next five Hamilton Conferences in Elora meetings. an Saturday and Sunday last. Following the Institute meet - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, ing, members met in a joint ses- Douglas Andrews and William siou with the Clinton Junior Murch, spent the weekend in De- Farmers. Glen Wise acted as treit, Mich., and on Saturday at- chairman. The monthly club tended the funeral of the late paper was prepared and read by Mrs. James McCauley, the for- James Lobb. 0 Junior Institute Hears ANNUAL MEEETING Huron Central Agricultural Society Board Room Ontario. Agricultural Office Saturday, Jan. 27 at2Pm. to receive the financial statement and. discuss the 1951 SPRING FAIR. ALL INTERESTED IN AN AGRICULTURAL FAIR, PLEASE ATTEND W. J. DALE, -A. J. MCMURRAY, President Secretary -Treasurer NEW STOCK arriving at 'LINTON MONUMENT SHOP Open Every Friday and by appointment for further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St, E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton -- Exeter — Seaforth You'll be proud to own a *Clary Washer With "Stop -o -uratic Wringer — Automatic quick emptying punvp for draining tub - automatic Selector Tuner Switch can be set for all types of fabrics —looking Casters — Chrome band and ,plestie deluxe trim. 9.-1b. Tub and all other McClary features. .Price: $184.50 BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. I. MUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 361-J Hardware and Furniture --- Funeral Directors PHONE 195 — CLINTON Mrs.,Gedrge Roberton, was • hostess pt her home to the WMS' of Clinton Presbyterian Church. President Mrs. R. W, McKenzie conducted the meeting and Mrs,. William Shaddock and Mrs. J. R. Makin led in worship. Mrs. McKenzie introduced the study book for 1951, "Our Share in the World Mission" by a few remarks on"Mendipg the Nets." Highlights of Huron Presbyter- ial annual zneeting were given by Mrs, Lane who commended the Cline:in Auxiliary for faith- fulness and their feeling of ree- sponsibility and interest in the work. • Thee thanks of the members were expressed to Mrs. James Cooper and Mrs McKenzie for their preparation of the pro - greet -wines for the year. The members bowed in silent prayer in memory of a beloved member, Mrs. Charles Twitchell, who was called to Higher Ser- vice a year ago. Mrs. George Roberton followed with the dlos- ing prayer. Mrs. McLennan assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. Ontario St. Girls', Club. Holds Meeting The January meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St, Unit- ed Church was held at the home of Mrs. D. M. Maltby. The presi- dent, Miss H. Courtiee, opened the meeting with a poem. Mrs, Roy Wheeler was in charge of the Devotions, which included the Scripture reading by Mrs. Ross Merrill and the singing of two hymns. Mrs. M. Beticin and Miss Rena Pickett were in charge of the programme. This proved very interesting and enjoyable with two instrumentals played by Mrs. E. Radford; a solo by Mrs. D. Symons; an instrumental by Jane Batkin; and a reading of the life of Dr. John Coburn, by Mrs. M. Batkin which brought this pant of the meeting to a close. Lunch was served by the host- ess and Mrs. Batkin's end Miss Pickett's group" I.O.O.F. NOTES Clinton Lodge No. 83 was host to members of Seaforth end God- erille lodges on Tuesday even- ing. During the evening the Bost lodge under direction of tyle de- gree captain, W, M. Nediger, con- ferrecl the third degree on three brothers from Seaforth, one from Godrich, and three from Clinton, Among those present and addres- sing the lodge briefly were DD - GM A. Boyce, Seaforth, and PD- DGM W. R. Pinder, Gpderieh, Delicious refreshments reanded cut a very element evening. * Wildey Night honouring the founder of the order, will be ob- served on Tuesday evening..Tan- uary 90. when the snbordin rte ledge will be hosts to the Re- bekah Lodge. All Odd Fellows and their wives and Rebelcnhs end their husbands ere iftvited to attend. Huronic Rebekah Lodge will entertain Pride of Huron Ldttge, Exeter, an 11M16-nd^v evening. Feb- ruary 5, when t}ie local ladies v1'1 confer the degree on sov- enai candidates from both lodges. Mrs. Bisset Again Heads Presbyterial The fact that many eendren of today are not told Bible stories was deplored by Mrse Gordon Bissett, Goderich, in an address to delegates attending the annual meeting of the Huron Presby- terial WMS, Presbyterian Church in Canada. Mrs, Bissett is presi- dent of the presbyterial, which met in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, Entitling her address, "God's Promises;' she reniarked on the dire distress of the world today and pointed up the need for re- liance and faith in the promises of. Gnci. Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Seaforth, led the opening prayer. Officers for 1951 are: Presi- dent, Mrs, G. Bisset, Goderich; recording and corresponding sec- retary, Mrs, Albert Taylor, Gocl- eriche treasurer, Mrs. Edith Rus- sell, Seaforth; young women's and girls' secretary, Mrs. D. J. Lene, Clinton; children's secre- tary, Mrs. J. F. Scott, R.R. 2, Seaforth; literature, library and exchange secretary, Miss Belle Campbell, Seaforth; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs. C, Hud- son, Hensalli; supply secretary?, Mrs, Calvin Cutt, Goderich; life. membership secretory, 'Mrs. G. Walker, Hensall; Goad Tidings secretary, Miss M. Brown, Exe- ter; press secretary. Mrs. J. W. Thompson. R. R. 2, Seaforth. Mrs. Taylor is also the presby- teria7's historian Reports were given by the offi- cers awing the morning session. Mrs. Albert Taylor, Goderlc, at the afternoon session,. prese her annual report of the pre terial and also read reports from the various auxiliaries givi restnne of activiriies for the .1950 The report of the nothi ing committee was given by Mrs, R. T. Scott, Belgrave. The stallation of officers was conduct- ed by Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton.c h nted sby- ng a ,year nat- ire- u WESLEY-WILLIS WA The WA of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Thursday af- ternoon, February 1, at three o'clock, Mrs, Reg Shipley's group will be hostesses. -o NARROW ESCAPE A car being draven north Tues- day last on Highway 4 by Rev. E. R. Stanway, lenueefield, struck a bad piece of road, pausing him to lose control. His car took'. to the dough.; A pick-up truck com- ing behhd Mr. Stanway, and driven lyy John L. Wade, Brant- ford, condi' •not avoid striking the Stanway oar, es there was a lar approaching from the north. Luckily ne one was injured, and dajage was slight. CLINTONNEWS.RECOTW St. Paul's WA Hears Talk on North Trip Mrs. Morley Counter was host- ess for the January meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary' of St. Flau1's Arug ?,can Churoh, when Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon pre- sided. Mrs. Fred O. Ford read the Scripture • passage, while Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel led in a litany of intercession for several of the church's missionaries, Mrs, L. M. McIfinnong ave a talk on Mrs. E. Marsh's account of a trip to Moose Factory where a new hospital built by the Do- minion government is situated. This hospital serves Indian end Eskimo patients, The president, Mrs. MacKinnon, reviewed Dr. Cliff's inspirational book "Let Go and. Llet Good," whirh deals with. many of the hindranees people place in the way of spiritual progress. The benedicl.ion was pronounced by Mrs. Bulteel after whddh Mrs. Counter served tea. A vote of thanks was moved the hostess by Mrs. H. Bartliff. W -W WMS Hears Reports of Visits Mrs. C. M. Shearing was host- ess to the January meeting of the WMS of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church. With the president, Mrs. M. Addison, in the chair, and Mrs, F. B. Pennebaker at the piano, the meeting opened with the singing of a hymn followed by prayer by the president. The report of bhe secretary, Mrs. C.. Nelson, was followed by Mrs. F. Fingland giving the treasurer's report for the month. Supply secretary, Mrs Hearn, reported two bales having been sent forward. Mrs. A. T. Cooper told of the new hospital for aI- coholics which has been opened at Erndale, Ont., with accommo- dation for 21 patients. She also spoke of William Ewart Glad- stone and Kagawa quoting their reasons for being total abstainers. Mrs. J. McLaren reported for the Mission Band and Mrs. N. W, Trewartha for the Baby Band. Mrs., P. Livermore told of the work of the Mothers' Club, re- ferring to the efforts made by this group to have the afternoon matinee for children at the local theatre improved and supervised. Mrs. J. Nediger reported 139 visits made to sick and shut-ins in the homes and in the hospital. The secretary, Mrs. Nelson. gave the annual report and the treas- urer, Mrs. Fingland, reported 5699.92 raised during the year. The secretary gave a report of the eetecti'tve meeting held at the hone of Mrs. Addison on. January 3, the resolutions being adopted by the meeting. Various items of business were dealt with, First vice-president, Mrs. H. C. Wilson and her group, took Charge of the remainder of the meeting. The singing of a -hymn was followed by the reading of suggestions for New Year's rc- eentions by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. 'Reddy read the Scripture lesson from MaCthew's gospel. end Mrs. N. W, Trewartha and Mrs. George Beattie offered prayer, A clued "Whispering Hone", was beautt- •P.ully sung by Mrs. William Hot - land and -''Mrs, K. B. McBurney, w'hi ,h was much enjoyed. The study book, "The United Church re-enters Japan" was Mikan by Mrs. H. C. Wilson and Mrs. Charles Nelson. Mts, J. A. McGill with Current Events spoke of the Report of the Hone Com- mission on Education, the work of women in Pakistan, and the Stone of Destiny, recently stolen from Westminster Abbey. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and Mrs, Wil- son giving a Benediotory prayer. A social half hour was spent over a cup of tea served by Mrs. Wil - THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1951 St. Paul's Friendship Officers Installed Following an enjoyable pot- luck supper, Mrs. R, M, P. Bul- teel presided over the installation of the 1951 officer$ of the Friend- ship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church. The new slate is: President, Mrs. J. G. McLay; fine vice- president, Mrs. L. G. Winter; sec- ond vice-president,,Mrs. Roy Fitz- simons; secretary, ary, Mrs, Ray Gib- bon; treasurer,. Mrs. Gordon Her- man; buying convener, Mrs. J. Hart; and quilt convener, Mrs. Ken McCrea. Members planned a "Scan the School" tea to be held at the end of the month. In the club's annual report, as presented by Mrs. Gibbon, some oa the highlights of the past year's work included the purch- asing of drapes and paint for the redecoration of the Sunday School room; the donation of $100 to the church; contribution of kitchen equipment; and the com- pletion of, two quilts. Church Directory St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 28 110.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship -Sermon Meditation: "Jesus—the Prince of Peke but not of appeasement". Please read Isaiah 9. 2.30 p.m.—Knox Church, Bay - f ield. Wednesday, January 31, 8 p.m,— Men's Club. EVERYONE WELCOME Come with a humble and car -Mite heart. Wesley -Willis United Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, January 28 11.00 a.m.—Marring Worship "God in History" 12.15—Church School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise; Union evening service in On- tario St. United Church, Come to the House of Prayer. Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, January 28 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service 12,00 a.m,—Sunday School Ontario St. United •Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 28 11.00 a.m.---Morning Worship 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser- vice in this church; Guest Preacher Rev. C, J. Scutt, Blyth. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, January 28 10.00 a.nn.—Main Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service and Primary Sunday School son's group. 1 7,00 p.m.—Evening Service Don't Miss Hearing Paul and Evangeline Brndjar YOUTH REVIVALISTS of Detroit CHALLENGING - U - FOR CHRIST Inspiring Singing Dynamic Preaching Beginning TUESDAY, JAN. 30 until - SUNDAY, FEB. 4 (11 am & 7.30 pm) (ekcept Mon, and Sat.) Sunday School as usual at' 10 a.m: Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR. K. L SWEIGARD, Pastor Clearance Sale Continues Dresses Dresses Dresses 1/2 Price 1/3 off 25% off COATS Women's — Misses' — Children's All that are left — V. off HOUSECOATS— Rayon and Cotton — Assorted sizes and colors.' Special $1.49 GIRDLES— Front lace & side hooking styles, Well known brands. No subatandards. Values to 6.50. Now only 1.98 SPECIALS Women's Cotton Panties, Reg. 1.00 value—Only .39 Children's Fleeced Bloomers only .39 Boys' Plaid Helmets ,89 Girls' All -Wool Parkas . ,4.9 Girls' Navy 3 -pc. Outfits, size 3, reg. 10,95 --Only 2.49 Pink Bunting Bags, 2 only, reg. 5.50 -- Only 1.00 ea. Brassieres—Clearance of broken lines, Values to 1.95, Only .69 IRWIN'S a•fa��-�-H+.�.++ SPECIALS FOR JAN. 25-2627 I COFFEE (packed by Nabob) 1 Ib. tin 89c 5 Ib. bag 44c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, 15 oz. 2 tins 23c DEL MAIZ CREAM CORN, 15 oz. 2 tins 31c KELLOGG'S CALL BRAN and Spoon pkg.24c WESTON'S ASS'D. SANDWICH COOKIES ,.. I. 37c Maple Leaf SOAP FLAKES, family size OLD DUTCH CLEANSER HEAD LETTUCE, 5's LEAF LETTUCE FLORIDA ORANGES, size 250's iRADISH TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT, size 112's ROBIN HOOD OATS pkg. 1.02 2 tins 25c 2 for 27c each 10c doz. 29c 2 bunches 15c 6 for 25c T. R. Thompson PHONE 40 -- ._ -_ We •Delmer Overalls Work Pants ' Work Shirts Socks WORK MITTS AND GLOVES AIKEN'S Luggage and Shoes QUALITY PRINTING Commercial Printing at Low Cost IOW?? Because our experienced staff is trained, and our plant is set up to satisfy the businessman's exact needs at a saving to him, Training and modern machinery mean finer printed material at a mini- mum price, Clinton News -Record PHONE 4 FOR QUOTATIONS