HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-01-25, Page 1Serving for 86 Years No. 4 ----The iintc THE NEW ERA -86th' YEAR Home Pape With 45ie into 1 Qotumw== DESPITE THE VERY HEAVY snowfall this winter, Clinton's_ main streets are in comparatively good shape .. , The Town Coun- cil itself has spent a good deal of time and money removing snow and ice from the business section, and the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways has cooperat- ed very well indeed Mayor G. W. Nott commented, after Fri- day night's big removal opera- tion on the main street, that Harold Glew and the rest of the local staff would do anything you asked them . m * * AND IT WAS SNOWING AGAIN this morning, after two inches had been recorded during the past week . . . Temperatures have not been low, however, the low- est having been 11 above a week ago today Weekend hockey matches had to be postponed on eecount of soft ice, but it turned much colder Saturday night a a, MORE AND MORE WE ARE coming to... think that Huroe County Council and officials are one of the finest clubs in the world, just one big happy family[ Sometimes we wish we had the chance to spend other people's money; there's no fun in spend- ing your own, especially when the pot is so small . , a r WORK IS PROGRESSING VERY favorably on the construction of the new wing to Par -Knit Hos- iery Limited ... There ere two floors—a shipping room on the main floor, and a basement for storage , The new wing will increase floor space by about one- third. •Mitch McAdam has the contract MRS. T. BAILEY HEADS LIBRARY AT BAYFIELD (By our Bayfield correspondent) The annual meeting of Bay- field Library was held on Jan- uray 15, at the Ritz Hotel The following members were elected for L951: President, Mrs; T. Bailey; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Metcalf; 'members of the Board — Mrs, Robert Scotchmer, Mrs. C. Knuckey, Miss J. Man- son, Mrs. J. E. Reward, and Mrs, t J. Higghts was chosen to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- nation of Airs, R, B, Johnston, The work of the board during the past year was reviewed and there is a creditable balance to begin the new year. The mem- berships showed a decided In- erease over those of the pressed- ing year, Many new books, fic- tion, hi3+torieal novels, biog- raphies, science and nature study have been added. A number of children's books, as 'well as a complete new set of Thornton Burgess' fascinating animal stor- ies for the junior readers. Fifty- six new books—history, travel and fiction, have been donated by interested friends. A Canad- ian flag and a mimeograph ma- chine are also recent gifts. An 'in'teresting feature of the work has been the co-operation of the Pubbie School. teaichers with the members of the Library Hoard, Together they *harked ooh a plan by which the library books are trade accessible to all pupils of the school. At the conclusion of the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. Robert Scotch - mer presented Mrs. Metcalf with a beautiful plant in reeognition Of. her faithful services and un- tiring efforts on behalf of the library. Mrs. Metcalf expressed her thanks in a few well-chosen words. Mrs. Bailey served after- noon tea to the members, 0 Figures Given to Date Inn Tuberculosis Drive Huron County Tuberoulosis Association is anxious to close its books for the sale of Christmas Seale, by Saturday, February 17. To date the following returns have been received by the As-•. sedation from tilevarious towns end villages throughout the county, as compared with the returns for 1949; 1949 1950 Goderich ,,., $1,035.75 $ 633.25 Wingham 926,06 918.25 Clinton (includ- ing Bayfield 860,24 , 895.00 Seaforth 543.00 577.03 Bruesels , . , . 354.05 397.05 Howick 343.20. 364.50 Exeter 863.46 640,00 Blyth 437.45 240.00 Zurich 523.90 356.00 Huron County 1,000,00 $6,891:11 $5,021,05 It is the hope of the executive that the Association et least will equal the returns of 1949 because of the increasing number of chest x-rays and x-ray clinics, to be taken care of by the Association. There still is time to make a remittance if not already done, the Association points oaut, The Weather High 19501949High Low Jan. 18 36 11 38 14 19 41 . 32 19 '"� 9 70 '42 32 20 11 21 35 13 30 15 22 18 13 38 29 23 32 17 35 '26 24 ' 31 )7 37. 26 Snow: 2 ins. Snow: 1 r/z ins. Rain: .15 ins. Rain: .32 ins, the News County.., CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,,JANUARY 25, 1951 Recot THE NEWS -RECORD -71st YEAR council Boosts Salaries, 2,125 Copies A Week $2,50 a Year Indemnities Town Advertises For New Chief of Pollee Leo Kelly re guested an increase ii salary fo 1951 in a letter read at the reg ular January meeting of Clinto Town Council. The request was for $2,500 pe year es compared with $1,80 per year in 1950, an increase $700. 1:t was referred to cam mibtee of the whole council, —Consequently, Council met i committee of the whole in th Committee Rooth Monday eve ing, and thoroughly discussed th matter. • It was the unanimous decisio of Council that the position b advertised, and such_ an adver tisement was placed in Th NEWS -RECORD for publfcatio in this issue. It appears on Peg Five, with the closing date fo applications Saturday, Februa 3, 1951. Chief Resigns Subsequent to Council commit tee meeting Monday evening Chief Kelly placed his resignatio in the hands of Town Clerk M T. Corless, effective next Wed- nesday, January 31. He pointed out that the Act did not require -any notice in a cases like this, although under similar circumstances, the town would have to give him 30 days' notice. Chief Kelly said there was no grievance ,other than the salary question, and said he had scaled down his demands to 92,300. It is understood that the thief has an offer of a position in an- other municipality, although Ile had made no definite decision in this regard at time of writng, FAULTY WIRING n 0 of n n e n e e n e r ry n GIVEN BLAME IN DAIRY FIRE Fire breaking out Sunday morn- ing damaged the pasteurizing plant of Clinton Dairy on Huron Street, and threatened neighbor- ing buildings. It was estimated at $2,000 to $3,000. However, the blaze was con- fined to the upper storey of the building, although the plant it- self was put out of commission. Business as usual was carried on through the cooperation of Fair- holme Dairy. Defective wiring le the attic section was blamed by the prop- rietors as the cause of the fire. Some electrical work had been done a day or two previously. Frank Lobb, an employee, first noticed the blaze in the ceiling while pasteurizing about 9.15 a,m. and gave the alarm. Clinton Dairy was purchased from Mureh Bros. by Reg Cud - more and Stewart Schoenhals January 1. Dons' Carnival Friday Promises Many Thrills It -will be a big night at Clin- ton Lions Arena Friday evening for the children—old as _well as young—when the annual skating carnival sponsored by Clinton Lions Club is staged. A full list of prizes offered is published on Page Three today. At 7.15, Bayfield Lions and Clinton Lions will dash In a "fast" hockey match for which plenty of reserves likely will be required, Then the ' Carnival proper gets under way at eight, culminating in the crowning of the Carnival Queen at nine. Priz- es total $50, The Carnival has become pop- ular among the younger fry of the community. Chief CHIEF LEO KELLY Bay! ield United ° Reports (By our Bayfield correspondent) Following a pot -luck" dinner, the congregation of S2. Andrew's United Church, Rayfield, met for the annual congregational meet- ing, held in the church base- ment on Thursday last. After devotional , exercises, Rev. Peter Renner was nominat- ed to act as chairman and Doti McKenzie as secretary. There was a good ettendance and all departments of the church were represented and gave their reports for the year, • The treasurer of the church, L. Makins, had an excellent re- port, showing a total income of over $3,800, and a balance on hand of 9948. Me M. and M. Fund had gone far over' its -`allocation -with a total of $471, and the WMS had also met its obligation of .$200; the Mission Band too, had mere than reached its quota. The Belay Band had an enrolment of 23. The Sunday School too, bed a good report with over $200 rais- ed; average "'attendance was 39. The WA had been particularly active, raising over $1,000 of which over $600 had been turn- ed over to the Board of Stewards. The Session reported 84 fam- ilies, and 122 member:4a number of funerals, four; merriages, five; baptisms, one. Fred Wat- son reported an interview with the Department of Highways and a settlement reached, regarding. the strip of land et the rear of the Parsonage lot, which had been token into the new High- way. In accordance with a decision of the General Council and of Huron Presbytery, it was agreed to raise the minister's stipend to $2,500. Almost all officers c.'ere re- elected for another year. S. Bohner resigned from the Board of Stewards and L. Talbot was appointed to the vacancy. The Hoard of Stewards reporea'., that the church shed had beep loaned for the winter to the Lions. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr, and Mrs. Renner for their work during the year, especially re the. parsonage, "St Andrew's" New Name Adopted For Clinton Kirk A new name — St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton— is that chosen by vote of the congregation at the annual meet- ing held in the school room of the church. on Monday evening, January 15. Alter other names were suggest- ed and a vote being taken, it was very evident :that the great ma- jority favored the foregoing desig- nation. In future days the church will be known as St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton. After a brief session of worship, conducted by the minister, Rev. D. J. Lane, under whose leadership the congregation is growing. the congregation voted Dr. 3, W. Shaw into the chair, to preside over the business, with E. M. McLeod. sea rotary, Everyone of the various organ- izatoins within .the chua•ah gave splendid reports, including a syn - nests of the spiritual side of the work as well as the financial. , Girls' Club The .Girls' Club had the best vear in its 'history with its 25 members contributing $125 to the Boerd, ;$200 to the new kitchen cupboards; replaced the commun- ion plates; purchased new dishes, ctiverware and utensiis.for Mech- em and Our -tains for downstairs windows, add closed the year with a balance of nearly $150. The re- eort was given' by Mrs. Frank 'Hutch, • WMS A splendid report from Mrs. John Snider, read by We. Robert Scott, revealed the good week carried on by the Women's Mis- est, interesting meetings, prepares - tion of meetings; 257 sick cells of meetings; 257 sick calls Mede; good subscription list to the "Glad Tidings"; contribution to hospital bale of supplies; do- nation oe books and magazines to camps and Indian schools; showed that the women in the society had been attentive to the task set before them. The treasurer, Mrs, James Matins, read the financial abatement which revealed that the sum of $135,40 had been "raised, and that the society had exceeded its allocation. The new president is Mrs, Robert McKenzie, and the secretary. Mrs. Robert Scott. The society has a legacy in reserve, BAYFIELD LIONS HEAR ;ADDRESS ON 'WORLD TRIP (By our Bayfield correspondent) Bayfield Lions Club held its seeond''meeting of the month in the Albion Hotel, Bayfield, Tues- day evening, with an almost per- fect attendance. After the usual routine busi- ness, President Charles Scotch - mer turned the introduction of the guest speaker over to Robert Welsh, Entertainment 'chairman, wbo very ably introduced F/L Robert McKee, RCAF Station, Clinton. - F/L McKee's talk on his flight around the world proved a very rare treat to the members. He was one of the officers chosen to conduct Icon. L. B. Pearson, Minister of External Affairs, on his .trip to the Ceylon Confer- ence, It started in Canada and covered Azores, Gibraltar, Egy- pt, Japan, China, Mandalay and other points, His humorous descriptions of incidents that happened, along with his talk On the conditions found at the various stopping points, were very interesting and instructive. The trip took 140 flying hours. St. Paul's Reports �'ineYear The annual meeting . of St. P.atrd'e Anglioan Church. was held on Monday, January 15. A very satisfactory report sub- mitted by the treasurer, Joseph Silcock, showed receipts from . all sources nearly $8,000. Considerable progress w a s shown during the year, by an increase of families in the parish and increased enrolment in the Sunday School. Reports of the societies were given by the following: Chancel G'tuild( Mrs. L. Mc- Kinnon; Ladies' Guild, Mrs. J. M. Elliott; Womeres Auxiliary, Mrs. 'Trott; Moir, Mrs. V. Cooke; Friendship Club, Mrs. McConnell; Girls' Auxiliary, Mrs. McRae; Sunday School, Herb Bridle; Men's Club, Herb Bridle; Prop- erty Committee, John Livermore; Little Helpers, Mrs. Bulteel. Election of officers was then proceeded with and the follow- ing elected: Lay Delegates, C. G. Middleton., J. J. Zapfe; substi- tutes, W. V. Roy, C. V, Cooke; Rector's Warden, L. G. Winter; People's Warden, John 'Liver- more; secretary -treasurer, Joseph Silcock; Vestry clerk, W. H. Robinson. Board of Management for 1951 will consist of the following members: J. G. McLay, C. W. Draper, G. M. Counter, H. Bart- Iiff, R. E. Thompson, George Welker, W. N. Counter, R. B. e TUCKERSMITH FEDERATION FETES. WARDEN (By our Hensall correspondent) Tuckersmith• Federation of Ag- riculture banquet was held in Hensel' Town Hall Friday, Jan- uary 19, with 200 members and guests present.. Robert McGregor president, was chairman. Cameron McTaggart, Middlesex who was introduced by Gordon Richardson, predicted a great future for Canada in whic could play a mitre part, A sing -song; was led by M and Mrs. Gordon Bennett, Clin ton, Reeve A. W. Kerslake extend- ed a welearne to Henson The meeting recognized the honour brought Tuclrersmith by virtue of election of Arthur Nicholson as Warden. Remarks were made by Thomas Pryde, MLA for Huron, A. Y McLean, MP for Huron -Perth and Warden Nicholson. Gordon Bennett, agricultural representative, . discussed warbl fly control. The toast to the King was pro posed by elev. A. E. Hinton, o St. Andrew's United Church, Kip den, who stressed the value o relationship of King to his peo- ple. an association of the hear not as the result of Co.ree, Charles Coultes, president of Huron Federation, reviewed re- cent Ontario annual meetings. Officers elected were: Past president, R. McGregor•; presi- dent, Gordon Richardson; vice- eresident, Stan Jackson; secre- tary -treasurer, L O'Leary; direct- ors: Roy Bell, R. McGregor, J. Davidson, J. W. Crich, R. Archi- bald, S. Whitangre, A, Boyce, W. Broadfoot, A. Hoggarth. Clinton RCAF "C" Team Lose to Seaforth Seaforth defeated Clinton RCAF 7-5 in a Western Ontario Bad- minton Assodiation "C" match on the Seaforth Courts Monday even- ing, winning the men's doubles 2-0 and the mixed doubles 4-2, while RCAF captured the men's doubles 3.0, Results were as follows: Men's doubles—L. Villeneuve and 0, Machan (RCAF) lost to Doug Morrison and John. Edler (S), 17-15, 6-15, 12-15; Jim Hef- fel and ,VlcElroy (RCAF) lost to Don aeon and Ii, Knight (8), 0-15, 8-15, 10-15 B. Fitisimmone 1st and Mornay Madsen (RCAF) lost Ontario Ste United Church Campbell, W. E Perdue, W. V. Roy, J, W. Cour er, Joseph Hart, ch Herb Bridle, Henry Sloman, C. r V, Cooke, Richard Dixon. 0 GEORGE POTTER NEW CHAIRMAN OF AREA BOARD Goderich Township School .Area Board held its Ere meet- ing for 1951 in HolmesviIle school on January 10. George Potter was chosen chairman for this year. The other members are Robert Welsh, Wal- ter Forbes,Everett McIlwain and e'Sarl Cooper," Frank Yeo was re-engaged as fsecretary -treasurer. The wood tender 0f John Wain was tc- e ceptecl, • 'The Board cad meetings will. be ,e held in Holmesville school dur- ing the winter, the next meeting 'to be on Wednesday, February 28. f Clinton Town Fathers Attend Divine Service Members of Clinton Town Council and the Clerk -Treasurer attended divine service in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, in a body, Sunday morn- ing and heard an inspirational address by the minister, Rev. D. J. Lane. A solo was rendered by Ray Gibbon, Taking his tent from Luke 7:5: "For he loveth our nation ar:l has built 'for us a synog ogue' , Rev. Mr. Lane discussed the subject, ':Politicians vs. Statesmen," "There is a difference between a po14ti(cian' and e statesman," he said. "Some great man said: a politician looks to the next election, end a statesman to the next generation." The speaker stressed the moral and spiritual life versus the material, and pointed out ;that the electors should demand high standards in candidates. MRS. S. E CASTLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY PREXY Mrs. Sam E. Castle, Jr,, was elected president of Clinton Hor- ticultural Society at the annual meeting held in the Town Coun- cil Chamber Monday evening, She succeeds Mrs. L. M. McKin-. non in the office. Other officers are: f• st ce- president,t, R. Y. Hattin; second vice-president, Rev. D. J. Lane; secretary -treasurer; Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel; directors—Mrs. L. M. McKinnon, Mrs. Frank Fingland, Mrs, W. B. Olde, Mrs, Frank Cook, A. B. Gardiner, • A. B. Carless. C. H. Epps gave an interest- ing talk on tuberous begonia cul- ture. Rev. R. R. P. Bulteei showed coloured slides oe local gardens and scenes, which proved very attractive. Plans for the year's activities were discussed and among them was the intention of meking'the. society's 'fourth annual flower show a bigger success than evenA portion . at the show will.be felicit d tothe lachildren . with cash prizes awarded. At the suggestion of C. H. Epps, members agreed to spon- sor a project among children in building bird houses for the flower show. The annual essay contest for the children will be conducted again this year. The neret meeting on February 1.4 will have a guest speaker from the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, James, Taylor, who will talk on roses. 0 W .W Plans New Manse VerySoon Members of Wesley -Willis 'United Church, more than 200 in number, gathered in the dining hall last evening when the WA catered for a delicious turkey banquet. Later in the evening, the an- nual congregational meeting was held, the reports being heard in the Church Auditorium, The minieter, Rev. Haugh O. Wilson; presided, and G. R. Foster was secretary for the meeting. Mrs, M. R. Rennie presided at the organ for the singing of the hymns, and was officially intro- duced to the congregation by Rev. Mr. Wilson, All departmennts of the church showed an increase over the previous year, end the church was considered to be in a very sound position. N. W. Trewartha, Clerk of Session, spoke very fit- tingly of the splendid work done by Rev. and Mrs. Wilson, which was heartily endorsed by those present. New Manse Project It was decided by a large majority that the project of the new manse, started in 1950, would be carried out in the. coming year 9 with as notch despatch as pos- v sable. During the election period, G. W. Cuninghame, W. C. Jervis and Cliff Stewart were appointed to the Session for a five-year term; s and Benson Corless, Percy Liv- b ermore, 12. W. Charlesworth, W, st J. Vodden, Garnet Cornish and a Harry Henry were appointed to C the Committee of Stewards for a a three-year term. o le Clinton and District Chamber ; d 01 Commerce will hold its de- y ferred annual meeting in the ea Town Council Chamber on Wed- ib to next, January 31. • to ed Generous .Attitude Assumed Huron County Council • endos- ed the recommendation, of the/ executive committee that the warden's salary be increesed to to$5�$50,ttand comembers' mnmittee indemsional nity to $8 per day. The salaries of the county , clerk, treasurer, county. assessor and county eu•gineer were each increased $400; the manager, matron and assistant matron by $300; ether help at the county home, by $25 per month each, stenographers and the caretaker by $300 each per annum, Grants Approved The following grants were au- thorized: Institute for the Blind $1,500; Salvation Army $1,500; each of four hospice's' in the county $1,000; Exeter Hospital (building fund) $12,500; Ontario Agricultural Council $50�; Ontario Conservation and Reforestation $25; Ontario Education Associa- tion $15; Ontario Good Roads As- sociation 515; Association of Rur- al Municipalities $10; Bluewater Highways Association $250; `Crop Improvement Assocation $200; Huron Plowmen's Association, north and south $100 each agri- cultural representative $500; iun- for extension fund $500; three women's institutes $50 each; spring fairs $200; fall fairs out- side . Huron (Clifford, Lucknow, Kirkton) 9100 each; Holstein Breeders Club $100; Shorthorn Breeders Club $100; Library As- sociation $5,100; 35 libraries $40 each; association of assessing of- ficers $10; OAC (scholarship) $100; Goderi:ch Music Club $200; Canadian Cancer Fund $500; He- ron County TB Association $1,500, School Stuldies on Soil R. Gordon Bennett, agricultural representative, started :that soil conservation and maintenance of natural resources will be part of an educational program in four out of, five hI h schools in the county, County Library The report of the County Li- brarian, Mrs. G. Eckmier, show- ed 36 libraries, 7 deposit stations, two high schools, 26 individual schools of •61 rooms, and 12 township school areas of 113 rooms in the membership. Total. circulation wa : Ration 21,020 s. n, classic 3,710; juvenile 65,323: total 90,053, en increase of 9,335. County Health Unit Dr, R. M. Ardis, director of the Huron County Health Unit, reported a year of progress in 1950. In the control of tuberculosis 45 chest digits were held, with a total attendance of 688. Greater supervision of tourist stablishments was cat -mere out ast summer, with the co-dpera- ion of the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity. Greatest encouragement in the work, is the growing wish of the eople to promote health and pre- ent disease, making the health. nit truly a part of community ervice, Dr. Aldis said. Road Construction County Engineer T .R. Pater - on stated that an appropriation y -law for $450,000 for road con - ruction and maintenance will be authorized by Huron County ouncil. This is the same amount s in 1950. e 1 t "When we consider that the ase of a road is likely to be oing; its job for a thousand ears, and may cause the ruin costly surfeces, a well builr4 ase in the first place is certain be the most economical," stat - Mr, Paterson after" explaining to Henderson and G. than (S), 6-15, 11-15; RCAF 0--Seaforth 3. Ladies' doubles—Terry McKay and Gwen Wood (RCAF) defeat- ed M. Carter and I, Habkirk (8), 15-10, 15-5; I. Mails and Betty Madsen (RCAF) defeated 0, Wade end B. Stevens (S), 15-1, 15-7; Mahoney and T. Parrish (RCAF) defeated B. Dale and B. Reid (S), I5-12, 15-6; RCAF 3— Seaforth 0. Mixed doubles—Villeneuve and G. Wood (RCAF) lost to Edler and M. Carter (S), 8-15, 16-17; Heffel and T. McKay (RCAF) lost to Morrison and G. Wade (Sa, 15-11, 12-15, 1-15; Fitzsim- mons apcl 1. Mills (RCAF) defeat- ed I3enderson and J. iialxlci.rk (5), 15-11, 15-10; Madsen and Madsen (RCAF) lost to Eaton and B. Dale (S), 12-15, 3-15; Me - troy and I. Mahoney (RCAF) Ilost to G,han and B. Reid (S), 111-15, 7-15; Machan and T..Per- ish (RCAF) defeated Knight -(S), 15-2, 15-8:. AP 2--Seaforth 4; • Mrs. W. Shnddocic, president of j r the Women's AssociG tion, present- RC ed the report of the • association; in the absence of Mrs, Allen Max- well. She said thatthe r meetings had been well attended and four new members were added to their '1 numbers in the year. The linen 8 coal statement showed. the raising of $59'7, with a balance atter ex- . A pencetures had been met of $309. Sunday School S The Sur ray School reported a i steady growth, The primery areas 3 has been divided into junior and senior divisions with Miss Evelyn o McDonald in charge of the seri 3 tors, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Cowan looking after the juniors, and with teachers `provided for the 'teen- r tigers. The treasurer, Mrs. Leiper, stated in her report that all run- (Coneinued on Page Two) COMING EVENTS Euchre and dance, Township tall, Varna, ' Friday, January 26, .30 p.m, Desjardine's Oroheat ra, auspices Varna LO.L No, 1085. dmiss.ion 50 cents. 4-p, Keep in mind the "Sean-the- chool" Tea, in St, Paul's Far- ah Hall, Wednesday, January 1, from 3-6. 4-b Heeelrrrl Aid Games Week now n, Time extended to February inoluslive. 4-b First Annual Rebekah Halloo, CDCI Auditorium, Friday, Fobs nary 8,. dancing 9,30-1, Frankie Banks Orchestra: Admission $11 per person, ,dress optional, 2-$-b t Increases Its tidies and investg�ton 02 sodas, The work done uz 1950 was generally satisfactory, although Vles ' weather conditions were the ���[�er I1 p worst everexile ec Sen Council endorsed a melon onsored by Reeves Earl Camp - ell and Alonzo McCann, that e Village of Grand Bend be corporated in Huron County; nd that a copy of the. resolution tim e sent to the Lieutenant-Gov- nor-in-Cocil, the County of ambton, and the Village of rend Bead, (Lanbiton County ounceearlier this week passed. similar motion to incorporate rand Bend in that county). Endorsation was also given at the provincial Legislature pact legislation that will make eh adjustments as to rent'eve the incentive for towns and other municipalities to separate' from counties, Rand To 13e Improved Reeve Eimer Webster, chair- man' of the Good Roads Com- mission, promised that attention would be given to the request of eeve E. S. Snyder, CO bonne wnship, that action be taken improve county road 45, north Holreesville in Colborne and oderich Townships. Several ac - dents have occurred en this T h e annual congregational meeting of Ontario Street Church was held on Thursday evening, Janue¢y 18. Prior to the business meeting, a large number of the congrega- Ross Merrill reported on the'sp work of the Sunday School, and p Charles Stewart, the superintend th ent, spoke of the splendid work in being carried en by the teachers, a and invited all the members of b tion enoyed a pert -luck supper the congregation to join ,the Sun- ler arranged by' the ladies. A. J. day School. The reports of the 1 L McMurray presided over a short .Cradle Roll department, Young G programme which included piano People's Union, and, the Choir, C completed this pert of the meet- i e ing. I G Mr. Maltby expressed the ap- preciation of the congregation for .th Rev. W. J. Weolfrey responded. the work done by Mr. and Mr;s.'e In the business meeting, pre- Woolfrey, The Official. Board su sided over by Mr. Woolfrey, the had previously presented Mr, various organizations presented I Wootfrey with a cheque. An in - reports which indicated an active lvi•lation to remain for anther year in all departments. year as minister of Ontario Street Ch[Nmuol frchret'. was extended to Mr, After the report of the nomin- ating ,corronletee, the following solo by Mrs, E. Radford, and vocal solos by Mrs. R. G. Ben- nett. Charles Elliott proposed a toast to the United Church, and F. Townsend in reporting for the Session, abated that 38 new members had been added to the church roil during the year. The report of the Board of Stewards, hew members were elected to R given by W. B. Olde, showed an the Official Board: Returned To increase in envelope offerings M.ieeiotvary, Miss Sybil Coiirt.iee- to during 1950.' Hono ery Elder, Thomas Hardy: of Elders, Clayton. Martin, David G Kay, Ray Fear, Mervyn )3ntkin; ei Howard -Trewartha reported that OH+•'rm Street Church would reach its allocation for the Mis- Stewards, Lorne Brown, Mel sionary and Maintenance Fund, Crich; Trustee, Clarence Potter. Mrs. F. Townsend, and Mrs, Miss Courtiee expressed het•ap- eatlet' gave reports on the predation for the opportunity to work of the WMS, and reports serve on this church board, She from the Mission' Band and Baby spoke of her experiermas as e Band were given by Mns. R. Pear missionary in Japan, and stressed (B and Mrs. W. Hoggart. the wonderful opportunity for Mrs. Charles Elliott reported service In that field, She told on the activities ref the WA., and the members present that it was Ba Mrs. A. J. McMurray gave the her hope that before long On- he financial report, Mrs. D. 23t. title Street:Church would be Maltby''presented the financial sending someone• out to Japan a� . eeton and J. B. Rothwell. road, and improvement is needed Ba field 'Trustees By Acclamation Ay our Bayfield oorrespondent) A nomination meeting for the Trustees of the Pol1ee`Vil�tage of yfield• for the coming year was Id in the Town.leall, Bayfield. The foliowieg were elected 1 by act amationt John Sturgeon, Fred t for the Gir1s. t' Club. t, "e report Ito take her place W