HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-01-18, Page 6'PAGE SIX News of Bay field Representative: , bliss Lucy R. Woods • Phene Bayfield 45r3 day evenings of fastweek. On Miss Norma Sturgeon spent the weekend at Mitchell. Pat Graham, Toronto, spent Saiturday in the village. pent the Charles Guest, n the nvLondon, Weekend village. ' Miss Donna Sturgeon spent' from Friday' until Sunday at Sea- ' forth. Mia. T. Cof last Detroit, ekwith�her Wednedayent brother, W. J. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keen returned Nameweer sweek after at Stratford. nding a Mr. and Mos. LeRoy Potb, Kitchener, spent Saturday. at their home in the village. Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Edwards. Jr„ London, spent the weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. 'Furter, London. spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Stin- son Malcom MacLeod, Port Dover, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mac- Leod. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson, ' London, spent Saturday with the formers mother, Mrs. James Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. James Cruick- shank end Berthena, Clinton; spent Sunday with Mrs. William Sturgeon. .1 EMayman, .Calgary,. . d Rev H. J. Webb had Tues ay, • charge of the service in St. And- rew's United Church.. His theme for the evening was "Prayer in the Knowledge of . God." On Thursday evening, Rev. P. Renner had • charge of the ser- vice in Trinity Anglican Church. His theme for the evening was "There is no argument for praY- er." At the close of the Tuesday evening service the Bible Society meeting was held and the fol- lowing officers were elected for 1951: President, Miss Maud Stirl- ing; secretary{treasurer, Mrs. J. MacKenzie. A vote of thanks' was given to the collector's. Bayfield Cemetery Annual Annual meeting of Bayfield Cemetery Board was held at the home of Lloyd Scotchmer. The minutes of the last an- nual meeting ;were read and adopted. Auditors'' report, was read, and atter a lengthy discus-, sion of the financial affairs, the auditors' report was adopted. Directors for the year of 1951 were elected as fo110Ws D.. H 14LeNaughton, E. A. Alfred Hudie, Wilmer Reid, Lloyd Scotehmer,Russell Heard, Leslie Elliott, Donald McKenzie end Elgin Porter. LDonald McKenzie was elected •to fill the place of Charles B. M•ddleton who resigned after be- BRUCEFIELD Mrs. H. Pritchard,, Toronto, is Mrs, with Alire Ham .,n v'isi g and Miss M. Swan. Misses Marjorie Anderson and Betty Allan, London, spent the weekend at 'their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel. John- ston, and. daughter„ Listowel, ealled on Mr. and Mrs. O. John- ston and family on Sunday, Church Annual The annual meeting of Bruce - field United,' Church will be held on Friday, January 26. Special Music • At the morning service in U- it ed Church Sunday, Stan- way and Mad E. Stackhouse rendered a beautiful duet and Mrs. H, Pritchard, Toronto, sang a lovely solo. Nomination Meeting A nomination meeting for the Trustees of the Police Villege of Bayfield for the coming year was held in the Town Hall and the following were elected bY. acclamation John Sturgeon; Fred Weston and J. B. Rathweli. WMS Meets The regular meeting of the Woman's M•lssional7aSSociety wass held on Tuesday, 2.30 in the Sunday School room of 'the church with Mrs. A. Zapfe In the chair. The worship ser- vices were conducted by Mrs. N. Walker and Mrs; R. Allan, Mrs. A. McQueen led in prayer. Various secretaries gave their reports and the treasurer report- ed having exceeded our alloca- tion. The program: "The United Church .Re-enters Japan through partnership in church work" was ably taken by Mrs. W. Scott and Miss E. Dewey. The closing hymn was "Take my life and let it be", and the president closed the meeting with prayer. x Alta., eta.,. arrived on Sunday to spend a month with her parents, Mr. ing a director for 35 years. Middleton was elected on Jan- uary 22, 1916, taking the , place of the Porter late was JohnMiddleton. dto�fill Elgin place of the late Rebell S. Reid, who was elected 2director January1942, to fill the Place of his brother, the late James li. Reid. Lloyd Scofchmer was again elected president; Alfred Hudie, vice-president; E. A. '.Westlake, secretary - treasurer; Benjamin. Rathwell, - sexton. - - The directors were pleased to receive their annual grant from Stanley Township, Goderich Township and the Village of Bayfield: The directors sew fit last year to purchase a power ACCOUNTANCY mower, which was a greet help in having the cemetery looked ROY N BENTLEY after. . —Licensed Public Accountant Owing to the scarcity of help 36 Regent St., — Tel. 9094 the grave digging was raised , �. Goderich Ontario from $10 to $12. ' A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. 'Scotohmer for their hospitality. o-^ "Doddlesack". is ' e colloquial name for bagpipes. HOLMESVILLE Miss Grace Lobb, • Stratford, was a weekend ;visitor at her home. e Miss Zona: Newt R.N. Newton. g London, spent the weekend with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. G. Newton. Mrs• Harrison, who has been confined to her bed for some time following an attack of the flu, is 'now recuperating. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Ross and John motored to Ingersoll bn Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford, returning. on Monday.. En route they cal- led on Rev, and Mrs. C, P. Tav- ener, Tharndjale. . Mrs. M. Elliott aha family, Listoyael, wgre guests on :Satur- day of Mr. and Mrs. W. Norman', and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewarthe. Mrs. Trewarthe accompanied them home.. and remained at Fordwieh to visit 'Rev. and Mrs. S. Miner and family. YPU Activities On Friday night the young people gathered on a pond near the village and, after ' clearing the ice, enjoyed on hour or two of, skating. ' They then went to the home of Ewan . and Esther Ross to enjoy their lunch of pork and beans, toast and coffee. A. sing -song brought a very enjoy- able evening to a close. The regular meeting was held on Monday evening at the horne of Mix and Mrs. Edwar"d Grigg. A new slant was provided when the host 'undertook with his tractor to pull each oar through an otherwise unsurpassable drift on the road, and after the meet- ing, to repeat the performance. There was a large attendance at the gathering which was in charge of Alex Glenn. citizenship, convener.. A timely open forum discussion on communism was held. The scripture was read by Dewar Norman, and Kathleen cards, ::brooms and kitchen uten- sils of $96.34. Running expenses were: orch- estra $60, prizes $16,81 lunch isuppiies and incidentals $74.21, Winnipeg Flood Relief donation $62.75, making a total of $310.11, showing a balance on hand of 25 80. $ Nominations were then called for president, vice-president and secretary -treasurer, with last Year's officers being returned without opposition, but glory be, nominations for committee mem- bers came so Blick and fast with sa many good men and women being nominated that it was de- cided divide allto work. to em into groups puthem Everything passed off so har- moniously that the men chipped in and treated the ladies (and' themselves) to ice cream and cookies. WMS and WA Meet Last Tuesday the ladies' meet- ings were held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. G. Newton. Mrs. W. Norman, as new presi- dent of the WMS; was in 'charge of the missionary programme which she opened with the read- ing of an appropriate poem, Mrs. Walters led in prayed, and Mrs. E. .L,Trewartba read the scrip- ture. The reports for 1950 were read. by the various repredenta- tives. A reading telling of the need for help in European coun- tries was given by Mrs. E. Pot- ter. followed by the making of plans for the packing of a bale for overseas relief. Two quilts are to be made, and clothing may be left at the church at any time. The World's Day of Pray- er will be held at Holmesville, with Ebenezer and' Zion ladies invited to attend. The date is February 9, and there will be a guest speaker. Other items on the programme were readings by Mrs. K. Trewartha and Mrs. J. 1 Yeo, a stewardship liaper by Mrs. Newton and one on ,temperance by Mrs. Norman. In lieu of the study book 'chapter a talk ap- propriate for the New Year sea- son was given by Mrs. Ewan. Ross. . of the WA, was in charge of the various b u s e s s discussions which followed the worship pro- gramme. The WA theme song, and Creed were adopted for use at this meeting. Reports for. 1950 were read, end it was decided that a bazaar be held in the fall as usual. Plans wee made for the annual spring concert to be held in March,' Mrs. Newton spoke a few words of welcome to the ladies, and thanked them fol- what they had done to make the parsonage so comfortable. After further discussion regard- ing business items the meeting closed with prayer, and a pot- luck lunch was enjoyed. and Mrs. R. L. MacMilten., Miss Marie Elliott, Brucefieid, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bruce M.enery, was taken to Clinton Public Hospital last week. • Her friends wish her a speedy • recovery. Guild Annual The annual Guild meeting of Trinity Anglican Church was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of ' Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer. The therector, Rev. H eJ.Webrar bb. by The election of officers then ' took place for the coming year. Those elected were: president, Mrs. R. 3. Larson; honorary presi- dents, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. F. Baker and Mrs. H. J. Webb; secretary, Mrs. S. McEwen; treasurer, Lucy Woods; assistant treasurer, Mrs. A. Bassett; visit- ing "committee, Mrs. L. Scotch- . mer and Mrs. J. B. Higgins. Plans were made to bola a pot- luck supper in connection with the annual vestry meeting •on Monday evening, January 22. Lunch was served by the hostess. Week of Prayer Service The Week of Prayer services were held on Tuesday and Thurs- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i^ NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Reeve and Council of the Township of Tucker - smith request the co-operation of the ratepayers of the Township by not leaving cars parked on roads in order ll not be responsibleeforoany ldamage torah, trucks, netc.,cil vcau ed by such operations, (Signed) E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk,.. Township of Tuckersmith. ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accu: Toronto talt 57 Bloor St. W., Holmes led ht prayer. An inter- esting contest was directed by the leader. Next Monday the young people will meet et Eileen Gliddon's home, with the culture group, led by Lance and Pamela Saddler in charge. Community - Club Meets A meeting of the Holmesville Community Club was held in the school Monday, Jenuary,8: with good attendance. A motion was passed electing Harry Williams as chairman of Itihe meeting. He called on the secretary -treasurer for a financial report for the year. A cash balance of $89.51' from lest year with party receipts of $246.40 was shown, making total RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 561: Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC D. A. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. 2-3-b INSURANCE Be Sure : : Be insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance bo. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car Fire Life Accident • Wind Insuraice If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. H. C. • L'AWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate AgOit: Mutual Life 'Assurance Co. LOBS INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Ste. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dont. of Canada General (Lite) Bostick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Buy LIFE Insurance To -day! To -morrow may be too late! JOHN R. & LLOYD K. BUTI;ER Representative - CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone, 274 Clinton — Box 315 THE MaKILLQP 'VICTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifee. Seaforth Officers 1950—President, E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L Malone, Seaforth;-rnan- ager and secreta3ry-treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonherdt, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John I, McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents. J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J./E. Prueter, Brodhagen;. Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. Used Car Bargains if 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan e 1950 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan 1 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan, light ;: green iii colour X x; 1950 Oldsmobile Sedan, radio, sun visor, ; tmany extras _ 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Coach- , 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Fleetline Coach 3 t949 Chevrolet deluxe Sedan, with cus ;, tom radio and many extras 1948 Chevrolet Stylel•naster Coach • '.?< 3 1948 Chevrolet. Fleetline Coach. two - v toned ,teen 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan, radio, _`. sun visor, and many extras 3 3 1946 Chevrolet Sedan £ 1941 Pontiac, new paint job r 1939 Ford Coupe 1939 Pontiac Coach ..E •4938 .Oldsmobile Sedan i 1937.Plymouth Coach 1937 Chevrolet. Sedan 9937 Chevrolet 'Coupe receipts $335.91. with capital ex- penditures for chairs, playing TRUCK S 1947 Chevrolet halfton pickup Truck a•• 3 '1946 Chevrolet one -ton stake Truck • CASH — TRADE -- TERMS 'OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors v OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE. R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. HEARN Optometrist Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours: 9 em - 6 pm. Wed• 9 - 12,30; Sat. 9; am 9 pm REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER• Real Estate and Business. Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 443; Res. 599j RADIO SERVICE PERS,AN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience en all Auto and Home Radios Free FM Informatoln PHONE 471-W. CLINTON SURVEYING Huron County's Foremost' Used Car Deafer j Phone 73-X BRUSSELS ; S M-0d!14y3 44444.4144.44,4444.4.". 'FREDERICK J. S. PEARCE Ontario Land Surveyor 21 Downie St., Phone 3055, STRATFORD VETERINARIAN 5R. G. S. ELLIOTF Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, .£93 After' art is said and done,, how does it taste in the cup? Thar is what counts!: TEA BAGS yield the perfect. f Lavoatr:. klere s how our one-stop service canhelp you build your dream home. 1 Deciding • .Build If you need plans or home plan buloks. :we can help you. 2 Planned to ' Your' Needs "'Contractor ' References We can recommend a re- liable contractor for your to particular job. We will offer suggestions, keeping in mated your meed§ and the anoint you can afford to spend. . - 4 Lots, and ' Listings Your lot may be a down payment. Call us for infor- mation or for available lots for sale. Materials • A double guarantee — that of ours and the merufact- urer's. Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies WHOLESALE and RETAIL Telephones: Residence Ph nest ZuricCH 388 h 162 • in the past fifteen years the Royal Bath's assets and depo- sits have multiplied three times over. Our position among the world's great banks is a symbol of Conado's great and growing importance among the nations. As compared with 1935: Manufacturing. was almost three times greater. Exports, in dollar • value, were four times greater and Imports five times greater. L. 'Ye fifer 0 0 0 AS a place in which to live and work, to earn money and enjoy it, Canada grew tremendously during 1950. It grew with new and bigger oilfields, factories, mines, homes, schools, stores and trade. In fact, Canada grew in practically every department of life and effort. The Royal Bank of Canada shared In this growth—growing with the country, helping it to grow. For there is no field of Canadian expansion which the Royal Bank has not shared. Our loans to farmers, fishermen, industrialists, to firms large and snail and to individuals;"showed marked increase during the year just closed. Our deposits grew to ' $2,557,000,000; our assets to over $2,497,000,000 --both new records in Canadian banking. We improved our premises in many places to provide faster, Canada's populatias more convenient service in congenial surroundings, and we has grown by opened a number of new branches to serve rapidly 3,000,000 since 1935* almost a third. expanding communities in cities, towns and ictal areas..;- Looking forward, we shall continue our efforts to serve all Catiadians efficiently and in a spirit of helpful friendliness. bon and steel production was nearly four times greater. 05 (It• i Oil production was twenty times greater.. Construction last year• was almost tan times 'greater., THE ROYAL {` KIK F CANADA A GREAT BANK SERVING A GROWING COUNTRY CLINTON BRANCH - J. G. McLAY, Manager .