HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-01-04, Page 6SAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD News -of Bayfield . Representative; !Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3 ammemomsommemeo- Miss Elizabeth Weston left last week to visit her sister at Holmesville, • Mrt MatStothers Embro. spent last week with Mr:and Mrs. T. H. Mack. Lindsay Smith left on Tuesday for London to attend the funeral of his cousin, Miss ,Munro;, Davina and Glenn Sturgeon re- turned totheir horse on Saturday after spending a week at Kin- cardine. Mrs. D. E. Kingsbury, returned to her home on Sunday atter _spending the past week at Dundas, Master Allan Jdhnston•, Varna, spent lent week with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McLean left oh Tuesday to spend the re- meander of the winter at Wash- ington, D.C. Mr. and. Mrs. G. M. Spencer and family are occupying E. A. reatlierstonis home for thewhi- ter months. A. J. McLeod returned home on Monday after being a patient in Clinton Public Hospital for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston, London, spent Sunday and Mon- day with the latter's mother, Mrs. Charles Parker. Miss Jacqueeine Cluff, Goderich Township, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sootchmer, Jr. Mrs. Angus MeCrae, London, spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston. John R. MacLeod, who hes been working in Port Dover for the past few months, returned to his home on Monday. Miss Beverley Merrier, Code - rich Township, and Fred Turner, Goderich, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Grant Turner. Miss Betty Langford returned to the village on Tuesday after spendiing the Christmas holidays at her home in London. Mr: end Mrs. Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth returned home on Tuesday after spending a few days at Windsor. Mrs. L. M. Burt and family, London, returned to their home on. Monday after spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. F. W, Baker.. - I11 With Pneumonia - Master Donnie Bell, eleven - Year -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell is 311 at his home with pneumonia. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miscellaneous Shower A miscellaneous shower for the newlyweds, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Brandon, was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening, Jan, 1. Music was supplied by Arm- strong's Orchestra, Varna. Lunch was served by the ladies, Week of Prayer The Meal. cergy will hold two services on Tuesday, January 9, and Thursday, January 11, to mark the "Week of Prayer" in Bayfield. The service on Tuesday night will be held in St, Andrew's Unit- ed Church with Rev. H. Webb in charge, and Rev. P. Renner will be in charge of the service on Thursday night in Trinity Anglican Church. Sunday School Party The annual Sunday School party of Trinity Church was held on Thursday evening of last week. Carols were sung Hy the child- ren and games were played un- der the direction of Mrs. William Parker, Mrs. J. B, Higgins and Rev. H. J. Webb. Lunch was then served by the ladles of the Guild, after which presents, candy, oranges, were distributed to the children. Christmas Carol Service A Christmas Carol service was held in Trinity Anglican. Church, Bayfield, on Sunday evening, December 31. This service was The next meeting of the HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, • Goderich, commencing 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Sat- urdny, January 13. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario NEW ' STOCK arriving at it'LINTON MONUMENT SHOP 1-2-,b�� Open Every Friday and by appointment for further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth .F' sed Car « Bargains * 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan, light r; V. green in colour :f x; 1950 Chevrolet Sedan, minerva blue in r color 4 44 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Fleetline Coach 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Standard Coach ?: ar; 1949 Chevrolet deluxe Sedan, with cus- tom radio and many extras , 1949 Chevrolet Coach ':, 1948 Chevrolet Stylemaster Coach 2 1948 Chevrolet Sedan, two -toned green f 4, 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, two- .x' toned green 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan, radio, t Sun visor, two toned in colour ,t,, 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, two- toned gray r� 1946 Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Dodge Coach 1939 Pontiac Coach {II 1938 'Dodge Sedazi •I. 1938 Oldsmobile Sedala 1937 Nash Sedan =' 193 7 Plymouth Coach 1935 Dodge- Sedan . �_ 1935 Chevrolet Sedan . 1 '1947' Chevrolet halfton pickup Truck .3; 1946 Chevrolet one -ton stake Truck ' r a T • Brussels MotorsA. Phone 73-X BRUSSELS 4 BRUCEFIE'LD Mr. and tt1rs, Don Herne have returned to London after spend- ing the holidays here, Frank Mustard "1las returned to .Kirkland Lake after holiday- ing at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thornton,, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. end Mrs. A. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Livingstone, London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe, Jack McDonald and friend, Ot- tawa, spent the weekend holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDonald. Miss Marion Hill, who has been at her home for some time and Who has visited friends here dur- ing the .past week, has returned to St. Catharines. Teachers Return Those returning to teaching duties after the holidays include Cam Henry to Western University; Janet Watson to Aylmer; Betty Allan to London; Blanche Zapfe to S.S. 5 Stanley. Bruoefield. WA Meets The Woman's Association of. Brucefield United Church met on Tuesday, January 2, weer an at- tendance of 20. The meeting open ed with hymn 351. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Robert Allan, assisted by Mrs. Ben Keyes on "The Kingdom Within", Matt. 13, verses 1-9. Hymn 314 wes then sung, follow- ed' by prayer by Mrs. R. Allan. The creed was repeated in unis- on. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Mrs. L, Wilson. The roll call was answered. by "Our favorite Psalm." The treas- urer, Mrs. W. McHeth, gave the report, after which there was some discussion about 'improve- ments being rhade in the i5hurch basement. Miss E. Bowey gave a report from the manse com- mittee. Mrs. Keyes reported hav- ing made about 14 calls. Mrs. W. Scott reported from the card and Rawer committee. The meet- ing closed with hynm 364, after which Mrs. G. Henderson con- ducted a' contest. Lunch was served. conducted by the Rector, Rev, I3. J, E. Webb. The children of the Junior Choir led in the singing of the Carols assisted by Mrs. J. 13. Higgins and Mrs. R. J. Larson. Carols sung included "The First Nowell," "Carol Sweetly Carol," "0 Little Town of BethIehem," "'Shepherds in the field abiding," "We Three Kings," "See Amid the Winter Snow," "Good King Weneesias," "Silent Nigh t," "While Shepherds Watched." The service was divided into a num- ber of paris, suitable passages of Scriptrue being read for each, the parts incuding: The Prophecy of the Messiah, The Annuncia- tion of Mary, The Natviity, The proclamation of the birth, the presentation of Christ in the Temple, the'manifestation to the world, what it means, the chal- lenge to us. Trinity Club Annual The annual meeting of Trinity Club, Bayfield, was held on Tuesday evening, Jane. 2, at the home of Mrs. M. F. Corrie, The meeting opened with a prayer by Rev. H. J. E. Webb. The secretlary's report was read by Miss Ber:thena Sturgeon, and, the presiden,t's report . wes read by Mrs.Corrie, with. Mr. Webb in l the chair. Election of officers then took place for the coming year: Presi- dent, Mrs, E. Hovey; vice-presi- dent, Mrs, A. Switchrner; secre- tary, l3erthena Sturgeon; treasur- er, Mrs. T. Mack; programme convener, Mrs. W. Metcalf; mem- bership convener, Mrs, M. Corrie. Mr. Webb gave a very inter- esting talk on his former parish et Fairview, Alberta. He also spoke on the many fine buildings, the industries which is mostly farming and the weather which would at times go from 40 to 60 below zero, Lunch was served by Mrs. Corrie and Mrs. Scotch - mer, The Trinity Club was organiz- ed a little over a year ago, in c September 1949, at a meeting 2 held at the Rectory. The officers S appointed at that time, President, I Mrs. Corrie; vice-president, Mrs; A. Scotehmer; seoretary, Miss Sturgeon; •and treasurer, Mrs. T: Seotchmel•,. have encored an for the entire period with the ex- ception of the latter who moved away and whose chilies were as- sumed by Mrs. Mack. There has been an excellent spirit of co-operation amongst the club members, and, briefly, I shall outline the year's acutivities. Meney-rairin.g schemes includ-' ed a refreshment booth at the Fall Feir two Hallowe'en dances, 't Valentine party and an after- noon tea. Individual members contributed birthday money and funds raised by having smell bridge parties. The organization of a badmin- ton club in the village was our first project, Equipment was purchased and supervision pro- vided for the teen-agers until the club gained sufficient strength to unction independently. Repairs totalling approximately $40 were made to the church organ end a vast improvement resulted. Ma- terial for alta r frontals Was pur- chased and through the kind co- t*peration of Mrs. Knuckey and Mrs. J, Sturgeon these hangings were made, and were dedicated to ,the memory of a fernier mem- ber, Elizabeth. Geircther Scott, at the first special anniversary ser- vice in June, Two or mare of our members have given con- siderable • assistance in the Sun- day School, And on such occas- ions as cleaning the church and rectory we have been represent- ed, Our a n,w neat r' o and his fanc- ily were aur guests at the Albion upon their arrival in the village, During the term we have en- joyed two Christmas pot -luck suppers; spacial speakers includ- ed Rei Mr. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. ,Orlo Millet, Miss Jessie Metcalf, and Mrs, Harry Everett relour- ml movies taken by Mr, William Metcalf and his interesting oom- LONDESBORO Rev, S. H. Brenton and family, H. Brenton was present and de'di- with the Alllens. Mr. and Mrs., James Crawford with Mr. end Mrs. James Mc- Cool, Mx, and Mrs, James Roberton, Auburn, with Mrs. F. Wood of Christmas. Mr, and Mas. T. Fairservice had all their family home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young - bind with Mr. and Mrs, William Wells, Clinton, Mr. afid Mrs. Will Gooier vis - ted with Mr. and Mrs: Harry. McEwan, Clinton. Mrs. Nellie Watson spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs, John Sinclair, Kippen, where . there Was the family gathering. We are sorry to hear of the erious illness of Mrs. Tom Oliver Rachel Woodman), Clinton. We wish her a speedy recovery. Robert Youngblutt has been in Clinton for a few deys with Mr. nd Mrs. W. Wells. Mrs. Wells has been quite i11, but is now improving. Bad Christmas Weather "Christmas Day was the worst ay of the winter with very bad roads and a blizzard raging most o the day. Many Christmas gathr. Brings were broken up. In some eases there was an unexpected crowd who could not get to their destination, a few who expected a party were left to eat their Christmas dinner alone; others braved the storm and bed roads and. reached their places of ent- ertairenent; with the help of trac- ers and the'old time horses and leigh. Family Gathering Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn entertained a family gathering on Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Ber Hunking and family, Mr. an Mrs, Will Manning and family n James Lamont, to a Iovely.Christ- mas dinner with all the trim mings. It was also the occas' of the 31st anniversary of and Mrs. Tamblyn's wedding d Mrs. Tanblyn's brothers and si ter and mother presented the with a gift, wishing them ma happy returns of the day. Young People Meet The regular meeting of Lo desboro B -L Young People's ion was held in the basement the church on Sunday, Dec. with Edwin Fothergill in • char of the worship period, The mee ing opened with the' singing hymn 173, followed by prayer Mr, Fangrad. The scripture wa read by Jim Lamont, after whi two musical selections were gi en by the Fangrad family whi were enjoyed by all. The offe ing was taken up by Gordo Shobbrook and the topic given by Jim Scott, The me ing then closed by the use hymn 181, following which lune was served. Mission Band Meets The Mary Grierson Missio Band held its December me ing in the basement of the cher on Sunday, December' 17, with president, June lViannin"g, In t chair. Meeting opened with e to worship end hymn 18, "Awa in a Manger'' and God Save th King, The Lord's Prayer was r peaited in unison. ' Faye Gan react the scripture, the Christen story. Muriel Shobbrook read t'h i a f t s d an Mrs. Joseph Manning, and con Mr. as Y. m ny n- Un- of 31, ge' t - of by s ch v oh r- t - of h n tit ch the he all y e e- nt as minutesof last meeting and gave thc treasurer's report. The roll call was answered with 20 present by hending In mite boxes. The offering was taken by Barry Pipe, Kenneth Gaunt gave the temp- erance secretary's _repent and' Buster Shaddiek the World Peace. June Manning and Muriel Shob- brook favored with a duet, ac- companied by Marguerite Lyon. The Study Book was given by Mrs. Joe Sheddick. Mrs. Edwin Wood then spoke to the Band as the Christmas guest speaker. Meeting closed with hymn 176, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem," and casing prayer by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Londesboro WA Meets The regular meeting of ton- desboro WA was . veld in the Sunday School room of the buret on Thursday, December 1, with the president, Mrs. B. hobbrook, in charge. The meet - ng opened with Scripture read- ng end the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, Cards of ap- preciation were read from Mr. and Mrs. 13. Seobhrook and Charles Vodden, The treasurer's report was then given, also the report from the parsbtrage com- mittee. The officers for 1950 were re- turned for 1951: President, Mrs, 13. Shobbrook; vice-president, Mrs. R. Townsend; secretary, Mrs. L. Pipe; treasurer, Mrs. 3. Nott; pianist, Mrs. T. Allen; press sec- retary, Mrs. J. Lyon; parsonage committee, Mrs, 13. Shobbrook, Mrs. I Pipe, Nirs. R. Townsend and Mrs. J. Lyon. Prngramme committee for "January: Mrs, Grierson -and Mrs.. Durnin. It was decided to visit the County Home some time during the winter. The meet eg then look the form of a Christmas party.Several carols were sung ani Mrs. 11, Fairservice gave a reading "Cuhr•istmas in other lands", and a Christmas contest.' Phyllis McCool sang a solo, Thcre was also a "Touch and Take" booth.. Lunch was served by hostesses. There were 18 present, WMS Meets ' The December meeting of Londesboro WMS was held in. the Sunday School room of the United Church, with the presi- dent, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, in the chair, Meeting opened by sing- ing . "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing," followed with prayer by Mrs. T amblyn: • Scripture read-• ing. Isailh 9 :6 was read. Roll wes called. .The January roll call to be answered by a bar of soap or clothing fog a young child,. A card of appreciation Was read from the Fingland family. A temperance reading, "Is it con- sidered smart to drink or how smart is it (it's dumb)", by Mrs. Brenton, Mrs., Tamblyn a read- ing on Christian Stewardship. The slate of officers was brought in by Mrs. Watson, Most of the Gated the 'officers for 1951. Clothing for a needy family was discussed: The family of. five—slather; mother, two girls aged 12, 13, one boy nine—the family is et present staying with. Mr, and Mrs, Fangrad, Clothing for this family will. be gladly received. Mrs. Grierson spoke of the distress and great need in. Korea. The 0hriatmas ebndle- lighting service took place when many carols wer sung. Mrs. F. Tamblyn. gave the Christmas story, "The Twelfth Night." Mm. T. Falrservice, leader of Group 2, with Mrs. E, Wood, Mrs. Wat- son, Mrs. Govier and Miss Young, taking parts. 'Ibe meeting throughout was very impressive and interesting. The attendance was not very large. ,We hope for a larger. turnout at our January meeting. Start the New Year right by at- tending the WMS more _often, would be a good resolution for 1951. We need you. STANLEY Miss !fate McGregor, Winglham, and Miss Margaret McGregor, Toronto, spent the holidays et their home. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Pepper, Niagara Fells, visaited over the weekend with John E. Pepper, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Stevens and two children, Weston, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Herb Stevens a few days last week. Mrs. Marion Laramie, and Elizabeth, Clifford, and Miss Jean McEwen, Toronto, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr, end Mrs. Alex McEwen. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 'DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY ROY N. BENTLEY Licensed Public Accountant 36 Regent St., -- Tel. 909-3 Goderieb, Ontario ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloom St. W., Toronto RONALD G. MCCANN" Public Accountant Office: .Royal ,Bank Bldg, Peones: Office 561: Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. INN1S•IY ANCE Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUIIOUN GENERAL. INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co, of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Hayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire- Life - Accident WindInsurance If you need insurance, I have „ a Policy. H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Nubia; Life Assurance Co. LOBB INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and. Rattenbury Ste. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE -- Representative: Representative: Dom. of Canada General (Life) Howiek Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Buy LIFE Insurance To -days To -morrow may be too late! JOHN R. & LLOYD K. BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 — Clinton — Box 315 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY !lead Ofifce, Seaforth Officers 1950—President, E. J, Trewertha, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. L•. Malone, Seaforth;-man- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Other dlreet- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seafortle Chris Leonherdt, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwiag, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brumfield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE. R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. IIEARN Optometrist Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Rhone 791. Main 5t., Seaforth Hours: 9 em - 6 pen Wed, 9 - 12,30; Sat, 9 ern - '9 pin REAL. ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Rear Estate and Business Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 5993 RADIO SERVICE - PEReAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient !radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience on all Auto and Horne Radler; Free FM inforinatofa PHONE 471-W. CLINTON SURVEYING • . FREDERICK J.. S. PEARCE- Ontario Laird Surveyor 21 Downie St. Phone 3055 STRATFORD `VrTERINARIAN ' 0R. G. S. ELLIOTT. veterinarian • Clinton VARNA Joe Yeabec, Tillsonbu� visit- ed at Mir.' Herold Soper'§ over the weekend. Rev. Reba Hein returned lest Saturday after spending a couple 'I'HUESDA' ,. JANUARY 4, len of weeks at ibe home oe her gar - eats, Sault Ste. Marie. Attending, Short Course George Keys, Bruce Johniston„ Ivan. McClymont and Grant Web- ster are attending the OAC shore; course at Guelph this week, ohn Deere Quality Farm Equ'ip'ment SALES : SERVICE Ben "Imperial" Threshing Machines, W. G. Simmons & Sons Farm Equipment Ltd. GODERICHI - EXETER HAUGHTON'S WELDING SHOP • CLINTON WISE•and BATEMAN Agents for ANTHES-IMPERIAL and GAR WOOD WINGHAM SUNBLAST' FURNACES ONE FOR EVERY PURPOSE BARGAIN: ONE USED FURNACE' with new casing- $75.00 Call Us to solve your WIRING and PLUMBINGPROBLEMS WISE and BATEMAN --Phone 147 -- PLUMBING and HEATING.--- SHEET METAL WORT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Successors to Sutter-PerdUe's Shop Work werautereessamencestessereweents Let a PIONEER one -roan Chain Saw solve your wood cutting problems For Information and Prices see Your PIONEER Dealer } Rembert W. Cole Phone 906r24 Clinton ar 46-7-8,5 ;. 4:e4.0±1'•:.".14.:.*`:" �..;Srn UIL'; this h i use: Only $35. Per Month (Alter down payment) One of the Many Modern Designs. Available in Our Home Plan Dept., Act now while materials are stili available, We con also help you arrange On N. H. A. Loan and put you in touch with a reliable• contractor, l . HOME PLAN BOOKS HUNDRF;DS OF PLANS AN IDEAS REAS TO HELP YOU BUILD , . , COMF IN 'AND LOOK THEM OVER. Fred C. Kalbfleislcb & Son Ltd. Telephones: Zurich 69; Residence 1621 Croderieh 388 ZURICH and GODERICH f +>t»oa»B•C+t«W ,:ww.iar.+„e-o.da„..._..'' ., _, ..