HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-01-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 PERSONALS Miss Kae Snider is visiting. friends in Somerville,; N.J. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame is visiting Toronto relatives this week. Frank Greadis, London, spent the New Year's weekend with friends in Blyth. Miss Shirley Henri, Forest, was a New Year's visitor with her mother, Mrs. Irene Henri. Misses Maud Simian, Toronto, and Bessie Sierran, New Rochelle, N.Y., were holiday visitors in Clinton. Dean Courntice, Hamilton, was a weekend visitor with his silt- ers, Misses Hattie end Sybil Courtice. - Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Detroit, was a New Year's visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. D. Roberton. Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Anderson, Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ellwood for the holi- day season. Mr. land Mrs. G. R. Mason, rantford, spent the New Year's oliday period at Brucalield, .ummerhill and Clinton. Miss Edith Paterson, Toronto, ormerly of Clinton,, spent the New Year's weekend with Mr. nd Mrs. W. N. Counter. Mrs, Lorne Eedy, St Marys, as a New Year's visitor at the ome of her brother end sister - n -law, Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C, " iison. Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Lane spent New Year's Day in Goderidh th their son-in-law and dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ed- ward. Mr. end Mrs. M. J. Snider, Mea - ford, and Mies Irene Snider, Lon- don, spent the iholida'y season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider. Mr. and Mrs. James Livernore and Mrs. Jackson spent Sunday in London with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore. Mrs. W. T. Hawkins left yest- erday for an extended visit with her daughters, Mrs, J. G. Mac - Xiamen, Toronto, end Mrs. Al Smith, Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Hanes and family and friend. Bruce Elliott, Ottawa, spent the Christmas holi- day period wiith Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lockwood. Mr. and Mrs. William Hume and sons, Milton, were holiday weekend visitors at the home of ,the lady's brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis. Mr. end Mrs. John Hali, Hamil- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wool- frey, Blyth, visited their 'Parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey during the Now Year's holiday. WORK MITTS and GLOVES Choose your needs from our garge assortment M' Luggage & Leather Phone 2 -- Clinton Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore were the 1 son, 8, S. Livermore, Mrs. Liver- more and Wilfred, London; Mr and Mrs. Clarence Green and Audrey, Grand Bend, Mr, and Mrs. John A. Sutter and son, Benson, were in Water down on Tuesday attending the funeral of the formers' brother- in-law, the late Harry O. Smythe, whose death occurred very sud- denly on Saturday last, G. D. Misttele, who has been attached to tle Cilavton staff of the Royal Bank of Canada for the past two years, leaves to- morrow for his new • post at Espanola. He will be succeeded here by P. J. McAuley, Waterloo, Baptist Ladies' Aid Elects New Officers The Ladies' Aid of Clinton Baptist Church held its aneeting et the home os Mrs. William C'oclarane, on Tuesday afternobn, January 2, with- the ,vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Cochrane, in charge, The meeting opened 'with the singing of the hymn "Faith of our Fathers", followed by Mrs, Cochrane leading in prayer. The Scripture lesson . was read from Isaiah, chapter 53. The hymn "Faith is the Victory" was sung, followed by a solo, "The Changing Year" by Mrs, Clark, 'accompanied by Mrs. Adkenhead at the piano. Mrs. Cochrane gave a reading "Time for Prayer," and Mrs. J. Butler favoured with a solo `.Jesus paid it all." A reading "Januery 1" was given by Mrs, T. Leppington. The roll call was answered by verses on the New Year, after which t h e secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Clifford, gave her reports and reviewed the past year's work accomplished by the members of the Md. • Officers elected for 1951 in- cluded: vice-president, Mrs, Wil- liam Cochrane; secretary -treasur- er and press correspondent, Mrs. Reg. Clifford; personage commit- tee, Mrs. J. Butler, Mrs. William Pickett; visitation cotmnittee, Mrs. J. Butler, Mrs. T. Lepping- ton; pianist, Mrs. W Aieknhead; work convener, Mrs. Reg, Clif- ford. The hymn "Work for the Night is Coming" was sung and the meeting was closed by Mrs. Clark offering prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, WESLEY-WILLIS WMS The WMS of Wesley -Willis Vented Church will meet on Thursday evening, January 11, at the home of Mrs. C. M. Shear- ing. Mrs. H. C. Lawson's group wild be in charge and a cordial invitation is extended to ell ladies of the congregation. 0 ONTARIO ST. WMS TheW MS of Ontario St, United 1 Church will meet on Tuesday, January 9, at 3 p.m. in the Church Hall, All annual reports will be given and the knitted articles for the bale are to he handed in, FORMER CLERK DEAD SEAFORTH :Word of the death of this town's oldest and most prominent citizen, J. A. Wilson, 91, at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Elliott M. Little, Quebec City, Quel, was received here Friday. Town Clerk and Treas- urer for more than 25 years un- til his retirement in, 1934, Mr' Wilson tools a keen interest in e..wwx.s'rw,a+...dc:..n+•-K',-..a+-.:Yr+. ;+,� •,;.?o...e.? municipal affairs. r >ffcCL rte �. etas Beauuf,l`'ul Mode o. 24-150 De Luxe Here is a McClamy model specially_. designed to fit into small space and yet retain all the beauty and labor-saving features of the larger mod- els. It is equipped with 1 large and 3 standard McClary Tubular Elements, automatic Timer and Selector Swstch, Oven 16"x20"x12Ve"porcel- ain enameled Broilers Pan with snvolteless Grid, Storage Drawer, automatic Oven Heat Control, Oven Light, "Clear - vu" glass in Oven Door, bal- anced Oven Door, five beat switches with separate Pilot Lights, Appliance Outlet, one- piece Top and Backyard, gleaming white Tiitanium pore. celaiin, enameled finish. Floor space 22" wide by 233/2" deep. Extra Equipment -Minute Minder Leanp, $219. anges- Dependable /1' •o®Cea es' Model No. 126-50 Thisanode is designed to burn two fuels, peinearily Electricity and Coal, but any combustible fuel can be used in the Firebox. El.edtric Sedtion equipped with 1 large and 3 Standard Tubular Elements, Oven 16"x 20"x123/4", porcelain enamel- ed Broiler Pan with smoke- less- Grid, Storage Drawer, automatic Oven Heat Control, balanced Oven Door, five heat switches with pilot light, Appliance Outlet, one-piece fop and background, gleam- ing white Titaniurm porcelain enameled finish. Floor space 36" wide by 28" deep. Esibra Equirpaent-Minute Minder Lamp, $299. BALL & MUTCH F U N,E R A L DIRECTORS D. G. BALL W..J. MUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 361-3 Phone 195 WATCHNIGHT SERVICE SEES OLD YEAR OUT Wesley -Willis United Church was the sebbing for an effective and impressive Watchnight Ser- vice on Sunday evening, Decem- ber 31, 1950, which had been pre- pared and was sponsored by Huron Presbytery Y.P.U. Har- vey Sperling, Elimville, president, was in charge. The service opened with the Young People =.coming into the church in the Processional hymn "Standing at the Portia." Rev. H. C. Wilson read the Scripture Lesson and Mr. Sperling offered prayer. The address of the evening was given by Rev. S. H. Brenton, Londesboro, who spoke on the theme, "The Lord God Omnipot- ent Reignedh," giving a direct challenge to everyone present to make 1951 really count for Christ, Everything we do must really be to honour Christ, he remarked. Mr. Brenton told of going over the Rocky Mountains by plane,' ' and looking clown at the almost - breath -taking beauty, and realiz- ing even more clearly 'than be- fore that God must reign or such beauty - could never have been created, and if :God can . do that in Nature how much more He can do' through us, 'if only we will let Hbn. A pageant, depicting the func- tions of the various months of the year, was presented with the fpllowing taking part: January, Marion Andrews; February, Betty Woolfrey; March, Joyce Hawkins; April; Helen Ball; May, Doris Grierson; June, Catherine Ping - lend; July, Mary Hudie; August, Ruth Glazier; September, Betty Nediger; October, Meviis Steepe; November, Barbara Oliver; De- cember, Ruth Wilson. The girls formed a candle -lit cross which was very effective. During the pageant an Easter solo was sung by James Scott, Seaforth, a Thanksgiving number by t h e ladies' quarette, Margaret Hol- land, Mary Sutter, E eRneiibbo and Jean Nediger, and the Christ- mas solo, "0 Thou that Tellest" from "The Messiah" -was sung by Eileen Robbins. Rev. 11. G. Wilson conducted a period of Silent Prayer over the midnight hour and the service concluded' with the singing of the Theme Hymn of London Confer- enoe Y.P.U. "Guide me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah;' and the Benedic- tion pronounced by Rev. Mr. Wilson, Mrs, M. 11, Rennie presided at the organ throughout the service, and there was a splendid con - gregetion in attendance. Follow- ing the service, the. Young Peo- ple of Wesley -Willis Church en- tertained the group to coffee and cookies in the Church Hall. Miss Isobel Ohowen, local president, conducted a few contests and the evening dispersed with the sing- ing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "Taps." Ontario St. WA Holds Its January Meeting The WA of Ontario St. United Church met on Tuesday afternoon, January 2, with the past presi- dent, Mrs. C. Veneer, in the chair. The mooting opened by sinyinp a hymn, readinv psehn 735 responsively, and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, Mrs. D. M. Maltby had charge of the devotional period, taking as .her topic "New Year's Devo- •trions." A hymn was sung and Mrs. Townsend read the lesson and Mrs. McMurray gave a read- ing, The period was closed with the singing of another hymn. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Mrs. Lorne Brown, the new secretery. Reg- ular reports and the annual re- ports were given, and the callers for the' various wards named, Mrs. R. Holmes, first vice-presi- dent, in the absence of Mrs. John Radford, had charge of the busi nses and programme p,prt of the meeting. The programme luedcnidv3Vf The programme included a reading by Mrs. Wiitse, a solo by Mrs. Wheeler, and a piano instrumental by Mrs. Treleaven, all of which were greatly ap- predated by those present. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the Mie- laah Benediction after which a picnic lunch was served. --o-- Rev. David J. Lane Speaks to Clinton WI Clinton Women's Institute mat on Thursday afternoon, Dec, 28, in the Agricultural Board Room, with 35 members and four visit- ors present, With the president, Mrs. Sturdy, presiding, and Mrs. E. Radford at the piano, the meeting opened with the singing of the Ode, and repeating in unison the "Mary Stewart Collect," followed by the Lord's Prayer. The secretary's report was read and approved,' and treasurer's monthly state- ment given. The roll call was answered by "How and where we spent Christ- mas." The flower convener Mat. - est 43 Christmas cards had been sent to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. R. Hanley, Toronto, fav- ored with three piano numbers, "Bells of St. Marys", ."Desert Song" and "Nola." Miss Jane Batkin elso played a piano num- ber "The Yellow Butterfly." These niusioal numbers were much enjoyed. Rev, D. J. Lane gave a very fine address, He recomemnded reading of •a book by John Fish- er, entitled "The Romance of Seed," and basing his address on the Christmas carol "0 Little Town of Bethlehem." He said that true Christians never can he satisfied until Christ is born in them personally. Mrs. R. P. Robbins; sang two pleasing' solos. A vote of thanes was extended to all those taking part in the program. A social half-hour was enjoyed. hi Pidgin English is perhaps the closest approach to a world lang- uage. Talking Things Over !' Two well known farm leaders were talking things over when the above photograph was taken. Whoare they? Well, you • guess! R. GORDON BENNETT (left), Clinton, Huron County agricultural representative; and ALVIN BETTLES (right), Goclerich Township, new president, Huron County Crop Improvement Association. Mr. Bennett also is secretary treasurer of that body. Recent Bride Feted At Lovely "At Home" Mrs. Morley Counter was "Art Horne" Thursday afternoon last in honor of her daughter -in -Save, Mrs. J. W. 'Counter. About 80 ladies called during the after-, noon. The spacious rooms of the home were 'attractively decorated in the Christmas motif. Opening UM door to the guests was young Miss Calista Counter, Receiving were Mrs. Counter, smartly gown- ed in black velvet with white lace; the guest of honor, Mrs. J. W. Counter, attractive in her bridal gown of sapphire velvet; also the bride's mother, Mrs. Fred Middleton, wearing' a handsome dress of rust crepe. In charge of the visitors' book were Mrs. H. Stevens and Mrs. John Beattie, Seaforth. Mrs, George McLey and Mrs. Norman Counter invited the guests to the dining room. The tea table made an attrac- tive precture with a nut work cloth, centred with red and white carnations in a cutglass bowl and red and white rolled Christmas candles. Presiding over the tea table were, for the first period, Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart, wear- ing grey wool and Miss Dolly Shaw in black crepe with touches of white lace. Later, Mrs. A. T. Cooper in forest green crepe end Mrs. Harry Bartliff in flowered black and white sheer, poured tea, Tea assistants included Mrs.. Franc Fingland, Mrs. Alfred Crozier. Mrs. F. O. Ford, Mrs. Harold Lawson, Mrs, Harold Kilty, Mrs. Robert McKee, Miss Barbara Middleton, Mrs, Wesley Haddy, Mrs. Harry McEwan, Mrs. Gordon Herman and Mrs. Donald Symons. FORMER LOCAL MAN INVOLVED IN TRAGIC FIRE (Continued Train Page One) At 5.30 a.m. the bodies of Rus- sell, 12, and David, four, were found near the rear wall. The two boys were trapped in their bedroom on the upper floor of the storey -end -a -quarter house. Their bodies had fallen through when the ceiling collapsed. Flamiug Oil The fire began when the space heater in the living room explod- ed throwing flaming oil across the room. Mr. and Mrs. Bezeau were asleep at the time. Mn Bezeau was badly burned when he attempted to quench the blaze in its early stages, with mats. Within minutes however, the Starnes had seized upon the house partitions and the parents were yelling to their children to make their escape. 'The Bezeau family were living in the small house temporarily. Mr. Bezeau, a trucker, was build- ing a permanent residence on the next lot. The excavation is al- ready complete. The children are survived by a grandi'ather, Walter Bezeau, Exeter, formerly of Clinton; four aunts and 'five uncles, Mrs, Geo. (Marguerite) Robbins, 14 Oak St,,' Mrs, James (Violet) Lankin, 123 Price St., London, and Mrs. Clar- ence (Stella) Robinson, Chatham, Meters nt Mrs. Bezeau; Roy Sin- clair, London; Richard Sinclair, 139 Pine St.. and James Sincair, 196 Helene St., London, brothers of Mrs. Bezeau; Miss Rita Bezeau, Toronto, sister of Walter Bezeau; Elmer Bezean, Hamilton, and Stanley Bezeau, 14 Oak St., Lon- don, brothers of Wesley Bezeau; Mrs, Verna Morton, London, a sister of Bezeau, LONDESBORO Friends of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cunningham, feted them on Wed- nesday eight, December 15, with a ,public receptor. which was held in the Loradesboro Commun- ity Hall. The evening was wspenit in social chat and playing cards. The highlight of the evening Was the presentation to the newly -wedded couple of many lovely gifts Mr. George Powell read an address signed in behalf of the community by Rata Little and Ida Durnhi. Harold replied, on behalf of his bride, expressing appreciation for the lovely gilds; and inviting those nr osent to visit watt them at any time.. Among the lovely gifts received were a pair of lovely white wool- len blankets, a candlewick bed spread Revere lstaindess steel copper bottom roasting kettle, a Coronet stainless steel double bailer:, and an envelope of mon- ey; .also from cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Govieq and Mrs. C. Watson, a coffee percalatora and from Mervyn Durmin, a pair of pillow cages; (also a small surprise package). The evening was brought to a Close with the serving of delic- ious lunch, Mrs. Cunningham was the for- mer Anomie Garrett. St. Paul's Ladies' Guild Elects Mrs. Trott Head The annual meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Ang- lican Churoh was held in Owen Memorial Hall on Tuesday, Jan- uary 2. The slate of officers for 19661 wee accepted as presented. Mrs. Trott, as president, and Mrs. F. Hudie as vice-president, head the Guild for the year. Interesting reports were read and adopted from various committees, the treasurer and the secretary. This resume showed an active and successful year in Guild work. A motion of appreciation to the president and officers for 1950 was recorded. An invitation of Mrs. John Zapfe to hold the next regular meeting at her home on Tuesday, February 6, at 3 p.m., was glad- ly accepted. The new president Mrs. Trott, closed the meeting with prayer, followed by the Benediction be- ing pronounced by Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel. 0 Engagements Announced The engagement is announced of Rena Eleanor Johnston, R.N., daughter of Mrs. Johnston and the late J. W. Johnston, Varna, to Mr. Horace J. Luddington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lud- dington, Toronto. The mar- riage will take place' quietly in Toronto early in February. Church Directory St. Paul's Anglican fah arch REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore gremlin, Organist Mrs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, January 7 10.00 a.m.-Main Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion and Primary Sunday School 7.00 pare--Rvening Service Wednesday, Board of Manage- ment, 7,30 p,m. Thursday, Week of Prayer ser- vice, 8.00 pen. Monday, January 15, Anu u a 1 Vestry Meeting, 8.00 p.m. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., Smith of CNR K, L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, January 7 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Morning Womble- 7.30 orship7 30 p.m. -Gospel Service Friday, 7.30 p.m. -,Young People's Service. Pictures. Slides. "Temptation". Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME "For God so raved the world that Ile gave His only begot- ten Son, that whosoever be- lieveth .in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." -john 8:16,' Ontario St. United Church REV, W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 7 11.00 aem,--Morning Worship Holy Communion "New Year's Outlook" 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 pen -Union Evening Ser- vice in Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 7 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 am. -Morning Worship Sermon stabjeet: "Another gift -the. New Year." 2.30 pm.. ---Service alt Hayfield 8.00 p.m. Friday, January 5 - Meeting of Elders and Man- agers. Let all begin aright 1951. EVERYONE WELCOME Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs, W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, January 7 11.00 a.m,--Worship Service 12,00 am. - Sunday School Wesley -Willis United. Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs.. A2. R. Rennie, Organist Sunday, January 7 10.40 a.m.-The Session will meet 11,00 a>,nn.-Morning Worship: Reception of members; The Holy Communion; 12,15 --.Church School 7.00 p.m. -Union 'Eventing See- ° hece in thrls " ahurah;, Winter Wedclings PARKER -BRANDON Likhted candles and Christmas decorations created the setting In Trinity Church of England, Bayfield, on Tuesday afternoon, December 19, for the ceremony uniting in marriage Alice Muriel Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Chris Parker, Varna, and Keith Herold Brandon, ' son of Harold Brandon, Bayfield, and the Iate Mrs. Brandon. Rev. II. J, E. Webb officiated, Miss Betty Larson, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music and Miss Barbara Brandon, sister of the groom, was soloiet. The bride, who was gi^en in marriage by her father, was lov- ely in a gown of white satin, eashioned with fitted bodice, long sleeves and sheer yoke. Her long net veil was caught to a white satin coronet and she carried a bouquet of white 'mums. Miss Beulah Parker, as her sister's attendant, was gowned in pale blue taffeta, Glen Brandon, brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Kenneth Bran- don, brother of the groom, and Charles Reid, cousin of the bride. Following a reception at the Albion Hotel, Bayfield, the couple. left for a trip east, the bride travelling in a wine suit, with matching accessories and a fur top coat. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon will make their home in Stretford. MASSE—RAU St. Peter's Thumb, St. Joseph, was 'the scene of a ceremony uniting Theresa Rau, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Rau, Bayfield, and Leo Masse, London, son of Mr, and Mrs. James Masse, Zur doh. Rev. Fr. Bourdeau officiated and lVfiss Mary Denomme played the wedding music. Given in marriage by -her fath- er, the bride was gowned in white satin, simply styled with a high collar, long sleeves and a full skirt ending in a cathedral train. She wore a coronet of satin and seed pearls, with a fingertip il- lusion veil, and carried a bou- quet of red rases and white mums. • Miss Prisoille. Masse, as, maid of honor, wore mauve satin with a matching headdress and carried a bouquet of pink roses and mauve mums. Miss Madeline Rau was bridesmaid, in grass green satin with matching headdress and a bouquet of yellow roses and 'mums. Groomsmen were Michael Masse and. Henry Rau, yvhile Peter Masse and Antony Rau ushered. Following a wedding trip to Montreal, the couple are residing in London. GRAHAM—McLEAN A wedding of interest was solemnized in Hensall United Church Manse on Wednesday, December 20, by Rev, W. J, Rog- ers, when Caroline E. MacLean, Kippen, and R. Stirling Graham, Cromarty, were united in mar- rigoe. The bride wore a suit of taupe velvet with gardenia cor- sage and accessories In winter white. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Graham will reside in. Hibbert, PATTERSON_YOUNG The parsonage of James Sit. United Church, Exeter, was the setting for a quiet wedding, Sat- urday afternoon, December 30, at two o'clock when Rev, Harold J. Snell officiated at a ceremony uniting ,in marriage Doris Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy, Young, Auburn, and GIenn Ern- est Patterson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, also of Auburn. The bride was attended by Mrs. Ross Patterson, Auburn, and Ross Patterson was groomsman for his brother, The bride wore a gown of white Duchess satin, styled with French Chalon lace peplum and ilelce yoke, Her embroidered' veil was in fingertip length, She wore a triple strand of pearls and car- ried a shower bouquet of red roses. The matron of honor was wear- ing a floor -length gown of green Printed organdie, and a • silver headdress. Her flowers were a shower bouquet of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs.. Patterson will reside at R,R. 1, Auburn, Celebrate 40 Years Of Wedded Bliss Mr. and Mrs, Thomas M. Wil- liamson, well-known residents of Grey Township, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, at their home, Mrs. Williamson, born in 1885, was formerly Gertrude Folbes, daughter of • (the Mute Mr. end Mrs. W. S. Forbes, Walton. Mr. Williamson, born in 1882, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Wil?:iamson, Grey Township, They were married at the Methodist narsonage, Seaforth, in December, 18910, by Rev. G. A. Rodgers. The anniversary was attended by their five daughters and three sons: Mrs. Albert Clarke (Olive), McI11iilop; Norman M., Grey; Herbert L., McKillop; Mrs, R. L. Jervis (Olda), Clinton; Mrs. Lorne Carter (Evelyn), Tucker - smith; Mus, George Nesbitt (Flor- ence), Morris; Roy, 011 the home - steed; and Mrs, Michael McGrath (Ina), Seaforth. There are 15 grandchildren. 0 ONTARIO ST. GIRLS' CLUB The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church, scheduled for Thursday, January 11, hes been postponed on account of the Week of Prayer services, Further announcement will be made later when the meeting will be held, 0 LEGION AUXILIARY The Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary will meet Monday night, January 8, at 8.15 in the Legion Room. Installation of of- ficers will take place. ealecesseernamsvermerszisseset COATS— Fully interlined and Chamois half linings. Assorted shades, 20% off Station Wagon Coats— Also reduced 20% Special -7 Coats—values to 47.50 only 18.75 ea. DRESSES— Wools -- Crepes -- Failies. All sizes and all shades 20% off Special—We have selected a number of dresses we are offering _ at a real saving for you. Look them over now! W SUITS and 3 -Piece Outfits— All reduced for quick sale. PYJAMAS— Sizes: Small, Medium and Large. FIRST -GRADE FLANNELETTE-- Venues LANNELETTE—Values to,4,50, on sale at only Women's and Children's Slippers— Assorted styles. Only $1.00 pair. SN •t •�- - -+ +4 -►{41+4-.-41-a+9 h6P�0-1-80•F0-h®-4b6-P-a.A• 9 -Q -m -O -O P?i6-O-OM- WeeL of Prayer Services January 8, 9 and 11 at 8 p.an MONDAY IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. Woolfrey In charge Mr, Bulteel speaking TUESDAY IN ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH Mr, Lane in charge • Mr, Wilson speaking THURSDAY IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Mr. Bulteel in charge Mr. Lane speaking Join with us in these Meetings A Troubled World is Standing in the Need of Prayer