HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-01-04, Page 3T}IURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE; Let's Chat That and on This AW,omanIsViewpoint BY MBA s THE festive season of the year is over and we all must go hack Co, normal living, with- all the small daily problems, which have been pushed into the back- ground for the happy period... And, we can't say we're sorry It isnice seeing friends end relatives; eating turkey and oth- er delicacies, but too much of a good thing is not good end it is nice to be back to normal. , ,a • iY CLINTONIANS brought in the New Year in the traditional style A Waltehreght Service at Wesley -Willis Church sponsored by the Huron Presbytery Young People's Union Private and public parties—starting at the very beginning of the New Year on account of the day . , 5 5 5 THE Fish end Game Club held its usual New Year's Dance at the Town Hall, where a large crowd danced in the first few hours of •the New Year to the music of Ken Wilbee's orchestra Balloons, hats, streamers and horns added to, the gaiety of the occasion . • . ALEX Roddy headed the cam- nsittee in charge of arrangements H 1 ence Car was assisted b e Y Livermore, John Wilson and Mit- eheal McAdam , THE OFFICERS' Mess at the RCAF Station, colorfully decorat- I ec( with snowmen, colored lights, he streamers and balloons, was setting of one of the largest and most successful of all the many fine dances head there ..., Noose makers; streamers, paper hats and music by Ted Keane's Orchestra, added cider to the evening . A delicious buffet supper with the tables a picture in arrange- ment and decorations, Was served A large number of guests ws:e in attendance . AMONG the many present were W/C and Mrs, R. F. Mil'lere the latter smart in pale pink chiffon blouse and long black skirt; S/L and Mrs. Noel Wade, the letter in black and gold lace; S/L and Mrs. C. H. McVeigh, the latter in, a handsome gown of turquoise embroidered orepe with matching colored sequins; S/L and Mrs. Tom Newton, the latter in white'. net with gold sequins; S/L Pat Crowley; E/L and Mrs. William Bracken, the latter in deep black taffeta with gold; F/L and Mrs. C. L. Harding, the latter wear ing blue taffeta; F/L and Mrs. R. A. B. Ellis, the latter in royal blue velvet; F/L and Mrs. Nor- man Greig, the latter in grey and blue chiffon; Capt. and Mrs. C. H. Grant, the latter in pale mauve taffeta, F/L and Mrs. J. H. Lynch, the latter smart in blue taffeta; F/L and Mrs. Verdie Munro, the latter wearing blue chiffon; Mrs. Robert Thorndycraft: F/L and t~r-•-+s-•-s-a.••-.-.rf Thank You ' I would like to take this oppor- tunity of expressing my sincere thanks to ,the electors of the Town of Clinton for the fine support you gave me in the recent election. Bert Glidden Many Thanks For the full support given n -ie on the occasion of my running as Alderman in the Town of Clinton. Greetings of the Season! �,. G Winter i T hank You! TO THE ELECTORS OF 'CLINTON: I would like to thank all those who support me at the polis Wednes- day last. I shall endeavour to do my best in the interests of the Town of Clinton. Wishing you A Happy New Year and Prosperity. BIE c IIC1-1 .xsis a^s atscvaaaausa esr.12.2 TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: Thank you all for the splendid vote you gave me. I will do my best in your interests. Anialaaa Happy New Year! Morgan J. Agnew Mrs. Murray Fitzgerald, the lat- ter in silver lame; F/L and Mrs. Robert McKee, the latter in black lace; F/L and Mrs. William Garton , r 1 d le/0 and Mrs, Steve Lebedo- vitch, the latter wearing blue chiffon; F/O and Mrs. Don Kyle, the . latter in blackand white checked taffeta; 3/0 and Mrs. Jim Carpenter, the latter in pale blue satin; 3/0 and Mrs. Bob Sly, the latter wearing a white crepe bouse and long black skirt; 3/0 and 1Virs. George Jones, the latter in black taffeta . * * * MR. end Mrs. L. E. Cardiff, Brussels, the latter in a handsome coral brocaded gown; Mr. and Mrs. Georgd"MeLay, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brown; Dr. and Mrs. J, A. Addison, ,the latter in bronze satin; Dr, and Mrs. F. Newlands, the l'att'er in (blue •taffeta; Mr. and Mrs. Royce Macaulay, the latter wearing burgundy velvet; Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Ford; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hawkins; Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foster; Mr. and, Mrs. W. H. Robinson, the 'letter in black crepe with lace yoke; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lawson; Dr. and Mrs, H. - A. McIntyre, all of Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Snider, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. O. L. G. Atkey, Petrolie . * ,p 5 DR. and' Mrs. Ray W. Hughes,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. H. Blackstone, all of Goderich; and many others . , , a • * "GAMES Parties" which are a new twist to an old idea, are to be the first money raising project of the Hospital Aid this winter The members of the organ- zation and any either public- spirited women in town are go- ng to be asked to open their homes to three or more others and play any game desired . t may be bridge, euchre, canasta, ive hundred or what have you Starting January 24, the Games Parties may be held any time up to the end of the month Miss Win O'Neil is the energetic convener. and Mrs. D. J. Lane is the new president of the Hospital Auxiliary . . 0- CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties, Win- throp, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grimoldby. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Barwick, Stratford, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilbee and son, Peter, Seaforth, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Riley on Monday. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Riley visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds, Winthrop, and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Riley. Visitors for the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raley were: Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nard Riley and family, Kitchener; Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Riley, Kitch- ener; and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Riley. Guests for New Year's Day at he home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dexter were: Mr, and Mrs. Stan- ey Bell and family, Blyth; Mr. end Mrs. William Jewitt and family, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Austin Dexter. Silver and gold coins have a rough edge because of they were smooth at would be easy to file Sincere Thanks! My sincere thanks to those who supported me at the polls on Wed- nesday last. As your Reeve I will do my utmost to serve the commun- ity tothe best of my ability. George S. Elliott '11 OBITUARY 11 THOMAS L. FULFORD Draper) and one son, Donald, ofPublic Relations Supervisor 1 facial- p R. M. P. iliac of a Rev. R B Por Trans -Canada Air � Lines, ed at the funeral service held al Montreal. the `Ball • and Mulch F ' e s- Funeral services were held from Hama, tern St,, Clinton, on Tues- day afternoon, January 2, 1951, Howard and McBride Funeral for Thomas- Leopold Fulford, Chapel, with Rev. E. J. Bailey Interment Followed in Clairton of First Baptist Church officiat- Ceinetery. ing., A Masonic service was con - Pallbearers were three sons: ducted by Ivanhoe Lodge with a William, Arthur and Charles Ful- guard of honour from the Knights ford; a grandsun, William Ful- Templars, ford, Jr.; a son-in-law, Fred MRS. W. A. MAIR Fritzley; and James Hayter. Flower bearers were Harold Em- Funeral services were held at merlon, Frank M,ctEwan, EIdrid the Ball and Mutch Funeral Emmerson, Alvin Fletcher, Albert Home, High St., Clinton, on Tues Leibold and Robert Hale. day, afternoon,. January 2,1951. Mr. Fulford was born in Birm- for Zella Annie Doyle, eloved ingham, in 1865, a son of the late wife of William At. Mair, 375 Mr: and Mrs. George Fulford. He Ashland Ave., London, Rev. S. came to Canada in 1895, coming H. Brenton, Londesboro United right to Clinton... For a number Church officiated, and interment of years he was employed by the followed in Clinton Cemetery. Doherty Piano Co. He was a teem- Pallbearers were Edgar Lawson, ber of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Charles Scott and George John - Mr. Fulford's death occurred at ston, all of Auburn; William Gov- his home, Rattenbury' St. W., fol- ier and, Robert Smith, both of lowing a lengthy illness on Satur- Londesboro; and William Vod- day, December 30, 1950. den, Clinton. , After corning to Clinton he, Mrs, Mair was born at Auburn married Mary Johnston, Clinton, 54 years ago, a daughter of Mrs. who survives, as well as four Doyle and the late Thomas Doyle. sons and one daughter: William, Following her marriage she and Arthur and Earl, all of Clinton, her husband farmed for several and Chanel, Goderich, and Mrs. years in Hallett Township before Fred Fitzley, also of Goderich. moving to London. She was a Also surviving are ten grand- member' of the United Church of children and one sister, Alice Canada. Fulford, Birmingham, England. ' Although in failing health for ' some time Mrs. Mair had only few.days e reallyill for a McLEOD been LT. -COL. LT. C B The funded.. on Wednesday, before her death, which occurred December 13, 1950, of Le Col. in Victoria Hospital, London, on George B. McLeod, Edmonton, Saturday. December 30, 1950. Alta., marked the, close of a Surviving as well as her hus- career that was closely identified band are one daughter, Mrs. with the history of that city for Erma Rachman, London; her his activities in the community mother and one sister, A4rs. were widespread end important. Thomas Doyle and Mrs. Harry Lt. Col. McLeod, born in Anderson, both of Lucknow. Guelph, Ont., moved to Edmon- ton in 1902, and operated first a hardware business, then engaged in real estate, until the years of the Great War when he organized and took the 63rd Battalion over- seas. He was invalided home to Canada. in 1918. For 12 years he was police magistrate and won the affection- ate regard of everyone for •his scrupulous sense of justice, his innate kindliness and his un- touchable integrity. In his life he was what might be regarded as the perfect pioneer for the pioneer is the builder, and George McLeod was essent- ially a 'builder of new end good things, providing a sound and sturdy foundation for a great and kindly city. He helped institute the Masonic order in Edmonton, organized Ivanhoe Lodge, became Supreme Grand (Master lof the Keelghts Templar of Canada, and the high- est honours of Masonry have been conferred upon him. He helped organize the YMCA and chose the present site. He was one of the founders of the First Baptist Church and gave life-long service to it. He was prominent in political circles be- ing active in the Liberal Party for many years. During the early 1940's he was on the Farmer's Credit Review Board for the Dominion Government, He retired in 1945. Whatever there is in Edmonton of moral strength and civic patriotism, of wholesome ambition and rugged honesty, has been implanted there by such men as George McLeod who had the faith and the hope and the enterprise that made Ed - mouton possible. off some of the valuable metal Lt. Col. McLeod is survived by without changing the coin's ap- his wife, the former Isobel Drap- pearanoe. er, Clinton, (sister of Caryl W. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON: HOLMESVILLE 1 1 deeply appreciate the effort made ' 'in my behalf on election day, Dec. 27 last. Having served you as chief magist- rate for the years '1949-50, I feel I have some understanding of the problems that have to • be dealt with in the near future. Therefore, I would ask all citizens to give every support possible to the of-, i ficials elected for 1951. Again I thank you, and trust I can ibe of service to you at some future time. ROBERT HATTIN • Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. John. Middleton and John Jr., spent New Year's with Mr. end Mrs. F. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, of Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. F. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tyndall, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Tufts and their fam- ilies were Christmas visitors at the home of their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton, Guests with Me. and Mrs. Ralph Cantelon on New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cantelon, Miss Bertha Cantelon, Mrs. Nay, ell of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cantelon, Raymond Cantelon, and Mr. and Mrs, George Cantelon, all of Stanley Township. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton and family motored from their home at the Sao to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs. John IVlridd'lelon. On their return on Friday they were ac- companied by Miss Lois Middle- ton who spent the weekend and New Year's in the Soo. She re- turned to Toronto by plane on Tuesday. Acting Mail Courier Robert Glenn is supplying as Mail Courier on No. 5 for the month of January. Rapid Recovery The many friends of Mrs. Har- old Tyndall will be pleased to hear of her rapid recovery after an operation in Clinton Public Hospital. Farm Forum Meets The last meeting for the past year of S.S. No. 4 Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb. This was Re- view Night. There was a recrea- tion period and lunch was serv- ed by the ladies. The next meet- ing will be held on Monday evening. January 8, at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lobb. + - '.'. . ...+..•r+4...'.•4.-1,'$-*+•-•. Yout uraMIXO' for Christ IN THE CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE PRESENTS Rev. John Moran, Stratford Mrs. Moran, soloist Mr. J. Fangrad, cornetist Saturday, an. 6 1951 8:00 pan. REMEMBER TO MEET US THE FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH IN.CUNTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE HURON ROAD EAST Happy Workers Meet The December meeting of the Happy Workers Club' was held at the home of Mrs, William Glazier. The meeting opened by singing "Silent Night," and "It came upon the Midnight Cleary' fol - the officers for the following year would be elected at the next meeting and also memberehip fees to be paid. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs,. Andre Desecic. The meeting dos- ed by singing God Save the King.. During the afternoon Christmesi presents were exchanged. Later, a dainty lunch was served by group 5 which are Mas, Arnold lowed by the Lord's Prayer, The Jamieson, Mrs. Andre Deseck and: treasurer and secretary's report Mrs. William Glazier. was given. It was decided that Miss L. Weston, Beyfield, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford. Ingersoll, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ewan Rods over the New Year's weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Einer- Potter and family visited at Teeswarter with Mr, and Mrs. MacDonald, on Thursday of last week, New Year's visitors with Mrs. W. Yeo and Rete were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yeo and family; Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Yeo and Will; Mr. Milton Woods, and Mr., and Mrs. Donald Harris and little son. On New Year's Day Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bond, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs, K. Trewartha and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Woodcock, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond and Lucille, attended a family panty at the home of Mr, and Mrs. L. Houghton, Clinton, Women's Meetings The January WA and WMS meetings will be held on Tues- day, at 2 pan,, at the home of ML•, and Mrs, Newton. Lunch will be pot -luck at this meeting. Sunday School Annual The Sunday School annual meeting and election of officers took place on Friday evening in the Sunday School rooms, with the minister, Rev. M. G, Newton, in charge. A sincere vote of thanks to Albert Bond, retiring SSundlay School superintendent, was mov- ed by Mrs, Elmer Potter, Mr. Bond has elven faithful service in this position for more than 15 years. Kenneth Trewartha was elected as new superintendent, with 'Elmer Potter as assistant. Several other young men were appointed to take charge, as as- sietents month by month. ' Other loffioers include Barry W cache ,secreitary Jack .Yeo, treasurer; Eileen Glidden, pian- ist; Mrs. Ewan Ross, temperance convener; Mrs. Lloyd Bond, Mis- sionary convener. Teachers for the classes are: Adut Bible class, Mi•. Newton; young people's Bible class, Mrs. Walters; senior boys, Mrs. Elmer Potter; senior girls, M. Norman Trewartha; inter- medi'abe girls, Mts. Jack Yeo; iuni.or boys and girls. Mrs. Ewan Ross; primary, Mis, W. No DRUG STORES ANNNeRSAV SALE I. D. A. Specials AROMATIC CASCARA 3 oz, -22c 6 oz, -39c BABY or CHILDREN'S COUGH SYRUP 29c CAMPHORATED.OIL 3 oz. -27c 8 oz. -59c THEATRICAL COLD CREAM' 54c FLAX SEED 16 oz. -23c IDOL -AGAR 16 oz. -59e 40 oz.—$1.19 MILK MAGNESIA 16 oz. -29c SEIDLITZ POWDERS 7's -23c WAX PAPER 27c roll I.D.A. Tooth POWDER 27c and 49c NOXZEMA Special Reg. 93c for 79c WISDOM TOOTH BRUSHES 50c PH OT E. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DRUGGIST 14 of -o 90/#0,/e a stinghouse CHECK THESE FEATURES e BIGCAPACITY IN COMPACT SPACE —Gives you ell the conveniences of a full. 51x0 range, e, LARGEST SURFACE CAPACITY of any foutuoll range In Canada. e AUTOMATIC NEAT CONTROL — Keeps oven temperature whore you sot II. KIO LARGE CAPACITY. OVEN-Cemplela. ly Insulated wilt Fiberglas. This modern, compact Westinghouse A -4-M Range is no mere makeshift "apartment model" . it's a full-size, high-speed automatic electric range , with two extra large and two regular size "COROX" surface units! Full capacity True -Temp oven provides complete cooking facilities, even for the really big family! See it tomorrowt MODEL AdM NEW! COROX SURFACE UNITS ... provide the ultimate in electric surface cooking! They're faster, more efficient more economical! All four units equipped with 5 -heat switches! Easy to clean! ' Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish * WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS -.- PHONE 479 -- - ' Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!"