Clinton News-Record, 1950-12-28, Page 5AIIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1.959 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIE Views -Record .Classified AdletS Bring'Quick Resufts CASH RATE—(If paid be Wed- nesday following date of inser- "'tion)—One cent a word first in- eertion (minimum 35 vents); sub ,sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for three "tion to NEWS-RECeliaD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 pen. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION for Rent `THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT, nenishea or 'unfurnished. Phone '907r4. 52-b 'UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent. App ly Box "B" NEWS -RE- b ARTICLES FOR SALE FOUR PLACE Settings "North- umbeia" sterling silver, Normandy Bose pattern, New. Reasonable. Apply Box "A", NEWS -RECORD. 52-p SMALL ELECTRIC OVEN, suit- able for couple in an apartment. Reasonable. Phone 285. 52b • AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE • 1931 MODEL A FORD COACH, :good condition. Reasonable. G. Aitcheson, phone 176. 52-p FARMS FOR SALE `13 ACRES with good brick house, two-storey hen house, cinder 'bloek, 24'x48', accommodates 800 "hens; two brooder houses, seven shelters; barn 14'x48'; water 'pressure system, hydro; located 'an county road. half mile from village. Ideal for poultry farm- ing and market gardening. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 43btfb 'HOUSES FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED BRICK dwelling, good condition, modern conven- iences, new furnace, . about half •acre land, good barn, some fruit 'trees. Possession within 80 days. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, ' phone 251W. 51btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN PIGS, two months old. Lorne 'Tyndall, phone 904r4. 52-b ,SEVEN CHOICE Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Charles Stewart, phone 807r3. 52-b BROOD SOW, second litter due in January; also number of small pigs. Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 52-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—MAN'S pocket "Hunting 'Case Waltham" watch and chain, n few days ago. Finder pitese contact C. Hoare, R. R. 4, Clin- "ton. Reward. 52-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, }Harvesting, etc. 51-7-p UP TO $5.00 FOR DEAD OR disabled irgrses, cows, hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect William Sproat, Seaforth 655r2, William Stone 'Sons, Limit- ed, Ingersoll, Ont. 49-50-51-52-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices, If dead, phone at once, Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. •2bteb NOTICES SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 867J. 42-btfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 43tfb POULTRY FOR SALE WIIO of two-year-old Geese. Phone 902r11. 52-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the Goderich Township School Area Board, up to January 10, 1951, for supplying hard body wood, one-half or more Maple, and the rest Beech, delivered, split and piled, by April 1, as follows: No. 1. School, 3 cord 12" wood piled in basement; No, 3 School, 8 cord 12" wood piled in schoolyard; No, 4 School, 12 cord 16" wood piled in schoolyard; No. 6 School 15 cord 16" wood piled in shed; No. 10 School, 8 cord 12" wood piled in school yard; No. 11 School, 6 cord 12" wood piled in schoolyard. Frank Yeo, secretary- treasurer, R.R, 3, Clinton. 51-52-b WORK WANTED CARPENTER by evade but will take anything for time being. W, Innes, phone 32111. 51-2-p RECEIVES FIRST MASS Rev. Fr, Kenneth Dietrich of the Goshen Line, who was ordain- ed as Priest at Scanboro Mission, Toronto, received his first mass at St. Boniface Church, Zur- idh, Sunday, December 24, at ten o'clock mass. Dinner for the rela- tives was served at the Com- munity Hall. Rev. Fr. Dietrich expects to leave for China as a Missionary. The QUESTION, ANSWER & RESULT The Question—What Shall We Do? Then said they unto Him (Jesus): What shall we do that we might work the works of God?—John 6:28, • The Answer—Believe. 'Jesus answered and said unto them: This is the work of God that ye believe on 'Him whom He hath sent.—John 6:29. The Result—Hath Everlasting Life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me bath everlasting life,—John 6:47. Chas. E, Fuller—ABC Network Box 123, Los Angeles, Calif. 1.444'e11..i-G•ado0+i^N � . . . And may 1951 offer you the lighthearted pleasures of a three-ring circus, one and all! Hugh HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 -a . - -- CLINTON 1^4 -6 -0 -0 t -A PO.O•Pr O$d•i••-•-Of4.44- .0 -MO V 6644.4-64 S e vc $?:X61<'{1P,;el.'Y5 �;.;E.�Kt IL't. {c:Eia IETet erI t i -tow Wishing dli our 'friends and customers a very ;Prosperous and Happy New Year. 'We thank you for your 'patronage throughout the past and sincerely hope -that 'we' may have the pleasure of serving you 'in the 'Faure, Store " closes at 9 p.m. 'Saturday Evenings during January and February PICKETT CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS 449 • 'PHONE 25 STETSON HATS oatre ;CUNT''! pp (aosite ;the ;th t a 5 BIRTHS BATTIK In Tillsonburg Memor- ial Hospital, on Saturday, De- cespber 23, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Battin (nee Ethel Thompson, Clinton), a son (James Garnet). McCLINCHEY—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Decem- ber 21, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney .1V1cClinehey, . R. R. 1, Auburn, a daughter. RANDALL -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday; Decem- ber 28, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Randall, Clinton, a dau- ghter. SHANAHAN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, December 26, 1950, to Mr. end Mrs. Aloysius Shanahan, R. R. 1, Clinton, a son. MARRIAGES BRANDON-PARKER—In Trinity Church of England, Bayfield, on ,Tuesday, December 19, 1950, by Rev. H. J. B. Webb, Alice Muriel Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Chris Parker, Verne, to Keith Harold Brandon, son of Harold Brandon, Bayfield, and the Bate Mrs. Brandon. GRAHAM-McLEAN—In the Unit- ed Church Manse, Hensel], on Wednesday, December 20, 1950, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, Caroline E. MacLean, Kippen, to R. Stir- ling Graham, Cromarty. • Mrs. J. Innes Head W -W Girls' Club The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis Church held its December meeting on Tuesday evening, De- cember 19, at the manse. This meeting was in the form of a Christmas party. The president, Mrs. J. Innes, was in charge with Viola Fraser at -the piano. The meeting opened by singing hymn 47, followed by prayer by the president. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read; also .the Flower Fund report. Mrs. Paisley as convener of the nominating committee,, presented the following slate f officers for 1951: Honorary president, Mrs. H. Cr Wilson; president, Mrs. J. Ians; secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe; treasurer, Luella Walkin- shaw; flower fund, Elva Procter; pianists, Viola Fraser, Maud Tor- rance. Mrs. Phugland had charge of the program and read the poem, "0 Father Like a Child Asleep"; hymn 53 was sung. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Jen- kins, followed by prayer by Mrs. L. Jervis. Viola Fraser told the beautiful Christmas story, "The Littlest Angel" A number of carols were sung. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benedic- tion, after which a social hour was enjoyed. AUCTION SALE of DAIRY and BEEF CATTLE will be held first farm west of Sealant') on No, 8 Highway, opposite Lions Park, Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 1.30 p.m. Seven registered Holstein cows due in February and March; two registered Ayrshire cows due in February; two Jersey cows springers; ten grade dairy cows due in January and February; five Durham and Hereford cows, due in January and February; six choice Durham heifers due in February and March, weighing from 900-1,000 lbs. This is a choice lot of cows and heifers, all T -B tested. TERMS—CASH DALE NIXON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON,' Auctioneer E, P, Chesney, Clerk CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, and FUEL at Lot No. 28, Concession 8, Goderich Township, two miles west (Cut Line) and one mile south of liolmesville, on. Thursday, January 11 at 1,30 p.m.,. consisting . of: CATTLE: Purebred Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old (with pap:ers), milking, bred again; PIGS: 8 Yorkshire sows, to far- row from Feb. 10 to March 28; POULTRY: 60 Sussex K „Rock pullets; IMPLEMENTS: Cockshutt 70 Row -Cron tractor, equipped with lights, starter, P.T.O., and hy- draulic lift, tractor in Al con- dition; Oliver 2-furroty tractor plow on rubber (nearly new); 3 -section drag harrows (new); M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M.H. 1 -hoe fertilizer drill; McCormick Deer- ing (oil bath) mower; Cockshutt hay loader; dump rake; Bhueller wagon (on rubber—new); wagon (with. Ottaco wheels (on rubber); (both wagons equipped with combination tongue); cultivator; riding plow; set out -throw discs; 4-sedbion ding harrows; single row scuffler; manure spreader; set of sloop sleighs; hay car (new); approximately 150 ft. hay rope; hay fork; forks, shovels, longing chains and numerous ether articles including set of breeching - harness and horse collars. (All imiplements are new or nearly new:) FEED, Approximately 250 bus of Ajax oats (suitable for seed); ;?prox. 4 'bus of Red Ci'maar seed; approx. 5 tan of second -cut alfalfa hay (baled); 3 tons of mixed hay; 10 feet of ensilage. • TERMS—CASH FARM: At the same time aid place there will be offered "or sale, subjieot to reserve bid (if not sold previous to sale date), the 80 -acre farm of goad clay loam, with a good bank barn, 75x50; and 1% storey brick house. The barn and'house are equipped with hydra and water pressure system. On the said farm. is 3 acres of bush. TERMS on Farm madeknown on day of sate. STEWART SCROENHALS, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,' Auctioneer 11. W. Coiquhoun, Clerk Miss H. Courtice Heads Ontario St. Girls' Club The Christmas meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. United LIFELONG RESIDENT DIES GODERPCH Charles K. Saunders, 64, secretary -treasurer, Goderich Organ Company Limit- ed, died Dec, 17 in Alexandra Hospital after several months ill- Clrurch way held in the school ill - nese. A son of the late Mr. and hall Thursday evening, Dec. 14, Mrs. Alex - Saunders, he was a with the president, Miss H. Cour- lifelong resident of Goderich, and tice, in the chair.. The devotional was educated in the pubIhc school period was in charge of Miss Sybil Courlice who gave a brief talk on a 'Christni,as theme. A very delightful programme was . enjoyed which included: dueth by Mrs. Roy end Miss Emma Plunisteel; two instrumentals, Mrs. MRS. FRED TREVENA wishes J. W. Treleaven; , reading, Mrs, to thank everyone for the lovely Wheelere two vocal solos, Miss easels, flowers and messages that E, Wiltse. were sent while a patient in Scott Me following slate of officers Meaniorial Hospital, Seaforth. was presented end accepted: ' 52-p president, Mist Hattie Courtice; first vice-president, Mrs. B. Olde; ' I wish to take this opportunity second vice-president, Miss L. of expressing sincere thanks to Grant; recording secretary, Mrs. all my many neighbours and D. M. Maltby; corresponding sec- friends for visits, cards, lettere, retary, Mrs, Ce Knights; press gifts, flowers, treats, etc., which secretary, Mrs. 0. Levis; flower, I received while a patient in Mrs. C. A:s'hton; treasurer, Miss Seobt Memorial Hospital, Sea E. Plusnsteel; pianist, Miss E. forth, and since returning home; Wiltse. and to the nursing staff who were After the Mizpah Benediction, a so kind to me; 'also to Dr. John number of games under the dir- A. Gorwill and Rev. E. R. Stan- ection of Mrs. Olde were enjoyed. way of Brucefield United Church, o —MRS. BARBELLE THOMSON, Presbyterian WMS Brucefield. 52-p Holds Fine Meeting and colIegiate institute here be- fore joining the company. Cards of Than- s The' Christmas meeting of the WMS of Clinton Presbyterian Church was held at the Manse with a good attendance. Mrs. R. W. McKenzie presided and read the 46th Psalm, after which Mrs. M. McTaggart led in prayer. Singing of carols was accompan- ied by Mrs. G. W. Nott as pianist. The treasurer, Mrs. James Ma- tins, reported the, allocation met and the president called on Mrs. Lane for a dedicatory prayer. A letter from Rev. Hugh Mac- Millan, Hong Kong, was read in which he said that Christians, al- most without exception, have con- fidence that the church in China; in spite of much weakness and unprecedented problems, will find her way through. these years of great crisis to have a place in in history as worthy successors of those who originally began to turn the world upside down. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. McKenzie presided at the decorated tea table and Miss Shaw and Mrs. McTaggart as- sisted the hostess in serving. District 'Students Awarded Bursaries Dominion -Provincial student - aid bursaries totalling $23,000 have been awarded to 96 students of the University of Western On- tario, including several from Clinton and Huron County. The awards are made to deserv- ing students who have attained a minimum of at least 66 per cent during one year of univer- sity. The list includes the following: Margaret Colquhoun, Clinton, $350; Alice Laidlaw, Wingham, $250; J. Grant Mills, Woodhem, $250; Jean Mills, Walton, $250; 'Lisbeth Slombn, Clinton and Capreol, $300; John G. Wdflace, Seaforth, $250. MR. AND MRS, GIFFORD CRICK wish to extend their sin- cere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours, for the. many tokens of kindness which made their '50th wedding anni- versary such a happy occasion, arced to all who sent flowers, cards, messages of congratulations and good wishes, and for lovely gifts received; special thanks to the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club and to Mrs. W. P. Roberts who made and presented a beautifully decorated three-tier wedding cake. 52-p The family of the late LEON HORBANUIK wish to express their sincere appreciation to all the neighbours and friends for their . kindnesses and floral trib- utes extended in their recent sad bereavement; special thanks to Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook. 52-p MRS. ARTHUR HEBDEN would like to take this opportunity of expressing her sincere apprecia- tion to Dr. J. A. Addison and the nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital; also to thank all her friends and relatives who so kind- ly remembered her with cards, flowers, and visits while In the hospital. 52-b MRS. SID McCULLOUGH, Blyth, wishes to thank those who remembered her and the baby with gifts and cards while in the Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Newlands and the nurses of the hospital. , 52-p THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mrs. 0. J. JERVIS wish to ex- press their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown to their mother while in Clinton Public Hospital with special thanks to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Buhr; also many thanks for the expressions of sympathy, klorml tributes, and acts of kind- ness during our recent bereave- ment with specie). thanks to Rev, W. J. Woolfrey. 52-h SG7M'zieeee `leteiree aearaieae. `ieieieia,bafeeteea'ieeie a'tlae aeeieieiraYenS?ileee`deneaa� We're holding up our wishes for all to see and 6/1 heed — that this may ep be the best year ever for you and yours! Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish — WESTINGH'OUSE DEALERS -- PHONE 479 -- -- Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!" D44.2. 0,2 :aU✓r`3;J,msai 1U9Y7k,`iir�i'r1nRrhfF fmt5i ia,wizFatwyr%d:Ltal.di9Rzedal„"im'M5.'i ass Now, 1951 pulls up to park for* a year. May it leave us with no flat tires'! APPY NEW YEAR Wells -Auto -Electric W D. Wells, Proprietor Phone 349W Clinton :sa418t oret re ret And we mean this for everyone! The best of health! The best of luck! The best of joy! HAPPY NEW YEAR! T.Pryde and Son s`xsrhrxtlaiIsrs ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SEAF0RTH—ONTARIO -- NOW PLAYING — BETTY VICTOR GRABLI: MATURE "WABASH AVENUE" Color by Technicolor - MON.-TUES.-WED. :— Matinee New Year's Day at 2.30 Fred: Red ASTAIRE SKELTON "Three Little Words" In Color': --- THURS: FRI.-SAT: —. Dan Anne DAILEY BAXTER "A Ticket to Tomahawk" In Technicolor JAN: 8 --Don't Miss It! "TAE SNAKE PIT" Adult asseeeneweamenaimentessereesaraczneanzeseeezzussaiesizaeszezestereamesammemeasie Now: "THREE LITTLE WORDS' Vera Ellen --• Fred Astaire and iced Skelton — MON. - TUES. - WED. --. Spencer Tracy — Joan Bennett Elizabeth Taylor From the novel ,by Edward Streeter, the story of a father's trials with his lovesick daughter. It's comedy at its .best. "FATHER of the BRIDE" -- THURS, - FRI. - SAT. — "Abbdtt and Costello. in the Foreign Legion" The picture that won a host of new A & C. fans for the clown princes of Moviedom. It's their funniest and basil with Patricia Medina -- Walter Slezak -- Leon Belasco Coming "DANCING IN THE,, DARK" William Powell and Betsy brake • CAPITAL TI:EATRE GODERIC Et—Phone 47 PARK THEATRE G ODERICH—Phone1150 Now: DANNY KAYE, Technicolor "The INSPECTOR GENERAL" -- MON. - TUES. - WED. — `Toast of New Orleans' A unique and entertaining musical romance in Technicolor, with the warmth and grace of the Old South as its theme. Kathryn Grayson -- Mario Lanza David Niven THURS. - FRI. - SAT. "The Hasty Heart" The appealing and widely - read story of a Scotsman, wounded in.Burma, who learns a tragic lesson on the reality of faith. Ronald Reagan - Patricia Neal Richard Todd Coming: "THEY WERE NOT DIVIDED", Edward Underdown' and Ralph Clanton ammzemeestensar Now: "MRS. O'1VLALLEY AND MR. MALONE" Marjorie Mains and Ann Dvorak RedDSI eltoxi — TUES. and Ann Miller Come with a barrel 'of laughs Ito tell the tele of a bungling photographer end his tangle with two loves. "Watch the Birdie" — THURS. - FRL. - SAT. — Rod Cameron — Gale Storm and Mack Brown feat- uringA theeadvenged turous lifoor e ff a cattle rancher and a smashing climax. "STAMPEDE" Coming: "THE DEVIL'S DOOR- WAY" Robert Taylor and Louis Calhern ee May each new day of the coming year bring with it new joys! Please let us have your orders for cor- sages for the coming formal dances early, Open Sunda Tim C. C aa. 31 OKE FLORIST 66w — PHONES — 66j Thank You! I wish to express my sincere thanks to the voters for the sup- port they accorded me at the polls. A Happy New Year to All! --+•.�wv.P......wmwo.�s.00,. _ _ .a.n.++d+...rrwa a -e -s 4444444-64-04 4.44-044-44-4444444-0-6444-444444-44444-64-64- 444-.- 444-64-64. SIncerr : hanks! TO' THE CITIZENS OF CLINTON: I should like to take this opportunity of thanking those who assisted .me—those who campaigned on my behalf --• those • who assisted the voters to the polls—and those who exercised their franchise, in Wednesday's municipal election. To those who did not vote for me, my thanks for making it a good contest. I shall try to justify the confidence you have placed in me. Together, we shall continue to advance and make this coming year one of the best. W. Nott Mayor -elect for 1951 1