HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-21, Page 121i118!llliIHllfullllllllllll111uu1IIIIIIIIHIIIIIII
642; Willis . Gill, 417; Nelson
Schenk, 226. r
COUNCIL (three elected) —
Stewart Webb, ,789; Wellington
Hoist, 698;' Addison Tiernan, 689;!
Isaac Restard, 528; Charles Mc-
Gregor, 334. •
Your Vote and Influence
willbe gratefully received and
faithfully applied.
Wishing you all the Compliments
of the Season.
line Car,+ol Service
Despite' 'heads hea'ry from the
snowfall,, the young- People's
Chrialtnti'as Carol service was well
attended on Sunday evening
When members of the' YPU pre-
sented in song and story the tree
meaning of Christmas. The aud-
itorium was . decorated with ever-
greens, and a lighted `6•ee, with
the manger in the centre of the
The choir came up the aisles,
singing, and Rev. Mr. , Newton
opened the service with prayer.
Ewan Ross acted as chairman, and
read the Nativity story from
Luke's gospel. Besides choral
singing. and carols in which' the
audience took part, there was s
trio by Ba Grigg, Sandra wilt
hams end Helen Potter; a inbred
trio by Betty Stock, Panicle
Saddler, Rota Yeo, Molly Cox,
Kathleen Holmes and Eileen
Glidden. Gloria Palmer sang
"A Star was His Cradle" as a
solo. Pamela Saddler gave a 'hie
rendition of""O, Holy Night," end
Molly Cox sang "The Christ
Child" very sweetly. In the
son "Good King Wenceslas" the
tenor solo was taken by Mr.
Newton and the soprano solo by
Dora Heard.
Esther Ross told a Christmas
story, and directed a drama pre-
sented by a . group of children.
Mary and Joseph were Mary
Hutchins and Douglas Norman,
the leading angel was Frances
McCullough, and the other ang-
els were Eleanor and Mary Helen
Yea, Dawn and Iia Grigg and
Sandra Williams. The shepherd's
parts were taken by Franklin
Yea, Jack Norman, Victor Cor -
ran, end Helen Potter who ably
substituted for Kenneth Potter
who is ill. Included in the drama
were two sbngs by the children,
"Away in a Manger" and "Jesus
our Brother." The service closed
with the lighting of the candies
accompanied by an appropriate
reading by Ewen Hess. The chair
filed out singing "The First
Nowell!' Acicomlvanist for the
evening was Eileen Gliddon who
was assistant, director to Pamela
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Your Vote and Influence Solicited
DudleyM. Pegg
"A Merry Christmas To All!"
I 1 111111 II 1111111
II 1111 11 I IIHI
Re-elect Dr: George S. Elliott
Reeve dor 1951
I have served one year as your Reeve and offer my ser-
vices for another term.
During 1951, I would like to see more blacktop pave-
ments laid, arid also considerable attention paid to the side-
walks of the town.
For anyone wishing transportation on Election Day, Wednesday, December
7, PHONE 203.'
Wishing Everyone the •CQinpliments of the Season!
Saddler. Music far the drama
was played by Kathleen Holmen.
Mrs. E. J. Trewartha spentrithe
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. K.
Langford and family, Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs,. John Proctor, De-
troit, were weekend guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer, Dr.
and Mrs. Palmer, Clinton, also
were there for the weekend.
(Intended for last week)
Back from Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn who
spent some time in Goderich
Hospital, are now at home.
Mrs. H. Williamson, London, is
visiting with her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Jervis. Before leaving London
Mrs. Williamson was quite ill
from blood -poisoning, and is
convalescing now.
Santa Claus Coming
Santa Claus' was due in the
Hohnesville school , this Tuesday
evening, Dec, 19. His coming
was preceded by the usual
fine progremrne of plays; dances,
and music, under the direction
of Miss K. Holmes, teacher, and
Miss E. Gliddon,. music super-
visor of Goderich Township
School Area.
YPU Carol Service
Esther Ross was in charge of
a brief worship period when the
young people met on Dec. 11 in
the Sunday 'School rooms. Mr.
Newton led in prayer, and Ewan
Ross read the Scripture. Kath-
leen Holmes, president, conducted
the business period, and the re-
mainder of the evening was spent
practising for the carol service
which will be held this Sunday
evening in the church auditorium,
commencing at eight o'clock.
Choral and congregational sing-
ing of carols are planned, as well
as duets, trios, solos by Gloria
Palmer, Pamela Saddler and
Molly Cox, and a religious drama
by children of the Sunday
School. Pamela Saddler is direc-
tor, with Eileen Gliddon co-dir-
ector and accompanist. Everyone
is invited.
WMS Meets
The women's meetings were
held on December 12 in the Sun-
day School rooms, Mrs. F. Mc-
Cullough was in charge of the
missionary meeting, and conduct-
ed a fine programme, with Mrs.
W. Norman reading the Scripture,
Mrs. W. Yeo leading in prayer,
and Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Heard
and Mrs. E. J, Trewartha con-
tributing readings. Mrs. Bill Cox
sang "0, Little Town of Beth-
lehem," end the study book chapt-
ter was taken by Mrs. Walter.
During the meeting Mrs. Cud -
more, president, calld Mrs. Wal-
ter to come forward, and she was
presented with a life member-
ship in the society, Mrs. Cudmore
reeding the address, end Mrs. El-
mer Potter presenting the certifi-
The election of officers, con-
ducted by Mr. Newton, resulted
in the following list: President,
Mrs. W. Norman; 1st vice-presi-
dent. Mrs, C. Freeman; 2nd vice-
president, Mrs. Mulholland; 3rd
vice-president, Mrs. Bert Tre-
wartha; 4th vice-president, Mrs.
F. McCullough; secretary, Mrs. H.
Cudmore; assistant secretary,
Mrs K. Trewartha; treasurer,
Mrs., Wilson; literature secretary,
Mrs. E. J. Trewartha; temperance
secretary, Mrs. Heard; christien
stewardship secretary, Mrs. New-
ton; flower committee rep., Mrs.
T. Elliott; pianist, Mrs. W. Yeo;
assistant pianist, Mrs. L. Bond;
Mission Band Ieader, Mrs. Ewan
Ross; assistant leader, Mrs. N.
WA Meeting
The WA meeting followed the
WMS worship period on Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. W. Norman,
president, led discussions regard-
ing various business items. Be-
fore the meeting concluded Mrs.
Normon thanlded the members
for their very fine' co-operation
during the past year, as did Mrs.
Cudmore, retiring WMS president.
A vote of thanks to these two
ladie,1 for their splendid leader-
ship was moved by Mrs. W. Yeo,
seconded by Mrs. MacMath.
The election of officers result-
ed as follows: President, Mrs,
Edward Grigg; vice-president,
Mrs. W. Yeo. secretary, Mrs. L.
Bond; assistant secretary, Mrs.
Ewan Ross; treasurer, Mrs. Wal-
ter; flower committee rep., Mrs.
MacMeth; buying committee, Mrs.
A. Bond, Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs'. Pal-
mer, Mrs. Walter; press secre-
tary, Mrs. MacMath; assistant
press secretary, Mrs. Ewan Ross,
Community Club Meets
The, monthly meeting of Stan-
ley ,Community Club was held
at the home of Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor, with the president in the
chair. The meeting opened with
the Lord's Prayer, followed by
the seoretary's.and treasurer's re-
ports, and the roll celled with 18
members and three children
It was decided to donate $10
to the Christmas Seal Fund. Fur-
ther arrangements were made for
the regular Christmas party to
be held' in Baird's School on De-
cember 26. ,Tile January meet-
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. John H. McEwen, the roll
call to be a donation of clothing
for 'a children's bale.
After a social half hour a very
delicious lunch was served by
the hostess and her group.
Cenihen WMS Meets
The Christmas meeting of Gosh-
en WMS was held. at the home
of Mrs. Anson. McKinley with
president, Mrs. William Hayter,
presiding for the opening. Mrs.,
J. Armstrong gave a prayer and
hymn 64 was sung.
Those taking part in the Christ-
mas program were Mrs. Arnold
Keyes, Mrs. R. Robinson, Mrs.
Anson McKinley. Mrs. W. CIark,
Mrs. R, Erratt and Mrs. J. Keyes.
A few Christmas hymns were
sung. Scripture was taken by
Mrs. Jean McKinley from Mat-
thew 2:9•-11, Mrs. CIare McBride
played a trumpet solo, "Star of
the Sea", accompanied by Mrs.
Bruce was
taken up Keyes. and Mrs. B. Peck and
Mrs. E. Hayter favoured with a
duett. The minutes were read
and the roll called, with 21 pres-
1'Rdi?R491 ;, ogeEmsER; 2t,. Ibi?9.I
ent. The treasurer and,offieers. A hymn, was, sung asEi
then Miss Hent hack eieetioi1, oflurich was. served,
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Ra -dict
Bert. Gliddon
Alderman for 1951
I favour formation of a Cemetery
COITImission anc construction of a Maus-
Compliments of the Season!'
For transportation on Election Day,
Wed., Dec. 27, phone 466-W.
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Candidate for 1951 Council
L. G. "Skip" Wiflter
For Sane, Sound Administration
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Reeve for 1951
Election Day, Wed., Dec. 27, 1950
My best efforts in your best
interests at all times
For Information and Transportation on Election Day
Caryl W. Draper
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For 1951
Wishing ,you all 'the .Compliments
of the Season!