HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-21, Page 10PAGE . TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, ;:1950 EBENEZER Ebenezer WA Meets Following is the list of officers Ebenezer WA met at the home for 1951:: President, Mrs. F. Jones; vice-president, Mrs. C. Tebbutt; secretary, Mrs. M. Jones; assist- ant secretary, Mrs. R. Feagen; treasurer, Mrs, S. Farquhar; as- sistant treasurer, Mrs. J. Merrill; pianist, Mrs. J. Lobb; assistant pianist, Mrs. I. Tebbutt; flower committee, Mrs. H. Oakes, Mfrs. of Mrs. Ira Merrill for the De- cember meeting. The president, Mrs. F. Jones,, presided at the meeting which was opened by singing a Christmas hymn, fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Bible reading was given by Mrs. I. Merrill, after which Rev. M. G. Newton led in A. Hebden, Mrs. H. Howard; buy - prayer. The minutes of the pre- ing committee, Mrs W. Biggin, vious meeting were read, and the Mrs. C. Houghton, Mrs. F. Lobb; roll call was answered by hand- 'program, Mrs. C. Williams;- press ing in our "Holiday money," and secretary, Mrs. I. Merrill. by telling of some memorable ---o Christmas event in our past life. There were. 15 members present. At this time, Mrs. Irvine Teb- butt read the slate of officers for 1951, and Rev. Newton had these officially installed. Following the business discus- sion, the chapter of the Study Book was given by Mrs. I. Mer- Mr. Buck was granted suspended rill. Christmas poems were reed sentence on a charge of common by Mrs. Harry Oakes and Mrs. assult, was dismissed by Judge Carman Tebbutt. The meeting T. M. Costello In county judge's was closed with prayer by Mrs. criminal court. The appellant Newton. Mrs. Jack Merrill con-. was assessed court costs of the ducted a contest, appeal. APPEAL DISMISSED GODERICH--:-An appeal by C. I. Buck, Goderiich, against an order by. Magistrate D. E. Holmes, that he pay court costs and the doctor's and optician's bills of George Baechler, Goderieh, when gale ta?Crsteaeretftiaael!e: ttei ace',•.. filet lac,aratateleMegia keietP, ziai i X Special TurkeyDinner . Served SATURDAY and SUNDAY December 23 24" 11.301am to 2 pm -- 5.30 pm to 8 NOTE: We plan to remain CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY, Monday, Dec. 25. a GaN tik r I- b May your Christmas be as rich and sweet as the inside of a plum p.ldding! q CLINTON GRILL Mr. and Mrs. Ceriel Van Demme gVictoria St. -- CLINTON — Phone 297 A aYaN—`•YPft`.�F`INNO:Dati7gaNat2tkata- `2Y`ABana,Bta`'YiH7�r Oteelo>"t`r3'kr9t�a2riint479i StralA ;r•�re�• LLLOOED11 Seek To Improve Huron Crops ABOVE are shown the "big guns" of Huron County Crop Improvement Association fol- lowing their election as officers at the annual meeting in Clinton recently. Left to right are: ELMER ROBERTSON, Colborne Township, past president; RUSSELL T. BOLTON, McKillop Township, vice-president; R. G .BENNETT, Clinton, secretary -treasurer; and ALVIN 13ETTLBSiGoderich Township, the new president—Engraving courtesy The London Free Press. Harvey Johnston Head Of Medical Services Huron Co-operative Medical Services, with a coverage of over 9,000 persons for hospitalization purposes within the 'County of Huron, held its regular monthly meeting in Clinton recently. Af- ter receiving a number of new members, renewals, and paying monthly hospital accounts, the president asked for the appoint- ment of a chairman for the even- ing to conduct the election of of- ficers for the ensuing year. Mr. Bolton was -appointed chairman. Mr. Bolton in calling for nom- inations for president for 1950- 51, expressed a desire to retire as president after serving for three successive years, being the first prsident. Several men from the Board of Directors were nomindted, and after the vote had been taken, Harvey John- ston, Blyth, Reeve of Morris, was declared the newly -elected presi- dent. Earl Whiting, R.R. 1, Centralia, was elected vice-president, and Bert Irwin, R.R. 2, Seaforth, was re-engaged as secretary' Full slate of officers includes: president, Harvey Johnston Blyth; vice-president, Earl Whit- ing, R.R. 1, Centralia; secretary, Bert Irwin, R.R. 2, Seaforth; Directors; Russell T. Bolton, R.R. 1, Dublin; Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Harvey Johnston, Blyth; Earl Whiting, R.R. 1, Centralia; Bert Irwin, H.R. 2, Seaforth; Gordon Kirkland, R.R. 8, Luck - now; Fordyce Clarke, Goderich; Walter Forbes R.R. 2, Clinton; Roy Strong, Gorrie; ,Clayton El- liatt, Varna; Henry Schilbe, Dashwood. Peace on Earth . . . Good will toward men . may these blessings return to His children, the world around, in the New Year so soon to. come. Let us pray that this hope be ordained with fulfillment, by attending church for Christmas services. E. MAN-ACH'i Plastering and Stucco CLINTON PHONE 624 y��►►�,�►,��+►►,,yy��yy,y��►y�►,�q, y�►,y��r,�ry��y�y�ry�, �►y�y��ry�y� ,g �►,g��� y� ,�q�,/�y� I�►3ffiglh�.l�3• igt'It o1 itlf►:tl?'ipfllT.r+1J CC�Z//1Y►'a�1R.CCL►:1L►8b►? y' Er lLrZf/dVs RO i�3ir OW oo oo a 04 d6 14 aN a Goderich Township Farm Forum Meets SS. No. 4 Farm Radio Forum met on Monday, Dec. 11, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt with an attendance of 14 members. The topic for dis- cussion was "Security for Farm Labour." It was decided that the most important thing for a far- mer to keep in mind if he wants to get and keep good hired help is to have work enough to be able to pay a justifiable wage end to the able to give year -around employment. There should be a BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY ROY N. BENTLEY Licensed Public Accountant 36 Regent St., — Tel. 909-3 Goderieh, Ontario ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 561; Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC' D. H. McINNES Chiropractic Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 pm. Il TURANCE Be Sure : : Be Insured K W. COLQUISO'CN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office; Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. II. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 2513 Insurance -- Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBBINSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dom. of Canada General (Life) I.lowick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Buy LIFE Insurance To -day! To -morrow may be too late,,! JOHN R. & LLOYD K. BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 — Clinton .-• Box 315 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers 1950—President, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, J. E. Malone, Seaforth;-man- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A, Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seafortin• John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wel- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; George As Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Eyes. Examined sand Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R HEARN Optometrist . Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton REAL, ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j RADIO SERVICE PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient Radio Service Ten Years Previous Experience on ani Auto and Home Radion Free FM Intormatohc PHONE 471-W, CLINTON VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone, 203 - Clinton Caldwell. Candy, Mts. T. Kay, Mre. Harold Jones, Mrs. Duncan Mrs. Ross Broadfoot• tea room, Cooper; card convener; and cash - Mrs. R. M. Peck, lire. Ed Me- `ler for tea room, . Mrs. Arnold Bride, Mrs. A. Parsons, Mrs. Wil Gastrstetter; hostess, Mrs. Harry liam Bell, Mrs. Allan Johnston, Caldwell. definite agreement as to hours of work includinig necessary over- time, days off and holidays. There should also be suitable living ac- commodation. We do not think it would be a good thing for farm workers in Canada to unionize, because a poor worker would expect the same wage as a good worker, and if there were a union, the 'j $- ourer would not be guaranteed more work anyway. After the discussion some mem- berstook part in play -practice, and others played card games. Lunch was served by the ladies. The next meeting viii be at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Fred Lobb. The recreation committee is Miss A. Castle and Jack Merrill. TUCERKSMITH 50 Years Married! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Crich who celebrat- ed their golden wedding anniver- sary on December 19. Ladies' Club Meets Tuckersmith Ladies' Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Howard Johns, on Wed- nesday, December 6, with a good attendance. Mrs. W. Roberts was in the chair owing to the absence of Mrs. E. O'Brien. After the regular business meeting the reg- ular exchange of Christmas gifts was held. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the members of No. 4 group. The next meeting will be held et the home of Mrs. Donald Crich on Wednesday, January 10, 1951, with the members of Group No. 1, in charge. KIPPEN Successful Bazaar A successful bazaar and home cooking sale was held in the schoolroom of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, sponsor- ed by the Woman's Association. Proceeds were $268. Assisting in the various booths were: Fancy work, Mrs. Robert McGregor, Mrs. William Cald- well, Mrs. J. W. McLean, Mrs. L. Meliis, Mrs. R. Eigie, Mrs. William Kyle; home baking, Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs. Emmerson And- erson, Miss Grace Tremeer; vegetables, Mrs. A. McMurchie, Mrs. John Anderson; Fish pond, Mrs. Morley Cooper, Mrs, J. Sin- clair; touch and take, Mrs. Win- ston • Workman, Miss Isabelle rh^y .41%4N W. G. Simmons' & Sons SANTA SAYS IT! `WE SAY IT TOO! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL —AND ESPECIALLY TO YOU! Farm Equipment Ltd, GODERICH - EXETER HAUGJ-ITON'S WELDING SHOP CLINTON AMMIIIMINV �Jwea..m+vwew.rvv�a�►+swr,n PROCLAMATION Municipal Elections TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Nominations FRIDAY, DEC. 22 1950 Election MONDAY, JAN. 1 1951 NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Stanley for the Nomination of Can- didates for the positions of Reeve, four Councillors, and three School Area Trustees, for the ensuing term, will be held in the • Township Hall, Varna FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1950 between the hours' of 1 and 2 p.m. and, if necessary,. an Election to fill the above-mentioned positions, or any of them, will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1951 at the following places: S. S. No. 1 S. S: No, 10 S. S. No. 14 Township Hall, Varna S. S. No. 5 ', S. S. No. 4 West John Dennome's Store, Drysdale Town hall, Bayfield commencing at the hour of nineo'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon. FRED S. WATSON, TOWNSHIP CLERK and RETURNING OFFICER 50-1-b .1.4%1•44w Let a PIONEER one-man Chain Saw solve your wood cutting problems For Information and Prices see Your PIONEER Dealer Robert W. Cole Phone 906r24 Clinton 46-7-8-b