HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-21, Page 91L'Ii1111111111111111111NII11111111111NIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111N1111111NII11111111111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111 NIIINIINIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIii11111111IU111111fuuINilllllll1111111111(IINNIIIIIilllllilINl II
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New York on Thursday en route
Ito' her home at Sand's Point,
NewN Bayfield Long :Isiatid,
ewS of ;Delightful Piroadeast
Those who listened to. Orlo.;
Representative;' ltfiiller's, broadcast over Radio
Mise Lucy B. Woods.. • Phone .Bayfield 45r3 Statipn CFPL on Sunday at 12.45;
Fred Turner, Goderioh. spent
the weekend with his son, Grant
Turner, end family.
Rey. and M'rs, F. IL Paull,
Listowel, were the guests of Mrs:
N. W. Woods on Friday.
' Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit, came
on Friday last to spend ten days
with her mother, Mrs. Maria El-
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner left on
Monday to spend Christmas with
her sister, Mrs. J. W. Wescott,
Evanston, Ill;
Mrs. N. W. Woods and `I Piss
Lucy left on Wednesday to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R.
' H. Middleton, Hensall.
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, ar-
rived on Tuesday to spend the
Christmas season with her moth-
er, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf.
The many friends of William
H. Johnston who has been indis-
posed, hope that he will soon be
enjoying his usual good , hearth.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Sr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards,
Jr., visited with Mr. and Mrs. T.
C. Bailey at The New Ritz Hotel
over the weekend,
W. John McLeod, who has been'
seriously ill at his home was
taken to Clinton Hospital on
Monday. Bus many friends wish
him a speedy recovery,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sullivan, Ro-
meo, Mich., and, Mrs. C. `Plater,
Detroit, Belled on friends in the
village' on Sunday on their way
to Blyth to visit their mother,
Mrs. Emma McLeod.
Mrs. John Stumph, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. W.
J, Stinson, for a fortnight, owing
to the latter's illness, left on
Wednesday to stay with her sis-
ter, Mrs. A. F. Furter. London,
before taking a TCA plane for
p,mt„ were detegaitedwith• hits
humorous sketch of the 'Bayfield
Fall Fair, and ` the prize-winning
pie pumpkin: The change of heart
of the One-time Fee 'Prase re -
pewter who did not enjoy the
dull monotony of copying long;
lists of prize -winners to the ex-
citement of an 'exhibitor and the
Miller garden, was quite graphic.
Holy Communion
There will be a midnie<hit ser-
vice of Holy Communion in Trin-
ity Church commencing at 11.30
p.m. on. Sunday evening. And on
Christmas Day at 11 a.m., there
will be a family service at which
the Rector hopes all the families,
even to the youngest babe, will
be present. Following this ser-
vice, Rev. H. .7, E. Webb will
celebrate Holy Communion again
for the benefit of those persons
who mightnot be able to attend
the first service.
Christmas Party
Mrs. R. B. F. Gairdner opened
her spacious home on Wednesday
Illi! 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111
. d.
Life long resident of Clinton and community, with sincere
interest of the town's future,
Member of 1950 Council
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1 '
afternoon of last week for a
Christmas panty far the primary
department of Trinity Church
Sundloy':School of which she is in
charge. The lighted crib , depict-
ing the scene of the birth of Jesus
Christ was in•, the living room
and Mrs., Gairdner told the story
of the little woolly lamb, and
the children sang carols. Upstairs
theyplayed games in the draw-'
ing room and later in the dine.
Ong .room, gay with coloured bal-
loons of all shapes and sizes, re-
freshments were served. Favours
and gay crepe paper hats for the
17 small boys and girls present,
added to the, hilarity of the oc-
casion. Assisting were Mrs. H.
J .E. Webb, Mrs. J. E. Howard,
MTs.• R. Cornish: and Misses Phyllis
Mack and Donna Sturgeon.
Knox Children's Party
There was an excellent attend-
ance at the Childrenls Christmas
party and congregational supper
held in Knox Presbyterian
Church basement on Wednesday
evening at which the pastor and
his wife, Rev. end Mrs. D. J.
Lane, Clinton, were present.
Following supper, sleigh bells
were heard in the distance and
Santa (Carl Houston) made his
appearance, a n d distributed
candy, oranges and apples to the
children. When he shad finished,
he climbed the stairs and his
sleighbells ringing as he "took
off" with reindeer made a very
realistic ending to his visit. Rev.
D. J. Lane then showed lantern
slides of Cathedrals . in England,
Canadian scenes, and .Bayfield in
the Gay Nineties, A most enjoy-
able evening closed with the sing-
ing of carols and repeating a
prayer in unison,
Public School Concert
Baylield Public School Christ-
mas Concert was staged in the
Town Hall. on Thursday evening
last before a packed house. The
music under the direction of S.
Baxter and the plays directed by
the teachers, Miss H. Colbeck
and Mrs. William E. Parker, were
well done and showed consider-
able talent.
The following was the program:
opening chorus, Calling Senile,
Frosty the Snow Man, The Christ-
mas Tree Angel,. Wooden Sold-
iers, by the school; play, "The
Brownie's Christmas" and a song,
At Christmas, by the junior room;
songs, Three Ships and Away in
a Manger, by the juniors; Cind-
erella, a play by the senior room
in which solos were sung by
Marian Making and Frances Webb;
a singing game, Looby Loo, by
the juniors; The Shoemaker's
Guest was a play in which the
following Christmas carols were
sung: 1. Angels from Heaven,
While Shepherds Watched. 2.
Angels we have heard on high,
O Come Emmanuel, 3. Sleep 0
Holy Child of Mine, Silent Nieht,
Good Nighttp All, a round, The
carols arid—the
the round were sung
by the choir of children effectiv-
ely grouped around the Christ-
mas tree. Following the sing-
ing of the National Anthem, Santa
Claus (Ken Meiner) arrived and
the jolly old fellow was so glad
to be there that he distributed
a few kisses to some of the ladies
in the audience before he pre-
sented the gifts off the tree to
the children.
Your Man
for '51!
Three Years
As Reeve
I had the pleasure of serving the residents of Clinton as Reeve in 1946,.
1948 and 1949 after serving a term as Councillor. After a year on the side-
lines, I againseek to serve you.
While a member of the Town Council I did my best for you, including" the
installation of our fine SEWERAGE SYSTEM and the laying of our excellent
It will be my aim to have some needed SIDEWALKS laid and to carry on.
the STREET PAVING programme started when I was Reeve.
I also will attempt to have the TAX RATE reduced in line with conditions.
When you are, ready to go to the polls on Election Day, Wed., Dec. 27,
phone 3 79. or any of Clinton town taxis and 'you will be, taken care of.
His E perlence Should Count
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• :Varna' WMS Meets '
The ' December and annual
meeting of the WMS was held
at the home of Mrs. George Reid
Thursday afternoon, Dec, 7. The
Christmas program was follow-
ed as in the Missionary Monthly
and in the worship period Mrs.
Mervyn Hayter read the Scrip-
ture from Luke 2:8-14 and Luke
2:14-29, and all sang hymn 64,
"Angels from the realms of
The oandlelighting service then
followed. Mrs. Mervyn Hayter
taking the leader part and the
five readers being Mrs. Moyer,
Mrs. W. Webster, Miss 'Hero, Mrs.
George Reid and Mrs. Gordon
Johnston. Hymns 55, 485, 60,
58 and 48 were sung. The offer-
ing then was taken and Mrs. An-
son Coleman read Matthew 2:9-11.
Roll call was answered' by 16
members, one visitor. A letter
had been received from Mrs. Will
Raid expressing thanks for Cards,
treats and calls while in the hos-
pital. Mrs. G. Reid had for-
warded a pair of socks and a tie
as our shard of bale. Six calls
to, shut-ins, had been made.
Miss Hera took over for the
election of pfficers which result-
ed as follows: President, Mrs.
,George. Reid; 1st . vice-president,
IVJrs. W. R Stephenson; and vice-
presid"ent, Mrs. 'Fred Reid; 3rd
vice-president, Mrs. Watson' Web-
ster; treasurer, Me . W. Webster;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. S.
Keys; recording secretary. Mrs.
Mervyn 'Hayter;. Assoeate Help-
ers, Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mrs.
Bob Taylor, Mrs. Lee McConnell,
Mrs. ITill; Missionary Monthly,
Mrs. Gordon Johnston; Christian
Stewardship, Mrs. Anson 'Cole-
man; Baby Band, Mrs. Harvey
Hayter, Mrs. Bill Reid, Mrs. E.
McClindhey temperance secre-
tary, Mrs. S. Keys; supply secre-
tary, Mrs. W. R. Stephenson;
community friendship, Mrs. Lee
McConnell, Mrs. E. McClinehey,1
Mrs. Fred Reid, Mrs. Moyer; or-
ganists, Rachel Johnston and
Mrs. L. McConnell; press secre-
tary, Mrs. Mervyn Hayter,
The meeting closed by singing
hymn 50, "As with gladness men
of old," and the benediction. A
dainty lunch was served and a
vote of thangs moved to Mrs. Reid
for her home.
Golden lden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. George Hender-
son attended the Golden Wedding
anniversary of the former's sill, -
ter and .her husband, Mr. gad
Mrs. Angus Kinnillurgh, London,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe
Henderson of Thamesford on
Saturday. A turkey dinner was
;servedat noon to the brothers
and sisters of the family, and
their wives and husbands, with
the exception of one brother who
Is in the hospital.
! During the afternoon and even-
ing about 40 relatives and friends
came to offer congratulations to
the bride and groom of 50 years,
The sister -in-laws served tea.
Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson
called at London Hospital to see
Mr. Henderson's brother, Adam,
and Mrs. .Henderson's' sister, Toy,
Mrs. Robert Williamson,
The Family Jewel
"What happened to that gem
of a maid you had?"
"She. left us for a better set-
ting." •
Having allowed my name stand, I respectfully solicit your vote
and influence to elect me
for 1951
I have been in business in Clinton for nearly 40 years and
have served in a number of local organizations.
Compliments of the Season!
For Transportation on Election Day, Phone 147 or 325
J. A. Sutter
To the Ratepayers of Clinton:
If Re -Elected Mayor
For 1951
1—I 'WILL see that Council gives its full support
in conjunction with all other organizations, .clubs
end lodges in a joint effort to induce and attract
industry to our town.
2--I WILL immediately set up a com-
mittee from the Council to further in-
vestigate the question of Town Planning
to be continued along the lines laid
down by Dr. Pleva and by the study
of our new land -use map now at our
3--I WILL endeavor to form a joint com-
mittee of Council end. School Board for
the purpose of making a thorough in-
vestigation of public school facilities, hop-
ing to arrive at same satisfactory der
cision agreeable to all'ratepayers.
4•-d WILL make myself and Council con-
versant with the rules and regulations
laid down by both Provincial and Do-
minion governments in respect to civil
defence, thus making an integral unit,
for our own immediate protection of our
three Canadian governments in times of
peril and disaster.
5—I WILL endeavor to set a lower mill
rate in accordance with our ability to
finance needed public ,expenditures dur-
ing 1951.
Continue Clinton's progress by re-electing a man who, with
the co-operation and confidence of the Reeve and Council for
1949-50, has shown a proven record of achievement without
prohibitive spending or waste of public funds.
Wishing all Clintonians Compliments of the Season
Phone 595W for Transportation on Election Day