HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1950 e'd►onal 1 Miss Bessie Sloman, New Ro- chelle, N.Y., is spending the win- ter with Miss Sarah Sloman. Rev. Roy C. Cook, Toronto,. paid a short visit to his, parents Mr. and Mrs. William Cook,'last week. Mervin Glazier and Miss Helen O'Reilly, Kitchener, spent the weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. end' Mrs. Clifford Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Counter have returned from their post nuptial trip and 'are getting set- tled in their new home, Albert Street,North. Mrs. W. J. Carter Ieft yester- day to spend the festive season with her family in Chatham. Her address for the next few .reeks will be 1,260 Inshes Ave., Chat - Engagements Announced The engagement is announced of Margaret Isabel, only daugh- ter of Mrs. Boyd and the late Adam Boyd, Gravenhurst, to Roy A. MiacDonald, Courtney, B.C. The marriage is to take place in Christ Church Cathed- ral, Vancouver, on Friday, De- cember 22, at four o'clock. Mrs.. L : Denomme Heads Altar Society At the regular meeting of the Altar Society of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 'Clinton, mem- bers elected Mrs. Lawrence De- nomme as president' for a second term. Mrs. Clement Reynolds was named vice-president, and, Mrs. Alvin Sharpe as secretary. Rev, S. J. McDonald spoke briefly to the ladies, thanking them fro their assistance during the past year, end wishing the Society success in the next term. Previous to the elation of of- ficers. Miss Lucy Levy, in the secretary's report, told members that a vacuum cleaner had been purchased for the cleaning.. of the church. 0 OfficersWives Entertain NCO Wives The Air Force Officers' Wives Auxiliary entertained the NCOs' Wives at an At -Home, December 5, at the Offleers? Mess. A movie was drown during the evening by F/L N. Greig, followed by a buf- fet lunch in the dining room of the Officers' Mess. , 0 John McNab, veteran municipal campaigner in Huron County, retained the reeveship of Grey Township by a two -vote margin CLINTON HOSPITAL" AID presents its annual Christmas Ball on Tuesday, Dec. 26 from 9.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. in CDCI AUDITORIUM Carnegie's Orchestra Dress Optional $1 per person 50-1-b ii Christmas Greetings and Happiness throughout the New Year! We take this opportunity of wishing our old and new customers a very MERRY ti? CHRISTMAS and a PROSPER- OUS NEW YEAR. I Martins Store LY " • T. W. and L. E. MARTIN and. STAFF Hark to the bells ring- ing out Best Wishes to you and yours for THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS EVER! Christmas in the. (hurches St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R, M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 11.00 a,m,—Carol Service and Primary Sunday School 0.00 p.m.—Children's Service -, 11.00 p.m.—Holy Communion Christmas Day 10.30 a.m.—Holy Communion The Bishop of Huron will broad- cast over CHLO,' St. Thomas, et 2.30 p.m. Sunday. Baptist Church PASTOR CLAIR CLARK, B.A. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 11,00 a.m.—Worship Service, 12.o0 -2 -Sunday . School. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 ,a.m.—Morning Worship Message, "Why Christ Came" .7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 8 paw— Young People's Service, Pictures Slides, Christmas Story Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer ALL WELCOME "Thou shalt call His name Jes- us, for He shall save the peo- ple from their sins." Matt, 1:21. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader The great Christmas carols will constitute the Praise: 0 Come all ye Faithful Away in a Manger Holy Night, Peaceful Night Hark, the Herald Angels Sing Joy to the World The choir will sing the anthems; And Thou Bethlehem -- Hine Tidings of Joy -- Simper and A group of children, under direc- tion of Mrs. Boyes will ren- der the Christmas songs: Angels, we have heard on high The Angels' Song The sermon subject will be: "The Immortal Story" The order of service will be a printed souvenir (coloured) of Christmas Service 1950 Everyone is welcome to worship at all our services 2.30 p.m.—Bayfield Service Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Ministe Mrs. E. Wendell, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Prelude, organ and piano Processional: "Hark, the Her- ald Angels" hymn 59 Invocation and Lord's Prayer Psalm selection 747 Anthem: "God Rest you Merry Gentlemen" Scripture: Luke 2:11-20 Trio: "Away in a Mangos" Prayer Hymn: "Angels from the Realms of Glory" No. 64 Announcements Offering and Offertory Prayer Organ and Piano, selected Solo: Mr. Maurice Radford H,ymn: "As With Gladness" No. 50 Sermon: "Meaning of Christmas" Quartette: "In a Lowly Manger" Hymn: "0 Come all ye Faithful" No. 47 Benediction Organ and Piano postlude 12.15—Sunday School 2.00 p.m. — Turner's — Special Christmas Service 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Prelude, organ and piano Processional hymn: While Shep- herds Watched" No. 62 Invocation Anthem: "0 Leave Your Sheep" Carol by choir and congregation: "It Caine Upon" No. 58 Scripture: Matt. 2;13-23 Solo: Mr. L. Pearson Prayer, followed by Lord's Prayer Hymn: "Good Christian Men Re- joice" No. 61 Duet: "Carol Sweetly Carol" Announ cements Offering and Offertory Prayer Organ and Piano, selected . Solo A discourse on Christmas by the minister junior Choir: two numbers Anthem: "Angels, we have heard on high" Hymn: "0 Little Town" No. 51 Anthem: "0 Joyous Christmas Song" Solo: Mrs. M. G.'Darvflle Anthem "5ilent Night, Holy Night" Recessional Hymn: "Joy to the • World" No, 55 Benediction Postlude: Organ .and Piano IOOF Notes Clinton Looge IOOF was host to Brucefield Lodge on Tuesday Dec. 12, when the visiting mem- bers conferred the second degree onthree candidates from Clinton. Several members addressed the lodge briefly, 'among these beiirg Bro. Bab Rutherford, Brantford, a visitor for the evening, Delic- ious refreshments rounded out a very pleasant evening. 0 CLINTON W.L. Clinton branch of the Women's Institute will meet on Thursday afternoon, December 28, in the Board Room of the Agricultural Office: Rev. D. J. Dane is to be the guest speaker. The program committee is Mrs. Fred Hanley and Mrs. E. Radford. The roll :call will be answered with, "Where I spent Christmas." A cordial invitation is. extended to of the town to ettetui Wesley -Willis United Church Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mk. • M.'' R. Rennie, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 Moriiirag Worship -11.00 a.m. Prelude Processional Hymn 64 Call to Worship Hymn 47 Invocation . The Lord's Prayer The Sacrament of Baptism Anthem: "Still Grows the Even- ing Over Bethlehem,Towri" tra- ditional Bohemian McI'ody; Soloist -Miss Viola Fraser Announcements Selection 747 "The MagnifiT .t" Scripture—Matthew 2:1-12 Hymn 57 r' Offering Hymn 598 Solo: "Gest' Bambino"—Pietro A. Yen; Harry Holmes' Hymn 62 Sermon: "Christmas Revelations" Anthem: "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne" James T. Lightwood Soloists: Miss Margaret Hol- land, Mrs. W. M. Nediger, and Harry Holmes Hymn 53 Benediction Postlude 12.15—Church School. 7 p.m. --Carol and Candlelighting Service Prelude piano and organ, Miss Doris Grierson, Mrs. M. R. Rennie The Heralds—Audrey Jervis, Ruth Wilson, Doris Grierson, Eileen Robbins Processional Hymn 47 Choral Invocation , Choir: "While Shephers Watched" "On Their Way" Prayer Hymn 51 Ladies' Double Trio Junior Choir Hymn 67 Scripture ° Choir: "Snowy Flakes" "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" Hymn 49• Announcements Offering: Organ and Violin, Mrs. Rennie, and A. It. Person Male Quartette: Harry Lear, Mur- ray Bradburn, Donald MeNall, Donald Yungblut "I Heard the Bells on Christ- mas" Choir: "Night of Nights" Soloist—Peter Gutter Solo: "Nazareth" Eileen lisebbins Candle Lighting conducted by Harvey Sperling, president, Huron Presbytery Prayer Recessional Hymn 59 Benediction Vesper: "Silent Night" Mrs. Mary Sutter, Mrs. Agnes Moon, Misses Margaret Hol- land and Jean Nediger Postlude CWL . Plans Active , Christmas . Season The December meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, and St. Michael's ' Church, Blyth; was held in the Clinton parish hall with the president; Miss Patricia. Morrison, opening the meeting wiitfn prayer. The members decided to spon- sor the annual Christmas party this year for the children of the parishes, and to remember the sick and shut-ins at the Christ- mas season. Mrs. John Hallaihan and Miss Nora Kelly ^were ap- pointed 'to have charge of the baskets in the Blyth parish, and Mrs, George Carbent and Mrs. Frank Evans, Jr., for :the 'Clin- ton parish, Rev. S. J. McDonald spoke on the various projects the League would be eligible to sponsor. Miss Morrison gave a reading on the aims of the Catholic Women's League. To date there is a membership of 72 in tris newly -formed sub- division. Reports were presented by Miss Mary Phalen, Blyth, treasurer, and Mrs. Frank Evans, Jr.; secretary. The lunch committee for the January meeting will be Mrs. Bert Gliddon, Mrs, Frank Evens, Sr., and Mrs. Wilfred Managhan, Following the meeting, a social half-hour was enjoyed by all. Mrs. 'Shaddock Heads Presbyterian WA The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church, Clinton, held its annual meeting in the form of a pot -luck supper at the home of Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart with 19 present. Mrs D. 3. Lane, Mrs. G. Roberton and Mrs. A. Maxwell assisted the hostess. Following the supper, Mrs. William Shaddock, the president, took the chair. Hymn 729 was sung, followed by the reading of Scripture. A lesson from St. Luke was read by Mrs. Shaddock. Mrs. Allan Maxwell gave the secretary -treasurer's report. The women discussed Christmas bas- kets for shut-ins, end named Mrs. Alex Cudmore and Mrs. Norman Ball as conveners in charge. The Presbyterian meeting of Huron County will be held in January in the Clinton church, and the following women were named on the refreshment com- mittee: Mrs. John Snider, Mrs. George Roberton, -Mrs, Wes Nott and Mrs. William Shaddock, Mrs. D. J. Lane presided for the election of officers for the next term as follows: President, Mrs. Shaddock; vice-president. Mrs. Lane; secretary, Mrs. Maxwell; treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Gibson; and congener of tl'ie social committee, Mrs. M. McTaggart. The January meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Robert McEwen with Mrs. M. McTaggart and Mrs. Wes Nott as co -hostesses, 4+0+ -i -0-l. aM+-.-.-. ,•$ S .+.+.-i•..i-..s-t..a+l.i . !.•.-i•i-0-o •wi+sP- Every Christmas bell rings a special wish from us — that this will be A Merry, Merry Christmas! RUBY and BILL'S SNACK BAR Phone 133J Clinton +•0+ r.-.-.+ri a-a+-i+aase aw.� i✓I _ _ - Through thousands of r 3 . i 1. ;t It. E. I[OLIIES, proprietor 4.Phone 157-W Clinton s 4. 3,. Christmases; folks like. t, us have wished folks it like. you Happy Holiday? Fairholme Dairy1�; rtaerki,a, Weekend Special With every dress sold Friday and Saturday, December 22 and 23, we will give you your pick of a pair of NYLONS FREE! In appreciation of our pleasant business tela- tions, we value this'op- portunity of wishing you the Season's Greetings IRWIN'S f P r3r2rororar2rt.Drir2rast^rM"..Ta .`al-A:o-tro41.121, s>sss12;nNaiarADr gar zraIN-VarrlD•ar9 1 i H ' GOOD THINGS come in small pack- ages! Our wishes come in just two words MERRY CHRISTMAS T. R. Thompson PHONE 40 WE DELIVER His pack is filled with wonderful surprises for every member of the family! And our hearts are filled with best wishes in the same spirit for you all! Clinton Locker Service SAM E. CASTLE GORDON CUDMORE TM.s CHEER Here's a wish for a smile of happiness on every face, good will in every heart and A MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL! BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON Silverwood's Ice Cream Annual • CHRISTMAS CAROL and Candlelighting Service Wesley -Willis United Church SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 7 p.m. AUSPICES Y.P.U. Come and enjo singing your favourite Carols 5 \ that e tl�io95 os all the rlstcr 04 ok Ch ce Is tr e �`eocortertr' ent,spklt peace. o trieroc May the our horn corning mind d ou in t the corn rrosthrough° year,