HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-14, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1950. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD r OBITUARY MRS. JOHN 'FINGLAND Mrs, John Pingland passed away at her home in Londesboro Tues- day, December 5„ in her' 89th 'year, Formerly Catherine Baird,' she was born and reised;in Egre- mont Township, Grey County, residing there and iii Beverley Township until her marriage. Her parents were Robert and Agnes Baird, formerly of Dum- fries, Saalfeld. For the past 57 years she had resided in the Aubuan add' Lon- desboro districts. A faithful member of the United Church, she was always keenly interested in the Missionary• effort and was. f, a life memiler and honorary president of tale Woman's Mis- sionary Society of Londesboro. Six years ago she and her late husband celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. ' She is survived by four sons and, three daughters: Rev. Dr. William of Niagara Falls; Colin of Wingham; Frank, K.C., of Clin- ton; Murray of Cochrane; Mrs. Robert Grierson (Mary) of Lon- desborm Mrs. John Barker (Je- mima) of Toronto; Mrs. William Jones (Flora) of St. Thomas. Eleven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren also_ survive. Her husband and daughter ,Alice died a year ago. One smell daughter, Kathleen Grierson, died in Korea. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rete S. Brenton, L.on- desboro, from her late residence, and interment made in -Clinton cemeter . The pallbearers were Thomas Millar, William K. Gor- ier, Alec Manning, Tames Jack- son, Fred Shobbrook and Harry leurnirt. MRS. MARY HOLTZHAUER Funeral services were`con4uct- ed by Rev. Hugh C. ,Wilson of Wesley -Willis United Church at the Beattie$'dcRoberts Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Min- ton, on Monday, December 11, zbeloved wife for Mary Plast er, of the late Eli Holtzheuer. In- terment followed in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ed - \ FOR 111E CAR RUGS FOG LAMPS DRIVING` LAMPS VANITY MIRRORS DEFROSTERS WE SPECIALIZE IN MOTOR TUNEUP! Wells Auto -Electric W D. Wells, Proprietor Phone 349W ' -- Clinton eedWcur lyuruntBED' Order Early J W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES • PHONE 120 CLINTON LONDESBORO , ' BRUCEFIELD Newlyweds Honored A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Farquhar was held in Londesboro Community Hall on. Friday ..night last. An redress' was read and a 'purse of money presented by Murray East. At the same time Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Farquhar were called to the front and were presented with a beautiful wall - mirror from their friends and neighbors. The address was reed by 'Arnold Dale and presented. by Murray Fast. Lunch was served and the rest of the evening was spent in. dancing.. The music was supplied by Clinton talent. ward Grigg,..Lloyd Bond, Wesley Holland, Adam McCartney, Har- old Dean and Joseph Postill, Mrs. Heetzhauer,in her 85th year, was born in Huilett`Town- ship, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johnlaetzer. Follow- ing i? her. marriage 62 years ago she had madeher home in 'Blyth; Niagara. Falls and Clinton. She was a• member of Wesley -Willis United Church. Mrs. Hoitzhauer's death occur- red in Clinton Public Roselle), on Friday afternoon, December 8, following several weeks of ill - nest, although slid has been in failing health for sqme time. Mrs. Holtzhauer war predeceas- ed' by her husband two years ago, and, is suryived by four sons, Wellington, Guelph; Harold, Niag- ara Falls; Gordon, U.S.A.; Nor- man, Calgary, Alta.; and two daughters, Clara. Mrs. Fred Pot- ter, Clinton, with whom Mrs. Holtzhauer had latterly made her home; and Elsie, Mrs. Dean, De- troit, Mich.; and 19 grandchild- ren. One son, Herbert, prede- ceased his mother in 1928. G. A. S. HARWOOD Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon, December 5, 1950, at the Gilbert McIntyre Funeral Home, Guelph, for George Alfred Sydney Harwood, 193 Suf- folk St, Guelph. Rev. A. E. Black, minister of Dublin St. United Church officiated and in- terment followed in Woodlawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Douglas Coop- er, James Oldham, Alfred Bart- lett, Frank McQuillan, Norman Skerritt and Tony Saunders. Born in England, Mr. Harwood had been a resident of Canada for the past 35 years. He attend- ed Dublin St. United Church, Guelph, and for • a number of years had been employed at. Bilt- more Hats, Ltd. His death oc- curred in St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, on Saturday, December 2. Surviving are his widow, the former Florence Oliver, ohe son. George; one daughter, Doris, and one granddaughter, Katherin. Among those from out-of-town who attended the funeral includ- ed Mrs, Fanny Oliver. is Frank visiting Muastat hisrd, New Liskeard, home. Will 'McDowell,' \l'estfleld,' is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Stack- house. The annual S.S. concert . will he held the evening of Thursday, December 21. Muses Marion Paterson, Ruth Scott and Betty Allan, all of London, spent. the w,eekend at their hoehes. Mrs. J. S. Ussher and daughter, Elizabeth Jane, arrived last week from. England and are spending some time with Mrs. C. H. Haugh: Mrs. B. Keyes Heads Brucefield WA The regular meeting of VMS washeld on Tuesday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. A. Zapfe, in the chair. The worship . ser- vice was conducted by Mrs, W. Moffat. The business period followed, Mrs.' A. McQueen and Miss M. Swan were appointed auditors. The Christmas program was in charge of Miss E. Bowey and Mrs.. T. B. Baird and Was a candle -lit servele. _ Assisting were Mrs, W. McBeatlt, Mrs. J, B. Mustard, Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. R. P. Watson and: Mrs. L. Eyre. Officers for 1951 are as follows: President Mrs. B. Keyes; lat`vice- president, Mrs. N. Walker; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. Dalry- mple; recording secretary, Miss. E. Bowey; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. E. le. Stanway; treas- urer, Mrs. R. Scott; pianist, Mrs. A. Johnston; assistant, Mrs. A. Ham; ,community fuendshin sec- retaries, Miss M. Swan, Mrs. A. Zapfe; supply, Mrs. O. Johnston; Associate members secretary Mi's T. Baird; We , siona}y Monthly, Mies. A. Mc- Queen; christian stewardship, Mrs. R. Allan; temperance, Mrs. PAGE TI3REE r wasin charge of the president, Mrs, S. Middleton and opened by singing hymn 289, followed by prayer by the president, and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson was read by IMrs. C. Cooper, The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read. Reports from the various organ- izations were read, all showing it splendid year's Work with all obi ; ligations met and a substantial balance in the treasury. After the business was coma' plated, the president thanked the members for their; eo-operation during her term of 'office and de's. dared ail offices open. Rev. Mr. Webb took the chair and asked for nominations. As a result the fpllowing slate of of - /leers for 1051 was drawn up: •. President, Mrs. W. Colclough; vice-president, Mrs; J. Middleton; secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe; treas- urer, Mrs. B. Bowden; Dorcas committee, Mrs. C. Cooper, Mrs. J. Grigg; visiting committee, Mrs. W. Wise, Mrs. Deeves. Goderich c Townshi hp Mr, and Mrs. Allan Robinson, and the latter's mother, Mrs, Ro- bert Russell. Tiverton, and Mrs, Abbie Russell, Glands, visited Crocjeeich Township friends last Week. Plan School Concert The school concert for S.S. No. 4 will be held in the school on Friday evening, December 15, at 8 p.m. St. James WA Meets The annual meeting of the WA of St. James Church, Middleton, was held at the home of Mrs.' Alf Hudie on Wednesday after- noon, December 6. , The meeting• • 13. Thompson, • Mrs. Haugh; ex- pense fund, Mrs. A. Ham;, liters'- tune secretary, Mrs. 'W.' Scott; Mission Bknd,, Mrs. Edi. Alllan,, Mrs. S. Baird; Baby Band, Mrs. W. Moffat, r:h:ztr.Eelaw','R;x�.Eh CF: elaiststec!2°,mar-t.P, isse.'Remrze Wei€soerg.' °k''.t($.P,..R.�Y`c ostnSira men; steCG',mstameta'vrme.wmeto-saw 0:Gskrasn° ortmeamMeaP..�.. . II- 04344:V . rffrOrri FDA DRUG STORE You'll like the convenience of shopping for gifts in the friendly atmosphere of your local {;D.A. druggist's. There you will find a wide variety of gifts at prices to 'suit your budget.. A friendly staff is ready to' help 'you make your decision and make Christmas shopping a pleasure. Here's- An Outstanding Buy as a Gift for Men! $3.50 -BILLFOLDS for -$2.69 A special English Morocco billfold with all-around zipper, four celluloid swing windows, with calendar, dome -fastened money purse and other features. Bach Billfold in 'a nice °10. gift box. BABY BRUSH & COMB SET Soft nylon bristled brush -pink or blue 9$ HAIR BRUSH "Lustrite" Ladies nylon btistile brush with lustre plastic back -reg. 89c value "American 0 Beauty" Compacts Made by ELGIN - AMERICAN • Finished i n jeweler's bronze. Choice of shapes and y patterns. O $3.75 & $5.25 • DeVILBISS 2, PERFUME L ATOMIZERS g Hand decorat- ed in floral, • conventional y and novelty F,a designs. Each in bbox. lV..lbs $1.25 Originals g in gold or sil- te ver crackle or crystal g 3.50 & 5.00 5a A Name and Quality that: Make Popular Gifts of Shaving Essentials by �J tttcttt Gift rack of 50 Gillette Blue Blades in Dispensers Months of shaving pleasure are ahead for every man who ✓ receives one of these colourful gift boxes. Ne just 'picture the pleasure you eaut; give with CAMERAS Brownie Hawkeye FLASH OUTFIT Everything needed for good in- door or outdoor snapshots--carh- + era. ;'lash -holder, bulbs, film, batteries, etc. . , . .. $15.50 Kodak Duaflex II Flash Outfit 23.00 Baby Brownie Special .. $3.10 Brownie I3awlreye Camera 6.25 ^e} Target Brownies -box type 88.25, $9.75 Brownie Reflex .. $13.25 Duaflex, with fs lens . $21.75 Kodak Tourists -folding cameras 2. Kodak Pony "828" & '13500 up" $31.00, $40,00 Aneao or Kodak Film _ 41, 46e ie, etc. Your Gifts Unforgettable! Yardley of London MEN'S GIFT SETS As illustrated: After Shaving Lotion and Traveller Shaving Bowl $2.25 Shaving Bowl, Lotion & Talc $3.75 Other Sets from $1.85 up Yardley Shaving Bowls $1 & $1.25 Yardley After Shaving Lotion $1.00, $1.50 Yardley After Shave Powder $1.25 LADIES' GIFT SETS V English Lavender Perfume, Talcum & Toilet Soap ' $2 50 Others - $1.75, $3.00 $5.00, etc. OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER $1.25, $1.95, $3.00 YARDLEY COLOGNES et Lotus, Fragrance, April Violets, 1.75, 2.75 1 Trio Package - 2.75 Each - $2.50 Gillette Rocket Gift Set Contains a Gillette Rocket One - Piece Razor and 10 -Blade Dispenser, in Styrene case, phis extra 10 -Blade Dispenser and two tubes of Shav- ing Cream $2.45 Gillette Tech Gift Set -Tech Razor with 5 Blue Blades and 10 extra Blades in box 98c "Aristocrat" Gift Set - One-piece Razor in deluxe ease & 3 10 -blade dispensers $6 00 YI Attractive --Yet Inexpensive • Rose Toilet Soap Fragrant as freshly cut roses. Box of 3 - 1.00 ta Also in Carnation and Lilac Canada Twin Pine Cone Soap 2 lge, takes in box, as illustrated 55c "Two Little Girls in Blue" - Set of 2 cakes 45a "Mandarin" Toilet Seap- box of 3 cakes $1 00 RO.NSON Leather covered. Others q� as Lighter .ea�qny From 6.551 WA'I"ERMAN'S Ball Pointer Pen a 1.50 PIPES Filter Pipe 1.50 DiPPiipue b 5.501 WILLIAMS' MEN'S SET sh ens 1,501 There's A Manicure Gift Set for Everyoneo by REVLON "QUILTIE" SET -Satin finished case with brass ^ hob -veil effect -contains 4 Revlon manicure preparations and implements, Case folds over and closes with two dome fasteners . $3.95 1 rA snt`. CUTEX ,. `tl -., ,,,,, • r "NAIL BRIL BRILLIANCE" Set. v."i!�''I1 "iii * as illustrated iQ PERFUME 85c, 51.10, $1.75, $3.00 Gold Flaconette (Refillable) $1.50 Toilet Water or Cologne. 95c & 1.75 Talcum can 65e, glass 51 Bath .Powder . 2.00 Soap -box of 2 cakes 1.00 boards, manicure stick, cotton coil $1.25 Other Cuter sets -39c, 59c, $2.00Y,' YU50 $4.50 by CHEN- "MANI-KIT"--Coirtaining Nail Lacquer, Lacquer Remover & Curticle Remover $1.00 U• i tesla t ` Clinton Electric Shop o D. W. CORNISH ) -- WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS -- Residence' 358 Phone. 479. AP11RODISIA.. WOODH11E. TIGRESS reeietsr5r2t `0I exeeimateemtateetteeteeitatemzeareetegetteet`Ns`�lD For Luxurious Lathering- SIMMiS Shaving Brushes 1.00, 1.50r 2,00 and: up Pure Badger Brushes . 3.95, 5.00, 7.50 and up a ROLLS RAZORS i Popular Standards Model 9.95 DeLuxe Model with extra blade, tele -a scopic handle $15 PLAYING CARDS Double Decks Claridge 1.25 Vogue . 1.50 Bridge - Canasta Congress 2,50 Men's Hair Brushes Town & Country Club brush, withe matching comb el 1.89 Other Club Brushes r 2.95, 3.50 , ELECTRIC VE. PackardSHA Diplomat 29.50 , Remington 21.95 to 27:95 19.95Schick to 25.75 GIFTS for BABY HANKSCRAYT Automatic Electric Baby Bottle Warmer Mother will appreciate this practical gift, 2.95 & 3.95 Baby's Own Bath Sets 69o, $1.50, $2.25 Baby Brush & Comb Sets by Hughes - soft nylon bristle - in gift boxes -- $1.25, $1.25, $2.25 Baby Nursery Trio -3 plas- tic containers in gift pkg. a fine gift , $1.59 Johnson & Johnson BABY GIFT BOXES Containing 'their popular baby toiletries 66c, $1.55 & up 9 tiP A 3L aI