HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-07, Page 12Sf Everything you need to make your home look Christrnas-y em`ti''�'ta`Nat&i7tSta9ukwFld�7$tptis;�4'z��7'6,`rS9i',+`wtawk�'rBt91�`a.SBt'm'he"�'aa'"r$r&4%r Yah�i'r,�'n�.1,r;,n",�r�th�anYn atia..,^h.�.si,w4�,=sv-�,,<x�,�+,,��a�.9�•"�'r. Christmas Cards ;c COUTTS, HALLMARK CARDS and RUST CRAFT CARDS sold only, through regular dealers ci 'PAGE 12 CLINTON. NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, ;DECEMBER. 7, R CAF SFO1t!'S RCAF Weightlifting Sgt. J. P. "Jack" Varaleau, re= '>cently transferred to the physical training staff in the Recreation Centre,_ is an authority on the use of weights, having competed in the 1948 Olympics, placing 6th against competitors from 26 dif- ferent countries. He has broken an Olympic press record and twice won the British Empire weightlifting championship, first in England and secondly in Auckland, New Zealand, at the last British Empire games where he defeated his main opponent, Issy Bloomberg from South Af- rica. Jack tells us that on his way to the games, members of the different teams held several con- ferences pertaining to their sports, However when he told them that he was on the weightlifting team they were very skeptical. It seems that many people have the impression that weightlifters are big muscular brutes who go around squeezing people's hands to a pulp or lifting any spare piano you might have around. Sgt. J. P. Varaleau says: "Noth- ing is further from the truth. Beer with me and I'll give .you a brief history of the game so that you may fully appreciate the great progress this sport has made in the past few years. "When weightlifting was first recognized as a sport' it catered only to men of vast proportions and tremendous natural strength. "These men sometimes weighed in excess of 300 pounds. In those days they were highly paid to perform end as a result of their acts had to be of a spectacular nature and consisted mainly of lifhting, pushing or carrying huge, awkvrard objects. This re- quired little skill but did require an overwhelming amount of physical strength which they certainly had. "You may well understand that this type of competition then, was solely for the big slow beefy - type of physique and as a re,ult the unitiated still picture lifters as. giant slow moving men. No doubt most of them were, for you cannot expect a man weighing in excess of 250 pounds to have the grace of a ballet dancer, "As the years passed smaller men began to perform acts of their own in the weightlifting sport but of a much more skill- ful nature. From this stage, weightlifting progressed steadily to such a state that people now use weights for many other use- ful purposes. I will separate these users of weights into three distinct groups. I. -Persons who use weights simply to get into condition or to keep in condition, also to cor- rect any physical defects they might have. This group easily covers the Iargest field of interest, and is popular in all YMCA's physical training studios, and many vet- erans rehabilitation centres, There are many advantages in the use Economical refreshment of weights over any other method of exercise or sports. You ; nay work each group of muscles in- dividually, and forexample, you find that, you are strong in the legs,but undeveloped in the arms and shoulders there are specific exorcises that will strengthen these parts. Exercises are of a progressive nature starting with as little as five pounds, if neces- sary, then as you get stronger add another pound, and so on, therefore making more demands on the body. Another advantage is that you can, by obtaining your' own equipment, train right in your own home with your family, in your own time, obviating the necessity • of ' joining clubs or or- ganizations. As you .progress you will find that exercising with weights will become a source of encourage- ment for you will get stronger and be able to use heavier pound- ages. You can control your train- ing for whatever purpose You wish, that is, training for strength, endurance, speed or coordination. Second group are those who take advanced training in body building. They are primarily interested in developing their body to very striking propor- tions. As example you have the current crop of Mr. America's, Mr. Canada's and Mr. YMCA's. Unfortunately a few sour apples get into this field and create the wrong impression, but for every bad one there are a thousand who are genuinely interested in phy- sical culture'. This phase requires intensified specialized°training. The third group comprise the sport weightlifters. A group of prominent men in the game got together and decided that three standard lifts which could be used in competitions all over the world. After many trials they decided on the Press, Snatch. and the Clean Jerk. They felt that these lifts would bring out all the qualities necessary to prove a lifter's all round capabil- ities. If you have ever seen these lifts performed by a keen lifter you will agree with me that they are truly a test for any man. You can see where power is necessary plus coodination, bal- ance, speed and determination, and also a great deal of nervous energy. I was fortunate in win- ning the 1948-50 B/E champion- ships but I am not necessarily the strongest man. A man who depends entirely on his strength to win a lifting contest these days hasn't a chance. Whenever I am told of some strong man the question that comes to my mind is whether or not he has the other qualities to go with it. Anybody who is inta jested in further information get in touch with me and I will be only too glad to oblige them, SGT. J. P. VARALEAU o--- SEAFORTH LADY DEAD SEAFORTH-Services for Mrs. Agnes C. McTavish, 83, widow of Archibald McTavish, who died at her home here, were conducted by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, and interment made in Acton Ceme- tery. She was a native of Hib- bert Township, and had lived in Nessageweya before coming to this district 22 years ago. +e°.4t;;dt�lgigt�+„;k;;�?+k',i$!e(�rP.'�tetE tWY"t4'�C�tot.�E+`�"�'°PA+t9i5fie7a^t`�M19',l v`:;ar4Ydt°s`;vt�.�% Gift Suggestions Herman's Men's Wear Fine Shirts "Forsyth"'and "McGregor" - Whites Plain Shades - Stripes $3.95 - 4.50 - 4.95 to 6.50 Pyjamas Broadcloths -- Flannelettes $3.95 up to $6.50 Pure Wool Sweaters Many Shades and Qualities' $3.95 up to $8.95 Dressing Gowns --- House Coats Silks - Wools - Plain Shades and Patterns $6.95 up to $24.00 Give Him a Gift Certifi- cate for the world's most comfortable hat. BILTMORE IBiltato re • 441 01,467ERM4T u taw ' "Gift Certificate with Miniature Hat" Fine Hosiery -- Gloves -- Neckwear Belts -- Scarves -- Sport Coats.-- Etc. SPLENDID SELECTIONS Herman's men's Wear Pi7Tb}ai'sYA7SiptItZriOi biattia4.�iatri rs421Varr Fi^908?a71a00 474f3gral.. WIS t i TREE DECORATIONS -A large variety of tree decorations priced from 5c each to 18c each. Tree Lights, Artificial Snow, Angel Hair, Icicles, Star Tree Tops, Tinsel Garland, Foil Rope, Paper Rope. WREATHS in Tinsel, Foil and Cello- phane. CHRISTMAS TABLECLOTHS in three sizes. CHRISTMAS SERVIETTES in a large variety of designs. �!n 4•Y: it ELECTRIC TRAINS MARX $18.75 AMERICAN FLYER 30.95 Miniature Electric Trains, run by batteries $5.39 Wind-up Trains 4.95 - 5.75 - 6.25 Teddy Bears 1.50 to 4.95 DOLLS Tiny Undressed Dolls . 15e to 1.29 Wetums Dolls in plastic. rubber & besyue 98e to 1.98 Doll's Rocking Chairs, Buggies, High Chairs. Mechanical Toys Of All Kinds MECANNO SETS, in all sizes JIG -SAWS SLEIGHS, TOBOGGANS HOCKEY STICKS DINKY TOYS TOPS, HORNS, DRUMS GIFTS Cloth Baby Dolls .... 890 to 1.35 Dressed Dolls, with hair, closing eyes. Brie' ed special at 3.89, 3.95 - 4.69 - 4.95. Beauty Skin Dolls, dressed, lifelike, with voice .. 6.95 - 7.39 - 8.39 Dishes, in china, plastic, aluminum and pyrex% . 98c to 3.75 Blackboards in wall or easel type, of masonite and slate .. 79c to 5.50. Story Books and Coloring Books for all ages. Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets for Ladies and Gents Plastic Coated Playing Cards Fancy Boxed Stationery Table Mirrors Serving Trays Teapots Aynsley Bone China Cups and Saucers Photograph Albums Stamp Albums Pyrex Ware China Dinnerware Wallets Cameras Hymnaries Bibles Prayer Books McEWAN'S DISTINCTIVE 01l+ CR.C.. r, >CO' l i :t OW.R. > 1 COMARCRO Ml ' ar#S0 i 'RUCK -CAR CRASH GODERiCii-Between $600 and $700 damage was done to a trupk driven by Ford Cunningham, Colborne Township, in an acci- dent on the 8th concession road of Colborne Township. A car driven by Edwin Feagan stalled in a laneway and was being pul- led out with a car driven by Arnold Stothers, when the truck was in collision with the latter. No one was injured, and only minor damage done to the other cars. . Christmas Gitt Suggestions Ronson and Presto Lighters Cigarette Cases Flashlights Magazine Subscriptions Folding Cribbage Boards English Briar Pipes Denture Bit Pipes Ladies' Wallets Chocolates RAZOR GiFT SETS -98c V -Master Cigarette Rollers -$3.98 Rogers "Airtite" Tobacco . Pouches Combination Penlite, Lighter, Pencil CIGARS in 5s, 10s, 25s, 50s CIGARETTES in 508, 100s Clinton Bowling Alley "Hal" Hartley, Prop. Vis.. ., ..,.� ... ... n. .. .. ...r For Goodness Sake!! It's Almost Christmas! Don't wait to have your car serviced for SAFE Holiday Driving. This year, avoid the last minute rush. We'll attend to BRAKES, WINDSHIELD WIP- ER, LIGHTS -and all essential details to ensure, you safe, trouble-free holiday driving. Remember too, we have car. accessories. Ideal for Christmas gifts, Your family would appreciate a better car. Why. not see our stock? Llorne Brown Motors Limited Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales and Service PHONE 367W "Chevrolet -The Thrifty Car for .19501"