HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-07, Page 7HmHlmuu 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIHIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHLHIIIIIiI111111IIiII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 i1111111IILIII II IHHHIIIIilIIIIII 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .TB:URSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1950 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN' eiDade Y0eeesrnese 7+: retBoleizieme elea e a renew re; A £Iiilstmas. Gift Suggestion 'Have sour Portrait made 'at Henderson's in Goderich. 'PHONE '91 'EVENINGS 559 "Goderich Goderich 1 e 1 J. G. Henderson GODERICH ONTARIO III IIIIHIIIIII111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIH ILII(IIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIHIIIIHIIII IIIIIIIHi111111iihIHIIIIIIIIIII III r, az.r"- News ,Of Hensall MRS. MMIAUDIe .HEDDEN, : Local Representative Successful Bazaar The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held a very .suc- cessful bazaar and home cooking sale in the school room of the church Saturday afternoon, Nov. 25. Offered for sale were fancy and knitted goods, aprons, nov- elties, candy, home baking,' pro- duce and miscellaneous. .Under the auspices of the Women's Mis- sienary Society, afternoon tea was Served. Hensel! W.I. The Christmas meeting of Hen- sel). Women's Institute will be held in the Legion Rooms; on Wednesday night, December 13. Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Raine are hostesses. In answer to the� roll call, memlbers are asked to present gifts of money (rather than toys) for London War Mem- orial Children's Hospital. ` Also name your favourite Christmas Carol. Church, Rev, W. 3. Rogers intro- duced as the guest speaker, J. E. Williamson, prominent Toronto businessman, representing the Ontario Temperance Federation. The choir oefered the (ajhthem "Spirit of God"; special parts be- ing taken by Mrs. H .McEwen end S. G. ,Rennie. The evening service was with- drawn in favor of the film "See-, ond Chance". in the Presbyterian Church. Next Sunday, Rev. W. J. Roge's will conduct regular services at 11 a.m. and 7 pen. Religious . Film Presented, A large and appreciative aud- ience attended , the showing cf the outstanding- religious film, "Second Chance," which was pre- sented in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, De- cember 3. Rev. P. A. Ferguson presided. Prayer was offered by Rev. L. Sinclair, Exeter. Rev. W. J. . Rogers of the United Church, operated the films. A ladies' quartette, composed of Mrs. P. Ferguson, Mrs. Tiberio, Mrs. C. Forrest and Mrs. C. Ken- nedy rendered beautifully "Lord, I'm Coming Home." Organ music was provided by . Mr. Nicol,. ACCO. • Evening Auxiliary The monthly Evening Auxiliary meeting will be held in the Unit- ed Church school room on Mon- day night, Dec. 11. Mrs.'P. Mc- Naughton and Miss Ellis ere host- esses. Mrs. Shirray will give the devotional; Miss Avery, , the Study. For the WMS bale, mem- bers are asked to offer h col- lection of used clothing for children or adults. 'Each mem- ber is requested to bring a gift worth 50 to 75 cents, same to be exchanged. Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. J. Drysdale are in cherge of games, etc. "Community Night" Held '"Community Night" was held in the Town Hall, Friday even- ing, Nov. 24, sponsored by Hen - sail Women's Institute, The first part of the evening was devoted to cards, following with a dance with music .by Seamon. Orch- estra. The highlight of the even- ing Was the dtiawing for 25 prizes Injured in Fall The many friends of Mrs. Mary McKaig, prominent resident, will regret to learn she suffere a fall down her cellar steps on Sunday morning. When found she was unconscious, and at date of writ- ing is still unconscious. Her sis- ter who has been an invalid for years, %went to the home of Mrs. Inez McEwen_ for assistance sand medical aid was secured. Her daughter, Mrs. Charles Salter, of Wingham, is with her. Auxiliary Meets Mrs. Ft' G. Bonthron was host- ess for the • Evening Auxiliary of Carmel PresbyterianChurch. The president, Mrs. William Brown, was in the chair. Mrs. H. C. Bell conducted the worship per- iod. Scripture reading was 'read by Mrs. Glenn Bell..Mrs. Robert Simpson favoured with a read- ing. Mrs. Roy Bell presented an interesting article from Glad Tid- ings, relative to the recent coun- cil held in Guelph Mrs. Fred Peters gave an article from the Presbyterian Record, Mrs. A. W. thebyeremarks from Presbyterian Record. Temperance Speaker At the morning service of De- cember 3, in Hensall United donated by Hensall merchants on the south Side of Main Street, and a special priiie, by the WI. Following are the winners: donor, W. O. Goodwin, winner, Mrs. J. Cbrbett; 'donor, Harvey Keys; winner Fred Beer; donor, Bob Cook Motor Sales, winner, M. Drysdale; donor, A, Clark, winner, George McLeod; donor, Flynn's 'barber shop, whiner, Mrs. A. E. Oar donor, Dr. J. C. God- dard, winner, Jack Lavender; donor, George Hess, winner, Mrs. T.. Lavender; donor, Kosy Korner, W. Lee, winner, William Brown; donor, Elliott's grocery, winner, Mrs. E. Chesney; donor, W. Spen- cer, winner, Mrs. Desjardine, Zur- ich; donor, Middleton's Drug Store, winner, Audrey Walsh; donor, Lorne Hay (apples), win- ner, Kay; Bell; donor, Ed. Fink, winner, Miss Gladys t Luker; don- or, J. Tudor, winner, T. Meyers, Zurich; donor, T. Welsh and Son, winner, Keith. Volland; donor, J. A. Henderson, winner, T. Lav- ender; donor, Kennedy's Bakery (cake), winner, George Hess; donor, Scholl's, winner, William Fairbairn; 'donor, A. E, Orr, win- ner, Mrs. L. Baynham; donor, Brown's Hardware, winner, Mrs. J. Shepherd; donor, Baynh'am's, IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOII IIII111111HNIIIIIH111111IIHIIII1111111111111111111111111111iiiiiiliuuiihilliiillliliiilll111 II IIIIIIIIIHIuw iIH1111111111111IIIIiIHIH IIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIHIIHIHIIIIHiS IIIA Are YOU Helping Santa Claus This Year If so, let us help you with the following CHRISTMAS SU CCM Metes- Standard Bicycles $52.95 CCM Men's Balloon Bicycles .. 62.50 CCM Ladies' Balloon Bicycles .. 62.50 CCM Ladies' ..Standard Bicycles .. 52.95 CCM Juvenile Bicycles 49.95 CCM Tricycles, 16" front wheel 19.95 CCM Tricycles, ..20" .front wheel 21.00 GEST1'. :. N Hunters' Supplies If it's CCM We Sell 'Em - We Repair 'Em DROP SEAT HUNTING COATS ea. $19.95 LEATHER TOP HUNTING BOOTS pr. '6.00 PLAID HUNTING CAPS ea. 1.35 RIFLE CLEANING KITS ea. 3.25 SHOTGUN CLEANING KITS ea. 3.50 SHOTGUN' CLEt,1NING RODS --Aluminum ea. 1.55 SHOTGUN CLEANING RODS --Wood. ea. .95 HOPPES PACKS ea. 1.50. IIOPPES No. 9 SOLVENT .65 HOPPES CLEANING ; PATCHES ' pkg., ea. .40 DELUXE WOOL SHIRTS e'a, 7.95 DEACON Red and Black DOESKIN SHIRTS ea, 4.40 a: We have been successful in procuring a number of .22 cal. single shot rifles (War Assets) and can pass our good fortune along to you by offering them at $8.50 ea. !t': IscellaneoA !ors Picnic Jugs ea 4.50 to 11.00 Hunting Knives 4.00 to 7.35 Tayltit Pocket Stoves .. .... , ea. 9,25, Waterproof Match Boxes ea. 1.00 Hockey Gloves pr. 3.30 to, 25.00 Hockey Pants .. pr. 9.50 Hockey Sticks (good quality) , ea. 3.00 Wilkie Ankle Supports pr. 1.40 Badininton Racquets SKITS, SKI WAXES, SKI MITTS and SKI HARNESS SKATES ss CCM Tricycles, 24" front wheel' 22,50 CCM Joyriders 630 Children's Sleighs ea. 1.75 • We also have bicycle accessories such as. Bulb Horns, Seat Covers, Mud Flaps, Rear-view Mirrors, Speedometers, Chain Guards, Lights, Carriers, etc. '•.We also have -a shipment of DAISY AIR Daisy Red ''Ryder Cabine $6.80 Daisy 'Pump -Repeater 9.50 Fishermen's Gift Suggestions JOHNSON 2.5 11.1e. MOTORS -- $160.00 (new price .$170.00) OLASS'CASTER RODS, 91/2' .... Ca. $13.95 +GLASSCASTER RODS, 43/4ea. 14.95 GLASSOASTER RODS, 534' ....... ...... ea. 15.95. SOUTH BEND TELESCOPE RODS • . ea. 6.60 CHEAP CASTING RODS ea. 2.50 Bronson MERCURY ea. 6.45 " ` :LA SHLESS r ea. 8.85 ALTOONA ea. 3.25 GREEN HORNET ea. 5.85 " FLEETWING ea. 4.75 MINNOW PAILS ea. 3.50, We also have spinning rods and reels which we offer during the Christmas season at the old price. After the new year, 15 per cent Excise Tax will be in effect., On all Plugs, Lures . and Lines we offer as a 'Christmas' Special 25% Discount RIFLES expected before Christmas Daisy 500 shot Repeater $4,80 BB Shot ..., ... •....,.: 2 pkgs. .15 ELLWOOD EPPS' 1 i 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111II11IIII 111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII11111111iftlll111111lll1E1111111H111111111111lllll11 I winner, Airs. B, Koehler. Special Institute prize won by Robert Kerslake, Exeter. President Mrs. FredBeer presided for the draw. Miss Phyllis Case, first vice- president, drew the tickets, The affair, was very successfuL PLACE ROAD MARKERS GRAND BEND -- Branch No. 498 Canadian Legionhas ordered ' Legion road markers from the Ontario. command. These mark - era will be placed oe the high- ways leading into the village. On them will be the Legion crest and the time and day of branch meetings. • Snow res are just the thing for winter! We handle DUNLOP =- DOMINION Also, good USED TIRES Wells .Auto -Electric W D, Wells, Proprietor Phone 349W -- Clinton 1 • ABE.RH.ART'S GARAGE Phone 625W GODERICH G ,e •1.95/ t 9P 1951 illefiror. ON DISPLAY To -DAY Come in ... see the beautiful, thrilling new 1951. Meteors. They're here on display now, newly -styled from bolder new grille to safety - styled tail lights ... with new two-colour instrument panel, new Dynamic steering wheel; new "Decoramic" interiors; new "color - blend" upholstery ... and a wea#b of new value. Again miles ahead ... the new 1951 Meteor! Come in . , . make your visit today! g a g gN eifes (thelid e,lc,tay.: /if V/95/ I(llHliiilllilllilllllllli111111Hllllll111111llllll IIHIIIIIIIIiihuu iii 111111111111hhhhhhl HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllll Illilllllllllllllllllllllllll111111hihlHiiiiihlH11Hl i1111111IIillililhHllllllllll lill(nil(IIHIIHIIIIIIIihh IIIi111111illlliillhllhU I IIIIII11111111111II IIIIII111111111111111111IIIIII111111IIIII11111111111111111111111H11111111HiIII111HIHiIH1111111HiH1f11111111111111111111H11 1 Dolls and Toys Dolls of all descriptions to please the "Little Miss", And at reasonable prices too. Plush Covered Bear ea. $1.89 11" Sunbabe. Wetting Doll, Flesh or Brown Color ea. 1,98 24" Knockabout Dolls ea. 1.65 12" Babyskin Baby Doll ea,. 2.69 14" Marylin Sleeping Doll ta. 2.89 l6;' Baby Bubbles Sleeping Doll, with Coat and Bonnet ea. 3.39 Toy Snow Shovel ea. 25c Plastic Cars and Trucks Assorted-2 for 15e Assorted Plastic Trucks ea. 49c Christmas Stockings filled with Plastic Toys,ea. 98c Christmas Crackers (6 in pkg.) 'pkg. 25c Metal Toy Drum ea. 39e ao'c' Fist C' °ti Tree Light Bulbs .. ea. 8c or 2 for 15e Multiple Tree Bulbs ea. 15c Series 8 Light Tree Sets . set 1.20 Multiple Tree Sets set 2.00 8/" 'Cellophane Wreath .. • ea. 15c. Foil Tree Icicles .. . ea. IOc 18 ft. Cellophane Roping . , bundle 25c Tinsel Roping 15 ft . , .. • bundle Mc Assorted Glass Tree Ornaments ea. Sc Assorted Glass Tree Ornaments2 for 15c Assorted Glass Tree Ornaments ea. 10e Fireproof Xmas Batts ea. Mc Candies for Xmas Our prices are based on giving the most value for the least money. For the' Festive Season we have all the "old time favourites" as well as "all the popular new kinds" that are so popular at Christmas. Christmas Cards Christmas Folder & Booklets We invite fou to inspect our assortment • of Christmas Cards. Designs end approp- riate Verses to suit everyone; 2for5c -- 3for 10c r 5c, 10c, 15c 16 Christmas Cards in 4' ox Each Card complete with Envelopes Box 39c 50 Assorted Christmas Cards in Box Each card is carefully selected.' This is a handy way to buy your Cards. Box 98c nay F itt mappings We have Tags, Seals, Wrapping, Ribbon, etc., that are so important in making that Gift attractive, Xmas. Seals (large selection) . , . pkg. Sc Xmas Seals and Tags (100 to pkg.) 10e Super Deluxe Seals and Tags (Metallic Seals) (150 to pkg.) pkg. eee Tissue Paper in Red, White; Green, and Blue . • .,8 sheets 5c Red and Green 'Tying Corti -135 ft. to a ban ball 10c Xmas. Flat Wraeping Paper -2 sheets or 3' sheets to fold 20"x30" , , fold 10e Tying Ribbed in Tinsel and Rayon bundle 5o and 10e PATTISON'S 5e to $1 Store