HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1950-12-07, Page 5THURSDAY :+Y)'ECENIBER 7, ?1950 News-RecOr4 Classified Adiets BringQuick Resulti CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE CASH RATE --(If paid by Wed- ' oesday following date of inser- "aUon)—One cent a word first in - 'mitten (minimum?35 cen+ta); $ub- •asequent insertions one cent 'a'word (minimum25 cents); 15 cents•ex- Ira for box number; or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION for Rent . fiH .REE -ROOMED APARTMENT. "drone 498W. 49-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'CONN C MELODY Saxophone, silver-plated, overhauled .recent- ly, with new mouthpiece. Com- plete with case $125. John Pm lub tree, BABY BOTTLE WARMER; nylon bottle brush; plastic diaper bag. Phone 690M. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948 MORRIS 10, $825. Phone 193. -49-p AUTOMOTIVE S EQUIPMENT QE IPMENT FO'GOOD SUNOCO '17 -plate car battery, used four months, still under guarantee, $10. A. E. 'Lei- bo1d; R. R. p, canton, prison '2910r13. 49-p CLOTHING FOR SALE :LADY'S MUSKRAT -BACK FUR coat, size 17, excellent condition, -worn four years. Coat is now 'too small for owner. Apply Box 'C", NEWS -RECORD. 49=p LADY'S WINTER COAT, Navy Melton, size 16-18, in excellent condition, $15. Mrs. Morley 'Mac- Kenzie, 5 Toronto Blvd., Adast- ral Park, RCAF Station. 49-p FARMS FOR SALE 13 ACRES with good brick house, 'two-storey hen house, cinder 'block, 24'x48', accommodates 800 hens; two brooder houses, seven shelters; barn 14'x48'; water .pressure system, hydro; Iocated an county road. half mile from ^village. Ideal for poultry farm- 'ing and market gardening. H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W. 43btfb 80 -ACRE GRASS 'FARM, good bush, spring creek, brick house, barn, Concession 6, Goderich Township. Apply Mrs. R. Y. Cox, Clinton. 47-8-9-50-p ' -80-ACRE FARM, Lot 31, Con- . •cession 14, Goderich 'Township (Miss Susie Acheson's farm), four miles west of Clinton. Farm con- sists of 75 acres good pasture land with never failing supply of water and good shade, also sive acres of hardwood bush. For further particulars write Box •NEWS RECORD. 49-50-1-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Jan- itor, draft regulator, fits any type furnace, Call Reg Ball at Sup- erior Store. phone III. • 49-b FURNITURE FOR SALE REED ORGAN, •good condition, suitable' for church or home. Price cheap. Box "0". NEWS -RECORD. TWO BABY SLEIGHS; one Que- bec heater, seven dressers, from :$2 to $8; one new seven -drawer desk; kitchen set like new, Bert Langford, Princess St. 49-p FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE ELECTRIC BEAN COOLER; trailer with ttock rack, tires '600x16; Jersey heifer. Joe Corey, phone 807r12. '49-p MASSEY-HARRIS "Rite -Way" •milking machine, nearly 'new, two Units; also two registered Here- ford bulls, T B. tested, no 're - •actors, John Wain, Bayfield, phone Goderich 932r16. 49-b STOVES FOR 'SALE CLARE JEWEL COAL and wood --lenge, in excellent condition. Phone 285. '49-b FURNACETTE, medium sized, in good condition, suitable for coal 'or wood, 'first $25 takes it. Or- ville Workman, phone Hensen "677r111, 49-50-1-b `HOUSES FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 'in Hensall. Apply Albert Wolff, Box 666, Goderich. 4 & bifi EIGHT-ROOMED Stucco house on Princess St.; also. few articles df furniture. Must be sold to settle estate. For particulars con- tact 'Glen Cornish, Clinton, or come Saturday afternoon between 1 'and '5, when Mr. Cornish will ibe 'at above property. 49-b HELP WANTED—Female 'GIRL OR WOMAN, afternoons, for lunch counter. Phone 1333. 49-b STENOGRAPHER — with short hand, experience not essential, good hours and pleasant work- ing conditions, regular salary in- creases, group insurance, alter- nate Saturdays free: Write Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 48-9-b HELP WANTED -Male ACTIVE MAN, between 25 and 55 years of age, with car, wanted for profitable Watkins route, Credit supplied to right man. Free training. Pleasant, profit- able and permanent. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-16, 350 St. Recta St., Mont- real. 49-50-b YOUNG MEN, knitting apprent- ices- -Holeproof Hosiery Co. needs young men in new Tricot Knit- ting Department. Learn a trade —Good Pay—Steady Employment - light work under excellent conditions. Apply in person, or write giving age, education, weight, previous experience, etc. Personnel Dept„ 203 Bathurst St., London, Ont. , 49-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EIGHT PIGS, eight weeks old, Ray Cox, phone 903r25. 49p 18 CHOICE PIGS, three months old. Bert Boyes, phone 305. 49-b TWO DURHAM - HEREFORD cows, to freshen shortly; two steers, between 700 and 800 pounds; also Great Dane dog. James East, phone 807r6. 49-p FIVE COWS freshening in month; eight heifers freshening in a month and a half, Bill Burdge, Brucefield, fourth farm on right toward London; phone Clinton 625r6. 49-50-1-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 42-51-p UP TO $5.00 FOR DEAD OR disabled horses, cows, hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect William Sproat, . Seaforth 655r2, William Stone Sons, Limit- ed, Ingersoll, Ont. 49-50-51-52-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable dor mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prides. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb FOR EXCELLENT CHRIST1'1AS gifts give DuJour--Ladies', Men's and Children's Wear. Christmas cards and shell jewellery for sale. Mrs.' Roy Mann, phone 689J. • 49-p NOTICES SEWING MACHINES, new and used. Repairs to all makes; treadles electrified or made in- to portables; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; will pick up and deliver in Clinton limits. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich, phone 8673. • 42-btfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 55011. 43tfb WORK WANTED AIRMAN, WITH TWO WEEKS' leave, would like work starting immediately, truck driving or what have you. Phone 7823. 49-b Our AZALEAS - BEGONIAS - POINSETTAS CHERRIES - CYCLAMEN VIOLETS' for Christmas are now on display and you are invited to call in and see 'for yourself our fine selection for this year. Remember 'that at this season there is a great demand for flowers, and a limited supply, so please let us have your order -early: K. C. COOKS FLORIST ' 66w — PHONES 66l BIRTHS BOYCE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday December 5, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boyce, Varna, a son (Lawrence Harvey). HEARD ---In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sundey, December 3, 1950, to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Heard, Varna, a son. PEN'NEY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, December 5, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penney, R.R. 5, Clinton, a son (John Frederick). MARRIAGES DARVILLE-WENDORF-On Sat- urday, December 2, 1950 in Maple United Church, Toronto; by Rev. F.W.L. Bailey, Corona Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wendorf, Clinton, to F/O Marvin Greg, son of Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Danville, Nassau, BWI. DESJARDINE-COLE — At St, James Church, Middleton, on Saturday afternoon, December 2, 1950, by Rev. Herbert Webb, Ethel Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, R.R. 3 Clin- ton, to Wilmer Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Desjar- dine, Dashwood. WATSON_ STIRLING At the United Church Parsonage, Holmesville, on Friday, Decem- ber 1, 1950, by Rev. M. G. New- ton, Mary Evelyn,rdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stirling, to John Gordon Watson, all of Goderich Township. CARD OF THANKS MRS. S. G. CASTLE and fam- ily wish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere ap- preciation to all friends and neighbpurs for all floral tributes, messages of sympathy, and to those who loaned cars or extend- ed sympathy in any other way dulling their recent sad bereave- ment. 49-p PUPS FOR SALE NICE COLLIE PUPS for Christ- mas; also live or dressed geese. Apply Mrs. E. 3. Welsh, phone Clinton 906r34. 49-50-x WANTED BABY'S CRIB AND PLAY PEN. Phone 325. 49-b DEATHS i DESJARDINE-COLE CASTLE—In Beek Memorial San- atorium, London, on Saturday, December 2, 1950, Samuel George Castle, beloved husband of Elizabeth Churchill, in his 74th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St.; Clinton,' on Monday, December 4, to Clinton Ceme- tery., EDMESTON — In Toronto, on Wednesday, December 6, 1950, Margaret Ellen Roberton, be- loved wife of the late Newton Edmeston, in her ,77th year, Resting at the Beattie -Mc- Roberts Funeral Home, Rotten - bury St. E., Clinton, where the funeral service will be held on Friday, December 8, at '2 p.m., to Hope Chapel Cemetery, Hut left Township. FINGLAND---In Londesboro, on Tuesday, December 5, 1950, Catherine Baird, beloved wife of the late John Fingland. Fun- eral' from her late residence, Londesboro, to Clinton Ceme- tery, on Friday, December 8, at two o'clock. McKAIG--A.t her residence, Hen - sail, on Tuesday, December 5, 1950, Mary Newell, wife of the late Angus MoKaig. WATSON o STIRLING The marriage of Mary Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stirling, Goderich Township, to John Gordon Watson, also of Goderich Township, was solem- nized at the Holmesville United Church Parsonage, on Friday, December 1, 1950, with Rev. M. G; Newton officiating. Ilhe bride chose for her wed- ding a cinnamon brown silk vel- vet frock with brown accessories and a corsage of 'Talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jewell, brother-in-law and sister.. .of the bride, were the only attendants. Following a wedding trip to the United States, Mr, and Mrs. Wat- son will reside in Goderich Township. 0 LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary of the "Canadian Legion will hold a Chr'istmas party in the Legion Hall on Monday evening, Decem- ber 11, at 8.15 o'clock. Each member is asked to bring a gift. All tickets for the blanket draw are to be brought in to this meeting. The ABC of SALVATION A.—ACKNOWLEDGE yourself a guilty sinner, unable to save yourself and in need of a Saviour. B.—"BELIEVE on. the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."—Acts 16 : 31 C, --"If thou shalt CONFESS with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God bath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."—Rom. 10 : 9 "FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON'iTII'E NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED."—Rom 10 : 13. CHAS. C. FULLER, 5 p.m., (DST) Sunday,, ABC Network G ",4 Pure Wool and Silk LOUNGING 'ROBES $12.95 to $16.50 Tailored to suit masculine tastes SHIRTS The famous ARROW DART Newest styles and patterns $4.50 Other fine shirts by BVD and Yank/omen Plain, neat and bold NECKWEAR $1, $1.50, $2 STETSON & CREAN HATS All Shades and Styles $5 to $10 GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Also a complete selection of: Pajamas - Sweaters Jackets Socks Belts Gloves - Scarves Cuff Links - Tie Pins We pay special attentoin to help you choose the right size --the right shade—right style. GIFT • BOXES a CLINTON altlaaaaalaalla St.' James Church, Middleton, was the setting for a quiet wed- ding on Saturday afternoon. -De- I eeini er 2, 1950, at two o'clock, when Rev. Ilerbent,Webb united, in marriage Ethel Mae, ' daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, and Wilmer Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Desjardine, Dashwood. For her wedding the bride chose a navy gabardine suit with matching accessories. and a cor- sage of American Beauty roses. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Cole, who also chose a navy gabardine suit with matching accessories and a corsage of -American Beauty roses. Ross Haugh, • cousin of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony a re-, ception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where her mother received wearing a blue dress with a corsage of pink car- nations. She was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a wine dress with a corsage of white car- nations. After a short wedding trip the young couple will take up resi- dence at Dashwood. a OARVILLE—WENDORF Maple United Church, Toronto, was the setting for a quiet wed- ding on Saturday, December 1950, at 6 pm, when Rev. F. W. L. Brailey united in. marriage, Coronna Mary, only daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Edward' Wendorf, Clinton, and IVO Marvin Greg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darville, Nassau, B,W.I. T1t6 • bride was attractively gowned in dark green taffeta with dark green velvet trim, a pink• velvet hat, and a corsage of tea roses. Miss Harriett Fremlin, Toron- to, was the bride's .only attend- ant, frocked in yellow crepe, with a corsage of dark red roses. Vincent Brown, Toronto and Nassau, was best man. The groom has been transfer- red to Tacoma, Wash., and the bride has resumed her teaching duties in Ohesley. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Mary Al- meda Henry, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 18th day of December, A.D. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 23rd clay of November, A.D. 1950.. P. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate PROMPT Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 1 1 0 4141afres la/x.4 i 0111.1.1.2111111111. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE SEAFORT11—ONTARIO, — NOW PLAYING -- MAUREEN O'IARA IVIACDONALD CAREY 'COMANCHE TERRITORY" IN COLOR MON.-TUES.-WED. — Betty HUTTON Howard KEEL "ANNIE ANNIE GET YOUR GUN" — TECHNICOLOR -- -- THURS.-FRI.-SAT. — Kirk Douglas Marilyn Maxwell "CHAMPION" Now: COMANCHE TERRITORY Maureen O'Hara — Technicolor. --- TUES. » WED. —. Margaret O'Brien -- Herbert Marshall Dean Stockwell An appealing story of a man and his son and of a grief that affected three lives. "The .SECRET GARDEN" - rTHURS, - FRI. - SAT. — Mickey Rooney -- Thomas Mitchell — MiehaeI O'Shea From midget racing to the big hrdianapolis Speedway, a thrill - packed tale of the roaring; speedsters "THE BIG WHEEL" Coming: "ILLEGAL ENTRY" A "ARCTIC MANHUNT" PARK THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE GODERIC H—Phone 1150 GOD ERI CH—Phone47 Now: "Curtain Call • at Cactus Creek" in Technioloor with Gale Storm -- MON. - TUES. - WED. — ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Joanne Dru — Edmund O'Brien and Otto Kruger Featuring. Las Vegas and Boulder Dam as backgrounds, a story of the biggest gambling (syndicate and the one man who whipped it. '711 -OCEAN DRIVE' — THURS. - FRI..- SAT. — Dan Dailey — Anne Baxter Rory Calhoun Done in Technicolor and riotously told is this tale of early railroad- ing in rugged Colorado. "A Ticket to Tomahawk" Coming: "RIGHT CROSS" with June Allyson and Dick Powell Now: "CARIBOO TRAIL" Tech- nicolor with Randolph Scott and Karen Booth — MON. -- TUES. --WED. — Adult Entertainment Spencer Tracy — Deborah Kerr Ian Hunter Broadway's No. 1 dramatic hit is now on the screen as one of the year's best story -films. `EDWARD, MY SON' - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. — Arthur Lake — Lon Chaney Lloyd Bridges Telling a deep-sea diver's story and featuring some amazing scenes far below the ocean surface. "Sixteen Fathoms Deep" Coming:, "WHERE THE SIDE- WALK ENDS" with Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews SP]ECI,ALS For December 7-8-9 NABOB COFFEE, 1 lb. bag 95c Green Giant Fancy WAX BEANS, 15 oz... 2 for 29c FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 24 lb. bag 1,53 STRAWBERRY JAM, 24 oz. jar 43c PINK SALMON, 1 lb. tin 43c I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. jar 33c ALLSWEET MARGARINE, 1 lb. 39c VEL ---Large pkg. 37c Giant pkg. 73c BOWES ALMOND ICING, tin 45c MUFFETS 2 pkgs. 27c STD. PEAS, 15 oz. tin 12c ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE, 48 oz. tin 25c JIFFY PIE CRUST pkg. 31c CELERY HEARTS bunch 15c CRANBERRIES 1 lb. pkg. 23c COOKING ONIONS ' 10 lb. bag 25c FLORIDA ORANGES, size 250 doz. 31c t FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, size 96s 4 for 25c tPEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL lb. 53c WEINERS lb. 47c BOLOGNA, sliced Ib. 43c T. R. Thompson IPHONE 40 .v,.•.w.r.........•........ WE DELIVER II .c7lsW'a7lra7ltt7ltt7Jtt7iaC7Pa71t` TLSOCCICAt7P't7sA A7Fa7IiifitrOXa9J'W't#Uti iff`t9FVirwi` 4 Below are some Christmas Suggestions: FOR MEN - -TOOL BOXES ELECTRIC DRILLS HUNTING KNIVES RIFLES LIGHTERS FOR WOMEN iliVAFFILE IRONS , TEA POTS PYREX OVENWARE COFFEE MAKERS CARVING SETS DINNERWARE SETS' ELECTRIC IRONS PERCOLATORS FOR BOYS POCKET KNIVES POCKET WATCHES WRIST WATCHES FLASHLIGHTS SCOUT AXES HOCKEY STICKS Gifts For The House BATHROOM SCALES — ELECTRIC WASHERS -- I•RONERS -- PRESSURE COOKERS CABINET SINKS MEDICINE CABINETS —• ELECTRIC HEATING PADS ELECTRIC RANGES -- ROASTERS—Aluminum and Granite We have a full stock of Christmas Tree Stands and Lights A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas Only 14 Shopping Days Left Ai~ A ,Hugh R.awKrn V��,,��11 ���i+►►yy��g►yyyyyy,j�l ��/yy►►��y,►,�,/,yy �y/��►,y��j, yy���1,�yy�y�,�g,y�y�►�g►,/�yy1���►,$►/j►�1y�#�1�{, ,�►,�iy� itrilfRDrily►r� 1 TlZ ilrlllrl[►c li�1L► 1�:`1!/171:t1,fiii/ !/.Lr37/:lLr:aA►ZiRs;D►;7/►Si7r i!►Z9r:Tf iR;',%rstDrZl�tin